Cartoon, EARL . . . Shelby Promoter News
This is one of the town good ole' boys, rancher or farmer, cowboy hat, boots, dog at his feet, approaching the First Hangitoyou Bank . . . with the typical banker, at his computer, behind a desk, Earl is there anything besides our five dollar lottery ticket that you can use for collateral? LOL! Sounds like something a banker would ask me right now. LOL! I don't even have that, but glad to spend a few reunion days in Shelby, Montana, home of the famous, Fight That Won't Stay Dead . . . held here in Shelby, July 23, 1923, between Jack Dempsey and Tommy Gibbons, it shows what can happen when several determined town fathers, get together and try to promote the town. They built a stadium that would hold 20,000 people, sold tickets to about 8,000--once the fight started, the ticket takers left, and about 12,000 ranchers, farmers, tourists, and locals, stormed the arena, without paying a dime to watch, the 15-round battle between the two heavyweights which went the distance with Dempsey retaining his title on that hot July 4th, day in Shelby, 1923. While Indians camped around the periphery, film crews, fans, and others came to Shelby, at the time, coined the fastest growing town in the United States . . . while promoters, didn't make a dime, promoters, took it on the chin, like most tougher, than tough, gritty, Montanans, they picked themselves, up and just kept on going, used and abused, but kicking . . . reminds me of a country song, If your going through hell, just keep on going! The Spirit of the Wild, Wild West, gotta love it!
Every town has its story, this is Shelby's . . . I don't know if the town, or the men who built the arena ever recouped their money, in fact, there is a picture, I just looked at, sitting here in the Shelby City Library, showing the arena, with residence, using most of the wood, used to build that one time sport facility, for homes, that still stand. I have been to Shelby, several times, each time wanting to go see the museum with all the stories and relics of the historic fight, but I usually forget that they have certain dates the museum is open and times . . . and I have never timed it right, but it is worth the drive, enjoy the wonderful scenery, stop and get breakfast at The Grille, this morning, I had Gary's Special, and omelet with sausage, ham, green peppers, cheese, onions, that he serves with kettle or home fries, with all served with a great, delicious sausage gravy! Yummmmmmmm!!!!! Fun town to visit, I love small towns, the heartland of America, keeping traditions, farms, ranches, local high school sports, family values, and celebrations alive . . . way cool! A Salt Lake City, Utah boy was also involved . . . Kearns of the Kearns Building money . . . history.
Major League Hateability Factors--Or Rather Jealously Factors!
- Pennants won in the past 10 years
- Payroll (in multiples of $100 million)
- Players with $100M-plus contracts
- Players suspended for PEDs
- Opposing batters plunked (in multiples of 50)
- Excessive beards
- Do fans invade other teams' ballparks? (1=Yes)
- Are fans routinely labeled "best in baseball?" (1=Yes)
- Sports Illustrated covers in 2014
- Does team refer to fan base as a "Nation?" (1=Yes)
Note: Also catch fun article: Nerds Hit the Gym, Reshape Yoga: 'I Felt Like a Superhero.' Not all of us have the inclination, nor the attention span, to wear Span ex, and be a soccer mom, working out with all the buff dudes, and tan beauties, at the local gyms, this is the Revenge of the Nerds, and they are getting in shape, Darth Vader, Wonder Woman, doing sword play from their favorite video games, how they got those love handles, butts and guts . . . check out Nerd Fitness, Health & Wellness Section, D1, WSJ.
Suggestions for Fixing the World . . . Don't Shoot the Messenger! That Statement Got Coined for a REASON!
CIA Has Undermined the Confidence & Trust of America & the World
Okay, anyone, who has been following this blog, knows that I have seen connections between the CIA and the Kennedy Assassination, the Illuminati, the One World Order, the Bushes, the Monarch Project, of using unsuspecting victims, developing mind control, torture devices, sexual slavery, slave labor, Manchurian Candidates, or sleepers, who at the drop of a hat, will go into a hypnotic trans, and do whatever it is they are programmed to do; they have sought the help of Nazi doctors, who were performing similar experiments for Hitler . . . they have been involved in infiltration of Australian labor unions, helped with the selection processes of corporate American business ventures around the world, getting in involved in anything from doing extensive background checks on potential hirees, to protecting the financial interests of business, and not necessarily the people of the United States, they were involved in clandestine activities, to toppling governments, in Nicaragua, Cambodia, Vietnam, Syria, Iraq, who really didn't have weapons of mass destruction, who pandered to the Bush/Cheney lust for blood, oil, drugs and control, Iran, Afghanistan, many of the countries, that we are currently having problems with, along with the rise of the Islamic State or ISIS. We, the CIA, doesn't need to control the world, topple leaders, assassinate, alleged new leaders in other countries, infiltrate jurisdictions that we are not welcome in, or asked to come in, often leaving the people of those countries worse than they were before, CIA got involved, with little oversight! That is the tail wagging the dog, not the other way around, we need control, oversight, accountability, or get rid of them!
As recently as this year, they or their director, John Brennan, have lied about torture methodologies, recording, and destroyed evidence, so their overseers in the Intelligence Committee, directed by Senator, Diane Feinstien, even using CIA attorneys, to cover-up their messes around the world, prosecuting the Committee's staff, who to preserve evidence, took it from the designated location the CIA wanted the Committee to view their materials, when all photos were destroyed, going after staff, who at the request of the oversight committee, were then targeted for securing the evidence, in a location, more favorable to viewing and protecting. They have spied on the Committee's computers, and have basically for the last 60 years, run around the world, acting like a rogue organization, with little control, unlimited budgets, dealing in arms, drugs, information, murder, espionage, sedition, sex, honey traps, turning over sensitive materials to Russians, AIMS, failing to detect his defection for 10 years, and either not having a clue about 9/11 or standing by, maybe with orders, and watching America BURN!
There is An Assumption of Competence & Trust, That Just Isn't There
There are about 40 to 50 spy agencies, or intelligence related agencies, many of which the public, and possibly the overseers, don't even know about . . . I saw them in my son-in-law's books, text books on counterintelligence & terrorism, and in a Special Edition of TIME MAGAZINE, separate from the weekly rendition of the magazine, more of a thick issue, that came out right around the time, Edward Snowden, ratted out the NSA, and other spy agencies, CIA included. After 9/11 their budgets, much like the baseball players above, because grossly bloated, and detestably huge, almost limitless, to somewhere around $60 billion, and I am sure much more now, those were older books. Surely with as much negative memories and connections with the CIA, it can be eliminated, without a whimper, from the public, and replaced with other agencies, combined to make something new and fresh, that perhaps, can regain some of the respect, dignity, diligence, integrity, and notability that a distinguished government agency should have . . . or do we really need them today, in this world of social media, instagram, texting, with up to the minute Intel.
As far as my personal experience, they were more enamored with deceitful beauties, domestic and foreign than they were national security, and protecting American interests, and were more concerned with their own sex drives, and pocket money! Last summer, I was waiting for the Amtrak to pick me up at the East Glacier Station, and some woman, who worked in Washington, D.C., was sitting by me, and we talked, she learned a bit about my issues with the feds, and she, longingly mentioned, that it used to be that being a federal employee, used to carry a ton of respect with it . . . well, I am here to say, RESPECT is earned, not given, whether that is referring to parents, teachers, CIA, FBI, NSA, judges, Congress, and others, people just don't or should not blindly respect the person, because of the title, they should respect the title, the agency, the bench, the home, because of the person, who is carrying the mantle of that office or title! This is just the way, I personally feel.
Keeping Promises . . . If the Shoe Fits, Wear It! China's Democracy Dilemma
There are several great articles, again in the Wall Street Journal, even though I slammed owner, Rupert Murdoch, who makes, somewhere around $49 million a year, between the journal and FOX Opinion . . . but, thank your staff, for the objective, fair and balanced, news coming out of China. Demonstrators by the thousands, are blocking the streets, of Hong Kong, in a peaceful and loving demonstration, with just a bit of violence, thank God, we don't need another Tienanmen Square, with law enforcement mowing down about 400 student demonstrators, with tanks, until Tank Man, an unnamed student, stepped in the way of on-coming tanks, blocking them by himself, backing off the tanks, that tried to avoid him, with him, once again, moving in harms way to block other students . . . don't say, one person, can't make a difference! But, when Hong Kong was released from British rule, and returned to China, there was an agreement, that it would be One Country, two political systems . . . now China, is reneging on that agreement, and wants to chose two or three candidates, for office, from the Communist Party, or people of their choosing, loyal to Communism, rather than letting, natural born leaders, emerge, that the electorate wants, with this crowd of demonstrators, wanting more autonomy, democracy, freedom and liberty. Which is sounds, like they were promised, if they rejoined, the mainland, China.
There are similar situations going on with Russia, the Ukraine, and the annexation of Crimea . . . the people voiced their opinions, and voted to become more western connected, rather than relying or leaning more toward Russia, with ties being broken or the Ukraine, becoming independent from Russia, back in 1954, I believe. Putin, regardless of new warfare technology, propaganda, and favorable ratings for hating America, you don't need to insight your people, with a common enemy, when we don't even think about Russia, really, we are just helping countries that need or want democracy . . . like Afghanistan, without violence, pass power from one administration to another without violence . . . we are not your enemy, a balance of power, but enemy, NO . . . thinking the new president of the Ukraine is an American puppet, really, a billionaire candy maker . . . don't think so, but someone the people wanted, but aiding and abetting Pro-Russian militants within the borders of the Ukraine, is not, even close to the good neighbor policy, that is expected . . . Russia has influence over the UK, due to their vast oil and gas reserves, they don't need to invade Germany, France, Holland, or England, to have influence, nor do they need to kill just to try out their new tanks, weapons, etc.
Like President Obama just said, in a recent press conference, that we have influence over Mexico as a neighbor, without raiding them, threatening them, or shooting down, civilian planes over their territory . . .
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