Tuesday, July 15, 2014


It is About Time!  This is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Corruption within the Utah Attorney Generals Office, started before Mark Shurtleff was Attorney General, before the 2000 elections, with a conspiracy deep and wide, not only in the state of Utah, but going to the stop levels of the Mormon Church, back to Washington, D.C., involving the intelligence community, and a presidential candidate . . . and I along with others, have seen it from the get go!  Expand the scope of your mind, looking a the big picture, covering about 20 years of legal history in the state of Utah, involving prosecutors, assistant attorney generals, and cops, local, state, and federal, including CIA, FBI and NSA, crossing continents, involving foreign dignitaries, ambassadors, consulates, and even presidents of countries.

You are dealing with the epicenter of a worldwide church, with tentacles and arms reaching around the globe, with a missionary force of around 60,000, plus secret service, intelligence, military, government agencies, universities, colleges, the music industry, marketing and promotions, legal entities up to and including the United States Supreme Court, and inferior courts, going from top to bottom and bottom to top. Nobody wants to believe that religious leaders, law enforcement leaders, political leaders, at all levels, city councils, county commissions, special service districts, and down to family, friends, clients, and acquaintances were involved in a grand conspiracy of this breadth and width, as unbelievable as it seems, it is true, nonetheless.  Put on your thinking caps, brothers and sisters . . .

Mormons, Mobsters & Men in Black--No State Has This Combination

I am thinking more and more, that the roots of this corruption, comes from the earliest days of the Mormon Church, even starting with the founder, Joseph Smith, the first prophet and founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, don't know if they are worthy of that name, but I will let you be the judge and jury, after laying out the evidence of over 183 years, since the inception of the alleged, only worldwide religion, that is truly an American Church.  But one must look beyond the shiny shield of religion, dig deeper, darker, more sinister, to the climate and conditions the Church was created, with heavy connections with free-masonary . . . the highest level of the Masonic Order is a 33rd degree mason, Joseph Smith was that. 

I know this is going to be a stretch, but I had written in the last few weeks about, the fact that the Illuminati, starting in 1776, by 13 families in Italy, either entirely coincidental or on purpose in reaction to the American Colonies, declaring independence from Britain, the exact same year, in 1776.  Now the colonies had been around for a century and a half, starting with the landing of the Pilgrims, in America, on the Mayflower, somewhere around 1620.  That is a substantial amount of time, for many of the ancient order of the old world, in Europe to come and establish roots in America, like the Masons, Knights Templar, and others, with loyalties to European countries, with eyes on the riches, the land, the resources, and the political minds of the new settlers.

The Mormon Church was established, somewhere around 1831, with Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith, an amazing man, in and of himself, allegedly receiving the heavenly visitation, leading to him believing that none of the current churches of the day, were right, completely . . . and most of them had roots in Europe.  As I have said, in previous blogs, there were two Americas developing, simultaneously, with each other; however, with very different goals, objectives, and rules of law, followed by members, secret initiatives, and modern day temple goers, often at odds with the United States Constitution, which can clearly be seen in the practice and doctrine of taking more than one wife, or polygamy!

Mormons are encouraged to follow the laws of the land, follow presidents, kings, and leaders; however, history will manifest the fact that, when the Mormon beliefs conflict with the basic tenants and principles of the Constitution, the paths split, with loyalty to the Church doctrines, philosophies, and ideologies, often making it appear, that Mormons think they are above the law, and they have been, as seen in the case of Attorney Generals, Mark Shurtleff and John Swallow, the epitome of both Utah, Mormon, born, raised and bred, with all that entails, including the attitude, that they are following a higher law, or the law of the Church, or God's law.

Mormons, The Perfect FBI, CIA, and NSA Agents

You have a group of clean cut, basically morally clean, non-smokers, drinkers and druggies.  They serve two year missions, in foreign lands, with the elders and sister missionaries learning the languages of the earth, and are often put in contact with dignitaries and leaders of countries.  They learn leadership skills, techniques, and salesmanship styles that are sought out by business, government, military and intelligence communities, at a higher than national representation of other religions and creeds.  I believe the Mormon population, like the Jewish population, in America is roughly 1% of the population, with a 70% in intelligence work, and I would venture a guess in the other areas as well.

In addition to that, they are raised to totally follow authority figures, like the prophet and their bishops, stake presidents and other church leaders without question . . . when the prophet speaks, the debate if over, for most Mormons, no questions ask!  This early training, lends well to working for the government, following your up line, carrying out orders, assignments, and missions, with, almost blind obedience, regardless of the legality or the constitutionality of the orders.  Two Mormon attorneys, were the ones who drafted the Bush torture and water boarding policies, that were to be followed at Guantanamo Bay and other FBI and CIA run facilities.

With this high level of representation, and connection with the Mormon Church, there is a dangerously wide open window, for these government connected entities, to promote a Mormon Agenda, rather than an American Agenda, which is scary, opens the door, for protection, cover-ups, corruption, that would not be available to other groups of people, not only in Utah, but in the world at large, with a general consensus that Mormons are honest, true, devoted, American loving citizens . . . but should we be so quick to assume that?  I don't think so, and for damn good reason . . .

Mormons & Mobsters

This is not only a movie that came out some years ago, but a connection that is often overlooked, by both law enforcement and prosecutors, that is a huge oversight.  If, Mormons, are high up in the intelligence world, especially in the FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, dealing with crimes within the borders of the United States, and they investigate mobsters, who turn states evidence against other mobsters, the witnesses are put into the witness protection program, protected, relocated, and given new identities, with many of those mobsters, ending up in Utah, often taking cover in the Mormon Church, with all that brings by way of friendship, fellowship, and freedom, to pick up and carry on their practices of illegal and patterns of criminal activities, and many times without much suspicion.

Another strong connection with Mormons and mobsters, comes through the back door of Las Vegas, with early settlers, being sent to colonize or settle the Las Vegas region, along with settling the entire western part of the United States.  If you drive down the streets of Vegas, you will see, many of the same good old Mormon names, that you find in St. George, Utah, only an hour and a half from Sin City!  I have a friend, who is Italian, who was married first to a kid from a mob family in Las Vegas, and also with a family very influential in the area, when it was small, like St. George in now, with family members of boards, city councils, and government agencies.  After her divorce, she married a Mormon, who is related to what he calls the Brass Asses, or the 6 or 7 men, statues, standing in a circle, at a government building in the City of Washington, near St. George.

I asked her once, what the relationship between Mormons and mobsters was; she crossed her fingers, indicating tight, connected and locked into one another.  We had a former deputy sheriff, Rob Tersini, an Italian Mormon, or at least he wore the next best sign, next to a white shirt with visible Mormon temple garments on, and that is the CTR rings, that active Mormons wear, standing for Choose The Right. Another interesting fact that is connected with the sheriff's department in Washington County, is that the former sheriff, I think if was Sheriff Smith, was fired for corruption, from the Las Vegas Sheriff Department, and was sheriff in the county for 27 years, running unopposed!  That should tell someone something about the level of acceptance or tolerance for corruption, in southern Utah, and Utah in general.

Pioneer families can literally get away with murder, and there is this sort of wink, wink, nod, nod . . . we are all Mormons here, so . . . people turn a blind eye to corruption, if the person goes to church on Sunday, or seen in religious circles, there is an inner circle understanding, that there are just things we can and cannot talk about, and you need to be smart enough to know the difference, to survive, you better know the difference . . . Shurtleff and Swallow, surely were chosen sons of both Utah and Mormons, I know personally, that Mark was a Boy Scout, got his Duty to God Award, one of the signs of a true Mormon boy, the pride and joy of family, ward, and church alike, must have worked for AG too.  I would not be his campaign director, because he cried about his boy scout years at the first precinct meeting I attended, while deciding to help him with his campaign . . . glad I didn't!

The Utah/Mormon Climate is Ripe for Corruption

In the added scripture of the Mormons, the Book of Mormon, there is a description of the pride of the world, a warning about the riches, the positions, the respect of man, rather than the love of God.  There is cycle of civilizations, that is referenced in the book of scripture, that only Mormons have; therefore, it is written for them, the people who wrote the plates, the scriptures were written on, never got copies, but Mormons did.  The average civilization last basically 200 years, before, pride, prosperity, and corruption destroys the very fabric of the society.  The Mormon Church, is approaching that landmark of 200 years, in about 15 years!

The two Mormon boys, Shurtleff and Swallow, just sped up the process.  There is also, Mormon prophecy and folklore that says that the Church will go into a state of apostasy, and there will be a great cleansing in the Church, starting with Salt Lake City, Utah . . . I think we are there!  With this foundation laid for prosecutors and investigators as they go through, all the ins and outs of this, they must also, keep national connections in mind, like Senator Hatch, Harry Reid, and Mitt Romney . . . and others!  I think you will find a broad net, needs to be cast out into the sea of men, government, and power, to get to the bottom of the culture that would foster, protect, and cover these two, that you will find, are much worse than you ever would imagine.

And I am talking, starting before Mark Shurtleff was even attorney general . . . with intersections to me, Republican leaders, law enforcement entities, federal agencies with Mormon connections, state and local, like the Utah Medical Association, that I was working with, when being recruited to run for attorney general, the background of legal activities I was involved in with asset forfeiture and investigation of doctors, fraud units, firings, and unlawful activities, like attempted murder . . . of course, disguised as a terminal brain injury, to access to my son's music, to the Brock securities case, taking of houses, law practices, vehicles, furniture, as per direction of the boys up north . . . to the offer of bribes or help, with investigation, in securities cases, to all the schemes and corrupt accusations of this day of arrest, and far beyond.

Other Key People Are Involved

Back in the early days of my years as an assistant attorney general, there were about 30 attorneys, who kind of ran things, and progressed out into other branches of the law, to judge ships, top legal attorneys, on both sides of the criminal and civil system, the bar association, the courts, and such, that all connect up, with Shurtleff, as a big time king pin, anointed by law enforcement, followed by his self appointing of his successor, Swallow . . . the inner circle of a ring of corruption that goes to the top of Church and government . . . Governor Herbert, a sad day for Utah, really, I think it is a great day, for Utah, we are finally getting the guilty, and it is only the start! 

I am starting at the point, I as an insider, in the sanctums of the attorney generals office from 1994 to the present day, knowing key people, background, insider trading, bribes, promotion in exchange for favors, bribes of federal judges, my clients, assistant attorneys dealing with other issues, but connected to securities cases.  I will just list a group of suspects, that are buried knee deep in the corruption, that permeates Utah or did, back in the day, laying the foundations and conceptual framework for what is finally coming to surface in the arrests today: 
  • President Monson, Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Jesus Christ, or Mormon, his grand-daughter, Kelly Ann Booth, attorney, who stole the Cheek et al v. Garrett et al case, $56.7M
  • Mitt Romney, Presidential Candidate and recipient of my contingency fees of $118M, with Brock & Associates, being a front for a political campaign and contribution headquarters!
  • John Doe, CIA, FBI and NSA--over 70% representation, covered, up and down
  • Senator Orrin Hatch, directing the federal level, on identity fraud, orchestrating activities between Washington, D.C. and Utah, sabotage of write in campaign for U.S. Senate, and much more
  • Senator Harry Reid, (Mormon) involved in the Federal Trade Commission case with Jeremy Johnson
  • Governor Mike Leavitt, former federal director of Health and Human Services, roots in Iron County
  • Bush's Drug Czar, former Iron County Attorney, Scott Burns, on Utah Prosecution Council
  • Francine Gianni, former director of the Governor's Consumer Protection, then Department of Commerce--attorneys and investigators, also named defendants working in the Division of Securities
  • Tracey Gunnarson, former assistant attorney general, representing real estate division, now, new director of Department of Commerce
  • Governor Gary Herbert, named defendant in Brock et al v. Herbert et al, $357M 
  • Assistant Attorney General, Thom Roberts, counsel for the Governor, involved in several cases of ?
  • Henry S. Brock and Jay Rice, plaintiffs in the securities case, that I was offered help with, eventually succumbed to bribes, deals, and doing it behind their attorney's back, or with a proxy attorney, without permission and knowledge, new JoAnn S. Secrist
  • U.S. Federal District Judges: Ted Stewart, Tena Campbell, and Clark Waddoups--other federal court employees, involved in the theft, deal, and termination of cases, including identity theft of attorney on two multi-million cases; Amy, IT personnel, tampering with e-filing accounts, even with picture ID on cases, allowed, non-attorneys, and false attorneys, to sign deals, settlements on cases, worth up to $200 million worth of contingency fees, or a 1/3 
  • Utah National Guard, Utah Draper Prison, Iron County Sheriff's Department, Utah State Bar Association, Utah Medical Association--Directors Leon Sorenson, and Val Bateman . . . poisoning and fraudulent misrepresentation of who fought the good fight, who was general counsel . . .
  • Dr. Taj Becker and Adolf Becker, misrepresented general counsel, and who the attorney was, lied and said, Rachel Hickey, or Kay Burningham, JoAnn S. Secrist
  • Tim Lawson, Shurtleff's henchman, candidate for governor when Shurtleff ran . . . contacted me, as he did other securities entities, only I was suing them, and didn't need anything but the U.S. and Utah Constitutions, and was puzzled by what exactly was going on . . .wanted to get me to his house in Orem, Utah, promises of steak, lobster, and help with my securities case, different from other securities cases, I was suing them, he and Shurtelff were the ones who needed help, guess he was going to offer me a bribe to drop the case, often contacted me about settlements, behind attorneys on the cases backs . . . the reverse of what Shurtleff and crew did behind my back
  • Kirk Torgensen, Chief Deputy, and the behind the scenes director of law enforcement harassment, intimidation, and threats, during final days before the deals with both the Brock case and the Cheek et al v. Garrett et al, case in Iron County, including county attorney, Scott Garrett, and other, for $56.7M
  • Billy Walker, former boss at the Health Division of Utah Attorney Generals Office, current attorney over bar discipline, burying her shitty work, and putting it under my name and going after me . . . Utah State Bar, team player in exchanging attorneys, dropping charges of practicing law without a license, against sister, Shelley Yeman, Southwick
  • Reed Richards, former Chief Deputy, under Jan Graham, Utah Attorney General, later, director of Sheriff's Association, key positions for taking me out, putting Mark Shurtleff in as attorney general, knowing full well, that I would have won, if I had run, poisoned me, took me out of the race!  Cops were not going to let me be their boss!
  • Jan Graham, might have some culpability in the securities transaction, she was AG, when Shelley ratted out her former boss, Alan Wolfson, and David Yeman, her husband, or estranged husband, cutting deals with Mark Griffin, former director of the Division of Securities . . . friendships, that spilled over to the deal and steal of the Brock case . . . once I filed the case, all of the sudden, Jan was allegedly representing plaintiffs against financial planner defendants, in civil cases, there is something more there than meets the eyes, Jan had never been to court, was first a law firm manager, then AG, and I believe a Judge in Salt Lake, told a friend of mine, after her first day in court, that the only person who had done worse in court, was her boss, Jan!  Court?  Sister Shelley, chaired the Children's Justice Center in Cache Valley, after I was poisoned . . . connections all over the place! 
  • Mark Nash, former boss, Utah Prosecution Counsel, gave him a copy of lawsuit against Iron county attorney, Scott Garrett, took actions . . . I was targeted, truck tampered with, attempted homicide--insider track to cop and judge associations, plus legislators
  • David Clark, former Speaker of the Utah House of Representatives, orchestrated unconstitutional removal of section in the Utah Constitution, dealing with polygamy being forbidden forever!
  • Michael Waddoups, former President of the Utah Senate, involved in harassment of Karen Mayne, over committees at the Utah Legislature, and also brother of Judge Clark Waddoups, who just up and terminated the Brock securities case, without cause after being order by the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals to finish the case . . . tried to say, not federal jurisdiction but state . . . bull shit, it was filed under federal statutes, 1983 civil rights suit!
  • FBI showed up, several times, to pull court IT personnel out of the building when I was trying to check on what happened to my e-filing account, that had fraudulently been taken by Shelley Yeman, after someone from within the NSA or CIA, switched my computer, or made it impossible for me to access my e-filing account, making me go through, Shelley's computer, to file!  Amy at federal court facilitated theft of ID and e-filing, worth a billion, with financial planners sending money to Brock!
  • Richard Glenn Southwick and Helen Janeen Chamberlain Soutwick, and all other 7 children, including Kay Burningham, my replacement as the second child, married to Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart
  • Elder Steven Snow, of the Mormon Church, area supervisors, or general authorities, Morning Side Park Ward
  • Mayor McCarthey of St. George; Shawn Guzman, former St. George, City Attorney
  • All clients of mine, in Washington, Iron, Salt Lake, Cache Counties, Colorado, and son-in-law, Dallas Hyland . . . etc.  Both criminal and civil cases

Let the Utah Cleansing Begin!

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