Inalienable Rights of Life, Liberty, Property and the Pursuit of Happiness! Men Are That They Might Have JOY! Worldwide!
All I am going to say, about the blog that was just frozen, then disappeared, all 2 and 1/2 hours of work, is that the Kalispell, Montana, pod squad of liars, Sam Farmer, is sitting in McDonald's or was, will testify, under pay, that sister, Rachel, was here, rather than me, JoAnn S. Secrist, the way they roll and perpetuate the fraud . . . shameful secrets, crimes of passion, badges of betrayal, and promotion of the colony, or the second America, that I will write about, for to survive, this group of fucked up elite, in their own minds, cannot pull this bull shit off, if they do not get the queen of freedom, constitutional law attorney for the original America, the one the founding fathers intended, not the cheap imitation, like Rachel, dumber than a door knob, 7 years younger, and 59 years my stupid, but of the Utah Beehive Colony, think of the movie, Hunger Games, with President Snow, a Mormon Prophet, the model for the fake, the fraud, the cheap, the world created for the ruling elite, the alleged Hollywood version of me, with goals of eliminating 80% of the world's population of breeders, feeders, consumers, seen, as no better than the cattle in the field, that are just using all the world's resources, with designs to limit, what both God, and inspired, men, who declared independence, as a colony, of Britain, for abuses, similar to those the Chinese are trying to free their people from, inalienable, God given rights, the very reason governments exist, to protect those rights, and they want for themselves, alone, but not for every man, woman and child, to experience freedom, liberty, life, property and the pursuit of happiness . . .
Research Shows That People Will Believe A BIG LIE
Over a small lie . . . the alleged twin America, is no better replica of the original, than my abused wife, deficient mother, hideous excuse of a patriot, wearing red, white and blue, lying about her identity, and having a son, Matt, who allegedly got his Duty to God Award, as her crowning achievement of motherhood, in which, even Matt, her sweet, but lazy son, whom she coddled, babied, and called her baby, until he was at least 21, will tell you that, his mother, Rachel, claiming to be the mother of my 4 stellar children, not to be confused with me, sitting at McDonald's, Idaho St., Kalispell, MT, rewriting, what the badges of betrayal, cowards, losers, penis controlled, dumb asses, who just can't deal with the real JoAnn, but can't win without me, just stole, because, it told the truth about Rachel's sorry condition, that of basically, no better than Goofy, the Walt Disney character . . . and that is appropriate, because Rachel, loves Disneyland, more than the reality of her fucked up life, and I am getting sick of her, and the rest of the back up, tits and ass brigade of women, these men love to love, who they can control, representing themselves as me! Truthiness, appearing to be true, but is not!
Two Mail Boxes, Side By Side, American Decor, Next Block, One Flag--Wiener Dog, Over the Flag? Symbolic of the Crimes of Passion, Followed by the Badges of Betrayal!
As I get off the bus, at Liberty & Hawthorne, truly symbolic of me, all about the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, freedom, liberty, life, property and the pursuit of happiness, for all mankind on earth, and as an English major, Weber State University, not a physical education major, Southern Utah University, like Rachel, probably visiting with Nicole, George (CIA), and my grandchildren, Yuri and Gracie, to make it appear, that she is the grandmother, and it is probably as close as she will get to being a grandmother, because she raised her kids to be too selfish to be mothers and fathers . . . with Hawthorne being an early American writer, writer, I studied as an English major, taking the country back, closer to the time, America was spot right on, closer to the principles, concepts, and purity of the U.S. Constitution, than it is, after 238 years of polluted, corrupt, and denigration of the original intent of the founding fathers!
P.S., the first three titles, listed in the title, are actually, titles of very good movies, on YouTube, free for your viewing, if they are not erased, the second I publish the titles. Here is a brief synopses, of each movie:
(1) Crimes of Passion: Badge of Betrayal--I think, was actually, filmed in Lake Side, Montana, or at least the court scene or sheriff's office is from Lake Side County, right around the corner from Kalispell, and a new female deputy sheriff, is hired by a womanizing, power hungry, corrupt sheriff, who has a wife, a mistress, that looks and acts like Rachel, and I have a personality, much more like the deputy, but took on cops, prosecutors, judges, governors, and attorneys general, the state sanctioned church, Family Martial Arts, or 110 member of the extended Southwick family, plus a circle friends, family, badges, at all levels of government, and world, and the woman, who with the help of the FBI, took down the sheriff, who tried to intimidate, terrorize, control, threatened to rape and kill the female deputy, who was just doing the job of sheriff, the way it was suppose to be done!
(2) Shameful Secrets--an abused wife, with an attorney named, Rachel, for God sake, in real life, the abused woman, whom had her sister, represent her in a 20 minute protective order hearing, turned 9 1/2 hours, by me, JoAnn S. Secrist, with 2 deputy sheriffs standing behind me, ready to arrest me the second the judge gave the command, because I would not give up fighting for her, with the judge, finally, telling both attorneys, to work it out . . . with the basic plot of the movie, and true story, being the abusive husband, went after the kids, Stephanie, Matt, Emily, and Scott (not Greta, Nicole, Chris and Elliot!) . . . as Chris did to Rachel! The shameful secret, is that I, JoAnn, even wrote the grant and the domestic violence manual for the state's prosecutors and law enforcement, many of which, lied, had to have, like Sheriff Mark Gower, Shane Clark, with the manual, serving as a national model for the nation, with an award, from President Clinton . . . so, not just your average, run of the mill attorney! Plus, the Department of Justice if using my graphic art, and work, on the eight section, circle, with a circle in the center, showing the isolation, and other methods an abuse, including johns, madams and pimps, us, in human body trafficking, adapted from my wheel in the domestic violence and sexual assault manual . . . Shelley claimed to be me, way back, when the Colony . . . the little bee hive in Utah, punished me for taking on the status quo, OF CORRUPTION in the law, courts, government, etc., and rewarded Shelley, for ratting out her husband and boss, in securities, which she later, was substituted in, for me, in the Brock case . . . another SHAMEFUL SECRET . . . SHE WAS GUILTY OF SECURITIES FRAUD, FOR GOD SAKES, NOT SAVED THE NATIONS FINANCIAL PLANNERS! The COLONY, LONG EYED MY RESUME WITH COVETED JEALOUSY!
(3) The Colony--with deceased, actor, John Ritter, and family, is a brilliant salesman, who wins a contract for security with the Colony, a billionaires, housing project, for the alleged elite, and their families, to protect them from the streets, crime and scum, allegedly of your normal neighborhood. But as the family, is first, scared to death, after getting the contract, with thugs, pulling guns, and stealing their car, prior to the offer by the designer of the Colony housing project, up on a hill, that Ritter, has long had his eyes on to live on, is offered a home in the planned unit development with a private security force, who works like cops, but also an entity of enforcers, who give citations, tickets, and arrest and kill, people who will not go along with the program of the development . . . the guy reminds me of my father, his view of life, and the Colony is much like the project development, the Mormon Church, did when it bought up 13 acres of prime property, surrounding the Salt Lake Temple, to the objection of all of Salt Lake City, Utah, mayor and all, to create a buffer zone of luxury condos, exclusive office space, walking only gardens and Church controlled grounds, to keep the average person, not a carded Temple holder, from coming close to the temple, and the haves or the ruling elite in the Mormon Church! And the Church runs the grounds, like the secret service would the government, protecting government buildings and the President! The name, Colony, is so indicative of the bees, the queen, the industry, and Utah! And so is the mentality of the people who control the people who are unfortunate enough to live in the Colony, which is nothing more than a police community, like the police state, Utah is! There are CC&Rs, or restricted covenants in any planned unit housing project, and many are abusive, but this one tops the charts, with dictates on what type of clothes residents can wear jogging! The children all wear uniforms, and there is no PTA, because parents are often seen as a hindrance to their children . . . thus, the state, the Colony, or the Mormon Church, takes over as the parent! Residents can't plant what they want in their yards, they can't paint their houses, unless the color is approved. Ritter's wife, comes home and finds a team of white jumpsuit, clothed squad of inspectors, who are going through all the families closets, drawers, cupboards, and house, bedrooms and all, checking for radon, allegedly. John, the father, starts doing some inspection of his contracted security system, and finds that there are extra wires, that were not agreed upon, but there is a Colony super cop, who oversees security, killer guy, paid assassin, who does the bidding of the billionaire developer, who says he gets to over see everything! Ritter holds a house warming party, and one of the other residents, is drunk, and spills the beans that the previous owner of the house, was a brilliant computer tech, who realizes, what Ritter is, that the whole place is controlled by the Colony! Ritter's cop, brother, starts putting two and two together, and realizes that the couple who, died in a terrible car crash, near the Colony, were not the victims of a drunk driving accident, because the alcohol that was used to cover the murders of the man and his wife, who were trying to escape the development, because it was like prison, fled for their lives, with the evidence, of the wiring and system, that has the whole development, house, each room, including the bedroom, in each house, under constant surveillance, by the staff of the Colony! Ritter and his family try to escape, and if it had not been for his cop brother, who had been electrocuted, when he suspected foul play in the car crash, wrong alcohol in the crashed car, the family would have died, by robo cops! Just doing my job! This movie, more than any I have seen, shows, you what the second America, the one the Illuminati and all its subsidiaries, want . . . a rich elite, who deem the rest of us, poor slobs, nothing more than cattle using up the earths, limited resources!
Rainbow Celebration, Montana Style vs. Rainbow Celebration, Utah (Colony) Style!
On the 4th of July, I was sitting somewhere, just chilling out, and I noticed an American flag, drooping on a flag pole, with a Montana, state flag, underneath it, with the wind, blowing the state flag, out in the wind, so you could easily see the state symbol, not so with the red, white and blue! And, anyone, knowing me, by now, trained to read symbols, in great works of literature, know, that a picture is worth a thousand words, and the thought came to my mind, and my minds eye, that, the United States of America, is being buoyed up by the state of Montana, which is contended and coined by me, the crowning jewel of states, like Glacier National Park is the crowning jewel of the continent!
Montana, to me, is like a baby state, with barely one million citizens, barely, and the fourth largest state in the Union, with the first or second, highest per capita of military representation. I swear, coming from the Colony, Utah, Montana is so fucking refreshing! It is like, they were just off the charts, off the radar screen of law enforcement, with a mounting militarized, license plate reading, sheriff's ass sticking out of the back of an SUV hatchback, illegally searching vehicles without probable cause, nor warrant, through racial, age, and suspected class profiling of drivers, for marijuana, and what not, 17 cops thick for a standard traffic citation! I have literally, counted their vehicles, just off the Cedar City, or Iron County, freeway exit, or at Easter break, coming out of hiking in Zion National Park!
I went the first 2 months or more in Montana, before I ever saw a cop, give a driver a traffic ticket! I couldn't believe it. And the state, was just busy, in the aftermath of the fucking Copper Kings, who raped and pillaged Montana, took the treasures and ran, leaving the tough, hardy, people of the state, just making a living, abiding by the Constitution, as best they could, and actually, in this Bush, Patriot Act world, either didn't have the money, to implement the programs, or better yet, refused to, and just adhered to the basics of freedom, liberty and protected property, and pursued happiness . . . making legislative decisions based on happiness, not ego or money!
So when the rest of the nation, transformed peace officers, into law enforcement . . . and revenue farmers for the cities, counties and state they served, they just kind of stuck with the standard old way of doing things, with a limited presence, allowing people to actually have fun, accept in Missoula, where they babysit, all activities at Caras Park, rather than just expecting people to mind their own business, have fun, enjoy the music, the food, the beer, the dancing and their families, they walk around, very noticeable, in uniform, with whirly twirlies, or wired connections to the Wizard of Oz, or whomever they are getting secret messages from, but it puts a damper on the crowd, and is not necessary. Most festival goers are basically, law abiding citizens, with dates, spouses, families, friends, with most criminals, not really hanging out at places like this . . . so, what's up?
Contrast and Comparison of Rainbow Celebrations
Last year, my friend, Howard Pryor, told me about the Rainbow Celebration, that is trying to recreate the 4 day or so, Woodstock, held in an open, I believe private property, field, in New York state, 40 or so years ago, with mud wrestling, music, naked hippies, drugs, and free love! I saw the newspaper article, that said, that the committee, that chooses the sight for the music festival, had not exactly chosen, the place to hold the event . . . now, mind you, I am getting my information from Utah, first hand, and I didn't see much more than an article, but little hoopla, over the celebration, that travels each summer from state to state, usually, during the summer months, with some advertisement and disclosure, so similarly thinking people, old hippies, and their children, and grandchildren, or those trying to recreate the love, the drugs and the atmosphere, of less complicated times, in all areas . . . really, just a nostalgic event. Pretty harmless . . .
All I remember of the event, was a passing comment by someone, that those Rainbow Kids, have been hanging out for months after the festival . . . and who can blame them! Hell, I am hanging out two years later, and many, many people, come to visit Montana, and never leave again! So, it doesn't surprise me that this crowd, would hang around for awhile, and didn't seem to be a bother, or really much of an annoyance, really. However, Utah was an entirely different matter, from what I heard, from my ex-husband, who is still a hippy, as have all my husbands, been to some extent or another! And all of them, have turned out to be pretty respectable people, tax paying, law abiding citizens, job holders, in responsible positions in church, government, and communities! My first ex-husband, was a long haired, hippy, who re-converted to the Mormon Church, after he saw a drunk, leaning up against a tree at some park in Salt Lake, and decided that wasn't the life he wanted, went on to go on a mission to Holland, learning about their amazing city planning, and came back to get a degree in geography, from the University of Utah, and a master degree, from the University of Arizona, in Urban Development . . . he did, however, flunk, his planning law class, just a bit of a rub, from his ex-wife, an attorney! LOL!
Hell, all the cops, in Utah, use marijuana! I would venture a guess that most of the hippie professors, I taught with at the University of Utah, all smoked pot, on a regular basis! So . . . ? I don't personally smoke pot, but I sure as hell, believe in your right to smoke it, and do what you want, with your most valued property, your body! I just heard, that the first guy in line, to buy legal recreational marijuana, from a dispensary in Washington, just a few days ago, camped out for 19 hours, said it was a party, he wore his old tie dyed t-shirt he had been sporting for 19 years, was interviewed on TV, sounded like a stand up guy, holding down several jobs, was actually fired from his job, after the interview, and the company he worked for demanded a drug test! He, like most laid back people on weed, just laughed it off, and said, he could get a job anytime, but he couldn't be part of history in the state, being the first one in line to buy legal marijuana, from a state run dispensary! I loved his attitude . . . said, he was hoping for his dream job, working at a dispensary, and knowing hippies, like I do, the place he bought the pot from, probably hired him after he lost his job! LOL!
Colorado, raised $41 billion in taxes, and created about 2,500 new jobs in the state . . . not bad! The Utah Legislature, asked me to write up my opinion, on legalizing medical marijuana, in Utah, knowing I was involved to some extent in the Montana battle to get the laws right, in light of the PTA, and the feds, who raided, the legal marijuana growers, using federal, rather than state laws, that were temporarily on hold, while the law, was reworked! With the average grower, having to serve 5 year prison sentences! Anyway, last session, Utah did pass, a landmark law, for the Colony, giving kids, with seizures, and other illnesses, the right to buy marijuana, from other states . . . thanks Colorado! But Vets, are getting arrested, and basically, allowing kids only, violates the 14th amendment, due process and equal protection, or uniform operation of law, for others who need pain or palliative care! But, it is a start!
Utah, Actually, Had A Travelling Judge, To Charge & Handle Court, On the Spot, for Out of State Rainbows--Money! I Know People Who Travel Around Utah to AVOID IT--ME TOO, NOW!
I don't do it to smoke marijuana, but to avoid, the police state entirely, since, the last time I ventured into the state, 8 highway patrolmen, who must have been alerted through aerial surveillance, that I was in the state, arriving by bus, none the less, 24/7 watch on me . . . so that should tell you where the Constitution stands in the eyes of the law in Utah . . . it doesn't! But, two cops per vehicle, pulled into Subway, in military precision style, and came into the Subway, just under the freeway, next to the Sinclair gas station, and down the street from the Crystal Inn, and when that didn't seem to do much, they tried to hit me as I tried to board a bus, realizing that I was not going to get to visit my house or cabin, that probably has a cop living in both! Utah has a reputation of being a police state . . . I knew that 20 years ago, and it is even worse now!
Now, I am not sure, where the festival was held, private or public property, which upon, closer, examination, of the law, constitutional rights, violations, charges, and what not, that I was not informed on, but just the absolute shock, that people could run around without clothes, with children all over the place and never got a ticket, but pot smokers did! But, that would make sense . . . in the penis driven or wiener dog club, over the flag . . . public exposure, or lewd behavior would be far more tolerated, to the pervs in Utah, with the suppressed sexual atmosphere of the state and Church, that the cops and judge would get their jollies off naked hippies, but pot, that is where they get all their federal funds from! In this Patriot Act crazed police state and nation, with a few exceptions!
I can tell you what I would rather have had my children, had I frequented places like that, when MY kids were growing up! Now, the cops, girl, Rachel, Shelley, and crew, their kids all use drugs, and smoke worse then marijuana, and so do the cops, since I got 8 fired, including two campus cops, for using, growing and harvesting marijuana, scapegoats really . . . and all the big shot, cop husbands I have had, all smoke it on more than a regular basis . . . they are all part of the club, immune, you know, all the rest of you cattle, breeders, consumers, bottom feeders!
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