Saturday, July 19, 2014


Right Around the Rosey's, Pocket Full of Possies, Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down!

In the skateboarding world of my oldest son, Christian . . . not to be confused with Kay's oldest son, Christopher, often lead to be mistaken, there is a term of art among these sidewalk, parking lot, swimming pool, ramp, and half pipe, surfers, called, posers, these are people who pretend to be someone or something, they are not!  Much, like the term, truthiness, something that appears to be true, but in reality, just simply is not; I would put posers, in that same category, just not what they claim to be, period!  That would describe the women listed in the title of this blog; however, there are even more women to add to that list, all confidants, or clients, and women that I have spent a lot of time and effort as an attorney, helping with family issues, because I care about families, including their families . . . but that favor is not reciprocal, after receiving a great deal of my time, efforts, talents, and cheap to free legal services, for pulling at the heart strings, they have literally, claimed, my Supreme Court level writing, research and legal skills, as their own, because, I refused to play the games the Utah State Bar, or the U.S. Federal District Bar, of the District of Utah, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, and even the United States Supreme Court, wanted me to play, telling them to take my license, to practice law, and shove it up their unconstitutional, illegal, fraudulent, criminal asses, for throwing out the U.S. Constitution, ruling according to influence of the Mormon Church and all its affiliates, like the CIA, FBI, NSA, military and all their branches, attorney generals, general authorities, or whomever, destroying everything I love . . . family, country, law, state, lifestyle, etc.

I will not practice in a state, or states, or be associated with a bar, that gives law licenses away like candy, that award less than average behavior as attorneys, and denigrate, demean, punish, assassinate character, with professional jealousy, envy, abuse of power, making an amazing and wonderful, legal system, that works, like a well oiled machine, turned into fodder for cheap, shoddy, frauds, who can't even write an email, or give a speech, let alone, write a legal brief of any merit, and attack, lie, use the statewide battering system of cops, prosecutors, courts, government agencies, to take down, one of the best, and brightest, in the state's legal arena, who has, was and is, bringing national recognition, awards, and honors, at the highest level of government, courts, and acclaim, with great, accuracy, attention, and vibrancy, to this state and its professional, if you can call, it that any more, bar association, coming from attorneys, who not only know me, know of me, but have personal interactions with me, have worked with me, know of my character, my integrity, my honesty, and what I stand for, which is what every good attorney should stand for, and are willing for the almighty dollar, basically, are willing to, not only allow people to practice law without licenses, but use my name, my bar number, or a connection with me, who are not attorneys, never were, never could be, for that might take discipline and effort, rather than just spreading their legs for the right men, or looking cute in a suit that might make it appear, as if they are an attorney!

Call to Duty

Really, so these men, women, posers, relying on truthiness, a common tool of spies, undercover, government intrigue, espionage, sedition, and whatever in the hell, they can justify, as a call to duty, looks like, as if destroying the hallmarks, of the American legal system, values of justice for all, liberty, access to the courts, with rulings that are made on legal rational, argument, authority, hierarchy of legal weight of authority, legal and political astuteness, acumen, knowledge, and argumentative skills, and court presentation, is replace by no rules, logic, merit, reliance, veracity, credibility, authenticity, or honor, with laws created in judge's heads, with a stroke of a pen, depending on whom the parties are, the influence they render, both in and outside the court room, with little connection to the rule of law, fidelity to the law, connection to legal principles, jurisdiction, constitutionality, merit, or value in the legal system.

If you call adherence to oaths, affirmations, of loyalty, to defend, preserve, and protect the United States Constitution and the states constitutions, and all laws that are within the letter and spirit of the Constitution, and rejecting any law that is repugnant to the Constitution, void, without the need of a court, but lacking authority in and of the fact, and as a matter of law, is null and void, as of the second it is found, treasonous and barbaric, bringing war, aiding enemies of the people, and the United States, a violation of law, wrong . . .you have lost me, as foreign to all I call, my call to duty, the very thing I raised my hand to the square, four fucking times to do, all in good standing with the Utah Supreme Court, vigorously defending, my clients, rights, powers, legal opportunities, standing, merit, objectives, and doing it with honor, and legal research, constitutional standing and power, rather than kissing your goddamn, bad attorney in black dress asses, then I am guilty as spuriously charged, by actual bad attorneys, an incompetent bar and corrupt judges!

Who is Kay Burningham?

What a strange way to start your own home page, and then follow that statement and a picture of you in front of a book shelf of legal treatises, law books, and law dictionaries, indicating the appearance of an attorney, yet lacking in the legal background, history, cases of merit, connections and associations, with something of legal system, education, experience, jobs, honors, awards, associations with different legal entities, you merely state that you have 25 years of law practice, and you are in close association with the California and Utah bar associations, that with my humble, legal opinion and observation, is really not a noble thing, you have little more to claim, or show for that 25 years, than having your name removed from the Mormon Church, in what 2001.

Yet, from what I read, saw, and found you connected to, LDS general authorities and a Mormon presidential candidate, globe trotting and being interviewed, aired, and associated, more with the UK and the BBC, that you are with your own country?  That strikes me as awfully bizarre, disjointed, an oxymoronic life, and playing both sides of the Mormon/Non-Mormon community, speaking about Mitt, name dropping and hanging out with his nephew, and other alleged, rebel rousers, in the religious community, that you appear, to me for all intents and purposes, to be a new comer to, with a book coming out in 2011, and just doing presentations and speaking engagements to the Ex Mormon or Post Mormon communities, makes one raise an eyebrow or two . . . other than writing a novel here and there, what the hell have you been doing for the last 6 years, what cases, what courts, where, in what state . . . a very unimpressive resume in deed!

My History With Kay Burningham?

Kay, became a friend of mine, back in 7th grade, when we were made science partners in class, where she later confessed, that she either asked the teacher, or made some concerted effort to be my partner, knowing full well her success and happiness, involved being seen, and connected with me, JoAnn Southwice Secrist, a 7th grade class officer, later cheerleader, student of the month, Valentine's Queen for 3 years, ending up VP of the student body.  I was a pretty good student, who, after taking an aptitude test, nationally demanded, I was told that I would be best suited to be a social worker or a lawyer, and I am proud to say, I am a great attorney, and a shitty business woman, because of the social worker side of me, that believes in the good of mankind and will take every sob story, as a sucker for good causes, and do legal work without pay, because the case represents a good legal theory, principle of law, needed area for change, or as a way of straightening out a corrupt system, using an actual fact, with stories, people, issues, proof, of the type of local, state, country or world, we just don't want to be associated with.

By high school, the glamour of being in the spotlight, faded, I would rather sit and watch a football or basketball game, than jump around in a short skirt, doing back flips and round-offs, in front of a crowd, who could care less and would rather watch the game, without having to follow the stupid cheerleaders!  I had done my fair share of grand standing, service to my school, playing the educational systems games, and I started becoming a rebel either with or without a cause, getting more and more cynical, and critical, as I saw the shallowness, the cliques, the alleged power and control of the whatever.  One time, when the old 70's empire waist, granny dresses, down to your ankles came into style and the Girls Association, for girl's week, wanted all the girls in Bountiful High to dress up in these get ups, and parade around the school, class by class, in a fashion show.  Kay was cute and popular by her own merit by this time, and she was always one to participate in my rebellious antics.

So when the day came to dress up and put on a fashion show, I called Kay and suggested, we make our own fashion statement, where cowboy boots, plaid skirts, a funky unmatched blouse, only wear make-up on one eye, leave our hair a mess, like we just got out of bed, Kay went along with the idea, and we were the fashion show . . . room by room, of laughs, making fun of the girl's club, and mocking their stupid little dress up Barbie Day!  I have not changed much, but Kay has, complying with male dictates, demands, both falling sexually as both prey and predator, relying on feminine charms, wiles, flirtatiousness, fornication, adultery, and who all knows what to breaking up two marriages, not counting my own, by fucking opposing counsel, right after taking despositions, making sexual eyes, and advances, while across the table from each other . . . they say, you are the most yourself, the way you were in high school, still there, still being critical of the stupid games of the sexes, still demanded respect for work well done, preferring to be feared, admired, respected, if not hated, more than being loved, coddled, cherished and admired for looking cute!

Fat is a feminist issue with me!  I refuse to bow to the pressure to conform, to some fucking wiener clubs idea of what I should and should not look like . . . and here in lays the problem taking us right up to right here, right now, and case, kids, resume, money theft, by the preferred male version, the created, treated special, loved, admired version of myself, my former, cohort in fashion crimes, buddy in terrorizing rival high schools during night bon fires, rallies and team spirit events, and in the process, becoming a high school legend!  My sister, Tiffany, was 14 years my junior, and had my old boyfriend, high school athlete, often player of the week, in all three sports, as a teacher at Bountiful High, he finally came around to my way of thinking, after I inspired him, to kick our teams asses, by getting him so pissed before the games, against Bountiful High, by listening while I ranted and raged, trash talked and goaded, him about losing to my school, that he would go out and punish my guys, even worse than he would have normally done!

I Never Changed, Kay Changed Drastically as Opportunity Presented Itself

Out of the blue, while waiting to die, up, living in Mt. Sterling, Utah, with and married to Brett Todd Stuart, he asked me one time, if there was a woman, I was jealous of . . . not really.  But, I do have a friend, now, I hadn't at this time worn makeup, nor did much with my hair, or body for about 5 years, around 2005, or so, but my alleged, looking back on it, friend, Kay, whom I had not seen for years, I would say, arrogant, even at the point of death, ugly as sin, and just basically a bump on a log, with a better than average, good looking husband, responded by saying, as if I was still that beautiful, young attorney, kicking shit up all over the state of Utah, rockin' it, that I felt that, Kay, was at least in the class of women, that I respected and thought was cool.  She was a Ms. Utah, BYU homecoming queen, BYU cheerleader, a dancer, artist, debater, and now lawyer.  So, while not at all jealous, would recognize her as an equal for sure, but that was then, and this is now, we are where we are!

Somehow, through fate, quantum physics, karma, or foreshadowed history and world events, Kay called me out of now where, and told me she was engaged to a biology professor, Bruce Bugsby, a national speaker and world renowned, but as I later found out from Kay, a ladies man, still hooked on his ex-wife.  But she invited me and Brett to dinner at Bruce's house in Logan . . . now, one more connection, that now in retrospect sheds some light, adding to my conspiracy theories, that Shelley, Brett and Kay, had all concocted a scheme, plan, and orchestrated theft of my son's bands, first, Parallax, then God's Revolver and now, Maraloka's music, and I think events, in conjunction with those connected to Mitt Romney, Kay's theft of my Brock case, with Shelley's help in the securities and attorney general world, where she had been a government rat, with me the government tormentor, intimidator, and demolition expert, planned a clandestine and hostile take over of my life, with the poisoning not totally taking me out of commission, and eyeing my son's future fame, wealth, and rock star status, coming from years of bad blood, envy, jealousy and rage, unbeknown to me!  A lamb to the slaughter, if you will.

First Words Out of Kay's Mouth, After 20 Years, Was . . . How Well Did You Know Your Husband Before You Married Him, I Didn't Know Him, But You Live a Different Life, When You Think You are Going to Die!

That statement, suggested a familiarity, kind of a red flag, to me, that there was more here, than meets the eye.  And as the night progressed, that became even more and more apparent.  Kay had a case, against the University of Utah, a personal injury case, and a Bruce Jensen, Salt Lake Attorney, was opposing counsel and he had just dead, allegedly from carbon-monoxide poisoning, in his expensive home in Emigration Canyon . . . Kay's hatred for him was penetrating, and Brett seemed engrossed in not only her case, seemingly involved, but also, very interested in her hatred for opposing counsel!  Adding her first comment to me, and later conversations about the case, led my mind to suspect fowl play, in the alleged death by malfunctioning home equipment, that led me to believe, that these two may have killed my former neighbor's attorney son.  This same neighbor, when I first moved in with Shelley, used to always get us confused . . . she was old, but I took note, aren't you Shelley, and isn't your sister, JoAnn!

I started suspecting ID theft, way back, and then with Kay, Brett, and the coincidence that the dead attorney, had a brother, who stood, to inherit, not only his parents estate, but his single brother's very plush and substantial portfolio, real estate holdings, proceeds from his law practice, and who knows what all else, but Shelley and Wayne, the older brother, and the one who lived in Logan, often speaking with Shelley, and who was a dentist, so no poor by any stretch, but the more you get, the more you want, and the less likely you are to share, but as I saw Wayne, sporting his brother's black BMW, SUV and hatchback, and after learning more about the lady and her husband next door, with the quick, placement of this older lady, into a nursing home, I wondered if he, had, in fact, killed his brother, to get gain, or maybe in connection with Kay and Brett . . . mental juices were flowing, needless to say!

Kay & Brett, Because He Had the Cellphone, Set Up A Girl's Weekend

My family was meeting down at the east end of Zion Park, at the Buffalo Inn & Cabins, or something like that, so when Kay called, Brett and I had already planned a trip south for Easter, and Kay's house was not too far out of the way; however, Kay, seemed very jealous of mine and Brett's relationship, when he rubbed my back after dinner, and played with my hair, she would pout and say, I am jealous, and Bruce played little attention to her.  She had cooked a great meal, and we were all just talking, but I knew damn well, that Kay either already had a thing going with Brett, or wanted something, may have even met at the U of U . . . Brett was the consummate ladies man, he picked up on me, coincidentally, the day I was to find a new apartment, because Shelley was suppose to sell her home, she bought with David Yeman, who was freshly out of jail, and getting married. Or so she said, so Brett could not have picked a better time to come into my life.

So, the plan for the girl's weekend at Kay's house in Jeremy Ranch, symbolic name, on Sand Trap Drive, or a name relating to golf, and overlooking the 9th hole, or one of the holes, dictated the name on this very nice house, near Park City, Utah.  Brett was to go to his friend's house, but magically, Danial, the gay friend, could never be reached, so Brett just had to stay all weekend with me and Kay.  Like is attracted to like! Kay, allegedly was trying to decide, whether to give up her law practice in Salt Lake, and move to Logan. Brett said he would pretend to be Bruce, and the two, started to role play, making me, the wallflower, gag . . . Brett's statement to Kay, making reference to her 22' speedboat parked in the garage, was the statement that ended our marriage . . . You can park your boat in my garage or driveway anytime. To the delight and giggles of Kay, smiling from ear to ear . . . Kay is a cat fighter, I am not, you want her, you get her! 

Anyone who knows me, like a husband, would know, that when I go to sleep, I might as well be dead, first husband used to say, that I sleep, so deep and sound, that I could be raped by a stranger in the night, and I would never awake, nor know.  Brett knew my habits well, and judge on the circumstantial evidence of the new honey relationship, and terms of endearment that started, the back door man, sneaked up the stairs to Kay's bedroom and romped the hell out of her, because the next morning, she was exhausted and could hardly get out of bed, this is common behavior, judged on Kay's past for her, and Brett, would have loved two attorneys to fight over him, in fact he got totally pissed, on the way to Easter, because I would not put up with the flirting, the honey-do list, and the walks and race challenge of the two, which just disgusted me, and Brett about wrecked the truck, when I kept making fun of him and Kay's role play . . . You can park your boat in my garage anytime!

Brett tried to get me into the cat fight, but I had years of avoiding such stupid and lame ass games, even when I was half dead . . . if you are her man, you sure as hell are not mine!  You want her, you have her! I don't think this was quit the response my dear hubby wanted, and hey, I love myself, more than any guy, so, what is your problem?  Have her!  He tried to turn the tables, like he was the one, dumping my ass, and he said, well, I am trying to decide if I want to still be married to you, and I said, I already decided that I don't want to be married to you, park your boat in my garage anytime, bull shit! Eventually, I could not stand the sight of him, and thing went down hill from that point on! I finally took his bike and rode the whole 8 miles into Logan from Mt. Sterling, stopping for the night, to sleep in an Indian's tee pee, on the American West Heritage Farm, about half way.

Who Is Shelley?

Brett begged me to come back, following me in his truck, and me flipping him the finger or the bird, as in fuck off!  I camped out at Shelley's house, whom Brett, seemed familiar with, and sexually involved with also, leaving momentos and symbolic signs of him, behind . . . how do you hurt your wife, go for her sister or her former best friend, but I didn't care.  Shelley, used to roll her eyes back into her head, while lying and telling me she didn't like my husband, sneaking around behind my back with him.  The eyes are evidence of lying, from what the experts on body language taught prosecutors and cops, at the domestic violence conference in Park City, with the husband and wife, dream team of cops, telling us to read body language--the shifty eyes, the rolled so far back in her head, I thought she might faint!  But, when I introduced Brett to her, she said, sssssssssoooooooooooooo, this is your new husband, huh!  Smacked with familiarity, and several months later, I was reading one of Shelley's Utah State University Alumni Magazines, and ran across a Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart, an animal husbandry major, careers that fit!  LOL!

When I was visiting one time, Brett and Shelley got into it over 9/11, and he would follow her around the house, I was at my worst, probably poisoned by this crowd, with Shelley probably having had classes with Brett, in Bruce Bugsby's biology class, the Logan connection.  Brett denied that was him in the magazine, but the alleged factory worker, a cover, would always say, don't you think, that I have a great vocabulary for a factory worker, yes, he did, for all I know, he had a Harvard Law Degree, and once his mother said he had a silver spoon in his mouth, his grandparent's who were killed coming out of the Eccles Opera House one night, own RMS Foods & Catering.  So this was no, poor country boy.  A poser!  CIA actor?  With big plans and ideas for Elliot's music, especially once he heard him play, Shelley, Jesse and Tiffany, had tons of CDs labeled Bandit . . . were applying for credit cards, and had banks all over the place, even, Sandpoint Idaho!  Now, what is a poor single mom, with no money, doing getting 15 bank accounts, right about the time El's band was rocking?

Why is Kay's Cite, Under Construction?

I just gave her and Mitt Romney, with the BBC special entitled, The World--Mormon Candidate Mitt Romney & Mormonism, the best exposure a girl could get!  LOL!  With a blog that reaches around the globe, but without any significant connection to my name . . . just Google, JoAnn S. Secrist, Kay uses, Joann S. Secrist, to steal, but while I was discovering Kay on the Internet, being pulled up right along with Attorney Generals, Shurtleff and Swallow, after being arrested . . . why is Kay, coming up?  Guilt by association? Where is Dick, Helen, Shelley, Rachel, Sue and crew?  The are all as culpable as Kay, Mark and John, and I believe in equal protection, and opportunity, as well as uniform operation of law, jail time for all!

So, I just type in JoAnn S. Secrist, out of curiosity to see what come up . . . my interim suspension from a bar I told I would sue, if they didn't take my name off the roster entirely, save face, trashing the best and most noted attorney, for a while in Utah, #2 for civil rights, biggest cases in the nation, blogger pro, getting up to and including 155,000,000 hits, twice in one day!  But, now, if you put my name in, after the run for U.S. Senate, as a write in candidate who was lied to, had her answers for the League of Women Voters, who waited an extra week, never print what they wanted so bad?  But, with Shawn McCauslin, being put on the Mormon Mafia payroll, to send me misinformation, with a run that was just to make a statement against fucking Orin Hatch, in the Mormon Clubhouse and the hatchet man in D.C.!

But if you look past all the negative, no mention of Brock, Cheek, my blog, all the articles that are top of Google, God's Revolver writings, fucking all over the Internet, with Kay's man, Howard Pryor, popping up, to join in on the circle of friend, agents, liars, jilted lovers, making the Ring Around the Rosey . . . or a circle that stops me from getting out of the middle, while they all lie, saying Kay, Shelley or Rachel, was all day at McDonald's writing all this shit to help Sim, Troy and Mary, arrest the posers!  But I looked on the next page, on my name, and there was a picture of me, with Moab, in the background, that was suppose to be part of my blog background, but lasted on day, and a small advertisement about legisaltie and legal help, and a resume, that is so small that you can't read it, and roughly 5,000 people how have hit my biography that is non-existent, nor connected with my picture!  And neither is the blog that I write everyday, and am writing at 6:34 a.m., as we speak!

If you look closely at my blog, on the right side, there should be a picture, small as it is, that is I guess suppose to be Rachel as the next closest looking sister, then Sue, I guess, who is next in line for my throne, so why doesn't my blog, show up, under my name?  I already know, that there are two versions of bad ass con law chick blog, with the "ass" lighter, on the one who gets all the hits, with my picture, my bio, title and articles . . . I am like the original McDonald's, with franchises all over the place, but the one kicking out the products, the new catch phrases, the cute ads, and some I steal, but, I don't exist, but the poser, franchise owner's do?  Really, that is about as creative as the Federal Reserve, who creates money, out of nothing, lends it to us, then charges interest, where there was no real asset in the first place, and then steals our money, by sending Lehman Brothers to the world bankers, sucking tons of money out of the system, then leaving the tax payer with the bill . . . similar tactics, they steal my ideas, my work, cases, Elliot's music, and all benefits, fame, claim, status,, but when they get a DUI, that goes to me!

Basically, Speaking, All Their Shit, I Get, All My Worth, They Get!

These sleazy fuckers are riding on my history, my story, my life, my virtue, my credit, and my trust with you, and bastardizing, perverting, tainting, and manipulating you for liking me, and then, like President Uckdorf, of the Mormon First Presidency, Kay, so humbly, said she saw, while in first class, going to the bathroom or something, and sees this nice man, but of course he would not know, little Kay, wink, wink, nod, nod, to the crowd of staged listeners, such a nice man, really, from a alleged, Mormon bashing anti-Mormon author, hanging out with the in-crowd in the Mormon Church, claiming to be me, with Elliot, as her son! Good God . . . lightning needs to strike!  But the member of the First Presidency, once gave a conference talk, that as a pilot, if he is 1 degree off, on his intended course, he can end up hours later, 350 miles from his destination . . . 

And I would submit to you, that is exactly what is going on here, they are using me, as a constitutional law attorney, as a starting point, because 98% of the people dig the Constitution and Christianity, but not the Darwinists and Big Bangers of this group, of alleged scientists, poser con law chick, anti-Mormon poser, hanging out with general authorities and Mitt, plus Mitt's nephew, to take you slowly on that 1 degree altered trip, as Kay, with an entirely different set of values than me, obviously, or she wouldn't be with my former husband, and you will end up 350 miles away from the U.S.A. in a "This World--Mitt Romney, who is really Walter Mitty, with Mormonism, not Christianity on his brain!

Lies, upon lies, upon, lies, upon, lies . . . Kay and the spin doctors, are working their magic, trying to recover from yesterday's truthful disaster!  I am the real Mother, the real Brock attorney, you can see Kay's presentation, all torts based, she doesn't even now religion, that is a cover for her lack of history as Kay for the last 6 or 7 years!  What the hell has she been up to, other than riding on my laurels!  It is plan as the changes to the New York Investment News, from the original, with a play on polygamy and the popular TV show that actually, both Brett and Kay, forced me to watch at her house . . . on the girl's weekend, maybe trying to get me to accept the fucked up life style . . . sister's care, sister's share, not wonder Brett was upset, he wanted me to apologize to Kay, for sleeping with my husband!

The Monumental Truth of the Brock Case, the Romney Presidency, the Kay Connection, and the World Mormon Agenda--Is Hiding in Plain Sight!

Who is Kay Burningham?  Nobody! 

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