Wednesday, July 9, 2014


I Have Been Slamming China Lately, New Enemies

Now what in the hell is China doing over here going after me, little old constitutional law attorney, blogger extraordinaire?  I know damn, well, my blog circles the earth--hell, my blog had 155,000,000 hits, two months ago, and the quality and information have not declined in importance, but only escalated in relevance, realism, reality, global impact and exposure . . . there was and is a tool, of Google, that allows all the languages of the earth to read my blog, translated into their own language, with many relatives, social media, and a world that is cyber connected, with blogs and news instantaneously available, worldwide, what I write, while sitting at Target, a symbolic name in and of itself, right here in river city, Kalispell, Montana, is not like Vegas, where what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas . . . but what I write in Kalispell, doesn't stay in the city, but eventually ends up being bumped, hit, recommended, and crossing international waters, to other countries.

Read my last few blogs, and this will make more sense to you . . . the One World Order, why in the hell do you think bus loads of children are being allowed over the borders in Texas, ground zero for immigration, and everyone knows that children pull at the heart strings, if anyone is going to be protected, it would be children, adoption, foster care, but breaking the system with the detention hearings that all illegal immigrants get, allowing them some form of due process, before, we the tax payers, foot the bill for their deportation, while groups scream to the President, to stop deporting, and the other side of the streets, yelling to send them back to Guatemala or wherever they came from . . . not Mexico or Canada, mind you, Mormons do a stellar missionary business in South America, they, Congressman, Chris Cannon (R. UT), served his mission in Mexico, were behind the Mexican Consulate, working with the Mormon Church, to bring illegal aliens into Utah, setting up emergency centers, providing drivers licenses and health care benefits, in Boy Scout buildings on church property, but off into the parking lot, away a bit--Utah Mormon's version of separation of church and state, with the Catholic Church, fighting to keep their memberships, with the Hispanics intact . . . you have to see the big fucking picture to get what is going on!

There are more Hispanic members of the Mormon Church, than whites, and populating like bunnies, as do Mormons, Muslims, and others!  This is a well orchestrated plan, that is not new to President Obama, just a week or so ago, I wrote that George H.W. Bush, has deep ties with China and spent a lot of time over there, before he was appointed CIA director, with little to no experience to back up a logical appointment, much like former Senator Max Bacus, of Montana, who followed, former Governor of Utah, Governor Huntsman!  Huntsman, I believe, went on his Mormon mission to China, or Tiawan, and probably speaks, Mandrin, or Chinese, so he at least had a legitimate argument for appointment; however, Bacus, simply smirked at the appointment and when the press, pressed him for his credentials or possible reasons he might be appointed by President Obama, he just said, he played Chinese Checkers . . . REALLY?

One World Bankers/One World Order, Can't Make It Without America!

Like I said, the Illuminati, a 13 family organization that originated in Italy, has not been defined as CIA, mafia, masons, Knights of Templar, government, world bankers, but it is deeply connected and involved in all of these organizations, along with the Yale, spawning pond from Hell, the secret society, of Skull & Bones; a week or so ago, a former Hitler, Nazi SS man, was arrested, in Pennsylvania, having lived their quietly for about 60 years, after the war ended, in anonymity, and peace, having changed his name, but if the FBI and CIA, didn't know of his existence, they should have . . . raising questions of how he wasn't prosecuted sooner for war crimes, under many treaties, dictating acceptable prisoner treatment . . . gassing millions of Jews, is not acceptable!

America declared its independence, through the Declaration of Independence, in 1776, the Illuminati, was formed in 1776, start connecting the dots, and you will find a fascinating network, web, of inter-connectedness, from the Kennedy Assassination, to many more assassinations, up to an including a Pope of the Catholic Church, that was going to build his papestry on the principles of world peace . . . not what the world bankers wanted, funding both sides of all wars!  Up to and including Yassar Arafat, former leader of Israel, who was gunned down, shortly after making a speech, that he wanted a peaceful world for his grandchildren!

Oh, before I go too far, the Pennsylvania Nazi, who was just arrested, was a member of the SKULL & BLACK BONES ORDER, under Hitler, if I remember the name, so close to the Yale Skull & Bones, that it is scary, seeing that Prescott Bush, later, Senator Prescott Bush, who should not have been elected, but tried for treason, for funding Hitler, in conjunction with some of the other Skull & Bones, buddies he met while at Yale!  There is hardly any record of George H.W. Bush's college days, did he spend them in training for the One World Order, he is recorded in a speech, giving?  This should be no surprise, he outright said it, and President Obama, has said something similar, both Bush and carried on by Obama, the standing armies, that all took place at night, behind closed doors, and have tanks parked in empty car lots in Las Vegas, and alone 1-15 in Utah, with fences blocking the views!

Think of News Footage--Who Has Standing Armies Parading Down their Streets?  Germany, Russia, China, Korea, etc., but America--NEVER!

Why in the hell, do you think they are trying so hard to get rid of one, little, insignificant, constitutional law attorney?  Because, I fucking get it, raised Mormon, I see the the worldwide missionary effort and the connections there, trained in the Constitution, see the destruction there, fascinated with spies, see the connections there, alert to the secret societies, I see it there . . . watched the bail out, melt down, 7 hours a night . . . I see it there; concerned about the environment, camping, fishing, roads, . . . I see Agenda 21, Bush senior's baby . . . I see it there too!

You name it, from Russia and the Ukraine, with Pro-Russian insergents, I see it there, Crimea, Syria, Libya, back in Iraq, dragging in Pakistan . . . who in the hell, do you think gave the Boko Harem, the high end luxury, Toyotas, that are only used by the military, but were used to capture the 200 plus young girls, this group, and the inner circle, use children . . . whether shipping them in on buses, to America, or taking them in Nigeria!  They, the masterminds behind the one world order, want to create chaos and war, rumors of war, all over the globe, funding both sides, so eventually, both sides, or all nations on earth will be so, sick of bloodshed and war, that they will cave in to the One World Order, just to have peace! 

The Boogie Man is NOT, Al Qaeda!

These dumb asses are not powerful enough, not smart enough, don't have enough money, and they are used all over the world as terrorists, or the alleged group behind whatever warmongering is going on!  Don't fucking fall for it anymore . . . these guys are predictable, just like their assassins, if you are looking for them!  Ever since 9/11, an insider government job, anyway you look at it, either the Taliban, or the Al Qaeda, have been used as scapegoats, covering the Bushes, Obamas, Clintons, who cover for the Rockerfellers, the Rothchilds, and the Bildibergers, world banking crowd!  You know, the guys who got them elected!  It matters not, who is in office, as long as the guys and gals, pulling the strings are Anti-American, pro everyone else!

I have long contended, that you have to stop the U.S. Constitution and Christianity, to thwart the efforts of the One World Order . . . their goals of peace are totally at odds with each other; America can achieve peace without money, through justice for all, due process, open access to the courts, protections from unreasonable searches and seizures, double jeopardy, taking of property, state and people's rights, rich or poor . . . unlike their system of a ruling elite, a spiritual elite, and environmental elite . . . fuck'em! 

America is the shining light on a hill that Bush senior referred to, but he, and his cronies are trying to take that shining light on the hill and destroy it!  What for, money, power, control, ruling elite, an ologarchy, self-appointed royalty, or a group like the Nazi SS, who got power, pussy and perks . . . who does that sound like . . . the secret service, off fucking prostitutes, exposing President Obama's schedule, or the CIA culture of sex, lies and video tapes, formerly directed under Gen. Petraeus, or Betray Us!


You are one female China Doll assassin, CIA assassin, FBI hit man or woman, away, from losing the voice of this blog, who has taken the oath to preserve, protect and defend, not only the U.S. Constitution, but America in the process, for if this document fails, so does the country and YOU!  Kiss the American way of life, freedom, limited as it is, your rights, are any claim to them, gone . . . botta bing, gone! We are so close, yet so far away, from them having their way with us . . . I believe we have turned a corner, and we are safer; however, three assassination attempts on my life, just yesterday, would suggest, the stakes are higher, the identity theft if getting more and more crucial, before, me, you, and America, brings them fucking down, to their knees!

We have both foreign and domestic enemies, there are infiltrators from our own government in any freedom loving organization.  The New American Magazine, put out by the John Birch Society, with the main goal of educating the American people, in constitutional law issues, and other related freedom and liberty ideas, including their Liberty Index, or rating system for the Congress--both House and Senate, is aiming to keep America, America, as are the Daughters of the American Revolution, who have a similar charter, to educate and train citizens on the U.S. Constitution . . . Birchers have been trashed since the 1950's, when this stuff was just picking up steam and speed, they trashed an organization that was very American, and painted them as the bad boys and girls . . . truthiness!

Often, that which is the true is hidden, trashed, thrashed, attacked, and bashed.  They bring in the truthiness factor, and use, abuse, and control, fighting for the minds of the people, painting half-truths, illusions of the truth, images that are more satisfying to the general public, who would rather see a Hollywood version of a hero, than the hero him or herself . . . those T & A, girls are so much more enjoyable to look at, doesn't mind that they are a shadow cruiser, a liar, a fraud, a fake, with the intent to lure you away from the truth, or the true person!  

Back from my side-bar, the New American Magazine, last I saw, at former landlord, and I would think militia/constitutional/Bundy government infiltarator, in the past issue, of the magazine, and horrifying tale, that is so, totally believable, right, and easy to do, was presented, in the wake of the Bundy Rancher v. BLM standoff . . . now, there is a book that is often read by this group of Patriots, called They Fired The First Shot . . . a book that came out in 2012, if my memory serves.  But, think, you have FBI infiltrators all over the place in these groups, I have seen them for years, within the Utah Boys of the Mountains, and other pro-America groups, working their way to group confidents, loyalties, and also an insider to whom, what, where, and with what the government needs to be aware of . . . you know, those Timothy McVeigh and Nichols, the Branch Davidians, the Sandy Ridge type guys . . . those JoAnn S. Secrists, that they read . . . so we need, an infiltrator, Rachel, as JoAnn . . . so, the writer in the article on the back page of the June, issue, I would think, an government infiltrator, picks up his gun, and the BLM and other federal agents, go to shoot him, and he pulls out his FBI badge, and flashes it at them, so they stop!

Both sides are just waiting for a show down, the militias and the government, both being fueled and funded by foreign and domestic enemies, playing the sides against each other, to achieve, a NATIONAL SUICIDE . . . they create the chaos, they fuel the powder keg, they fire the first shot, they start another civil war, weaken America . . . if they can't get us in a war oversees, then they will try one on our own soil . . . Tony Osthemieir, with the right credentials, wrong ideology, against the 9th and 10th amendments, dead give away, last told me, that there were Russian speaking convoys of troops, freely being allowed in Montana back country . . . BULL SHIT!  

He, Tony, Harvard, alleged elite, I saw through you in about two days . . . continues to think that I am stupid, and will write and alarm the Patriot movement, with his government bull shit, or try to discredit me, so little fake tit, fake teeth, flag wearing, cheap imitation of me, is preferred . . . fuck you Tony and all your Mormon fuckers, who want polygamy, and free access to female reproduction . . . and Rachel is stupid enough to let you men control her, because she is made more by being me, that she could ever, ever, be herself . . . I don't need your fucking dumb asses to be me, and ten times more than Kay, Shelley, Rachel, Sue, Tiffany, Kelly, and whoever the hell else you guys fuck and claim I am not myself, and these bitches are me!  

The Men Are As Dependent on the Women, as the Women Are The Men!  LOL!  I AM not Dependent on Anyone!

Last night, after leaving John, DJ Clark, and Anna, to go to a free dinner, provided at the church behind the Library in Kalispell, the Christian Center, and then going to a free concert at the Depot Park, I stopped on my way, at the Historic Museum, across from the Sutherland Cleaners . . . I sat at a picnic table, and watched as several friends, or alleged friends, many from Feeding the Flathead, and the community, have turned and bought the truthiness of Rachel, or Shelley, or whomever . . . they all act strange and different that previously, trying to carry on as usual; however, money, secrets, connections, being brought or bot by the in crowd, as it drawbacks, like authenticity!

I sat and looked at the Sutherland Cleaners, memories flooded my mine, of years gone by, when all the foundation of what is happening today, is being laid, formed, plotted, trained, and put in place.  Now, if any of you will remember, Keiffer Sutherland, son of actor Donald Sutherland, was the star of the TV series, 24 Hours or just 24, a show about an FBI assassin or hit man, there are women too, like my sisters, my friend, all trained in the CIA/FBI manner, to take my place, my resume, and number one, my son's band, the real money maker, God's Revolver . . . now, add Maraloka, they may have even bribed, threatened, charged him falsely, or somehow gotten my son's and daughters, to join the in crowd, but that was a very popular show, especially with my father, Richard Southwick, former spy for the OSS, in the intelligence arm, the Office of Strategic Intelligence, too bad, I was the one born during that time, with the native intelligence to pull it off, naturally without training . . . and the other Utah born and bred, disappeared for two years to train for their roles as me, and trained as gun toting assassin chicks!

Pipe Bomb Assassination Attempt Started At Rachel's House In Cove, Utah

Often, when I was going back and forth between, Montana and Utah, when I still had a car or truck, both taken, blown up, or sheriffs stole . . . I would stop in at Rachel's house, she shared with husband, Kay Mooseman, who has deep family roots up in the area, owning 11 acres of farm land, nestled up close to the beautiful mountains, in their former, cottage style home, after Rachel and Kay modified the ranch style home, Kay had built for his former wife, who divorced him . . . Rachel and Kay had dated in high school.  Now they allegedly live in an old farm home in Mendon, Utah, still Cache Valley, where Stephanie and Emily, attend Utah State University, or last I spoke to Rachel, that is where they were going, Stephanie is an art major, Em is just trying to get married!  

Her mother is a great role model, married 4 hours after her divorce to Christian Hickey . . . probably, had me move in Rachel's house, fight with Chris and Brian his attorney, as if I was Rachel, while she slipped away, leaving her children, with me . . . she married Kay, whom is shorter than Rachel, probably all to appear to be me and Jerry Owens, my former husband from Midway, Utah, who is calling me again . . . I am buried under a large dog pile of shit, lies, fabrications, and fraud.  But anyway, I used to frequently stay at Rachel and Kay's house on my way to and fro Montana for the first year or so, until my car was blown up . . . the last time I think I saw Rachel . . . 

Kyle Mooseman--JoAnn Could You Ever Kill Someone?  Day Before Pipe Bomb

Kyle and I, got close, I was close with all Rachel's children, until I kicked them out of the house in St. George for locking or changing the locks, with the help of Chris Hickey, Rachel's first husband, father of all her children, and colluding with him, who hadn't paid a dime to support, his own children, or the strays they brought with them, nor Shelley and her brood of mutts from 4 different fathers, but hey, she never got an abortion!  But Kyle would confide in me, and was at a point in his life, he would either go on a mission, join the military, just work and get married, consider college, or whatever.  So one day, Kyle and I were talking, actually, a very connect the dots day, I had written a scathing constitutional analysis for the Utah Legislature, admonishing them that funding for license plate readers or scanner, was blatantly unconstitutional . . . but worth millions to the state, in fees and fines, plus keeping the jails full!

I wrote that, I believe on a Saturday, Kyle and I talked on Sunday . . . he told me that he had been recruited by the FBI . . . really, this kid was lost, small, unimpressive . . . so, family connections, were showing through, as they had been with Jesse, Shelley's kids, who wanted to be a cop, and Matt Hickey, who also wanted to be a cop . . . new movie out, Let's Be Cops!  This is a comedy, and so would all these guys be, a comedy of errors, all involved with drugs, girls, and even stand-offs with cops!  So, anyway, out of the blue, Kyle asks me, JoAnn, could you ever kill someone?  I told him the conditions I might.  Didn't think much of it, until then next day, when Rachel, begged me to stay another day . . . directions on plans, assassination, car bomb!  

Saturday, rip the cops, Sunday, Matt and Emily came home and told me there were four black Ford Crown Victoria undercover cops cars, strategically placed around the road up to the Mooseman residence.  I decided to sneak out of town, via, the back roads to Preston, Idaho, and get out of Dodge!  Later, both Matt and Emily, said, they were just kidding, but I knew they were not, and had been coached, so I was my normal cautious self, always error on the side of safety, and told Rachel and Kay I was leaving.  Rachel begged me to stay, didn't really have a reason, and Kay usually saw my visits and cutting in on his sex time with Rachel, totally fits the sex slave, and labor woman . . . he goes to the gym and has a throbbing penis waiting for exhausted Rachel, daily, as she returns from a day battling kids, and the Levine Wedding Shop on Main Street in Logan, where Rachel, allegedly works . . . cover, probably doesn't  now that I am gone!  She has my money!

Good food and company, after being on the run for a year, almost, especially around Christmas, and New Years, which is was, dropped in Christmas morning, after leaving Kalispell, unexpectedly, in a blizzard, around Missoula, but a truly silent and holy night, alone, was enough, to get me to stay, against my better judgement, with writing on the wall, that something was up!  

Early Monday Morning, I Am Surprised to See Kyle Out Working Close to My Car, Tinkering with  His Motorcycle . . . Easy to Slip a Time Bomb, Under My Car!

I go to give Kyle, now part of my family now, a hug good-bye, which I had done in the past . . . but he seemed reluctant, stand-offish, and distant, acting involved in what he was doing.  So, I drove to Salt Lake, with nothing out of the ordinary happening, car wise . . . I stopped at Walmart, on 13th South, and about 3rd West, to get some lunch, love their $4.95 meal, or whatever now.  I was there about an hour, so, I figured, at first, someone, must have watched me go in Walmart, and figured they had time to stick the pipe bomb with point of impact, right behind my seat, the drivers seat, not in the engine, where huge plums of jet black smoke, went 200 ft in the sky, with a fire on the undercarriage, parts flying everywhere, and the car raising, it seemed 10 inches off the ground! 

I just figured something like that was going to happen, the delay in time, suggests a time bomb, to direct attention away from Logan or Cove . . . I was just about to the 13th East exit, to go visit Elliot, bass guitaritst for God's Revolver and Maraloka, at his new digs, somewhere up there, I never could find the place, but had stopped in for dinner on a few occasions and got lost, so Elliot had to come find me at the church parking lot, where I stopped, frustrated with directions and one way streets, in Sugar House!  That is even significant, Brett, who is married to Kay, a proxy for me, and I watched a show, with Burt Reynolds, called Sugar or that was a term in the movie, southern black families, and their tough lives . . . Brett, became symbolic of that name . . . they must have Kay, or someone to be me, because they stole a fucking fortune in fake God's Revolver money, touring the world, with boy band, lead by Isaac, as Elliot . . . he is as poor leading man, as Kay, or the rest of the girls are for me!  LOL!  Counter-Intelligence! 

My made for the movies, JoAnn Bond moment . . . I walked away, grabbed my purse, passers by, back up, shocked at what they had seen, gave me a ride to near by Wendy's, called, son, Elliot, who picked me up, whisked me down to Chris and Kat's, in Springville, Utah at the time, and Chris footed the bill for a ticket to Las Vegas or St. George, to get me out of town and safe . . . love my children!

Kay--Connection with West Yellowstone, Stopping Job With Mack Inn!

Here is how the game works . . . in the Spring of 2012, while on the run, after being jailed, cases stolen, and never being able to stay in a city more than about a day and a half, camping out in National Parks, different cop system . . . I decided not to keep going back and forth between Utah and Montana, and just park my ass, and my cute, Ford Ranger, 4X4, King Cab, gold and black, with $2500 worth of Big Foot tires, I got at Big O, in St. George . . . in Pocatello, Idaho, until I could make up my mind, Utah with three kids and grandkids, was still a pull at that point, but I was reading the local newspaper, and thought, how fun it would be to work at a National Park or at a Lake, since I was hired to work at Jenny's Lake, in high school, but couldn't leave my boyfriend!

I noticed an ad to work at a privately owned, Mack Inn, just 30 miles outside of West Yellowstone.  I figured I had all my clients in Utah, positioned after a month of trying, and could, actually steal away for the summer, hike, bike, work, fish, and just enjoy the outdoors.  Me and Peter, the elected sacrificial lamb, from the rich guy association, who along with 100 families, owned the Inn, and I hit it off big time.  We finally, came to an employment agreement, he introduced me to the chef, from San Antonio, Texas, and several other board or member committee.  I assured him that I was not threat, being a lawyer, and we shared political views, I told him about the Brock securities case, among others, and we found a common passion.  He was excited to teach me to fish, and sent me several emails with pictures of him in a boat, fishing!  I was thrilled, and stopped by Rachel's house, just three days before I was to go to Yellowstone, digging the hell out of the opportunity . . . only work 6 hours a day, Sundays off, tons of time to fish, hike and bike!

I got a great email from Peter Mc . . . something, telling me that I was going to be so excited, that the Constitutional Law Professor from Harvard, was going to be a guest at the Inn for 6 weeks!  I was sure that he was aware of my case, and had read it, seeing that Harvard Law Journal had written two articles, shocked at what the Utah Division of Securities had done to my clients, now stolen, Brock and Rice, Rice was the one who told me about the articles, but I never read them . . . but I couldn't wait to talk to the professor!  I told Rachel how excited I was to meet the professor . . . she showed little excitement, in fact alarm . . . she was the poster girl, for me!

Kay Makes a Surprise Trip to West Yellowstone, With Cover Steve

Out of the blue, Kay Mooseman, Rachel's husband, announces that he is going to West Yellowstone, where his parents, and former Bountiful Temple presidency, matron and patron, work, as campground hosts! Rachel acts pissed, but they had problems, and he said, he just needed to get away . . . nice timing, three days before I am to report to duty, after having an employment agreement, signed for a month!  He simply goes, for a few hours, and comes back . . . we are all shocked at the quick trip, and the fast return. Of course, they knew my phones or anyone I frequented, were also being watched . . . so a trip was necessary, to keep it off the airwaves or out of cyber space!

Either that day, or the day after, I got an email, from Peter Mickelson, stating that they were too hasting in their offering of employment, and they were afraid that I would intimidate the Kitchen staff . . . this had never come up in months of negotiation or talks!  So, as I expected, there was method to the madness of Kay's quick trip to West Yellowstone!  Kay is an outdoors man, so this was not typical, but sex might explain it, but I doubt it, Rachel and Kay were not getting along, or used that as an excuse to get away for a few days, hours?  A trip, up and back!

The Wicked Weaving of Charlotte's Web

A close knit circle of family, friends, cohorts, church members, insiders, in church, schools, governments, colleges, the legal system, all with the Mormon Connection, the entity for RICO charges, while not per se, the agent, definitely the devise, the organization, and the power, through connections, to pull this bull shit off.  All Shelley did as a child, and adult is sit and read, either books or the Internet . . . thus the connection to Charlotte's Web . . . the Internet is Shelley's playground, hacker, informer, e-filing account theft, 24/7 watcher and monitor, that was allowed by CIA, FBI, and NSA, with 70% Mormon Church backing . . . a worldwide church, and missionary force, so, amazing, but the Mormon Church, with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, is so small, and makes the world even smaller!

A very manageable feat to pull off, to control the world . . . HELL, YES!

Wake Up & Smell the Coffee!  I Don't Drink it, But Shelley Does!  Tangled Webs of Deceit, Money, Power!

Fat ass Jack, John, King Strode, Ware . . . Shelley's Kalispell, squeeze, dances over to me, with a Shelley double, out dancing, trying to blur the lines, of deceit, and asks me to dance, not long after that, a China Doll assassin, taking pictures of the war memorial in Depot Park, catches my eye . . . follows me agreesively as I jay-walk across Main Street, I feel the approach, and don't like it, right on my tracks, and gaining speed.  I step aside, as this pissed off, Oriental chick passes me, but slows down, significantly, as I stop to sit on the steps and get her far enough a head of me for my comfort!

I wait, 10 or so minutes, plenty of time, to let her get on her way, and going where she is suppose to be going . . . you do realize, all it takes is a needle with air or water to the neck, and you are dead!  Assassins have shared that trick with me, don't know her game, but she appeared to not be up to any good.  As I cut across, Walgreen's Parking Lot, on the corner of Idaho and Main, just shortly after 9:20 p.m., and cut across four lanes, of traffic, to the other side, where the old Halloween Spirits, a September/October, shop that is in the empty or up for lease building, I notice, that same Asian bitch, up there taking pictures of the half empty, marque, where Jimmy Johns Sandwich Shop, is housed, in a small strip mall, not the place even a chink would take pictures, photo nuts that they are . . . just a nothing shot, or nothing!

I forgot my charger, but, this chick didn't walk away, she turned and literally charged at me, walking as determined and fast as she could, in a game of chicken, head on . . . if she would have made on move for her purse, her pockets, I would have taken her fucking head off, with my American West brand purse, loaded with my computer, acting or doubling as a dangerous weapon . . . and smacker her fucking ugly head off!  This is the melting pot, but you, are an insect, and fucking assassins, knocking off constitutional law attorneys, who fucking HATE CHINA, AND ALL IT STANDS FOR AND THOSE WHO SUPPORT THIS ONE WORLD ORDER, WILL DIE!

I think she could tell, I was no wilting flower, no modest mouse and an assassination attempt, was out of the question, I was too aware of her . . . I would have fucking beat the living hell out of her, and I don't think she thought I wouldn't for one minute, there was no fear in my eyes, and no hesitation in my step, it was fucking, make my day bitch!

And Have a Nice One!  Suspicious Truck Parked Up The Street Some Time Later . . . Sat And Watched . . . Waited Until Safe!  Guess our boys in the FBI and CIA, just can't see this shit from cyber space, leaving me to the assassins . . . somewhat suspicious that they can find me, like a needle in the hay stack, but can't help stop a FUCKING CRIME! A MURDER!

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