Monday, July 21, 2014


Of, Course, I Run Into Two Sister Mormon Missionaries, As I Enter the Montana State Library . . . But Seriously, the Sense of Entitlement, Arrogance--Two Elders Using Computers, Reserved for Attorneys?

Now, I would have tolerance if all the computers in the other side of the building, the Montana State Library were busy; however, that is not the case, all the computers were free, without a single bit of competition and wait for the computers.  So, when I come in and find myself, flanked by two elder missionaries, totally out of place, in the law library, I get a little testy, play on Senator Tester . . . come on, all reverence for God's alleged army of 18 to 21 year olds, who are serving, so as not to be drafted, a change just at the time, the government made it mandatory for all 18 year olds, to register!  If the church, left the normal age for going on a mission, at the age 19, like it has been for as long as I have been alive, the age of a dinosaur, it would have left those squeaky clean, future FBI and CIA agents, vulnerable for a year . . . we can't have that, we will let the rest of the nations 18 year olds register, while all the Mormons get a deferral if not a total opt out due to religious service, and then when they come back with their language skills, tracking practice, and authority bidding mindset, they take over in the ranks and file of the country, America, they have little loyalty to, but step in to run!

My younger sister, Susan Southwick Schmidt and her husband, Kevin, just booked it out of the country in great haste, to Turkey, allegedly to serve a rushed mission, allegedly to get their service over before their youngest son, Stafford, returns from his mission in, I think Ballis or some economically advantageous mission, to benefit him, as did daddy's mission, landing him a PR position with a worldwide company, using he language skills in French/German, I think he served a bit in each country?  So, for all intents and purposes, allegiances, are totally for the Mormon Church, not the country . . . so, one of my main objections, amount many, and mounting daily, against Mitt Romney, is that he had 5 sons, who all, as I understand it, served missions for the LDS Church, but none, not one, served any time for their country.  Again, a man's treasure is where his heart is, and I would say, a man or woman's loyalty or fidelity, is where their time is . . .

I would check Sue and Kevin's background, and connections with Mitt Romney, closely, because Kevin was a Mormon Bishop, in Mitt's religious jurisdiction, or stake boundaries, with ties, to the point of partying on the Romney boat with the young men and women, in the Hamptons.  I would bet my soul, on the fact that Sue and Kevin, who moved to Utah, St. George to be exact, did so to be involved in the Romney campaign, along with Brock, and anti-Mormon author, Kay Burningham, making for a nice little circle of friends and family of the Southwick family, with Hank Brock being in Dick and Helen Southwick's ward, and Brock & Associates, capitalizing on my misfortune, and the Mormon, RICO crowds, fortune, running a cover-operation for campaign financing, with maps of the United States, just hammered with little yellow sticky notes, with names and people from all over the country.  And to my estimation, having been a office frequent flier visitor, noticing the before law suit, and the after . . . big difference, not only in the make up of the office, but in Hank's attire, sporting a tan and Hawaiian shirt, shorts, and absolutely no client visitors, like the office used to be bustling with, even in light of the fraud poster boy status!

Service in the Mormon Church, hides a multitude of sins, crimes and indiscretions, just like the recent appointment of former Chief Deputy, Attorney General, Reed Richards, also the Director of the Utah Sheriff's Association, with deep ties to Mark Nash, my old boss, at the Utah Prosecution Council, and also with the Attorney Generals Office, elected and staffed with Shurtleff, Swallow and Torgesen, who has been around, since before I came on board, and also one of eleven guy attorneys, with me, being the only female, in the hard core, Criminal Enforcement Division, and I sure as hell, Sim, Troy and Mary, looking into the AG scandal, for one second, dismiss, Creighton Horton, who hated me from the second, my cocky ass got hired, and I tried to encourage, county attorneys to take rape cases, that were a rarity in Cache County with Utah State University, and its wooded campus, a campus rape, just waiting to happen . . . you might also, find a friend with tons of knowledge, in the President of Snow College, former legislator, and Cache County Attorney, Scott Wyatt!

The circle of culpable persons, you will find is ever wide and deep, encompassing, and broad, with approval from many, and aiding and abetting high crimes and serious misdemeanors.  Making my blog, fodder for the Godfather, that is why I am not with John . . . see what you think, what was the explanation for what we saw on a very remote road, on the back side of Swan and Seeley Lakes.

I Am Not the Only One Who Relies on Symbolism to Get Their Message Across--Try the Sailor, the Spy, and the Tinker . . . Mafia Too, Power Stuff

I told you about my computer, that would have been much like the possessed girl in the Exorsist Movies of the 1990, that scared the hell out of even my college friends, who had to sleep at the foot of their parent's beds, after seeing the twisted head, and the green slim, being vomited all over the room, and a wretchedly demonic girl, bent and crippled, crawling on the ceiling, with a vengeful venom, that comes with evil inside, but not to be the characteristics, of demons, and the possessed alone, but with evil of any kind, like the folks I am dealing with, who murder at will, seemingly getting away with, it and no consequences and ramifications for their actions, as if the law is beneath their self-proclaimed superiority.

But in light of that computer with ever evident sign that it was possessed by a very pissed of NSA, hacker sister, Shelley, or whomever had controls, and my phone, being taken from my purse, that I didn't notice until several hours into the trip, having not used it to my recollection, but it the next abnormality, that sent a few shockwaves through me, because John didn't see it, but I only felt it fair to fully disclose, my concerns over what I had just seen. 

On the very remote, disserted, and rural, road, John and I were on, we were cautiously aware of the likelihood, of large game animals that might be crossing the road, unaware of much traffic.  But John is a safe driver, and overly cautious, because his car is his method of income.  So, if I bring up the fact that we are just entering a deer migration area, as indicated by the yellow warning signs with a leaping deer on it, and with John blasting his trippy music, and me wondering if he is even there, or is drifting off to some parallel universe, I will snap him back to reality, and caution him of impending danger . . . which is just what I saw, with him, not taking notice, which I could not see how he could miss, but I like to give people, the benefit of the doubt at all times.

Death By Misadventure . . . New Classification of Murder

John was raised hiking the Beartooth Mountain Range, on the border of Wyoming and Montana, with 28 peaks, allegedly according to John, over the 12,000 foot mark, while Glacier has peaks that only go, 10,000, with John, kind of dissing Glacier as small time stuff.  But we have been looking forward to this trip for about two months, waiting, anticipating and planning.  But, as I learned, last summer, these mountains, can be fraught with peril, and after Howard, kind of in his words, messed around and simulated pushing me over a bridge, and then took me extremely close to an old rod iron gate, type thing, that is being replaced this year, as I understand it, but I refused to get close, due to the fact that one slip of the foot, or a slight nudge, from a friend, or enemy as he started to appear, was sure death!

When I reported for training duty last summer, at the main lodge at East Glacier, I noticed the same bright orange poster, of a beautiful black siloquhete, of the forest pines . . . and the words, hauntingly stated, with great warning and meaning to me, after Howard's, alleged horse play, Dangerous Beauty!  These granite and stone beauties with all the lakes, the wild life, of grizzlies, moose, mountain goats and sheep, rams, elk, and such, can be a treacherous place, where a murder is the slip of a slight push away, as we found in the Graham, murder, of a wife of 9 days, allegedly pushing her husband of 9 days, after she blind folded him to play a game, and pushed him down a 40' cliff, to his death . . . so fucking easy to say, they just got too close to the edge . . .

The Phone Text, Minutes Before, Fresh Blood on the Road

The day before the computer went haywire, John and I got into a brief fight, but heated enough to piss me off, given what is happening in Utah, with many players, involved behind the scenes of the Attorney General scandals, and me wanting to write about what I know, being one of the few, who can provide the historical and conceptual framework for everything, from bad blood, to outright hatred within the AGs Office, leading to much of the corruption and whatnot.  But John called and made up, stating that the trip to the Bearthooth Mountains was extremely important to him, and he hoped that this incident in the morning was not going to stand in the way of the trip . . . I said, no, but I was taking my mental notes of his tone, demeanor, mood, and the undertone of what I caught him saying, shortly before, I let go and vented all over him . . . beaten by a girl! 

I asked him what he had said, and he said, it was not important.  The last time, I felt like he was setting me up, using my other two roommates, to do a sting op, on me, he came home after working the late shift at the Pizza Hut, and when he, it seemed to me, realized, I was not in jail, or gone, put his fist through the bathroom door, like I had foiled his plans, which I have many agents and bribed friends, family and clients . . . but he tried to cover it up with his anger for Jen, whom he is glad not to be with, and better off, so it always, shocks me, when he makes reference for all this pent up anger over a girl, never refers to Jen . . . but it seems directed at me.  But, before the computer misfire, I told John, that I didn't trust anyone, and when he mentioned that DJ was going with us on the trip, I just casually mentioned that I had written in my blog, where I was going, and what two friends I was with . . . DJ declined to respond to the calls to see if he was joining us, and all the sudden that night, my computer, goes to war against me . . . is that so I can't give a play by play of who is going and who is not?  A bit too coincidental for me!

Two Bath Tub Sizes of Fresh Blood on the Road . . . No Deer Carcuses!

So, my computer got back in the game, in time for me to write where I was going and with whom, but John was busy packing.  We hit the road, and John is trancelike, and I am sleepy, having been up two nights straight, writing about the attorney general story.  We get in the car without incident, and head on our way, get to probably the remotest place on the trip, so far, and all of the sudden, John gets a text, like he often does, with little response, other than to just read it and put the phone down without comment.  As I looked at the road, John was looking too, but didn't see the huge ass, two huge ass, like bathtub size full of fresh blood! 

I was totally shocked, and kind of started to tell John that I think, originally, that is God, telling us to be very careful, on this road, that there might be dangers, we don't anticipate, and what the hell could make that large pool of blood, without a trace of fur, no body of the deer, no sign of what may have been hit, just bright red, fresh blood, that I couldn't see how he could not see it . . . but maybe the music trip he was on, but he had read the phone just seconds before.  I told him, it could be a sign of elk, that would wipe out the car, or a warning with two pools of blood, that we were both at risk, and we were going to die, but the message seemed to be connected to the road . . . animals, a wreck, something.

John kept telling me he didn't want to deal with this, that it scared him, but he seemed fine, we pulled over and discussed the caution we should take to make sure we make it to our destination okay.  I told him, we also might consider that this is a mob sign of death . . . there was nothing to indicate a connection with animals at all, not on the road or the side of the road, is this the equivalent of the dead horse in the foot of the bed in the Godfather, we can't rule that out, for sure!  He is like a non-emotional guy, just saying, now, great, I have to deal with that . . . and he goes off on his standard, great, I love a girl, just a poor Christian guy, paying his bills, and just wanting the girl he loves. 

Finally, I tell him, that before we left, I documented where we were and whom I was with, and asked him if he wanted to drop me off in Helena, because this trip may not turn out the way we want.  The second I said, that I had recorded his name, stating that I don't trust anyone, and I want the cops to have a starting point, and that would be him, if I got pushed off or something . . . now, he was all about leaving me in Helena, and I was too, a relief, just don't trust him, he has given me reason to believe that he is on the other side of this, sleeping with the enemy, not me, but him, bribed, changed, and Jen too!

So, Here I Am Again, Full Circle In Helena, the Capitol

I had never been to Helena before, I actually thought of being inspired to move here, nor had I ever been to Montana.  So, the first thing I did when I got here, was, head right up to the Capitol, around the middle of March 2012, go straight to the Secretary of State's office and request a copy of the new 1972 Montana State Constitution, to see if the state was one I could respect and live in, if all worked out.  I also took a jaunt up, to look at all the murals by Charles Russell, the amazing artist, with I believe about 36 pictures of Lewis and Clark, Sacajawea, and early Montana life, and battles with the Indians.

The tour guide, told the kids, with me joining the school class, that there was not much corruption in Montana, because of the term limits . . . I piped up, and said, that is one of the reasons I am thinking about moving to Montana, is a corrupt attorney general, and it was nice to actually have one who was fighting corruption, like Governor Bullock, dealing with the Citizens United case, overturning 100 years of Montana anti-corruption laws.  But, I left the school class, and decided to take the elevator down, rather than the historic stairs, that would murder my knees, but once in the elevator, the machine locks up . . . great, my enemies just followed me, and I am already under surveillance, and here I sit . . . the building maintenance, couldn't fix the elevator, and eventually, a specialist had to come and get me out, crawling up, with the doors caught between floors!

Nice welcome . . . well, nice to be back in Helena, nice to eat at Planet Gyro, one of a few favorite Greek Restaurants, in each town, and I am heading over to the Secretary of State's Office, because I lent my Montana Constitution to someone, and I need a replacement.  I tried to get one at the law school in Missoula, but they were out, I told them, at the school, that if I got to Helena, I would have them ship a box load, the students need them, and so do I . . . so here I am, and here I go.  The Beartooth will have to wait, although I saw a kind of creepy sign at the Gyro place, a guy, who looked a lot like John, missing his hand . . . hope the mob doesn't get him, or punish him, but I would not put it passed them!

Hopefully, Montana is Breathing Easier--Mobs Can Make You Do Things You Don't Want to Do . . . But, With the AG Arrests, I Am Hoping that is Sending Corrupt Criminals of all Types a Message . . . You Are NOT Above the LAW!

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