The Lottery, The Village, The Salem Witch Trials
What do all these movies, some based on real events, have in common? A group hysteria, mass inertia to explain the unknown, or different behavior, thinking and actions, outside the group norm, or social order of the elders . . . generally with religious connections, fears, and the attempt to keep power, control, and order, using violence, fears, superstitions, vulnerabilities, stereotypes, discrimination, and the terror of outsider influence on the minds, hearts, and souls of their alleged charges, or responsibilities, or their perceived social mores, values, and beliefs. Even the movie, Footloose, exemplifies, this type group think, that dancing will destroy the social order of the town, that it is against religious beliefs, Biblical recommendations and sanctions . . . and generally, when challenged, examined, and looked at critically, there was no foundation for the forced power, control, and abuse . . .
Power, control and abuse of power, are the key elements, to this type of mass valued system of, I would say, unrighteous dominion, over people, who are born to be free, and have jurisdiction or power, responsibility over their own lives, minds, hearts, families, circle of influence. In the movie, The Lottery, there is a young man from the city, who has a father that is dying, and his father's death bed request is to have his cremated remains, sprinkled over the grave of his mother, who's life was ended in a very tragic, and violent end . . . but his father was considered a man of tall tales . . . when in reality, it was he, who was telling the truth, and the town the violent end of his young wife's life, the method, manner, and reason, was covered up, with the whole town participating!
Forced to Relive the Terror of His Mother's Death
The young man is forced to experience the terror, the horror, and the violence, that has become part of the town's tradition, religion and rituals, allegedly promoting prosperity, through sacrifice, the human sacrifice of one person each year, in a lottery, with all the names of the families in the community, thrown into a hat, with on piece of paper, containing a black check, indicating that family was the sacrificial lamb for the community, then all the members of that family came to the platform, and had to draw papers a second time, to determine, with family member if the one who would then be stoned by the whole town's population, kids and all . . . as a necessary evil!
People Who Will Not Conform--CRAZY!
The young guy, who had been forced to see this tragedy, was shocked beyond belief, and refused to pick up a stone and throw it at, none other than a local girl's mother, who was the unfortunate person to get the black check on her paper, but who, bravely went to her death, believing this was to be considered an honor to do this for the rest of the community. Even the girl, had to pick up a rock, some very large, and throw it at her own mother! Most of the town members, stoned the victim, with much energy, hatred, fury, anger, acting as if, this woman, contained all the sins, secrets, violations, atrocities for the whole township . . . there is another, historically, that already did that for us, one Jesus Christ! Somehow, he gets lost in translation of most religious communities, allegedly of faith!
This terrified new comer, is chased, and eventually escapes, the furious elders, and law enforcement, and actually turns himself in to the authorities, back in the city, hoping he can go back and help clear up and fix the traditions of this misguided community; however, the law enforcement officers, who go with him, are sceptical, due to the fact, that the entire town, outright lies to the officers, and talks about the strange young man, his issues, his crazy father, who tried to protect his mother from the stoning . . . but that never comes out, because they are hiding their sick culture, under authority of a badge, a mayor's position, and even the young woman, who had fallen in love with the young man, lying to the officers, as her father holds her hand, the daughter of a doctor . . .
Lies, Lies, Lies, Cover-Up, Cover-Up, Cover-Up
With no help, the young man, is seen, standing in a mental health facility, with a doctor, walking in and beginning therapy sessions . . . by analogous comparison . . . that is exactly, what happened in my case--envy, jealousy, fear, loss of control, new ideas, challenged the old school thinking, upset the elders of the Mormon Church, Republican law enforcement, if not all law enforcement with prior hatred toward me for enforcing the law against them, or suing for constitutional violations, the law in Utah, the courts, and my own family . . . a storm just rolled in, thunder and lightning, evidencing God's anger at this type of group stupidity, that takes away from the entire mission of his only begotten Son . . . like Zeus, sitting on his throne on Mount Olympus, enraged, and throwing lightning bolts, torrential rain, and roaring with venom, as thunder roars from the skies . . . too many souls have been lost to fucked up GROUP THINK!
Often, over the years, since I was poisoned, and suppose to die, when I first became a victim of this group hysteria, mass inertia, and mind control of the community, with me being a threat at the very core of a state value system, God, would send me signs, often used symbols in Biblical times, so don't get all, I told you, she was crazy, but a truck just went by for the second time, and has in the past a key times, of introspection and direction, divine inspiration, to give me peace, understanding and an indication of what I am up against . . . a truck, a Sysco truck, with the statement above the light blue word, says . . . Good things come from Sysco.
Just in case you, can't get the phonetic connection, Sysco . . . or sis co or sister's company, even this blog, through instantaneous scanning to a different IP number, with substitution so fast, it would blow your mind, and make this blog, that I am typing, right here, a the McDonald's, on Idaho Street, on the west side of Kalispell, Montana, at 8:51 a.m., will appear to be coming from her computer . . . I am using a little acer, Chrome, computer, I bought, right here in Kalispell, at Walmart, last fall, in September, when both emails were shut down, frozen for stolen . . . they take credit for the good things, or the blogs they like, steal the hits, steal the money, take the credit for writing . . . is this what you call good?
Money, Money, Money, Money--Show Me the Money, I Will Show You the Motive--Make Them All Guilty of Taking Money!
Yes, grants, bribes, new vehicles, homes, travel vehicles, charges dismissed, community events, honor and award ceremonies, campaign donations, Boy Scout camps, gifts to schools, churches, scholarships, and all these wonderful things that money can buy, be laundered through, make a whole town remain silent in the wake of an investigation, participate in a cover-up, even with broad and general approval of their religious and political bent . . . but it is all, my fucking money, or my son's band, God's Revolver, money . . . no matter how warm and fuzzy this feels to you, it is not, their money! It is tainted, dirty, corrupt, blood money, and hopefully, the acquisition of the money, and distribution, and disbursement, doesn't, somehow, cleanse this for you? And if it does, I pray for your soul!
Truck just went by, Valley Linen . . . or phonetic translation, Valley Lying, close enough! I am the one and only, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., Louisell Intern, with Chicago, Americans United for Life, the attorney, the former assistant attorney general . . . junk truck just went by, God as my Intel man, can't beat, with wooden frames, and the word, spray painted on Lys or lies, thanks, Intel man, constant connection and explanation, back to where I was . . . staff attorney for the Utah Division of Aging, former general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, former professor of family law and argumentation and research, trial attorney, both civil and criminal, member of the United States Supreme Court Bar . . . there is a gas station or store in Lakeside, I think, or one of those little towns on the Flathead Lake, and on the side of the building, it says, Joe Blogz! That may be where Shelley, is hanging out, and even bought the building, specifically, to put that on the side, making you think, she is actually, me, because, I blog, she steals, the blog! Patterns, patterns, patterns!
Mitt, Mormons, Men In Black, Mafia--That is the Way We Roll!
Shelley and crew, may have obtained a certificate with my name, they stole all evidence of my special 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, certificate, with American Eagle, with lightning, colored--if I remember, red matting, with an expensive, $200 light oak frame, taken along with all family pictures, most that can't be replace--model for plastic surgery for Kay? Put in another house, the alleged me, when they orchestrated the theft of my house, the day before I was to fly to Denver to argue the Brock case . . . but, somehow, nobody can figure out the cause and affect of that theft! LOL! I was to argue, May 9, 2011, May 8, 2011 to fly to Denver . . . I am sure that flight record is still there, meeting Hank, at 6 pm for dinner, he did a no show . . . not like him! Bribed the night before, oral arguments cancelled! May 7th, 2011, Shelley told me, it was all gone . . . what was gone . . . the house, it is all gone, what? Shelley, said, I think they thought, I was you! Foreshadowing of the future?
I went straight to the house, to find three Washington County Constables, or Deputy Sheriffs, blocking my entrance into my house . . . directions of the boys up north? We have seized this house, really, on what grounds, just orders! My legal briefs were gone, law practice, furniture, clothing, make-up, everything! I had only what was on my back, but I still went . . . I am sure that was not the reaction they expected from this tougher than nails, cowgirl! Government attorneys, who knew the plan, no show, Hank no dinner the night before, Rice and Hank, not surprised, but did fake it enough for me to see the email to the judges, cancelling oral arguments! FBI call!
I went straight to the house, to find three Washington County Constables, or Deputy Sheriffs, blocking my entrance into my house . . . directions of the boys up north? We have seized this house, really, on what grounds, just orders! My legal briefs were gone, law practice, furniture, clothing, make-up, everything! I had only what was on my back, but I still went . . . I am sure that was not the reaction they expected from this tougher than nails, cowgirl! Government attorneys, who knew the plan, no show, Hank no dinner the night before, Rice and Hank, not surprised, but did fake it enough for me to see the email to the judges, cancelling oral arguments! FBI call!
Hank & Jay Lost Interest--I Carried Case to U.S. Supremes! Judge Michael G. Westfall, Judge John Walton, my Three Children, Have Copies, Clients Took Pictures of the Truck I Drove to DC, with ME, Holding My Certificate! Perjury, Anyone?
In fact, I know they got a copy, because I intercepted the real one, the first one to me, I had to cancel the replacement, after the U.S. Supreme Court Clerks, accidentally, my ass, sent me one for John S . . ., a logical explanation, for me ordering another one, for them or me, but I actually, saw the real one, intended to be intercepted by Sysco, riding on my license and laurels, because it was too big to fit in my mail box at the Parowan Post Office, I saw it on the floor of the lobby, and had them, who knew me, not Shelley, hand it over, without questions . . . of course Frank, aka, Allan Rex Bess, was playing PO box games, to get it . . . they may have pictures taken in the chambers, because they showed up for the steal, while Brock and company, on their side by this time, or in retrospect, always were . . . just couldn't figure out, how to get me money, in Kansas, leaving me stranded with Dorothy, Toto, the Lion, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man, until 3 to 5 hours, later, before they could figure out, how to wire me money! This is a fucking financial planner, who can't figure out how to get me money . . . MTS or Mitt's truck just went by . . . this was a planned operation from the start, they brought me in, because they knew I could win . . . they just didn't inform me, they were going to steal the win for Mitt!
This was their fucking case! You would think they might have a vested interest in getting their attorney sworn in . . . they did, they had just SWAPPED ATTORNEYS, BUT DIDN'T TELL ME, AND TRIED TO STALL, SO THE FAKE COULD CATCH UP! And they made their attorney, who knew they already took a bribe, was being used to detain me, because I didn't give anyone any warning, that I was leaving . . . Ms. Hope Carlton Levin, whom I stopped in Grand Junction, to collect money, to pay my own way back, called Frank, Interpol, aka, my alleged husband, the deceased, even at the time, Allan Rex Bess . . . just one of those murders to cover the heist of $357 million . . . not chicken feed!
Patriots Don't Take Holidays--Fooled You!
THE HACKERS JUST GOT INTO MY BLOG . . . THEY MUST HAVE FIGURED OUT ANOTHER INROAD TO STEAL! I will admit, they are tenacious, determined, and motivated . . . there is a lot at stake, like billions, prison for them, and the whole valley exposed! I am sure they promised, Sue, another sister, who is now trying to get in on the legislative side of things, you see it is a sisters' act . . . 5 against 1, the real one . . . an a father, protecting his favorites, and I have never been one, nor do I desire to have a total, fucking crook, admire me . . . my honesty eviscerates him! Or cuts him to the core . . . he wanted to be an attorney, never did, the daughter he hated the most became on, and then actually saved his whole profession of CPA, financial planners, and securities dealers . . . poetic justice he just could not stand!
I was the only one smart enough to do the case; however, I was the last one, he wanted getting the credit . . . it has been war since I was three years old, when he put me over his knees, and beat the hell out of me, and couldn't make me cry! LOL, never did, daddy-O! He created the authority hating daughter, through that incident, and never could recreate it with his more mailable daughters, the ones who come to him, seeking his wise counsel, cry on his fatherly shoulders, and will do his bidding, this gal never did, never needed to, and cut her own path in life, better than he could, and better than his favorites!
- where this was cut off, doesn't hurt Shelley, Rachel, Kay, Sue, Tiffany, Brett, Jack, John, Tony, Richard and Helen Southwick . . . hard to remember two hours worth of stuff, but here we go, bullet version . . . they are fine, just mistakenly, or sign from God, typed, find . . . what was once on the Internet is always on the web . . . LOL! Digging their own graves, stealing this stuff!
- Henry S. Brock and Jay Rice, plaintiffs on securities case . . . blocked me, stalled me getting to Washington, D.C., and when I made it anyway, they tried to stop me getting the original certificate . . . Judge Michael G. Westfall and Judge John Walton, both got copies, more as an in your face fuckers . . . type delivery, guess they can risk perjury charges! LOL! Three of my four children got copies of the certificate, plus, I surprised Nicole, by dropping in the Sunday before, I was sworn in at the United States Supreme Court . . . she even dropped off a copy of a letter I wrote to Justice Antonia Scalia, member of the High Court, telling him of the fraud on the court! I was afraid it would be intercepted! I told about the trip back, where only one side of the freeway, the one going to D.C. experienced an ice storm, Nicole had warned me about, and the other side, magically, was still going 75 mph! Figure that one out! Roads to DC closed, they were hoping long enough to stop me, and allow, fake JoAnn to beat me to DC, to take my place . . . Brock's office, financial planners, nonetheless, just couldn't figure out, how to wire money to me, while I waited for a Moneygram at Walmart, in Kansas, somewhere between January 18, when I filed briefs, with ID, both driver's licenses and bar card, picture ID, that has been since stolen . . . and after filing, in person, took off to Washington, D.C., at a break neck pace, because, I knew damn well, the element of surprise, was the only way I could beat them to the punch, and stop the theft of the case, with deals already cut, but the glory, continued!
- I was sent a decoy U.S. Supreme Court certificate . . . John S . . . to make me think that they just fucked up. But I actually, saw the original, Frank, of Interpol or Shelley, were intending to intercept, after playing, enter the general population mail, leaving me the P.O. box, that the Bess family had since, a forever . . . I did get a bigger one, after I got the certificate, which I am sure they were able to get another one from DC . . . but I cancelled the order for another one!
- The entire Southwick family is into Disneyland, Disney World, Epcot Center, Actors, Drama, Fantasy, Fraud . . . Rachel, aka, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., even purchased a season pass one year! Brett loves Half Moon Bay, where Kay lived, my first clue, that there was something behind the scenes, that is where Kay lived with David Buttars, her second husband, and the father of Danny, her fat boy son, Brett's son is a fat boy, Rachel's boys are fat boys, Sue's, Shelley's . . . all have fat boys . . . mine are thin, Phat Boys, or Cool Boys . . . . I don't need fantasy children! Reality is better than ever thought, and they have just begun . . . my two daughters, are Phat thin girls, or cooler than hell . . . Rachel's are Bratz! I wouldn't claim the either!
- My children prefer reality, they preferred San Francisco over Disneyland, on a family vacation, fueled by mother's graduation from Weber State College, in Ogden Utah, 1986!
- My kids cruised the streets of Chicago, alone, when I flew, not got free trips, like a fucking flight attendant would for her brat children, while mother, a Louisell Intern, for Americans United for Life, worked days, and trusted her fine children to tend to themselves, hooking up for weekends and nights . . . Rachel, pregnant with fat boy, Matt . . . with baby, Stephanie in tow, hooked up with us, at my studio apartment, in downtown, Chi-town, Rach lived in the suburbs, careers that fit, and kids that fit, but apartments that fit . . . I wanted to work in a big city, to see what that life was like . . . Rachel was already there, in the summer of 1992! Shaumberg or Shumberg?
- truthiness . . . thin parents have thin children, fat parents, who used to be thin, until the government poisoned me, get my family pictures back from Frank, Kay, Brett, Shelley, Rachel, Sue, or whomever . . . compare me, before and after the government or Southwick family poisoned me! Thin, raised my children very healthy . . . Rachel and Chris Hickey, had a garage full of McDonald's kids toys, having raised their children on fast food!
- truthiness . . . the Louisell Intern for Americans United for Life, couldn't have had an abortion, must be a Republican, must have done the presentation to the Federation of Republican Women, a statewide training for the leaders of women throughout the state, in honor and originally, September 17, 2012, on Constitution Day, maybe Rachel, gave that speech, because, Shirley Herron, changed the date, to September 27, 2012, perhaps, after the fraud squad realized I had already accepted, so they filmed Rachel, called her me, and then had me come on the later date . . . but I am fucking sure the ladies, or liars, knew the difference! LOL! When the alpha woman and true constitutional law attorney, regardless of wearing broken glasses, homeless, and having the same clothes on she slept in the night before, in this coiffed crowd, with their nice, red, white and blue attire . . . which are the trappings Rachel would wear, and I don't need to wear, hard to cover knowledge, and a suit doesn't make an attorney! All the ladies bowed their heads, when I said, now is the participatory side of this presentation . . . I don't do stupid, Rachel is as Rachel does, and so do these woman! Mitt's gals . . . horrified, when I taught them what the real constitution teaches, what the abortion ruling implies . . . Not Republican, not Mitt!
- truthiness . . . once a Republican, always a Republican, Rachel's claim to political fame, is being asked by United Airlines to represent them at the Bush campaign fund raiser, this constitutional law attorney, is neutral, doesn't buy either party, fits or doesn't fit in either, can cross dress, according to issues, can support the Prez. one day, and oppose the next, according to the issue and the President's stance . . . loyal to the Constitution, not the man! Hate Bush for his attitude toward the Constitution, the rights of the people . . . stop throwing that piece of paper in my face! Stop arresting me, with your void as a matter of law, unconstitutional Patriot Act, Sir!
- truthiness . . . stupid women in suits that look like attorney attire, are attorneys, and smart women, looking like a homeless woman, are not attorneys! Buck up buckaroos!
- truthiness . . . mothers with three red headed daughters, must be the mother of my red haired son, Elliot, bass guitarist, extraodinaire . . .
- truthiness . . . Sue, has 4, probably after his mission, Stafford, her youngest, children, who attended Brigham Young University, therefore, it is she, who must have gone to J. Reuben Clark, Law School, at BYU . . . I would imagine, the CIA, FBI, NSA, BYU, law school, if you can call it that, was bought, paid and changed my picture, that hung in the hall, all the while I attended, doctored, I am sure . . . that little law abiding, NOT, law school, run by the Mormon Church
- truthiness . . . none of my children attended BYU; therefore, mom could not have graduated from BYU law! While I was in St. George, Utah, before I was practicing law again, just needed to re-activate, my license, that daddy Southwick went ape shit, when I got it reactivated, you would think happy, but, not for the daughter, who you hate! Screamed at me, causing difficulties for the thieves, huh, daddy and mommy dearest! There are 8 children's pictures hanging on my parents, wall, just outside their bedroom door, in the hall . . . truth, my mother could not get me to sit, untamed by nature, for a photo, like the other Southwick children, who followed orders, and posed for a photo shoot . . . mom, got a picture with me, out tubing with my kids on a winter day, snow capped mountains, blue sky in the back ground . . . sound's like the soul of a moccasin! Someone who might chose to live in MONTANA! THE MOUNTAINS!
- truthiness . . . children, with no foundation to prove a free spirit, who decide, to imitate, the free spirited, fun loving, adventure loving, risk taker, attorney, are in fact, the risk taker, who raises risk taking children, like daughters who actually join the military and travel the world!
- truthiness . . . mothers or women, who look older, are older! Women who dig jewelry, must have the money, such as an attorney, to buy jewelry, or as a symbol of success . . . no, Rachel, Marcie, Sue, Shelley, always had a penchant for jewels, to give the appearance of wealth, real or desired, diamond stud earrings, Zirconium will due! When in reality, the real attorney, Ms. Natural herself, hated even wearing her wedding ring, that was a diamond, lost it in the first year . . . always got gold bands, usually under $200, the classic, traditional sign of a commitment! Hated the first diamond, I am very practical . . . scratched my dishes, when washing them, and made runs in my nylon stocking when I used to wear them or care to wear dresses at all!
- truthiness . . . all successful attorneys, show off their wealth, or care about wealth, more than their clients, or the win . . . the truly great attorneys, I know, that actually care about issues, rights, the fight, are more concerned, always, about the win, their clients, the issues, being on the right side of an issue, regardless of whether or not, they get paid! And usually, the wealth follows, and they don't give a rat's ass what they look like . . . I don't need all the trappings of an attorney, the second I open my mouth, the attorney, comes out! You may not like what I have to say, other attorneys, judges, usually don't, because in a classic, truthiness . . . the best attorneys always win . . . they do, but only if the judge, follows the law, regardless of whether he or she likes you or not!
- truthiness . . . patriotic people will wear flags, tomorrow, show up for the parade, wave a flag during it, have a BBQ, and go to the fireworks after . . . truth . . . real patriots, live, eat, sleep, and sacrifice daily . . . for what Independence Day stands for!
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