Sunday, July 20, 2014


While I Was Keeping the Home Fries Burning, the 30,000 Spies at the NSA in Utah Were Frying My Computer

There is a Chinese Proverb, that goes something like this: the petty thief, will spend a lifetime in prison, and the totally corrupt will end up the heads of state.  Ever since the two ex attorney generals got arrested last Tuesday in Utah, being charged with various crime of corruption, like taking paid vacations, gifts, bribes, witness and evidence tampering, and I would ad, crime that are usually attributed to public office holders, that of misfeasance and malfeasance in office, and for me personally, attempted homicide, property theft, fraud, corruption, influencing the courts, and the bar association, intimidating, threatening, harassment, and a few other unmentionables.

I have been associated with the Utah Attorney Generals Office, for twenty years now, in one form or another, either working for them, killing their legislation, testifying in the legislature for them, naming persons, attorneys and investigators working with them as defendants in lawsuits, going against law enforcement working in conjunction with assistant attorney generals, working with associations, corporations and entities, with close ties to them, being both friend and foe.  

So, there could be some speculation, that there have been entries, facts, discoveries, and disclosures, or revelations, that may have appeared in my blog, knowing that many prosecutors, cops, government personnel, news media, FBI, CIA, and NSA, who might be reading this blog.  This blog has been my means of communications, that have a times, backed off potential hits, revealed organizations that have political agendas, that may have been attacked by me, defended as unpopular positions, in depth explanations, that have both thrilled and angered many . . . and of that I am proud!

I Am Not Affiliated With Any Political Party, Owe Nothing to Anyone, No One Dictates, Influences, or Controls, What I Write, When, About Whom, and Under What Conditions . . . I Call My Own Shots!

Just last night, I went to the movie, Persecuted, having no idea what the movie was about, it sounded like my kind of movie . . . not only was it my kind of movie, but it appeared to be written as a movies script that was taken from stories I had told from my blog!  The main character in the show is a popular preacher, that is born again, coming from a life of hard knocks, and a difficult past.  While I did not have many vices growing up, and had a relatively nice life, protected, revered and love, for much of my life, that all changed the day, I was to argue the Brock securities case, for $357M, in front of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver, May 9, 2011, with signs of local, state, and national interference in this case, that had caused much interest, publicity, and attention, from a week after we filed the amended complaint against the governor, the attorney general, the director of the Department of Securities, Division of Securities, and attorneys, and investigators, having operated, extra-constitutionally, exacting punishment, favoritism, bribes, cronyism, political favors, completely void of all semblance of anything remotely connected to perimeters and controls outlined by constitutional, criminal, civil, administrative or securities law . . . and animal of a different kind!

The Challenge of Making Money, Is Hanging Onto It, Once You Get It

My rise in trial law history, was abrupt, sudden, and unexpected, and did not go unnoticed by opposing counsel, clients former counsel, and attorneys, representing financial planners and securities advisers nationwide, with the New York Times, article, entitled, NO BIG LOVE IN UTAH . . . a play on the popular TV show about a man, with 4 wives, practicing polygamy, plus the fact that I had been a former assistant attorney general, who was personally acquainted with several of the defendants, and had even approached them as friends, prior to filing the shockingly sizable monetary damages, with most of that coming from the fact that the government had used both of my clients, as the fraud poster boys of Utah, without either of them being any more than accused of wrong doing, but not convicted, with postings respectively from 4 to 8 years.

Under the Digital Millennium Act, a little known piece of legislation, with charges for Internet crimes, for fines for damages, from $2500 per day, to $25,000 per hit, that I learned about from a computer wiz, who taught at the computer lab, at Dixie State College or University, where I was hanging out, after my recovery from PIX disease, having not touched a computer for almost 10 years, so I could get instructions and aid, as I reentered the technological age I had never been much good at, barely functional prioCreatr to, getting the alleged, terminal brain disease, that was in reality, a man-made, imitation of a rare terminal illness, the first attempt to kill me, or render me dysfunctional enough to either take me out of commission, or permanately be considered disabled, if not dead . . . now all of this, both back in 2000, when I believe I was poisoned, to keep me out of the Utah Attorney General's race, and to punish me for taking out 9 investigators and attorneys in the newly created, Medical Fraud Units, going after up coding of government billing practices by physicians, as general counsel of the Utah Medical Association, at the time, to the securities incidents, and right up to this second, the threats coming in from sources, anywhere from my computer, to client and friends, facebook pages, is directly related to deep connections from past AG, and currently arrested and charged, attorney generals.

I guess you could say, I am the woman who knows too much!  Much like my former client(s), who told me about things like my emails being routed to Homeland Security and the Department of Justice, before going to the client, with the email, salutation being from me, but the contact or origination according the the information of who sent the communications, came from a Sara Lilly, a case worker on the Home Town Hero, case of the $350,000 one time insurance recovery for cops and firefighters killed in the line of duty, after 9/11, with my client being denied for 6 years, to me threatening the DHS and DOJ, with a monster wrongful death suit, for failure to pay, a man who was doing both corrections, firefighting and recognized for doing both, with the federal government sending this man, into a wilderness type situation, watching 10 hard-core individuals from the prison, without a weapon or firearm, and the threat of going after them for negligence . . . not only was all the evidence stolen out of my office, but the guy, a potential client, the one who informed me of the re-directed emails, died in a symbolic death, mirroring the alleged way the home town hero died!

Creator of Browning Fire Arms--Exhausting Protecting Wealth!

I remember going on a field trip with one of my kids, school classes, in Ogden, at Polk Elementary School, being invited to the personal home of one of the Browning family heirs, who lived up on the benches in Ogden, behind rod iron gates, and if I remember, had a security guard on the premises at all times.  I remember talking to the owner of the home, and a business worth a fortune, as I said, something to the effect, how does it feel to be this wealthy?  He basically, off the record, told me that it sucked . . . that you constantly had to worry about it getting stolen, or robbed, his collections of guns, and other valuables, or being sued, or just getting in an accident by a person, who wanted to go for the deep pockets, to get money.

Thirty years later, I didn't even ever get to experience the wealth, I won, on the case, but had it stolen, right out from under my nose, with the participation for my own team, who once we filed the winning brief, and the government knew they were toast, went behind my back, not only cut a deal, with the AG's office, but brought in another Joann S. Secrist, as opposed to the real name, JoAnn S. Secrist, with just a minor change to my name, a small "a", rather than the large "A" associated with my name on my birth certificate.  Who in their right mind, would ever, ever, anticipate, your own clients fucking you over?  And as I have morphed into other cases, and now a very, even the most successful, financial endeavor, if I were to want to get money for it, rather than keeping free of outside influences, that might pressure me to write something I disagree with, the vultures are right on me, as we speak, with my computer being shut down for the last day or so, and new blog expansion tools, and the hackers, even more on it . . . all over it, waiting with bated breath for the steal, it almost doesn't pay to even try, other than I am not in it for the money, but for empowering the people, with knowledge, that is POWER!

The NSA or Mitt's Computer Dudes, Are On Me, Like Flies on Shit

Boy, the computer crew, either government or private . . . because in Utah, they are one and the same, with not separation of church and state, you know that pesky first amendment, that prohibits the Mormon Church from completely controlling everything, especially with me fighting to make sure they don't, but, many interesting things were added to my blog and computer, that were not there a day and a half ago, like a weather and TV channel . . . so, someone much more computer savvy than myself, added them while they took over my computer, after going psychedelic, crazy, colorful strips, lines, going in circles, reminding me a lot of the good old days, when you would fall asleep in front of the TV, until the 3 free public channels, before cable TV, when at about 2 a.m., you would get this funky looking colorful pictures, like a screen saver, with varied strips, and a rainbow of colors, or if you really stayed up late, you would get black and white fuzz . . . my screen saver, looked like I would imagine a brain looks, when someone on drugs is having a trip, xperiencing your brain on drugs!

So, someone, has had access to fuck with my computer, while I had no access . . . hhhhhhmmmmmm, now who could have access?  Maybe the 30,000 new NSA spies, parking their asses, just over the point of the mountain in Lehi, with the greater majority, being devoted Mormons, pissed as hell that I would take over The Mormon Clubhouse . . . up to and including President Monson!  There are no sacred cows in this world, no one who doesn't have a price, can't succumb to temptation, charm, power, or a Mormon president, and a one world order, with a Mormon agenda, blending very nicely with the one world bankers, and former presidents of the U.S.A., and maybe even the current one?

Mormons Do Have A Plan to Take Over the World . . . and Like the Man in the movie, Persecuted, I am just in the way!

I am heading up to the Beartooth Mountains . . . I am not suicidal, I don't drink, use drugs, nor smoke, there is not reason that I would fall, or do anything to hurt myself, and I am telling you, that I am going with John Bagby, so if anything happens to me, he would be the first person to contact, and find out what is going on . . . I have spoken to all four of my children, Greta, Nicole, Chris and Elliot, bass guitarist for God's Revolver, the seed money for this whole fucking, Utah, dip shit plan, and also my cases. I am blond, heavy set, but with a great face, I am wearing black, from head to foot, I have several teeth missing, due to never knowing if I am going to be alive or dead, usually, can't stay in one place . . . here is a quote by Bob Marley, I just heard and thought you might like, because, John is waiting to go:

Who are you to judge the life I live; I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be . . . but before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean!

Follow your brain, the heart is dumb as shit!

P.S., I will back blogging by Friday . . . have a great week!

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