Thursday, October 30, 2014


Sittin' Here in Playland

You see, NSA, FBI, CIA, rogue agents, wild cats, and such, this is all fun and games to me.  LOL!  Generally, when I write a raunchy blog, knowing the locals, political block, cops, single party, favoring a not so popular party, or candidate, that I think . . . I think, therefore, I am . . . I stole that saying from, I believe, the philosopher, Descarte, but I know for a few days, there is going to be some backlash, increased surveillance, an up tick in police presence, roommates, who, just might be undercover cops themselves, or are being paid to set me up, rat me out, mark my comings and goings, all start to add up to a sting op is about to land on my ass, with dyer consequences.  And since I am a fun loving, pleasure seeker, an unexpected trip to a federal prison camp, or FEMA camp, jail, or being taken out in the woods, to disappear forever, is just not on my agenda for, what I would consider a fun day.  Therefore, all precautions, need to be adhered to, always to error on the side of safety, I will go to great extent, to protect myself, from unjust outcomes, to exercising my 1st amend rights of freedom of speech, freedom of association, hanging with Democrats will get you killed in this part of the country, or taking every opportunity to redress grievances to my government . . . 

Knowing fucking well, there will be consequences, not so pleasant, in the past, therefore, aversion therapy, has worked for me, a warrantless arrest, being striped searched, held for a day in jail, then transported, after another search--I am the goddamn attorney, on a civil divorce case, not a defendant in a drug case . . . taken to the far reaches of the state, in shackles and chains, including a metal bar, across my lap, as I am transported several hundred miles, to a jail, with about 7 deputy sheriffs, leaving me handcuffed in a cell, rifles all in plan view, not the normal side arm or holster arm, but rifles, as I demand a warrant, and each man or woman, in attendance, signature on the warrant, that is coming to me, a day and a half after the arrest, looking more like some first year law student took a crack at the less than legal looking document, with the deputies, actually writing me up as harassing them on the transport, to a secret jail, in the nether lands, with both jails lying as to my arrest and my whereabouts . . . then being locked in a cell for 9 days of solitary confinement, 23 or 24 hours, with the judge violating not only almost every constitutional right, but up to 30 due process and equal protection based laws, not to mention, civil and criminal proceeds . . . so, yeah, I have some aversion to this type of treatment!

And all of that comes, after paying the judge's extortion fee of $500, for his constitutionally bull shit mistake, with this just evidence of a power tripping judge, who, is even on the civil procedure committee, even used to head it, at the Office of the Administration of the Courts, judicial council, not having a clue, that procedurally, once I have exhausted all trial court remedies, and appeal, his patently prejudicial rulings and orders, he know longer has jurisdiction or power to drag my sorry, attorney, ass back into his jurisdiction, to beat the hell out of me, which he ended up doing, in violation of a ton of rights, in total violation of the LAW . . . the law is the law, is the law, even for fucked up and stupidly arrogant asshole judges!  United States Constitution, Article III, judges are only to be retained or on the bench, in good behavior, don't think this judge ought to be a judge, nor an attorney!  Biased as hell against my Playboy Bunny, centerfold, client, who was ordered to pay, a half a million dollars, for her cheating husband's 3 Jewish attorneys, who charged more per hour than the 5 she had representing her, until, this attorney, took over, trying to even the score, only making her pay, $500 per month, after a $5,000 retainer, knowing she got fucked in the first place!

Note: of course, when all else fails, like me getting up earlier than the NSA or their hackers, and I get on MY blog, they always first, turn off the spell check to get me to allow them access, by clicking some, lame ass, text box!  So bare with me!  Did I spell bear right?  LOL, that one always gets me, and even spell check can't save me from that one, because they are both spelled right! Ha!

Colorful Tubes, Slides, Baby Stairs, and Look Out Points

Yes, this would describe my trip to Shelby.  Okay, so on Tuesday, I had not intentions of going to Shelby, but, as fate would have it, when I opened my little acer computer, that I have in my American West cowgirl purse, at all times, I happened to be, somewhat taken back, by a copy of the shuttle schedule for the great, Golden West Transit, the free shuttle service, that has saved this sorry ass on way more than one occasion, since, I discovered it about a year and a half ago, and love it dearly to this day, but, their brochure, colorful as it is, has about 6 brightly colored, routes, that take you about 200 miles, on a straight shot, from Kalispell to Great Falls, point A to the final destination, unless you decide to get off at East Glacier or somewhere along the way, with one of the most magnificent trips, through the Crown Jewel of the Continent, Glacier National Park, decked and adorned with all the late fall splendor, early snow capped, majestic mountains, golden tamarack trees, mixed in pines, rivers, rocks, grandeur, beyond description . . . and you get to just sit back and enjoy the ride, absolutely AMAZING!  To say the least . . . awe inspiring!

Me, the dude from New York, who is living the life, just like me, with both of us sharing tales of travel, talking politics, and informing of travels passed . . . with the bus driver, listening intently, and a group of Indians, who travel this route, more often than I do, but tuning in to the conversation, after picking up nature boy, New York style, in East Glacier, who hitched a ride, just for the day, leaving a sun-up and getting back at sun-set.  

Now, these drivers, know, my general story, but they don't quite get it, that when I say, I have been on the run for 3 years, since the day, I was sworn into the U.S. Supreme Court, that it is government shit that is driving the great escapes, as this one was today; therefore, I thought, at the trailing started, right after dinner at Kow Loons, a Chinese Restaurant, okay, if any good guys from any of these agencies, who have been chasing me for 3 years, cares, to check, to validate that, it is actually me, name JoAnn S. Secrist, on the card, expires 2/16, dinner and tip, $12.00, can trace the string of cards, back to 2009 or so, when I first got one, several card changes, as they have been stolen over the years, but traceable to me . . . the same gal who used her Walmart Money card to pay for the dinner, you can start going after, Shelley, who is not me, but would like to be . . . or right now, you could, get one of your lazy ass FBI agents, who is suppose to stop crimes like this, or one of your secret service guys over Internet crimes and get his ass out of bed, and come play with me, or at least check me out, writing this blog, in PLAYLAND, Idaho St, Kalipsell!  But, hell, that would be to fucking easy . . . they all prefer, heels over head, therefore, they are part of the problem, when this head over heels, chick, continues to beat the shit out of them at their own dumb ass games! Babes at this game, and I am training you . . . but far be it from me, to help you solve this seemingly mystery, to you, because you just don't want to see, that you got your ass chewed for 3 years, by the real JoAnn, and you were being lied to, played, and fooled, actually by Shelley, aka, Joanne!

Good Looking Guy at the Restaurant . . . Reading My Blog, Laughing & Glancing at Me, Glance at Him, Wearing his too Clean Work Clothes!

I am starting to get bored with sneaking off, and getting away with it ever time, so I decided to make things a bit more challenging for me, and reported my exit from Kalispell, while on my last run on the city bus, knowing full well, that they have surveillance, because the bus drivers, and I had a debate about it, last year, before they put in on the buses, in violation of my rights to privacy, and liberty, to travel about town, or get on another shuttle without them knowing, but this time, I announced it, to let, my imaginary boyfriend, sitting at the front of the bus, pretending not to be listening, while I am very loudly telling another passenger, for two reasons, so, heart throb, will know, that as normal, I am leaving, but, I am, like I always do, coming back to Kalispell, knowing, right where to find him, when back in town . . . and so the fuckers, listening to me, through the vents, because, after the debates, they, didn't want the Eagle Transit, to have to pay for a lawsuit, or deal with the hassle of dealing with me.  

Like the prosecutors in Salt Lake City, Utah, 20 years ago, who, when I questioned them, as to whether they had enough evidence to convict a man, who was so upset, during the trial, I was in, we had to dismiss the jury for a while, and as they high-fived each other, and looked at me shocked that I was concerned that the gates of justice, they were to be the keepers of had shut, to get a skin to hang of the wall, or a notch on their belts, and for sure I was right, when they said, anyone can get a guilty man, the real challenge is to get an innocent man!  The man was screaming in the alleged halls of justice, in the court hallways, while he slammed his head against the cement walls, that he was innocent.  So along that line, someone like me, can get away with giving the FBI the slip, with the secret shuttle, booking it out of town, on the spur of the moment, without notice, but the real test to me, it to actually, let them know, and still ditch their trails, and spook out their spooks, which, this witch is good at, after 6 to 14 years of being trailed!  So, game on in playland . . . headquarters of the central Montana, FBI, both team A & B, the CIA, border patrol, local cops, city and county, railroad cops, etc. . . . last week, I was in town for a whole week, before they figured out that I was in town, and the final night, they were patrolling the area around my motel!

This time, I might get a run for my money . . . and give them a better training session!  LOL!  Not too funny, if I get caught, however . . . So, while I am eating Chinese and reading the newspaper with the locals, this guy walks in, appearing to be right off work, even though it is 7:00 p.m., by now, so a bit late for a guy who looked, or was wearing a uniform, as if from a service part of the auto dealer, or working for Les Schwab, or some tire, car repair shop.  Doesn't look messy enough, no grease on clothes, nothing on face or hands, FED, undercover!  He appears to know, that the person his is watching, is also the one who had written the blog, or very long writing he is reading and laughing at, at all the right amounts of intervals, on the blog, I wrote about Frankenstein, the Bride of Frankenstein, U.S. Senate contender, Amanda Curtis, being called a communist, and me comparing her to being accused of being a witch, forced to either admit she is a communist, or be burned or drowned, half naked, for the public flogging . . .  pretty fun stuff, and he was reading all the way through dinner, and looking at the author, but most likely thinking, that I am the Bride of Frankenstein, rather than the author, and he is going to take me down, once he points me out, comparing notes, picture, etc.  We both kept catching each other looking up from reading or dinner, looking at each other, smile . . . he appeared to be greatly enjoying my blog, if my intuition is right, 97% of the time it is, and I don't give a rat's ass about the other 3%!

Once the ID Was Made, I am Trailed to the Hospital, My Not, Now, So Secret Hiding Place in Trips Gone By . . . Especially, When I Run and Have NO Money!

The only reason, I am revealing my secret hiding place over the last year, since discovering the shuttle, is to train, these pathetic agents.  So, the hospital is a great place to at least be safe on the streets of a town, which I have done from Spokane to Pocatello Idaho, and everywhere in between, to at least have a roof over my head, free from rape, assaults or murder, and having worked for doctors, as their general counsel, not only saving all the docs in Utah, from the federal fraud units, but helping docs nationwide, protect themselves against investigations and prosecutions, through federal regulations that require the Medicaid/Medicare units, to give a doc 24 hours, before raiding their records, with a warrant, not nearly enough time, to doctor them up, to cover up-coding and billing the government for their services . . . so, I figure all comes out in the wash, that they basically, owe me a good nights rest in their territory, so I don't ever feel bad.  Plus there are three shifts of people, visitors, family coming and going, all through the night, so I don't stand out like a sore thumb, they have Internet, so I can watch true crime movies, while in the chapels and sanctuaries, seeking asylum from the world!  Plus, if the docs or staff, ever ding me, I will just say, they took the Hippocratic oath, to save lives, and turning me out on the streets, sometimes in snow, would make them loyal to the hypocrite oath, risking a live they swear to save!  Sorry, spell check if off!  LOL!  And yeah, I am an English major, LOL!

I Know the Drill at the Maria Hospital, Shelby . . . and These Two Are Not Part of It!

Having been to the hospital on more than a few occasion without any notice, or trouble, quit peaceful, actually, because there are two parts to the hospital, out the chapel door, on the right is a long term nursing home, and on the right, there is the hospital, and right across the hall, there are restrooms, which make it the perfect place . . . need a potty break, look to the left and the right, you can see down both sides, and then sneak across the hall to the bathrooms, and go back again, without notice!  So, the feds, tracked me to the hospital, but, I am not sure if they were just there to intimidate, me and knew where I was, or they were staked out across the hall, in the office, right next to me, watching the bathrooms, hoping to snake me out, and nab me, for what, I guess what they have framed me for, or whatever, not sure, and really don't know, other than they think, I am Shelley, the sister, who is really the criminal, mafia, liar, fraud broad, and they assume that she, aka, Joanne, is actually writing about me, aka, Shelley, crossing the wires, after a 14 to 20 year ID theft, maybe starting in law school, for all the fucked up things, but that is the way it is looking . . . so they think I am Shelley, whom I had just written about, and they are going to get this bitch, but, they are getting the wrong woman, but they have been led astray by their old former bosses at the agencies, and told, that Shelley, probably an agent herself, by now, or mafia, is me and I her, along with the other sisters and attorneys, who collectively make up, the imaginary, but real, JoAnn S. Secrist, who had been taunting and tampering with cops and prosecutors for years!  I am their, law enforcement's watch dog!

Generally, the normal hospital staff, cleans the chapel, around 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. and the doors are open until 9:00 p.m., and at times, I actually just go in the break room, down the hall, or have even talked to staff and tried to see if there is a cafeteria to get dinner at, but there is just a kitchen for the old people, but I will talk to staff, write a blog, watch a movie on the computer, and they rest for a night, sitting up, just being entrapped into leaving Kalispell, when generally, the roommies, appear to be up so no good, or old roommies, with mother's as former clients, who have a daughter who worked with the Flathead County Sheriff's Department, and who seem to be involved, in the special ops, to cover up, the real, JoAnn S. Secrist, in favor of the fake, Joanne Secrist, or Shelley, who has her hands on my money, and who gives everyone great gifts, easy buy . . . or gives grants, I wonder about the grants, for the matching land conservancy, out in Whitefish, which is where the fakes, first landed, after I attended a viewing of Code of the West, on the medical marijuana issue, the FBI raids, and the fight at the legislature . . . I attend, write, and even signed the list for the ACLU, who never emailed me, because, these fuckers, shadow me, and have 6 women, who take credit for everything I do, because I rarely take credit, nor stay around long enough to be associated with my work, like on the Salish-Kootenai Water Compact, and then the vultures, pay the key players, telling them I am a Democrat, or a criminal, and to people in the Flathead, that is one and the same! LOL!  And they ditch the one who did all the work, or the money gals, who got the money from me, or my son, and our work product!

9:00 p.m. While Watching a Movie, I Hear Two Male Voices in the Office . . . 9 to 5 Only . . . Next to the Chapel, No Garbage Can Dumping, So, Late Meeting?

Always, innocent, until proven guilty for me . . . I close up all computers, ear buds, get my shoes on, for a quick escape, if necessary.  I can hear the two talking, rattling around, and eventually, I fall asleep, having been up watching true crime shows, until about 4 a.m., and up by 7:30 a.m., very late for me, so I was tired. I awake, at about 1 a.m., again hearing them hit the wall, or bump it, moving around on chairs, or whatever they were up to, talking about T&A girls, or whatever . . . I drift back to sleep, wondering what the hell, if they know, I am here, they don't seem to be coming in to get me, so, back to sleep, chair against the wall, sitting somewhat behind a free standing closet, and might even go unnoticed if they did actually come in, unless they looked good . . . 

Pretty peaceful night, other than a bump or two on the other side, but so far, so good, until about 3 a.m., then, the words, GO, as if stamped on my, minds, eye, wakes me out of a dead sleep.  I can hear movement, and freak out, thinking, they might have figured out that I am here, and luckily, I never needed to go to the bathroom, after a three hour drive and deciding to give up Diet Coke for the 2000th time, and just drinking one glass of water during dinner, rather than 6 Diet Cokes, making me go to the bathroom 3 times during the night, I never needed to go, but did then.  I heard both of the guys next door, go to the restroom and that was a little too close for comfort, knowing damn well by now, that they are there for me, not a late scheduled meeting with the hospital staff, but tired, I complain, but get up, put my hoodie on, and split, into the cool early morning night, still . . . for about 4 more hours, and zig zag through streets, back alleys, up over the viaduct, to the Town & Pump Gas Station, and hang with the truckers, watching TV and talking politics!  LOL!  Great morning, caught up on all the state catch in dead heat elections, leading from the middle.

Once Talking About Politics, I Didn't Blend in with the Truckers Too Well

One of the guys working at the gas station, whom I had been talking to, took off and came back, not as friendly . . . not part of the morning, so, did the cops, knowing that there was not much open in the early mornings in Shelby, could have called the station, and told them to watch for me.  When things change, they fucking change . . . heads up, don't stop to read the newspaper, or write your blog, as planned, and get the hell out of dodge.  With it still dark outside, and needing my addiction for reading the newspaper, every word, I decided the family restaurant, now filling up with early morning truckers, might be safe, and it was for about two hours, until morning light, the week before the change for day light savings . . . so, about 9 a.m., I start heading toward the library, up back hills, ditching again through alleys, working may way, oh, so slowly up over the back of the court building, next to the library, and over to the library that I know damn, well, is not open to the public, until 1:00 p.m., on Wednesday, getting caught in kids story time last week, or so when I was there last, but stayed the whole week in the Glacier Motel & RV Park, but I paid with cash, so you can't check on that, Mr. Agent . . . but you can check the Wells Fargo ATM, where I withdrew $300 the morning of the 16th, to verify, my existence and whereabouts, and compare that with my doubles!

I thought of stopping in at Cara's Java Java, or whatever it is called, right up from the Subway, but, last time, I heard them tell someone, that, yes, the lady is here, so I took off, without finishing my blog and went to the library, waiting for story hour to end and lunch, so I could get to business, writing and researching on the Dempsey fight . . . . but I needed to meet with head librarian, Heidi, who might have been contacted by Shelley, who used to sell books to librarians around Utah, Nevada, and sometimes covering for a partner in Idaho . . . so, the book lovers would hit it off, and Shelley would sell her poison, sis, is not who she claims to be, but she is trying to be me, reversing the roles, and stealing the Dempsey/Gibbons Fight & Shelby, right out from under me, just trying to help the city, economic growth, through a great true story, capitalizing on the influx of Glacier Park traffic, and hooking tourists by the stranger than life, amazing story of some local businessmen, actually bringing the world heavy weight champion, to a town of 500 out in the middle of Montana, close to the Canadian border . . . you can't make stories up like this!

Librarian Has Been Contacted--Not So Friendly This Time

Again, you know the drill, when someone is so excited that you are in town, love the Dempsey story, have come before, and someone just can't wait to let you read old newspaper articles, watch videos, and give you everything she has on the fight, and then the next time, you see her, as she is trying to hastily leave, like she, of course, getting a heads up by enemy liars, had the second time you came to work on the fight research, been in Great Falls for the day, and was going there today, also, and having written a blog before about Shelby, a few months ago, and then, this time, she looks shocked to see you, acted as if she didn't know you, and is hurrying to get out of the building, not expecting me, until after noon, and I show up shortly after 10:00 a.m., and catch her in the library by a fluke, with the mailman showing me the building was open, giving me access to the Internet, to finish the movie I was watching from the night before, but had to cut short, due to 2 agents, parking their asses in the office next door for the night, you know, just like abc, the shadow has contacted, may even have promised to make a movie, to cut me out of any participation, trying to drive me out, of the newly claimed territory, as done hundreds of times in the past, taking friends, clients, cases, jobs, water compacts, medical marijuana . . . we just finish what JoAnn starts, BULL SHIT, YOU STEAL, WHEN THE REAL WORK, THE FOUNDATION IS LAID, AND EVERYTHING THAT IS HARD TO DO, STEP IN BRIBE WITH MONEY, ACCESS, AND PROMISES, GIFTS, ETC.

Intimate Partner Pattern--Love Bond, Love Bomb; Kids, Exclude, Destroy if You Can . . . Can't Beat Them, Thrive Anyway, Include in the Clan, Love . . . But Get Rid of Mom!  The Price!

I grow it, they mow it . . . Heidi, did however, gather some information, after I reminded her of who I was . . . really?  I am sure she was purposefully out of the library the week before, but her unsuspecting staff, were helpful and would have told her, and she knew damned well, about the blog, and she would have known that I wrote about 4 the week before, when I didn't see, her, and they were getting rid of her again, being the only one to know about all the information I wanted, the stuff from Chicago!  Go figure, patterns of theft, over and over again . . . the T&A girls, are the smart ones, JoAnn aka Shelley, is the criminal, so chase her, while we steal what she sets up, follows through on, promotes, and writes, all as easy as 1,2,3 to see!  And being aided and abetted by fucking local, state and national law enforcement!  GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!

Mind you, children and grandchildren, are not off limits for this same type of activity . . . we break'em, and then we make'em!  They destroy music, relationships, opportunities, work, homes, advances, chances, and then come in, at the most critical time, and save them!  Acting like they are not the ones, who did the damage back for years!  Kind of the way the government rogues work, or the Wall Street, Bush boy Paulsen, we destroy the economy, then come in with the stimulus package and save your asses, that would have been fine all the way along without, our acts of economic terror, and then act like your saviors!  Same pattern, used on my children . . . Kay and Brett, Daddy Warbucks, Shelley, Frank, Jack, Tony, Michael, Rachel, Mommy Dearest, and the Southwick family circle and friends, all with a common enemy, me, fucked my kids, along with their spouses, to break them . . . Now they fix them, save them, love them, include them . . . after trashing, sabotaging and breaking them, now, they love them . . . hell, my kids, thrived in spite of their spite, malice, jealousy, envy . . . and now, they want to steal them from Me!

Friend John to the Rescue!  Back, Safe for the Moment in Kali!  Thank God, for Christian Boys!

  • newest developments in the Ebola scare . . . quarantine victims, saying enough is enough . . . making them feel like lepers, going after anyone who had contact in bridle shops, or other places, restricting or watching 143 people, who might have made contact, with one of the alleged exposed persons in the U.S. who is planning her wedding, is going beyond the point of ridiculous, and she is stepping out on the town . . . fucking hell yeah . . . as the rational President of our Country, deal with FACTS not FEAR!  
  • constitutionally speaking, the United States government has the duty to protect the general welfare of the citizens, but the states, traditionally have been responsible for the health, safety and welfare of their individual states citizens, but, putting irrational, and crazy 21 day quarantines, on people who don't even have a fever, or any symptom, or one sign of being infected with the virus, is ludicrous, and fucking, so big brother, Orson Wells, 184 creepy, helicopter mayors and governors . . . who are now facing lawsuits, the best use of your tax payers money!
  • the clown I talked to at the Town & Pump Gas Station, in Shelby, up with the truckers, maybe an undercover cop for all I know, in his knee jerk reaction, and hatred spewing mouth, agreeing with white supremacists, in Idaho, other than the kid painted to look like Hitler, and the kids showing up in white sheets, like their daddies, members of the KKK, said, he would take all those suspected of the disease, after shutting of all borders, airlines from African countries, and put the people who have contact or been around someone who might have been exposed to Ebola, and put them in tents down in Arizona for a 6 months quarantine!  Are you fucking shitting me!  What a dumb ass!  He just hates the President's skin color, therefore, everything he does, and joins the extreme right, wing nut element in the Republican party!
  • like I said, vote smart, smart, smart, and people who have pleasant personalities, who will work with others, get along, hold hands across the isle, actually respect different opinions and arguments, making them sharpen and clarify their own arguments and positions, and be willing to change their mind, if facts, statistics and examples, the most persuasive tools, in an argument arsenal, expose you to different ideas, better positions on a subject, and are willing to dump party positions for the betterment of the nation!  Those are the types of people we need to move America forward . . . we are 20th in pay equality . . . we are better than this America!  The European countries lead in these areas, and recognize that women, and their minds, over bodies, should be valued beyond their fucking T&A!

A Date With Edgar, Your Kids & Yourself for Halloween

One of my favorite things to do with my children, when they were really young, was to carve pumpkins, put candles in them, turning them into Jack-o-lanterns, placing them around the front room or the bedroom, with freshly bathed children, no matter what age, and me, flashlight in hand, and in the dark, read, the master of Halloween terror, early American author, Edgar Allen Poe, friends of people like, Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, along with her husband, Persibus Shelley, a poet, and several other writers, Emerson and Thoreau maybe, who would fuel their imaginations, telling each other scary stories around a raging fire . . . bringing the public, tales of dark magic, intrigue, haunting, black cats, tell tale hearts, crows knock, knock, knocking at your window, on a blustery fall night, with wind and leaves, dancing under slithered moon skies, with visions of witches on broomsticks, crossing the fractured orb . . . the Mask of the Red Death, the Poem, The Raven, the Black Cat or the Tell Tale Heart . . . so very cool, and don't use any pictures, then stop and ask your children, what do they think the Mask of the Red Death looks like or is . . . 

I was always shocked at the amazingly long attention spans of my children, ranging in age from 8 years to a one year old, who just loved to hang out and look at the wickedly fun pumpkin faces, his family had just carved . . . magic, creating and developing minds, bringing a fun, almost adult Halloween experience to life, right in their own, safe front room, with brothers and sisters to cuddle up to if you get scared . . . remember a young mind in not a vessel to fulfill, but a fire to ignite . . . smart, kids, one and all, with creative magic, lighting fires, and imaginations, for a lifetime.

Have Fun With All Those Little Ghosts and Goblins . . . They Grow Up, Way Too Fast!


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