Thursday, July 10, 2014


God's Revolver & Utah, the Beehive State

State flags reveal, symbolically what a state is like.  The Utah flag, has a Beehive with bees buzzing around, symbolizing the state's work force industry or good work ethics.  Utah survived the economic melt down well, due to the pro-business climate and great, educated workforce, attracting new business and industry, having a grade A on economic factors, is state ratings.  But there have been forces at work in the state of Utah, and the state sanctioned Mormon Church, with an overly representative number or percentage of members in the intelligence community, like the CIA and the FBI, military and other government run agencies, that have created, a drone-like existence, with drones, legal and law enforcement elite, living off the work of others, like parasites, using highly specialized technology, for less than ethical, legal, constitutional and lawful to criminal means, up to and including identity theft, fraudulent transfer, theft of intellectual property, real property, conveyance of property, up to and including the murder of at least 23 people I am aware of.

This same group of alleged law enforcement elite with the power, force, and missionary connections of not only the intelligence community, network marketers, and the Mormon Church, and the infiltration of members into national entities, like the American Boy Scouts, mafia, Illuminati, freemasons, Skull & Bones, elite colleges and universities, Wall Street, etc.  And like the drone bees, in a position to feed and suck the life out of others' work, like amoeba sucking parasites, they even came up with a selection of an alleged, Queen Bee, encouraged, through lifestyles like swinging, wife swapping, and polygamy, to mate with the drones, making a culture among the CIA and FBI, law enforcement of sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll, while far from a virgin queen, this little game, includes even taking other people's kids, resumes, careers, high profile cases, homes, vehicles, and all that makes one queen, queen, but the one claiming the identity of the other, and all that goes with her . . . this ties right into the Mormon theology of being a society of priests and priestesses, and kings and queens . . .

God's Revolver Band & Money Were the Original Seed Money

The ring leaders of the circle of friends: Shelley Southwick Anderson Yeman, Jerry Owens, Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart, Kay Burningham Brown Buttars Stuart/Stewart, Richard & Helen Glenn Southwick, Rachel Hickey-Mooseman, Frank of InterPol aka Allan Rex Bess, Mark Shurtleff, Justices Tena Campbell, Ted Stewart and Clark Waddoups, clients, Brock, Rice, Cheek, Clark, Braun, Vail, Arduino, and then the cover-up expands out from that circle out, to the entire Southwick extended family, the Morning Side Ward, Dixie State College, and like throwing a rock in the circle of a pond, the ripples go from the epicenter and continue on and on, doing whatever is necessary to carry out the original fraud, then the alienation of affection, when they, this group realized, they could not do this without in-laws, and children, now grandchildren . . . spreading, following, and expanding to Montana, city, by city, organization to organization, etc.

You see the amount of money was so astronomical from, both Parallax, with singer Blake Donner, and God's Revolver's: Little Black Horse Where Are You Going With Your Dead Rider . . . that, they took Elliot Taylor Secrist's, attorney mother out of the game, originally in 2000, first to punish me for getting asset forfeiture legislation stopped in Utah and then 27 states, then taking out 9 federal agents and attorneys, on new Medicaid/Medicare fraud units, with Congress appropriating money, for the task of investigation, and prosecution of doctors, nationwide; however, between the efforts of myself, as general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, and Dr. Taj Becker and her attorney husband, Aldolf, at the same time, exceptional musicians in Provo/Orem were just starting to go viral, with music to rival, even today's hard rock and heavy metal bands, 10 years later, with music still relevant, real and raw, were now the focus of the target, theft, conversion, and promotion of the music, but not the musicians responsible for the music, but as I refuse to go away, they had to have Elliot, or other band members on board!

Sony Deal--Easy, Ask for Remix--Elliot Does His In 4 Days, Rest of the Band Refuses . . . Elliot Continues on with Maraloka

God's Revolver's second CD, at least from the band itself, unless insiders, who were all friends of Isaac Anderson's also, took bribes, considered they had the legal right to be bought out, or they were threatened, I know that several of the band members were put on house arrest . . . hmmmmm, now who had the power to do that?  A CD that was suppose to take 2 years, turned into 5 years!  WHY?  Now, look how easy this is . . . the CD is finally done, in 2011, at the height of my legal prowess and career, before I started getting the shit kicked out of my by and abusive system, very similar to the characteristic of an abusive spouse, Jerry, Brett, Allan/Frank?  Music promoters, start showing up, in my clientele, assuring me that it is common practice for music companies to sign, one of a three level music contract with new bands, only fulfill the first level, steal the music, and give it to a band in the same genre and then they save the promotional expenses of getting the new band out and in the public eye . . . bull shit!

Get rid of mom again, claim one of the insider girls, is JoAnn, easy switch--Rachel's house, Shelley connecting with clients, Kay working the legal angles, Grand-da and Drones taking up the slack and working on the details . . . use all of the girls to cover one area of JoAnn's life or another, depending on the crowd . . . frame both her and Elliot for alleged crimes, and bingo, kill two famous birds with one stone . . . not so easy, neither son, nor mother going down that easy!

Picture of Silhouettes of Two Cowboys, On Horseback, Shaking Hands--Was a Deal Cut?

Last week, John had to put up with one of my venting sessions.  I brought up the picture on his bathroom wall, that has been there, since I first came to his apartment, at least before or right after Christmas, strangely enough, until I brought the meaning of the picture to John's attention, and it magically, disappeared that very day . . . much like any billboards I point out in my blogs, graffiti on walls, they all just up and poof, disappear, as if nobody ever saw them . . . really, the two bill boards I mentioned, that were just past the last gas station as you leave Kalispell?  The one with the blond boy, then the other three kids with bananas for smiles . . . I guess i was the only one to see them!  LOL!

They want you to think I am crazy, disabled, riding the bus, not because they blew up my car, and stole my truck, or homeless because they stole my houses, chase, frame me, send assassins after me . . . art reflects or mimics life, not life, art . . . movies, like Enemy of the State, or State of Play, or the Fugitive, were most likely written by people who had these experiences happen to them, not because Holliwood must needed a new movie, many are true stories and based on real life!

Anyway, this picture, made me think about the possibility, that some deal was cut, some bargin made, there had to be something to stop the band from pursuing and recourse, refusing to play, and not even naming their second CD, made on contract with Translation Lost . . . a subsidiary of Sony!  One day, I flipped out, about my cases, my situation, my son's bands, and all the shit we have had to go through.  I happend to mention that the picture of the two cowboys on horseback in John's bathroom, made me think, something was up, something I was missing, something different than I thought took place . . . that night, the picture had been removed!  WHY?  Getting too close to home!

Cleaning is not a common occurrence in this apartment, and it just happened on the day, a new guy shows up, DJ Clark, someone else on the payroll, to allege a different sister, was JoAnn . . . ABC, like clock work, when one lying pod is questioned, another person is introduced to cover the mishaps of the original pod, expanding the sphere, to include, ever more people to substantiate the original claim, of who's identity we are talking about . . . the missing picture, says more than had it been left on the wall!  DJ even joked about having a new credit card without limits, and was sporting new clothes, and was back with the girlfriend he was trying to tell me was sold or involved in human trafficking . . . and now she is sitting with me in the car?  Something is up, this guy has been to prison off and on for 15 years . . . but they would rather that type than the honest ones!  New court case, went easy the other day!

Law Enforcement Avoiding All the Tools of Evidence!  Self-Authenticating!

Shelley watches crime shows like 48 Hours, Cold Cases, ID Network, Sopranos, and has a book case filled with all the most high profile serial killers, she was connected to the cops, when I was first poisoned, may have even been the one to make the poison, she is a biology major, worked for a pharmaceutical company in Park City, Utah, and a plastic surgeons, with a son, dying to be a cop.  But, I remember her telling me about an episode, in one of the crime scenes, that was the start of forensic sciences, or CSI type investigations.

These man and woman decided to get drunk, or drink together . . . the guy passed out, while drunk, and awoke to find the woman dead.  He freaked out, and decided he must have killed her, and wanted to dispose of the evidence, the body.  He got his saw out and started to dismember her body, to cut it into more manageable sizes; however, while he was working on the body, he got exhausted, and passed out again.  By this time, someone alerted the cops, and he was arrested, for the murder of the woman.  But, as forensics developed, and were at that time, or just starting, they, started to look at the time of death, and whether she had actually predeceased the dismemberment, or had already been dead at the time the man, awoke from the drunken stupor, to find the woman already expired.

As the coroner, examined the body, looked at the time of death, and possible reasons, he found that the woman, had actually died of natural causes, or alcohol related causes, therefore, the man, even though, he had desecrated the body, had not murdered her.  He may have been charged with tampering with a corpse, or some lesser crime, but murder was out of the question.  I remember, working this SWAP, or the Utah State Wide Association of Prosecutors, working on a piece of legislation, making it a crime to tamper with a corpse or dead body . . . I believe, if memory serves, that a couple of kids, were driving either a funeral home vehicle, or an ambulance, and the dead body, they were transporting, fell out of the back of the truck and onto the streets, causing alarm to the family members who loved the person and were very upset to hear what had happened to their loved one!

Drone Law Enforcement, Frame, Cut a Deal for the Music!

About the time, Elliot, moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, I believe soon after the death of lead singer, of Parallax, Blake Donner and three others were killed, I believed murdered, in the Provo Death Cave Incident, and both God's Revolver & Maraloka, were being formed and writing, there was a young university student, female, who had been raped and murdered in her apartment, I believe near the University, somewhere around 7th East and 2nd South . . . that vicinity if I remember.  At the time, I was still of the mindset that I was going to die, and wanted to minimize contact with my kids, to make it easier on them, should I suddenly die, I also didn't have a car . . . my father put, my car in Jesse Anderson's name, instead of mine, or giving it to Chris, who needed a car, which surprised me, due to the fact that the car was in my name, and almost paid for by the time I was poisoned, or got PIX.

I had allowed, Shelley to use my car, for two years, because, I voluntarily stopped driving, afraid, I might kill others, if I suddenly died, while driving.  So, it shocked me, once while in St. George, that two cops, came up to me and said that Shelley had requested that my driver's license be revoked . . . she was already stealing my ID, had social and driver license, father sent to her!  Father and daughter crime duo, had been since she was young, junior high and high school, worked with him!  I was surprised, since I had not been driving for a year!  Voluntarily, so it was not as if, there was a reason, other than, taking my clean name and driving record!  I think I had one ticket in 40 some odd years of driving!  Anyway, my kids were pretty much either on their own, or had some, not much help from dad . . . they remind me of the 4 kit foxes, left to fend for themselves, with talent, beauty and swimming in a tank of sharks and barracudas . . . family members first and foremost!

For some reason, Elliot's move to Salt Lake, that forensic discovery, Isaac, and the death of that girl, haunted me.  Elliot said, when God's Revolver wrote Little Black Horse, they were so drunk on whiskey most of the time, they didn't even know what they were doing!  He referred to the band as the laziest band in America!  When I told him how good, both the first and second CDs were, and they were the Doors level of music, trying to book concerts and everything for them, he just laughed and said it was easy . . . long, but easy for this talented, group of hotties, who have what it takes to make rock stars!  And you don't think law enforcement, with mom on the radar screen, Shelley, and others, especially Isacc, envious cousin, with envious mother . . . Brett, Kay and crew, taking note of the rise to fame, skyrocket rise to fame, on their own . . . with a fake band already out selling tickets and marketing around the world, through the Mormon and intel networks, raking in the cash!

Generations of Criminal Minds--Grandpa, Mother, Son--Easy Pickin's & Easy Money, All Just There for the Taking!

Isaac and Elliot were in their first band together; Isaac moved to the tree streets in Provo, with Elliot and the connections with almost the entire Wasatch Front music scene, with Parallax rising in fame and popularity, with a west coast tour; Elliot moved to Salt Lake with Isaac and Josh, about the time Gods's Revolver & Maraloka were getting started, Isaac takes credit for introducing Elliot to the band members that made up the bands--I don't know how true that is or is not . . . Isaac, was originally the singer for Maraloka, see early YouTube Videos . . . God's Revolver took off, and so did Isaac, disappeared as lead singer for Maraloka, WHY?

Isaac was hanging with Shelley, who was living with me, at Rachel's old house, she gave to me, while I took care of her two oldest children and a friends, plus Shelley and her crew, Jesse, Alex, Ty, Alex's daughter, McKinnely, Isaac . . . off and on for a year and a half, Isaac was late to the seen, Jesse said I was the only other he had known, and the rest of Shelley's kids, started to call her Shelley, rather than mom, bizarre! Shelley never left the house for 8 months--thoughts that she was hiding so they could knock me off, and say that Shelley was me, she said they took my furniture because they, Washington County Constables thought she was me!  Really, I was never named in a lawsuit, Rachel and Shelley were!  Constable Jean Dickson, knew full well who I was and who Shelley was, and so did the courts!

Ty told me, at one point, that Isaac had weed upstairs, now why didn't he tell his mother, who was there 24/7, and tell me, who was practicing or had cases in 5 states, and going to the U.S. Supreme Court?  I believe it was a set up with Shelley and Isaac involved, he also brought a gun, but I never saw any weed, but I was using HGC Diet or Weight Loss materials, that included syringes . . . but Isaac was in the middle of it. When Shelley and lazy ass Isaac, came up to Parowan, after the real Allan Rex Bess, my client, gave me his house in payment for getting him off, framed attempted suicide, while he moved to the cabin, or the government double, after he and Shelley murdered the real Allan, soon after the seizure of the house, one day before I was to fly to Denver to argue the Brock and Rice securities case, with me working non-stop, Shelley, Frank aka Allan, and Isaac, moved right in and acted like they owned the place in Parowan, opening my new bedding, starting fires, watching my videos, on my new electronics and getting to know my workers around the house.

One day, while I was up in Salt Lake, and Shelley had 100% access to my computer, to switch gears, so she got all my documents, via e-filing on both her cases and mine, unbeknown to me, and Isaac took over the music room I made for Elliot, so his band could come and visit, several of my workers, who were being watched non-stop by the cops, so they could get in my house, under the Patriot Act, and steal my flash drives right out of my purse, Isaac told the workers to smoke pot in my house, and charge me for time they didn't work . . . I trusted them, sometimes up to 10 workers a day, $10 per hour . . . Isaac lied on his hours and tried to smoke pot, but lucky for me, Brad Haney, took charge and told Isaac to get out, and stop lying about his hours . . . shortly after that, I kicked Shelley and Isaac out, but they had become very close with Allan, seemed to know him previously . . . music tour coach?

Isaac Knew Elliot Better Than Anyone!  Whatever It Was Had to Be Big, and Serious to Cut a Deal!

What would be bad enough to get a rock band, who had three world wide music interviews, was named rock band of 2008, give up their new CD and not pursue their old CD . . . perhaps money?  Music is everything to Elliot, he is like the law is to me, loves it, never thought of the money . . . so, genetically a possibility.  But to take the dreams of a lifetime, and throw them away for money, doesn't make sense, even though, Elliot had Maraloak, which he kept telling me to just kind of let the music thing go, and he had moved on . . . money has never meant that much to my kids or me, they were not raised to value money, so what happened?

The bands played a all kinds of cottage parties and clubs, whiskey was part of the pay, and usually the band was smashed by the time the night of music and whiskey were over.  I have never heard of Isaac getting drunk, nor heard him joke about it, or Elliot mention that Isaac was there with the band, although, Isaac, knew every song by heart, and said that Elliot was a god!  That sounded like an insider's comment, about identity theft and the music and the true state of Elliot's fame, but through him!

Shelley always made it a point to be friends, if not lovers with all my former husbands, and Isaac was always friends and involved with Elliot's band member and friends, in fact, I know Adam, and I think John, actually came down to Parowan, with Isaac, and Isaac was playing music for the painters on my house, and Isaac made it appear, that somehow, he was playing my son's music, but he was the son, not the nephew, and Shelley was just Shelley, or dropping him off, while he took over the music room I decorated for Elliot! Who was every bit as busy as his mother, with work,bands, girlfriend Rachel, who was also involved in stopping the band from concerts I set up!

When Elliot Plays the Guitar, He Rocks the Hell Out of It . . . Total Energy, Big Time Wipe Out!

The thought crossed my mind, that Isaac, who knew Elliot's habits, band and drinking patterns, could easily have murdered some chick, and framed Elliot, who drank to a whiskey stupor, and much like the crime shows his mother watched, framed Elliot, passed out, and out of his mind, and then the drone cops, who saw total easy and fun money, charged Elliot with a crime so big, that he had no other option, but to either give his music over to them, or go to prison!  I believe it had to be of that magnitude to get Elliot, who was a mover and shaker ii the band, scheduling concerts and nationwide tours, to cave and give up his music, his dreams, his money, and his fame, and this rock star status!

Essentially, what Shelley was doing to me, stealing my cases, my good name, my resume, if she hadn't already, working with cops, courts and elected officials, named defendants, at a time when Mitt Romney was running for office, little Isaac, was doing the same to Elliot, and using the statewide battering system to facilitate the abuse of power, the criminal acts, acting like they were giving Elliot a good deal, to play for pay . . . in the form of restitution!  To somehow alleviate their guilty of the outright lies, theft, and deception, aiding and abetting one family, the genius family, and substituting in the drone force, the parasites, that live off the work of the worker bees, in the Bee Hive State and associates in Washington and government!

I Was Surprised to See that Elliot Had A Bee Hive & Bees Tattooed on His Calf or Leg!  The Sign of a Worker Bee!

Queen Bee, Had to Have Elliot, to Be Queen--In a Hive of Drones, Parasites, Gold Diggers and Blood Suckers!


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