Before the American West was settled and barbed wire closed off the range, the Code of the West was the one civilizing influence that could be relied upon. In his 2004 book, Cowboy Ethics – What Wall Street Can Learn from the Code of the West, Jim Owen made a heartfelt case for a new approach to business ethics — one that goes back to simple, timeless principles like those of the cowboy code. He also translated the unwritten Code of the West into Ten Principles to Live By.
It turned out that Jim’s message struck a deep chord with people from all walks of life. Cowboy Ethics has become part of our national conversation, as people across the country rediscover the cowboy code  and make it their own.
The iconic cowboy represents the best of America — the courage, optimism and plain hard work. Cowboys are heroic not just because they do a dangerous job, but also because they stand for something — the simple, basic values that lie at the heart of the cowboy way. Even though their way of life has changed over the last 150 years, cowboys still honor and live by their code. They are an abiding source of inspiration to do better and be better than we are.