Dream, Two Nights Ago?
I tend to be very loyal, even to men, I just like, never kissed, never even touched, creating something out of nothing, but, with hope and enough to make me think of possibilities. So, I like two, men, who have occupied my heart and mind, off and on, for, one three years and the other, Kennedy, for a year and a half . . . so this dream, was totally out of the dark and left me wondering, what the fuck was going on? Was there a message, something I needed to learn, some growth, a time filler? Anyway, last fall, this tall, dark, handsome, stranger from California, tripped through the Poverello, probably the only place, someone could, get my attention, but, even there, I discount, any attraction, generally, wondering if they are an undercover cop, or a fed, or an assassin, or bounty hunter, making me, take a strange and stand-offish, position, toward them, and even if they were just a normal guy, that suspicion is always, in the back of my mind. So, this guy, who, is actually, very attractive, cute, fun to talk to, and just an over all cool guy, started to come to McDonald's, getting on his computer, at the same time, I did, in the mornings. Eventually, we struck up a conversation, seeing each other around the Pov. or town. He, was a stand-out, different, dressed better, not your average run of the mill, homeless guy, and after meeting him, talking to him, hitting it off, conversation wise and just, like friends . . . one day, he said, after working and banking his paycheck . . . I just feel like getting a hotel room with some chick, and fucking her brains out.
I started looking around for some girl, who, he might do this with, crossing myself, automatically, off his list of suspects . . . and, I looked in the kitchen and there was, this staff chick, I thought, might be more age appropriate for him, seeing, he is not, over late 20's or early 30's, and I would be shocked at that, if he were, knowing that guys often think I am, much longer than I actually am, and seeing someone like him, is like sleeping with my sons, even though attracted to him, those thoughts, vanish, and I would kill some woman, my age, for hitting on my two handsome, but young sons, so, I don't do anything, I wouldn't want someone to do to me, and so, I just kind of blow off his conversation. After that, we talked, always, say hi, sometimes, check on each other's status, or work, or just make small talk, but not much, after that initial day. Although, he told me of some, to me, sick, sex craze, that I was just disgusted at . . . different generations, and I kind of trashed, his connection with or knowledge of whatever it was, I must have washed that shit right out of my mind! LOL! I am pretty prudish! My kids even laugh about, funny episodes from their youth, when, this or that happened, and they were more adult than their mother! LOL! The gap may have furthered, more by now. This guy, generally has a job, and he is up early and so am I, we sometimes talk, but really nothing, for a very long time . . . making the dream even more troubling and puzzling for me?
Where the Hell Did this Dream Come From?
As I have said, dreams are warnings, instructional, informational, insightful, and give us insights to our psyche's, and I have always paid attention to them, as I have written and will often, when I have one that sticks, write about it, generally with some, idea of what, the dream, might represent, what even God, might be telling me through this dream. Now, I will admit, that a week or so ago, and I have been gone from the Pov, so my contact is limited, but I think his is too . . . plus he was saving money, so he could do this or that, and maybe go back to California, but the last time I saw him, he walked by, and he has always struck me, as handsome, interesting and cool, just doing his thing, figuring life out, and saving money, which is great. But, as he walked passed, I thought, too bad he is so young, because he is hot and a stud, and seems to have his shit together for a younger guy, which always, leads me back, to, is he undercover? He is the perfect type. But, that happened, probably, weeks ago, so? The dream was simple, no big deal, other than, the context and him, just being in the dream? I puzzled over this for an entire day? I wrestle with dreams, especially, stuff like this, when, it is so out of the blue, that, I can't figure out what the hell, or where the hell this would come from? Song, when love puts you through the fire, when it puts you through the test, nothing, does it like time, love and tenderness.
The dream, was low keyed, simple, real time, and so ordinary, but so, weird. In the dream, I don't even know his name, nor do I ever think I asked him what it was . . . again, strange. But, we are in the dining area of the Poverello, and he often, worked behind the counter, helping in the kitchen, which is cool, because, you work long hours, and most people, don't want to work there, and he seemed to be always, volunteering, even on top of his normal chore, and unlike me and others, who want to avoid the work, case in point, I love sleeping out, because, I don't have to check in, come in early, all about freedom for me, and I like to sleep in overflow, so I don't have to get a bed, which, means you have to have a chore! LOL! I have always done my jobs or chores, but given a choice, I would prefer to ditch out! LOL! So, here is this guy, gorgeous, sometimes works, all day, leaving at the early morning hours, and he is always, doing extra stuff? What the hell for? LOL! But, I used to joke with him, tease him about serving or doing the dishes, or taking out the garbage . . . I have convinced myself, that he deserves better than me! LOL! So, in the dream, it was simple, I remember, seeing him, walk by me, and the thought, came to my mind, Why not? Slow response to him, wanting, to go to the hotel and fuck, someone's brains out! LOL! I'm not getting younger, and going with some guy, I know, will never develop into anything, has proven to be, the best thing in the world for my self esteem, sexually, because, there are no, emotional expectations, and I know, nothing will happen, and there is not risk, just, a base attraction, maybe sex, maybe not, and at this point, I am a great deal for some young stud, in a holding pattern, like I am . . . committed to nothing and nobody, so WHY NOT?
God, does have a sense of humor, I just typed "IN" and, it didn't end up where I wanted it to be, but, the cursor, jumped up to the words, out "IN" of the blue! LOL! This dude, reads my blog, sometimes, and it is as if, he is saying, I am IN! LOL! I have a lot of younger guys, hit on me, and I shut them down, ASAP, and maybe, God is saying, look, there is difference between just having sex, and having sex with love, even if it is not going to go anywhere, in the long run. I found this to be true with my two black, lovers, the most healthy sex, I have had, and I would say, I would put this in the same category. I figured, that nothing would come of the relationships, and I was just curious, interested, relaxed, and encouraged them to get married and have kids, but enjoyed their sex and their company, in the mean time! That may be racist, but, hey, I am from Utah, had never really been around, blacks much, met both of them, within three days, and loved the hell out of both of them! LOL! I was completely honest with them, just like I would with this guy, seeing, nothing in the future, but, I could see, living with him, getting an apartment, getting to know each other, aside from sex, and having someone, I like, think is good looking, and if sex, happens, who is complaining! LOL! Sure as hell not me! With both of the black dudes, neither had been married, nor had kids, and I was 19 years older than the one I fucked the most! LOL. Howard, didn't like the fact that I was seeing both of them, but, totally honest and in the open, about, whatever they wanted to know, strongly encouraging them, but loving them too. Howard, was more, like, the type of husband, I want, than any guy I had ever been with! LOL! But he was way sensitive. Both from good families, professional, fun, and something any girl would want!
I found the sex to be mutually, beneficial, and would not have done it, if I felt that it hurt anyone, and there was definitely love involved. Miles could not have got me to Spokane or Seattle, on my own dime, just to have sex, but he always needed help on, this or that legal issue, and the sex, just seemed, part of it, for some reason, and we could not get down to business, without, first getting that minor detail in our relationship, the mutual attraction for each other out of the way, first! Both, Miles and Howard, wanted to live with me. I could not see the point. But, with this other guy, it is hard to get together, first and last months rent, plus a deposit together, and many people at the Pov. team up, and help each other, get their shit together, and live together . . . I think it would be fun! I would much rather have a male roommie, than a female! That seems more normal to me . . . years of marriage, shared bathrooms, and if nothing happens, well, that is okay, and if it does, so be it. I remember, one time after talking to Miles, that his sex cleansed me, for some reason, and I didn't feel like I was breaking God's commandments, in fact the opposite, because, I know scriptures, that say, all things are pure to me, it is you clowns, who assign cleanliness or uncleanliness to whatever! Romans: 14:14. Miles and I would go months, and not talk, and then, out of the blue, one of us, would get a hold of the other, totally, missing each other, horny, just loving talking to each other, was sexual, and turned us on.
No fail, one of us, would even put sex in the terms of, I need some sexual healing! And we both meant it . . . it was healthy, loving, good, kind, loving, and generous. The two great commandments are, to love God, and to love your fellow man, so I did, took that one to heart, love them all! LOL! No, seriously, I knew he loved me, and I think, he would say, I loved him . . . it was just a different kind of love, different kind of sex, and there was nothing selfish about it, is was like, just part of the relationship. Eventually, Miles took my advice and got a girl who also wanted a baby and he called me and said, we are co-parenting, and we are pregnant. He thought he could carrying on a relationship with me? NO, the mother of your baby, needs you, baby comes first, then the needs of the mommy, then daddy, and I am out of the picture. The baby will be, actually, two years old, I think, in September . . . and, Miles, was so excited the last time I talked to him, they had picked out the name, and I am sure he will not regret that decision and the trade off, ever. Mommy is sick and has some, terminal, ghastly disease, and he will likely raise the child alone, but, during that time, I kept seeing this ad, with a black dad, with a young son on his shoulders, smiling, ear to ear, happy as a clam. Miles has a 168 I.Q. and I told him, the imbeciles should not have kids, but the smart people need to bless the earth with children! Howard, showed up in Kalispell, I believe, either last summer, wanting to take me to dinner or a movie, but I was busy, taking down the two former attorneys generals of Utah, and typed for 16 hours straight . . . finally, he gave up and left!
The nice thing about men, is that they can have babies, forever . . . Howard was 56 at the time, so, he is probably, 58 or so, now, never too late and he would make a perfect husband and daddy; I thought, it would be selfish, of me, to date him or Miles and deny them the opportunity of having children, or marriage, and that was all done in LOVE! I would assume, that if I got with this guy, or not, whatever happened, would not be by way of relationship, but, sex would be an expression of love. I can see that. For all I know, both guys I like, could be married, and either they will stay with their wives, girlfriends, or, getting with either of them will take some time. I thought, perhaps, this is something to get me moving in another direction . . . like I said, loyalty, or love for that matter, is something that comes from inside me, and I tend to be faithful, before a relationship even happens, and I hold on, long after, there is no hope . . . and most likely, I have nobody to blame but myself, didn't play my cards right, and time tends to take care of everything, or makes our decisions for us. Kennedy tried a bunch, and I resisted, because of this or that, was worried about who he was or was not, and guys who are good, generally don't last long, and in modern society, sex, often, seems to be the connector, with guys, and I am old fashioned, and who is to say who is right . . . timing is everything, even God, I felt, told me to act, and I was too hung up on this or that, so I didn't follow the promptings, fucked up, on this or that, wanting to wait, and guys don't tend to do time, no sex well, so, I made the choices and decisions I did, and I may regret them, or I may be glad, down the road.
Like in the dream with my dead friend, Al, the one with the two unicorns, male and female, true love, does exist, and it is WORTH WAITING FOR! I have even wondered, believing in life after death, that Al himself, dead, but communicating through dreams, that perhaps, given my idealism and romantics, real guys are TOO real for me, and maybe, Al is waiting, or Allan, the cowboy, the Marine, the biker? Mormons believe that you can be married for eternity, and that is a hell of a long time, so taking my time, doing it RIGHT, is critical to me . . . all I have EVER WANTED, since those early days going to girls camp, is ONE GREAT LOVE! All the money is bull shit to me, take it, have it, but real love, I will wait forever for one chance, one day, one love . . . I have served God and Man all my life, for one end, to find the LOVE OF MY LIFE! I am getting old GOD! LOL! STILL SINGLE, STILL FREE, AND STILL UNBROKEN! SMILE! Maybe to reach personal perfection, I need 5 more partners? LOL! I can deal with that, God has been good so far . . . dream boy, is HOT! Time for a NEW adventure, NEW growth, NEW ideas!
I forgot the last part of the dream . . . in the dream, new young hot lover boy, just kidding, walked by me, and I reached out, and kind of brushed my hand, against his. And that was the end of the dream? I may never see him again, or I may, but I will probably be too, weird to do anything! God will have to talk to him, subliminally, for me, or nothing will get done! But, I will ask him, about the living situation . . . actually, since I met that pretty female cop, it looks like she told the male cops to back off, that I am exactly, who I say I am, the attorney, the blogger, the lobbyist and bad ass con law chick! THANKS!!!!! I had the dream the night I talked to the chick cop, so, thanks for that too!
I need some guy to inspire me to exercise and get in shape . . . just the male presence will help . . . I can get hot too, 6 months! or maybe we can work it off the fun way! LOL!
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