The Tale of the Tortoise and the Hare
This morning while I was watching the speech, I believe in Columbus, Ohio, as Hillary Clinton, so eloquently, took Trump behind the backyard shed, and gave him an ass whooping, thrashed his economic policy and dismantled, him line by line, precept by precept, dumb ass comment by dumb ass comment, I could not help thinking about the story my mother read me when I was young . . . the race between the hare or rabbit and the tortoise or turtle. In this children's story, but filled with allegorical, lessons for both kids and adults, the tortoise takes off, slow, steady, plodding, along, toward the finish line, as the hare, much faster, more exciting, take off like a bullet, and thinks he is so far ahead, that he goofs along the way, take a nap, plays, eats, as the tortoise, continues in her relentless journey hard fought, slowly, continuing toward the goal of reaching the finish line before the hare. And when all is said and done, it is the tortoise who wins the race, because of the constant and enduring, slow process of seeing the goal, staying on the path, focused, and never stepping off the well beaten path to success and the win . . . such is Hillary's trail to the White House . . . strategic, patient, calm, relentless, plodding, taking her place and time, getting trained, taking positions and jobs, that would prepare her and enable her to be a great president, not flashy, entertaining . . . although, she is getting more and more funny, given the subject matter of her competition, who is giving her plenty of ammo to use against him, and any person, who is like, Hillary or the tortoise, who plotted and planned this for fucking 25 YEARS, they know the clown Trump, and his sporadic, energize, erratic, strong man, arm pumping, stop and go, not just in this election, but considering a run for over what 16 years? But NEVER doing anything to be prepared, learn the government system, the Constitution, nor how to run a campaign! Just like the hare, assumes he has the tools, the speed the energy, the stamina to win the race, when in reality, he is slipping in every way!
Personality, entertainment, energy, flexing muscles, acting the strong man, never substitutes for hard fought, principles, understanding, training, experience, knowledge, strategy and staying power! We saw this with Sarah Palin--who could not even make it the full term in her alleged, Alaskan governor's position, too, lacking the intellectual curiosity, to even study what the vice president of the United States does, contained in one fucking line in the Constitution . . . yeah that document, that is the bible for running both the federal and state governments! You can slam beltway insiders all you want, but they have paid their dues, fought the good fight, endured the pressure of Washington, D.C., or in Hillary's case, starting to be on a national scene, at a young age, starting with her law practice, and every inch of the way, she has shown her commitment to children, women, people, caring, fighting for, and working for, all of us, then moving to a world stage, fully prepared from fucking DAY ONE, to take the reigns of this country, better prepared than any other candidate, we have EVER had run for public office! It kills me, other than, I know the feeling, that, Hillary's ratings were way high as Secretary of State, but the second she announces that she is running for President, all of the sudden, magically, her rating starts to slip, she was no longer a good Sec. of State, and without doing a fucking thing, she is now, Crooked Hillary? If that is not a Trump projection, I don't know what is! Who is the crook . . . Hillary has not been sued, 3500 times! She has not been bankrupt 4 times! She is not the one who refused to report her income taxes! Her and Bill have released fucking 40 yeas of income taxes! GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU IDIOTS?
The Clinton Family vs. Trump and His Spoiled Bratz? Seriously?
Now, I adore my children, and they are smart, beautiful, educated, cool, have experiences that I have never had, like serving in the military, and travelling all over the world, belonging to world honor societies, fighting the music scene, running a computer firm, making files for politicians, movie stars, companies, or information and insights into homeschooling and foreign relations, etc.; however, I would not, defer to my children's expertise, in government, unless they had actual training, experience, and either employment in the area, or something that would qualify them, or distinguish them in my mind, as being of note and worthy of asking, something about, and area of law or policy, as in my oldest daughter's employment with the Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, or the Divisions of Natural Resource Division, etc., where she has understandings and insights, that are unique and different than my background, in the law with a smattering of classes, cases, legislation, that touches on those areas, but not in depth, and maybe just through, a case or two, or a client, who had educated me, or I have been called upon to lobby for this or that issue, up at the state legislature. But, I would always, always, always, take into consideration, their youth, cutting them, not only slack, but realizing that, just life experience, can, make the difference in how, they might, interpret something, or slant their ideas, this way or that, given, not only the time they were born, but, taking into consideration the trends of the era, history, and again, the maturing process. But to give cart blanche, reverence, deference, weight, or charge to them, other than to take their thoughts under advisement, would be a huge ass mistake! What qualities the Trump children for jack shit? Scary . . .
I didn't start practicing law, until, I was 40 years old, and all I did was save myself of 15 years of becoming mature enough, to handle and understand the law, not necessarily from, an intellectual and academic background, but, just from the fact, that, when most attorneys, graduate from law school, they have never been married, never purchased a home, have not done much, other than academic pursuit, under the protection and care of their parents! I remember, going up against a few, punk ass, youngsters, representing, the banks, in a foreclosure, and me representing the home owner . . . and when these two pimple faced, under 30 years of age, did all kinds of not only unconstitutional shit to my clients, taking liberties, with their alleged, uncodified, power of the banks, which was so misplaced, wrong and untimely, I almost felt like taking their sorry asses, and kicking them the shit out of the conference room we were sitting in! God, and they were probably, top ten, in their law school graduating class, and they were fucking dumb ass level in life, and understanding of the law, the totality of home ownership, propriety, and decorum! I was so furious, I thought the deputy sheriffs or bailiffs on guard outside the door were going to come in a arrest me! LOL! But, shit, they were stupid, and not on a legal sense, just in fucking immaturity! I would rather have spit in their faces, than, spent one more minute talking to them . . . property rights, even for banks, only go as far as the law allows them, and they can't take more rights than they have, at a particular time in the legal process!
What are the qualifications, of the Trump, litter? A background in construction? golf courses? does the new boob job, of Ivanka make her smarter? In my father's book, the cops' book, it does . . . before the silicone Barbie look, she was just Trump's little girl, now, she is trying to present herself, and this sophisticated, almost dower, mature, woman, in what, her EARLY 30'S? You gotta be shitting me! I saw her signing autographs, and thought, what the fuck has that, little bitch done? NOTHING! And Melania, was cut out of the Trump family picture this morning? She has been a top model, run her own company, and was, I understand pretty successful, and now she is being a good mother to Barron! And she is not consulted? But the dumb ass young kids are? It must be a bloodline thing . . . the only people you are related to, but not blood relatives, is the person you are married to! What, she doesn't have the Trump blood in her, so we devalue the wife, with a BRAIN? The first picture, I saw, with the Donald, Barron, and Melania, one in the Trump home, showed proud daddy and son, mommy standing behind them, and her head was cut off in the picture? What the fuck? You will have a hard time, making me believe, Trump respects and loves, woman!
And as for the TRUMP BRAND . . . FUCK MY FOUR KIDS ARE BETTER LOOKING, SMARTER, MORE SAVVY, BY FAR! LOL! Unlike, Ivanka, Chelsea, is home, with her children . . . also an adviser and involved in the Clinton Foundation with her father, former President Bill Clinton, doing good with her father, all over the WORLD, she is not pushed out into front and center, she is involved, as her motherly duties allow . . . who the fuck is taking care of Ivanka's kids? There is a time and place for everything, and a woman, can do it all, but, there is a time and a season! Sarah Palin didn't seem to know that one either, for all the Republican virtue and family values, why the fuck are all their women, who they hold up as examples or candidates, ignoring their motherly duties, in exchange for fame, TV time, face time, and exposure? Shit, allegedly, Palin, had a baby, 6 months before she was asked to be V.P.? does that make sense to ANY SERIOUS MOTHER? NO!
The Whole World Needs to Be Concerned with this American Clown Ship of Trumps! or Drumpfs! Their German Name! Trump is a Flash in the Pan! the Hare . . . Hillary Listed Three Things World Leaders are Most Concerned About--If I Can Remember: (1) Global Economy; (2) Terrorist Attacks; and (3) a Trump Presidency in the U.S! Get SERIOUS, WE HAVE THE AMERICAN REPUTATION TO UPHOLD . . . HOLD FAST! SURE AND STEADY, CONSISTENT AND STRONG, IN HER TRAIL TO THE WHITE HOUSE! I for one, will NOT stand for INCOMPETENCE AND KIDS RUNNING THE WHITE HOUSE!
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