- my Uncle Phillip Christensen and his son, Bryce Christensen, were both FBI . . . Bryce was the LA field office, chief, or assistant deputy, when the first spy was charged with espionage and sedition charges for selling secrets to the Russians, falling for a Russian spy, honey trap! I believe this was back in like 1983 or something like that; the spy was also a Mormon, as was the director and deputy directors of the field office, who first protected the bastard and then threw him under the bus, rather than take heat themselves . . . long history with Russia, and they are here investigating the Russian mob? Fuck no, those 5 or so agents at Liquid Planet, this morning were there for me, not the mob!
- if there are actually any, real FBI agents, among the private Mormon mafia, forces, I would check the origins of the POTEET CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, POT "E" "ET", both symbolic signs for Elliot, my son, God's Revolver, now the Ditch and the Delta, bands, and Brett, Jack Strode, Mike Willis or McClintoch, Jerry Owens, all these shits, smoke pot, another form of seed money for the DEA, with the three annual, marijuana busts, in Utah, I ratted out to the feds, or the U.S. Attorney Generals Office, District of Utah, when, they actually were honest enough to go after the fucking cops, firing 8; however, there should have been some DEA heads roll on that one, but, we do protect OUR OWN, DON'T WE! I am sure all the hags, hanging with the POTHEADS, Kay and Shelley, probably Rachel, because, Kennedy was into pot too, so the weak females who need the males to help them remain able to claim my money, and my children's money, they are all about money! and POT!
- the other day, I was on the bus to Bonner, and I was riding by the lumber mill, and there was this, brand new, gold, water sprinkler truck, shooting tons of water out onto the dirt roads to hold down the dust levels, even though there was really nothing going on, where the truck was going . . . I think it said something like Liquid Gold, or some symbolic name that caught my eye, but I didn't write the name down, but, the intelligence idea, God, style, came to my mind, that, between my blog and sons music, daughters books and projects, there is literally gold being sprayed all over this town! On "Helen" street, there is a new round-about, something, that is so unnecessary, on a pretty quiet street, decorated with vegetation, and some, grasses that remind me of something my mother would put in . . . the circle is really in the way, and is so unneeded, that, it made me think of the gold truck, spraying water or liquid gold, of MINE, fucking everywhere, to get rid of it . . . MILLIONS PER DAY, NOT TO MENTION MUSIC MONEY, ALL HITS ALL THE TIME! I might guess that someone is living on that street, or near the big old homes on HELEN street near that round-about! THERE IS A REASON IT IS THERE!
- I am sure, it is costing me a pretty penny, to bring all the FBI agents and their families, to MONTANA . . . I MAKE THINGS FUN. There is also a sign, I believe, going along Brooks, with a family river rafting, it says, we make this possible! I am sure my MONEY IS FLOWING LIKE WATER IN THE STREETS, AS IT WAS IN ST. GEORGE, LOGAN AND PARK CITY, BACK IN 2006 AND 2007, with strip malls, going in fucking everywhere.
- I would check all the construction starts, everywhere, all the apartment building reconstruction, like the one on MADISON, just above where I lived with or rented from, MORMON MOBSTER, TONY OSTHEMEIER! They most likely brought, 200 FBI agents to lie for Shelley! LOL! Oh, no, the woman, we say was brunette with hazel eyes, Liquid Planet, just like they always pay people to LIE! COVERS THEIR ASSES ALL THE TIME!
- When Bryce Christensen, left the LA FBI field office, he was hired as security for the MORMON CHURCH! are you seeing any connections, between the Southwick Mob Family, and the government? cops? prosecutors? judges? An FBI agent just came in with his wife . . . SWEET RIDE FOR THE CHICKS BEING ME, SWEET RIDE FOR ALL AGENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES, PLAY WHILE YOU ARE ON DUTY! ALLAN AND SHELLEY, ONLY DISTRIBUTE THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!! THE SECRIST FAMILY MAKES IT!
- A little fat girl in a pink t-shirt with gold writing on it, just sat down in front of me . . . Rachel, is allegedly, me and is the one writing this blog, I DON'T EXIST! FUCK I DON'T; ONLY IN THEIR DREAMS! LOL! The little girl is carrying a white, UNICORN, so I am thinking she may be carrying a symbolic toy, of my dream about the perfect love, I wrote about a week or so ago, with the two unicorns going into the mountain waters, with me and my dead friend standing on a bridge over the water! Grandpa, FBI looking dude, is wearing a blue hat, Mormon symbol colors, but the shirt he has on, for me, is Black . . . COLOR ME RAD . . . sure enough, he just scratched his head, STING OFF STRATCHED AND OFF, he could tell I was reading his shirt and looking at all the very non-McD, types, eating here today! Same with the other guy, FBI, issue . . . both, keep looking at ME! YEP!!!!!! Pretending to be runners . . . most runners don't wear their shorts and t-shirts all day! I was ONE! These guys don't look like Mo's, but definitely agents! But, they are saying what they think, with their clothes, blue, MORMONs, dude's hat, says, Boise State--I knew it, FBI agent from IDAHO!, over ME THE RAD COLORFUL CHICK! Stupid is as, Stupid does, or Boring does! LOL! His wife has an eastern accent.
- every time I look at him, he is sneaking a look at me! FED! I AM FAMOUS, SO WHY NOT?
- and of course, my dad, was a spy for the Air Force, when I was born, in Port Hueneme, Navy Base, California, December 17, 1954! Super baby? Maybe, they say, the less time you spend in the birth canal, the smarter the baby is, because, they don't lose oxygen . . . someone told my mother to take cod liver oil, to speed up delivery time, because she wanted to have me before, Christmas, I was born, one week before Christmas! My father was in the OSI, a division in the OSS or Office of Strategic Service, so the Office of Strategic Intelligence! Even births are symbolic, out of my whole family, extended and all, I was the only one, in my generation back, to be born outside of Utah! All the rest are loyal to the Mormon Church, and I am loyal to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
Mormon Missions, Training for Mormon FBI and CIA Agents, Languages Put Them All Over the Earth, In Contact with FOREIGN DIGNITARIES!
- missions, just, in my parents' kids, grand kids and in-laws, that I know . . . I lost track of all 150 of them, to date: England, France, Brussels, Holland, Germany, Turkey, Brazil, Portugal, islands off Africa, Eastonia, Russia; Reno, Nevada; Mexico, and I have lost count!
- back in the 1950's, when the John Birch Society, was attacked as a radical constitutional crazed society, then, Secretary of Agriculture, Ezra Taft Benson, later to become, a Mormon PROPHET, and I believe he was appointed during the Eisenhower Administration, I think, but he became President, when I was first married, after President Kimball, who was in forever, so, probably, around the late, 1970's, but, while he was a general authority, he said: "Any member of the Church of Jesus Christ, who is a Democrat, cannot be considered a good member of the Church!" or something to that effect! So, going back to the future, when the Mormons were cliquey and cloistered, like they are today, the extermination order was issued by Governor Boggs, for block voting and Mormons only doing business with each other, but, Joseph Smith literally had to go down the streets of Navuoo, and assign, members to be this or that political party, and Joe Smith had run for president too, so a long time desire of the Mormons, suffering greatly from an inferiority complex, so the will steal any credibility they can get, like, taking credit for my case, Brock, going right to the heart of Wall Street, another place Mormons hang out! also big time donors to the Republican Party, only problem, I was for PRESIDENT OBAMA! But, whether, Pres. Benson, ever redacted that statement or not, it has remained to the point, where Republicans are born and bred by the Mormon Church and to vote Democrat, is almost as heretical as dropping out of the Church! I have only one Aunt who is a Democrat, and she, would call me, secretly, to congratulate each other on President Obama's win, because, we know the rest of the family, would go ape shit! LOL! There is a hatred among Mormons for both, Democrats, Obama and the Clintons, that, goes BONE AND BLOOD DEEP!
- my fourth husband, the government clone for my client, Allan Rex Bess, murdered, so the Delta Force Intelligence brought in feds to take care of me, and get rid of him, who had sued the feds, VA and the U.S.A., worried that, he could substantiate my fucked up brain disease, because he won against the feds, in a case he sued, because, having been, I Corp Marine, Intelligence in Vietnam, the man who knew too much, they tried to kill him, on four different occasions, as they did his buddies, all dead, all followed by the FBI, for months after they were released from military duty. But, just before, I was run out of the state of Mormon, Republicans, we had a heated conversation, over the elections, and I told him, I was voting for President Obama, and I believe this was before my case was stolen at the United States Supreme Court level, deals were cut with Brock and Rice, at the 10th Circuit Court level, but, I remember, him going off on Obama, almost with blood in his eyes, furious, hateful, and angry? I couldn't see his point, other than, the Prez, was BLACK, and this fucker, was as bigoted and prejudice as you get! He told me he was with, Interpol, and his code name was Frank, but, I believe that was when, he, over the operation to curtail me, and take me out, replacing me with Shelley, was the turning point, and the death warrant was issued!
Due to all the Mormon missions and languages, going around the earth, Utah, as the headquarters of the Mormon Church, or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint? more like DEVILS, every member of the church, if told to join the money making club, would do so without question, so, any product is rapid fire around the globe, easy, quick, without tracing money, nor paying taxes! So, look how slick, stealing Elliot's bands' money is . . . steal the new CD, hit the Mormon network marketing fast, have millions buy the CD, whether they dig the music or not, and there is raw money for everyone! same with my blog . . . to avoid being a scam or a ponzi scheme, just charge $1.99 for each blog, or each download, and the leaders in my family, cops, church, feds, are making a fucking shitload, tax free! Jerry Owens, my second husband, worked on a network marketing scam for fucking 27 years and it looks like after I left Jerry, Shelley, moved in on him, and he lied who was Elliot and who was Isaac, who JoAnn was, saying the opposite of the truth, clear back, maybe even, before, I was poisoned, in 1999, with this plan in the hopper, long ago, because of Elliot's music! the seed money for the whole fucking fraud, politics, power, and criminal enterprises, where, Brett, Shelley, Kay and my father, the masterminds behind all of this, got the idea, fuck they bought the whole fucking Mormon Church, you can see it in the 2007, I believe, Christmas Eve, Special, back when God's Revolver was rockin' the underground music scene! So, the normal, boring, Christmas Eve Special from the Church, just a talk by the Prophet, turned into a Hollywood, Christmas pageant, with ballerina's and skiers, symbolic of Kay and Brett, looking more like a Bing Cosby, White Christmas Special! LOL! One place I would look, for big time laundered money, is the purchase of the 13 acres, that the Mormon Church bought, right around this time, in downtown, Salt Lake, putting in luxury condos, and executive office suits! My parents started acting like hot shit during that time, as did Shelley and the whole Southwick crew, with a new general authority from the Ence pioneer family, oh, no, it is a SNOW, also a family name, connected to the Southwicks . . . strings attached to MONEY? Anyway, Jerry Owens, key to this, especially with lies on Elliot's music, PARALLAX, grunge, just getting big, cottage concerts and underground music labels, also connected to the four deaths, in the Provo Death Cave, in 2004, so long stealing the money, I think, they wanted to kill, band members, when they were that magic age of 27, like so many musicians! as a marketing tool! SICK FUCKS!!!!! Anyway, Jerry, had this plan, that, he would get items, people wanted to market and sale, for cheap, Swiss Utility Knives, or whatever, then, you would get two people to join, and the ponzi scheme, was, not about the products, but about the money, but, you get two, they each get two and build the pyramid, and every month or so, push through another meaningless product, that was just a cover, for the money scheme! Perfect for CDs, perfect for joining a blog, MY BLOG . . . check the numbers on sites, like,,,, and that is only on my BAD ASS CON LAW CHICK BLOG, not counting, bad as con law chick, or bad con law chick, or bad ass constitutional law chick, but these are from 13,000,000 to 69,000 for just the original version, they could have 50 or 60 versions for all I know, but just the one is fucking HUGE! Hell I was just making up,, and, to see if it would kick up something, shit, millions!!!!!!!! at a penny per hit, to 5 cents per hit? I mean we are talking fucking millions per day, on billions of hits, and my blog is in every language on the earth, I should be a BILLIONAIRE MANY TIMES OVER! I think that is why, they fight me so hard, fucking every day, for my name, my brand, my blog, my kids . . . literally, the GOLDEN GOOSE, WHO LAID THE FOUR GOLDEN EGGS! We are probably the richest family in the fucking world! WHY DO YOU THINK THEY WANT TO KILL ME, I KNOW THE WHOLE FUCKING SHIT SHOW! On, the church property, I remember, looking up, how the church purchased it, and about that same time, the church went from their label, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, to the property arm of the church, the intellectual arm of the church, etc. They transitioned at that time, from a church, to a corporate giant, always had been, but, worse now, and I remember, telling both my Mormon bishop Greer, and also, stake president, Ence, that I wanted my name removed from the church records, because, I was sure they were using my son's, didn't know about Chris's music back then, but I knew Shelley and her band of pirates and bandits, were STEALING EL'S MUSIC! I knew my parents, Shelley, Brett and Kay, bought the church, through the property arm of the church! Ence a builder, said, that there were no funds used from tithing and offering of church members, or the prophet, MONSON, mobster, looking ass, said, a conference that year, admitting to having the money donated? I think, my father, who had Power of Attorney, at the time, SOLD ME, or the RIGHTS TO ME, to I believe, Frank, aka, Allan, who feels quit fine about taking everything I HAVE! including my LIFE, giving it to MOB WIFE, Shelley!
Who Needs Luck, When I Am This Awesome!
I Love This Stuff, I Was Born For This Shit! Hopefully, This Information Helps!
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