"Stitches . . . We Make You Look Good!"
This is a sign, probably for some sewing, alteration place or something, but, I noticed, the sign, while on route 7 bus, Mountain Line, the other day, right after I had just completed a scathing blog, against, the usual suspects, cops and their cop cunts! Your little "special op" failed, not only failed, but failed, miserably! You guys look like shit--exactly like you should, and I have had a chance to brag on myself! LOL, almost 1,000 fucking blogs, that people cheer and say, more power to you, for taking the fucking cops down a peg or two, after the Patriot Act, creating, SS monsters out of them, shooting, maiming, and gunning down people in the streets--making cops the fucking judge, jury and executioner on the streets, until some prosecutors were pressured into going after the fucking killers, turning the citizens into zombies, in fear of their own shadows, numb nuts, who are so paranoid, that, they will do what the students at Vanderbilt University, or the law enforcement agencies, or the fucking citizens, who turned a blind eye, not while shooting the bullies, but while, the "gang rape" of a constitutional law chick, a bad ass con law chick at that, who was defending, YOUR FUCKING RIGHTS!
Do you know, the first thing, the 8 cops, now under indictment for killing unarmed citizens, screamed for? You got it, their constitutional rights, the very ones, Bush/Cheney and the boyz and girlz of the Patriot Act tried to get rid of, same thing, the two, former Utah attorney generals, the day both of them were arrested for corrupt practices and political clowning, or raping WE THE PEOPLE or our rights and property, licenses and money, looking at 30 years, for charges against them, with me, picking up where the Mo FBI, dropped the probe against these two clowns, only clowning with me and the people of Utah, while Shurtleff and Swallow--after their arrests, said they were thankful for their constitutional rights, the very rights, those same property rights, protections and defenses they violated, when they took my house, law practice, cars, furniture away for defending, with the fucking AG at the time and his chief deputy, and replacement, were named defendants, in my, $357 million case, for when state SEC regulators, fleeced financial planners, going after them with criminal charges and losing their securities licenses, unless, they contributed to Shurtleff's run for the U.S. Senate, or Governor, $15,000 to $50,000, through, his henchman, Tim Lawson, candidate, for Utah governor, back, in 2,000 when Shurtleff was hand selected by the cops, to run for attorney general, poisoning me, to take me out of the game, while I was being courted by Salt Lake Republican leaders, like Nancy Workman and others, to run, and I would have won, hands down, so, the cops, could not have withstood, having a woman who had kicked the shit out of them, killing asset forfeiture, with reforms passing by way of referendums, in 27 of the 50 states, with cops, begging me to compromise on constitutional protections, the shit, they are still making me pay for . . . asset forfeiture was cop, prosecutor, judges, cities, cash cow, where they were free to fleece citizens, who had fucking no protections or rights, to get their property back . . . now, the feds, launder the money, up through them, keeping their cut, just like the mafia, and give 80% back to the states . . . I stopped all of that, but, after 17 years, the thugs in blue, the fraternal order, is hot on my ass, so I can't PROTECT YOU AGAIN, believe me, this shit is back, big time!
LOL! You Guys Make Me Look Like the Holy Mother, Mother Teresa, All Rolled Into One! LOL! Set a Trap for Someone . . . You Fall Into The Trap Yourselves! Sunday School Lesson From the Scriptures! LOL!
Several Years Ago, My Son-In-Law Dallas, Said: "Jo one of these days, the cops and prosecutors are going to pay you to shut the fuck up!" LOL! That would probably be a smart thing to do, right about now! Through this blog, I have probably worked more miracles to make cops, clean up their shit, misplaced power, and done more than any P.O.S.T., training on the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, could do! I started my law career, 23 years ago, as a naive housewife, graduating to the big leagues, being hired as staff attorney, for the Utah Prosecutors Council, Criminal Enforcement Division, Utah Attorney Generals Office . . . putting me, right in the middle of the cops associations, the prosecutors associations, the judges associations, sheriffs associations . . . and after one meeting, seeing the criminal justice players, fighting over "surcharge" money, seeing it for exactly what it was . . . a fucking money making machine, I self-appointed me, as the UTAH PROSECUTOR! Self-fulfilled prophecy fulfilled! LOL!
Several Years Ago, My Son-In-Law Dallas, Said: "Jo one of these days, the cops and prosecutors are going to pay you to shut the fuck up!" LOL! That would probably be a smart thing to do, right about now! Through this blog, I have probably worked more miracles to make cops, clean up their shit, misplaced power, and done more than any P.O.S.T., training on the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, could do! I started my law career, 23 years ago, as a naive housewife, graduating to the big leagues, being hired as staff attorney, for the Utah Prosecutors Council, Criminal Enforcement Division, Utah Attorney Generals Office . . . putting me, right in the middle of the cops associations, the prosecutors associations, the judges associations, sheriffs associations . . . and after one meeting, seeing the criminal justice players, fighting over "surcharge" money, seeing it for exactly what it was . . . a fucking money making machine, I self-appointed me, as the UTAH PROSECUTOR! Self-fulfilled prophecy fulfilled! LOL!
P.S., the Poverello Center, stories for Anastasia, the POV. has been a LIFE SAVER for me . . . I think, for the first time in at least 4 years, I am, soundly sleeping, for 8 hours, of restful sleep, so I must be feeling safer! Thanks! GREAT PLACE, FUN PEOPLE, GREAT STAFF, AMAZING FOOD, SHELBY; PEOPLE LIKE ANNIE, BONGO, PEOPLE WHO TRIP IN AND OUT OF THE POV., COLORFUL, STRANGE, INTERESTING, and not your RUN OF THE MILL, PEOPLE, a bit more wild, adventuresome . . . the Poverello Center takes care of about on average, of 168 people a night, and does it with care, concern, but tough, tactics when needed, with relative peace, safety, cleanliness, and over all good management! In my bizarre world of cops, robbers, cloak and daggers, spooks, undercover, and whatever, the Poverello Center, has always, welcomed me back with open arms, never pressuring, bugging, or putting undue and unrealistic measures, on me, while I fight this battle, for the Constitution, freedom, rights, protections . . . and for that, not only me, but, Americans in general, should be grateful! There was probably no place on earth, that has sheltered me and protected me in the same way, so someone, did in a silent way, support me!!! over the last three years, of coming and going! I joke that the Pov. is like the Eagle's Band, Hotel California . . . where you can get in, but you can never leave! You are free to go, but I am always grateful to be let in! Too many nights on the streets, even turned out in blizzards and snow storms, freezing temperatures, by some shelters and ingrates, who put rules above the homeless they are suppose to serve!
The Poverello Center, in the 40 years, but only over a year in the new, $5 million facility, seems to have reached a nice balance, of making a stay nice, but not too nice, without somehow, bugging the shit out of you, but, when things don't work out, or you get poisoned, and your job or apartment gets fucked with, there is an unspoken understanding and acceptance . . . the personnel, seem to be saints, with what I see, and the cool way they handle, problems with calm, cool, professionalism, and the patience of JOB! When I, as a bystander, see RED, the staff, sees, BLUE AND GREEN, listen, think, talk, maybe discuss in privacy, options, and then, just handle things.
ANASTASIA and all the other volunteers, those who donate, food--great ham dinner for Easter, clothing, time, efforts and money, THANK YOU, your love, your tenderness, your caring, does not go, UN-NOTICED, nor Unappreciated! THANK YOU, FOR BEING HERE! I LOVE YOU GUYS! NO PLACE ON EARTH LIKE THE POV., FAMOUS IN ITS OWN RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., signing off, from under two surveillance cameras, at McDonald's in Missoula, Montana . . . always welcoming too! 10:52 A.M., Mountain Standard Time (Denver) . . . Not the Pacific Time the Mo NSA shows, fucking with the guts on my computer, on the blog posting! I wonder if I am in Chicago today, without going more than a mile from the Poverello? I cleaned up, a ton of shit when I POWERWASHED my computer . . . the other day, there was this new, security, privacy, stuff, up, encouraging me, to protect my one account, one whatever, on Google, I am afraid to mess with, but did, just because of all the "intellectual property" I get stolen, because I am technologically challenged to protect, missing, at least 8 years of technology while battling with Pick's Disease where I never touched a computer, but, I think, I just closed my eyes and pushed the security protection, and I think it worked, because, this strange, thing, popped up, on my computer, after someone, shut off the Internet connection, I steal from Netgear Guests, out in cyber space . . . but, this whole list of things, questions came up, from a REMOTE DESKTOP, asking me: (1) are you on your computer? (2
ANASTASIA and all the other volunteers, those who donate, food--great ham dinner for Easter, clothing, time, efforts and money, THANK YOU, your love, your tenderness, your caring, does not go, UN-NOTICED, nor Unappreciated! THANK YOU, FOR BEING HERE! I LOVE YOU GUYS! NO PLACE ON EARTH LIKE THE POV., FAMOUS IN ITS OWN RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., signing off, from under two surveillance cameras, at McDonald's in Missoula, Montana . . . always welcoming too! 10:52 A.M., Mountain Standard Time (Denver) . . . Not the Pacific Time the Mo NSA shows, fucking with the guts on my computer, on the blog posting! I wonder if I am in Chicago today, without going more than a mile from the Poverello? I cleaned up, a ton of shit when I POWERWASHED my computer . . . the other day, there was this new, security, privacy, stuff, up, encouraging me, to protect my one account, one whatever, on Google, I am afraid to mess with, but did, just because of all the "intellectual property" I get stolen, because I am technologically challenged to protect, missing, at least 8 years of technology while battling with Pick's Disease where I never touched a computer, but, I think, I just closed my eyes and pushed the security protection, and I think it worked, because, this strange, thing, popped up, on my computer, after someone, shut off the Internet connection, I steal from Netgear Guests, out in cyber space . . . but, this whole list of things, questions came up, from a REMOTE DESKTOP, asking me: (1) are you on your computer? (2
THESE FUCKING GOD-DAMNED FUCKING COP CUNTS UNDER THE DIRECTION, ACCESS, ACCESS, ACCESS OF THE FUCKING MORMON NSA, IN UTAH, JUST ERASED, VERY DAMAGING STATEMENTS OF THEFT, JOB IN BOZEMAN, MONTANA at the Montana State University, LEGAL DEPARTMENT, a job, I turned down, meeting James Kennedy in Durango, Colorado, to wait for an Interview . . . having been blocked, with part of the job app, done online, never could access MY resume, on My GOOGLE DOCS, because the whore squad of fucking fake butt fucking chicks, who take it in the ass, being used and abused by the god damned cops, over and over, stupid as hell, stole MY OWN UNIQUE STYLE OF RESUME, MUCH LIKE MY BLOG, MY DOCUMENTS, AND EVEN LEGAL BRIEFS, USING BULLETS, TITLES, SUBTITLES, wherever and whenever . . . but forcing me to send, my application, online, in email and through the MAIL! GOD THESE FUCKING CUNTS NEED TO BE FUCKING EXECUTED, THIS SHIT IS DAILY . . . GOD, IF YOU FUCKING SKY COPS, CAN'T SEE THIS THEFT OF "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR STUPID FACES AND COMPUTER SCREENS, YOU SHOULD GET ANOTHER FUCKING JOB . . . DO YOURS ASSHOLES!
These hacker hags, are as stupid as the football players, in the gang rape case, I just wrote about . . . "PARTY'S OVER!" thinking, that they can erase, what I wrote! LOL! Fuck, they just gave you a shit load of proof, that they are fucking stealing from me, and good sky cops, who have access, the same access the whores do, the government hookers do, can pull all the fucking versions, up, just like the texts, the pictures, the erased shit, that convicted the four football players, on RAPE! Females can RAPE TOO! Kay, Shelley, Rachel are all probably Lesbians too! LOL! Sisters who steal, do each other too! LOL . . . FUCK THE HACKER HAGS, MATCHING ORANGE JUMPSUITS FOR THE BITCHES!
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