Murder On My Mind . . . Federal Agent Lab Rat!
A serial killer is on the loose, in the city, paralyzed by fear, after four blonde haired, blue eyed, professional women, were strangled and stabbed, with the most recent attack victim surviving, the savage and brutal assault, laying in the hospital, brain dead. A young, professional, blonde, blue eyed agent, with a doctorate, and high marks in her education and at the academy, is called in by local cops, to help get into the mind of the killer, before he strikes again. The all male agency and department, is a bit put off, when, they find out, Kelann Pierce is a female, and they start immediately, putting her through the ringer, don't trust her, giver her the grunt jobs, start questioning her intuitive and educated hunches, but are also attracted to this very stand off and professional woman, who just seems to grate on the nerves of the men, but, is generally right, pissing off the men, who first doubt her methods, later checking out her premonitions about the killer, detailing his thoughts, reasoning, even discovering where some of the evidence, was that detectives missed in their crime scene investigation. However, the agent, is not, as straight forward, and honest, as to the help, she is getting, when her boyfriend a physician, working more, on the brain, using rats, as subjects, studying the new experiment, training a male rat, to run a maze, later taking a female rat, that had never run the maze, nor was trained, in the route, is injected with some of the brain cells, of the male, transferred into her brain, as she completes the maze without a mistake, in a perfect score, trial after trail.
When girlfriend, federal agent, through inductive reasoning, realizes that her assault victim, may be brain dead, but, also holds the memories and keys to what happened to her, giving the agent the inside mindset of the woman as she fought her attacker, may have a mental picture, of someone she knows, and what the motives are, and so girlfriend, asks her live in boyfriend, if he is ready to take his theories and experiment on the rats, and shared brain cells and memory to the next level, injecting her with the brain cells of the victim, to see if she gets insights and images, of the killer, his methods, where he came from, and who he chose this particular victim. The boyfriend is reluctant, and warns her of his reputation, ethics violations, and the myriad of troubles and problems he could face, if the experiment failed, or didn't work on humans in the same way as it did on rats. She is all about business and the solving the case, and she threatens, if he doesn't do this on her and the victim, she will break up with him. He does the experiment, and tells her to let him know, every thought, memory she has, letting him record all incidents, thoughts and reactions to this human experiment, that could help stop a serial killer. As she pressures him, he says, I know your perfect. She tells him, she cannot afford a mistake. Soon, the agent starts, to see, vague flashes of the killer, where the attack took place, the manner in which, the assault took place, she hears his voice, and is able through these, genetically imprinted memories from the incident, can tell how tall he is, and warn the detectives and cops, that the man, that was suspected of committing the crimes, was too short, and his voice was too high.
How do you know that?
Stringent Purity Criteria, Professional Chill, Replaced With, Smoking, New Sexuality, Suggestive Dancing, and Attraction to Victim's Boyfriend, Whom She Thinks Could Be the Killer . . . Dr. Boyfriend is Freaking!
The experiment starts to take on new, 50 Shades of Gray, and this nothing but business professional, starts to wear her hair looser, starts wearing hot red lipstick, dressing sexier, going into the wardrobe of the victim, who seems to have two sides to her life, the CEO on the one hand, and the sexually, risky, vamp, who lights up, wearing dresses with slits, up to her thighs, or enticing her boyfriend, the Dr. wearing revealing lingerie, silky red robe, black bra and thong underwear, leaving him speechless and confused, as she wants to take time off, when the case is solved, going on a romantic weekend . . . he is taken back by this new passionate woman, who never took time off, and was all about work, and not striking any of her male co-workers as being the slightest bit interested in romance. Her boyfriend starts to realize, that it is the victim's personality, coming through to his girlfriend agents, mind, and as she gets insight into the nature of the crime, she is also, almost transforming into the woman, herself, looking much like the woman and being about her size. As she meets with the brain dead, woman's boyfriend, seeking to get her personality and understanding of their relationship, to see if there was something, or someone who might have, been tangentially involved in the hot and cold relationship, or she wanted to see if it was the boyfriend himself.
Agent, starts to call victim's artist boyfriend, Picasso, just like the victim herself did, she smoked like her, wore her hair, as the other woman did, and seemed to start to connect deeply with her, to the point of losing herself and her own personality in the process. The agent's real boyfriend, was getting more and more concerned, as she takes risks, tries to go back to the scene of the crime, putting her more and more in danger of actually being attacked by the killer herself, and the scenario, starts to present itself, to her, as she goes deeper and deeper, into the mind of the woman, as sees the event through the mind of the all but dead woman, and suddenly, she realized that the victim had one date with the killer, and had a sexual interlude with him, hearing the words of the killer in her mind's eye: (1) first women love you; (2) then they don't like you; and (3) then you will be sorry! The female agent, had this epiphany, as a detective, burst into her door to tell her she was right on this and that . . . she uses her training and education, to realize, that the killer: (1) forced the victim to reject him; (2) to validate his opinion and stereotype of this type of woman; and (3) the killer's M.O., was nothing more than classic devaluation and idealization syndrome! We all create out own heaven and hell, bringing about our version of reality, our personal scripts, family patterns, and act to validate them, often being our own worst enemy . . . I met the enemy, and the enemy was ME!
The killer, who actually, works in the lab with the Dr. boyfriend, sets up the attractive blonde, blue-eyed agent, fitting his type of professional woman victim, tells her to meet her boyfriend in the lab, as the boyfriend is trying desperately to find her, due to the fact, that one of the lab rats, just died of complication, related to the injection and experimentation. The killer sends the boyfriend in one direction, while the next serial killer's victim, the agent is on her way looking for her boyfriend . . . as she realizes that this man is the killer, and he starts to chase her, she starts to psychoanalyze him, hitting on the fact, that he had mother issues, as she recalled, some of the flashes of inspiration, into his background and history, when he says, women lie . . . but not to fear--fear expresses them for what they are! The agent, said, you've got a problem, Robert, killing women is not going to solve it. She told him, that his mother, chose the men in her life, over him, and he felt rejected, and as he chased the victim, the night he stalked and killed her, it was not her who was afraid, but he was, and when she didn't fear him, he killed her! He said, your cleaver, your lucky, but you talk too much! Then he tried to kill her, just as the cops, figured out who the killer was, after checking out all her hunches, on where the killer held and killed his victims, in a van, she saw in her mind, seeing also, telephone cords, and equipment, from a delivery van. The men got there just in time to save her from this lunatic!
The boyfriend, comforting her, but, trying to get her attention, that the experiment needed to stop, because of the death of the lab rat . . . she calm, cool and collected, back to the consummate professional, said, rats die all the time! The voice of rational thought, rather than emotional alarm! LOL! The cops and detectives were impressed, and kept asking her, how she got all her tips, her information, and figured out, the psychological make-up of the killer. She just called it, female intuition! Success is when training and opportunity present themselves! Cops and detectives, use, mediums all the time. There is anew show out, called, Long Island Mediumj, where a woman claims to communicate with the dead, and she is making a living, plus has her own TV show, with tons of fans, worldwide, using all the senses, 6th, included to not only see the dead, but to receive messages for their loved ones, for them. She has plenty of skeptics; however, one doctor, who was a skeptic, had a near death experience, and said he experienced heaven, and as he read more and more accounts, of other people's near death experiences and the similarities, be is no longer a skeptic. Another scientist, who is also a doctor, much like the one in the movie, has done up to 40 experiments, giving people pictures of everything from calming pictures of kids, holding a butterfly, to a major catastrophe, like a tsunami, or earthquake, and monitors the subjects reactions, and when they come . . . in all of his recording, the subjects, every one of them, reacted to the picture in a normal and appropriate way, 9 minutes, before, they were shown the picture. This man, has looked at the extrasensory perception of animals, who seem to sense, acts of God, before they happen, even warning their owners, of the pending disasters. t
I Built My Whole Life Around You . . . I Thought You Were the Most Beautiful Woman In the World!
The lab tech, worked at the Oak Park University, Medical Center, where he often came in contact with professional women, and the victims. You blew it Robert, because, she was not afraid anymore--YOU WERE! Psychological keys for the agent: (1) first they stay; (2) then they go away; and (3) I'll be a good boy! She then knew it had to do with his mother issues, that she preferred her male friends to her son's needs. He had issues of abandonment, and rejection. The cops realized, that this woman, solved the whole case through what they called, psychic crap! Isn't it about time, that the female mind is allowed, to enter the world of hard evidence, facts, with perhaps the female intuition, being the key to unlocking the serial killer's mind, knowing better, the influences of a mother, a girlfriend, or the power of a woman over a man, and his need to exert power and control over his victims, in anything from domestic violence, to sexual assault and rape, going forward to murder! Women, may be more adept, at issues of the heart, and soul, and men, more, in the physical realm. That old book, that crept up on the window seals of the Poverello, recently, Men are from Mars, Women from Venus! The concept of the Ying and the Yang, male and female, parts of the half, that make up the whole, to get a complete picture of the entire crime, men need the female brain, and women, need to rely on the male brain, and together, they can piece together, the psychological profile of a monster!
Interestingly enough, the boyfriend Dr.'s last name, was Leftcourt, not sure how to spell it, but that is key to my case . . . I left Utah and the courts, easy prey, for dark and devious minds, to move in and take credit for ALL MY WORK! I realize, much like the agent, in this movie, I have always been all about business, work, solving the case, getting justice for the victim, and there may have been many casualties, both personal and professional, in my clawing, scratching and scaling the heights of my profession, and men were threatened, lovers rejected, females jealous, envious, and combined, with the power and access, with money a substitute for pain, wanting to cause as much, reciprocal injury, to someone, who, was more focused on the objectives, rather than the toes, stepped on, in the climb . . . not traditionally, the characteristics of a female, especially in the Beehive State of Mormon, with the landscape coated with Molly's and Muffins, and the federal agencies, too heavily loaded with Mormons, a presidential election at stake, with hot tempers, high expectations, and the image of the Republican Party, as stake, as well as the very materialistic and image conscious Mormon Church! The other side was stacked against me . . . I realized that this was not going to be a far, nor professional, constitutional fight, but a lynch mob, wanting me to fear, until I turned the tables on them, through the power of the first amendment, and the freedom of the law degree, but without the constrictions of the bar associations!
I Can't Tell the Difference Between You and Her!
I Lived Her . . . I Am Not Just Having Memories, I'm Now Living Her Life!
- Alan Dulles, director of the CIA, used Nazi doctors to experiment with human subjects, just like with the Jews in WWII, using mind control techniques, hypnotism, sexual and physical abuse, suppressed memory and false memories, to experiment on subjects, in the Monarch Project!
- Alan Dulles, of the rich, Dulles fortune, with a Washington, D.C. airport named after the family, Yale graduate, member of the Yale, Skull and Bones Society, producing many of America's ruling elite, in a big boyz club, of money and power, connecting into Bohemian Grove, and British Sympathizers, like Prescott Bush, who funded Hitler, and America, forming the base of world bankers, and friends
- Dulles, CIA, Illuminati, Yale connections to the Bushes, the Patriot Act, taking us to where we are right NOW!
- while I gave up custody, of my children, because of my education on the difference a father makes in a child's life, after a certain age, and wanting my sons to be "male identified" I never abandoned my children, and was with them more, than most mothers, almost every weekend, and I never left them for a man:
- left Jerry Owens, Wilson Owen, "Behind Enemy Lines!" because Nicole used him in a computer program of comparisons for a school project . . .
- I left Brett because, I was not into winking and nodding to other women, or parking your boat in my husband's garage . . . not his choice to leave, I left him, bad example to daughters, of toleration of shitty male behavior! NO CAT FIGHTS . . . you get him, Kay! All Brett did after I left, is try to find a REPLACEMENT FOR ME! IT TOOK 6+
- I would not introduce Allan, aka, Frank of InterPol, to my children, because, I had never been screamed at, nor had I ever seen a man, act so immature as Frank, throwing temper tantrums, like a two-year old. He was vindictive, because, I didn't introduce him, to my kids, other than Greta and Dallas, and kids, who came to visit, while I banished Allan, Frank, to his bedroom, as Greta and Dallas, just wanted to meet him at Christmas, having ditched him at Thanksgiving!
- I have not introduced ANY MAN to my kids . . . KIDS ONLY!
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