DEER, ELK, BUFFALO, DUCKS: Now It Is Open Hunting Season on Humans
With the hunting season in full swing, in Montana and other hunting loving states, orange hoodies, jackets, camouflage pants, Cabela hats, rifles and hunting gear, nobody would expect humans included in the season, but first with the dismissal of George Zimmerman’s murder charges, and now a man was just let go in South Carolina, after shooting an innocent bystander, while allegedly protecting his daughter, while shooting at other teens he said he felt and imminent threat from, therefore, invoking what the Judge called, a very broad application of the self defense statutes--REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, broad interpretation, that were legislated to protect victims of crimes, no fathers, who have a daughter he is allegedly protecting.
The Most Dangerous Game
I remember reading a horrifying tail, or a short story as an English major at Weber State University, in the mid-eighties, called, I believe, if memory serves, The Most Dangerous Game. In the story, a man owned an island, and he has hunted all kinds of big game and has grown bored with the game and hunt. So he decides to up the marksmanship and skill and hunt men.
Again, this was 30 years ago I read this story, but it seems that he selected very smart prey to make this new game a stellar activity, with someone of equal intelligence, giving the man selected as his trophy a fighting chance to win the game. The man was fed well, physically fit, able and readied for the day of the hunt.
Then at the appointed hour, the game began, and the story goes on to tell about the two men vying for superiority, one as the hunter and one as his prey. While not as wild, and untamed as this story, the fear is nonetheless a reality--man hunting man, as George Zimmerman did with Trayvon Martin, the 17 year old black teen, and now this 17 year old, who was gunned down unexpectedly while being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Oooooooops, oh well, parents, friends, loved ones, another senseless murder or at least negligent homicide, due to stand your ground laws.
Your Rights Stop at the End of Your Nose
My father taught this principle to me at a very young age, and I am sure that is why I am so big on rights, property, jurisdiction, personal space, the Constitutions that protect those rights, and law. In Plato’s the Republic, the scholar and philosopher stated that if a parent doesn’t teach a child about the laws--where you boundaries start and stop, like in property and criminal law statutes, society will teach them, through courts, cops, prosecutors and jails.
However, these stand your ground laws, as applied in the Zimmerman case and now this South Carolina case, stand traditional law and rights that stop at the end of your nose on their heads, not only do you have a right to protect yourself, your home, and now allegedly your daughter on the streets, from alleged threats that may or may not be founded, you are extended the opportunity to chase, harass, hunt, hound, corner and shoot kids who are where they are suppose to be, in what appears to be open season on anyone you can even reasonably come up with some fear of imminent danger, thus invoking your right to self defense? WHAT?
The general rule is that you are able to use, justifiably self defense to the amount of force, power, or level, that your aggressor is using on you--you cannot go beyond that. But you can proceed to protect yourself up to and including lethal force, or in layman’s terms the right to even kill this other person that is putting your life in danger.
That right has been extended to you home. Traditionally, a man or woman’s home is their castle and worthy and justified in protection, by intruders, burglars, robbers, and unwanted threats to the safety of the family or those dwelling in the home. Now in the Zimmerman case, the self defense statute was included in the jury instructions, and mentioned that Zimmerman was entitled to the self defense, defense as applied to his “dwelling.” Or in other words, he was entitled to protect self and his dwelling place.
Well Zimmerman was not in danger, until he put himself in danger, his dwelling place and the occupants were not in danger, they were in his neighborhood, not his home or dwelling place. A neighborhood watchman, is merely to drive around the neighborhood at best, watch for suspicious behavior and call the police, not pursue, track, stop, not explain who he was, then proceed to pound the hell out of Trayvon, and eventually shoot him, to cover his deeds--this wanna be cop, who has made it open season on humans, and with no punishment attached, not even traditional negligent homicide in the case of South Carolina father, but in Zimmerman’s case at least, manslaughter--HE BROUGHT HIMSELF TO THE DANGER!!!!
The only one entitled to self defense was Trayvon, and the other teen, needlessly shot!!!!!!!
By Jo Bess, MY Montana Cowgirl Name, written at McDonald’s in Evergreen, Montana, August 24, 2013
Early June, Howard Pryor, a chef, and employee to work at Swiftcurrent Lodge, asked me to go with him to see if the Park needed more jobs filled. They did and I was offered a job at the front desk. While at the Swiftcurrent, there was not cell or Internet service, and at the time, all my clients from Utah were fine. However, when I got to the main lodge to train, my son-in-law and Kay Lynn Reilly, a long time client both seemed to have emergencies that needed attention.
Before signing the employment agreement, I decided to take a quick flight to St. George and attend a hearing at Dixie State University, if you can call it that, and attend to Kay Lynn Reilly’s affairs dealing with her son Cody, Mike, Cody’s dad and his attorney, Sam Draper. There was time to handle all affairs and still make it up to Glacier for the opening day, sure that I could master the front desk.
When I got back up there, a few days to a week later, Howard informed me that everyone was pissed at me for leaving, and it would be a hostile work environment--REALLY? Most kids hadn’t even arrived yet, so what was the big deal. My guess was that Howard had hooked up with Anna, a girl who was also going to be on the front desk, as things were going to get complicated.
I gracefully bowed out--they say if you let someone go, and they don’t return, they never were yours anyway. And I had other interests in Spokane, and Howard knew it--no big deal. I did, nevertheless, want to continue a friendship, if nothing else. I came back up a month or so later, to celebrate Howard’s birthday. That was a month or so ago, but there were shuttle games at that time.
Got to Glacier early, was going to catch 1pm employee shuttle, drop in, say hi, drop off keys and pick up my clothes that I had left up at Swift Current. I had front desk at East Glacier call to give Howard a heads up. Someone on the other line, seemed to be saying more than the caller was responding to--like filling them in on the situation up the hill. I confirmed the time of the employee shuttle and the place to pick up. I was shocked to see several girls waiting for the shuttle get on a 12:15 shuttle for hikers.
I waited for the employee shuttle and it never came at the appointed time. Front desk told me there was another shuttle, but not until 8:15 a.m.. the next morning. I told her it was no big deal and started to give her the keys and put them in an envelope, to leave. She had informed me that tons of employees had left for the school, and they needed people, and there was also a job fair the next day.
Howard had expressed an interest in going to Sun Valley, hiking the Sawtooth Mountains and asked me to go along. Since there was no cell phone service, or Internet, it was hard to know, what was still the case or not. I was interested in working at the Lone Mountain Ranch in Big Sky. Always wanted a ranch, better someone else’s, rather than having PETA folks bomb my house if an animal died. I had looked up the ranch the night before on the Internet.
During the night, I told the guards that I was a former employee and missed the shuttle, going to return keys and attend the job fair. They told me I couldn’t stay in this room with equipment, so just go sleep in the main part of the lodge, they even tiptoed around all night so not to wake me up--very nice.
Something changed between dinner the previous evening, when I showed several employees from the golf course the job fair flier and breakfast. It all appeared to be connected to the Lone Mountain Ranch--my suspicions were that Shelley, aka, JoAnn Secrist, and John or Jack Strode, former Kalispell interest, had purchased the ranch--with Elliot’s music money, or money from my cases, she alleged to be me, with the aid of mafia/cop/Mormon connections.
No good deed goes unpunished, returning the keys, offering to file any positions for college students, or taking a new job, with full knowledge of the front desk and security, all of the sudden turned me into a criminal for getting a meal at the employee cafeteria--figured I was kind of an employee and may be as soon as I talked to Bobby at the Swiftcurrent lodge who might be losing students, with tourist still streaming in at record numbers.
The security guard told me that he couldn’t identify me as an employee--I reminded him that I was not, but was on employee records as having been offered a job, told him about attorney stuff, and that I was returning keys--he could check facts, with front desk, bell boys, and they could tell him, I was just there for a short time to drop off keys, etc. He had no interest in facts. Now, only someone who knew about my ID being taken would ask for it, easy validation in records.
My license was kept, unbeknown to me, by Great Falls DMV, when I registered my car, didn’t know until the next day, didn’t get back for 6 months, they didn’t have it--suspicion is, kept on purpose, for government JoAnn, aka, Shelley, and my car that had a pipe bomb on it in Salt Lake City, was seen back in Kalispell! So both JoAnn’s car and her I'D, stolen and given to new or cop JoAnn, now this clown was helping them.
I told both security, and now another front desk woman, who could simply have asked her buddy what happened, and asked Nick, the guy who hired me, to validate my facts--THEY WOULD HAVE NONE OF IT AND THEY WERE GOING TO CALL THE SHERIFF!!!! I waited, the sheriff never came. I think the security guard could tell I was not afraid of the sheriff, so he told me he could no longer hold me--way beyond what any cop could hold you, an hour and a half.
He told me he would have to escort me off the Park premises--not only NO, but hell NO! I was not going to be treated like a common criminal, that is when I got pissed off. I was telling the security guard that he had played his game, kept me way longer than needed, and I didn’t need him to walk me out--finally, I threatened to sue.
The next thing I know, the manager came running out, the sheriff from the Blackfeet Indian tribe seemed to pop out of nowhere. He at least acted like someone who knew what they were doing. He asked these two clowns, who I am sure were part of the cop taking over the world, if they had validated or check my facts--I told them, they had not checked any of them. He called dispatch and sure enough, I am, just who I claim to be, JoAnn S. Secrist, now Jo Bess, a perfectly legal name, but more outlaw attorney, like, since they already treat me like a criminal--outlaw fits this place!
Little wanna cop, much like Zimmerman, told me his jurisdiction stopped at the cattle crossing or guard. Indian sheriff appeared to go check the facts and then left right after. I was at the train station just killing time, my free shuttle going to Kalispell didn’t come for a few days, thinking it was Tuesday, the day before, not Thursday, I had some time to kill.
All of the sudden, the sheriff dropped off another Indian at the train station, but his train wasn’t leaving until later that night. Then two buses pulled up, READY and MASTER’S TOUCH, both claimed to be either dropping people off, or picking them up for tours. On held up a sign, which said the name of the bus and Johnson, just like in O’Hare Airport in Chicago, like a big airport, or train, not a one horse town train stop, where you can’t help but run right into the bus you are scheduled to tour on.
The second I said they better not, because half of the nation if not all the nation sees him as a hero, not the criminal the feds and President see him as--crime is in getting caught, not in violating all American’s rights, guess that is Snowden’s fault!!!!! The second I responded, Grizzly Security showed up, or GZ II, the wanna be cop, guess he was suppose to identify me or something. I slid off into the morning sun to hedge my bets, this is some asshole Patriot Act thing that they can arrest without cause, and I would never see the light of day again!!!!!
I ditched under the railroad tracks for a while. After I saw the Master Touch bus leave with the goofy looking tour guide, dressed like Teddy Roosevelt, and the Rough Riders, or Hemingway, I could relax, but only for a second--the Indian, who appeared to be a tracker to me at this point, popped out of nowhere!!!! We chatted as we walked back to the station. I implied I might be leaving on the train that night.
The rest of the day this guy tracked me, so I hid in some tall grass, across from East Glacier town--he seemed upset when he saw me hours later, and asked if I had walked far. I told him no, just a few blocks; he was cruising all over the place--I think keeping me in sight, but lost me.
I was the first to the train, then George II, incognito, acting like he was on the cell phone, casually walking down the tracks, Indian sat by me, and several other people. Train personnel, who have seen me on several occasions either going to Spokane, or back the other way, like to Washington, D.C., were all different, and asking if they could check me in, never happened before. Somethings up.
George, nonchalantly confirmed with Tonto, seemingly about my identity. Then they came and told Tonto, where to catch his train car, which they don’t do, just in general announcements, and who else, showed up, Master Touch tour guide, Conrad, who was suppose to be gone earlier in the day, was back--the whole crew was here!!!!! Not a thing suspicious about this scene, so I slid off into town, just under the train tracks, until all appeared to be fine.
I noticed the sheriff trolling the few streets in East Glacier a bit too aggressive for my liking--avoided any contact. Spent some time over in a little shack across the street. There were a couple of Indians selling BBQ earlier, from Cut Bank. Thought I might catch a ride there and catch the free shuttle back to Great Falls and go to Helena or Utah the other way.
Decided East Glacier wasn’t looking good, not enough stores, and earlier, store clerk came and did a second look at me, while on the phone, as if all the locals were alerted to this hard core, key returner!!!!!!! FBI or feds must have told everyone, I was under investigation!
I decided the safest place was the train station, at about 10pm, I decided to cross over from George’s jurisdiction to Sheriff Tonto’s. As I went to cross the street, I noticed all the lights on at the train station--not usually lit up like that. Then I noticed a nice looking older man, appearing to be holding back a pair of bloodhounds, that were howling, sniffing and pulling him along. WHAT THE HELL!
That day, both me and Tonto, had put on some major miles, him looking for me, more than I had, but I did my fair share to ditch him!!! Bloodhounds were another story. I quickly found an undisclosed, safe location--because, I am still alive and here, to tell you about it. I listened to the hounds for hours, getting closer and closer, following where I had been earlier.
Victorious Lord--he who sees all, knows all, and protects the innocent, unlike the cops and wanna be cops--I must be one of America’s Most Wanted, for the amount of time, money, manpower, tracking, on foot, on the Internet, stopping me from cars, jobs, and lovers!!!!!! What a fucking waste of resources. But millions if not billions were stolen and a chance to take over the world and screw all the women you want, protect little Kay Burningham--Stuart, and all the little government hookers as Lady G would say or sing!!!!!
I stand in the way of pussy, perks and power--not to mention polygamy for the Mormons and Muslims!!!! This is what it is really about, a cover-up, stolen identity, cases, music, children, resumes, intellectual property, etc. I WAS THE PERFECT CRIME . . .
After a relatively safe night, waking to the dogs still on the prowl, I ditched the Indian Reservation at about 5am, walked from East Glacier, for about a mile, thinking I was out of Tonto and the dogs jurisdiction, only to find out that it was literally many miles to the end of the res--thank GOD I made it, passed the FIREBRAND PASS, and finally, a guy who looked a lot like the tracker, stopped on his motorcycle, maybe back into town, possibly feeling a bit guilty, but I doubt it, cops don’t have souls when it comes to me--I am their stiffest competition, not the fuzzy, cuddly type they want to protect, that is for Kay, Rachel, Shelley, Kelley, Sue, Tiff, or others.
I take being called a bitch as a compliment--don’t need to sleep my way to the top--already there, they just try to keep me down, haven’t they heard, you can’t keep a good woman down, worth more than rubies and gold, made of wisdom!!!!! They need some more sunday school, read book of Proverbs, boys!!!!! Mean girls are allegedly the good ones, you know, the ones who deny their own flesh, and want to claim mine, good little Mormon girls! Shelley, but Ty got his almighty, Duty to God award--Matty did too, Rachy pooh! Love your own DNA!!!!
I have been the back seat on four motorcycles--three of the 4 drivers wrecked, one due to my excitement over the beauty of the backside of Mt. Timp up Provo Canyon in the fall, and no one but a helmet to tell, finally couldn’t contain myself and let out a scream, cycle went off eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the side of the road--guy never called me again, when he found out why I screamed. The other one, tried to see how close he could get his knee to the road as he went as fast as he could down Provo Canyon, scream.
The BMW driver was older, cautious, and a great driver. At first I put my hoodie over might head, afraid i would be shot like Trayvon Martin, speaking of Zimmerman, and closed my eyes, hung onto the driver, and was scared to death, especially, when I did have the guts to look and the speed limit was 70 miles per hour!!!!!! Back under my hoodie! By the time I made it to Columbia Falls, I was brave and enjoying the trip!!!! Thanks to my unknown Knight in Shining Armour!!!! 87 miles after the night I went through, followed by the day--thanks! He was cute, wanted to take him to lunch to thank him, but he was a good married man, just smiled and left.
The motorcyclist could only get me to Columbia Falls to a Zip Trip gas station next to the A&W, the station attendant said she would send anyone going to Kalispell to pick me up. I had not been more than 5 minutes and I started to walk, feeling confident that someone would pick me up, and sure enough a one in 10 million chances, to be explained, picked me up--someone who had a husband who worked for the Forest Service and refused to close mountain roads to hiking, biking, hunting, and fishing to remote areas of Montana, and ended up, with a cohort of similar mind, almost died of a strange, unknown illness--sound familiar.
Jill Taber and I hit it off immediately and she took me to the county fair, to help man a booth with her and her husband, on stopping the road closures, and fighting the Forestry Service on lumber and other related issues. I had some experience in Utah with that, the Iron County Commissioners were also fighting the Forest Service on road access and closures--I had done a constitutional analysis for the commissioners and they took it and ran with. Seems to be connected to Agenda 21 of Daddy Bush, one world order stuff, and war on private property owners and constitutional rights. RIGHT DOWN MY ALLEY!
We realized we knew each other and had similar friends from the politically active and vocal Kalispell Pachyderm Club, who made me join or they wouldn’t let me speak! I also hooked up with the Helena Club. I enjoy being connected and knowing what is going on, always have an opinion, so forked out the $40 membership fee. Thanks to all the players in the relay to get me away from George Zimmerman II.
This little Glacier Park Nazi was just as determined to get me, for something about as inane as what Trayvon Martin did, walking through his fathers neighborhood, with Skittles, talking to a girlfriend and ended up dead, which could have been my fate from the way things were shaking out, just trying to be a good citizen and take back some keys that belonged to the Park, nothing more sinister than that--with the actions of this freaky security guard, having no idea what atrocities he told the sheriff who seemed equally as determined to chase me with trackers and hounds!
I wasn’t given a chance to tell my side of the story or get the facts substantiated--I was profiled or targeted--maybe for something so stupid as the Park protecting Howard and his new girlfriend, which is something I didn’t give a rat’s ass about, just returning keys and getting my property from Swift Current--which is proof I intended on returning in June to work! I think they intended to snuff me out, so they didn’t have any witnesses against this asshole, wanna be cop! On hand all day!!!!!!!
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