"You're not training to be the best in the world. You're training to be the best in the world on your worst day."
"Imagine if we could teach our daughters to value their bodies for what they can do, not for how others think they look."
It is interesting, going from the juxtaposition of the movie, The Bad Teacher, with Cameron Diaz, who is a less than enthusiastic junior high school, teacher, just bidding her time as a babysitter, for the kids, spending her time, planning her wedding to a very wealthy fiance', driving her red Mercedes, very reckless in front of school buses full of her students, with the license plate, HERS, with two hearts, on both sides, matching the fiance's silver, Mercedes, with the same license plate, other than, replacing, the "HERS" with HIS, who is soon discovered by both her fiance and his mother to be nothing more than a gold-digger, who is after his money, as demonstrated by the fact, that she didn't even know, that it was his birthday, and she came in the door, shocking the mother, when she tells future hubby to get his pants off, because she is going to suck him so hard . . . using sex as a mask for the fact, and reality, that she cared no more for him, than for his financial support, and what he could do for her, to reading the new, TIME magazine issue, and running into these quotes, made by Ronda Rousey's mother, her mantra, that always inspired her daughter, whom, was undefeated, until just recently, as an Ultimate Fighting Champion, in a traditionally male sport, while being pretty, sexy and maintaining her feminine identity, and affiliation, along with seeing her body as a powerhouse of energy, punch and kicks, bringing her world recognition and fame, undaunted and taking care of herself.
After being dumped by her fiance, Diaz, decides to get a boob job, and she goes to visit, a plastic surgeon, thinking, that surely, had she had bigger breasts, this would have changed her fiance's mind, or at least, it would get her the type of rich husband she always wanted and felt that she deserved, seeing herself, her looks, and her abilities, far superior to her frumpy fellow teachers in the middle or junior high school. After finding out that her credit cards are maxed out, and a freeze put on all of them, for spending somewhere around, $16,000 in one month, stopped by her now, ex-fiance' who was pissed at her spending habits, on his money, but she finds out that the new boobs are going to cost her about $10,000, so she starts, getting real creative on the way to make the money, while she is frequenting the bars and clubs, trying to pick up men, on her looks, AND sex, as usual. Diaz is back driving her broken down junkie car, smoking marijuana, living with some single messy guy, she found on Craigslist, and scheming a way to get out of this mess with new boobs and a new man to rescue her from her dreary life. Justin Timberlake, starts as a new teacher, when Diaz, realizes that she is back teaching one more year . . . she finds out that he is the heir of a watchmaking fortune, so she starts competing with this red-headed teacher chick, who is always on her case, for just showing students movies in her class, while she sleeps, or for leaving her lunch room duties. The competition starts to get ugly as the two teachers compete for the attention of this male teacher, who is a real nerd, but I don't think, either one cares, when they know his family name.
Car Washes, Social Studies Trips, Standardized Test Scores = Boob Job
Some how the news of the break up with fiance and the boob job, start to circulate through the school, and this male gym teacher and coach, a bit pudgy, but cool, funny, and a good sport, tries to take her out, finds her attractive, just like she is, but she promises him, that even on her worst day, she would not go out with him, nor be attracted to just a frumpy gym teacher, who lives with his four dogs. Some of the female teachers, who are no threat, and just friends, also tell Diaz, that she is beautiful and doesn't need the boob job. But, as Diaz starts to find ways to get money, in the school, she starts to get involved more and starts to demand more from her students, using physical punishment, like throwing the basketball at them, when they get the questions wrong, coming out of the book, To Kill a Mockingbird. Periodically, this gym teacher, keeps asking her to go out with him, and she keeps turning him down, and she still has her eyes on Timberlake, who is a total nerd, in the movie, but she is after his money, not necessarily his affections. And one night, Timberlake and some teachers, are singing at a local cowboy bar, and Diaz goes, only to find out that Timberlake, writes a song for the redhead chick, Ms. Squirrel, who Diaz, thinks has big boobs, that must be the reason he likes her. The cat fight starts, and Diaz poisons or gives the other teacher, food poisoning, and gets to take her place, going on a social studies field trip with Timberlake, who dry humps her, but, she hints, that next time they should try sex without the clothes on. He is no longer of much appeal to her. But, the boob job is still on her mind, and she hears that she can get $5,500 if her kids get the highest scores on standardized tests.
Ms. Squirrel, is sure, that Diaz cheated to get the money for having the students with the top scores; she breaks in her rival's desk, not only finds the test key, but she finds, marijuana stash, hidden in a secret panel, in the teacher's desk drawer. Squirrel turns Diaz into the superintendent and the principle, who start an investigation, calling in the cops, and drug sniffing dogs, but unbeknown to Squirrel, Diaz has exchanged desks, so it is the red-headed rival, who is caught, having the marijuana, rather than the real smoker, and that distracts the investigation on the test scores, with Diaz, saying it would be far more traumatic for the students to have to take the test over, so the whole issue is dropped. Right on the last day of school, the principle holds his annual meeting with the teachers, tells them that Ms. Squirrel will not be returning, she is going to one of the most dangerous schools in the district, and she pretends that is because she is good and can handle the kids. Diaz, and the gym teacher, hook up for the summer, and when she returns, she comes back all smiles, with no boob job and a new position as a guidance counselor! Typical. But, the movie makes a good point, that as Diaz, really starts, at least half way trying to be a good teacher, if only for selfish reasons, she becomes more invested in the school and the kids, and is rewarded for doing so. And, in finding a guy, who she was just friends with, rather than jumping in bed with, using sex, like she normally did, she didn't have to be artificially enhanced, to be loved and appreciated for the person she was. There were some good underlying lessons, statements about, men, and women, and the fact, that, sex, big boobs, really don't secure a relationship, nor do they save one, or make one last . . . it is a solid and deep, love and understanding for who the person is, as messed up as they might be, and digging the person for just who they are.
There is this parallel love story among Diaz's students, a kind of dowdy boy, kind of a mini-model of the gym teacher, who has the hots for the cute girl in the class, that looks a bit like Diaz, and Cameron, keeps telling the chubby boy, that he never has a chance with this girl in the class. He finally, broken heart and all, even writing a love poem for her, and reading it in front of everyone on the class trip, making a fool of himself, he asks his teacher, who is just as shallow as the girl, why she will never like him . . . she tells him, he is overweight, always wears the same sweatshirt, and his hair, etc. And as she sees, this kid's pain, she realizes that she is just projecting her shallow attitudes, onto this girl, and taking the way she feels about the gym teacher, and using her excuses to justify why the young girl would not like him. It dawns on her that she is really the one with the issues. When this dawns on her, she tries to approach the school teacher, and she realizes that over the school year, she has gotten to know him, and she really likes him . . . she makes hints that she is interested and he tells her she is too late, he has met someone, and she is heart broken, when she gets the sinking feeling that he is not always going to be there for her . . . then he jokes, and she is relieved, and she said, I guess I deserved that, and he agreed. Sounds like they had a great summer together, and were happy to see each other at school. I have taught high school, for one year, to repay, a Utah Teacher's Scholarship, I got, but, it was funny, because, of my experience, and having seen my mother teach junior high for 33 years.
In Her Shoes
This is another Cameron Diaz movie, about two sisters, one is an attorney, who lives in the city and works for a large law firm, all about, work, the office, with little social life, other than to periodically, reward herself with a new pair of shoes, that sit on her shelf, never wearing them, being a substitution for food. Diaz, all of the sudden shows up, crashing at her sister's apartment, with no money, no job, and basically starts to interrupt her sister's very boring, but stable life. The interesting thing about the two sisters, and characters in the movie, is their names, have significance and symbolism, the more nerdy, sister, the attorney, is dark hair, never wears make-up, socially reclusive, other than at work, a straight sarcastic shooter, who never minces words, and is at times hurtful to her sister, like one late night, they are laughing and joking, after going somewhere, and all of the sudden, out of the blue, the attorney sister, asks the waitress if they have any openings, and Diaz is hurt, and wonders, if her high powered attorney sister, sees nothing more in her future, that to be the graveyard shift at the local diner. Sister, just wants her to get a job. Diaz reminds me so much of my sister, Rachel, into shopping, was a waitress in the sky, can't imagine being turned on, by writing a great brief, like I am, winning is everything. But the sister's name is Rose, the attorney, she is dark haired, and has had her nose in a book from her youth . . . that description, more fits my sister, Shelley's life, up until the age of 16, Diaz, sort of fits, my social butterfly, wild second child life, although, I was really, a hybrid, even being named "student of the month" as well as being a class officer and Valentine's Queen, three years, and by the time, I hit, 16, a date with, a now judge, but a baseball player, and high school debater, took me on a date, and was pissed off when I knew nothing of current affairs, or politics, and what was going on in the world. I thought . . . isn't cute enough? Apparently NOT!
After, I became an attorney, had a great career in government, then, going on to the United States Supreme Court, being one of the top, civil rights and defense attorneys in the country, that year, I called, Judge David Hamilton's court office, because he is a district court judge, I believe in the 2nd judicial district in Utah, and told him, about my cases, and what and where I had taken, his statement, some 40 years or more earlier, and thanked him, for getting me on the right track, and seeing that I could be much more than a pretty face. He said, I always, new you would make something of yourself someday. I will be eternally grateful to this actually, high school senior at the time, but who had the vision, the direction, to want something more from his dates, girlfriend, or wife, than just someone to sit and look at. I was also, somewhere in between the two sisters, just like I am, my own two sisters, whom, could or have, tried to be In Her Shoes, trying to be the attorney, the professor, the blogger, or the lobbyist, stealing my identity, and working with the cops, the government, the church, the family, to hold me down, and allow, these two sisters, and all the rest for that matter and a few attorneys, walk IN HER SHOES! I was not a total nerd, and Shelley, was much closer to the sister, Rose, who literally spent her whole youth, reading a book. She wanted to be a doctor, never did, she wanted to be a pilot, never took the exam, and she envied me being an attorney, figured she would just, team up with my enemies, and through, Brute Force, steal my degree, my law license, my practice, my cases, my blog, my family, my rock star, my son's music, my other kids and grandkids, making ever aspect of mine, hers, literally, In MY Shoes!
I was never as dingy and flighty as Rachel, who has relied on her looks, has looked for men, to take care of her, marrying her second husband, just 4 hours, after her divorce was finalized, not yet signed by the judge, and married in Vegas, without even doing the 90 day waiting period, that is the law! She is Cameron Diaz on steroids! Both from the gold-digger perspective, the cheap tricks, category, the boob jobs, the sex to get her men, and cheating on her sister, same with Shelley, to steal a guy, who was formerly interested in me . . . although the best cure for Rachel and Shelley, are Rachel and Shelley! LOL! You make your bed, you sleep in it, and eventually, their true colors will come out. In this movie, Rose, the attorney, appears to be having a personal relationship with one of the partners in the law firm, she is a no nonsense attorney, and she doesn't mince words, nor is she particularly catering to a man's ego, especially the male attorneys in her law firm. She makes as snide comment to the guy, she seems involved with, so he comes over to her house, to see what is up, and before Rose gets home, Cameron Diaz, who is not working, welcomes him in, and they end up in bed together, when Rose comes home. I loved her response, when she says, she will not even remember your name, let alone, spell it, and she starts to stutter and pretends to be Diaz, trying to spell the name JIM! LOL! May be this movie, was made on me as a character? LOL!
To make a long story short, the sister, Rose, is devastated by this betrayal, of not only her sister, but the guy, she not only works for, but had some type of relationship with, so she stops going into work, and Diaz, stole a dog, from a PAW dog groomer, and Rose, finds her new calling in life, ditching the law, and offering her services to people who live in the city and need their dogs, walked, so that they can keep their busy schedule, and pay someone to take the dog out for a walk. Rose eventually, runs into another attorney from the law firm, who has had a crush on her for years, since the first time he saw her. He keep asking her out on dates, until she finally, gets to know him. Eventually, they end up getting engaged and married. But, not without their ups and downs, relationships, grandma, step-mother, old bow attorney showing up, saying he had something special with her, telling her that he used to be fat when he was young, and he was always surprised that any woman wanted him, and so when the sister, did, he just went with it, for feeling good about himself, not necessarily to get anything from the sex, other than a boost to his ego! New bow, sees the exchange, and will not marry Rose, until she fesses up to what was going on with the other partner in the law firm. Many relationships are healed, including the two sisters, who have not only been best friends, but each other's support systems, and very close, always sharing everything with each other. Some of the tragedies of their mother's death, and issues with that are resolved, when the two get reacquainted with their maternal grandmother, who was pushed out of the family, after her daughter's death. Rose also gets over her hangups on her body, with a loving patient man, who truly loves her for just who she is! Good lessons for both men and women.
Forever Yours . . . I Carry Your Heart; I Carry It In My Heart
P.S., it is interesting, that originally, I thought Diaz, was going to pretend she was a lawyer and take her sister's role in the law firm, after she slept with the partner, but, the play on the role reversal was more, the fact, that Maggie, Diaz's character, the irresponsible sister, got a job at PAW, a dog grooming place, and after a tough day fighting dogs, washing and grooming them, she gets her sister's car, impounded, taking it without asking, hooks up with several guys, who accost her after going to a bar, she breaks the car out of the impound so her sister, the attorney, doesn't kill her, and she stops by the dog groomers and takes one of the customer's dogs home for comfort. The sister is so pissed about the boyfriend, the car, the dog i the house, the fact that she kicked Diaz out, after seeing her car, now with a boot on it, and having to pay for the impound, and the ticket for stealing it off the lot, that she just takes the dog for a walk, and so many people see her with a dog of their friend, and that the dog is happy, and being walked, even while it was to be at the kennel for a month, that they all wanted to leave their dogs at this groomer, and hire the attorney, to walk their dogs. She uses this exercise to relax, heal, get in shape, using the dogs, to haul her ass up the stairs of the courthouse she used to practice law in and go to court in, relieved that she is no longer working for the firm, or even as an attorney, which I can fully relate to. LOL!
Every time, I drive passed the 5th District Courthouse, in St. George, on first south, I think, I am glad, I am not sitting there, bored out of my mind, listening to some lame ass male attorney, bull shit himself through his hearing without law or understanding, under his belt, and seeing the judges, yucking it up with the attorneys, they used to practice law with, or formed a relationship with as county attorney, and defense bar, with little court decorum, or reverence for the law, basing decisions, not on fidelity to the law, but on how well they like the attorney or not!
I love my blog, beyond words, love my freedom, and dig having the loudest voice in the room! I could fully relate to the retired attorney, who just learned to enjoy life, have time to walk dogs, smell the roses, and enjoy her days, of leisure and fun, now enjoying her relationship and freedom, learning gossip, from the law firm, through her fiance and husband, being glad, she can stay out of the office drama! and the drama of her sister(s). Some good thoughtful messages in this movie too!
Every time, I drive passed the 5th District Courthouse, in St. George, on first south, I think, I am glad, I am not sitting there, bored out of my mind, listening to some lame ass male attorney, bull shit himself through his hearing without law or understanding, under his belt, and seeing the judges, yucking it up with the attorneys, they used to practice law with, or formed a relationship with as county attorney, and defense bar, with little court decorum, or reverence for the law, basing decisions, not on fidelity to the law, but on how well they like the attorney or not!
I love my blog, beyond words, love my freedom, and dig having the loudest voice in the room! I could fully relate to the retired attorney, who just learned to enjoy life, have time to walk dogs, smell the roses, and enjoy her days, of leisure and fun, now enjoying her relationship and freedom, learning gossip, from the law firm, through her fiance and husband, being glad, she can stay out of the office drama! and the drama of her sister(s). Some good thoughtful messages in this movie too!
National and Interstate Battery System Kicks In
Good old St. George . . . this morning, I was walking from my daughter's house, to Fabulous Freddy's, a locally owned and operated, gas station and car wash, one of my favorites, and somewhere I frequent when I am in town, with the counter clerk, recognizing me, asking me if I was here a few months ago, and I told her, yes, around Thanksgiving, last. I asked her if she had blonde hair, last time I was here? Yes. That is amazing you remember. I never forget a face, if it is in the context, I met them in, and never remember a name. LOL! I have come over the last two mornings, to sit in the morning sunshine, feel a part of the working world, and enjoy reading TIME magazine and drinking a Diet Coke. Today, I noticed, however, that I was going later, because Greta, stayed home a bit longer, and drove the boys to school, so I didn't get out the door, as early as I normally do. But, as I walked towards Fab Freddy's, I noticed a St. George City, maintainence vehicle drive out of the driveway of the condos across the street, right about 9:00 A.M., making me about a half hour later than normal, when I wait to see the boys and Greta off. I would not have thought much of it, but I am very observant, and so, I thought I had noticed the city truck, several days in a row, and just found that suspicious, but glad, to not see any cop cars, sneaking around the residence.
The city truck, with the orange city logo on the side, pulled out, just as I was leaving the house . . . giving up on surveillance? But, if it had acted normal, I would never have been put on alert to sting ops and surveillance or stake outs, as I was . . . the vehicle slowly pulled down to the diagonal, and then made a "U" turn, coming back up the street where I was walking down, went passed me, and up the street on the north side of Greta's house, and did another "U" turn, and came back into the condo area, right as I was getting to Fabulous Freddy's, going in the back door, looking at the guy, make a quick phone call, and I thought, he is calling the cops . . . I purchased my drink and candy bars, and in some reflection, I saw a police truck, pull in the parking lot in front, so I quickly paid, and rapidly went in the restrooms, to wait for the cop to do his search and scope out the joint, being called by the city worker, who shares the same building with the cops, or across the street, but they all know each other, if not are related to each other, in this po-dunk, one horse town, or it used to be, where I practiced law, and has the local boys, steal my $1.4 million home, with all my belongings, and all my law practice with computers, briefs, books, files, family pictures, and all my law certificates, to use to convince others that Rachel, Shelley, Sue, and the crew, are all in fact, attorneys, and I am not, because, I don't exist to them . . . but they sure a shitting can pick me out walking down the street, or in the gas station. But, I waited awhile, and decided against going into the first room, where the cops had pulled up, nor outside in the back, which I thought, might let me watch the watcher, as usual, to see what he was up to, but decided, the safest place, was in the waiting room, for the cars being washed.
Sure enough, within minutes of coming out of the bathroom, two police vehicles, a truck, usually used for the bike cops, and an SUV, I think belonging to the Police Chief, came out of the front of the gas station, going to the back, to scope out the backyard, to see if I was there. I thought the second cop saw me in the window, but he kept on going. By the time I got out, the St. George City public works truck was also gone! LOL! Give it up boys, almost 5 years of fuck ups, is enough, grow the fuck up . . . take your mafioso assholes, and arrest the fraud broads, the Southwick Crime Family, and leave the only pure one in the whole fucking family ALONE!
I Was Coloring In the Lines All the Time! It Is the Dirty Cops, Prosecutors, Bar, and Judges, Who Were Playing Outside the Law!
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