The Crime, Is Not, In Getting Caught . . . It Is In Committing the Act! You Think, Back-Ass-Ward!
Now, if these acts of aggression, or appearance of possible aggression and possible contract killing, were taken in isolation, someone might, say, as they have, when not seeing the big picture, and potential for the killers, that think, killing me is well worth it, and I am sure they have promised to do the maximum good for the greatest amount of people, the "wa" issue arguments, we will feed the poor, clothe the naked, do humanitarian acts all over the world, benefit, EVERYBODY, as if there is one ounce of proof, that, I would not do, the same thing, with MY MONEY, minus the white stretch limos, the black Hummer limos, the mansions and ranches, the extravagant and elegant events, and the gross display of wealth, power, prestige, without justice, in fact, there is not one thing, in my soul, that is greedy, materialistic, money grubbing, not altruistic, sharing, and giving, to a fault! Fuck, I am pretty damned happy, living at the Poverello Center, sleeping in a punk bed, and writing my blog! I would, however, want my pimped out, jacked up, Ford Custom Van, and sufficient money to get lost anywhere in America, arranging for several times a year to meet up with my kids and grand kids, turning the money over to my kids, because they were not raised as spoiled brats, and they are smart enough, to know what needs to be done and to what extent!
Think, The Cullen Davis Syndrome, Literally Letting These Guys Get Away With MURDER! MINE!
It has taken me almost 1,000 blogs, to get people to the point of seeing my situation, for what it really is, a huge ass power, money, fame, wealth, arrogance in excellence grab, and transfer, not only of wealth, but of everything, that makes up the brand name, of JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., kind of like paying Trump, to put his name on towers and such, that kind of brand name . . . built up over the last, 23 years, if not taking a life time, of guarding and protecting my name, being true to my oaths, and allegiance, and fighting like hell for the Constitution, WE THE PEOPLE, and my family, even though they may not have seen it over the years . . . I just did a typo, TY, guess not a typo, but, Ty Southwick, a sweet dorky little nerd, is Shelley's youngest son, not Elliot Taylor Secrist, my son, bass, guitarist and vocalist, for the usual bands, the seed money base, starting way back in late 1998 and claim to fame, Shelley stole along with Brett and Kay, my father, Dickey Southwick, marketing the music on the black market, to stick it to America, and yeah, I am the pissed off, BITTER ROOT, of a family, so materialistic, murderous, greedy, image conscience, and down right corrupt, that they would, do what the animal world, rarely does, feed on their young, kill their own children and grandchildren, for ILL GOTTEN GAIN, because of all the accoutrements, that come with a display of the type of lifestyle my family, profession and name has provided for this avarice and greedy family, circle of friends, and useful idiots, of losers, who had, one super star kid to feed off of, with super star children of her own, getting thrown in the mix, the child, who happened to be the least materialistic of the whole moltey crew of the 150 Southwick stock, originating from Richard and Hellen Southwick . . . and if you think, like the typo I just wrote, that, I am the booby prize, Rachel, who may have had plastic surgery to look, the exact image of me, but 3 to 4 inches taller, forget it, she is probably the most, materialistic of the Southwick girls, born and raised during the Material Girl era, of the 1980's, with me 7 years older, and very much a product of the late 60's and early 70's, hippie feminist chick, fighter, warrior for causes . . . NOT MONEY!
I better check in, so the good cyber spies, can verify, who, where, doing what, and why, for proof, proof, proof, since, Rachel, couldn't even write a fucking resume or email, let Kay, her husband, maybe the cop Kennedy right now, not to be confused with Kay Burningham, aka, one of the JoAnn, fits all gals, last I saw her about three years ago, when she lived in Cove, Utah, now, allegedly, or last I spoke to my mother, in Mendon, Utah, very symbolic name, too . . . MEN DONE! That surgical art, did wonders for Rachel, $50,000 can buy a whole lot of male attention, right to the girls, or your boobs, so you don't have to worry about what your face looks like, they will NEVER notice! LOL! But, it is now, 9:03 A.M., Mountain Standard time, not Pacific for Kay Baby, nor am I in Utah, or anywhere else in Montana, but, sitting in front of two surveillance cameras, in McDonald's, still on west Broadway, Missoula, Montana! I will flip you all off, now that it is 9:11 A.M., so you don't get me confused, with the counter-help, the other day at the Break Cafe' someone thought I worked there, and asked me about the parking situation . . . I don't mind, most of the chicks who work there are young, so the younger I look the better! LOL!
Oh, my God Intel, that smacked me in the face, the second, I walked out the door of the Pov. this morning, about 7:20 A.M., one at least two surveillance cameras, and with two cops, driving by, giving me the evil eye, just as I left to walk to McD's, could, if they would, verify, but, fuck, I am on surveillance probably half the fucking day, there is NO FUCKING EXCUSE TO NOT KNOW WHO I AM! Anyway, a grey, Mo Mom SUV, either a Suburban, Yukon, just typed YOU, no, Tiffany, now, 14 years my junior, is the next sister who needs her stupid head cut off . . . what did she have, Greta, my oldest daughter at AGE 4? LOL! Get real, losers, most of this shit, is so, obvious, it smacks of shear stupidity, if you can't, or won't figure out who the fuck I am, shit, teenagers can recognize me from my small picture on my blog! bikers, can recognize me, so FBI? CIA? COP? NSA? DEA? CAN'T--bilking the federal taxes of $80 billion+ for what? If they can't even identify me? are you serious? . . . NO WON'T, I AM THEIR CASH COW, OR MY SONS! Dirty ass motherfuckers!
Early Saturday Morning, California Bridge, Surrounded By Intrusive Guys, Other Side of Bridge, Entirely Open!
I have to go back to a day or two earlier, when Mary, was released from jail, for 64 days, in jail, because of DUI's, now, back at the Pov., and the second she sees me, she runs up and has to give me a hug? I know, that when you leave the Pov, and come back, the whole population has changed, but for a few people, so, it is comforting to see a familiar face, whom you had some connection with prior to leaving, but, a hug? Anyway, Mary, was up getting a shower, getting ready to hook up with Tony, whom was with a different, Indian chick, last I was at the Poverello Center a month or so ago? Mary is a perfect, type for the cops, Shelley, or Kay, Brett, family mafia, crew, to use, because, she is smart, a nurse, but she has alcohol issues, maybe? Cover? But she was getting all dolled up and clean for Tony. Last I knew she was hooking up with Nicko, but he is younger, so? Pov. love, only lasts a few weeks, as I can tell! LOL! Not worth bothering who is with whom, because, the next time I roll into town, it will be different! So, Mary is telling me that, she is never going back on the sauce, she is done, and she is glad to have her ankle bracelet, she had last time, gone, done with checking in a blowing AU's twice a day, and now, she just has to do a year probation. I warned her that Tony had issues with alcohol, so she may want to warn him, that to keep your probation and parole, you both need to help each other with the drinking. Mary slept one night at the Poverello and disappeared. So, that is the background.
Yoga On the Bridge, Tony Sneaking Up, Caught in My Periphery Vision, Joined by Another Dude, Symbolic Bird Action?
It's early, and there is nobody on the California Bridge but me, and an occasional skateboarder or biker, crossing the bridge, and I am sitting, looking a statement, that, I wrote about, last year, making me think of James Kennedy, something about, someone making your heart beat so hard, even when you didn't want it to beat at all . . . reminding me, of sitting with him, especially one time, I thought, he was either jacking off, or dying, he was breathing so hard! LOL! But, this is the spot that, statement can still be seen, and this is where I think, I saw, Kennedy last fall, while I was sitting on the other side of the outcroppings on the bridge with benches, he was lying on the one with the quote, and I was sitting on the other side, not sure if it was him, but too nervous to go find out, as he leaned up, from a laying position to look at me, but, running into a Kennedy, looking guy, that same day in the swimming pool, or a few days later . . . but, I was sitting there just smiling, because, someone had written in very large, black, spray paint, I LOVE YOU! I can fantasize that Kennedy, wrote that, can't I? Smile? Memories . . . he is most likely with my sis, Rachel, boobs win, over brains with cop types! LOL!
But, it was a warm, sunny morning, at the bridge and I was alone with my thoughts. I am very spatially oriented, and of late, because of all this shit, very much, into watching my back, and protecting my personal space, knowing that, one shot, with water or air to my arteries, is a death nail to me, so particularly caution and alert, when alone like this . . . as I was, when, this dude, starts creeping up on me, from behind, out of nowhere! I am thinking, how rude, seeing that there is nobody over on the other side of the bridge on the bench . . . what the fuck, but for some reason, I was thinking, if I ignore him, maybe he will go away and leave me with my thoughts, he so rudely interrupted! I think my biggest complaint and issue with the Patriot Act, and cops, is this violation of space, of personal privacy, of them seeing no lines of demarcation between what is mine, having fucking 5 vehicles, two houses, law practice, money, and a cabin, taken, or having the cops, literally come in my residents without warrants, or coming while I was gone, taking every personal item, down to family pictures, for what? by what authority? with what crime? totally in violation of my rights, my personal property, real property rights, and intellectual property, taking my computer, all my files, EVERYTHING! without any legal, justification for their actions, the raid, the taking, without COMPENSATION! I FUCKING HATE THE SHIT OUT OF THIS BULL SHIT, UNCONSTITUTIONAL AS SIN, HELL, FUCKING SHIT! And I feel somewhat, like this, when people come invade, a very private moment, that I am enjoying, and they sneak up on me, or even come talk to me, and totally invade my PEACE AND SANITY!
I felt like saying, what the fuck are you doing, you JACKASS! But, I resisted, being somewhat curious about Mary. I said, did Mary ever find you . . . yeah, she came to my tramp camp, bringing Jose' Quervo, we downed the first bottle, then the second, and by the third, we got in a huge ass fight, and I don't know where she is? He mentioned that her parents were going to float them a loan to start a business . . . I am like, who is floating you the loan? Shelley and Frank? Brett and Kay? Rachel and Kennedy, as ME? But, right as we were talking, he pointed out, some crow sex action, a female, being, gang banged by two male crows, which both Tony and I thought strange, right there, off the bridge in front of our faces. Shelley's email name, used to be Ravenwrathborn or burn . . . or something with the word, Raven or the Crow, same to me . . . right as we were talking, this new dude, comes up, green flannel shirt, light colored hat, a big ass beard, and he joined in me and Tony's conversation, but, he was some type of self-proclaimed preacher to the homeless, but, taking unlicensed license with scripture, saying that, Jesus didn't want sinners to repent, because, then there would be too many sinners in Heaven. I said, that is the whole point, of Jesus' sacrifice, to save the sinners, he wants everyone to repent . . . don't you remember the parable of the 11th hour, that there are those who labor in God's fields for 12 hours, and those who show up on the 11th hour, get paid the same, as those who have labored all day, we are all joint heirs with Christ, no matter when we repent and call upon his name, invoking his grace on us. The guy had to leave, and Tony, slowly escaped after my religious sermon to the two, but, was this like the two male crows or ravens, going to fuck me over? I even think there were several other guys, who ended up on the bridge, all very quiet, all very, spactially intrusive on my side of the bridge!
The whole scenario, just creeped me out, I know Tony, but it seemed, that with my hat on, he was not sure if it was me, or he was, sneaking up on me from behind, and I pretended not to notice, hoping, not recognizing him, that this invasive species would just get a hint and leave, which to my dismay he didn't, until, I noticed, under the white sunglasses and camo CAT hat and jacket, that it was, indeed, Tony, whom I have know, for at least 6 months or more! The way he approached me was very suspicious, and this other dude joining him was creepy too, because, he came up in a very, strange and silent way too? as did the others, whom I was not paying much attention to. It is kind of like I get these premonitions, that all is not well, but, am I just being paranoid, I know this guy, we have been, sort of friends, but that never stopped my family, my friends, nor my clients, so? I don't know why some dude, whom, I had previously suspected of being undercover, shouldn't cause me alarm--probably, because of Mary, whom Tony told me to tell hello, if I saw her, and that he loved her? And almost as slow as the two men came, they left, walking slowly across the bridge, depressed? mission not accomplished? out the promised hit money, weird for sure! But it gets increasingly more weird.
As soon as Tony and the tramp camp preacher leave, with the preacher, looking more, undercover fed, under all the hair, pretty nice looking, leave, along the bridge, comes this guy on a bike, pulling a trailer with large black garbage bags, covering his load, and he pulls up right, passed the outcropping on the bridge, right where I am sitting, and I am, YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME, this dude, much younger than I would think, easy undercover, again with me hoping to continue, enjoying the river, the mountains and the rising Saturday sun, sparkling on the river, this guy, comes, not only right, near me, but he is crawling, around behind me, with me leaning, up to the front of the bench, looking at, him to keep an eye on him, as he gathered the evidence of last night's homeless party on the bridge, with beer bottles, I didn't not notice any cans of note, but, I was almost glad someone was cleaning up after these fucking slobs, who messed the place where I was doing my exercises. I was thinking, I should have fucking moved to the other side, but I am sure, all but the homeless can collector, like RIGHT! everything would have happened, exactly the same, but I would not have seen the crows do their spring thing, in the dirt! LOL! I can't remember what Tony called it, but, it didn't seem to fit, what was going on, and I said, they are gang banger her . . . his term, didn't seem to have anything to do with sex, maybe more to do what these guys were thinking, because I was unfamiliar with the term, just figured it was a local colloqueal or saying?
NSA turned off spell check, FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a great vocabulary, but my spelling SUCKS! This is where Shelley and crew, have pride in performance, they turn off the spell check and pretend they wrote the whole damned thing, so you think, Shelley is ME, the writer of the blog, but she is using my name, has for 16 fucking years! Remember, I am support to be dead, and like Trump, putting his brand name on other people's buildings, to give them value, connected with a billionaire, that is the SAME WITH MY NAME BRAND NAME, POWER, PRESTIGE, JUSTICE . . . but, forget that last thing, JUSTICE, when in their hands, not even performance, they use some scanner, computer program they run my writing through, that changes as little as one or two word order, because my technical grammar, is pretty damned good, especially for someone who shoots from the hip in her writing, not notes or plans! Anyway, I kept my eye on this, alleged, hobo, collecting, or rifling through the garbage sacks, allegedly looking for cans to recycle. By this time, I was getting real suspicious that something was up, as it usually is, but even more so, because, I mentioned I was going to Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City, Utah, April 24, 2016, to celebrate Elliot's birthday, as well as Tristan's, a grandson . . . danger, danger, danger, expose the lies, the liars, the bulls shit of who's kid is really the ROCK STAR and the POP AND RAP STAR, along with SUPER STAR WILD LIFE AND HOT SHOT FIREFIGHTER, DAUGHTER! Blowing their fucking lies since way back in 1998 or even earlier, when I was an undergraduate student, scoped out by CIA!
Okay, while Tony and the preacher, are there, I notice, this dude, looking over the other side of the bridge at the ducks, so what started out, a half hour or so earlier, a peaceful morning of thoughts and smiles, turned into invasive species of men, fucking crawling all over me and my silent sanity, bugging the fucking shit out of me, and I had noticed this dude looking at the ducks, standing on the other side of the bridge earlier, but he left, and came back, later, when I crossed over to the clean side of the bridge outcropping, pissed and full of hatred for stupid shits, that invade my privacy, I fucking want to kill them, and then come to realize they just might have been there to kill me, not just invade my PRIVACY! I don't know if Montana is so open, and spacious, that people feel a need to crawl all over you, always invading my personal space, and bugging the living shit out of me, just wanting to connect with someone, or do they have more alternative deeds and desires, given, the fact that, I have been on the hit list of about 10 entities, from family to government! GOD!
So, I am finally, alone, wanting to just watch the ducks, and geese, playing around in the river, still early, and relatively quiet, and all the sudden, the fucker, who had been one of the dudes, earlier, comes back. I am thinking, did this dude, go to the Poverello, and raid the bread shelves, and bring some back to feed the ducks and geese, but by this time, I was, wondering if this was another hit, or just what this dude's game was, does someone really like ducks and geese, enough, to go get food and bring it back, or is this a ploy to be the next dude, on the pack up hit parade, of the early aborted actions? I decided to just relax, he was over a bit, and I enjoyed watching the ducks and geese feed. So, I am just zoning out, no thoughts, just looking, and as if, out of the twightlight zone, I see this, thing hit the water, looking more like a torpedo, than the Osprey it was, slamming into the water, going at break neck speed, hitting the water, so hard, that it seemed to be stunned, when it hit swallow water and the sand bank! The bird flopped around, seemed, to me, not meant for water, or going after fish, acting like it was drowning, but eventually, getting control of its large wing span and flying away, or so I thought. Some chick on a bike, also saw the incident, and I turned as said, did you see that? She said, yeah, I was about to go in the water and rescue the poor bird!
So, this what appeared to be a college student on a bike, enjoyed a light-hearted, conversation about the possibility of the Osprey pooping on my head, when she said, oh, no, that is a sign of good luck, especially if you are getting married. I gracefully declined both, the poop and the marriage! LOL! The whole bird thing, from the crows, to the bread on the water, money is often referred to as BREAD, some symbolism there, and then the bizarre behavior of the Osprey, being a totally symbolic name, that I have thought of often, but, I have rarely seen one, and then this crazy dive bomb, almost broke the Osprey's neck, and what about the symbolism there? were the dudes, sneaking up on me, going to simply break my neck and leave me on the bridge for the CIA clean up crews? the guy with the black bags, the trailer behind the bike? and who was this chick, the guy throwing the bread? The whole scenario was strange, symbolic, and bizarre, down right, strange, in and of itself! Taken in the totality of the circumstances, like you do when you do a crime analysis, these all could have been involved in the plans, with plan A, being Tony and the preacher, plan B, the can collector, and plan C, being the bird feeder, who returned, after a bit of time, kind of putting me on notice, and this chick appearing out of nowhere too, plan D? I have heard, that this is the way the FBI works, with plans and backup plans! So this nice, early, trip to the bridge the first of the season, turned into a near horror show! Needless to say, my morning meditation was brutally and rudely interrupted!
Sunday Assault Lasted All Fucking Day!
The whole sham of the ones who claim to be the mother, the attorney, the professor, the blogger, etc., is all going straight to fucking hell, if I make it to Salt Lake City, to the ZOO, having fun with my kids, all the clone mothers, the clone phones, the clone computers, the clone money cards, etc., and all that money, prestige, power, wealth, they claim as ME, is going right down the toilet and they are getting a fast trip to PRISON or should, if the cops, can lose the celebrity status of the LIARS, and I don't even think pretty little liars, I know these hags and bitches, as sisters and former friends, and they are NOTHING TO BRAG ABOUT, unless, that is, if they can pull off being me and if you are dumb enough to buy that shit, I have a bridge in Arizona desert I want to sell you . . . that is literally how lame ass it is to believe these fucking bitches are ME! GOD ALMIGHTY! Shit, I watched an episode of DISAPPEAR, where two older sisters, had a younger sister, who worked for HONDA, disappear, after see was suppose to meet her, married lover, for a weekend in Canada, and the woman ends up missing, boyfriend took her money, her pride and then her life, all for his selfish purposes, and they had a truck, Ford F150 4X4 like Nicoles, and the girl, looked a bit like her . . . hint, hint, hint! But the sisters, had a saying, KISS, KISS, I LOVE MY SIS! they used to always close their conversations with . . . and I thought of my lying, fucking, bitch ass sisters, and the rest of my family, and it made me sick, but I thought, that is more the way Greta, Chris and Elliot, would feel about Nicole, even thought they politically differ greatly, from this BARBIE CASTRO, little dictator, unlike my family, who are all Republicans and are doing much of this for political power, using my middle of the road, Constitutional positions, claiming both sides of the isle, with my writings! My sisters, always have been, JEALOUSY, ENVY, WE HATE SIS!
Leaving the Break Cafe', Dave, Undercover Cop, Doing the Planters at the Oxford? or a Stakeout? Sheriff, Cop, Black Psycho Dude Hit Man!
So, Sunday was beautiful too, sunny, and I was happy, that I had another great escape from St. Pat's, one of many over the last 4 years, increasing in frequency of late, and I was glad, I think, as far as I noticed, that there were no incidents or stings planned at the Break, or was I wrong? The first really great escape I made, came, once, running from Montana to Beaver Dam, Arizona, staying with my cousin, Edward Southwick, out on his property, that is landlocked, with no escape routes, other than to run down the 40 foot, rock and sand embankment, leading to the Virgin River, behind Ed's house, in Beaver Dam, one of several that he owns, wanting to choose his neighbors, on this closed in cultisac--sorry no spell check. But, I knew and have known, that Edward, long ago, threw down with the Southwicks, he is not secure enough to leave mommy and daddy Southwick and craves, their acceptance, and he is totally materialistic, all about money, money, money, so, being on the Southwick, Secrist gravy train of easy money, is right up his alley, while trying to play both sides, saying I am Shelley, or Rachel, or Sue, or Tiffany, or whomever the fuck will allow him to live the lifestyle he wants, with his parade of black chicks who think he is a sugar daddy, just not on his money! But, I knew Edward set me up, and I escaped narrowly, back in the days, that I believe, his daughter, was visiting or when Ed was living in BD, while his wife and daughter were living in St. George, but first Ed Sr., then Ed Jr. then Shannon, drove this white Jeep Cherokee, so for some odd reason, I can't remember, that became the symbol of great escapes, but the red jeeps, all older style, became the symbol of GREAT ESCAPES, and I can go, literally, days without seeing one, but every damned time, I think, I have had a great escape, sure enough, God, in all his signs and symbols protecting me and letting me on what happened, always, sends one of those early 1990's Jeeps, a red one, saying you got it, that was a close call, as he did, yesterday . . . with several several events, that, alone, would not give reason for alarm or concern, but together, taking in the entirety, or in the totality, are enough to stand up and take note!
So, I walk away from the Break Cafe', heading to get lunch down at the Poverello, and as I go to cross the street, going to the other side of Higgins, to the side of the Oxford, I notice, DAVE, ass up in the air, appearing to be working on the planters, out in front of the Oxford, where I have NEVER seen him eat, or frequent, like I have. Now, Dave looks like a cop, acts, walks, has an attitude, and a temper, like an asshole cop, and I have wondered, over the last 8 months, he has been hanging around the Pov., but every sketchy of late, with me thinking, several times that he was gone, or moved on, but, I swear when I first met him, he claimed to have been from back east, somewhere, then he told Annie, he was from Pennsylvannia, or somewhere, then, recently he told me he was from Butte, and I am wondering, not if he is a cop, but where the cop is from, one of Garrett's men, from Utah, Iron County? So, this ass, has his ass up in the air, working on the planters, which shocked me, because he said he is an electrician, maybe picking up some extra dough? I don't think so, the cop scenario fits much better, so, I try to sneak by Dave, right on his ass before, I noticed him. I avoided talking and slide on down to cut through the alley, a few buildings down the street, and cutting behind the FedEX, and then onto Broadway, and right about that same time or seconds later, as I was approaching Einstein's Bros. Bagels, I took a breather, not liking to get to the Pov, when the maddening crowds are doing the line thing, but, as I sat on a bike pipe or whatever they are called, this black dude, looking, homeless for a better word, comes, walking briskly by me . . . once he was down the road a bit, I started walking again, and hit the corner of the courthouse, and first a sheriff, followed by a police car, both cross in front of me, now this is still early Sunday morning, but, the police department is just up the street, and I often see sheriff's vehicles parked around the courthouse, but, given the morning, Dave, and this black dude, and the day before, the totality, I wondered.
While I am sitting on the street between Ryman and Owen, maybe Orange Street Bridge, with the sheriff and the cop, crossing while I am sitting waiting for traffic, this black dude, is bearing down on me, and I thought, should I sit, and let him pass, but he was still a bit behind me, but this seemed strange to me, parade of fools, in one pursuit, with me as a target, Dave, cop, cop, black assassin? So, I jump up and quickly cross the street, thinking that he is far enough behind me, to make it across the street, but, he is coming from behind fast, so, I stopped at the corner, and again, sit on the rod iron, meddle, banister, outside the shop, near, some massage and City Brew Coffee Shop, and this guy, seemed to be getting more and more agitated, with me, for the second time, squaring off and facing him, with my back to him, as he whisks past me, luckily. So, I start, down by the American Inn, and on to the St. Patrick's Providence Hospital, and I see this same fucking black ass, coming back at me, like yelling, acting like he might be talking in a some, earpiece phone, but the words, he is saying, seems directed more at the last actions, I took, stepping aside, and facing his sorry black loser ass, following me! But, I am figuring how to avoid this fucked up dude, either one drugs or so hopped up for a kill, that he is literally, yelling . . . Wanda, if you step aside, one more time, or something to that effect . . . seemingly directed at my actions, rather than some woman he is pissed at!
Luckily, I got passed him, and booked it on down to the Poverello, but not without, God my Intel man, sending, a red Jeep Cherokee, right down the street after me, confirming, that that whole thing was connected from the Break, Dave the cops, to the black hit man! You would think that would be enough for one day, but, fuck no!
So, after Mary told me the cops were here, I said, where, she said they parked out back, so I took off upstairs, to the woman's dorm, to first see if I could see their vehicles and what they might be there for, because, it was a lazy Sunday afternoon, dinner was over, and it was quiet and calm around the joint, so what was up, other than me? I could see any cop cars, and wondered about Mary, knowing when Bobby and Mary roll into the Pov. or Grand Junction or Butte, they have come to all, with Mary's brother being the warden of the woman's prison, so an easy in, to ditch me in, never to be heard again, probably the reason, the Bilings cops, were such assholes! But, was Mary bull shitting me? because, I could not see any cops, nor their cars! I wasn't going to risk it, always, error on the side of safety, I got under the covers of my bunk, and waited a substantial amount of time, and then when I heard, a car start and leave, thinking that I just couldn't see where they were parked, and knowing that half of the residents, who have cars, are parked back there, until they get money, so a starting car is rare! LOL! I came downstairs, and I asked Mary where the cops went, and this time, she said, they parked out front, and went, through the foyer, to the back, and went through the kitchen, where I probably would have run right smack dab into them, because, I cut through the dining room and hit the elevator, that, opened the first second, rare indeed, and got me up and away, in seconds!
I quizzed Mary more, and see turned to another bald, cop looking guy . . . I know, cop just like Brett, because he has HAIR! LOL! Dave is bald and so is this dude, who pretends to be a mountain man, who is never in the mountains, or even camping, but like Dave, Mary and Bobby, just show up, all the time, but the guy acts strange, and he has set me up before too, but, now, the cops, parked out front . . . seriously, like I can't remember that you told me they parked in the back, leaving me to wonder, how you knew they parked back there? since, you could see less than me, because I was sitting right by the window and never saw anything! I asked several people who didn't see a thing, and generally, cops showing up, or ambulances are a pretty big deal and people want to know what's up, or who is getting what? But, as sure and consistent as shit, God, shows me, that yes, there was shit going down at the Pov., but they just didn't pull it off without making a scene . . . they really want to get me, when, nobody sees, because, I haven't done anything wrong, and they don't want witnesses, but time is of the essence and the WHOLE DAMNED COPS SHIT SHOW, IS GOING TO TANK TOO, WHEN I GET TO UTAH, WITH MY KIDS . . . four damned years of blocking me from my kids, bogus warrants, buses that just happen to be routed different, than they have, going to Utah, rather than to Denver, when I want to hook up and see my son's concert, etc., or putting me on the front page of the newspaper, trashing me, because, Shelley is suppose to be ME! just wanting me to get the fuck of the state, and away from my intended visit to my SONS!
I have got to run catch a bus, but, shortly after, that, the red Jeep Cherokee came by, just like after the first episode, trying to make it back to the Pov., and then Mary, says, I don't know how you live like this! Fuck that bitch, has been in on more than about, 10 stings, and she tried to get me kicked out of the Butte Rescue Mission, and spread all kinds of rumors at the Grand Junction Homeward Bound, leading to cops tracking and stalking me, but, eventually, she was proven to be the LIAR she is, and working for Shelley and Cop FUCKS! Like most, she is on the same gravy train, the SECRIST, gravy train for anyone who plays good with the cops!
Like I Have Said, There Is A Big Difference Between A Cops High School Degree, Even a Federal Cop College Degree, Even a Normal J.D., and Someone Who has Scaled the Peaks of the Legal Field, with the U.S. Supremes Stealing MY WORK, not the other way around!
P.S., signs I saw on the way home, substantiate, all this stuff, that happened, yesterday . . . (1) a Sara Lee Bakery trailer, Nobody Doesn't Like Sara Lee! One of my signs for Kay Burningham Baby, not a hard one to figure out, you got to ditch your shit, $10,000 per month in the whole on your Salt Lake law practice, ignoring you dumb ass sons, a fat Buddist and probably a gay cabliaro, raised by illegal aliens, you paid under the table and who didn't speak English to your son's developing their language skills, so you turned them into spoiled brats with my family money, my name and lived, a sweet ride from that point out . . . put the Deadly Magnolia, in my shoes, and that bitch would be in the loony bin, just like she was in college, when she was found playing out in the snow, in her underwear . . . To Face Her Life . . . whores of horrors! (2) YRC truck meaning in my symbolic world, Your Right Children or Your Right See! (3) Knife River, my sign for my blog, cuts like a knife . . . the way I intended it to! Arrogance in excellence, until the cops, start doing their god-damned jobs, and going after the bull shit, fuckers, stealing my life, I will tear into them and their sorry asses, chasing, harassing, intimidating, not much, but enough to be an annoyance! If you don't like law enforcement, as in ENFORCING THE LAWS, THE CRIMINAL CODE, EVEN IF IT IS AGAINST, KAY BABY AND BRETT, we are community, you fucking do it! (4) then a small maroon truck, not a GMC like the one Brett used to own, but the symbolic color, driving along the Blvd. like a maniac with moving stuff in the back of the truck, hauling ass . . . good get the fuck out of town, if the cops, can't arrest you first! (5) Red Jeep Cherokee! confirmation, of yesterday's great escapes, or possibly on planned at McD's, who knows with the fuckers, it is 24/24/7 harassment, these days! (6) Dave, the cop with his ass up in the air, yesterday the stakeout guy, spying on me at the Break Cafe', was not at work, doing the planters at the Oxford . . . I just went by on the bus, but while at the Pov. at lunch, he was pacing back and forth, around me, worried sick, the back up crew, wasn't going to get the planters done by the time I hit the bus circuit, proving damned well, he was the cop stakeout! Dave, your nervous pacing, walking around, acting like a little wet hen, worrying and fretting, gives you away all the time! Relax asshole!
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