Cops Can't Be Everywhere, So, You Have to Protect Yourselves!
Three may keep a secret, if two are dead!--Benjamin Franklin
In order to be a serial killer, in classification, the person, mush kill three people . . . but, generally, two of them are dead! I would say, in the last 15 years, every intimate relationship, was either with a serial killer, a contract killer, or a killer cops, with no, exceptions! I believe, that, the music, money, and identity thieves, were total power and control freaks, who, if they could control me, kill me, or have someone else control me, they could, literally, have access and control, previously millions, now, billions! Do, I think, these people regret what they did, depending on if they get caught our not, or punished, which, appears to be unlikely, maybe they will lose their hot jobs, in Washington, D.C., having gained access to those jobs, through, first, me bringing the attention of the feds, to my family, friends, clients and children, through, my early activities as an attorney, if not, my grades and positions, in law school, alerting the power that be, who are foreign, to being, lovers of the Constitution, and generally Patriot Act Bratz, as I call them, seeing me as a total enemy to the state, for defending the state, in exactly what I took and oath, as did they, to do! This crew of assassins, seemed to have goals other than those, of the United States of America, in mind, and were furthering the Bush/Illuminati doctrines, with ancient grans, taking roots, through the centuries, vying with the founding father's view of Utopia, in this new experiment, in the new world, with Europe, being the old world, America the new; however, these fuckers, had views of going back in time, rather than forward and my allegiance to American values, principles, political structures, were seen, right off the bat, as foreign to their goals and aspirations for the country, with a gold of another new world order, that looks much more like the old world order, of British monarchs and subjects, empire building if you will.
In retrospect, I actually, believe, that my announcement to my family of divorce and law school, both at the same time, was the nail in the coffin, for me, as far, as what my family, appears, looking back to have been into, or had grown into, mostly because of me, with government and anti-American government, entities, discovering, an enemy in me, and friends and allies in them. So, I met, Jerry Owens, who pretended to be all about the U.S. Constitution, while doing everything he could to get me to drop out of law school, and give up on a dying or sinking ship; Brett, could be anything from a local hood, to a cop, to a federal serial killer or assassin, I see, the possibilities, for all, any, or some, from him. Allan, aka, Frank, allegedly of Interpol, could, have actually, been, hired right out of prison, to kill Allan Bess, and later me, making room for Shelley and he, to take our places, which they tried to do, without, actually killing me, believing that to be, easy . . . but not turning out to be as easy as they thought! LOL. One of the things, that one of the Hillside Stranglers, liked to do, was pretend he was other people, like a psychologist with a Ph.D, although, the cops were wondering if, this case, was not just one of fake certificates, showing degrees, colleges of distinction, but, that, Bianci may have actually murdered the good doc, and took over his office, name, Ted McIntyre, very symbolic, given the fact that Dave McIntyre was the head of Iron County Narcotics Task Force . . . and it was the Hillside Strangler Task Force that took this guy down! Biani, liked to or wanted to be a cop, pretended to be one, even rode around in a cop car, looking at the body dumping sites, with an actual police man, on the team members, on the investigation of his case. Serial killers, love to get into the murder scenes, digging in with the cops, they like to help with the murder investigation, and show up at funerals and other places, of their victims!
All of these men, from, Jerry to Brett, Frank to Jack, Tony to Michael, Howard to Miles, Phillip to Kennedy, all seemed very much at home with cops, even claimed cop connections, alluding to the fact that they could protect me from cops, or don't worry about the cops, or joking around with the cops, even having Iron County cops, over 6 different times, allowing them to walk through my house, while I was out of town, taking pictures, of what they wanted to keep or steal from me, including my truck! I kept dismissing my two black lovers, seeing little to make me think they were contract killers, or government assassins, until today, every time I thought of a list of guys, I had been with whom I would say, could be a killer, serial contract, or psychopath, with killer tendencies, this very large black guy, here at the Break Cafe in Missoula, kept walking by at the very minute, I was making a list and checking it twice of all those boyfriends and husbands, who were naughty or nice! I left, working at Glacier National Park, because, Howard Pryor, allegedly, a cook, and one of the Cordon Bleu chefs, I met in less than three days . . . had never met a chef in my life, outside of work, and I met two in three days? But, Howard helped me get a job up at Glacier, but, we were living up at the very most remote place in the Park, Swiftcurrent Lodge, no Internet, no cell phone connections, unless you went 12 miles down the road, where Howard's phone would work, but mine would NOT? and we were dependent on his truck to get us up and down to the main road!
Was Edward Snowden the NSA Agent, Who Fucked Up, When My 10,000 Word Computer Generated Note to Senator Hatch, Jumped the Borders and Restrictions of the Box, and Blew UP My Message, Now in 16 Point Type, Covering the Senator's Home Page, With My Threats To That Alleged, Constitutional Hero Who Voted for the Patriot Act . . . And I Believe was a Prime Mover, to Replace Me with A Washington, D.C., Version of Myself, Stealing my LIFE, LIBERTY AND PROPERTY! Was Snowden, Looking at Being Fired, For My Assault? NSA to Protect? MAYBE?
But, on one beautiful June day, in 2013, Howard and I, went for a walk, and there were not really any tourists up in that area of the Park yet, and few employees, but, as we walked passed a waterfall, that had an old rickety, iron fence, that would not hold a 2 year old, Howard, acted like he was joking around and pretended to grab me by the shoulders and hold me out over the waterfall! and that same day, pretended to be, messing around, and held me hanging or my back, hanging over a bridge . . . he, like this guy, looked like a pro football player! and strong as an ox! I left, and went to Utah, when I was suppose to be training at the main, East Glacier Lodge, at the time I left, giving me a nice, slick, get away, that Howard, could never forgive me for . . . he acted strange from that point forward, and could hardly look at me. Miles, too, he awoke me on the Amtrak, when I was on my way, to visit my daughter, and lobby against the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or whatever the natural name of the act was, and I had written to Senator Hatch, shortly, and I mean days, before, Edward Snowden, exposed the NSA for spying on American, cell phones and computers, with my 10,000 words, to Hatch, jumping out of the box, that was suppose to restrict my writing, with me threatening to come back and fight against the act, itself, if any one of the Utah delegation, votes for powers for the NSA . . . another reason, I believe, Miles, woke me up and wanted to get me to a Safe House, off my course of travel, which was a destination to D.C. and to my daughter's house, who lived at the time about 45 minutes away from the White House and Congress! Miles got mad at me, for not allowing him back near my sleeping car, for not going down in the lower deck with him and claiming he was, higher than the CIA, and I had no idea who sent him . . . Oh, yes I did! I am always cautious, trust my intuition, and follow promptings by God, My Intel Man, smarter, better than your 10,000's! I live in a cloak and dagger world, so I hang with assassins all the time! LOL! But, they would be classified as serial killers, since, I am sure they would not send an amateur when dealing with me! LOL, flattery will get you everywhere!
You Can Be Fooled By a Killer's Game or Trap
- Ted Bundy, used being a cop, had a cast on his arms and would drop his law books, and knock women over the head with a tire iron, if they helped him . . . or he would ask them to come help him launch his boat . . . he had handcuffs, which seem to be the part of all serial killers, game toys, that make you easy prey, not even sporting in my mind, but, they work
- John Wayne Gacy, would lure young men to his construction company, invite then over for drugs or alcohol, and sometimes dress like a clown, because, nobody is afraid of clowns . . . have you seen, Stephen King's, Pennywise! screammmmm, one scary clown. But, he would use joke or magic show handcuffs that are easy to do tricks with, and then, when he would ask his victims, if they want to try the play or fake handcuffs, he would switch them out for real ones, locking his victim to a bed post, pipe or other torture agent!
- Jeffery Dahmer, would just pick up lonely men, invite the over to his apartment, drink use drugs, and then he would choke them, I believe, even drilling a hole in their heads, because, he wanted their bodies, to stay with him, because he was lonely, but all would eventually leave, so he would kill them, mess around sexually, even have nacrophilia or sex with the dead bodies, then he would keep some part of their bodies, heads in the fridge, eyeballs, hearts, and skulls, hanging around . . . not pretty, so watch the loaners who pick you up in a bar, regardless of sex, go get something to eat, don't go back to their fucking apartments
- Hillside Strangers, Italian Brothers . . . a psychic, a very educated German, reported to the cops that he was having, psychic imaginings of who the killers were, and he was right, but the cops, dismissed him as a cook, until, the two were picked up and he was right! Mediums, psychics, parapsychologists are used all the time to help solve crimes. One of my professor's sons, was a parapsychologist, and the cops, use them more than you think, but, they would put this kid, alone in a room, with a bag of the victim's belongings and they would leave, him alone, until he would see, some sort of direction or location where the body might be found . . . some see dead people, some don't!
Arrogance, Cocky Attitudes, Smug Behavior, Show Contempt for Cops . . . They See Themselves as Smarter than Everyone, And so they GAME the System
I got the impression, and often thought this of Brett, that women come easy to them, they are good looking, sexy, a female magnet, and so, having women, pawn and fawn over them, is no challenge, so trolling for unwilling victims, gives them a buzz, satisfy boredem, give them a rush, to take someone against their will, where, most, women, would gladly go with them, but, that doesn't let the play with their power and control issues. So what a Dahmer or Gacy would do for company, and keeping their victims, a Bundy or a Hillside Strangler, who is much better looking, and able to get most women, they use, abuse, torture, rape, sodomize, and do what, most women would not allow to be done to them if alive, then, these guys, MO for disposing of their victim's bodies, always nude, without showing any respect for them, will just take them, and literally throw them way on a road side, or wherever it is most convenient, without fear of getting caught, just, pulling over long enough, to drag the body out and trash it! Some killers, will pose a body, stage a scene, but these good looking types, tend to just use them for sex, and then throw them away. A lot of time, this is just sport to them, taking a women, they two brothers or cousins, could both torture, rape and molest, then discard, just for the entertainment of it, the thrill kill, and with no concern for the victim at all.
Many of these killers, will and can, actually, have a lasting relationship, with a woman, as did the Green River Killer, and one of these, Hillside Stranglers, who met some Asian gal, told his cousin, he was marrying her, because she was a nice kid . . . I think that is why Brett didn't kill me, I was nice, happy, and sexual, the perfect sex and love slave! I think, Frank, liked me too, as did all of them, making it much harder to kill me, obviously from the fact that I am still here, alive, they all, must have gotten to know me and to know me is to love me . . . actually, I think, I was just so different, from most women, not impressed, that there was some type of challenge that kept them interested in me, and more so, now that I am back doing what I do best, the law! I have perfect faith, that the second, I lost weight, and even before, with many, I could have any of them back! LOL! I think they are all obsessed and read this blog! I was able to outsmart them and that, would be respected, among serial, contract, or government killers! Knowledge is POWER, and they are all about power and control, and I don't give it, nor allow them to take it . . . I left all of them, in a fucking New York second, taking them all off their game! But, often, as was the case with this killer duo, the Hillside boys, one guy, had a steady girlfriend who met his needs, and he refused to kill anymore, and told the cousin, he would kill him, if he didn't get away from him. So, the younger cocky one, killed two in one night, alone, and that led to both of the men, getting caught!
Anyway . . . interesting stuff, for sure! I am thinking of going into forensic psychology, criminology, psychic crime solving or something, in my NEXT career! LOL! I have done every aspect of the law, time for something new! Obviously, this shit interests me! I am not a TV watcher, but I love the true crime shows! Right down my line, a natural extension of what I have already done!
P.S., I thought it was interesting in this case, that, the prosecutor, didn't think that the cops had enough hard evidence to convict, Buono, the older HIllside Strangler, and the cops, said, and were depressed, but made the comment that the judge, does whatever the prosecutor says, on binding a defendant or suspect over for trial, or releasing them based on the evidence. But, to the shock of the cops, the judge told the sceptical prosecutor, that, if he would not try this man, the state's attorneys would! So, he kept the man in custody and both were convicted. Bouno's appeals were denied, and Bianci, became religious . . . jail is not always a bad thing, Kennedy got locked up for a year for a DUI, and I am sure, it was not his first, especially, in lenient Montana, but he told me, he read the Bible 8 times, because he had nothing else to do. LOL! They say, there are no atheists in fox holes and prisons . . . I had the whole Christian Brotherhood, in the Utah State Prison writing to me, but I was too busy to answer, other than my client's mail.
The post is written in very a good manner and it contains many useful information for me.