From Love Field to Trade Mart
A man does what he must . . . in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers, and pressures . . . and that is the basis of all human mortality. --John F. Kennedy
Poverello Center, Thieves, Liars, Hit Man, and Back Up Staff . . . Not Looking Too Cheery After Being Exposed On the Big Stick, by This Bad Ass Con Law Chick! LOL!
But, I don't have to be worried about getting kicked out, the week of Christmas, because they have been lying for over two years, covering Shelley's sorry fat ass, and saying that, I am her, and she is me! Sherlock JoAnn Holmes, surmises again, with God, my Intel guy, with me 24/7, letting me know through signs and symbols the dirty deeds, the dirty players, and the bull shit, they pull and have pulled, trying to keep me in the depths of the sea! Yesterday, after braving the weather, the icy sidewalks, seeing I could not purchase the boots, in intended to buy, with the money that was stolen, along with my Walmart Money Card, ending in 0192, mark that boys and girls, with mutual spy gear . . . I stopped the bleeding on the card, cancelled, and I am having a new card, sent to the Poverello Center, and I fucking swear, if the staff, dares, to intercept my mail, and fuck with that card, a law suit will fly so fast, you might just find out just how good a lawyer I am!
When Walmart found out and could see that the money card had been stolen on my birthday, they told me they would expedite service, trying to get the card to me before Christmas . . . a very nice gesture, and the automative voice recording, wished me "Happy Birthday" because I have been using this banking service for about 7 years, long before that bitch Shelley, well, not really, she tried to steal my identity back when I was poisoned in 2000, after taking out 9 federal agents, on Medicaid/Medicare fraud unit investigations and prosecutions, for alleged up coding by doctors, back in 1999! St. Pat docs ought to be kissing my bad ass, for protecting their constitutional rights, the same rights, the fuckers who stole my shit, last week, will be screaming for at the same time the women are taking it in the ass from a broomstick, and the guys are taking from big bad black Buba! LOL! Sorry, just cop shop talk . . . of the most unsavory flavor, but so fucking true!
More Straight Talk . . . My Phone Service, But Appropriate
In my capacity and duty, as I see, it as an officer of the court, sworn in, no more than 4 times, I feel it my responsibility, as people break the law, or offer help to criminals, with cops, and their cronies inside, thinking when the United States Supreme Court decision gave cops the right to lie, the cops failed to realize, that is lying in interrogations rooms, while trying to get one witness or suspect, to roll over on another, when there are multiple players in a crime, with one, perhaps, being less culpable, than the other, therefore, less liable or criminal in nature, and less a threat to the public at large, and cops, can lie by saying that, the other guy, just ratted the less criminal and involved of the two, saying he committed, planned or executed the crime, getting the more innocent, maybe a driver, or just along for the ride the night of the murder, or whatever, making the suspect, with the least involvement, think, that, it is either him or me, going down, and, therefore, to save my own skin, I am going to rat him out, and take the lesser plea deal or sentence, if it goes to trial, turning state's witness.
However, never, in the wildest dreams and decisions of the High Court, did they give the stamp of approval to cops to lie, in the furtherance of the coming of a crime, such as covering the identity of a person, protecting the fake say, JoAnn . . . oh, she would use, Joanne or some other version, making you think, there are two JoAnn's . . . . no, there is just one, and that one, living at the Pov right now, is the one and only, bad ass con law chick and attorney, who will take a bite out of the asses of any entity, aiding cops, in covering up the truth and lying to protect the fake JoAnn's! The chick writing this blog, is the chick who got her shit stolen, when the bitches and bastards, were playing for the cameras . . . chance to get on COPS?, probably, stealing from ME, the famous, notorious, pig taling, constitutional law attorney, who has been a pain in the ass of cops for 20 years, almost, since, killing the cops' cash cow, asset forfeiture . . . that is why, they, think, that I should pay them the millions, they lost, in not being able to steal your, WE THE PEOPLE'S money, property, houses, cars, businesses, and whatever, when someone, just accuses, not convicts, you, because I don't partake of pot, but, the cops do, ironically . . . all the fuckers, going after me, are all fucking POT HEADS, Brett, Frank, aka, Allan, Jack or John, Mike or Michael, Shelley, Kay, Rachel . . . these are you good time, the Ridiculaous 6 who will go along with butt fucking and smoking weed!
Government liability, for a 1983 civil rights law suit, taken, by an individual, such as myself, for violation of federal statutory and constitutional rights, by state, local, national, officials, acting under color of law, only goes, as far as well established law, permits . . . CRIMES are NOT covered, when looking at immunity from these civil rights violations! Me killing popular, unconstitutional pet cop and prosecutors, legislation is not a crime and totally within, my responsibility as an officer of the court, for levels deep or high, which ever way the fuckers want to look at it! Me getting federal cops, investigators, prosecutors on fraud units fired, or me, suing the Division of Securities, Department of Commerce, the governor and attorney general with supervisory responsibilities over these government entities, and going after, $357 million, representing to white, middle aged, Mormon, Republican financial planners, who were actually both, multi-millionaires, not to mention one with a new book, making a shit load money, but, both honored, just before the take-down, by the state SEC regulators, along with taking the licenses of 110 other financial planners in the state, denying them their constitutional rights and protections, that is unless, they would donate to the former, attorney general's campaign for the senate! Commish Motl . . . more power to you . . . would to God, Utah would have had a man, like you and President Kennedy, who just does what they need to do, regardless of consequences!
First of all, cops of all fucking levels, FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA, etc., are not immune from a 1983 civil right suit; therefore, if, staff members of the Poverello Center, or St. Pat's Hospital, in the form of a security guard, or nurse, aiding in checking out where I am, in the hospital, where I eat, all the fucking time and use the Learning Center, and have been told by staff, for years, since, 2012, that I could, use the computers in the Snack and Employee room, where I was, when the hit at the Pov, moved to the security and that fucking Cheryl bitch, who followed me over to the hospital to help identify, the VICTIMS of her stealing my backpack the night before, and in typical undercover bitch cop fashion, they are going after me, the VICTIM OF THE CRIME, rather than arresting the fucking CUNT, who committed the crime! GOOD GOD! Although, it was so rewarding to see the bitch in the dish room, last night, hagger, ugly, sweating, and doing all the dirty dishes, while I was looking on, laughing, as I listened to my Christmas music on my $9.99 radio, enjoying the show . . . Mary and Bobby, were trying to act like they were reading, HA!
I have know these two fucks, who, along with Cheryl, before the theft, were standing down by the water cooler, on the corner of the kitchen and serving counter, and Mary and Cheryl were looking in my direction, and craning their necks, this way and that, to see where the backpack was, located . . . the Indian, undercover cop, left, because he was always covering my property and I his, but that night, he was in on it . . . they are going to be cop rock stars tonight, while all are watching on surveillance, as they steal, the last few remaining articles of proof, that this JOANN S. SECRIST, J.D., is the REAL bad ass, they have hated, shine, Mary was a guard at the Utah State Women's Correctional Prison, being the sister of the Warden at the Billings Women's Prison . . . COPS, COPS, COPS . . . tried to get me there last year! Last year, in the Butte Rescue Mission, during Christmas, Mary and I were roommates, and she told me how her brother, molested and sexually abused her until she left home, married a military man to get out of the house . . . nice access to women, at the prison!, but, Mary, still acts like she is a prison guard, writing people up and pushing them around physically, with big bro to cover her fat ass, and Bobby, with the flaring nostriles, standing over her shoulder, but, Mary had an altercation with this chick, at the Mission, and the staff allowed this girl, to come back in the shelter, with it 41 degrees, below zero with the wind chill factor, and Mary was bitching to me, about Stan, and that he let her in.
Being the good lawyer that I am, I informed her, in a very nice manner, about the liability the Mission might face, if this woman were not allowed back in on such a night, and if she died, having asked to get back in, and she was turned away, listening to her, rather than going with policy, and most shelters, like the Poverello
Center, will have a weather policy, that if it is so cold, people, regardless of the circumstances will be allowed in for the night . . . maybe not as a full resident, but a temporary night stay. Mary was furious, that I would dare side with the staff, defending, Stan's ability to make a decision without her help! The old prison witch and bitch came out in her, but through passive aggressive means . . . that means, the person pissed will not, outright confront you, but they will stab you in the back or take out their aggression, in some more devious, indirect way, which the next day she did.
Center, will have a weather policy, that if it is so cold, people, regardless of the circumstances will be allowed in for the night . . . maybe not as a full resident, but a temporary night stay. Mary was furious, that I would dare side with the staff, defending, Stan's ability to make a decision without her help! The old prison witch and bitch came out in her, but through passive aggressive means . . . that means, the person pissed will not, outright confront you, but they will stab you in the back or take out their aggression, in some more devious, indirect way, which the next day she did.
So, the next morning, at breakfast, as usual, not knowing anything was wrong, I sat across from Mary and Bobby, she was acting rather cold, and I was joking and having fun with their person or that, then all of the sudden, she turns to me, and says, your clitoris was never cut off . . . now, I used to teach anger management, even to cops, at the BCI in Utah, I am sure they have a video, that is me, and when someone gets the most mad, is when, someone accuses them of either lying when they have not or of doing something, that is the total opposite of the way they see themselves! I am a trial attorney, I have long learned to control my anger, and I put my finger in Mary's face, and said, so, now, you are claiming to know my body better than, I do? Seriously, who are you getting that from, the COPS? Because, while mentioning that to Mary, girl talk, during one of the nights as roommies, commiserating with each other and our plights, I told her that, but, one of the best proofs, that can't be bought, stolen, bribed, changed, is the fact that my pay back for protecting the doctors in the state of Utah, and the nation, because, the docs I helped in Utah, Taj Becker, a blubbering idiot, calling me every fucking day, when I was general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, GENERAL COUNSEL, not individual counsel, I represented all the docs in the state of Utah, not HER, but, to get that fucking lying bitch, now claiming that Rachel, was me, and the one who helped the whole crew of docs, also jealous of me, being the real player, that saved the docs, like Brock and Rice, in financial management, any fuck up can get themselves in trouble with regulators, but Brock and Rice, looked for 10 fucking years for an attorney to take their case, and I stopped the investigation of doctors, by pulling out the federal regulatory mandates for fraud units, and found, after Taj, sent me her bogus and lacking warrants, that the cops had not provided, the mandatory 24 hours notice, as part of constitutional FUCKING DUE PROCESS, of NOTICE AND A HEARING . . . this was the notice part, and like a bunch of fucking cowboys raided doctor's offices, loading their record in vans to be looked at, without warrants, or sufficient warrants, looking for FRAUD!
So, I in a very, controlled, lawyerly manner, pointed my finger and her and reprimanded her, Bobby, just sat there pissed, others watched on, and inquired and grilled her as to how she knew more about my body than I did . . . needless to say, this verbal spanking, sent the two, embarrassed and humiliated, packing their shit, but, not before, Mary took the huge ass bottle of Jergen's lotion, she gave me, and poured out all the contents of gooey, but wonderful smelling lotion, in between my blanket and sheets . . . I smelt great for some time! LOL! What a fucking baby ass bitch . . . her and Bobby showed up in Grand Junction Misfunction, trying to spread rumors . . . oh, she is not an attorney, blah, blah, blah . . . set me up, all people have to do is talk to me for a few seconds and the brilliance and education spring forth . . . the chicks at the Homeward Bound, just laughed, cops never got me, 5 hours chase, and this time, they just shut my computer down from an FBI surveillance plane, while I was writing at 4:00 A.M. on the outside table at WRIGLEY'S SPORTS BAR &GRILL! North Avenue, Grand Junction Function . . . fun, fun, fun, beat the cop shits again, as I always do, LOL! So, when bitch face and bulbous nose, showed up, I knew there was going to be trouble . . . Shelley's smelly's crew, for sure!
So, we have established the fact, that the cops, can't lie, to further an identity theft, exchanging, Shelley, Rachel, the Booby Prize, or any fucking chick, one of the Ridiculous 6, and say they are me, no matter how much they hate me, or want me dead, or can't stand what I write . . . smart cop shops, don't give me fun fodder like this, fun stories, that people dig reading, to the tune of about a billion to 5 billion a day, the other day, I published on NFL, NBA, NCAA, WNCAA, I have not been able to find a .com that doesn't carry me! and I have had days, like last week the mountain lion murders, connecting the dots, cat prints, and five hours later, 5 cops, scratching their dikes, asses and heads, wondering what the fuck happened, and I am sure, they would rather say, Shelley, their gal Friday, worked hard to steal my money, to share with McDermett and the boys, and staff, the other morning the day after the theft, one of the desk chicks, who acts like a old Nazi, called the cops, telling them I was heading out the door, 5:50 A.M.! now who else is she going to calling at that time, and the proof is in the Christmas pudding . . . a sheriff and a city cop drove by, within about two blocks of the shelter, DaShell, DA SHELLEY . . . all on the super mob, funded by my brilliance or my son's music, all bank rolling me, to help the other thieve, SERIOUS, DA, do you think?
At this point, if I were to fall, let say, and shatter my two ankle bones, and 5 other bones in my left leg again, slipping on the ice, wearing my tennis shoes, knowing that the Poverello, not just this time, but, over the last two years, with little, Kevin, asshole, running the inside show, with Noah's help . . . oh, and Kyle, the guy, in the pictures I took, last week, sent via the Internet, showing, only staff and people who would give their permission, myself, and a huge as wall hanging, or poster, with the donators names, and the words, FOOD, SHELTER, CLOTHING AND HOPE, or something like that, hanging in the dining room, is suddenly leaving, allegedly his mother's health is failing and he and his wife, are going to California to be with her . . . probably has some morals, and is either leaving because he knows damned well, I am who I say I am, has read my blog, where I write about the Povello all the time, being home for the moment, also writing about the opening ceremonies, last year, before, going to Butte, where I soon, after Christmas met, James Kennedy, who left me a few momentos to remind me of him, like the Angel Coin . . . stolen, and the ring, I found on my bed, the one I am sleeping in now, back earlier stay, both in the backpack . . . gottaMy guess is that, Kyle, has morals, has learned a thing or two from not only me, but my blog, and is not willing to go along with the rest of the staff, putting the whole
Center at risk for liability, that will happen, if that Walmart Money Card gets taken, my only means of subsistence, and what Shelley has tried to steal since, 2000 when she started taking my ID, driver's license, Social Security Card, which I just can't get replaced, she is probably some justice court judge, Against a
Crooked Sky, I am, Montana(WIC), being UTAHIZED, mob style, MO style, fuck style . . . Shelley is FAIRY DUST ON SHIT! LOL!
Center at risk for liability, that will happen, if that Walmart Money Card gets taken, my only means of subsistence, and what Shelley has tried to steal since, 2000 when she started taking my ID, driver's license, Social Security Card, which I just can't get replaced, she is probably some justice court judge, Against a
Crooked Sky, I am, Montana(WIC), being UTAHIZED, mob style, MO style, fuck style . . . Shelley is FAIRY DUST ON SHIT! LOL!
What I am trying to warn you about, Pov and St. Pat's, that should I get in a nasty mood, after the holidays or before if that cards gets, allegedly, lost or claimed, never came, and decide to sue, you will be named defendants, working as arms of the government, so I would strongly, advise you, being the only legal staff on board, right now at the Pov,, and having been, named, fucking #2 in the nation, for civil rights defense, smarter now, three or four years ago, I would, tell your staffs to BACK OFF! I can write a lawsuit, in a NEW YORK MINUTE, try me! And based on who I see, as hospital general counsel, like former, mayor, Tammy Fisher, now contest, I will blow her away! Your law firms around, the state, shutter when they see my resume, and the real person, real attorney, real bad ass is staring that in the face, they say, this is not Salt Lake . . . yeah, and the RIDICULOUS 6 are NOT ME! I would think real seriously, over the next few days, what your NEW YEAR will look like, if you decided to challenge me . . . so far, I have turned the other cheek, but, I have long surpassed the 70X70 requirement, this is a daily thing, for the last 15 fucking years, CHRIST, EVENTUALLY, THROWS THE MONEY CHANGERS, OUT OF THE TEMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buford JoAnn Puss, Is Not HER, Shelley is a Modest Mouse with Tons of Cop Help! LOL!
P.S., and how do I know that Kevin Cashman, insider, is either a cop or has been working with the cops, DA, would not look at surveillance tapes, and Mary, ran in the office complaining about the surveillance tapes, the morning after the backpack steal, don't think I have anyone on my side? think again, mutual materials, dumb asses, but, from the get go, way back in 2013, the first time I stayed at the Pov., Kevin was assigning chores, and he gave me, the worst, chores possible, cleaning the garbage area, with 40 fucking years of stuck on boxes, papers, and other wet shit, it was winter, iced over . . . now, most real me, which cops and their ilk are not, when it comes to me . . . not big enough boobs and won't butt fuck, I leave that to their Spartan Daddy bouncing buddies, in POST, but, most men, would never put a woman, on that chore! But, not being above anyone, in this Constitutional mind, of mine, equal protection, uniform operation of chores, I did it, and a good job, probably had not looked better for years . . . this old school, Pov. we are talking. Then he put me on cleaning the alley way, picking up cig butts, by the hundreds, but in a weeks time, I had the boys in the parking lot crowd trained, brought a huge ass red garbage can out, and told them, there mother didn't live here, and hit the fucking can, in about those words! LOL! easy job after that, to Kevin's consternation . . . she must not be an attorney, she doesn't act, like the ones pretending, to be her, the one's we are protecting with fairy dust, she is not a diva, fuck . . . these bitches think they are hot shit being me, and I don't even think I am hot shit being me! LOL!
Just a note on why and what the thieves were paid to steal:
- coin and ring: this morning I saw the donated book, The Kennedy Detail, they needed to recover the angel coin and the ring, I had written about, associated with James, now, probably Rachel's hubby, but, I met him in Butte, almost exactly a year ago, he did give me perfume, the coin, the ring, just seemed connected, he did tell me he loved me, tried, desperately to get me to bed, never did, and got shot, as a warning to stay away from me . . . I got the quote above from the title, and when I met, James, I had just finished, around November 22, 2014, several blogs, not only on the Kennedy assassination, but also, on the JFK Jr. plane wreck, so why in the hell, wouldn't a Kennedy, all federal cops or bikers, want to meet me? In one of the blogs, I wrote, to the fucking CIA, YOU KILLED MY PRESIDENT . . . no, Kay is no more me, than Shelley, or Rachel, or Sue, Tiff, no, Kelly Ann, Hope, Annie, etc.
- cell phone: other than the fact, that it was planned, purposefully on my birthday, no pleasure for psychopaths, unless there is pain associated with it, they did it, because my children would be calling me for my birthday! proof that Greta, Nicole, Christ and Elliot, bass guitarist, rock star, are all my kids, not the perfect family of children, Shelley wants, her kids are shits, Jesse, Isaac, Alexandria, and Tyrone, all from different fathers, bitch in heat, motley crew, bastards! LOL! So, that was one reason, but the main reason, was that I lent, my cell phone to DaShell, the trucker chick, probably female assassin, given the name, said she was named after some famous Montana writer, DaShell Hammond of Anaconda? but she took, about 6 hours of my air time on my cell phone, to set up with a trucker from Desmoine Iowa, a ride back there, meeting up in Ogden, Utah, on his route, from Twin Falls, or Idaho Falls, where her alleged ex-boyfriend, fiance was staying, but, she was working out, through the night, Greyhound bus tickets, etc. most likely claiming, she was using my old, cell phone, I left in the Grand Junction Walmart, to make cops think I was still in town, while I was, rerouted through Parowan, Utah, to block me from going to my son's concert, The Ditch and the Delta, in Denver! But, I have maintained control of the cell phone, despite, Shelley, the NSA and cops best motives to make sure, that didn't happen; therefore stealing my phone with the same number, was imparetive, NICE . . . NSA TURNED OFF SPELL CHECK! or Shell's Bells did, they giver that fucking CUNT access to MY BLOG, to scan, edit, and make boring as she is, protect her!
- ACER COMPUTER IS OBVIOUS . . . she wants to claim, the solving of the mountain lion murder and top hitting blogs! If you go back several blogs, a week or two ago, I was able to pull up my IP number, it was! I started this blog, back in September of 2013, actually at the Break Cafe', if memory serves, while staying at the old Poverello, I think in November of that year, could check Pov records, first time, I believe I stayed there, after being chased, tracked, and hounded by dogs and Indian trackers while trying to return my keys, to East Glacier Lodge and go get my property up at Swiftcurrent . . . oh, I forgot, I think that life story, was assigned to Rachel, and they were blocking me and trying to arrest me, back then, the first entry of this blog, bad ass con law chick blog . . . after I got back in to Kalispell and Columbia Falls, and my email accounts had both been shut down. all recorded in first blog!
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