Great style, never gets old! I am sitting at Super 1, next to a fireplace, eating fresh out of the oven donuts, that come out, about 6:00 A.M., FYI, and drinking my daily poison . . . Diet Coke . . . and loving life! The Daily Inter Lake, Sports section, from yesterday, is staring me in the face, Montana St. Drops Utah Valley! I have considered myself, a Montanan for the last, almost 4 years, therefore, seeing that Montana State University, beat, my old, haunt, Utah Valley University, where I taught argumentation and research, in the English Department, for about 5 years, starting my third year of law school--lazy me . . . oh, I'm sorry, that must have been my sister, Sue Schmidt, assigned to take credit for that, she has a degree in history, but my mother got her a job, teaching English, that she was not qualified to do, even back then, to junior high school students, let alone, thinking, she can pull off teaching college English, which she can't, but I did, therefore, Sue magically did! I will hand it to the old fam, they are creative in their stretching of the truth! LOL . . . anyway, I am glad the local university, beat, a Utah school in basketball! I cheer for any college that plays, a Utah school! LOL! Loyalties, loyalties, loyalties . . . ha! and turn about is fair play!
The Classic Battle Between the Good Cop and the Bad Cop
In the true crime movie . . . I got sick of the reality, TV, true crime, starting to get in to proving the time of death, using, maggots, and fly larva, no thanks! LOL . . . I am a big picture gal! and a big gal, goes hand in hand, don't want to get into the nitty gritty, details of proving a case. I just want the story line, the facts, the evidence, the eternal conflict, between the forces of good and the forces of evil, the resolution of the case, but hang the maggots! So, I switched over, to a new, addiction, the movie versions of true crime movies! I have watched documentaries on Ted Bundy and John Wayne (that name again) Gacy, and holy shit, they were much scarier when played out, on the screen, presented at the men they were, rather than, as case files and statistics! But, as I warned people in yesterday's blog, to be careful of cops, or people claiming to be cops, because, both Bundy and Gacy, posed as cops, to lure or trap their victims, getting easy compliance and access to them, many victims, going with blind obedience, even when the scenario didn't make any sense . . . as, is the case, but a bit more realist, since he was a real cop, does the bad cop, vacationing cop, do, in the China Lake Murders!
Bad guys that are psychopaths, are scary enough, but a psychopathic cop, bad guy, is even scarier, due to all their training, their understanding of cop work, the ways they have seen other criminals play the system and the cops, the erasing of the lines of demarcation, that we have allowed, especially, with the advent of the Patriot Act, for cops to erase those rights, of privacy, sanctity, and personal property and information, allowing them, almost complete and total access to people's lives . . . so, a cop, who is a psychopath, is fucking scary as hell, including incredibly dangerous for law enforcement themselves! This movie, made in 1987, again, a true crime movie, based on a true story, will cut you to the core, how this man thinks, the senselessness of his murders, the incredibly, effective, creaks, and cracks, played by the music, that show the fragmentation of the mind of this guy . . . especially, in the cafe scene, when a couple of guys come in the cafe, and touch the ass of the waitress, who is flirting with this guy! His sense of control, is amazing, which is something cops, would have to develop, over the years, to keep from killing all of us, or at least those who don't obey, such as is the case, with many of the cases, and cities, as of late, that are paying out, large settlements, without the victim's family even filing, knowing how egregious the deaths were . . . and most likely the perpetrators, will have personalities, I would guess similar to this guy, and cop shops, might want to weed them out of the department, rather than protecting them behind the blue brotherhood! or the fraternal order of police!
The good cop, puts two and two together, and realizes that, this dirty cop, is a serial killer, and every year on his vacation, he comes to the area to visit his sister, who is basically, none existent, just a cover, and for the last 5 years, there have been about 15 murders, along a particular stretch of highway, out in the middle of fucking nowhere . . . I think the name, China Lake, must be a mistake or joke, that place is so desolate, out, in Nevada somewhere, that, if there is a lake, it would shock me! But, in this true crime case, the psycho cop, goes into the good cops house, snoops around, makes himself at home, plays cat and mouse with the guy, taunting him, and coming damned close to killing him, as he does, one of the sheriff's deputies, that comes up on the cop, playing cop, and stuffing one of his victims alive in the trunk or their car, to die and rot, in the heat of the Nevada sun, and we are talking maggots, flies, larva! Anyway, it always, helps, I think, to see, good juxtaposed against evil to make a point and give examples. The three most persuasive methods of convincing someone, is facts, statistics and examples. This bad cop is one fearless dude! I would say, my 4th husband, the one who looked like, my client, and helped Shelley murder him, Frank of InterPol, or taken right out of prison to deal with me, and assassin type for sure, would fit this bill, and has the arrogance, the cruelty, as I saw, in killing my client, and a girl, to get a cell phone, or distract the cops, from me, ratting him out, as the murderer, and a double! I have never seen a temper like that . . . Brett contained his!
The Stepfather! Brett, Brett, Brett!
Holy shit, this guy, plays Brett's part so well, from start to finish, and is so close to being like he is, finding a woman, with a ready made family, adding himself into the picture, for the picture perfect family, under the Mormon glow . . . but, so fragile, under all that control, that if everything, and he makes sure, he controls everything, so perfectly, that there is no chance for error, or discovery, redlining everything, manipulating, controlling, exerting power and influence, taking what he wants, substituting what he wants, and, you will see, bumping out who he wants, or who gets in his way, and if that is the family . . . he brutally attacks them, leaving entire families, slain, bloodied, and strewn all over, what was to be the perfect family, who had disappointed him! When Brett, and my family, being manipulated by Brett, or actually, maybe not, because my father, is just as into the perfect family as Brett is, and that is why, when his star daughter, got poisoned, and even at his own hands, or involved, to steal grandson's music, getting both parents, not the perfect Mormons, any more, so they needed to be extricated from the family, taking, all the Secrist family accomplishments, and putting, Mo faces and family members, in the heathens places, but, never letting that bragging right, go, having grown, very accustomed to showing off this daughter's shit . . . but, when she put on weight, which was the plan, to give Shelley or someone else a chance to stand in the sun and shine, I suddenly was less that perfect, as I had been, close at least, and now, I was banished, an embarrassment, something to shun, hid, disclaim, while still, taking credit for all the great stuff I did! as Brett did with Kay . . . JoAnn, is everything I want, her name, career, family, kids, etc., but, I like Kay's looks better, she is thinner, and likes to roller blade and mountain bike, looks better in a suit; therefore, I will just take all that is JoAnn's and give to Kay, including her children, much better than Kay's, and her grandchildren, that neither, Kay nor Brett, will likely get, so, steal JoAnn's, how convenient, that I would raise the perfect family, for THEM! WOW . . . leaving me, manipulating, family time, parties, and Brett, having fucking NO right or claim to MY kids, nor does, Shelley, Sue, Rachel, Tiffany, etc.!, but, through abuse of power, try, to separate, mother from children, continually, using cops, robbers, courts, newspapers, etc. . . . using that old fascist, mantra, do whatever it takes, with no exceptions and no limits, including, in a family, nothing is sacred!
But, the movie, so brilliantly, portrays, the transformation, from the murderer in the first scene, and shows how good, someone like Brett or the actor, can clean up, and is smart enough to, get fingerprints, names, his past, erased, as this guy does. And when one wife, or family, is not perfect, with order and precision as he wants, he goes ape shit, starts to unravel, but, he also takes many souls with him, murdering who he will to keep his secrets, including, the family he tried to give order to and keep perfect! Now, both Kay and Brett come from broken homes, were never active in the Mormon Church for the most part, don't have strong extended family structures, but, when about, getting what they wanted, weaseling their way, through, eliminating me, into my family, gaining entrance and access, through me, to use me, and then, repositioning themselves, so they, through their, masked charm, that I don't need to use, because, I just am who I am, and their good looks, actually, convinced the whole fucking Mormon Church, bought it with Elliot's band's money, got them to put, Brett on calendars as Christ, for hell sake, and Kay, as the woman, caught in adultery . . . at least that is the truth! LOL! But, the pair, both sick as shit, were able to fool the very elite of the Mormon Church of the FBI, CIA, and about anyone, getting into huge ass positions, through playing on the cop hatred for me, as Frank did in Parowan . . . he was not worried, he told me, they all hate you, and he used his psychoses, to manipulate and use the cops too!
How in the Hell, Did I Survive, In an Army of Psychos?
Just seeing the one cop, his mentality, and knowing I was dealing with a county, a state, and a nation full of this type of cop, scared the holy shit out of me. You know, by the way you got chased, the sting ops, the intimidation, the tracking, the obsessive use and abuse of power, etc., that you are dealing with, some raging testosterum, but, after seeing this guy, the mental images of what he would like to do to these two guys, and later, actually does, to one of them, terrorizing the victim, almost killing him, just for, touching his waitress, while not cool, nor acceptable, this guy's reaction to it, is even worse! I look at the many times, I kicked, Frank, of Interpol, out of my truck, and I am lucky he didn't dismember me in my sleep . . . he did, however, bring and hide a chainsaw, in my bedroom, but I caught him, and forced it out of the house! But, while maybe not dealing with an army of this type of cop . . . I was well aware, that, in each cop shop, there were guys, like this, with trigger tempers, and that were hot to trot, to arrest my ass, or kill me, whether, I had charges or had committed a crime, which I have not . . . I have, however, excersised my first amendment rights, to critique and criticize cop actions, from time to time, killed their legislation, gotten some fired, at all levels, local, state and federal, etc. But, seeing the real, McCoy, of what, I might have run into, had these lone wolfs, ever caught me, I shutter to think, what they could, would, or might have done! and not with department sanctions, although, there would be few tears, and they knew that. The cops in Utah, Parowan, would rather take a serial killer, than me . . . simply amazing!
As I watched, Ted Bundy, and know, that Brett bragged about being the Iceman, and talked of serial killers, and sang Helter Skelter, and used rotary saws, seemed to want me to take marijuana, so he could, actually kill me, to get what he wanted, and that, was EVERYTHING, I had . . . either for himself or for Kay, or whomever, would further is wants and wishes, no matter what that cost, anyone, but him, or whom he was fucking at the moment, with neither, Kay nor Brett, known for virtue, fidelity, but, maybe, two negatives, cancelled each other out . . . they were a balance of power, because, both would cheat on the other, in a New York second and with either sex! The one, who cares least, CONTROLS! There is one scene, that is so, scary, but it shows, the total control, of the way, this man, portraying this psycho, who wanted the perfect family, used . . . the new daughter, doesn't like her stepdad, and gives him trouble. She learned of the family, he killed, or she suspected he killed. So, she wrote the newspaper, who reopened their investigation on this family who was murdered, at the request of the brother, of the slain mother of the not so perfect family--and asked for a picture of the murderer--as none are . . . although, mine comes close! LOL!
The young girl is watching daily for the newspaper and a picture of the murder to come in the mail. But, Daddy, and he always says, Daddy Knows Best, as in the old 50's TV series, which is the era, he seems to want his families to be in and emulate, but, he intercepts the mail, and sees this letter addressed to his stepdaughter, who is onto him, and has seen, his secret "crazy switch" go off, while in the basement, one day, but, the guy, sees his picture, and that starts the melt down, but not yet, he still has some control, he gets the picture and replaces it with a man, who looks, like the young girls, dead father . . . alienation of affection, turning the kid(s) against her own father, in a subtle way, just by using his picture, as the serial killer, putting suggestions in her mind! The daughter, who is copping with her father's death, is seeing a psychiatrist, who she turns to, for help . . . he, disguises himself, knowing, the stepfather, will recognize the name, and who also refuses to meet with him, and the shrink, calls as if, wanting to be shown a home, the step was a realtor.
The psychiatrist, is not as smart as the psycho, and through a series of questions, the realtor stepfather, is able to see through his lies, and cover, and he kills him, to protect his secrets! The scene is brutal and terrible, for a man, who is not a good liar, not used to it, and as a natural thing, tells the truth . . . psychopaths are good at lying and rarely fuck up, and they can easily tell, outright lies, they are good at it! But, the guy is relentless, in getting the perfect family. And when the girl, is told that, her buddy had an accident, she cries, already struggling and turns to the stepfather, as he hugs her. They break'em and then remakes them! He goes ape shit, on any person, who could have the power to break up the perfect family. His MO is to, start, forming another life, as the old one unravels, and he does this, because the daughter is caught kissing a boy, for the first time . . . psycho stepdad, sees them, and actually accuses the kid of trying to rape her, on her front porch, the good relationship, turns to shit again, as the stepdad, loses control . . . the end . . . almost, scary, scary, ending . . . but the young girl, is awesome!
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