Fat is a Feminist Issue, But, I Have, Finally, Gotten the Respect, I Need Personally, So, The Time Has Come! New ME!
The other day, I was reading the Missoulian, and there was an article in the Opinion section, about a man, named, James Cox Kennedy, and he is a billionaire, who bought up a shit load of property, and wanted to stop, the public, from using the streams, on his huge ass property. I had written, either a paper, against, his legal position, back a year or so ago, having worked for one of the nations, water law experts, as a research assistant, when I was in law school, back in the early 90's, so, I have, opinions on this type of stuff, especially when it comes to the legal aspects, and defending, WE THE PEOPLE'S, right, either from government invasive actions, or from others who would encroach, on the rights of others, as I believe, Mr. Kennedy is, in this case . . . the Montana Constitution, gives the people, joint ownership, legal access, and management, over all the waters in the state of Montana, ground water, spring water, surface water, etc.; therefore, you may own the land, along the streams, but you do not own the banks, nor the water, nor the fish! But, the thought, entered my mind, I wonder, if this man, is actually, my James Kennedy, with a nick name of Angel, and his real middle name is, Cox? So, after, skim reading the letter to the editor, or whatever, I quickly Googled, the name, James Cox Kennedy, to see if it was, my James, because, if it was, I would have to object to his position, and, I had in fact, already written my opinion, and constitutional analysis of the issue, back before I met him, but that would not change anything.
Law is law, love is love, and water, is water . . . you have heard the old saying . . . You can take my wife, but you can't take my water! There have literally, been, law cases, that neighbors in water disputes, have actually, taken out a gun, and blown away, a person, they have been in a hotly contested, water fight with, believing, the person, up stream, or with alleged, superior water rights, actually, infringed on his water rights, by taking more, than he was either entitled to, or that he could, use and benefit from, and possibly, doing it for a chance to get back at the neighbor. The movie, Lion in Winter, starring, Peter O'Toole, as the King, and Katherine Hepburn, the Queen, reminded me, of a dispute, between a man and woman, over, land, water, rights . . . the Queen was, the King's, fiercest, rival for the Aquitain, a valued piece of property, and the King, now married to a much, more docile wife, younger, dumber, but to keep his bed warm at night, still being in love with Hepburn, but, feared that if he let her out, more than once a year, she would go to war with him, over the land rights, as she had in the past. LOL! That would be me. The other day, I was walking through the Pov. and noticed a book, called, A Reliable Wife! LOL! Don't know if I have it in me? LOL! The law is the law, is the law! PERIOD! Personal relationships aside, love aside, you fucking enforce the law, and rights!
Now, what does this have to do with the new year, calories counting, foxy furs, and pet grooming, is that, after I looked up, James Cox Kennedy, and found out, that it was not, Butte vs. Everybody, James, of last year, at this time, I decided to take a look at John F. Kennedy Jr., to see if James, looked, like, John, John, and holy fuck, with a computerized version of John, John, adding 17 years, he could be him! But, we all know, that John, died in an airplane crash off, Martha's Vineyard, along with Caroline and her sister . . . but, I wondered, if James has a body, like, John's, if I ever want to be with him, a stretch, but, possible, I had some major, body work to do, and contrary to my personal beliefs, calories count! Damn it! But, the woman, posting all the amazing pics off John Kennedy, Jr., referred to him, as the all time, ultimate hunk! and after looking at about 100 pictures, previously, only seeing, like People Magazine, back in the day, when he was the sexiest man alive, or the most eligable bachelor, before Caroline Basset, came along and took him off the market! LOL, but based on what I saw, of James, of course, under several lawyers of clothing, because it was fucking cold as shit, in Butte, Montana, this time last year . . . but, I would say, those jeans or genes, run in the family, with 104 year old, Rose Kennedy, making the statement, that the Kennedy were a family of lookers! NO SHIT! LOL, so, like I said before, James has a better body than I deserve, but I have a better brain, than he deserves! But, he can read my blog, and I can work out! NEW GAME!
Law is law, love is love, and water, is water . . . you have heard the old saying . . . You can take my wife, but you can't take my water! There have literally, been, law cases, that neighbors in water disputes, have actually, taken out a gun, and blown away, a person, they have been in a hotly contested, water fight with, believing, the person, up stream, or with alleged, superior water rights, actually, infringed on his water rights, by taking more, than he was either entitled to, or that he could, use and benefit from, and possibly, doing it for a chance to get back at the neighbor. The movie, Lion in Winter, starring, Peter O'Toole, as the King, and Katherine Hepburn, the Queen, reminded me, of a dispute, between a man and woman, over, land, water, rights . . . the Queen was, the King's, fiercest, rival for the Aquitain, a valued piece of property, and the King, now married to a much, more docile wife, younger, dumber, but to keep his bed warm at night, still being in love with Hepburn, but, feared that if he let her out, more than once a year, she would go to war with him, over the land rights, as she had in the past. LOL! That would be me. The other day, I was walking through the Pov. and noticed a book, called, A Reliable Wife! LOL! Don't know if I have it in me? LOL! The law is the law, is the law! PERIOD! Personal relationships aside, love aside, you fucking enforce the law, and rights!
Now, what does this have to do with the new year, calories counting, foxy furs, and pet grooming, is that, after I looked up, James Cox Kennedy, and found out, that it was not, Butte vs. Everybody, James, of last year, at this time, I decided to take a look at John F. Kennedy Jr., to see if James, looked, like, John, John, and holy fuck, with a computerized version of John, John, adding 17 years, he could be him! But, we all know, that John, died in an airplane crash off, Martha's Vineyard, along with Caroline and her sister . . . but, I wondered, if James has a body, like, John's, if I ever want to be with him, a stretch, but, possible, I had some major, body work to do, and contrary to my personal beliefs, calories count! Damn it! But, the woman, posting all the amazing pics off John Kennedy, Jr., referred to him, as the all time, ultimate hunk! and after looking at about 100 pictures, previously, only seeing, like People Magazine, back in the day, when he was the sexiest man alive, or the most eligable bachelor, before Caroline Basset, came along and took him off the market! LOL, but based on what I saw, of James, of course, under several lawyers of clothing, because it was fucking cold as shit, in Butte, Montana, this time last year . . . but, I would say, those jeans or genes, run in the family, with 104 year old, Rose Kennedy, making the statement, that the Kennedy were a family of lookers! NO SHIT! LOL, so, like I said before, James has a better body than I deserve, but I have a better brain, than he deserves! But, he can read my blog, and I can work out! NEW GAME!
Sick of Hearing . . . You Won that Debate Because You Had a Male Judge, or You Got that "A" In Our Genetics Class, Because The Professor Liked You . . . What the Fuck? I Didn't Need Fat to Protect Me, From Being Considered a Sex Symbol, as an Assistant Attorney General . . . I Was an Ivory Tower Attorney, Non-Threatening; However, When I Started Playing With the Big Boys, In Criminal Law, Civil Rights Defense, and Multi-Million Dollar Legal Games, all of that Changed . . . Law Became a Blood Sport!
A sex, symbol, no more, fuck that shit, that doesn't win law suits . . . but, actually, after I won my cases, the wins were attributed, to the non-lawyer, soccer moms, with fake boobs! We'll just make them all JOANNS! What the fuck, again? So, determined, to take the boyz club, by the neck, slam their fucking ugly faces, and slamming them to a bloody pulp, and have, not only gone to the United States Supreme Court, had $700 million dollars worth of cases on my desk, going up against, players, like the Department of Justice, Homeland Security, ICE or Immigration, Customs Enforcement, states of Utah and Nevada, going for the juggler, against, narcotics task forces, cops, sheriffs, county attorney, and then after, sharpening my fangs, taking out a judge or two . . . and now, with the most read blog in the fucking universe, I don't need my fat, insulation, protection, as many professional women, find they need, to avoid the office, hits, jokes, come-on's, and the occasional bump and feel . . . no longer, warm fuzzies, but, cold prickles, are as good as it gets, boyz! LOL!
I have a better personal body image, now, than I ever did, as a hot, 20 years ago, assistant attorney general, who, very smartly, and very clearly, drew a line between the bedroom and the boardroom, and avoided, and contact sports with fellow, male assistant attorney generals, and within, fucking 4 months, I was, their equal, in notoriety, fame and acclaim, having written, national model manuals, on domestic violence and sexual assault, killed prosecutors and cops legislation, that spread to 27 of the 50 states, later taking out, federal agents, investigators and attorneys, in regulatory fraud units . . . I have earned my R.E.S.P.E.C.T., and I no longer, feel like Rodney Dangerfield, saying, I can't get no, respect . . . to me, I prefer, respect, to love, and to allegiance, to being cherished, etc.
And, now that I have laid out, the Kennedy assassination, with Congress, in 6 committee and commissioned, investigations, going beyond the first, Warren Report, with fucking, 62% of the American population, believing, the assassination, was a conspiracy to commit murder, so how much of a stretch, is it to believe--there was a conspiracy to commit murder, against, a female attorney--from UTAH, the hotbed, of recruiting, Mormon Church for FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, etc., a Mo presidential candidate, with enough cases, who could have taken down, a good proportion of the government, through, civil rights law suits, knowing that with win, and win, I would, if the LAW, was followed--following the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, U.S. CONSTITUTION, I would set up the fourth branch of the government, one for the PEOPLE against the GOVERNMENT! The law is the law, is the law . . . Patriot Act, bitches, who focused on thin, or fake boobs, or scratching the dikes of the cops, do not get to be me, but, I will beat them at the beauty game too . . . already, got that one down . . . they all, got my left overs, even now, with and extra 100 blanket of padding, it's the confidence, boyz and girls, build that, that is where the mileage comes from!
Good, concerned mother of beautiful children, asks, Abby, answered by Jeanne Phillips . . . How do I get my children, to focus less on looks, and focus on building on inner beauty? Well, I can tell you, that, I am also, the mother of four, lookers, beauties, and, that was just the standard in our home, and I don't think, looks were ever discussed, were ever an issue, nor were my children, rewarded, pampered, nor condoled because of being good looking, in fact, to this day, I don't know that they even think about it! My focus as a mother, was brains, character, being good citizens, working hard, doing your part, obeying the law, not fighting with your siblings, and being nice to others. I think, my children, just get up in the morning, get dressed, and don't see, themselves, as any better looking than anyone else, even though, if they looked objectively, at things, they would have to admit, under pressure, that they are better looking than the average person, but, they are damned, sure, smarter, than the average person, and there in lays, their powers! I remember, my first husband's, best friend, telling me, before I got married, that, his friend and my fiance' was marrying me, for my looks? What? At the time, we got a divorce, my husband, brilliant, in his own field, admitted that, he didn't understand, 96% of what I was talking about? What? Intellectually, I was always, stimulated, satisfied, and loved talking to him . . . but, he did dumb down, in picking his next two wives! LOL . . . thought he was just getting another pretty face, got Til of the Hun, LOL!
I think, parents can have a huge ass influence, on what their children focus on in life . . . mine was education, brains, ability and contributions to society, leaving a legacy and leaving the planet, a better place, because you lived on it! I remember, my sister, Rachel, oh, the cops, ME, one of them, a flight attendant, in a much more shallow, really not profession, but career, where glamour, was important, say to me, Jo, I know, you worry about your looks . . . I said, Rachel, I hang out with smart, fat women, all day, the issue is not, did you go to the spa, but did you win your case, your argument? LOL! Very different focus. I got up each morning, took a shower, put on my make-up, did my hair, always looked good, but, never really gave two hoots in hell, more about my looks! Now, I am sure, having the whole package, looks, brains, speaking, writing abilities, helped me, immensely, and I have seen, how, taking away that looks component, given, the weight, has hurt me . . . but, it should not have! And, I guess, that I was bound and determined, to beat these fuckers, who would steal, destroy and kill, for jealousy, preferring a bunch of dumb ass chicks, they wanted to fuck, or use to hurt me, putting, total inferiors, above me, giving them credit for my shit, but, that my have stung, but, hey, they made their beds, now, they have to sleep in them, and when, I take on my self improvements, like I do a case, or solving a crime, or an assassination, they might find, that I beat them, in every battle, and now in the war! Fat bottom girls, rock the world! song lyrics . . . Oprah, J.Lo, Beyonce', Hillary, Me, etc.
I write these blogs, at break neck speed, rarely, if ever, proof read, and I can rock the world! That takes, skill, knowledge, talent, and has fucking nothing to do with looks . . . maybe, I needed to succeed, at something, that was not tied to looks, or anything connected to beauty, and nail it, did it! So, with, those old voices, saying, you got this or that, putting down, the fact that I worked my ass off, to get to this point, looking easy now, there was 61 years of learning, thinking, and analyzing, in addition, to acquiring the skills necessary to do this, and the blogging, has been, the ultimate, high, ultimate pleasure, big time high . . . the money is fucking beside the point . . . fucking have it . . . because, you can't get what I have! And, in that, I feel sorry for you, not worth paying to price to get what I have, learned, been taught, practiced, put into my brain to write, like the wind, and have good shit come out onto the paper, with little to no research, because, all of that, the thoughts, the ideas, the information, was at one point or another, entered into my data base! My mind is like a fucking computer, what is stored, can be brought up at any time and regergitated out onto the paper, through my lightening fast, fingers, that fly so fast, people around me, often stop me and wonder, what in the fuck, I am doing and how can I do it so fast? SMART, SMART, SMART!
I paid the fucking price . . . and now, it is time, to put the nail, in the coffins of the people who for all intents and purposes, murdered me! All you fucking assholes, will eat your hearts out, because, I can beat my sisters, Kay, and your fucking punk ass little pretty liars, and even that is debatable . . . pet grooming dogs, Henry Higgins, My Fair Lady, or trained monkeys, dressed in monkey suits, to make them look like attorneys', CIA mind control, hypnosis, or MKUltimate, giving them drugs, in order to learn and retain, large ass amounts of material, like the 521 pages of evidence, I put together to prove the Brock securities case, for $357 million? I didn't need any artificial stimulation, drugs, hypnosis, cheating, and did it all single handed, the way I like it, and without, a damned male hand, mind, touching a brilliant case, that the U.S. Supreme Court, used to come up with their arguments, allegedly new, and fresh, in Jones vs. U.S.A.! There is always and insecurity, when you steal someone's work, because, YOU know you didn't do, it and KNOW, I DID! That has got to cause some conflict or fear that you will be discovered . . . but, I remember, I am dealing with PSYCHOPATHS and PATHOLOGICAL LIARS, pretty LITTLE liars! Emphasis on the word, SMALL . . . they may have gone world wide with my stuff, but, they are DISNEYLAND, It's a Small World After All versions of the real, world player, ME!
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