Secret Accounts, Just a Number Off? What's the Problems . . . $118 Million or More Going into Someone Else's Account!
Now, I was way suspicious of things, and rightly so, given the fact that, all that happened with the Egyptian, Shelley, Isaac, Wells Fargo, Washington County Sheriffs, even city cops, basement surveillance, the theft of my home, all my furniture stolen, law practice in shambles, but recovering, all files, information, contact, books, family photos, art, plants, rugs, furniture, grand piano, and the federal courts and the 5th district, knowing full well, there was irregular shit going on, at home, in the courts, and on the streets, with me, and no legal, lawful, constitutional, normal reason for all this, other than the government trying to put a smart, female attorney out of business, having over $700 million worth of civil rights cases, or other types of cases, against the government, and with clients, lined up and waiting, willing to wait, at that point, up to a year and a half for me to represent them, being the second in the nation, as a very tech savvy client, from Las Vegas told me, for civil rights cases, after famed attorney and author, cowboy lawyer, Gerry Spence, who was number 1, but with one client and two defendants, and a possible couple of million damages, compared to cases, making that look like chump change, and my cases, having up to 21 defendants, and several plaintiffs. Big difference, but he had been around 40 years, and I had been only doing trial work, for about 2 years, tops at that point. So, who should have been number one? LOL! Just kidding . . .
I am thinking with the house in St. George gone, which was a mess anyway, given Rachel and Chris' divorce, the ward, neighbors, moving in my sister's home, kid issues, Shelley issues, and glad to be free of all of it, I was happy with my little grandma house in Parowan and loving life, small town, cowboys, rural Utah, cabin, sitting at one of the Bess antique desks, and practicing law, old fashioned style, doing house calls and people stopping by all hours of the night for this piece of legal advice, or that, and generally without any money changing hands, nor bills and payments discussed. Just the way, I liked it, I would soon be a multi-millionaire, so a little good will, and neighborly kindness was merited. I loved the town, my friends, the gas station attendants, the gathers at the Maverick gas station each morning when I would get a chocolate donute and Diet Coke, and meet and greet the towns folk who seemed to know me before I moved in, and were always curious about this or that, small town, U.S.A. gossip, just like in the country songs I was listening to on the radio, Now for a small town, trusted home banker, and I would be set, soon for life, and then, I could go to the hometown football games, the Diary Freeze, garden in my empty lot next door, and take it easy, maybe go teach at Southern Utah University, basking in my grandmothers fame and name, making those family ties again, after the law suit that pissed the whole fucking community off . . . who should have been made at the corrupt system, I was just trying to help the city fathers and mothers clean the place up! LOL!
Note: for purposes of evidence and verification, as to who is here, sitting in the lunch room or dining area of St. Patrick's Hospital, after having a salad, Diet Coke and pecan pie, that you can check on my Walmart Money Card, the one and only bank I have had for the last, roughly 7 years, other than Shelley, Frank, John and others, hijacking cards from me, and me reapplying, and go figure, when Frank stole my card, that was sitting on my dresser, March of 2012, after getting out of 9 days of jail, in Moab, or Grand County Jail, on CONTEMPT FOR COURT charges, by Lyle Anderson, Judge? It is 5:47 P.M., and I just watched a true crime show during dinner, that started about 4:20 P.M. if you want to check my computer for proof!
In Honor of Halloween, I Had Ghost Accounts, Discovered Just Two Weeks After Getting the Red Carpet Treatment From the Bank!
Now, I was almost positive, the way this guy acted and his schedule, and interest in me and the case, this dude was FBI. One of the strange questions, that led me to believe that, was when he asked me, How do you get your cases? I told him, they find me, I don't search them out. I had the Tristan Lamoreaux case, probably, the most interesting, challenging and bizarre, so much so that I sat for 8 hours in the Iron County Jail, wondering if this guy who had an FBI number, and claimed to have a chip in his head, and was being directed at times by government voices, telling him what he should and should not say! And I got this guy a new trial, fought it on appeal, all the way through about a year and a half, going against my former, friend at the AG's office, deputy sheriffs from Iron County, showing up, trying to either intimidate me from meeting with Tristan, or the unmarked van and unmarked uniformed deputies, were going to tag and bag me, take me to the west desert and kill me?
This was one hell of a scary time, Tristan, was stabbed 13 times by Aryan Nation gang members, when they read one of my briefs had hid under his pillow, and left to take a shower, the case involved, old enemies from WWII, German neo-Nazi's and Japanese mafia, AK-47, drug deals, Marines, FBI, rat poisoning, wife shot, white supremacists, Iron County deputies, three, also members of the National Guard, with me going to meet with prison and Guard directors and legal counsel, to help Tristan, who clearly saw himself as an unofficial member of the military, being asked by the FBI and Marines, to serve his country, which is what got him into this prison mess, murder charges and conviction, after seeing blueprints of nukes, cities that were in the radius of the blast, thinking he was going to die, going to the Army Recruiters, having the FBI and Marines, pull him over on Dixie State College campus, at the time, and asking him to do undercover work with the Hell's Angel bikers, in a war and heading toward rebellion and insurrection, which is the premise for bringing the National Guard on board, which led to Tristan's wife, a biker chick, and being pimped out by her brothers and fathers, since she was 5 years old, ending up dead!
Crazy cases, but, hey, I was able to convince a panel of court of appeals judges, that there was foul play, with me waking the morning of Tristan's sentencing, having been blocked by deputies at the jail, who refused to let me talk to Tristan about his plea, getting up to two flat tires, with court in St. George, rushing to court, getting the tires fixed, and heading to Cedar City, only to find out that Tristan's case had been moved from 23rd on the docket, to like first or second, with Tristan getting jumped in court! Check out, YouTube, if the NSA doesn't yank it, KSL News, Court Room Brawl! I have had one hell of a ride in the law, lucky to be alive myself. I am sure that Tristan ended up in the witness protection program, after the stabbings, and is serving the state or somewhere as an adviser to the jail system, on gangs in the prison population, and who should be placed where, with whom and not place together . . . the kid new more than I did, trained as an assistant AG, in the Criminal Enforcement Division, of the Utah Attorney Generals Office, amazing, up to world gangs, Muslim Brotherhood, and all factions of the Ayran Nations, Sons of Anarchy, Mongols, etc., fascinating and an honor to serve Tristan and get to know him, well worth the effort . . . and, Tristan if you are reading my blog, I told you Uncle Brian, who worked for Nakken Ford, until they found out, that, you were, in fact, not dead, because I talked to you after, you were stabbed, and a true fighter, like your attorney, refused to give in, to the gangs, but he was relieved you clothes were just to throw others off, as to your where were. I was never able to get a hold of your Uncle again . . . hopefully that didn't get him killed, but I would not be surprised. Anyway, I attract, cool, interesting, challenging cases, because like is attracted to like, I get fighters, and unique people with killer ass cases!
Ghost Account, Ran Out of State . . . Handled in Helena, Montana, FBI!
Shortly after the banking incident, and that may have been late in December, or at the end of 2011, because the first part of 2012, election year, I was back in Washington, D.C., from January 18, 2012, being sworn in, the 23, and writing briefs and stuff on the Brock case, staying at Hotel 6, a few blocks from the Capitol Building and Supreme Court. I was at the mall in front of the Capitol, the day after, Senator Rand Paul, was having issues, refusing the advances of the TSA, going through airport security, so, that should have been sometime after the 23 of January, 2012. I was coming back from arguing a case up in Salt Lake, in Gunnison, or somewhere, when I was told of the ghost account, which didn't surprise me at tall, given all the shit going on, all the time . . . and with Elliot's new CD, with Sony, on the burner, Shelley and Isaac, hanging with Frank, looking like vultures waiting for something to happen, me being killed, or money starting to pour into the account, while Shelley and Isaac, were camping out in Parowan, just planted their asses, and acted like they owned the place, using my new comforters, new flat screen TV, taking over the music room I set up for Elliot and his band, and burning holes in my carpet, using my wood burning stove . . . Shelley was jumping right in, and noticeably had something, already in the works with Frank, obviously, before, I introduced them! THE ALAMO!
I never got a chance to go to the bank, with Brock's case, with an extension, due to the truck being sabotaged, cut oil rings, transmission messed with, and an almost deadly situation, one day, while heading to the federal courts in Salt Lake. It took a month or so, to get a new engine put in, and that was when the original petition for cert, was due on the Brock case, and I had three briefs due up on appeal, or going to appeal, while I was getting the house painted and what not. But all was about done, in October, when Shelley and Isaac, showed up, and Shelley had, two weeks access to my computer, off and on as I was tripping around the state, and surrounding states, handling clients. Mom had given me her Dell lap top computer, when the cops, bank, and courts, illegally took my computer in the raid, the day before I was to fly to Denver on the Brock case. Mom was afraid to touch the computer, after seeing what the government did to me on the house, and she wanted nothing to do with a computer I touched! Shelley was doing mortgage cases at that time, and I would get her notices, and tell her see better get going on them, and she would say, I am already on it, and I would always wonder, how in the hell she knew . . . double notices, going on my computer and on hers . . . the reason mom didn't want the computer back?
Montana Ad Campaign In Salt Lake . . . Billboards with Tee Pees, Meadows . . . Looked Great Compared to What I Was Going Through in Utah!
I got out of the Grand County Jail, where the powers that be, planned on leaving me, forever, or taking me to a federal detention center, no phone calls, no rights, nobody knowing where I was, and lies by both, Iron County cops and jail, and Grand County, refusing to say they had me, or where I was taken. I got out of 9 days in jail, around, March 7th, and there was a hearing on the Brock case, March 9, 2012, in U.S. federal district court, in front of Clarke Waddoups, a magistrate at that time, now district court judge. After that hearing, I took off to Montana, or shortly thereafter. I decided, knowing I had won the case, with 7 jurisdictional arguments, already a default by the government, and killing the judges, attempts to kill the case, I went to Helena to pick out a house, the yellow and white bungalow behind the Capitol, and working with realtors about buying a 100 acre ranch, on Houser Lake. It was on this trip, that I checked into the bank issue. I had to wait forever, at the downtown Wells Fargo Bank, I believe, so the feds could show up, and fuck with the account, to protect it, or so it seemed.
The guy, downplayed the ghost account, and allegedly closed down the original account, I believe gave me a new simpler account, and all was good, or so it seemed. But, as I was leaving, there was a symbolic car, outside the bank, one that looked just like Shelley's old car, and I panicked, knowing she and Frank, were up to no good, and Isaac, had come to Parowan, with two of Elliot's band members, Adam and John, and was playing, God's Revolver music for everyone working on my house, and acting, or even, indicating, that he was my son, or some weird ass thing like that. I knew, they were going to steal the cases and the music, or redirect the money for both, and so I decided to go to another bank, hoping to catch the errors if there were any in this new account . . . and I did!
I went to the Wells Fargo Bank, inside the back of the Albertsons, and the guy, looked at the books, and said, just as matter of fact, oh, there is just one number off, from the savings account! What, just one number off, that puts my money in someone else's ACCOUNT, you idiot! He acted exasperated and bothered that I would bother him over such a small issue? I told him, I just wanted the account closed, as I recall, and decided to either go to another bank, or just wait . . . but by this time, I was being chased by cops, and run from town to town, state to state, well that was after I went back to Utah, and realized, once getting my mail, that the judge, had just up and terminated the case! I knew it was double docketed, and Kay was now involved. The posting date on the notice from the court, was March 26, 2012, I got it March 28, 2012, after getting home, meeting with Senator Tester's staff, and decided, I might as well, just move to Montana, because I could tell, from that last visit, Shelley was fucking Frank, in my HOUSE, after I had thrown her and Isaac out, back in about November, when I finished the house, never invited Frank, aka, Allan to Thanksgiving Dinner, which he was pissed about, but, I knew Shelley was on the wings, and I could read the fact that Allan and Isaac, knew each other a whole lot better than they should have, with them joking about the name, Alamo, wink, wink, wink!
Mitt, Mormons, Montana, Murder!
March 27, 2012, and I found this out, a year or two later, Kay and Mitt Romney, met in the UK, for a BBC documentary, called, A Mormon President for the World! When Mitt got the nomination, I believe sometime around then, I wrote an email, that went to about 10,000 people, sent Mormon general authorities, scrambling around, especially in St. George, answering questions I had posed in the email, later, just referred to as the email, I had written that took the state of Utah, about 2 months to get off the radar screen, with the Salt Lake Tribune, having Mitt's Mug, on the front page, and the caption, A Mormon Moment . . . I went ape shit, and wrote that this is a conservative moment, a Republican moment, but it should not be a MORMON MOMENT! That email caused so much trouble for Mitt and the Church, and the war was on! At first, I didn't know, that Senator Tester was a Democrat, nor did I care, but I met several offices of his staff, and Mitt was the brunt of the jokes in Montana newspapers, which I loved, and Tester's staff loved me. I started to write a follow-up email, that spread with light speed, while I was sitting, hiding from cops, at Hastings Book Store, and all of my 700 Utah contacts on my computer were, fried and disappeared! Babies, steal $118 million from me, and I will take your motherfucking ass out, and I told Hank Brock and Jay Rice that the December before, when they fucked me at the 10th Circuit, and didn't care about their case anymore, but I did, it was mine! Now, my focus, was on taking Mitt Romney out, just like I promised the assholes I would do, and my first email took me light years!
My second email attempt on Mitt, directly and inspired by several cartoons in the Helena Independent Record, and I went back to Salt Lake City, and wrote on the bus for about 16 hours or so, off line. Elliot was coming to get me, and I was at FED/EX hooking up to the Internet, to send out my next email to take down the fucker who got my money, knowing damned well, the first was a deal, second was a steal, but politics are my love and my passion, and all would be even if I could take Mitt Romney down, and I did . . . not alone, but people would be shocked at what I did! But, I was only on the Internet, for seconds, with Elliot waiting in the car, and the last lines I wrote were, the FBI and CIA, are not above the law, ask, Tricky Dickey, Richard Nixon! Before I could sent the email, my computer when pitch black, and shut down. When I rebooted it, my user name was NIXON! Like the NSA, said, oh, yeah, we are above the law, watch this! I tried everything from WATERGATE, to Pat, to G. Gordon Liddy, to Democratic Headquarters, but to no avail. I stayed at Elliot's house, over on something, Hawk's Court Lane, near the old Sunflower Grocer, now Sprouts, where El and me would go grab food, and I could get on the Internet, but my COMPUTER WAS FRIED, ONLY GOT 3 DAYS USE, NO EMAILS . . . I took the computer to 5 tech, and all said the feds had to have done this, even the diagnostic tools could not decipher the password, so I could use the computer!
I Know, Shelley Followed Me To Helena, Met With Tester, Pretended to Be Me . . . I Never Met Him Personally, Until, About a Year Ago, Up in Kalispell, When the Troubles with the VA Hospitals were an Issue!
Shelley followed me to Helena, because, when I came back in June, the next year, when I met, Commissioner Motl, of the campaign ethics committee, and when I went to pay my bill, at Jorgensens Motel, I was short and almost got arrested, with cops called, finding out, that my one month gym membership to Fuel Fitness, on one of my original visits, paying more for the one month, with Parowan, being listed on the back as my address, so, noting, where I was from, someone had continued that membership under MY name, and ran the bill up, with the gym, having run my card. When I went to confront the gym, the girl who signed up my membership, who knew me well after the month, a year before, said, long time, no see, but later I found out she was fired because of that. I won the dispute with Walmart, and when they acted me how I wanted to get my $158 back, all of the sudden, the result changed, and I never got the money. In fact, as proof, that Hank was MY Client, he paid off the rest of my bill at the motel!
Shelley followed me to Whitefish, to cover the medical marijuana showing, I was allegedly killed in an accident that following weekend, outside Missoula, after almost getting killed, in Hamilton, the night before, but for a cop warning me. I had been attending a seminar, on elections law at the law school, I believe, in October, 2012. Another person was murdered, and they cops thought it was me, or intended it to be me, and some, Marines, from Kalispell that used to read my stuff, were the ones, who confirmed the fact that I was killed . . . I just saw the accident, I allegedly died in, with the wheels still turning on the other Ford Taurus, that was under the gas station awning, and I waited for it to leave, so the aerial surveillance would think it was me . . . my luck, their death! And, ever since then, Shelley, or one of the bitch squad as been me, but, I would check all accounts, that my still be in use at the Wells Fargo Bank, secret, checking and I believe several savings accounts under MY NAME, WITH MY MONEY!
CPA AND FRAUDER DAUGHTER GET PRISON . . . I GET MY MONEY!!!!! This is Not, We all Kiss and Make UP! You Fucking Tried to KILL ME, and Did KILL 26 OTHER PEOPLE!
P.S., the guy who set up the bank account in Parowan, at Wells Fargo, it seems was from a small town, west of Parowan, maybe Eureka? Milford? He was married, two kids, about 35, dark brown hair, stalky built--frumpy dad bod, not much over 5'11", kind of a pudgy face, Mormon, I am sure, think I noticed garments. Like I said, he said he only came to the bank, about, once or twice a month, so hard to get a hold of. FBI regional field office guy? Someone with banking experience. Could lean on bank president, he was there cooperating, or he may not have been the prez. at all, but a cop! Definitely committing bank fraud, among other crimes!
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