Plug For, Families That Play Together, They Stay Together!
I just wanted to mention, the very cool, family, I saw, at the Currents Aquatic Center, in Missoula, Montana, last night. I had written a blog on Sunday, on the importance of taking vacations with your kids, and also the importance a dad make in a child's life, and so far and above a fucking pay check! But, about the time, I got in the pool, a very pregnant, beautiful mother, about 8 months pregnant, and her cute, dad bod, husband, also a good looking guy, and their two children, a boy of about 10 and girl, of about 8, were getting in the pool too. I was doing boring exercises, and it was fun to be entertained, just observing this fun family. What struck me, was the fact that the mother and father, obviously married for some time, given the age of the children, were knocking the beach ball back and forth, later playing volleyball and basketball, with each other. I thought, prior to marriage or during the marriage the wife, must have been somewhat athletic, because, she seemed, even pregnant, to be competition for the husband, making a few baskets here and there, and the husband, even given her condition, was not really holding back, blasting her with plastic water balls, and her either deflecting them or catching them. That was cool, and one of the great things about the water, is that the extra baby weight and pressure on the baby and mothers, were minimized, by the water, making what would be very difficult on the land and with gravity, quite simple in the water.
But, it was fun to see the way the dad, interacted with all three of the current members of his family. With the son, he was rough and tumble, pushing him, chasing him, dunking him, challenging him and playing the shark, attacking him on these new, flotation things in the water, chained to the bottom of the pool, but allowing people to sit, lay, and rest on them, being suspended, out of the water, like a boat. But, as the daughter, who seemed to have met and befriended another girl, so not really hanging out with the rest of the family for a while, came swimming up. And as the father was pushing the son off with one hand, he was protecting and pushing the younger sister up on the floating thing. And, I thought, of the studies I have read about, the difference a father, can make in a girl's life . . . it was found that the fathers, who have a good relationship, increase a girl's confident, create, more aggressive females, willing to make it in their daddy's world, so to say, and they tend to make more money, be more successful, that girls who had strained relationships with their fathers. The father was going on a month long training . . . sorry, I was in the hot tub, with the father and son, so I could not help but hear their conversation. But, the son, who, obviously had a great time with his dad that night, was upset that dad had to leave, and the father did something smart, he told him, he didn't like leaving the family either, but he would be back soon.
It is amazing, that most fathers, spend less than 15 minutes a day with their children, which is terrible, but, also, the impact, that the father makes in life altering! In so many areas, and even small bits of time, like last night, will have a lasting affect on the child, unlike the mother who is with them all the time, dad, is a novelty, different, special, just in the limited time, a kid is exposed to the father, so, very impacting and powerful, so dads, make it good! I thought of my own grand kids, who live back in the Washington, D.C. area, Y and G, and my son-in-law, who has to travel a ton with his job, and if sometimes gone, for months at a time, or allegedly, gone for that amount of time, but, when he is gone, he talks via, Skype every night, staying connected, not only through voice, but through actually seeing his children. But, when G was little, just learning to talk, one time, her and Y, got into a fight, or big brother was bugging her, and rather than go in the kitchen and get, mommy, Nicole, who was there, she went over to the computer and started telling dad, on Y! LOL! I thought that was so cute, and showed the role of the father, seen more as the disciplinarian, the enforcer, and the one who launches children into the world!
Last night, I heard the dad, in the misted of the playing, yell to the son, several times, to not run, when going to retrieve the ball they were playing with, that had gone out of the pool, supporting the life guards, in enforcing a no run policy, on the cement, to avoid accidents, thus, teaching the son the importance of rules, and following safety precautions. Plato, in his essay, on The Republic, said, if parents fail to teach their children to obey the law, society will teach them. And believe me, the system is not kind, and you need and would rather, teach them, like this wise and good father, to obey the rules, not only for their own safety, but because, simply, it is the rules of the pool, and good citizens, follow the rules! What a good example of parenting, enforcement, and training, in a great setting! The value of a father and a mother, is priceless, and we all need to do a better job! If your own parents were not great, copy someone who you respect and change the direction of generations! It is imperative and the very fabric of society depends on good parents!
Enlisting the Military on this Marine on Marine Murder
As I rushed to finish writing the bullet points and timeline of the murder of I-Corp Marine, Allan Rex Bess, by Shelley, primary killer and as an accomplice to the murder, Frank, also a Marine, I felt if the FBI, CIA, local and state cops, are too fucked up to help, as if the case, and the two former Utah attorney generals, both under indictment for corruption, some of it, involving me and my case, house, and take down, with alleged official approval, which is total bull shit . . . the government, has no, FUCKING right, deciding, because someone sues them, they have the right to kill them and every person who would step up to their defense and help them, totaling about 26 deaths connected to me and my cases, that I can account for, but, this one is particularly horrible, and a direct connection to the military, involving military, with local cops involved, if not the FBI, the U.S. attorney generals office, and other feds, who should have been all over this case, and were well notified, for fucking YEARS! and they did nothing! A white Chevy suburban, like Rachel, one of my doubles, the cherished, the fake booby prize, the dumb bitch the cops all wanted to be ME, just pulled in the McDonald's parking lot, God's intel, that Rachel was who they were protecting, like, a, not the victims, me and Allan, but the BOOBS, for God sake! Disgusting, not their job, and like Loretta Bobbit, I ought to cut their fucking dicks off! That might be just punishment for a bunch of juvenile men, who put a pair of fake fucking boobs, above 26 people's lives! justice, right, honor, ethic, and the law!
So, I am asking the military to set in jurisdictionally, hoping that men of valor and honor, who care about the reputation of the Marines, the country, the service men and women, and the law, will step in a see that the laws are enforced, because law enforcement is compromised all over the fucking place and can not be objective, without objectify and judging justice based on boob size, or ass size, or whether, they like me or her best, of all the lame ass junior high, acts of stupidity, ruling with their heads, beneath their belts, rather than the head above their belt, so, fucking disgusting. YUCK . . . I can't say enough, that this type of behavior, is unbecoming of men, of law enforcement, or men and women, having a moral standard, at all. Fuck those you will, but do your job, when it comes to enforcing the law, rights, protections, liberty and freedom, that is protected by the very document, you fuckers took an oath to uphold, and that goes for my sons, if they are involved! I am just teaching and training you one the LAW!
JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., and the Rest of the Story
So, Allan Rex Bess was killed, between April and May of 2011, with me marrying, before realizing he was dead, Frank, the mob, or the government, or the Mo churches, sorry ass excuse for a man, taking the life of a man, 10X the worth, of the substitute:
- I married, who I thought, was Allan Rex Bess, to protect property, and that was it . . . both his and mine
- two weeks after the marriage, that was sexless, by design, and understanding, with me giving Frank, aka, Allan, and I am going to refer to Allan, as Frank, because that is who I was dealing with by the time I got, so painfully, married to this ass, with the marriage being Null and Void, as a matter of law, being a sham from the start, with a proxy or substitute, and the murderer of the man I thought I married, but, I made a surprise entrance, into the Bess cabin, that the murderer, Frank was living in at the time, seeing he was going to live in the cabin, and me in the house, which suited me fine. But, as I came into the cabin, one morning, I noticed, a small, bent over, man, that looked like nursing home fodder, skinny, scrawny, sickly looking, and shrunken. And, surprised, I said, who are you? FBI? CIA? A cop of some sort? And he responded, I am, Interpol, or international police, and my code name is Frank . . . I think, often, the truth is told, hoping the person listening, will dismiss it as a joke, but I did not!
- from that point on and off, I was suspicious of this person, who was calling himself, Allan, but on a subconscious level, I knew he was not Allan, and marked it with friends, after returning home, May 5th, or there after, called a few, then, trusted friends, Hope, a client, on the alimony and cohabitation laws, cop, murderer of the former Playboy Bunny, married to the Jewish rock star, Sheri Lasoff and Kay Lynn Reilly, a client/friend, and talked to all of them, about the emaciated new Allan, telling them, that I didn't know what happened to him, the once, man who cut a figure, big, strong and a head taller than me, looked sick and scrawny, but he might have cancer, as he stated. I had start to be attracted to the real Allan, by this time, and so his new appearance was somewhat shocking to me, although, still in the attorney mode for sure, and just watching where it was going, deciding if I was going to get involved in the civil cases, or not, depending on which way the relationship went, since the criminal case was over, and I had not started the civil work, nor was I sure I wanted to, for two obvious reasons, I had done the criminal case free, and was busy, with other cases, and if I liked him, like it was appearing to go, I could not, be his attorney and his lover, all at the same time; therefore, I was not rushing into anything, but finding Allan, more and more of a confidant, if not a, possible love interest, turning to him, when my house was threatened and finding comfort that one person on the fucking planet, could understand the government poisoning back in 2000, with few people being exposed to the use of poisonous African tree frog gum, used by assassins and others, against enemies, like they did, using the poison against the Viet Cong, in the Vietnam War! He was a port in the storm and he said, once I told him about the tree frog gum and the steering wheel, he could trust me on everything else . . . and, I am sure that, is probably the statement that KILLED HIM! or soon would kill him!
- I had fun with Frank, but, in less than two months, I wanted an annulment, and wrote up the paperwork to ditch his sorry, spoiled, lazy ass. I approached him, with the first set of papers, and he got pissed and tore them up, and did this on two more attempts. Finally, by about, October, with this in the back of my mind, but still, hanging out with him, he was funny, and there were a few good times and I really tried for awhile, even though I was very busy, running to and from court in Salt Lake, getting ready for three cases up on appeal, and getting ready to go the U.S. Supreme Court, but always, taking time, for dinners at the Lake, fun trips to Duck Creek, or to go get him for doctors appointments, or to check into Adult Probation and Parole, so, just kind of letting things slide, but definitely, noting and trying to figure out what the fuck was going on, and why?
- in October of 2011, I picked up Frank, from the cabin, brought him to Parowan, where he swore he was leaving forever, hated everyone, and he had seemed to distance himself from everyone, especially, Christa Bess, who had been working on Allan's year long paperwork, bills and notices, and now, she was just kind of crossed of his list, and he was hating Parowan . . . and if you were a double, the fear of being discovered, or ratted out, you would want to avoid the town, but, I think, he was seeing that people are busy with their lives, and just don't pay attention, really, and the double thing, he was actually pulling off. I would ask people, is this the Allan Bess you knew growing up, or is this the Allan you remember, because, I just didn't feel everything was right, and he changed so drastically, being way more sophisticated than the country boy, I had gotten to know, with tabs, and me chauffeuring him to and from the cabin, preferring that over his independence, like he was used to having people cater to him, and he didn't mind me, a busy attorney taking time out of my day, to drive all the way up to get him and then back again, which, was okay, because, I love the mountains, and we had fun off and on. By this time, I was 50/50 percent convinced that something bizarre was going on, but I had NO one to confirm my suspicions, but, I was just marking the differences. and actually thought that Allan, may be a fed, given the nature of my cases, the taking of my house, and the $700 million in cases that could have taken down the government, of course they would want to know what I was up to . . . and there was this flurry of activity, and I knew, that surveillance was being put up at the cabin. I guess I may have been flattered a bit? Shelley and Isaac had not shown up on the scene yet . . . moving in for the kill, once, I figured out the game, the dude was NOT ALLAN!
- so, Frank had an appointment, after lunch, always on my dime, with Frank, seemingly always, playing to aerial surveillance, walking out from under covers, or out of buildings and exaggerating his words and emphasizing his movements, with me getting more and more, curious. So, this October day, me and Frank are standing outside the house, while, about 5 guys were finishing up the painting of the eves and what not, which took a long time, Brad Haney, started talking to Frank and I, and brought up the fact that he had been in jail with Frank, Allan, but Frank didn't remember and was striking blanks, then, Brad, reminded him, they were not only cell mates in jail, but had grown up together, even though Brad was 12 years Allan's junior, he and his twin brother, used to run get Allan cigarettes, and they thought, Allan was the stud of all studs and cooler than hell, when he joined the Marines . . . and the twins, burned down the barn behind the Bess home . . . don't you remember dude? And not only that, but Brad's mother was best friends with Allan's mother? Still, striking blanks, and I am looking at Frank, going what the hell, these are not things you forget, what is up? I took Frank back to the cabin, and Brad was waiting for me, at the house, always gone by 5 P.M., but not tonight!
- I said, I don't think that is ALLAN! Brad said he didn't EITHER! I had not know Allan, long before, his death, but I had spent sufficient time with him, after he got out, with us, enjoying conversations, sharing wars stories, and our woes about the government, talking shop, with Allan wanting to help with Tristan's case, that was heating up, and me, taking on the attorney generals litigation department and an old associate, Laura, I think was her name. Frank, on the other hand, in comparison, point blank, said, Tristan is guilty! WHAT, you were going to help me with this case! I started to think, this dude was sent to fuck up the case with Tristan, given the scene in court, the flat tires, the change in docketing, the surprise visit from two Iron County deputy sheriffs, an unmarked van, and blocking the gate to get into see Tristan! But, that day, Brad and I started to compare notes, and Brad showed me a year book of Allan's, and every picture of him was cut out! I started looking at the pictures of Allan, and the other Allan, his Marine picture, and they didn't look alike! I quickly jumped on the case, not really putting two and two together, thinking that Allan, might have been bribed, or left, letting this guy, come in, but it was so, unlike him, and he wanted to marry me, and so I knew, given the fact that Allan, said, we both bled red, white and blue, that he would not do anything to hurt me, but still not thinking he was dead. That possibility took until DECEMBER to become a reality. Slowly, piece by piece of evidence as if, Allan or God were helping me, started to come out, first a paper to the VA, clearly stating Allan's weight as about 230 pounds, with Frank, topping in at about 170, at best, on a good day! I went over to the Iron County Jail, before anyone knew I suspected anything and pulled, Allan's mug shot and it was Frank! I alerted Jason Johnson, of the different person, and he dismissed me. I started writing to the new chief of police, in Parowan, noting all evidence this man was not Allan, still not knowing where Allan was. I tried to pull the Panguitch mug shot, with Allan telling me that he was arrested for a DUI up there at the Lake! The cops refused to give it to his ATTORNEY? But, that confirmed my suspicions, now how do I convince anyone else? Carpenter was new and didn't know him, but, all Allan's friends, started working with the cops, over night, after me saving people like Joe Hudachek, who got an open hit, on him, right in court, and me deflecting it, only to have him with the cops the very next day . . . GRATITUDE! or pressure to protect his daughter from drug charges, now all the kids of Allan's friends were getting arrested as were all his friends, so none were free and clear to not be with the cops!
- Shelley and Isaac, dropped their sorry asses, in shortly after that, and just moved in! I could tell that there was something going on with Shelley and Frank, and that Isaac seemed to have an affinity for Frank too . . . the name, Alamo, came up as a possible name for the dance club, I was thinking of buying for Elliot's band, and Isaac showed up once with two of Elliot's band members, from God's Revolver, almost acting and trying to pass, me off as his mother, even while Shelley was working in my house, in Parowan! Shelley had a two week period of time, free and clear, while I was too busy and up in Salt Lake a lot, to fuck with my computer, double docket everything, and have access to all my CASES! then came the theft of my e-filing account at the U.S. federal district court, and her stealing MY ACCOUNT, forcing me to be gone to Salt Lake to file in PERSON! One time, I paid, Isaac, whom Shelley said, loved Frank, and once, she wanted me to take her to the cabin, and once up there, she said, she wanted Frank to show her the cabins, which I found strange, since, she allegedly didn't know him? But, he never came down, until Shelley and Isaac were there, and then he was down, often, and hanging out with them and I put two and two together and realized that he was involved in the God's Revolver, steal, the marketing and, had been with Shelley and Isaac with loyaties to the, not Me and my SON! I was just mentally taking notes, and finally kicked Shelley and Isaac out, after Isaac, started telling my workers when I was gone, to smoke marijuana in the house, and charge me, way more money, than they had actually worked, with Isaac, not spending, more than 5 hours painting and telling me, he worked enough to be paid, $400, with me shelling out, $2,000 for one weeks work, from the guys, that is when I stopped, all work, other than retaining Brad, who then started to be hassled and threatened by Frank, as was an Afghanistan, worker, I retained too, to do my yards, and I remember, by December, and Brad was finishing the work on the washing room windows, with Frank, riding his ass . . . Brad still had pending issues with the cops, and so did his cousin, who ended up dead, after I helped him!
- soon, I started to find out about, double residence on electric and phone bills, with Allan's name of them, which I am sure that Shelley was living, near by, if not Isaac, and with me gone all the time, she was moving in, sleeping in my bed, while I was gone, she hooked up and befriended Judy Daly, who all of the sudden started hanging out with Frank. Just before Thanksgiving, I brought Frank down from the cabin, thinking it was getting cold and maybe I should move him, in the house, not because I liked him, because by this time, I didn't and could read the writing on the wall, between him, Shelley and Isaac. Once I gave Isaac a cowboy hat, that was the real Allan's dads, that Frank, said he didn't want, until I told Isaac to give the hat to Elliot, whom I was trying to get to go into country music, genre and sell his music there too. But, later, before, Thanksgiving, Frank was in the house, and I left for church, he must have figured that I went to a Mormon Church, lasting 3 hours, and I showed up an hour early, to find, my whole fucking kitchen pulled apart, every drawer, every cupboard, was laid bare! I started screaming, YOU ARE A FUCKING COP, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!!! It appeared to me, he was either looking for drugs that had been planted on me, or was planting them somewhere, to frame me, so I would lose this house too, just like the other one, when I got it beautifully decorated and paid for, all furnishings, these fucking parasites, Shelley, Frank, Isaac, cops, Rachel, and my FUCKING FATHER, would swoop in steal, destroy and KILL! I was so pissed I didn't know what to do! I had to drive him up to the cabin, because he didn't have a license, I think I drove him, I think, I told him to get the fuck out, and I caught him, trying to take the truck, without a license, or something like that. but, I didn't invite him down for Thanksgiving and that seemed to be a turning point, and he was a sworn enemy to me after than point!
- finally, without talking to him, for a long time, and it getting colder, but a warm year, still I worried that he would freeze and I had a duty, to not let him freeze, I went up and got him, shortly before Christmas, and by this time, I knew that Allan Rex Bess, had been murdered, and hated this motherfucker, was daily going to the cemetery, spending a lot of time, in mourning at the only place, I could feel connected to the Bess family where his mother, father and Lima was buried, with a spot for Allan. I was devastated, to say the least!
- the new chain saw . . . Allan kept bugging me to replace the chain saw, that he claimed, some brothers in Paragonah allegedly stole. Now, you have to remember, that surveillance, had most likely been placed in the house, back when Allan was first let out of jail, back in 2010, so the spies would have ll knowledge of issues. But early on, I bought Frank a new chain saw, an orange, not sure of the brand, but that was so he could cut wood for the winter. But, in December, when I picked up Frank, I was not sure where to let him stay, but before it was discussed, the first night I he was in the house, I noticed that he put the orange chain saw, in the my bedroom, under an antique dresser. I was like, what the fuck, we have two large sheds, a man cave, where Allan's motorcycle was, with a TV, and really clean, a garden and tool shed, and a fucking huge ass garage . . . there was only, one reason to have that chain saw in the bedroom, trying to hide it, and that was to murder me, cut me up and burn me in the furnace, letting Shelley, move in as me, with only Judy Daly, who could and would testify, that Shelley was me, I was gone so much! I immediately told Frank to take the saw out in the fucking garage where it belonged. I was not mincing words and didn't like having him around, had, gotten him mad enough to sign annulment papers, and was not married to him, but still feeling responsible for his welfare. I told him to pick one of the upstairs bedrooms, and my one request, was that the dog stay either in the basement or the outside, and he smoke in those places too. Other than that, he had full reign of the house, but chose, at least while I was home, to stay in the bedroom. Which suited me just fine! I remember him, one time, while both of us were in the kitchen, saying, exasperated, that he had never had a woman treat him, like I did in his life! I told him to ratchet up his game, he was dealing with an attorney, not a mall rat, or bar fly! He didn't know how to deal with me, so we just tolerated each other. I did my work and basically tried to ignore him.
- Greta and Dallas came to visit around Christmas, the house was decorated, cute and fun, and Frank stayed up in his room, acting like a martyr, beaten down by this bitchy attorney, who didn't give a rats ass about him, and he was fucking RIGHT! I could not wait until spring to get rid of him! Greta and Dallas talked to Frank, while I played with the kids, and when Greta said, she thought me and Frank were perfect for each other, I got pissed, and said he is a fucking murderer, NO, and we didn't talk for about a month!
- Right after Christmas, one of Allan's friends came over, and he appeared to be in with Frank, and he had a nephew who was in the Draper prison, so I am sure a deal was cut, to cover up this one, and Frank sweetened the deal with, oh, can't something Alger, oh, Max Alger, whom Allan had known since he was 5 years old, having grown up in the house, since that age. So, Alger was a key part of this fraud. But, Max came a got a tour of the house, and was just blown away by how cute it was, and decorated with such good taste, and was just in shock, loved the brightness, and everything about it. It was not long after that, that Frank, told Max the house was his, when he died! WHAT? And Max started, vying for the house. So, I had Frank, Shelley, Judy, and no allies! So, I sunk, $60,000 into the house, Allan, gave me, and now, FUCKING FRANK his murderer, who didn't want anything to do with the house, was reneging on the house, with people believing he was Allan, and now trying to get the house? WHAT the fuck! This ass, when he trashed it, didn't want anything, but all Allan's cool stuff! Frank started claiming that, he was an abused husband, and having owned the house, was now being sequestered by this bitch attorney, only letting him, in the bedroom, downstairs and backyard, which could not be further from the truth, but with the $56.7 million, lawsuit against, Iron County, the cops wanted to believe and get poor Allan/Frank, out of this terrible situation, by kicking me out of the house, at the time, I am trying to prove that Frank, killed Allan! So, it was a war zone, and I was never home, so he had the distinct advantage of doing what sociopaths and psychopaths do, make the victim, the bad guy, and the cops loved it, and loved, siding with the abused husband.
- Frank even manipulated the courts, by having a judge declare our annulment void, so we were still married, I am sure, so he could, claim the house and get it back to spite me. Before that, one time he tried to bring the house down, by saying if he could not have it, nobody could! LOL! What a piece of work! And of course, that fucking Kent Carpenter, I found out was a MARINE, in Intel, and allegedly in, internal affairs, was totally on Frank's side, in fact, brought in, as several other deputy sheriffs were, not to take out the bad guys, the corrupt guys, in Iron County, but in a special op to take me out, and put Shelley in as ME!
- next came the full frontal assault, at the very time, I was heading to the U.S. Supreme court! Bogus warrants, extortion, jail, chasing me and racing me back to the Supreme Court, stealing my U.S. bar certificate, changing P.O. Boxes, two residence, Shelley sleeping in my bed, my Walmart money card getting stolen, with me, not being able to get it replaced, USING MY OWN ADDRESS IN PAROWAN, with Shelley using my Social Security No., my birthday, and now, MY ADDRESS? What the fuck, that is when I started to run, right when I was falsely incarcerated in Grand County, by Judge Lyle Anderson, who had no right to do fucking anything, and with FRANK, seemingly calling all the shots!
- then in June after being in Montana, after the jailing incident, coming into town, at 2:30 A.M., from Montana, and having 4 cops, show up at my bathroom door, at fucking 7 A.M. demanding my keys to my truck? Stealing all my art work, my electronics, my printer, etc., raping another house, like they did in St. George, in fucking barely a YEAR! God almighty! I watched as the sheriff's stole my truck, allegedly, Judge Lyle Anderson's call, for what, exactly? For appealing Hope's case, but Hope, now had been bought and sold by FRANK, working with Shelley on an alleged mortgage refinancing, the way, all the dirty deals were cut, with Shelley! So, in June, the cops took my truck, and I felt that I was being forced to stay with FUCK FACE FRANK, by the fucking cops! Eventually, I didn't care, I just took off and went to MONTANA, for fear of my life, being told by Wayne Hall that the cops had it out for me, and were going to get me, going after my clients, the Guthries, who let me take their car, when MY TRUCK WAS STOLEN! Wayne told me, they were forcing, Guthries to say, that I stole the car, that was basically abandoned out in their field, and they let me take it, or how in the fucking hell would I get it started? I knew it was there, and I just wanted to get the hell out of dodge! Wayne told me they were going to charge me with GRAND FUCKING THEFT AUTO . . . making me the PERP, when they STOLE MY TRUCK THAT MORNING . . . at least my clients, who owed me about $50,000 in legal bills, with me helping them for FREE, were great, but pissed because the cops, in exchange for the car, that they fucking BLEW UP and blamed me, let my clients, take my stuff as pay, out of the CAR . . . MY U.S. SUPREME COURT BAR CERTIFICATE, Is in that stuff . . . the cops arrested me, and then, maybe, Shelley and Frank, whom I stopped from getting MY certificate, the reason he started to get his mail in general mail! But, I saw the certificate before THEY DID . . . he knew I was booking it, and leaving him in UTAH! Go figure, before I was arrested, for driving without lights on, that just happened to turn off, both of them, simultaneously, right while I was talking to a cop, who stopped me to tell me something was dragging from the car . . . since when do the lights both go out, at the same time, when satelites turn them off? BURN THE FUSE!
- for the last several weeks, as I put my make up on, in the mornings, I have noticed, dark circles, making me look, like I have a black eye . . . it happened again TODAY, I think, God is trying to tell me, YOU ARE AN ABUSED WIFE, and you are being stalked, tracked, battered, with you X's, having assess to technology, cops, surveillance, so what a woman, fears in ONE MAN, you are facing with a WHOLE FUCKING SYSTEM ABUSING YOU! The trouble just followed me up to MONTANA, with FBI MO's, sisters, FRANK, JACK or JOHN, MICHAEL, TONY, ETC.
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