Washington, D.C., Top Lawyer, Counsel to the White House, General Counsel to Xerox, 5 Million Dollar Home . . . Almost Kills Wife, After Receiving Divorce Papers, 54 Year Old, Spending the Rest of His Life in Prison!
I believe this was a 20/20 episode, I watched yesterday, and frankly wished, I was shocked by this incident, the perfect family, dream lifestyle, Washington elite, access to basically, celebrity status, hanging out with presidents, members of Congress, and doing about anything they want. But, the husband, 13 years older than the wife, was jealous, if his wife, even spent too much time talking to other people, and it didn't seem to matter which sex, because, it made him, feel, like he was not as desirable, or she didn't want to be with him and the worst thing, you could do to him, his wife said, was allegedly humiliate him! What made my ears perk up, was the same issue, is what people dealing with serial killer, Ted Bundy, said, that he seemed perfectly normal, in every way, but what he could not tolerate was being slighted by a woman, or her making him fell humiliated! Come on, men, be men! Don't read in between the lines, don't taker actions as anything more than they are . . . she is talking to a friend, or a new acquaintance, she is not going to bed with them and it is really no reflection on you at all! Just like you talking to another woman or man at a social event, and men do this all the time, leave their spouse or girlfriend, to talk shop, or to schmooze, socially, to make a network connection. And remember, if your wife is home with kids all day, and you have a killer job, with little time at home, she is going to be craving conversation, interaction, to connect with people!
There is nothing personal about this! This is part of the objectification of women, that they are there totally to serve your needs, sexually, emotionally, socially, religiously, financially, etc., they are NOT! She has needs to get out, to feel like a person, to interact, to get her needs met, as much as you do! So, don't take it personally, and as an a front, or a humiliation, if she wanders off to do her thing, out of the house, almost like a horse, needing water, running, sucking it up! Most men, who have not stayed home with children, have no idea of the sacrifices, the isolation, the restrictions, babies, naps, meal times, nursing a baby, can be . . . my son, Chris, was a full 8 hour job, just to nurse him, not just every other hour, 24/7, but starting at the first of the half hour time, then going two hours, putting on 5 pounds the first month! He had to play catch up, because he was the smallest of his 3 other siblings, two of them starting out, 2 pounds heavier. So, think, you are a rational being, not an animal, not of the animal world, restricted to instincts, and driven by nature, your WIFE, HAS FUCKING NEEDS TOO! And here again, is some fucked up notions that, can be extrapolated by scripture, the man is to be the head of the women, he is to rule over her . . . BULL SHIT, in the Garden of Eden, God created a HELP MEET! Most people want to say it is a helpmate, indicating, that she is there just to help him . . . no, the word, meet, means to meet each other's needs, to meet each other half way, to fulfill the needs of both, by BOTH HELPING THE OTHER PERSON!
Detect the MONSTER, Behind the MAN!
So, this high powered, Washington attorney, had this mask of control, like nothing bothered him, until, every once in a while, the wife, would see, him unleash this beast, this anger, this rage, and generally, for the smallest, alleged offense, that most people, couples, husbands, would glide over, he would come unglued, threatening, cursing, screaming, but controlled, cold, accusatory, with a systematic verbal take down, just like he would a hostile witness, testifying in court. So, this wife, with two small kids, decides, she can't take his verbal abuse any more, and filed for divorce, and the day she did, she made sure she was out of the house and gone, for good. Well, he got a hold of her and promised to control his temper, if she came over to talk it out . . . remember, that in most of these situations, there is a nice guy, she fell in love with, years earlier, that can talk her into coming back, and talking things out. To that point, he had never used physical violence against her, so she, thought she could handle the verbal battering, and maybe, just maybe, work through it! HOW WRONG SHE WAS!
This, alleged, man, high powered, attorney, ran at her, knocked her on the floor, took out a large, like, cop, flashlight and started bashing her in the face, the head, with blood, spattering everywhere, she tried to get away and could not, and when he thought he had killed her, given the blood, from the head wounds, and this women, was beaten beyond recognition, and she was almost indistinguishable, a beauty, turned into a gory mess! But, when he thought he killed her, he decided to kill himself, and turned to go get a gun or something, pills, I can't remember, and she, with blood oozing out all over the floors, losing blood fast, had the stamina to pull herself up, run, grab the two kids, on a few months old baby, and ran to the car, having left the keys in the vehicle, just in case, something didn't work out . . . and she said that made all the difference, and gave her the edge getting out of the house and down the street, before he knew she was gone.
He was not only charged criminally, but she charged him civilly, he ended up losing everything, plus going to prison for the rest of his life! SOUND FUN BOYS? I mean, really, don't read things into your wives, actions, that are not there, understand the nature of her world, what she is dealing with, and stop being so fucking self-centered. I find, from experience, that most women are too giving, and most men are too taking or selfish, so who should you be looking at, YOURSELF! Stop trying to control your woman, partner, and give them some freedom! I think one of the best indicators of a good relationship, is letting your partner, go, trip, being alone, and trusting them, that if you let them go, and they come back, they are yours, if they don't, the NEVER WERE! Don't want someone more than your life. The woman, who saw signs during their dating and quick courtship . . . hint, clue, fast engagements and marriages, can be signs of domestic abuse partners . . . hurry and get the person, hitched up, before they lose it and show their real personality types.
This woman, had to be in hiding for 5 years, while her attorney husband dragged out the legal process, and filed continuance after continuance, trying to prolong his freedom! This woman came public, because she wanted to help other people . . . she was still a very beautiful woman, but you could see, even after extensive plastic surgery, that she had one side of her smile, she could not smile, right, and with scars, and the damage that flashlight did was extensive, but for the miracle of modern medicine and great plastic surgeons, she would have been marred for life! Have the courage to let her go, let her be her, hold on loosely, but don't let go! My third husband, Brett, Mr. Wink, Wink, and cheater, told me, I had to just deal with him, with his flirty ways . . . no, I don't, watch me leave, and I did . . . he has been trying for 10 years to make someone else be me, and spends ever waking minute trying to destroy me! But, after a conversation once, and Brett told me, I had to deal with him and his flirting. I took a walk, and was gone longer than he thought I should be, and when I got back, he said, or accused me of fucking some farmer! What the hell, I did see a tractor, but no farmers, MR, INSECURITY! LOL! Oh, I see how well you deal with me walking, in 2,000 acres of farmland, with fucking NO PEOPLE! LOL! I didn't see a living, breathing soul, for my, what, 20 minute walk! LOL!
Realize, Your Anger, Is About, YOU!
I read this book, about marriage, and I think, it took the best, most healthy, and insightful, look at marriage . . . relationships, marriages, friendships, and even work environments, are ALL ABOUT YOU! your personal perfection. God, the universe, providence, nature, or whatever force you believe in, brings into your life, the very issues you need to work on! for your own personal perfection. Generally, the reason we married someone, is the reason we divorce them! Oh, she is so independent, fun, outgoing, and free, then we marry them, and want to put them under lock and key, keeping all their energy just for ourselves, and through POWER AND CONTROL, start this process of systematically, trying to put them under our thumb, giving them time limits, for tasks, taking them away from friends and family, watching gas mileage, following them, getting into their cell phones and computers, checking for other men, or women, women are just as guilty, they just are not as strong . . . why do men abuse, because they can, they are BIGGER, STRONGER . . . women are probably more verbally adept to a fight, and they are more complex thinkers, I think, so the battlefield, can, in some respects, almost lend itself to violence! STOP IT ALREADY!
The friend, my ex-husband, Brett, replaced me, or exchanged, me, well, make me, with, or made her into me, fuck I would be furious, if I was her, seeing all he did, was, keep everything that was me, and bring, your body in to replace me, my resume, my experience, my family, my children . . . nothing of yours, Kay, LOL, but anyway, in Kay's previous life, she was married to Tim Brown, who used to box her ears, hiding the bruises, with her hair. I felt like beating Kay a few times myself, but being equally verbal, I could handle her, but Tim was not verbal at all, and so the only way he could win an argument, was to box her ears, or hold her down, cover her mouth! Women, generally speak 7,000 words a day, and men, only, 2,000, so, that is a disadvantage in a verbal fight, and so, sometimes, in frustration, he goes for the way he can even the score too.
Women, need to watch it, I have literally, not seen, but seen the aftermath, knowing my male friend's, girlfriend, who was annoying as hell, but she would push him, push him and then, once thumped him on the head, and he turned around and blasted her on the chin, knocking her out! NOT COOL, but NEITHER WAS WHAT SHE DID TO PROVOKE THE DAMAGE . . . there is NO EXCUSE FOR ABUSE, but we really can, invite it, push it, and bring it on, and we better be ready for the aftermath . . . this was a hot tempered, tough Boston chick, who I think, figured that Dave would never lose his cool, well she finally pushed him to his limits! We are all human!
Remember, There is a Fine Line Between Love and Hate! Don't Cross It!
Yesterday, this Russian chick, an acquaintance, pulled me aside, and she asked me if, men, had ever cast a spell on me? I said, what do you mean? She said, I find, that men, who want a relationship, with me, and I reject them, then do something to me, make me sick. I was wondering, if in her broken English, she was taking a sick feeling with, having someone put a spell on her, kind of like in the Salam witch days, if you got sick and some woman, had visited your house the day before, you assumed she put a spell on you. But, I knew what she was talking about, and I said, I don't know if they put a spell on me, but there is definitely good and bad energy, that a person can send, between them and you, quantum physics type stuff, that canb literally make you sick to your stomach!
Just the other day, the day, the James Kennedy, cleaned up version, Mr. GQ, came to the swimming pool, looking enough like James, at first glance, but not after thinking about it, but when I went in the dressing room, to get the hell out of the hot tub, and away, just in case, he was an assassin, trying to get me to think that it was, James, and I just couldn't remember what he looked like and it took a while, but looking back, and remembering, him dancing, asleep at the bus terminal, or looking at me across the room, no, this guy was not close, but, I was not risking anything. So, not thinking, I went into the first stall in the shower room at the Currents Aquatic Center, the one, that I got locked into, the last time I saw an assassin type guy, out of place, as this guy was, in the pool and hot tub area . . . and I have seen, a few people trapped in, and lately, I saw, that stall shut, and no shower, and yeah, someone, must have had to crawl under the door! But, before that, the day of the fake James, I, thinking, or not thinking, accidently went into that stall, not thinking or thinking that I was just being crazy or something . . . but I got LOCKED IN AGAIN! and luckily, this time, because someone had tried to fix it, I was able to bump and pull the door, so I could get out . . . but, I was sick to my stomach, thinking about the incident, and what could have, or should have happened, but for? So, yeah, I get the sick feelings, she thinks is like a flu or something, which it is actually a guy making her nervous and getting a gut feeling that he might do something to her, yeah, I get it.
Stalking is a Way to Intimidate, Make Someone Fear, Thus, Getting a Reaction, Using Power and Control, Also!
So, the other day, after seeing the James look alike, I had wanted to go up hiking and see the leaves, up the Rattlesnake Canyon, but either on a newspapers, or somewhere, riding the bus, I saw, a note or sign that said, Watch for Rattlesnakes, and I decided, due to the experience, I had up Rattlesnake, thinking it was either a bear, mountain lion, or man, stalking me, up there earlier in the summer, a month or two ago, when I was there early, with few walkers, hikers and bikers, and learned that the bear population, was coming lower, with fewer berries, I had stopped going for awhile, but, I thought, my love of the fall leaves, would trump my fears, and I would master my courage up, and go up hiking. So, after waiting, until almost all the leaves were gone, due to the James pool guy, getting locked in the stall again, freaked me out more the second time . . . the first time I didn't really put two and two together, at the time, just reacted, and got the hell out! But, on the bus ride back, the driver, asked me if I had seen bears, because, they were having a larger than usual number of them coming into town for food . . . NO. And he kind of made reference to the incident, a few months ago, saying he thought it must have been a raccoon, or something like that . . . all of the sudden, I got sick to my stomach, just like someone put a spell on me, and I said, no, that was a much larger animal, and one that was tracking me . . . most like either a mountain lion or MAN!
Still curious about the incident, and thinking about it, I looked up at just the time, I was passing the Theater, on Broadway, where the Missoula Children's Theater is, and I looked up on the marque, and the play, Sweeny Todd, is playing! Scream, Brett Todd Stuart? I have wondered if he was a serial killer and he just like me, so he didn't kill me after he lured me to his remote, old horse barn, turned house, on 23 acres with nobody to hear a scream, or anything! But, I again, got this very sick feeling in my stomach, on how close I may have come to be murdered with him, he claimed to be, the Ice Man, one of the most notorious serial killers of all times, with a body count, of about 200, as estimates go, and watching all these true crime shows, lately, the thoughts, of being with Sweeny Todd in real, possibly at risk for 18 months I was with him, with him, once, dressing me out, in a way, washing me, shaving me, and doing things, he never did before, a strange blue light, over us . . . now remember, I thought I was dying, so, I was almost, intrigued by what was going on, fascinated by abnormal psychology, so I just laid there and watched him, what he was doing, and why? I think, I was so trusting, like a 5 year old at that point, that, I didn't react, like, well, I had been married to him and living with him for a long time . . . but, there were several times, I wondered, enough to sleep with a knife . . . but he had a rotary saw out in an old shed . . . cutting up bodies? I think, he simply loved me. That is why I am alive today. I can't swear he is a serial killer, but he seemed to want me to know, and claimed, every once in a while, and there was the incident, at Hastings, where the guys, who could be FBI agents, tried to warn or block me, saying that Brett still had the video, I Married An Ax Murder!
Ted Bundy, Suicide Hotline, Ann Rule, Crime Writer . . . He Was Getting a University Education in Serial Killing Techniques
So, when I got back to the Poverello for lunch, I was looking through the same, National Geographic Magazine, with Abraham Lincoln, and turning through the pages, and still a bit, upset by the hike, only the second, since that time of the whatever stalking me up Rattlesnake Canyon, the Sweeny Todd, this was a serial killer in England, who used to murder his victims, cut them up, and cook them as meat for his meat pies! But, there was this picture of a man, in huge leaf, like, African trees, that just looked like a single tree, but a leaf, and there was a man, from an aerial photo . . . and I thought, did someone catch Brett, and I saw Brett, because, he never failed to read the National Geographic, every month, he had a yearly subscription or his mother did, and he had stacks of them at the barn/house! Pretty creepy, and scary thinking who I might have been with, not just once, but my fourth husband, was meaner than a rattlesnake, Frank, of InterPol, or CIA, the double for my husband I thought I married, Allan, and AB, he used rather than Allan, stood for Absolute Bastard, but he met his match, in ME! LOL! But, I have seen two serial killers, that look just like Frank, aka, AB, one, I think was called, Joe Hamilton . . . symbolic of me being killed in a car wreck outside Missoula/Hamilton, somewhere, October 2012! Poor soul in the other Taurus!
But there is an episode that has disappeared, since I watched in, but it is a Dateline, 20/20, 48 Hours, or something like that, I couldn't find it, after watching it, wondering if that was actually, Frank? looked just like him, but the episode is the murders of two girls, I believe, both, Montana girls, Scofield and Servco, who used to be a news anchor, from the Flathead . . . maybe only one was, because, I believe after graduating from the U of M, she took a job with a small local TV station, somewhere? But the killer, who was apprehended, looked just like my 4th husband, who was totally mean enough to be a serial killer! He allegedly slept with 800 women, so not much more than a fuck to him. But he had been to Montana, because he told me it was his favorite state. He also looked like this serial killer, in New Mexico, was into sadomasochism, bondage, sexual torture, with a trailer, and about 40 victims! Frank was so mean, I thought, did the government go into the prisons and take the meanest man they could find and sick him on me? It would not surprise me! LOL! Again, I think, by this time, I was practicing law, and I was so mean, he had met his match, and took him by surprise! He kept telling me he loved me, and prayed for me, and I would say, yeah, and the Oscars are coming! LOL!
But, I was watching the episode, The Killing Fields in Texas, and there has been 40 years of killing girls and burying them in Texas, and no suspects. These guys are smart, cunning, strategic, predators, and they dig beating the cops, see themselves as smarter than the cops, and love, beating them at their game! What better place to hide from cops than to be one! Remember that recent movie, Let's Be Cops! Ted Bundy, pretended to be a cop, with the only surviving victim, who got away from him. I would think that I have been with, I would say, 6 assassins, if you were to look at them, but, I am as ruthless and mean as they are, and they end up all liking or loving me! LOL! Power is attracted to power, I assassinate people with my writing, so, like is attracted to like, so it would stand to reason. Assassin to assassin . . . I am just as brutal, and they dig it! Frank works in concert with Brett and other, rejected love interests, there are Alpha Females . . . right here in River City!
I have had guys who, looked totally, mean ass, like in the most fit, mean ass military, mercenary, looking for me in a crowd at a Memorial Day Celebration, dancing through the crowd, looking like, actually, did have a Rugar, 2200 pistol, under shit jacket, I saw it when, he adjusted his jacket, and I kind of slide off into the crowd. I had, since, I left the identifier, taken my black baseball hat out of my purse and changed my looks, with a silencer, easy to take me out, all eyes and ears on the band, and the speaker! No, I think that was last year at the Veteran's Day Celebration, at the town square . . . I am sure, i booked it out of town. He had the cut, cheek, fitness, cheeks, totally, amped, and moving through the crowd, Mr. Marlboro Man, James own description, . . . maybe it was James Kennedy, now that I think about it, he looked like him and had to beanie knit hat all, had the same nervous energy as Kennedy, never could stand still, that is why I appreciated the day he was a sleep and I could just look at him! LOL! This guy was a similar breed, and would have been attracted, or was, but, thought his was scoping the crowd, acting like he knew generals and military guys, who were not buying it, while he worked the crowd, and that gut, feeling was, he is looking for ME . . . sorry, Charlie, I'm out of here, and hit the shuttle out of town a few hours later!
Just this morning, there was a book laying on the table at the Poverello, during breakfast . . . HANNIBAL, as in Silence of the Lamb! Sweeny Todd and Hannibal Lecter! great, two boys from the Donner Party, eat their victims! Screammmmmmm! Who have I really been with?
Fear is Counter-Productive! Predators, Whether in Rattlesnake Canyon, or In Our Own Homes, Dig You Cowering in FEAR . . . Remember, Abusers, Want POWER AND CONTROL Over Victims!
We are Far Beyond, Primordial Man . . . We Can Change, Control Ourselves, Not Others . . . We Don't Have Control Over Anyone But Ourselves, But When We Change, We Bring About Changes in Our Partners, Good Changes!
Holiday Season is Coming--Make It Good
- recognize when you are relying on POWER and CONTROL, to manipulate your partner, children, wife, husband or wife
- limit alcohol, to just enough to get buzzed, but DON'T CROSS THE LINE!
- if your wife and kids are going to be an annoyance during football games, playoffs and Super Bowl, go to a friend's house to watch it, or encourage her to take the kids swimming or something like that, so nobody walks in front of the big screen TV while you are drinking, eating and partying watching the game
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