Ted "BRETT" Bundy STUART! The Candy Man!
The way I found out about the blast you in the ass initiation to some sick club, came from some guy, whom I suspect, among others, are part of the undercover, sting op, at the Poverello Palace. I thought to myself, as he told me, he didn't need to work, already getting a federal pay check, or exactly why do you not need to work, not to get out of here, and why are your here? So, this guy is tall, about Brett's height, 6'4", nice build, appears to be very sweet, which is a strange combination, these guys, I am going to describe, are, like killers, but charming, lady's men, but bi-sexual, and beautiful, so men, are attracted to them as well, but they are a unique make up of men, Kennedy, Phil, Brett, and some others, in addition to my sons, not as killers, but, definitely sweet, very good looking, smart, while not as seasoned as some of these older guys, are very much the type, that I am talking about, with a bit of training, good federal agents, that can be used, in many ways, as top cops, intelligent enough to solve cases, but there is this other category, the male, honey trap, I have eluded to, that, they are chick magnets if you will, and can do undercover work, merely in and of the fact that women are attracted to them, so they can do double duty. So this young guy, I would say in about his late 20's, early 30's, tells me he is going to get his first pay check from doing construction, and then get a chick, rent a hotel and fuck the shit out of her. I said, she may want more than that, other than, you are in the right state, the Montana girls, are as wild as the guys, maybe, growing up on ranches and farms, seeing the animals mate, fuck, make babies, this is just what males and females do together, reminding me, somewhat of the behavior, I noticed, when first introduced to my three clients, and Parowan, that prepared me for Montana! The wild, wild, west, in more than one way! LOL!
After writing my blog, and hoping to stop this butt fucking, phenomena, that is going around, putting pressure on sorority girls, coming to light, during the University of Virginia, alleged, gang rape, that happened on campus, at a frat party, leaving this girl, seriously messed up, and eventually coming to the attention of Rolling Stone's Magazine, how took the case and interview on, and last I heard, was being sued by the college, for tarnishing their already tarnished reputation. But, I read the article, before, the story broke, some months later, and remember, the attitudes that created the climate for this rape to take place, and with so many of the guys, almost making it mandatory, that a girl, allow the bros, to butt fuck her, or she was history with them, and at the time, I was alarmed by that then, and was even more, hearing about this Blast, sex club or whatever it is, gang, related, power and control, raping in the ass, or you have to commit with your blood, but I got on my YouTube and looked at the recommendations, after writing such a blog, and Crimes of Ted Bundy Beneath the Mask and The Candy Man, both episodes of true crimes, that shocked the nation, popped up. Bundy killed 30 women, and the Candy Man, lured, with the help of two young men, at least 27 young men, paying the boys, $200 per kid, to bring them to his house, alleging there was going to be a party, drugs, alcohol and whatever, then getting the kids, loopy, and one of the boys, who was trained to assist, and lure victims, would put handcuffs on, because he had a key, and then, he would challenge the other kid to put them on too, but he had no key, and the sexual assaults, torture, and eventual death, was the end result.
Both Serial Killers Had Similar Traits . . . Handsome, Smart, Masters at Luring Victims, Brilliant in Covering Their Crimes, and Went Undetected for Years!
Brett picked me up, while I was drinking a Diet Coke, just standing outside Albertson's Grocery Store, on 400 North, in Logan, Utah, around 2005, and I have often wondered, as I see or hear about the characteristics of serial killers, if, looking back, he didn't think I was a prime target to be his next victim. I would never have said hi, to Brett in those days, I was like a 5 year old child, with the Pick's Disease, and was just hanging around waiting to drop dead, any minute, like I was told I would. Although, by the time I met Brett, I had outlived my diagnosis of two years, by about two or three years, but I was very much, still thinking I was going to die. Brett came back out of the store and I was standing there still, and he started up a conversation with me, and he, either for real, or as a master of manipulation and luring a victim, using terms and means, that I would relate to, he started talking about, his ideas on teaching the community, especially kids, about, methods of using, non-violent communication. I had my own business, prior to this time, teaching anger management, so we had some things in common. At the time, I was not really thinking about, boyfriends, husbands, sex, or anything much, just getting by, day by day.
We talked for a few hours, and finally, I said, where do you live, Shelley, said I needed to find a place to live, right around that time, planned? coincidence? happenstance? But, I inquired, and Brett said he lived out on 23 acres, in Mt. Sterling, and he was converting an old horse barn into a home. I had been with Jerry Owens for years, and had grown accustomed to country living, farms, and loved the outdoors and rural life, so I was curious, but didn't say much, until Brett asked me if I wanted to go see his house and farm. Sure, but by the time we got there, it was late, and getting dark soon, dust, as I recall. I was dying, he was handsome, charming and we seemed to be compatible, so I thought, if I am going to die, why not die happy, and got with this good looking guy and just see what happens. I wasn't really think much about anything, but you tend to live differently, when you think you are going to die . . . I keep, typing the word, doe, indicating to me, from my intel guy, God, that I was like a doe caught in headlights, totally caught off guard, maybe by the plans that Brett and Shelley had, or my father, Brett and whomever, Kay? None or all of them could have been into the game, even then . . . Blake Donner had been, drown, or murdered, later as I investigated, what seemed suspicious to me from the start, and I had little contact with my sons, thinking if I was going to die, it would be worse on them to be closer to me, therefore, I didn't call any of my children, much.
I Remember Brett, Looking at Me, Pinning Me, Saying . . . "I Like You?"
I thought that was a strange thing to tell me, other than the fact that, Brett, whom I had now been with for a week or so, having tons of great sex, fun, messing around, hikes, time, and I would wait for him, to go to work, come home at lunch and we would always have lunch and sex, and he would go back to work, and I would wait for him to come home, sitting in the wheat fields, the apple tree, or at the house, with the dog on my foot, but, he would always yell, hey country girl . . . and I would yell, hey country boy, run to the truck to kiss and greet him when he got home each night. I was not in a hurry to go home to Shelley, and was suppose to get a place to live, but, that was like telling a 5 year old at that time, to go out and get an apartment, so Brett was a great opportunity, he liked me and I like him, and I was wearing him out, sexually, and I think he like that, other than he could not get anything done! Finally, after about two weeks we decided to get married, and we called our parents, told them and a very idilec life went on day, by day, sunflowers, fires, dinners, stars, sex, loving, picking apples, walking through wheat fields, making love in houses being built in the valley, listening to country music, looking for rocks in the rock quarry, up the hill, what could be better.
But, I remember, one day, Brett had been smoking pot, I tried it and didn't like it, but he was doing it, and he started telling me about a serial killer, I believe, up in the Oregon, Washington area, a guy who picked up prostitutes and runaway girls, and he had killed a ton of them. The way he said it, and reflecting on some of the feelings I had the first night or so, when he had me pinned, that, on the one hand, I thought was just, playing, but on the other hand, I saw something in his eyes, face, and a split second that I thought, perhaps, he was going to do something harmful to me, but then, changed his mind, and said, I like you . . . as if to convince himself, that he liked me, therefore, whatever he was going to do, and believe me, Mt. Sterling was the perfect place to murder someone, with the neighbors a long way away, nobody would hear any scream, and he could bury the body up on the gas pipe line is what I thought.
I have a very active imagination, and I was also trained in criminal law, and I knew too well of Ted Bundy, Jerry's first wife, was approached by Ted Bundy, at the South Town Mall, where another girl was later abducted and killed. But, thoughts, that, there could be 300 bodies, buried up around this area, did make me take pause, but not for long. We have a very loving, relationship, a ton of kissing, hugging, making love, about 8 times a day, when Brett was home and generally, at least 5 times during the week. I was kind of like a kept sex slave in a way, but always happy, and my world revolved around his world, although, Brett did all the cooking, cleaning, and I was happy just to watch him. I was like a 5 year old, in a woman's body, and there was kind of a learned helplessness that comes with a diagnosis of the type I had, a disabling thing to know you are going to die, not just might die, there was no chance for me to live, and I think, I kind of liked, living dangerously, with this handsome, dangerous, yet so charming and loving man. I think it was interesting to me . . . . just because I was diagnosed as a child, doesn't mean it was true . . . I was always, thinking, gathering information, watching and collecting thoughts, on abnormal psychology, serial killers, just observing is more what I had been doing, for the 8 years, that I thought I was going to die!
Fat People Should Die. They Should Not Be Allowed to Live.
Really, I am fat, not as fat as I am now, but I had been forced on meds for a year and had probably put on 80 or so pounds, that I believe was all part of the plan. But, I knew that Brett loved me, and I said, who are you to think you have the right to give or take a life, and maybe I should kill you for smoking. He never brought that up again. I will say, that at first, Brett didn't seem ashamed at all by may lack of make-up, nor the weight, and he did say, it never was the weight, it was the fact that, as I healed, he wanted more out of me, and I was not sure I wanted to give it. I was a work-a-holic and as Brett, healed me, and I think he was key, along with Julia Warner. but, my attorney, side started to kick in, and I started to notice surveillance cameras on houses, from Wellsville to Mt. Sterling and Brett could find me anywhere I was, and he seemed to come home at the same time I did, and sometimes that was late, around midnight, because, by this time, I had seen his wandering eyes, with Shelley, Kay, girls in grocery stores, and I don't put up with that, which leads me to another trait, that Ted Bundy had, that might have been key in me leaving Brett, and the revenge he sought and still seems to want to punish me with, to the point of dead potential lovers, 4 to be exact.
Brett had studied women, what they wanted, and want to do to get them, and how to get them, and for the most part, it worked with me, but the cheating or the wondering eye, didn't, and so he was toast to me. I remember, as I started to get better, he started to try to control me more, and he started using psychological tactics, that seem to be something he was trained at that, reminded me of domestic violence, not in the sense of hitting me, but in isolating me, keeping me on the farm so to say, telling me how long to be gone and when to come back, which was not working for me, and so if he ever told me when to be back, I would take the bike and ride off, not coming home for 12 hours or so, or exerting my independence. He as nice about it, and it probably gave him time to fuck around or whatever. But, the change in Brett, seemed, to be ordered, or so it seemed to me. I had wondered if he was an FBI agent, and we had great sex, tons of it, and, all of the sudden, after spending all our time together, and I am remembering, that he would even watch me with binoculars, making me thrones of rocks, romantic pizza dinners, cooked over the fire, making love under the stars and moon, Brett calling the owls, and us, hearing coyotes, walking, talking, laughing, to the October harvest moon, only to go back and make love again, in front of the fire . . . totally digging life, him, loving him totally.
Change in Orders . . . Kissing, Not Allowed, Cheating Seemed Planned
I have heard that men have affairs to avoid intimacy, and women have affairs to get intimacy. All of the sudden, Brett after three months of total bliss, cuddly nights, him begging for reprieve from sex, and just good times, perfect times, loving times, and nothing to complain about, there was a turn about face, and Brett said he needed to go up to the college and talk to someone about, his business plan for the non-violent communications. His old girlfriends, both taught in the theater department, and I was kind of a rebound, with him meeting me, or allegedly meeting me, a day or two after he broke up with his girlfriend. I knew it was a risky relationship from the start, a rebound, but, hey, I was suppose to die, so, a good looking guy, why in the hell not. But, one of Brett's aunts and uncle, came and picked me up the day, that Brett had gone to the college, and told me, he didn't deserve to be married to me anymore . . . his family loved me. I figured he might be cheating, and that didn't sit well, but, I was dying, so, whatever, and I would just see what was going on. And sure enough, Brett seemed to change after that or I did, and that was the start of the end, but we still had great times together.
By this time, I had seen him interact with the local police, and they all seemed to know him, and do what he seemed to be indicating, or he always got warnings, rather than ticket. I had been an assistant attorney general, and there was, what seemed to me, to be some professional courtesy going on, like I used to get, once, I was speeding, and I accidentally pulled out, my attorney general I.D. with a picture, rather than my driver's license, and the officer, just looked at it, before I realized that I had grabbed the wrong I.D. and he smiled and just waved me on down the road. What was going on, reminded me of that, kind of nothing was said, but, there was this recognition and deference that I noticed, which, intrigued me and I thought, he is a federal agent, they all know him, and he is here to see of I am getting better, and keeping me off the radar screen, which he did, I think. I figured that I was an assignment, and given his about face, never kissing me again, I started to formulate a game plan for federal agents, that has been reaffirmed to me, since, seeing either books or movies, that kissing is not allowed, because it is too bonding, and fucking alone, is less intimate, and that seemed to be what was happening. We would make love, and I would be all over him again, and he would have a hard on two minutes after having sex, and he would beg me to leave him alone! Nice problem, huh? But, after that one trip to the college, we never kissed again.
Ted Bundy, Had a Girlfriend, He Loved In College, and When They Both Graduated, She Dumped Him . . . After He Was On Trial for The Slayings of the College Girls, Connecting Dots, the Forensic Psychologists and Criminologists, Said that Bundy Was Normal, In Every Way, But for the Fact, That He Appeared, To Have a Fear Of Being Humiliated By a Woman
Bundy wanted to totally possess a woman, even to the point that he had their skulls, in his house, or with him, so he could totally dominate them. Bundy and Brett, both shared traits, of being charming, curious, inquisitive, but he had shifty eyes. I tried to leave, Brett on several occasions, once, I took off, and some couple got lost on the road we lived on, that was the end of the paved county road, and lots of people would take the wrong turn, and have to make a U turn, so, I ran out of the house and jumped in the tow truck, and Brett chased us down in his truck, telling them, like most abusers, that I had schizophrenia, which I had never been diagnosed with, I had never heard before, and whatever. But, I went back. Then on the summer solstic, Brett had a huge fire burning and was going in and out of the house, and I took off, and ran to a bush, waiting for him to go to bed, so I could walk into town. At this point, I don't think, we really liked each other, but I grew more and more sure he was a cop of some type, and I didn't trust him, especially, when I noticed surveillance cameras up on the neighbor's house, pointing right at us, and he said, that they were not surveillance camera, and I argued with him, a red laser, pointing right at us! Then I figured out how he knew were I was all the time, because I noticed, red laser beams, on the tops of many houses on my main route to get a Diet Coke. Then we argued once about 9/11 and new airport searches of trunks, and he seemed to get more mad about, cop type issues, TSA, shit and surveillance issues, safety, and that pissed me off! LOL!
I decided that someone who was fine with constitutional violations, the attorney, was resurfacing, and denying anything about building #7, that came down, 12 fucking hours after the twin towers, was no husband of mine, and I was going to leave! Oh, the one, night I took off, and hid in a bush, a low flying plane, going so slow, I don't know how it stayed in the air, unless it was a helicopter, but, I think it was a plane, but, it stopped right over where I was standing, shocking the hell out of me! As the plane came over me, it put a flood light, directly over where I was standing, and I knew Brett had to be some type of cop, or working with the cops, and soon after that, I borrowed his bike and rode into town, with him following me, begging me to come back! I was pissed, knew something was up, not just anybody, can have surveillance on our house, and when I try to escape, someone with a fucking plane responds and blows my cover and hiding place! No way, if I am just an assignment to Brett, fuck him and I left! Even though, both Shelley and Kay were in the hopper at this point, and I didn't care, I think I shot a hole through his heart, that his ego and whatever could not deal with, so he had these other women, be me!
Two Incidents That I Think, Threw Brett For A Loop . . . Me Basically, Giving Him to Kay, And Making Him Leave My Family Easter Vacation!
There was only once or twice that I even saw Brett get pissed, and the one was, after leaving, what appeared to be an arranged weekend for Brett and Kay to get together, and I didn't fight about it, kind of just stood back and let them play their games, having pretty much checked out, after the first three months, when he went to the college that day, started to withdraw and withdraw, more and more. So, by the time, Kay came, Shelley had already been an issue, every chick in the grocery store, wink, wink, nod, nod, oh, fuck no . . . I may be dying, but my ego is bigger than any man's my former professor and possible business partner, who tested it, on the MMPI, personality test, and so, it doesn't take this gal, long, and cheating is not on my menu of options, nor is it on my husband's, therefore, at this time I didn't care, but I could tell that Brett did. He acted like it was his choice, to be with me or Kay, or both, might have been the plan, but I told him, you get her, you want her, you are not my husband. He was so pissed he almost ran off the road, near Cove Point, on our way to the Easter vacation, in Zions at the Buffalo Park Lodge.
Brett had previously, asked me, before meeting Kay, allegedly, if I knew of any women, I was jealous of, or that I considered being in my league of women, or I saw as competition. I remember, telling him, that I didn't consider most women in my class of women, but if there was one, it would be my friend, Kay, from high school. It was not long after that, Kay called me out of the blue, and arranged a dinner with her and her new fiance, Bruce Bugsby, a biology professor . . . Shelley is a biology major, I think, Brett from the Utah State University Alumni Magazine, I saw after I left him, was a biology or animal science major, and the dots started to connect, with Shelley, now, hanging out with Brett . . . I think, this theft of I.D. was done in parts, with Brett using both women, Shelley was used to weave her in as me, me just barely leaving him, and now him being seen with Shelley, out and about town, since I had been out on the farm, totally under Brett's control, without a vehicle, and only able to go into town, when Brett wanted to and we generally went to his mother's house, the library, or to do laundry, but never really very many other places, so a very controlled group of people, were the only ones who really knew anything about me.
At the same time, God's Revolver, came out with, Little Black Horse Where Are You Going With Your Dead Rider? new CD, but I think, in retrospect, the family had been stealing Elliot's earlier bands music as well, and this was just a continuation of earlier thefts.
Characteristics of All Members of the "Bandits" . . . Smart, Charming, Manipulative, Money Hungry, Sociopathic Liars, and Psychopaths, With No Right and No Wrong!
While I watched the video on Bundy and especially the Candy Man, and how he took these young, kind of lost young men, being almost like a father figure to the boys, and then trapping them into being his soldiers, so to say, in crime. This man, to the public, his neighbors, the town, was a nice looking, good guy, who would help anyone, and fix tires, take an interest in some of the boys without fathers, and play that role for them, so most people never suspected a thing. But, this morning while watching this, I thought back to the YouTube video, of Elliot, playing Scratch Dealt Me a Dirty Hand, where Brett is standing there, in the crowd, years after I left him, and I thought, is he there to intimidate Elliot? For the first time, thinking always that he was wearing the punk hair do, sticking out like a sore thumb, standing a head taller than anyone, that Brett could have been in contact with Elliot, ever since, Elliot came and jammed at Brett's and my house, years earlier. I always wondered why Elliot played with his hair over his face, unless it was dark in the concert? And I remember, a poster, when I knew they were stealing the music, back in about 2007 or 2008, after I left Logan, unexpectedly, leaving Shelley, after Brett stopped by, one night drunk, and crying, trying to make love to me, while on the floor listening to Art Bell night radio, with Shelley asleep on the couch, finally getting Brett into the shower, where he cried and cried, telling me he loved me!
But, I remember, doing some research about the time, that the BAD GRANDPA and others killed Elliot's three worldwide music interviews, and tour. By this time, I figured that Isaac was touring as Elliot, and a fake band was getting all the money, and grandpa and others, all cops, were helping pull of this music steal, keeping Elliot from getting his due, and his band too! But, there was this time, that led me to believe or see how fucking much money the fake band was making . . . but, Elliot, had his hair, flipped over his face, and the thought occurred to me, that he was being coached to cover his face, so that his double, Ryan Chambers, also a red-head, could not be detected, or those were the only pictures that surfaced on the Internet. but there were little minuscule, 3 point font, or less, numbers ticking off, under this poster of Elliot, wearing a navy blue t-shirt, his colorful tattoo, a yellow electric guitar, and his bright copper colored hair, flopping over his face! Was he ordered to always keep his face covered, what was Brett doing as his concert, and the money that poster was making was, count wise up in the billions of hit, constantly turning over, as fast as you could count!
The Candy Man, Holding Threats of Alleged Crimes Over Elliot's Head, Bullying Him, Intimidating Him, Falsely Charging Him, Like Kay and Brett Did, Chris, Dropping Charges, Exchanging Free Access to Music, for Alleged Charges . . . Cops Had the Power to Use the System to Get the Music!
This morning, or as I came back from watching these videos, Bundy and the Candy Man, don't ask me why that vision of Brett at the concert, years after leaving me came to mind. But, I was talking to a guy at the Poverello, about my blog, and how I wrote about, anal sex, and some how, that went to him, saying that he wished he had never asked his girlfriend for anal sex. I told him about, the guy, I dropped over the same question, but I went on, to say that all these guys, who are into this sex craze to me, are the same guys, who stole my son's music, and this older homosexual serial killer, using young males to bring his victims to him, being victimized themselves, somehow, up set this guy, who I have guessed is undercover and probably buddies of all these fucking federal cops who have done this to me and my son! He got all defensive when I said, they are all, bisexual, and with no right and no wrong, like this BLAST, initiation, were using butt fucking, to induct, young men, into the ranks and files of the FBI and CIA! That hit a cord and he got pissed and said, that is consensual sex, between two adults and I said, no it is not, if someone of power, is using that over your head and you have to take it in the ass, maybe by your superior, then that is sexual harassment and not okay with me! I have suspected, that the cops, to spite me, would induct my son's into police work, trying to make me pissed or whatever, trying to totally steal their loyalties, love, and affection, like brothers, or the male fraternity of the cops, to get back at me. I don't care if they go into police work, but if these top cops, and level is using butt fucking as a means of initiation, seeing nothing wrong or right, just as sex, possibly fucking their minds up, I AM NOT OKAY WITH THAT . . . this man, normally, is not an angry sort, but I must have hit a sore core, something maybe he had to endure, when a younger agent, but he left mad, and went over to a guy, who I know is a cop, and one patted the other one on the back, like, hang in there.
The younger man that told me about the BLAST initiation, seemed pissed, cops read my blog, all the time, and probably have it flagged, but he was trying to get the bike seat off, and seemed totally pissed too, at what I wrote, knowing he was the one who exposed me to the idea. We usually talk, and he just stormed on by, and didn't say a word. This older guy came back and tried to argue that I was accusing gays, with gender orientations, and calling them serial killers. I said, no, I am against, predators, in some fucking organization, using butt fucking or anal sex as a means of inducting young men, into their sick organizations. I told him, I didn't care if he fucked or wanted to fuck every guy in this room, that is not my business, but if they are using that as a means of SEXUAL Harassment, of men in POWER, using it on new members of law enforcement or as some test of loyalty, taking it in the ass for me, like I can see both Brett, Frank, and Jack, not to mention, Michael, and others, who seem very bisexual to me, and all in federal law enforcement, and even scarier, Mormon missionaries, spent two years with only males, can't touch a female, sleep, eat and drink with males! perfect training for FBI and CIA, tests of male, intimacy to be initiated in, like initiates in the Mormon Temple or the Masons, all connected. This is totally FUCKED UP!
The Movie 300, Spartan Warriors, Taking Young Soldiers as Lovers, and to Train them in War!
I think, Brett and I could have gone to see this movie, 300, in fact, that may have been the only movie I could get Brett to watch, while we were married. But, I remember, him or someone telling me, that the Spartans, used to take young boys, as you see in the opening scenes of the movie, teaching them to be warriors, but they were also lovers, thinking that with the emotional bonds, much like between a man and a woman, they would be more determined to back up their fighting partner in a war like situation. I didn't make much of it, then, but, with this new phenomena, going on, initiates, fraternities, demanding it, and whatnot, I wonder what the hell is going on. I know that people are born with sexual predispositions, but, some choose to be homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual. And I don't want, if my son's, do decide to go into police work, to be Daddy's Bouncing Buddy! I remember Frank, aka, Allan, being shocked that he was turned on, with me . . . why, they all are, what is the problem? He would say, when I was trying to kiss, my new husband, you can bend, but you can't break, you can bend but you can't break . . . what the hell kind of statement is that? But, he would have sex, but not kiss, and I would not have sex, unless we kissed, a stalemate . . . CIA training manual, you will get too attached, so keep it to the less intimate, just fuck! That is the way hookers look at it, kissing is not allowed, because, emotional attachments will form, and we can't have that!
I have noticed patterns and mark them, one agent to another agent, I am a killer kisser, and so I am sure they are warned, be careful and just don't kiss her! You see, all of these guys, I think, fell in love with me, 17 years ago, when I was thin, attractive, and ruling the roost, in some areas of law, especially, asset forfeiture, hitting cops in the pocket book, and refusing to negotiate with them. So, what they feel about me, behind closed doors, is very different than what they will let their partners see, in public, especially if I am heavier, which, alone, doesn't seem to bother them. But, there seems to be this, calling all stops to a relationship with me, that seem to be heading for love, always on surveillance, as if some commander in a war, is telling his lover/warrior, assassin, buddy, they can't talk to me any longer, can't see me, can't be on the case, and generally with some protests! The male lover, father figure, getting jealous, not only of them being with me, but me being with them, this training manual, and system, from my perspective doesn't work! Because of that male love, male love, younger trained, and threat to the old bull! I understand, how males can appreciate beauty in each other, and I would say, all the men, that I have been with, are desired by women, and make dig them too, because, they are cool, smart, athletic, women dig them, and they are attractive just as people, fun to watch, and inspiring, in a warrior type of way. I get it! But, having sex, or using power and control over men, especially my sons, and trying to steal their loyalty, FUCK NO! and fucking them, HELL NO! I WILL KILL THEM! This guy heard me say it, check surveillance!
The First Thing Dirty Cops Will Do, Is Make the New Guy Dirty, Compromise Them in Some Way . . . You Have to Bleed to Please? NO!
Good cop work, is good cop work, all this initiation shit, ancient Spartan shit, is just bull shit. And if that is the initiation process and you are to leave your family, which is what the Spartans made the young boy do, NO! Cops of any flavor, who got pissed at me 10 fucking years ago, from leaving, or not allowing total access to other women, while married, then giving you what you thought you wanted, but kicking you out of my family, seemed to be what gave, Brett the anger, passion, hate, to drive him to create this whole fucking substitute, Kay, Shelley, Sue, Rachel anyone but me, is Elliot's mother, or Chris's or my daughters mother . . . totally changing, the science they all dig, more than God! LOL! Want to steal my make up to get a DNA sample, because, SCIENCE FUCKS YOUR SORRY ASSES! LOL . . . the TRUTH is in the DNA, BRETT, KAY, all the loser parents, don't get to deny me, my children, because they are better, smarter, thinner, more beautiful, and cooler! SORRY! This is not cop work, this is the type of activities, that cops stop, if they are REAL law enforcement.
Crime Stories, Tracing Audrea or Whatever Her Name Was . . . The Police Chief's Name Was, NOBLE WRAY!
The interesting symbolic connection to Brett, Ray, the man I said, got sick when his new wife, laid on her stomach on their honeymoon, asking him to have anal sex with him, and now this police chief, tracking down, this liar, fabricator, and story teller, that cost the cops a ton of money, his name was so, cool and totally symbolic, noble, we all know what that means, and W, is the fucking, symbol of President George W. Bush, who started all this Patriot Act shit where there is no right and no wrong, just get the job done, without limits and without exceptions . . . getting the job done to me, taking me out, false I.D., taking my son's music, going after my family, running me out of the state, that is NOT NOBLE! And one of the officers either in the Bundy case or the Candy Man case, had the name, Ray Crew . . . or we are cops that don't like this bull shit, murder, rape, initiations of young men, sodomy, and it disgusts us as much as it does you!
So, in my world of psychic Intel, the truly Noble Cops, as was the case with the police chief in Wisconsin, with this missing girl, who faked her own abduction, with the world press, a circus, was not afraid, to, when all was said and done, searches, tons of effort to find her, turn around and arrest her, for her prank to get her boyfriend back. Perhaps, I am right, that Isaac is Shelley and Brett's son, and they were jealous of Elliot, who worked and earned his great guitar skills, while Isaac, with a recording studio and father who plays, professionally in a band, being the more likely musician, they, the parents, of the poor lazy ass, refuse to practice, or not as good son, decided to steal the glory, not only for the cops, but for them personally. Any cop worth their salt, the NOBLE RAY CREW, even cops, who were raised under the "W" will arrest, charge, prosecute, try and jail, these fucking fake ass fucker, who are into all this kinky shit, preying like the predators they are on the young, and impressionable, making them as dirty and compromised as they, themselves are!
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