Thursday, October 22, 2015


Missoula and Bonner, Montana, Draped in Gold . . . With a Splash of Red and Orange for Accent Colors!

The Great Thing About Montana, Is It Is Still Wild . . . The Bad Thing About Montana, Is It Is Still Wild!  LOL!

The other day, for a change of pace, and to get out of town, I took the number 4 bus, on the Mountain Line, out of town a bit, to Bonner, because the bus, takes you winding through all the back roads, by homes, that are soft and cozy, with reminders of days gone by, Halloweens past, with over sized, candy corn, in the yard for a decoration, standing alone, but very reminiscent of simpler times and days gone by, with one house, all decked out, with cob webs, spiders, pumpkins, and an array of other signs and symbols, that, Halloween, is a fun time of year, and this family is into the ghouls, the goblins, the vampires, ghosts, witches, golden leaves, the kids, kick through as they Trick-or-Treat, neighbor to neighbor, to get a bag of golden goodies, that might last, a week, if the kids can keep the parents from grabbing some of the goods!  LOL! The golden tamaracks, mixed in with the pines, the clouds, dripping over the mountains, like quilt batting, pulled and stretched, over the misty, and moist, forest foliage and fauna.  What a fun time of year, so nostalgic, filled with memories, of dinner in a pumpkin, and dressing kids for the night of run and fun, going to as many houses, as little feet can get to before, tiring for the night, coming home with their pirates, booty. How fun!

A, fall in Montana, elegant, juicy, glorious, with every bite to be savored, relished, and cherished.  Along with the fall, delight, new statistics came out, in the last, few days, Missoulian, that Montana, has an unemployment rate of 3 percent! way to go Governor Bullock, and others in charge of economic growth and development, with evidence of new businesses, expanding to Montana, with a huge new office building or something going in between Missoula and East Missoula!  So fun to see, new start ups on home building, and the evidence of faith in the economy, in recovery, and that determined pioneer spirit, that forges forward with hope and belief in the good things still to come, seeing the best is yet to come!  There are help wanted signs, dotting the store fronts, the job service, and newspapers . . . I talked to one guy, who said, he had 6 job offers in one day!  Great stuff, the American dream at work!

On the other hand, Montana just got rated with the most dangerous roads.  At first, I thought, that is probably because you have, barely a million people, in the 4th largest state in the nation, and paving roads, sidewalks, and other safety measures, stretch the tax dollars, that are already spread thin, at best, but, in the Montana, spirit, it is roll up your sleeves and just get-r-done, whatever it takes.  But as I read further in the article, it mentioned the fact that, wild ass, Montanans, drive too fast, drink too much, and take too many chances on the freeways, highways and back roads, dotting the road ways with crosses, and signs of the evidence of this fact.  I have ridden with my friends, one in particular up in Kalispell, who would always get mad as me, for putting my seat belt on . . . she said, if you put yours on, it draws attention to me, not wearing one, and the cops, will pull her over.  I come from a state, Utah, where I have heard legislators, argue, during a hotly contested debate, in the house or the senate, that, people have the constitutional right, to not wear a helmet on their motorcycles, or before the seat belt laws, they have the right to die!

Well, that is all fine and well, but, you have to remember, you are not the only ones on the roads, and you, in your freedom, might take out, one of the rest of us!  I had that, teenage invincibility, that nothing bad can happen to me, until, just standing on a bike, trying to read, some stupid, saying someone had written on the asphalt, and being to lazy to turn my bike around, getting my leg, caught between the bike and the wheel, as it flipped, over and pinned me, forcing me to the ground, leaving my foot, stuck to the asphalt, not moving, while the rest of my body hit the ground, with pain, that you could taste, shattering my two ankles bones, and all other bones, but the femur, or the main bone, whatever that is called, and lucky not to have snapped, my foot off, and but for two good Samaritans, may have resulted in much, worse conditions, one picked up my foot, and gently placed in back in the right position, doing a masterful job, and another woman, seeing me go down in her rear view mirror, backed up, and let me crawl into her car, taking me to the emergency!  From that point on, seat belts, are not a problem, for this freedom loving woman!  That shit, HURT! as does any accident . . . not only do you owe it to yourself, but to other drivers on the roads in Montana, to make them a safer experience . . . together, we can make Montana the safest roads, in the nation!

Attorney General, Tim Fox, Public Service Announcement . . . Prescription Drugs, More Dangerous Than Meth and Heroin! 

Yesterday, while listening to the radio, AG Tim Fox, got on a pleaded with the people of Montana, to watch prescription drug us, and distribution!  And he warned of the potential danger, and told people to keep their meds, in a safe place, away from children, and don't share them with others, who bug you to have some, pain meds or something like that.  I know, before leaving Utah, there were 427 deaths, from overdosing on prescription drugs!  That is fucking huge, and I don't think the OD on meth and heroin, is that bad, or at least in all my years, working with the state and the attorney generals office, did I ever hear statistics like that. And that is scary!  I know that people, I have associated with, in various parts of the state, share their prescription med, may even sale them for cash, and some get them, just for that reason.  Easy to get prescribed, easier than getting a job!  So, watch that, and many kids, actually, raid their parent's meds, either for their own use, or to sell, or share with friends.  I have literally seen people, with 16 prescription meds that take daily, and those are open targets, in a living situation, like the Poverello Center.

States, have the specific, responsibility, to protect the health, safety and welfare of their citizens . . . but, the citizens, have that personal responsibility, to themselves, to the ones they love, and those they associate with!  Montanans get pissed, at too much government, to much intrusion in their lives, and at the thoughts of big brother, or big sister, playing watch dog over their activities, but, it does have a constitutional responsibility, to protect the citizens, even if it is from themselves, in certain situations.  If you don't want government, want smaller government, then, start taking personal responsibility, for safer living! Oh, and just a comment on the meeting, Monday, night at the new proposed, city ordinance, to make gun use, safer, at least in the city of Missoula . . . there is some speculation that any regulation of firearm rights, is an infringement on their 2nd amendment rights, to Congress, it is, specifically addressed in the 2nd amendment, with the first three amendments, being addressed directly to Congress . . . look at the structure of the Bill of Rights, Congress shall not . . . but, states, with the responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of their citizens, can, regulate, but I would guess, and I have not taken the time to look and digest the Montana Constitutional provision, that deals directly with the use and carry of guns, but I would venture a guess that there is assistant attorney general, or general counsel, or legislative counsel, who could, look that section, that I know is there, I go that far, in my knowledge, but, the state constitution, is the bible for state, county and local governments.  If all else fails, follow the instructions!

I do know, in the Utah Constitution, there is a right to bear arms, but, the legislature, can regulate!  That only gets the legal and constitutional analysis, part way, there is a section, that lists, if it has not changed, 27 things the state legislature cannot do, and those powers are reserved for the counties and the cities.  So, to get to the right, constitutional result, one has to start with the federal Constitution, then go backward, to the 10th amendment, that any duties not specifically, and expressly given to the feds by the states, those powers are reserved for the states and the people.  So, if there is a provision, and there is, about guns, in the Montana State Constitution, go backwards, look at what that says, then, check for the division of responsibilities, between state and counties, counties and cities, generally, there is that distinction made, and go from there.  If there is an open door, rely on the city's, heightened, responsibility to protect the health, safety and welfare, of the citizens, being the closest, to the people, therefore the first responsible!  Good luck!  I will do the analysis for you, if you want, but, I am going to start getting paid!  I am at a fucking homeless shelter for damn sake!  LOL!

I have a passion for this stuff, so it is easy to just spit it out, but if you want a detailed, analysis, you know where to find me . . . the people I did the Salish-Kootenai water compact analysis threw me under the bus, for my fucking double, who probably got paid a fortune to claim the work I did, and then fuck over the very people, involved, doing that, playing both sides of the debate . . . learning from the world bankers, they make more money, the longer the fight goes!  I don't play that game, I get-r-done right! LOL!  Montana spirit, Utah raised, California born!  What a mix!  LOL!

First of all . . . I actually AM AN ATTORNEY, fraud broads are NOT!

Comments on Mayor Engan's Surgery . . . Some Brains, Tell Body, It is Hungry, Minutes After a 7 Course Meal!  Judge Not!

I was sympathetic, as I read about the Mayor's upcoming surgery, after suffering, through, over the yeas, a 600 pound, lose, over the years, with dieting, yo yo, shit, and all that jazz, that people who struggle with weight have.  Scientists have found, that there is an element in some people's brains, that makes them trigger the hunger button, within minutes of just eating.  I know, that I ate breakfast at roughly 5:00 A.M. yesterday morning, full ass breakfast, and I swear by, 7:00 A.M., I was hungry again!  It makes no sense to people who don't have that genetic or brain malfunction, but, they have found it to be real.  And so much of weight in genetic . . . some people can eat anything they want, and never gain a pound, in fact, I know people who have to struggle to GAIN weight, oh, to have that problem!  LOL!  I would love it!  Some is age related, and if you don't watch everything you eat, you will gain, about 10 pounds of hard to lose weight, every 10 years.  So, there are many factors to weight gain, emotional eating, stress eating, and all kinds of stuff, so for someone to sit back and judge someone else, or discriminate against

I literally, have people on both sides of my family, who have weighed up to 400 pounds!  I know, for me, dieting does not work, or I never tried it, because, if I even thing about it, I want to EAT!  LOL!  Never say, never . . . it doesn't work.  I find the best way for me to lose, is to eat whatever I want, relax about it, not like I have ever stressed about it, much, but, then start drinking water, and exercise, focus on getting a gallon of water a day, down, and exercising, and that tends to take my mind off, eating, and refocuses, my thoughts, and I remember, having a check list, and when I worked at the Utah Medical Association, when I had about 20 pounds to lose, and I did this, never, thought of cutting back my food. and one day, it dawned on me, that I had not had a thing to eat, painless, dieting, and had to force myself to eat an apple!  Nice challenge for someone, like me, who loves to eat!  I have, until recently, not met a man, I liked more than a sirloin burger, fries and Diet Coke!  LOL!  Priorities!  LOL!  

I love the bus bench, down below, Arthur and Keith, the next one on the right side, with a happy looking, girl, carrying a grocery bag, with the slogan, better choices, as her veggies, are sticking out of her bag, and move more!  If you just start thinking, do I eat the desert or the veggies?  I have found, that the Poverello is the best place for me to lose weight, because there are always donuts in the mornings, so, I don't ever want them!  LOL!  And, the meals are very, very healthy, with all 5 of your fruits and veggies, in ONE meal, so you are filling your body with all the vitamins and minerals you need for the day, and that some how, satisfies the body, and you start opting for the good stuff, and I noticed, that even though I can readily have the cake or the pie, I am seeing myself, after eating all the good stuff, not having a craving for the sugary stuff, which is a first in my life!  And the other part of the bench, wisdom, just move more.  There was a study, using a shit load of people, dividing them into two divisions, and they told the controlled study group, to just MOVE, Michelle Obama's theme, when you are waiting for a bus, or in line at the grocery store, or wherever, but, kick your legs, or move them, inside and out, circle your arms, move your neck . . . all of that takes, effort and burns calories!  It is a numbers game, and the group that was not controlled, just did whatever, had no change to some weight gain, and the group, that was told to just MOVE, had weight lose, finding, that some actually burned up to 1,000 calories a DAY!

Hell, when I was running 5 miles a day, I think, I was only burning 700 calories!  So, this is a pretty effortless, or not noticed way to burn, calories all day!  And you don't have to take any time out of your day!


Death of One of Their Own . . . Semper Fidelis!

Or forever faithful . . . I was watching a true crime, FBI Files, episode, Dishonor, last night, where an inter-racial couple, both in the Marines, were getting separated, and all the sudden the black wife, with a stellar, military record, and loved by many, with a solid family, and supporting community, all of the sudden, just up and disappeared!  And true to form, the FBI was called in, because, jurisdictionally, any, crime, which it appeared to be--murder, that takes place on a military base, comes under the powers of the federal government, and FBI, when in America, as this crime, at the Quantico, Paris Island, Marine training base did, where the Sargent, I think that was her title, disappeared and was feared to be dead.  The husband had recently moved to the area, after a distance in the last assignments, so they could work on their relationship. At one point, the husband, was released from his duties, as a Marine, for, less than honorable service, where later, after being escorted, off the military base, he was dismissed without time to clear out his office, the military investigators, or the NIA, I think, found a disk, that led to the arrest of the husband in the death of his wife, because, while there was not a body, the disk, showed an 11 or so step plan to kill your spouse!

He was charged and tried, on circumstantial evidence, and convicted, spending the rest of his life in prison, shocking in the discovery, after thousands of soldiers, helicopters, and cops from various involved agencies, searched for the missing Sargent, but never found her, but he revealed as part of a plea agreement, if I remember, that he took her body back to Pennsylvania, and dumped it down a mine shaft, and threw dynamite down the hole, blowing her body in to a thousand pieces.  The thing that struck me, was the fact, that the women, he was cheating on his wife with, and used to spy on his wife, was that projection, and taking what the man, himself, was doing, and projecting those behaviors and actions, onto his unsuspecting with!  I just don't understand, where men get off, actually, thinking that a wife is some kind of possession, to be used, abuse, cheated on, and discarded, when she is no longer interested in him, or he can't get anything from her, like seemed to be the case here!  Maybe there is some type of male collective consciousness, residual, from centuries past, where women, could not possess property, and it all belonged to their husbands, and wives, were almost considered, the husband's property!  It used to be that a husband, could beat his wife, with a stick, no bigger than his thumb . . . but, he was also, held guilty for any of her crimes, too!  So, at least some justification, for having some supervisory duties over her . . . but times, laws, and attitudes, hopefully have changed with the rest of us!

Let the Cowboys Ride Against the Wind!  Bob Seger

Now, take the attitude of this errant husband, abuser, user, murderer, with so little thought to his wife, as to blow the shit out of her body, leaving no trace of her very existence, and apply that to my case, with a son, worth a small fortune, and me with $700 million worth of cases, on my desk, with huge ass multi-million dollar cases, at stake, and almost coming into fruition, and payment, when, I was, married, allegedly to my client, Allan Rex Bess, and later found out, he had been murdered, a faithful MARINE, and maybe one of the main players in the ending of the Vietnam War, with a a direct line to President Nixon, knowing where every missile was placed, Intelligence Corp, who got him out of the Marines, when he could not go into the field to fight with his comrades, and was reading all the body counts, sending messages into the field, thinking he was sending his fellow soldiers to their deaths, and made a statement, by leaving the service, faining a nervous breakdown, when I was really, married to a fake Allan, who not only killed the real one, took his place, and took Allan's families fortune, rifling through all the stocks and certificates, and ransacking the house, in search of family treasures! then went after, ME, whom the Marine loved and wanted to marry . . . 

Now, both of these men were Marines, and I could see the difference, between the pictures of the real Allan, and Frank, aka, Allan, with one, never going into battle, and the other, saying he was a platoon leader, with 83 Marines, going into battle with only 52 coming out, so big difference in stories!  Later, seeing the different sizes, the 200 pages of difference, and writing the the police, the adult probation and parole, the real Allan had been my client, the sheriff's department, and anyone, I could think of, and getting FUCKING NOWHERE!  So, without recourse through, the police, FBI, and other agencies, who should be working on this case, I noticed, how, kick ass, big time, effort, was put into this woman's case, with Apache helicopters, deployed in search of her body, and tons of soldiers searching the base, for this woman, very impressive, and also, saw, one seen, that showed, a train, with the words, READING . . . and I thought, maybe, I should go after the Marines, to help, with this case, of literally, one of their own, being MURDERED by one of their own!  Both MARINES!  One forever faithful, and one a total disgrace to the Marines!

Profit Sharing Checking . . . Auction America!

So, this man, who is one of yours, who swore to uphold the United States Constitution, and defend, protect and preserve, it with his life, both on foreign and domestic soil, not only is in violation of that, and your moral and ethical codes, but, is a treasonous enemy of the people of the United States, with this hair-brained, British/Mormon shit, new, subversive, plan, to restructure the constitutional outline, of power, who is commander in chief, putting himself, the CIA, and other military, in a coup, against the United States, in a, military coup, to destroy the very fabric of America!  Frank, aka, AB, and a total, ABSOLUTE BASTARD vs. ABSOLUTE BITCH, or me, has declared an all out war, against me, my family, stealing, lying, cheating, destroying, killing, threatening, someone, who actually, is noted, connected and a very viable player, on a national scene, and bringing if fucking whores, who are willing to do whatever, to show, in Frank's sick, love test . . . that they will inflict as much pain, on me and mine, destroying, raping, stealing ever last penny, if not life itself, for this fucker, that is ONE OF YOURS!

I feel that it is in your best interest, as well as mine, to FUCK THIS SCHMUCK to GOD DAMNED HELL, AND BACK!  I would try his ass for treason, for aiding and giving comfort to the enemies of the UNITED STATES!  You may say, well, Britain is our ally . . . not if you look back far enough, and with the dumb ass scheme, to turn, the American, Constitution, putting it under the Marines and the Navy, which is fucked up, Constitutionally, and against all of your oaths, and totally stupid, using much of the ill gotten gains, from me and mine, to fund this TOTAL SHIT!  I feel that for the honor, and fidelity of the Marines, to all they stand for, and hold dear, to try this man, in a military court, and FRY HIS SORRY SKINNY ASS, OR CUT HIS UGLY FACE OFF!  I will volunteer for any of those duties, including a firing squad, and relish the fact, that I am a horrible shot, and it might take me twenty shots to put the THE MOTHERFUCKER OUT OF OUR MISERY! 

I see, nothing in this man of honor, nothing or merit, and nothing worth, destroying the reputation, of the Marines, who have a long history, of good works!  Brainwashing my son, lying to say, that that fucker, has anything to do with him, is ludicrous, at best . . . my marriage to him, is a sham, because, it was performed under the guise of him, being, Allan Rex Bess, not FUCKER FRANK!  I wrote in my divorce paperwork and brief, that he, Mr. UGLY, that he had NO RIGHT OR CLAIM ON MY CHILDREN, and it does not matter, what my son, says, who he is claiming is his father, or whom he has been THREATENED into saying is his father, DNA will tell the truth, and I will personally, oversee the chain of evidence, and NEVER FUCKING LET IT OUT OF MY SIGHT, not for one god-damned second, knowing this lying sack of shit, and his shit crew, will lie and do anything to make it look like the government whores, are his mothers, burying me under the TOTAL DOG PILE OF SHIT! 

Tying A Woman to A Pole, Throw her Grapefruit . . . FUCK YOU!

Let me put this a delicate as I can . . . you can Shelley, or the girlz club, is Elliot mother, and at the end of the day, she is not, cannot be, and will never be, no matter who much she wants to claim she is, or how hard Frank, wants to distance himself from his own children, who are probably worthless, with a worthless piece of shit father, like him, and only God, knows the sick parenting he would do, and Shelley, well, I know what that bitch did to her children, and she doesn't get to come in when mine are raised and try to take credit, for good kids, and dis her own, fucked up kids, because they had a whore for a mother!  When all is said and done, Shelley is not an attorney, dress her in a monkey suit, giver he a desk at the U.S. attorney generals office, send her to court, every fucking day, and at the end of the day, she is still NOT AN ATTORNEY!

The clowns at the FBI, the CIA, and whatever other dumb ass government alphabet soup shit agency, can say, that the bitch squad is me, they can read all my blogs, change it make it look like their whores wrote the, or had the brains, the writing skills, or stories to write this blog, which they don't . . . and at the end of the day, none of them, wrote SHIT!  I don't care how fat, how ugly, how, whatever, else these loser, sacks of shit think, I have eaten their lunch over and over and over and over for 4 GOD-DAMN YEARS!  LOL!  So, tell me who is lazy, who is stupid?  HUH?   YOU STUPID FUCKS!  And you had all the PRISM SYSTEMS, the spies, the 1000 foot soldiers, and me and God beat your sorry LOSER ASSES!

Begging the Military To Clean This Up! 

ELI MANNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 

P.S., some vital statistics you might need to prove that I am me, as if this blog, all 670+ doesn't, but I have no idea if you are getting it in the pure form, after the fucking DIA, scans it and changes the content, to protect the FUCKING GUILTY!  Two years ago, I tried to get my birth certificate, ordered it, and then got it stolen, probably paid the guy I was renting from to steal it, but last year, February, frustrated, not only about losing the $93 I paid, but getting the certificate hijacked, I attended a homeless, work day, where people from the community, with programs to help the homeless came and helped get vital documents, so the person could get on this their lives.  That day, I literally, had to go to the booking mug shot, when the judge, who illegally, unlawfully, and unconstitutionally, had me arrested, to cover his sorry ass, and so, my legal work, creating new laws and a 10 prong test, dealing with alimony and cohabitation, could be claimed by one of the cunts, that worked with ONE OF YOURS, but, thank God, I was able to get an official, government document, having had my I.D. stolen over the last two years, and not being allowed to replace any of them, being controlled by government agencies, with staff who has to answer to the fucking FBI, MO style MOB, but, through this agency, and I am not sure of the name, WORD, I think, I was able to obtain a mug shot, when I was arrested in Grand County and booked into jail, for contempt of court, better known as CONTEMPT FOR COURT, but all part of the lies, the MOSHIT!  But, the notary, would not, sign for a new birth certificate, if I didn't have a picture I.D. and after trying for hours, I was able to obtain, it and thus get the ONLY I.D. I have been able to get, since the boyz, sleaze club, stole it for the sleazy bitch blow job galz . . . but, the notary did her job, and we got the Grand County Jail to scan and send a copy of the booking picture!  No, Shelley, Kay, or any of the liars, didn't represent, Hope, murdering cop, double, nor write the law on the 10 prong new test that will help women from across the country, starting with Utah! And again, they can lie, the judge can lie, the court of appeals can lie, and when all is said and done, and the day is over, that doesn't change a god-damned thing, I STILL WROTE THE NEW LAW!  And Shelley is still NOT AN ATTORNEY!  A LIAR, YES, WHORE, YES, RELATIONSHIP DEPENDENT, YES, an ATTORNEY, NO, ELLIOT'S MOTHER, NO, FUCK NO!  ANY OF MY KIDS MOTHER, FUCK NO!  But these numbers are off the official, state of California, Health and Human Services, Center for Health Statistics and Informatics Vital Records!

  • date received: 2/9/2015
  • bank note . . . clue, to who did this for me, and how to get the notary's proof of who I am: 003971955
  • 1074, state file #, 54 295732, district #, 5600, registrants # 3820!


P.S., I thought, I better help with a skeleton sketch of Allan Rex Bess's murder!  I am hoping I can get the dates and years right.  I believe the cops, in Iron County and Parowan, falsely arrested Allan for allegedly, an attempted homicide, then changed to a felony assault, as I recall.
  • Allan was arrested, Christmas Eve, 2009, when cops took two trips to the hospital, for live in friend, Ms. Vickie Bentley, a black widow, who had three previous dead husbands, working on her 4th, and nobody would question her!  I think they wanted Allan, since Vietnam! back in 1976, when he got out of the Marines, and came back to Parowan, Iron County, Utah . . . the name who knew too much!
  • I got the case, either in late August, early September, and had a suppression hearing, on the three firearms, that were seized, and added 30 years to Allan's sentence, with mandatory minimums, of adding 10 year gun enhancements, and then, there was the trial, October 29, 2010, going until 1:00 A.M., on purpose, with Judge Michael Westfall, being involved in the RICO, Mormon shit, making and giving Shelley credit for being the former assistant attorney general, who rocked, Iron County, suing them for $56.7 million, for civil rights violations! so they could steal the case, the money, and get credit for saving Allan, now, Frank, aka, Allan
  • Allan got off, thanks to me, with a three year probation, on or about December 20, 2010, if I can remember, there was a sentencing hearing, December 6, 2010, with Judge Westfall, giving him an additional 14 days, in a one year jail term, of being illegally, held, former attorney, Howard Dent, was just going to see Allan in jail, once a month, to collect, Allan's government benefit check
  • January 2011, Allan contacted me, and said that the city of Parowan, had not let him back in his family home, at 291 North 100 East, Parowan, due to the fact that they said he had to get a new electricity box, before they felt it was safe for Allan to move back in his house . . . I called the city and threatened to go after him, if they did not let him back in his home!  He was back in, in about 5 minutes!  Allan had been staying with Joe, childhood friend, can't remember his last name, but he seemed to be in cahoots with Frank, claiming that I threw away all the stocks and certificates of ownership of property, of the Bess family, as I cleared out the house, when I later moved in . . . I also represented his son, Joe Ridley . . . it came back, on charges of an unregistered license and whatever, insurance, that I had to drop, when the cops tried to kill me in Parowan, sabatoging my truck, engine, oil filter, and transmission! hoping I would die on my way to federal court in Salt Lake . . . no this was not that fucking whore and bitch KAY!  Look at the Bountiful High School, year book and you will see the bitch that you think is ME, GOD! NO!  That is Brett's shit bitch, to make up for losing me!  I don't want Brett, don't want Kay, they deserve each other, SICK SHITS!
  • April 18, 2011, I stopped by to see Allan, to see if he needed help on some of his civil issues, and also, to tell him that I loved Panguitch Lake and would take one of the lots, up at Scoot's Creek, where his family owned three lots, and he offered to pay me with one of the lots.  I stayed, for about two hours and started to like Allan.  When I got home, Judge John fuck Walton, had some make shit, allegedly legal authorization to have me move out of the house, that I won in a federal law suit.
  • April 19, 2011, I called Allan and told him, that the Fifth District Judges, through Walton, a former, prosecutor from Iron County, working in concert with Washington County, had posted a note, to be out of my house in about 5 days . . . with a lawsuit pending and about two fucking years from being done, and I knew I could win, and so did they!  Allan said, as long as he had a house, I had a house and he said, like a true Marine, a a man of honor, that he would move into his cabin and I could have his house . . . that was the last time I ever talked to the REAL ALLAN BESS!
  • May 5, 2011, with war going on at my house in St. George, Utah, I stopped by Allan's like I promised, to take him up to see his cabin, for the first time in a year and a half!  Only, it was not Allan, who came out of the door, but, at the time, I was in a chaotic state, having, Wells Fargo, Judge Walton and the vipers, liars, going after my house, the day, mark this the day or two before, I was to fly to Denver, May 8, and argue MY $357 million, securities case, Brock et al v. Herbert et al, so I decided, while I was locked out of my home, I decided to take Allan to the lake, and cabin . . . so, when Frank, came out, wearing a cowboy hat, down filled coat, to cover his skinny shit, ugly, 80 year old body, and cowboy boots, trying to pass it off, for the real Allan, who was 3 inches taller, and 60 pounds heavier, a body, I loved, not this sickly shit, who told me he had cancer, got in jail, and had lost weight, when I asked, why he looked so different? What did I know, other than to believe him . . . remember the projection thing, I am honest, I assume others are, BIG FUCKING MISTAKE WITH THIS LYING ASSHOLE!  Who preferred, to be called AB, or Absolute Bastard, and he was!  I think Frank was so, shocked, at my normal aggressive nature, it took him a while to get back to the real him, asshole shit, ugly motherfucker!
  • I believe, that between, April 18 to May 5th, when, Shit head, showed up, Shelley came down, stopping in to allegedly find me, with Allan, horny as hell, after being in jail for a year, and wanting sex, asking me if I would like him, and I said, no, I was his attorney, conflict of interest, and ethics and professional responsibility, something Kay, who fucked opposing counsel, minutes after taking depositions, when she practiced in San Diego, and Shelley, not an attorney, and totally unfamiliar with ethics of ANY KIND!  But, I had Rachel, stop by and pick up a check, once, about this time, so, Allan, was getting familiar with the Southwick girls, or my sisters, hags that they are, and I am sure, Shelley, with 4 children, all from different fathers, not the one she was ever married to, but she would have, with murderous intent, and criminal enterprises and a plan, would have slept with Allan, so further that crime, the Frank, would show up and join, in getting rid of the body!
    • after marrying, Frank, aka, Allan, never slept with either man . . . probably would have with Allan, but the weasel, AB, Frank, actor, double, NO!  I hate SKINNY MEN!  Blah! Especially, after catching him one, morning without the props, of big coat, hat and boots, on! SCREAMMMMMM!  Maybe I should chain him to a SUPER SIZED MCD'S TRUCK, and force feet the weakling!  LOL!  So, I was unfamiliar with the bodies, but, Shelley, never let anything bother, her psycho pathology, and sick motives, all about gain and money!  I believe that Shelley, using Frank's favorite method of assassination, he had told me about, striking me as a strange conversation!  But, I figured that Shelley dropped in, the two started talking, went to bed with each other, and Shelley shot him, behind the ear, with a 22, after Allan had gone to sleep!  When I moved in, and cleaned the room, that Allan had slept in, there was a small, blood spot, right where Allan's head would have been, had he turned over and gone to sleep after sex.
    • I believe that Frank was around, and after Shelley shot him, Frank came in, pretending to be Allan, and they used, Allan's chainsaw, cut the body up, and burned pieces in Allan's new furnace in the basement, took the ashes, cemented them in the cement, around the window to the wood and coal window!.  Allan, had given me a tour of his home, right after he got back in, sometime, round January or February, and the place, was immaculate, other than the upstairs storage room. But, within days, after, Frank was in the home, with me, not noticing the mess, due to the chaos, in my life, I just didn't pay attention, not thinking about the condition of the home, after Frank moved in . . . it had been ransacked, totally torn apart, probably Shelley and Frank, looking for money and evidence of the families wealth!  Allan and I were forced, to go in the family booths at the jail, not being allowed in the attorney's booth, because, I think they knew, Allan and I were a deadly combination to the government, with Allan having sued the V.A. and U.S.A. and won, and me having a shit load of cases, against the government . . . but the case, I believe, if the government did bring FUCKER FRANK it, UNLAWFULLY . . . they have NO FUCKING GOD DAMNED RIGHT TO KILL PEOPLE, MARINES TO BOOT!  but, I think the TRISTAN LAMOREAUX case was of concern, involving the reputation of the National Guard, with three deputy sheriffs, serving both the NG and the county, with cops, killing Misty, Tristen's wife, Allan had a picture on the wall, and wanted to help me with the case, or I tried to assign some reason, for the MURDER!
    • I married, Frank, thinking it was Allan, after my house was taken, and I moved in June 8, 2011, into Allan's house, where it was trashed, but, I was able to go through all Allan's families documents, seeing that Allan and his family, were worth, a small fortune, millions!  So, having taught family law, for about 8 years, between BYU and the U of U, the law, is, that if there is any fraud involved in a marriage, the MARRIAGE IS A TOTAL SHAM!!!! and it is NULL and VOID BY LAW, AS A MATTER OF LAW, so Fucker Frank, has NO claim on the cabin, or the house, or any of the MONEY HE AND SHELLEY STOLE FROM THE HOUSE . . . EXECUTION IS IN ORDER!
  • hopefully this helps . . . oh, and the young woman, murdered, at the town square, on the corner of one of the two Mormon churches on the square, not replaced by a new church, FRANK murdered her, to take me off his trail, he drove the truck, I bought, first him, until he said, he liked me CHAUFFERING him . . . KEY TERM, he also, had tabs, something Allan never had, Frank was familiar with transferring and doing bank transactions on the phone . . . Allan was paying Christa Bess, $200 a month just to pay Allan's bills, the government took Allan's pontinmyolitis out of his brain!  Another piece of evidence, that Frank and Allan, are totally different MEN! or one a MAN, the other a MOUSE!

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