Carousels--Pony Up For Fun--Young, Old, in Between!
I don't think I have thought of carousels, since I was taking my kids to Lagoon Amusement Park, in Farmington, Utah, when they were all very young kids . . . until, my son-in-law, Dallas, was an investigative reporter in St. George, Utah, for the St. George Newspaper and also as a writer for the Dixie State University, Sun Magazine, or the campus paper, when Mayor McArthur and the city counsel, decided to put a carousel in the town square, without letting the issue go before the people of St. George for public comment. Dallas attended that meeting, and like all good, crusader rabbits, not unlike his mother-in-law, he stepped on some big toes, got some people really pissed off, in addition to looking into the misappropriate of campus money, by the administration, which eventually, ended up, getting him kicked out of the college, even though the request to look into campus funds and the misappropriation of those funds, came with first hand knowledge of the student body president, who was the one to put Dallas on the trail of the administrators, who then ganged up on him, in some outlandish hearings, where emails and evidence were doctored and created, post, posting of those dates! LOL! So, a bit of a tainted background with carousels, but that has all changed recently!
Spokane's Historic Carousel and the Electric Cowboys!
I believe, if I remember right, that the Spokane Carousel, is really old, and all the animals on the ride, under the magical canopy, were hand-carved and painted by one man? But, one day, while kicking it around Spokane, black lover and CIA, Culinary Institute of Arts, wink, wink, wink, who got me up to that area, but took off to Seattle, asking me and two other woman, who were helping him with his business, to form a business, rent a house together--dropped a bomb on him! . . . just typo, ty . . . Shelley's youngest . . . all wounded by love, reported that Shelley, Rachel, or Kay, Sue, and as of late, Tiffany, 31 flavors of girls, all allegedly ME, was the sexy vixen that seduced them, not me! LOL! Things are good in the hood . . . all bought off! --
Oh, surprise, surprise, surprise--NOT . . . someone just tried to hijack these last two paragraphs, hint, hint, hint, truth hurts and it is also a defense to slander! I know the law, dumb asses! Lest you doubt me, keep fucking with this blog and I will challenge your whole fucking premise for these actions, stealing, killing, and doing whatever it takes to take my MONEY or my SON's MONEY! I am not that into money, but I sure as hell, am not into making it, and then having you sworn and total enemies, my family and former lovers, all wounded in love, turning on me and lying about whom they were with, big ass fuckin' fake boobs aside . . . you can fuck whom you want . . . leave me out of the mix and my law practice, kids, cases, blogz!
Sorry, I was so rudely interrupted by the NSA, or the Mo Access crew, allowing access to the Mo Fag PeeWee Hermens, that dominate the intelligence community, due to language training and missions in foreign countries, the clones, all in lock step with the church, with no separation of church and state, in Utah, where 30,000 cyber spies, who monitor the computers for the whole fucking western United States! Go figure . . . this is exactly why you have a separation of church and state, the two are like oil and water, and they want to promote their stupid agendas, using government methods, technology, and programs, like the PRISM programs, for Spying on America! I guess it is just too hard to have one of those cloned FBI Pee Wee Hermens to come down to McD's and see who is writing this blog . . . might blow their minds, or blow the cover of the bitches, that you dig, digging what I have done, not what they have done, you were just presented one of their sorry fake asses, as me. You never have a second chance to make a first impression . . . YOU THINK THEY ARE ME! Get SMART! NEVER CAN BE--NEVER WILL BE!
Either Two Gay Caballeros or Foreigners Having A Cowboy Experience
So, I am watching all the kids, having been run out of Montana, wishing that I could take my grand kids on this fun, historic ride, so cool, bright, fun, and from the looks of these two 40 year old something men, a bit dangerous, at least for one of them! LOL! I watched as the two men, mounted the horses, on taking the riskier ride, the horse that goes up and down, a bit scary! And the other one, mounts a stationary horse and like all cautious types, he does the responsible on, and puts on his carousel seat belt, buckles up, and is a bit timid at the thought that this buck-a-roo, might actually, take off and run away with him, being facisious of course, but he did seem, genuinely a bit nervous about this American experience. Not the other cowboy, he was hooping and hollering as his wild steed, went up and down around the circle, and he was loving every minute of this little taste of the wild, wild west, or what he considered it to be. I had more fun watching the two of them, than any children on the ride. No sooner had the ride stopped and especially the more adventuresome of the two travelers and riders, gotten off his bucking bronco, he was game to ride the deal again!
His enthusiasm was not dimmed a bit, ride after ride . . . his friend, was not so crazy about the experience and had to be coaxed into each ride after the first one. But, that changed my whole idea about carousels, their potential to give people a lot of pleasure, not only riding, but watching, I laughed and enjoyed the ride as much as these two men did! LOL! The kids were all a bit braver than the one rider with the belt buckled around him for safety! My kids were raised on this stuff, so, I guess, a lot comes with exposure . . . like the time, I was pregnant with Elliot, I think, and didn't want to trudge around the Lagoon amusement park on stake Lagoon day, where all Mo's in our area got into the park for a discounted fee, the only time, we could afford to take the little crew to the park and swimming. But, I got a bad feeling in my stomach, that something was wrong, and decided, that I better check on dad, watching the other three kids, and for damned good reason . . . I didn't swear in those days, but I about had a heart-attack when I looked up on some Pirate's Treasure ride, and saw, Chris, not a whole lot older than two and a half, far below the size for riding, that ride that almost throws people out, as it swings up over the lake with tons of carp, that horrified me since my own trips to Lagoon when I was young. Chris was literally hanging on to the bar, and almost flying over it, as he sat with big sisters, Greta and Nicole, who were laughing and having a great time, as was little Chris, but who knew, how close each swing of the pirate's ship was to throwing his little body into the carp infested watery grave . . . dad is too laid back for this supervisory job at the fun park! LOL . . . he was reading the newspaper! Screammmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!
So, when these grown men were getting such a rush out of the horses, I was amused and wondered how they would handle the Pirate's Treasure Ship? The summer I flew all my 4 children to Chicago, while working at Americans United for Life, I took them up to Six Flags Amusement Park, and only the biggest, meanest, newest roller coasters worked to give my 4 a rush! The Batman ride had just been built and Bruce Wayne's Batmobile was parked at the front of the ride, may still be . . . fun times, fun kids, adventuresome kids . . . raised getting a rush from dad's lack of supervision to mom's chagrin! I about died! LOL!
Missoula Carousel--Equally Historic--Fun For All Ages!
One time a month or so ago, I was ditching, CIA, Marines and ducked into the Missoula Carousel and Discovery Center for Children, down at Caras Park, near the banks of the Clark River, city hot spot, and happened to sit by a mother who didn't look old enough to have a 10 year old, let alone a 27 year old and a few college age kids, who were on the carousel with their father . . . just one of the kids, and I have grown to appreciate that in men . . . moms are burned out, by the time you hit the weekends and dads are much more fun, weekend warriors, who can take over and laugh, run and have fun with the kids, and that is what I see, tons in Montana . . . thanks for all the involved dads, it makes all the difference, shapes lives, brings fun into a family, wish I would have listened to Zeke more, gotten gym passes and all, rather than being such a stick in the mud . . . took a divorce to bring back the fun into my life, stopped always being the bad cop in the family, dad was the good cop! LOL, mom and bad ass, boot camp didn't seem hard to my girls, mom was way worse, they were born in boot camp, had to drop and give 30 push ups, when Greta, laughed in a 7 foot black drill sargent's face, when he was barking orders to Gret, at the Michigan Naval Training Base . . . she thought . . . my mom is worse than this guy! LOL! How did you get your daughters to go in the military, they were born in it! LOL! Get up, get your room clean, get dressed, come to breakfast, get out the door to school! You have ballet, jazz and tap, so take your clothes to school! I couldn't think of much else to say to kids, until they got older . . . much better talking politics, current events, and my kids raised to the occasion! They are all just as political, with the exception of Chris . . . he is just cynical! LOL!
So, I have changed my mind, and decided that carousels are a good thing, but get the public support behind you! It sounds like many things in Montana, that happen for the good of families, promoters are relying on contributions and donations from local people, so PONY UP! AND HAVE SOME FUN! Horses on the carousel, my be the closest some people will ever get to the American cowboy experience! Gotta love it!
Stealing My Personal & Intellectual Property! Not OKAY!
You tell me what you would think, seeing a blank white screen come up on your computer, each morning, or at least, since you bought our replacement computer, last week, having given you old one of three months away, after a low flying FBI surveillance plane flew over you, while writing you blog, at 4:00 A.M., outside, talking, Chicago, Wriggles Sports Bar & Grill, North Avenue, Grand Junction, Colorado, and turns your computer screen blood red, and then shuts it down, to pitch black, and you see the words, Captive Portal Authorization? at the top of the white text box? What would you think? What is it? What does it mean? I know, that at various times, when I have gone into diagnostic tests, they have led me to different portals, one closed, likely mine, and the other portal open, likely either the mobs, or the NSA, or National Security Agency, that Edward Snowden ratted out, for the feds allowing sky cops to spy on American citizens! Nw, Germany, told Google, hell NO, you are not coming into our country and allowing American spy agencies access to account holders in this country! And why the fuck, do these agencies, care about carousels, trips with my kids, fun times, dads as kids, making life more fun for kids! What is up with that? Can you tell me?
I can, the government is allowing, bitch asses, my father, uncles, Shelley, Kay, all the losers who don't have a life, nor an earning power, to steal my blog, pretend that it is coming off an IP number, that is not related to the author, or ME. Do you know, that all emails, blogs, written material is protected under the United States Constitution, and I am not just talking, the 4th, 9th and 14th amendments . . . in the powers and duties of Congress, they are to write and create all laws that protect, original writings and inventions, it is called copyright laws, trademark laws, patent laws that protect inventors, plain language, right in the document itself . . . these fuckers, the government, agencies, family fuckers who could not write a blog like this in the billion hits, or a billion years, are taking control of this blog. I wrote on "Tumble" and within less that a day that cite or search engine had a half a million hits on that site alone, within less than a second, times that by how many seconds in an hour, and times that by 24 hours . . . just that site alone is rockin' the numbers for blogs . . . now times all the gopaddles, duckduckgo, yelp, etc., with hits, not to mention the big guys, Google, Yahoo, AOL, etc., in different versions of the same blog, same writer, same bio! Come on, CIA, over financial CRIMES . . . get your head out of Rachel's big ass fake boobs, and smell the SHIT!
Mr. Hot Sicilian--Constitution is All But DEAD! FUCK NOT!
The Patriot Act was intended to serve as the vehicle to create a one world order police agency for the world, and that was the United States Unified Police . . . there is no other reason to have the cops unified, they already act like a legalized mafia, a gang, and the Act that is unconstitutional as hell, when applied to American citizens, and was originally intended to deal with terrorists, that now include, people like me. Well that is total bull shit. Cheney and Bush, the pushers of this shit, the legislation was drafted a long time ago, and the Constitution has been under attack since about 1933, with a big push in 1950's, when the very reputable, John Birch Society, an organization, that was known for teaching citizens about the U.S. Constitution was black balled, much like I have been, only it was an organizational assassination, rather than a character assassination of a sole attorney, like myself, many others were not as lucky as I was, and were just killed, in accidents, of heart attacks, embolisms, and other freakish ways, that made no sense . . . I was lucky in and of the fact that the feds, along with my enemies at a Utah state level, after getting 9 federal agents and investigators and their attorneys, fired, for unconstitutional actions that violated the 4th amendment, and even their own federal regulations, for the time, considered to be reasonable due process, of 24 hours before, seizing any documents from a docs office, and only upon notice, a writing as a warrant for the seizure of those documents! WA, WA, WA . . . cops had to actually follow their due process mandates as set out by Congress, hello, the group that writes and passes all laws that are pertinent to running the business of this country . . . not fucking cops, with high school educations! Get REAL!
Last night, while I am eating dinner, and an echo of his earlier statements that were rejected, this guy, an undercover cop, tells me, that he doesn't watch TV or read the newspaper, because I asked if he wanted me to pass the newspaper to him after I looked at it . . . no thanks! These guys are hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil, and the United States Constitution, you know the little, insignificant document, the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, with any law Congress passed, being repugnant, VOID, and all laws consistent with the Constitution, Constitutional . . . are YOU GETTING THE PICTURE FOR THE FRAUD BROADS? They are cop bitches, and they are to replace me, the bad ass con law chick who has kicked the shit out of cops for the last 18 years, for unconstitutional actions, now codified by the Patriot Shit Act! As citizens, we are shocked and horrified by the number of cops killings, over 680 people, just this year, well, it is that fucking Patriot Act that the cops think give them the right to be judge, jury and executioner, on the streets! They are considered part of the covered agencies, that have immunity, under the Act, making all cops, UNI cops, therefore, included in the covered agencies of the likes of the FBI, CIA, and other federal agencies . . . there is no place in the Act that I have seen that included local and state cops!
Under the Patriot Act, there has become this mentality, and growing with the cop killings, that anything a cop asks you to do, no matter how asinine and unconstitutional is law, and you have to follow, or you deserve to be SHOT! WHAT THE FUCK . . . WHERE IN THE HELL DID THIS COME FROM . . . YOU GOT IT, COPS, MAKING COPS GODS! Fucking not going to happen, as long as I am alive, write this blog, live, and breath . . . getting the picture of why they are chasing me? If you can't see this, you are as fucking stupid as they are, and I don't do stupid! I am not anti-social, just anti-stupid . . . and they want Ann, or JoAnn, to be Ti or Ty's mom, Shelley, because she is working to be me, replace me, take over this blog, now that I have built up trust, and slowly lead you way from the United States Constitution, and all the rights and protections, WE THE PEOPLE ENJOY!
The feds, the Prez, Congress, thank God, know, that the citizens will not allow our 2nd amendment rights to be taken away; therefore, through all their efforts to scare us, shoot us, and try to reason with us, through all these shootings, we are not laying down our right to bear arms! Just not going to happen, not in my lifetime, that is . . . I don't chose to carry a gun, but I will defend your rights with my death . . . that is the replacement plan! We will put in a new JoAnn or several, just like the Pee Wee Hergal's clones, but not mental clones, total 180 degree opposites, more compliant, obedient, docile, controllable and buy the unconstitutional bull shit, because, they want and have been annointed by the cops, frat rat status, as the police department queens, princesses, getting in on the ground floor, like those Mo network marketing schemes, ponzi schemes that are as illegal as the titles of nobility, even the president can't hold that title! Check the ground rules, the rules of agreement, between the government and the governed, that FUCKING CREATED THE GOVERNMENT TO PROTECT "OUR" RIGHTS!
Mr. Hot Sicilian, took an new twist to the 2nd amendment . . . it is not the people who have the right to bear arms, it is only the militia . . . I thought you said the Constitution was dead, looks like you are relying on the document for your guiding light! LOL! That useful, little document, that controls our country! CAN I TELL YOU, I AM SO SICK OF THIS SHIT . . . I JUST HAD TO RECONNECT TO THE INTERNET AT MCDONALD'S . . . probably so the NSA, and acting fucking suckers from this blog, who want to protect their sorry, lying asses, and say this it their blog, and change what I write to the Patriot Act bull shit, but yesterday, there was only ONE, connect click . . . today, like there used to be, there are tons of them, duplicates, with red connect buttons all the way down the page . . . for one day, it was nice to get my blog to myself . . . at least 5, that I was allowed to see, was not able to get to the bottom of how many screens were tapped into this one, but just like all my computers, there are many eyes watching it! Back in 2008, there were 57 screens open to my computer screen . . . so, it is safe to say, that there are as many snakes watching this, taking credit, changing this as Medussa has snakes in her hair, or Shelley! or Kay . . . both bitches can't do, so they STEAL! Not lol!
Constitutional Law 101 For Mr. Hottie & Federal Friends
I am sure, that you, CIA, FBI, NSA, can go into the 2009, Senate Confirmation hearings for Justice Sonia Sotomayor, since you probably will not believe me, and you can see that she is asked, if the Heller Decision, out of the U.S. Supreme Court, giving the District of Washington, D.C., residents the 2nd amendment right to bear arms, since, in the Constitution, Congress is prohibited from doing so, but the states are not! The NRA went ape-shit, and didn't endorse, Ms. Sotomayor, at the time. But she was not dissing the right to bear arms, she was just clarifying that, the second amendment, is a states right issues, as you will see, from the very start of the Bill of Rights, when it says at the beginning of the 1st amendment, that Congress shall not . . . applying to the next three amendments! The plain language of the 2nd amendment starts with the statement that in order to have and maintain, not the right words, but I keep giving away my copies of the Constitution, but in order to have a free state, the states need to have a militia!
If you go, to the duties and responsibilities of Congress, under, I believe, section 18, the U.S. Constitution, talks about, the militia, that has now been referred to as the National Guard, which are trained in the manner of the United States Military, but within each state, used to suppress insurrections and rebellions, and when not used by the president, they are under the direction of the governor of each state, in cases, deemed necessary by the governor to use. Case in point . . . when the cops were facing off against the protesters, Governor Jay Nixon, called in the National Guard, to put down, or calm the insurrection and alleged rebellion. With the cops, is was too up close and personal, tension, anger, going way back to the discriminatory practices that the Department of Justice just substantiated, and implemented new cop policies.
If people will just follow the inspired document, that is not out dated at all, and I have never, in 20 years found that it fails to address current hot topics, and in a stellar fashion, relying on statutory interpretation: (1) looking at the plain language . . . if it is clear what is being said and implied, that is the end of the debate; (2) if the plain language is not clear, turn to the intend of the founding fathers, or the lawmakers who wrote and passed the bill, act, or law . . . there are legislative and Congressional records; and (3) if all else fails, go back to the history, surrounding the passage of a particular law, rule or statute, and constitutional provision . . . a good starting point, is to go back to the Declaration of Independence, and see what King George, in England was doing to the colonies, and what the claims were against the crown . . . and believe me, we have gone right back, to King George and all the abuses, under the Patriot Act, because the fuckers behind this dumb ass, unconstitutional act, want to rule the people, be kings, queens, princesses and princes . . . you thought all those little princess parties were not driving something . . . you are dead WRONG!
So, this Sicilian, to overcome the right to bear arms, is stating that only the militia can bear arms . . . so in other word, those men and women, trained by the United States government, who is being controlled by British loyalist and Mormons! BLAH!!!!!k SCREAM! I know these clowns! BLAH, VOMIT!!!!!!!!! They are trying to disarm the citizens, only want cops to have guns, have surveillance on ever street corner, like in London, 17 cameras on each light post . . . like they don't have terrorist acts, ah, Charlie Hebdon! Or the terrorist attack that three Americans just thwarted? Really, you think that limiting guns to just the militias, is going to control the people? If you look at the Utah, Arizona, and the Montana, and I am fucking sure, all 50 state constitutions, you will find, that like in Utah, every able bodied man, ages 18 to 45 is to serve in the militia . . . Arizona, there is no age attached . . . Montana, progressive, males and females to serve! In Montana, under the governor, or there used to be under, Gov. Brian Switzer, spelling? there was a group, consisting of that make up constitutionally based, separate and aside from the National Guard, called the Montana First Responders . . . that are also at the disposal of the governor, and to protect against a tyrannical federal government!
Not buying your interpretation, Mr. Sicilian . . . doesn't take long for hot guys to lose status with me, they get real ugly when they contradict what the U.S. or state Constitutions say! LOL! My love is fleeting and that is why many cops, who initially come onto me, get slammed, they think different and think WRONG . . . like I said, I don't do stupid, fraud broads, bra bitches, don't know the law, they are telling you what you want to hear . . . you big bad heroes! LOL! You are better to get real with your con law attorney[s] and get the real chick, bad ass as she is, and get the right shit in your brain, before I brain fuck you with the Supreme Law of the Land! Goddamn it!
Anyone, wanting a more detailed and researched explanation of this militia, right to bear arms issue, I wrote a free press article, on GoArticles, right after watching Justice Sonya Sotomayor being grilled by the Senate Confirmation Committee, where I took 32 pages of notes, and was curious about what she said about the topic, of guns, which led me to research other questions friends and political groups had about militias and the right to bear arms or the 2nd amendment. I think the article was entitled, something like: Go to Hell, NRA . . . Sonja Sotomayor was Right! Last I looked, about eight articles I wrote in August of 2009, I believe, were posted and printed, published in a ton of magazines, according to Gina Merrell, who aided and abetted, Shelley, big sister, in stealing my blog and other writings, where she worked for Dixie State College, when they gave me the keys to the college, for doing two free presentations at about that time, finding someone was going to college on my birthday, name, social security number! SHELLEY . . . I never heard that bitch ever talk about the Constitution, until I was poisoned and suppose to die . . . I should have taken the advice of the college and called the cops at that time and stopped this fucking cunt in her goddamn tracks, who would have guessed . . . hooking up with all the men, wounded in love by me!
Anyone, wanting a more detailed and researched explanation of this militia, right to bear arms issue, I wrote a free press article, on GoArticles, right after watching Justice Sonya Sotomayor being grilled by the Senate Confirmation Committee, where I took 32 pages of notes, and was curious about what she said about the topic, of guns, which led me to research other questions friends and political groups had about militias and the right to bear arms or the 2nd amendment. I think the article was entitled, something like: Go to Hell, NRA . . . Sonja Sotomayor was Right! Last I looked, about eight articles I wrote in August of 2009, I believe, were posted and printed, published in a ton of magazines, according to Gina Merrell, who aided and abetted, Shelley, big sister, in stealing my blog and other writings, where she worked for Dixie State College, when they gave me the keys to the college, for doing two free presentations at about that time, finding someone was going to college on my birthday, name, social security number! SHELLEY . . . I never heard that bitch ever talk about the Constitution, until I was poisoned and suppose to die . . . I should have taken the advice of the college and called the cops at that time and stopped this fucking cunt in her goddamn tracks, who would have guessed . . . hooking up with all the men, wounded in love by me!
The Letter and The Cell Phone
By way of laying a foundational and contextual framework, for what appears to be a breach by me of a confidential relationship, between me and a friend/client, who asked me for my help, with this issue, but upon further interactions, realized that she too, as with all my contacts, who later sell out, and lie, about who the real JoAnn is . . . A, lie, B, lie, C, lie . . . I am no longer protecting lame ass clients, who would throw me under the bus in a heartbeat to jump in the money train, again that I am making, but lands in the hands of big brother, big sister, and the government chumps, connected to the Mo NSA, and 30,000 cyber spies over the western United States, based in Moville, Utah! With no separation between church and state, being under the direction of Mitt Romney, shadow prez. for the Mo's, not President Obama, and why in the hell, the Department of Justice is not all over this bulls shit, makes me wonder if Shelley, posing as me, the attorney who wrote blog after blog, in support of new U.S. Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, pushing Congress to confirm her . . . but, with her, being introduced to Shelley, who is me, which you have a lame ass wanna be, making law, practice, license cheap, dirty, and corrupt, and within the Department of Justice, itself, covering up this bull shit lie . . . she is way nicer than me, because she is a "fake", you just want what this fucking Sicilian wants; theref's seeore, all government agencies are willing to cover her sorry fucking ass, and yours for that matter . . . THIS IS A GODDAMNED CRIME, and your are the agency to FRY HER SORRY FAKE ASS, even if you lover her to death, so cute, so sweet, Ms. Congeniality . . . I would give you a run for your money, and challenge your positions . . . can't have the real, bad ass con law chick, the true U.S. Supreme Court bar member, not the bitch being fucked by Frank, Mr. InterPol, who killed the real, Allan Rex Bess, he and Shelley, with a 22 to the head, and stole his families hard earned wealth, just like they are doing to me!
Here is an example, fresh as fresh, from last week, showing the patterns of criminal behavior, in this fucking RICO scheme that I have told, U.S. Assistant Attorney, Paul Fucker Kohler, Lier, and FBI Agent, Seth Foote, with motherfucker, county attorney, Scott Garrett, and named defendant in my $56.7 million, civil rights case against agents in the Iron County government, acting under color of law, sound familiar, with Scott playing the King Pin, right in the complaint, orchestrating a conspiracy, check your federal statutes, way worse for a conspiracy . . . against my clients, Haylee Cheeks, Travis Braun, and Michael Shane Clark . . . Shelley was living on family welfare at Rachel Hickey's house, in St. George, Utah, hatching up this scheme, with add, yes, Senator Hatch, heading into the 2012 elections, in the reddest state, with the reddest county, where I lived, being for President Obama! YOUR BOSS . . . you probably all know the fucking fraud that you are perpetrating, and if I don't see some justice, I will sue myself . . . if I can stay alive that long, lies, should not go up to the highest offices in the land, Shelley doesn't know her shit, she is not an attorney, she is not a constitutional law attorney, you think she is me, the one writing this blog! She used to sell Cabbage Patch Doll Shoes and sell Elementary School Librarians Kids' Books, for God sake!
Have the fucking ballz to get this shits, and I am assuming that my resume, and blogs, got her a nice, cushy assistant attorney general position, in your office . . . this is a CRIMINAL, and you are harboring her! She is just fucking men, using sex, to get her way, into power positions, Bush fuckers, who have had it out for me, since before I got poisoned, and Shelley worked with former attorney general Mark Shurtleff, whom I trained in the position at the AGs office, later was asked to be his campaign manager, after he made sure that I was not running, he was a named defendant in my $357 million lawsuit against the state of Utah . . . Shelley made a deal to turn in her former boss, Alan Wolfson, and former husband, David Yeman, also a securities dealer, to save her fucking fat ass, and my father's ass, who had been under investigation 5 different times, and believe me, they are both criminals, and Shelley learned from the best, her father . . . I was always to honest, paid my dues, went to law school, took the bar, kicked the shit out of cops and prosecutors, U.S. attorneys, and have continued to this day . . . nice matters, but it doesn't hold shit, for a law degree and practice . . . she is trying to learn from me, than claim my work as hers! Good God . . . you are the fucking, Department of Justice . . . and I fought for you, she rode on my work, as she has for 15 fucking years!
Classic RICO Patterns . . . This is YOUR JOB! Helping Take these Shits Down!
While I am in Missoula for the last few months, Annie Burbank, keeps calling me, and asking me questions. In months passed, I have known that she was working with Shelley, Rachel, Kay and crew, her background is not secret, former Mormon, her husband, was in the military in Washington, D.C., in Quontico, FBI headquarters, and living, I believe she said, somewhere near, Langley, CIA headquarters . . . allegedly her husband was abusive, and her daughter, allegedly got pregnant out of wedlock and due to abusive men, both mother, daughter and grand-daughter, all took fake names . . . the Mormon thing! Especially in this game. Ms. Burbank, owns the Granite Peak Grill, in Kalispell, Montana, and I went to her restaurant, probably on a set up, even from the get-go, one of Shelley's fucks, Jack/John King Strode . . . she always shadows people, especially men that I have been with, as was the case with Jack, who probably picked up on me, to keep the Utah, Mo secrets, going, right at the 2012 elections, the basis for the money grab, and power grab, and the subsequent, running me out of the state, leaving, Shelley, Kay, Rachel, Sue, Tiffany, Kelly Ann and others to fill my BIG ASS SHOES . . . clue, it takes 6 or 7 of them to be ME!
Right off the bat, like with all acquaintances, Shelley will move in, and make deals, and for sure, single mothers need help, small business owners need help, but it is suspicious that Jack is the one, who told me about the restaurant . . . he claimed that I went to Pennsylvania with him for Thanksgiving, when I went to Utah . . . much like Tony and the boyz club, who all share the government hooker, Shelley, Mike, Tony, Jack, Allan or Frank, they all try me, and when they are wounded in love . . . not really, I just don't need them to be ME for God sake, I AM ME, don't need the dirty old horny fools! LOL! I left Jack gambling, the one thing he does best, and called, son, Elliot, rocker kid, and found out that Greta and Dallas, were not doing their traditional Thanksgiving, so I stopped and visited each of my children on the way through the state and Thanksgiving Day. I am sure, that as with Tony, Frank and crew, Jack took Shelley, and claimed that it was ME, in fact he later, tried to say, that he purchased me a ticket, which he did not . . . check his travel plans, the day after, Thanksgiving . . . I left him without telling him, when I heard that Elliot was going to be alone for the day!
Coordinated Efforts Between Missoula/Kalispell, PD--Uni Cop Shops
So, the heat had been on me for days, and finally, some female chick comes a calling at the Poverello, probably the cops shop within the cops shop, blonde, small, attractive . . . could be a fed, extra-police or outside the police force, like the Billy Idol look-a-like, who knocked on the door the week before! MO shits or feds, then Mo shits too! Impersonating a police officer, never seen this chick, nor the guy, watch cop shops. But I stay out all night, with her coming back at midnight for some chick, who would not be at the shelter if she was not at check-in at 8:00 P.M., out on her ass, so no reason for this cop chick to come back, other than to get me, who took off when I saw her . . . they know I bolt, when I get money, and it was coming, but I was planning on staying for the next month, to finish my swimming pass; however, probably part of the scheme, the pool, was going to close for 10 days, and they hate it when I start to get in a habit of exercise and lose weight, because I don't look like fat faced sisters, my face is very chiseled!
Annie had been needing help, but I knew, that on many occasions, she had set me up, and I was sure that she was working for Shelley . . . she will deny, but very overly friendly with cops, hiding SUV in storage unit, bank wrote off, probably her pay for fucking me over. Everyday, since arriving, there are sheriffs hanging out around the Granite Peak Grill . . . Annie's response . . . it is because the fair is on. Then, she acted like Rose, her daughter, Athena, in the letter, is going to come take her Subaru out of the lot . . . I see a sheriff sneaking around the grill, on day, and she runs out, stating that the sheriffs are at her car . . . this is not the car at issue, it is the one in the storage! So? She probably thought I would run to her aid, and follow her out to the cops . . . I grabbed my phone, that was on her charger, and ran out the door, to the gas station on the corner! I waited until they left and then I came back . . . now, Annie will claim that it is Rachel, or Shelley, who is running or hanging out, and writing this letter. The cops will back her up . . . even the sell of her white, Jeep Cherokee, sold for cash, $1300, which I had expressed an interest in, stood, long after the wife was to come check on it, and after the guy purchased the Jeep . . . I got the feeling that this dude, was undercover or to support Annie in her lies that I was one of the Mo sista bitches! Two witnesses better than one, and a very reasonable price for me to get wheels, and I had told her I wanted it on the phone!
McGarvey, Anderson . . . What Better Way to Cover-Up a Non-Attorney--Hook Her Up With the Constitutional Law Attorney in Kalispell, MT.!
For the last year, Annie, has said that Alan McGarvey, a allegedly good constitutional law attorney wanted me to come work with him . . . I am well known, but again, my face is not known, for working on the Salish-Kootenai Water Compact, finding it to be totally unconstitutional, leaving the federal government, that all the fraud broad boyz club work for, want to find the opposite, they can control the BIA, but not the ranchers and farmers, who asked me to do a constitutional analysis on the compact, back in 2013, also, when I testified, and the legislature, postponed voting on the compact, until the 2015 session this year, and allegedly passed it in contrivance of their own, Montana Constitution, the Hellgate Treaty of 1955, Montana Water Law, and a district court ruling stating that, as I had, the compact was unconstitutional . . . Shelley probably made a fortune on my work! Tony Osthemeier, of Missoula, and also with a ranch, probably a bribe, that is in St. Ignatius, approached me about renting a room from him in Missoula, which I did, he wined and dined me, but it appeared that it was for other services . . . then he posed me at his ranch, appearing to be playing to the boyz club of aerial surveillance, being very particular on where I stood and which mountain peak to look at . . . I also offered to help him spring clean the house, that has sheets all over furniture worth a half a million, Mulsworth, of Chicago . . .another cop reaping the rewards of the rich and famous, in Shelley's love of the TV show, after the same M.O., "Riches" with Minnie Driver, who happens to look like Shelley!
McGarvey, is a reputable attorney, and handled the asbestos case in Libby, and won millions, I think. But, every time Annie wanted me to meet with McGarvey, she had some reason that I couldn't, or she wanted me to go with her to meet him, or whatever. I kept telling her, that I didn't know if I wanted to work with clients again . . . case in point, her, being bribed from Shelley to fuck me over . . . no thanks! Shelley's first husband's name is Anderson . . . she plays games with married and maiden names, so she has more than one identity, plus mine, to throw off law enforcement. She could be working with McGarvey, and it appears, that she is trying to use my good name, after working with the feds, to steal the water compact . . . JoAnn Secrist came to her senses and changed her mind, the new compact is worth voting for . . . FUCK NO . . . in fact, Tony, gave me some piece of shit, history of just the water meetings on the water compact, and it had a "DRAFT" water mark on it, because Shelley doesn't know shit, so she covers her lame ass, stating that it needs work . . . but, Tony, before I moved out of his Missoula townhouse, at 251 Hart Street, I think, down by the river, the bridge that goes to the college, he asked me to rewrite my position on the compact . . . we got in a big fight, because I knew this was Shelley's shit or Sue's shit, it was not a legal analysis, and he said, but we will lose without YOU! Tough shit . . . guess they just bribed the Gov., AG, and key leaders, who passed the bill, without a 2/3rd vote as required by the Montana Constitution . . . now, ranchers and farmers have hired New York attorneys, to do what I could have easily done . . . a front for Shelley's bull shit attorneys, oh, I ride a bus! Yeah, because I am fucking stopped from getting my I.D. by Kay writing bull shit to Social Security and driver license divisions . . . oh, she is the crazy sister, who thinks she is an attorney . . . I believe that Kay used my credentials to get a job at the FBI, where Brett works, and Shelley got one with the U.S. attorneys office! BET! Gotta top Jo's resume'.
I have been swapped out, exchanged for the fake bitches who, stay far enough apart, so as not to be discovered, using my name and I.D. and resume . . . Shelley learned that with the MERC electronic bundling system by the banks during the mortgage meltdown, sell the mortgage backed securities 9 to 30 times to investors, and make sure the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing at all times, don't sell the bundles at the same time, and make multiple times the money . . . took that concept and used it with my name, the original McDonald's, with tons of franchises, but the original, no longer exists! That is what they are doing with the 6 or 7, because, it takes that many to keep me down!
So, I write this letter:
August 20, 2015
Matthew & Bridget Fulk
175 Hutton Ranch Road
Suite 103 #134
Kalispell, Montana 59901
RE: Payment of debt owed for $2,242.00, for electrical equipment, Smith & Wesson 357 Lady Smith, and cash for operating expenses.
Dear Matthew and Bridget,
This letter is coming to you with full acknowledgment that the above mentioned debt is owed to you, in full; however, at this time, Ms. Burbank, is under extreme stress, and even looking at the possibility of taking out bankruptcy, which she is trying desperately to avoid. Much of the current financial situation, that Anne is experiencing, is due to the departure of Athena, both from her contributions at the restaurant, and many of the expenses that Athena left for Ms. Burbank to bare on her own, without much warning to prepare for that separation, and the results of that partnership, with the total amount of the bills incurred, falling squarely on the back of the more responsible party.
Ms. Burbank is fully aware that she has neglected to pay you for the money, that she not only borrowed from you, and the labor that you freely offered, but for covering the expenses for the electrical materials, that were necessary for the repairs on the system at the restaurant, for which she is extremely grateful, and wants to let you know that has not gone unnoticed and enters into the feeling of debt, not only in money, but in gratitude. However, due to the financial strain, Ms. Burbank is under, in response to your effort to collect the entire amount, she is unable to pay that entire amount at this time.
Anne, had mentioned that her lack of payment is an inconvenience to you, but does not feel that it has put you in dire straits or under financial stressors yourself; therefore, in a good faith effort, to pay the debt owed, she will start making payments to you of $50.00 per month, or more as things calm down and she gets her financial situation under control again, after being knocked for a loop so to say. by Athena’s departure, in addition to taking Anne’s only grand-daughter out of her life, along with the debt burden, has caused an emotional hurt, that has added to the complications of the current problems. Anne will try to increase that amount, and push for paying you the full amount, she readily admits she owes.
Given the sensitive nature of the relationship, fiduciary and emotional role, that you have played, both as friends, and now with a quasi-business relationship, Ms. Burbank would appreciate your full faith and confidence, bringing confidentiality, to the trust that you have in her, to pay back this obligation, and trust that she is placing with you, serving as both a friend, mentor, surrogate family, and advisor to her daughter, Athena, and to her beloved grand-daughter. I am sure that you both understand the special partnership that has formed, with a triangulated bond, with all the emotional attachments, that spills over into this debt collection as well.
Anne Burbank . . . Letter prepared and written by friend and counsel, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D.
Annie is very grateful, and several of her local cronies, who come in all the time to the restaurant, will serve as witnesses, that someone other than myself, is the writer of the letter, the attorney, so if the feds come knocking, she can back up her lies with their lies . . . they do it over and over again. While Shelley sat her fat ass in the house, Rachel's old one, 3770 Sugar Leo, while I was working 22 hours a day, in 5 fucking states, Shelley met with all my clients . . . told me they had mortgage foreclosures going on, all of them, so I would send them to Shelley, who was allegedly going to help them write their complaints fight for their houses or help with mortgage modifications . . . I would represent them in court! Shelley, worked with Mark Snow and a Richard someone, also, with an attorney, who later worked with Jeremy Johnson, on the FTC charges, that I was pulled in on to save his sorry ass . . . he never paid me, for a 16 page document, that turned the tables on the feds and changed his life, guess, Shelley did it . . . cousin or niece, Meg Schmidt or Shit to be correct, a little UNLV law student, allegedly a constitutional law attorney, was on the case, that ended up mine . . . Jeremy through David Doddridge, my alleged, once a cop always a cop, who brought me in on the Cheek case, also brought me in on the Johnson case, when AG Mark Shurtleff and crew, Swallow, failed to get him the deal he wanted, like still 10 years on the pen, until I stepped in, one day, wrote a 16 page brief, quick as quick, and then after saving him, I became the secret weapon, Tim Croft, would be the front man, and some female attorney, Patricia something . . . who had done nothing to help him, didn't even know where to start, but Shelley's connection came through the mortgage company . . . Mark and oh, Gary Richards, were her partners, all charged with practicing law without a license!
Swapped me out, and that is when Shelley became me, in exchange for dropping or being the "cover-girl" on the Brock case, and other cases, that were all MINE! Same principles apply to this case . . . I am the secret weapon, the killer attorney, and it goes to the fluff ball fake attorneys, who get the honors and the money if there is any involved, and the lies continue, over and over and over . . . cases, probably a set up, so I can train a cadre of attorneys, FBI, CIA, and other fuckers who read my shit and blogs, I am the secret weapon for everything, the ONLY JOANN S. SECRIST, J.D., who had terrorized law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges alike, for 20 years almost!
Swapped me out, and that is when Shelley became me, in exchange for dropping or being the "cover-girl" on the Brock case, and other cases, that were all MINE! Same principles apply to this case . . . I am the secret weapon, the killer attorney, and it goes to the fluff ball fake attorneys, who get the honors and the money if there is any involved, and the lies continue, over and over and over . . . cases, probably a set up, so I can train a cadre of attorneys, FBI, CIA, and other fuckers who read my shit and blogs, I am the secret weapon for everything, the ONLY JOANN S. SECRIST, J.D., who had terrorized law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges alike, for 20 years almost!
I Decide I Want To Get Back to My Exercise Routine and Swimming--Cell Phone Disappears
I send Annie, via email, a copy of the letter above . . .she loves all of it, except the contact information of mine. Do you think we really need this? Well, you didn't write this . . . in the past, I have let clients, put their names on top and I have just put something that I coached them; however, I am sure that they replaced my work claiming that it was either their work or Shelley's. Georgianna Hartonge is an example of that, wrote first a 20 page brief, then a 28 page screaming, killer after the fake CIA judge, Michael McClintoch, aka, Michael Willis, aka, Judge Robert Allison, with a pre-prepared ruling, so contrary to the transcript of the court hearings, where I was allowed to step in for Georgianna, who freaked out, and argue for her, with a U.S. Supreme Court Bar license . . . which I am sure that Shelley has a duplicate certificate of, Frank, aka, Allan started getting his mail, in general mail, rather than the P.O. Box we shared and the Bess's had for what, 55 years? Really . . . intercept that valuable Supreme Court Certificate! Another cog in the wheels of Shelley taking over as JoAnn S. Secrist. But, Annie wondered about the contact info and the closing where I put who prepared the work.
If I was not going to let her change the contact information . . . Shelley probably has my cell phone that was taken from the Grand Junction Walmart, and my old computer, that I gave to the assassin, ditching it because the FBI surveillance helicopter in GJ fried it or compromised it to the point that I didn't trust it again, and didn't want to be tracked back to Montana, with the bus that usually went through Denver, back to Billings and to Missoula, was switched, to deny me the right to see my son, Elliot's new band, that was already being compromised by Shelley and fuck shit, Frank, AB or Absolute Bastard as he liked to be called . . . the real Allan, never took that name or acronym! But, I went through Parowan, Utah, where I do believe, either that black dude was to get me, or there was a snipper waiting at the TA station, not blocks from my Parowan, Utah home, where Frank, and Shelley killed the real Allan, and Frank took his I.D. famous, believe he talked Nixon into stopping the Vietnam War . . . with Frank jealous . . . can you imagine a little boy from Parowan?
Yeah, he was my male equivalent! Allan, not Frankenstein and Shelley the Bride of Frankenstein and all the other swingers she slept with to get to be ME!
Annie, Acting Weird, Faking Sleep, Stole My Phone, Cover Contact #
On Friday night, I was shocked that Annie, actually wanted to go dancing at the Blue Moon, we had fun. But after we got home around three o'clock, she did something that made me think she was up to something, didn't know what. But she claims to always wake up at 3:16 A.M., so that would be in 15 minutes . . . I was on the chair in the front room, and once I go to sleep, you could let a bomb off, and I wouldn't hear it; I sleep totally sound, don't have shit on my mind, clean heart, pure hands, always! But, Annie, got in bed and suddenly stopped talking? I looked in and she had gone to sleep, allegedly, leaving her light on . . . usually, she would just go in, hit the bathroom, never turned on the lamp light next to her bed! Now, someone had to have told Annie where I shoved my purse . . . she kept ditching out, during the dancing, to the bathroom, to bet drinks and probably to get instructions . . . I hid my purse behind the chair, and if she was not told, she might not have been able to find it. I got up, called to Annie and told her she fell asleep with the light on . . .. she acted groggy, too groggy for a few minutes, but turned off the light and appeared to go to sleep as I did.
Again, the next day, she asked me about taking off the contact information and said that she knew Bridgette who is allegedly rich, and hates attorneys, and she is going ot have a credibility issue? what, that provides to credibility she needs and she can call me and talk to the prepare person, if she has questions or needs a go between. Shelley stinks . . . the credibiy problems are going to be Shelley, having used my name and probably a real big shot in Kalispell and Whitefish, same problems Nick, Yellowstone dude, in Missoula has, can't tell me who his attorney, female is, nor where she lives? Because she has been me for about three years in that area of Montana and other areas, Rachel and Sue, Kay all pick up the slack when they can . . . your damned right, CREDIBILITY ISSUES! She is not fucking ME! A guy named Doc, has come in, and was there the day I arrived in Kalispell, and he is Annie's right hand man . . . Navy Guy or Marine, these old fuckers like Tony are bringing their R.E.D.S. in, retired and extremely dangerous crew, my father's age! He read my letter, thought is was great, but then we got into something on the water compact and navigatable waters . . . I said you had to have a port to the sea to control any water in the states . . . Flathead doesn't have it, therefore, not the jurisdiction of feds. This old bat, went ape-shit, which took me by surprise . . . he had been listening to Shelley, Kay, Sue, Rachel ore someone . . . I said, I am a lawyer . . Annie defended him and said, he is Navy . . . so what? He doensn't know the law, but I am sure, he is paid to be on the fake bitch squads side to give them some credibility! They need it . . . I think several times, there were sting ops set up to get me, but they never worked or somebody back down . . . I am no Mo Muffin, not to be messed with! Pretty no nonsense attorney! Don't tickle clients egos, nor men's egos, don't need to!
Discovered Missing Cell Phone Next Day When Leaving Town
Annie was out at her storage unit, on Sunday, and about two hours before the shuttle from Evergreen leaves, I told her, actually, it was an hour, after she finished at the unit, but wanted to run to get something . . . I sprung it on her that I wanted to be dropped off at the gas station next to McD's. She said she wanted me to stay, sure, she didn't accomplish her mission. I went to check time at McD's where Annie said she was hungry, so I bought her some food. We discovered the missing phone, which I am sure was not to be discovered for a few days to confuse where I had used it last, but it was fresh in my mind . . . it had to have been stolen from Annie's house. Someone had been in her home, I saw towels off the shower rod and shampoo out of place . . . I am a fucking graphic artist and very spacial for a woman, I know when something as been moved, and have for years, while this fucks have broken in my homes year after year.
My father used to say, when you have something missing, look for the person who is the most helpful . . . they took it and they are trying to help cover their theft, that appeared to be true. Annie was trying to restep my steps from the night before . . . sheriffs came, I took phone, later came back, went to the bathroom, before I came back, but I remember, even with cops out front, stopping to put my cell phone in my purse zipper, because I had my charger stolen, lately and didn't want to spend another $70 bucks to buy a whole new phone, then I called Chris, when I got back. Annie had some bull shit reason for the cops being in the restaurant parking lot . . . didn't buy, was sting op, i just didn't go defend her, as planned. That is the set up on the Jeep, which the guy just didn't seem interested in picking up, nor did his wife, it was allegedly for, care to come test drive it the day before . . . cop, cop, cop! Annie kept name dropping cops names, very friendly, probably a cop herself, Shelley's dream also, very pro cop, Jesse her oldest son, wanted to be a cop too? My brother Jared, wanted to be one too . . . family of Let's Be Cops! CIA make a wish foundation! I would check the annonomous doner to the local Butte Make-a -aWish, probably buying off Butte now! I told Annie, I would stay another day . . . the phone had to be at her house or the spies took it!
I Can't Believe You Are This Calm . . . Happens All the Time, Robbed!
I insisted that I was done with her, after she made the credibility comments and now, she couldn't use the letter! What? What the hell does that have to do with my phone? Nothing . . . no, it has everything to do with Shelley, not being ME, it is my contact information, showing, clearly that, she and I, are not the same person! Bridgette and Michael Fulk, could be ranchers involved in the water compact? Shelley's fat mug has been hanging around Whitefish and Kalispell for year, since October of 2012, when I went to the library in Whitefish on the medical marijuana grower, Code of the West! I am sure that Mark Shurtleff, AG, was working hand in hand with Shelley . . . Governor Bullock, who signed the illegal water agreement, knew that I thought his friend and co-AG was corrupt, because, I wrote him how good it was to have an AG who was fighting corruption, unlike our corrupt AG, in Utah . . . calling in old favors? Very convoluted, wicked, deep and wide . . . Shelley, Jack's wife, or someone's? Could be wife swapping, or Shelley doing them all . . Jack did show up to the old Crossfire Church, that has been re-named, to Hope Church, that I have written about. Dennis and Debbie are probably getting supported by Shelley and Jack . . . Jack showed up in Whitefish last time I came . . . house maybe in Bigfork, with Shelley, but a Shelley look-a-like showed up with a Tony look-a-like at the new Hope City Church! This chick and Debbie, pastor Dennis's wife, were very chummy, and she would hardly talk to me . . . I have been going to that church for years, Jack comes every once in a while . . . Jack showed up Sunday, probably throwing me off the track, by having Shelley with a Tony look-a-like, when he is married to her . . . doubles, deep bury, multiple me, multiple women, gotta protect that pussy, and penis, all important to keeping the money flowing!
But, when I discovered the missing phone, Annie was shocked that I was not more freaked out . . . calm as I always am. I told her I would stay another night, and we could check the house for the phone. After her bull shit, credibility issues, she even said, that Rose her daughter who has met me, would say I was not an attorney . . . got all the players covered . . . just the crazy ass sister, pretending to be JoAnn . . . just can write up a storm and report all fuck ups on my blog, which is really Shelley's blog! What a joke these clowns are . . . SHELLEY IS LIVING MY LIFE, MY DREAMS, AND TAKING MY CHILDREN AND GRAND CHILDREN! She blew her life, and trashed it, pout her shit on me, and is taking my pure life, easy virtue and tons of money, money, money! Ranches, horses, bulls, husbands, grandkids, great kids, nice exchange for her, totally fucked for me, getting her shit life! SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!
I started to scream at Annie, I am raw, one more, spent my money helping someone, that turns and fucks me! Can't believe the total lack of morals, ethics, thanks, gratitude, and what not? I don't get it? I unloaded on her with both barrels, totally laid this shit down, told her I never wanted to see her again . . . there goes the sheriff's department covering her illegal SUV that has been sitting in her storage unit for allegedly years, a $25,000 vehicle, and the sheriff is signing off on it! I think the DMV is too! It is Good in the HOOD!
You Just Lost Your Attorney And Friend . . . After Church Annie Comes With the Cell Phone . . . Some Tattooed Chick, Of Course, Had It? NOT!
I took the phone, knowing that she made up this bull shit, I called Chris, after going to the gas station! She took the cell phone and was worried that she blew it, and she did! Here is the proof of who the real, JoAnn S. Secrist is, and yes, I did the letter, and Shelley is constantly taking credit, to the point of stealing my cell phone . . . no biggie, she stole my life, she is me, it is her phone . . . that is the way she looks as it! And obviously everyone else does too . . .
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