Maine Farm Girl's Shirt . . . Attitude! Love It! The Chick Matches the Shirt! Before that, She Had a John Deere Shirt . . . I Want Those Shirts! LOL!
I walk in the woman's dorm bathroom, at the Poverello Palace, one of the best homeless shelters in America, if not the world, and this, what I would have described, as a down home, pure breed, country girl, green John Deere Brand shirt, blingy cowgirl belt, tight ass fitting jeans, and a country girl hair do, was commenting on various shelters, religion, hypocracy, truckers . . . she refers to them as her 18 Wheeler, Knights in Shining Armor! Love It! A Canadian truck driver, stowed me away, to 12 miles outside of Great Falls, with helicopters, sheriffs and other cops up there, being alerted to my presence in their jurisdiction, but his man, got me out of the reach of the Uni Police in Missoula, last summer, when I, unknowingly, jumped into the middle of a hottly contested, race for sheriff, between a member of the sheriff's department, and the police department, shortly after a lawsuit between the two entities, had taken place, with the juicy and delicious details of the case, sealed, and me, just commenting on an editorial comment in the Missoulian, about a candidates, reputation as a good man, and a man who upholds the law, and abides by the CONSTITUTION! A biggie for me! Something that should come as no surprise, by anyone, reading my blog, knowing anything of my history, background, legislative and courtroom batttles, all about preserving, defending and protecting, that, to me, sacred document, that has withstood the test of time, and survived, creating, what to me is the greatest country on the face of the earth, because of the civil, constituitonal, and human rights that it provides for this country. I have a fucking right to write about that, excuse me, without a cadre of cops, breathing down my neck for doing so . . . and that stands, a year later, too . . . or bus drivers, shelter workers, hospital security, and anyone else for that matter, with many of them taking the same oath that I did! NOT LOL!
So, I can totally relate to the woman, who lauds these drivers, as her Knights in Shining Armor, in 18 Wheelers! The relay race that had to happen to get me to safety was: (1) the Mountian Line Bus; (2) the Canadian truck driver . . . and NO, I didn't have to trade sex for a ride . . . he could tell, I was a no nonesense type chick, that even at his mercy, I was not a force to be reconded with; (3) two men from Great Falls for the area up around Vaughn . . . with little cyber spies, following my every move, listening when I called the Golden Triagle Shuttle, that services, routes for free, going from Shelby, to Great Falls, and back to Kalispell, that has saved my skin, umpteen times, in similar situation, involving cops of many flavors, from cities, on those routes, whisking me away with murderous assholes, laying in wait, at places like the Kalispell Regional Medical Center, with former chief of police, now in charge of security, bringing in some federal goons, trying to stop me from getting out of town, after writing, not about what these assholes have done politically, but just for writing about what they are doing to me! LOL! If you don't want you name in lights, or your departments, or your security, STOP FUCKING WITH ME! EVEN THE DEVIL, SAYS, OH, NO, WHEN MY BOOTS HIT THE GROUND IN THE MORNING! LOL! I am not joking, I am willing to go to the mat for my beliefs and I am willing to go to any lengths, to take down those who took the same oath, and are fucking with this country, the Constitution, the rights of "WE THE PEOPLE!" There are NO WHITE FLAGS on this ship . . . going down fighting, screaming, kicking, and writing! LOL! The word is more POWERFUL THAT THE SWORD, YOUR GUN, YOUR FUCKING BADGES, YOUR CARS, ETC.!
Your audience, may be the nations cops, mine is the WORLD, there is a tool on this blog, that allows any person, on the face of the planet to read this blog in their own language! You are looking the fool to billions! The smart cop departments, will just leave me alone and realize, that we should be on the SAME FUCKING SIDE! Fuck the goddamn Patriot Act, unless you are dealing with foreign entities, non-citizens, and those without rights, dumb asses . . . I will have your dicks on a hangman's noose, with a jury . . . they don't give a rats ass about THE SIZE OF A BITCHES, LYING BITCHES BOOBS, FOR GOD SAKES . . . GET IT, DEAL WITH IT!
I Wasn't Born In MONTANA, But I Got Here As SOON As I Could! I Was Not Raised on a RANCH or a FARM, but I Sure As Hell Have the Cowgirl Attitude, and the Fierce Passion and Love for FREEDOM, INDENDENCE and LOVE OF COUNTRY!
Contrast and Comparison . . . Utah Attitude vs. Montanan Attitude!
Saturday, I had just hiked up Rattlesnake Canyon, where there have been two pretty scary, incidents, and yes, incidents happen! But, there is this great lady and her brother, who live where the bus stops at the top of a very cool street name, to be sure, and almost symbolic in and of itself . . . Lincoln . . . another person who gave his life for this country and what he believed in . . . adding the 13th amendment to the U.S. Constituiton . . . for black suffrage or the right to vote! This sister/brother team, had the most refreshing response to hearing about my travails, and what is going on with me and had gone on, for basically my whole legal career, fighting the good fight, and the sister, Republican, was so shocked and alarmed, hearing about my house, the car bombing, the satatogue on my truck, the theft of my identy by Mo Motherfuckers in Utah, during the 2012 elections, etc., that this woman, beautiful, not only in looks, but in spirit was so irate and furious, she was ready to fight them herself, this nebulous, faceless, nameless . . . Unified Police Force, starting with local, state and going to federal cops, that have harassed, threatened, intimidated, chased, and whatever they could get away with doing, trying to lock me up, kill me, make me disappear and simply just go away, seeking to cover their 15 fucking years of lies, government whores, putting women, who are being allowed the "RIGHT TO RISE" ON MY NAME! FUCK NO, YOU GOD DAMN FUCKERS!
The brother, who is a Democrat, hates Mormons--Mitt's Mutts, who refuse to acknowledge that President Obama, FUCKING WON THE 2012 ELECTIONS, AND GOD DIDN'T STEP IN A SAVE MITT ROMNEY--HINT, HINT, ON GOD'S PREFERENCE--LOL, delighted in hearing what was going on, and he was equally shocked, and disgusted, at not only what happened in Utah, but what has happened in Montana, and is currently happening, as of yesterday, with a cop, probably with the direction of the sky cops, knowing exactly when I left the Poverello after lunch, and went to get some peace and quiet, over at the Fresh Market, out on their bench, just reading a book for a while . . . people don't realize, that it is tough to get any alone time in the shelter . . . you don't get to sit and watch TV, or take a nap . . . well, so do, but it on a crate or out on the lawn, either in the blazing sun, or in the almost tornado that came last week . . . some guy, was enjoying his nap, so much, that he barely moved, with a tempest going on around him! LOL! I don't hang out at the Market, so, there is no reason, to suspect me of loitering . . . last night, Nick and I, shared an hour, got sodas, cookies, and ice cream, so we buy, when we are there! But, every time I go anywhere, it turns into cop hell, as it did on a peaceful Sunday afternoon, ending up with two cops, seemingly doing nothing, me leaving--SLIDING OVER TO THE BUS SHELTER ACROSS THE STREET, TO SURMISE OF THIS WAS A LIGIT COP ACTIVITY OR NOT--DIDN'T APPEAR TO BE, AND ABOUT 6 TIMES IN LESS THAT A HALF HOUR, COPS DROVE BY . . . after one COP, drove up, stopped temporarily in front of me, then inching forward, acting like he was going to park, like, NOTHING WAS GOING ON AT THE STORE, SO?
Just as a side note, there are two alleged, Jesuit Interns at the Pov., but yesterday, one of them, showed up, after attending church, just for a minute, and had, a very Mormon look to his Sunday attire, a white shirt, which is always part of the Mo mantra, and I noticed what are called garments, a sign of either a Mormon missionary, returned missionary or a temple goer now, or at least someone who has been through the temple, there was also a guy, who kind of comes and goes, who also appeared to be wearing, what non-Mormons or Jack Mormons, call Jesus Jammies! Could be undercover FBI, which I have expected, espeically from this particular person, who, has appeared to be on several sting ops and acts defensive and pissed, when I either get away early in the morning, or before the intended sting op, goes down! Nice cover, a little Catholic stint to the Mo cover-up! LOL! But the couple, reacted like a person, who believes in rights, the state not being able to take away, life, liberty and property without DUE PROCESS OF LAW! We are talking real, personal, intellectual property being striped from me without a charge, for GOD SAKE! But this little fiesty woman, fists in the air, said, OH, NO . . . NOT IN MONTANA, NO, NOT IN MONTANA THIS IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! LOVE THAT WOMAN . . . IN UTAH, YOU EITHER GOT A BLANK STARE, OR "CAN THE GOVERNMENT DO THAT?" NO, BUT THEY DID . . . OH, WELL, ONLY THE RIGHTEOUS SHALL PROPER, YOU MUST NOT BE RIGHTEOUS! Or did you forget to pay your taxes? NO . . .oh, well, whatever . . . no shock, no alarm that this country is losing its precious, God given rights, NOTHING!
The man, admitted to me that he was gay, and I don't give a rat's ass . . . I told him that I fought, right from the beginning for his rights to marry, to not be discriminated against, to live where he wants, to marry whom he loves, etc. With tears in his eyes, he thanked me, not only for accepting him, and his lifestyle, a very, genuinely nice man, but for fighting for his rights! He was so concerned that I had to live, with this constant fear, every second of every day . . . which is a pure and true statement as has been, since, ironically, the day, I got sworn in to the United States Supreme Court Bar! January 23, 2012 . . . fucking election year, the same year that the fucking Mo, Motherfuckers, with FBI present in the U.S. Federal District Court of Utah, fucking tried to bump the case back to the state level, and then, when I beat the fucking federal magistrate and all his bull shit attempts to protect the government, or rather, Mitt Romney's alleged portion of MY ATTORNEY FEES, just up and closed the case, while I was basking in the glory of superior argumentation, knowledge and research skills that the judge who is to be unbiased, NOT, with the government's attorneys and the outside lawfirms that thought that could either bury me or outlast me, NOT, had already DEFAULTED ON THE CASE, HAVING FAILED TO ANSWER MY BRIEF, FILED, JANUARY 18, 2012, IN FACT I FILED A BRIEF ON MY $357 MILLION CASE, AND ON MY $56.7 MILLION CASE AGAINST IRON COUNTY CORRUPTION, THE SAME DAY, ON MY WAY TO THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT TO BE SWORN IN . . . HAVING TO RACE, ALL THE WAY BACK, ACROSS THE WHOLE FUCKING UNITED STATES, BEING STOPPED, BY, NONE OTHER THAN MY ALLEGED CLIENTS, WHO LEFT ME IN KANSAS, WAITING FOR MONEY FOR GAS . . . BECAUSE I TOOK THAT KILLER CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CASE, BEING PAID A FUCKING $20, THEN ON APPEAL, FOR $60 PER HOUR, AND THEY STOLE MILLIONS, IN NOT A BILLION DOLLARS--(BROCK SAID HE HAD A DREAM, THAT HE GOT A BILLION--I BELIEVE THE NATIONS PLANNERS, THOUGHT HE COULDN'T AFFORD TO PAY TO PURSUE THE LAWSUIT, SO THEY KICKED IN AND HE GOT THE MONEY, I GOT FUCKED! . . . GRATEFUL FINANCIAL PLANNERS, ARE DONATORS TO POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS, FOR PLANNERS, BELIEVING THAT IT WAS ME, WHO THEY WERE LOOKING AT A PRESS CONFERENCES, AND ME WRITING A BRIEF, ABOUT BROCK AND RICE, FAILING TO PAY ME, KNOWING THOSE TWO LIARS, MO'S, REPUBLICANS, BANKED ON MY KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL, AND THEN BROUGHT INTHE TITS AND ASS . . . THEY EVEN PICKED ME UP FROM JAIL, IN MOAB, WHERE I WAS FALSELY HELD, HOPING TO LOCK ME AWAY FOREVER, UNDER THE FUCKNIG PATRIOT ACT . . . TO COME FINISH THE CASE, WHERE I ACCUSED THE MAGISTRATE OF THROWING THE U.S. CONSTITUTION OUT THE DOOR . . . WHEN HE TOLD ME I WAS NOT WINNING ANY POINTS WITH HIM, USING, AH, 4TH AMENDMENT RIGHTS, WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF SECURITIES, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, THE GOVERNOR, WORKING IN THE STATE OF UTAH, TO PROTECT THE CONSTITUITONAL RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE, INCLUDING FINANCIAL PLANNERS!
Dream of the Lovely Ballerina and the Dashing Prince . . . Liars, Liars, Liars!
Changing subjects now . . . I told staff to wake me up at 4:00 A.M. so I could do my exercise routine, being so important, seemingly, to getting my identity back, no, I am not that fucking overweight, Shelley, the fucking bitch that the cops, hopes to win, being me . . . my life is not, up for grabs, it can't be purchased, nor bought, you can't pay me enough money to keep my mouths shut, or to let you fuckers use my name, for one more second . . . you are the fucking scumb, rock bottom, blood sucking, totally corrupt, pieces of shit, that are using my good name to hide your lying cheating ways, stealing my son's music, his life, his spirit and forcing him to deal with your sorry asses, to be able to play his music, after getting murdered in four other bands, that all were totally rockin, even to killing the lead singer . . . that old, we break'em, then make 'em, bull shit! Sorry, you haven broken me, and I would doubt that you have broken my kids . . . Yes, you fuckers have made their lives much harder than they would have been, blocked opportunities, jobs, housing, music deals, fame, fortune and whatever, but I doubt, that you have broken their spirits . . . bruised them, but not broken them . . . joke is on you . . . oh, you will love my kids, want them for your own, and then, I hope to God they rip your goddamn, fucking lying hearts out of your chest cavities! You are defending, fucking Bonnie and Clyde, you dumb ass cops! Good god, you boss, JoAnn or Joann Secrist, is not me . . . I am sitting at the St. Patrick's Hospital right now, typing this, staying at a homeless shelter, fun as it is and with interests, and probably enjoying life a whole lot more than the ballerina, the bull shitters, who have to watch me daily, to save their sorry asses . . . you have made Gods of these dumb asses, on MY WORK!
Get a reality check . . . in my dream, Kay had this long flowing, thick hair, was beautiful, and Brett, was dashing, handsome, both noble, and stately, dancing together! But in reality, they are fucking fakes, Kay has male pattern baldness, Brett has salt and pepper hair, was old and slumped over, last I saw him and that was back in about 2006! These two have aged, look like shit, and I have grown younger, because I have beaten the shit out of them, while they have tried to protect the lying assholes and cheaters that they are . . . Brett, my husband, Kay's is his lay--she is not, Joann or JoAnn--he just didn't have the ballz to give up my brand name, my kids, and didn't want Kay's resume--MINE IS TEN TIME BETTER AND MOST LIKELY LANDED HER THE JOB, YOU RESPECT HER FOR--SO MUCH JO--BULL SHIT, I NEVER CHEATED ON ANYONE, INCLUDING A FORMER BEST FRIEND, WHOM MADE ME WHO I WAS IN SCHOOL, AND NOW IN LIFE!, or his, which ever way that works, have the morals of an alley cat, and a bitch in heat, they will fuck anything and everything, that walks! They are both shitting parents, neglected their own kids, preferring to claim mine . . . I was just living my life, and they are shell shocked, as in Shelley, who are beaten to shit, hell and back, by the real person, who has endless energy, clean energy, and powerful energy, because it is SIMPLEY, MY FUCKING LIFE! LOL . . . THE TRUTH HURTS, ALL YOU COPS OF EVERY FLAVOR AND LEVEL, ARE SO STUPID, AND HAVE IGNORED, ALMOST 600 BLOGS OF LIVING BREATHING ACCOUNTS OF MY LIFE, AND BELIEVE IT TO BE THE LITTLE BALLERINA'S WHO HAS A BORING LIFE, AND NO LIFE, WITHOUT ME, AS IS THE CASE WITH RACHEL, SHELLEY, SUE, TIFFANY, KELLY ANN, HOPE, AND THE BITCH BRIGADE . . . THIS IS FUCKING CRIMINAL! DEAL WITH IT . . . IT IS NOT COMPLICATED, NOT MESSY, NOT CONFIDENTIAL . . . IT IS FUCKING WRONG, BY ANY STANDARD OF DECENCY, IF THERE IS A STANDARD LEFT?
I will not be punished for being a great mother, the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree . . . a corrupt tree can't have good fruit . . . ah, check, the old Bountiful High yearbook . . . between 1970 and 1973 . . . check Kay Burningham, check, JoAnn Southwick Secrist . . . they can't have bribed EVERYONE, NOR GOTTEN RID OF EVERY YEARBOOK! I am sure that Barbara Williams, Debbie Sparenberg, Jan Davis, Lauren Beal, don't know there married name, the inner circle would lie . . . and why in the fucking hell, did my 40 year reunion invitation get sent to my sister, Susan Southwick Shit or Schmidt? She may have actually gone as me . . . would put it past the Mo, Mitt loving fucking family members . . . you see, this is about lifestyle, about politics, about money, about fame, prestige, power, and MY NAME BRINGS IT ALL! Same with my stellar kids . . . some guy is running out of the learning center . . . God is telling me to get the hell OUT! See Ya1
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