Sturgis Bikers Must Be Gaining Some Respectability!
Now there is really something wrong in Sturgis, when the world record is 2300 people, in Salt Lake City, Utah, who gathered to just wear underwear, to break the Guinness Book of World Records for pulling such a stunt, and all the wild ass guys and gals, on bikes, gathering for the 75th Anniversary of the motorcycle gathering, lauded as approaching 1.2 million bikers, in one place at one time, and all the rowdy crowd can mustard up is, a mere 187 or so bikers! What is going on, up there in the Black Hills of South Dakota, when a group of Mormons, from Salt Lake City, Utah, can get more people running around in their spiffies, than bikers, at a huge rally can? What's up with that . . . going for respectability, over rowdy? HMMMMMM, very interesting . . . what are you guys up to? All must have been calm on the western front, because, at least, I never heard any news out of the big time party. I know that lots of bikers, come from very respectable professions, careers, and backgrounds, but come on, you have to have some of the old time rough necks hanging around the place? I don't think that that incident a few months ago, down in Waco, Texas, would have put a damper on the party . . . because they, from what I understand, were from 5 local Texas biker gangs, not the big ones, or is the Sturgis party, a totally separate thing from biker gangs, who have been inferred to be, the American Mafia?
I guess, that the organizers of the underwear party aspect of Sturgis, either misread the crowd, underestimated, the number of very respectable bikers, from all over, and misguided the few, who actually did show up in their underwear, attempting to beat, ah, Salt Lake City, Utah, but the Mormon Church has a network, like none other, but I was totally shocked when the radio announcer told the listeners, who the bikers were trying to beat! I was like, what? But, it sounds, like the bikers, did the expected for that crowd, or rather the unexpected, and went for the naked motorcycle ride instead? When I was in Sturgis, 18 years ago, it was actually pretty mellow, but we were up their early, and saw tons of bikers, heading to the gathering town, but, just like in the movies, all the colorful, customs bikes, in some instances, where lining the streets, in perfect formation, spaced with military precision, and cool as hell. We saw many of the bikers, heading up that direction, caught in rain storms, that pounded the hell out of them that year, and felt sorry for the ones, left totally unprotected by nature, but I am guessing that a good time was had by all.
Oh, and I want to thank the 6 or 7, either local bikers, and their entourage, who appeared to answer my call for a presence and some protection, who appeared to be on their way to Sturgis, who actually sent someone, down Hal's Walk, on the back side of the Clark Fork River, with one lady, stopping me, and asking me, about the iron or metal flags along the walk, that I had previously written about, and asking me if I walked this path often, which I had also said, seeming to verify who I was, the writer of this blog, being satisfied, she walked on, maybe calling the bikers in the parking lot of the swimming pool, who seemed to watch me, giving a presence and supporting, me, as I entered the swimming pool, going to the Aquatic Center, where just a few days before, I was locked in a shower stall, with a screaming machine, very able to curtail any yell for help, cover a gun shot, or any type of commotion, leaving me, with a narrow escape, under the one open side of the very narrow, crawl space, that I got out of and left the center, ASAP, in what appeared to be a planned hit, with several cops, and their families, disappearing, without going into the dressing rooms, leaving me, wondering where everyone was, and putting two and two together, with the Marine, high and tight, looking around the pool area, for someone who fit the description, blonde, with a poke-a-dot swimming suit . . . but my hair would have appeared to be brown!
Someone was pissed that I escaped this assassination attempt, and by no means my first, nor my last, several attempts all the time, each day, sometimes and each week! But, someone, who had to have connections with the Poverello Center, figure the link between the swimming pool and the Pov, and my locker, got in my locker and slashed my swimming suit! Several times that week, I noticed, that bikers, were in the right place at the right time, after I called for some back up and help, at just the precise time cops were driving by, and it has been much calmer, since that time. MAFIA HAS MAFIA!
That statement came from a former, FBI agent, who stopped me at the St. George, Utah temple grounds, one morning, when I was pissed that the NSA, long before Edward Snowden ratted them out, hi-jacked 12 hours of work, that I spent all night working on the computer, staying off line, until I was ready to send it out, to the Utah hinterlands . . . after I had spent all night, helping a constitutional group of people, who referred to themselves as the Boys From the Mountains, and other backwoods, Utah groups, had asked me to help organize and give some credibility to the first, Utah Liberty Convention to be held in the Old Territorial Statehouse, in Fillmore, Utah, back in about 2009. But this former, FBI negotiator, Byron Sage, an agent, who was used, actually, in the Waco, Texas, incident with self proclaimed prophet, David Koresh, leader of the Branch Davidians, who had a stand off, against the FBI, with about 283 people being killed when the compound they were living in was fire bombed, leaving few survivors, and many dead, telling me that statement as some hard cored la familia, Mexican mafia members were walking around the temple gates, watching me and Byron--I had been working on immigration stuff . . . and when I asked the former FBI agent, if he noticed the menacing persons, he merely said . . . Mafia has Mafia!
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