Monday, August 31, 2015


Truth or D.A.R.E. History Foundation

Many of you will recognize the D.A.R.E. as the program to stop drugs, that was implemented during the just say NO to drugs campaign, started during the Reagan administration, later followed by the less successful drug interdiction programs implemented by later administrations and government agencies.  As an unknown consequence of my efforts to eliminate the financial incentives to go after citizens' property, alleged to have used or be accused of using or selling drugs, giving cops the statutory authority to seize their property, negative any constitutional protections whatsoever, with legislatures nationwide, jumping on the band wagon, to stop drug sue and sale, failed to see the bigger picture of what the neglecting of providing, even drug lords and king pins in the drug world, their constitutional rights, did to corrupt police departments and law enforcement at all levels, both the cops on the streets, and the up line feds, who made fighting drugs so lucrative for cops, with huge ass powers to take property, without due process of law, denying jury rights, counsel, and making them the law of the streets, eventually getting the country in the situation, of having to curtail cop powers, and but them back in the constitutional frameworks, they were intended to operate in and providing rights, that have been around since the founding fathers added the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution, early 1800's I believe.

At the time I killed asset forfeiture in the state of Utah, before the cops and Mo mafia had a chance to organize against me, the legislature could clearly see the abuses of power, the potential for cops to be dirtier than the alleged criminals, and how do you know, they had legislated out all rights, that would protect property, being seized, assets frozen, and cops in control of these properties, and actually taking them for their own personal use, or for sale, and all proceeds going to cop agencies, like in the alleged new law, where the cops can seize your property, hold it, until you are proven guilty, or better yet, you prove that you are not guilty, with many of the traditional assumptions of innocence taken away, and then, if you don't have the money to fight it, or the government, as it always can, with paid attorneys, prosecutors, assistant attorney generals, litigation divisions and whatnot, making even the most wealthy, until their assets and bank accounts are frozen, without due process of law, so they can't afford attorneys to fight the government . . . you get my point . . . but as an unintended consequence or unforeseen side of the forfeiture laws, somehow the cool cars, that, in many cases, from my experience, were just desired by the cops, and taken, with claims that drug sniffing dogs, trained to react, and they get treats, so, why not, get a reward, so the hottest cars on the streets, regardless of their connection to drug, just the assumption that drug money purchased these hot Mustangs that looked so nice, black, with big ass RED lettering, D.A.R.E. on it, so the kids would experience the WOW factor when school cops came to lecture on drugs . . . back in 1997 when I killed the forfeiture laws in Utah, educating the representatives, who were actually horrified at that thought of the laws that they passed that went unchecked for at least ten years by the time I got to them . . . but my mother, was a junior high school health teacher, and was furious that the D.A.R.E. program got thrown into the mix of nixed with the new laws, or more likely, the cops didn't want people to check into where or how the cops got those hottie cars to parade the D.A.R.E. programs in school, but his became MY fault!

At that same time, my cousin, Margaret or Meg Southwick Nesbitt, was a prosecutor in Weber County Utah, working with my, then up line, Chief Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Reed Richards, who lost the elections to a Republican losing the support of the cop associations for not being able to control one female attorney!  I was not just any female attorney, I had statewide recognition on many legal subjects by that time, was in the administration, and running 3 statewide programs, with 13 staff, 1800 volunteers, a new domestic violence and sexual assault manual out, along with one to train county attorneys, teaching family law at the U of U, had my own anger management company, blah, blah, blah, and everyone from the second I stepped foot at the Utah Attorney Generals Office, thought I would be the next attorney general of Utah, so no small no name attorney, even a year or two out of law school.  But, the seeds of where I am now, were planted and started, professionally back then, with cops still pissed when they hear who I am . . . however, it is cute when big breasted Rachel, the illusions sister twin, stealing my thunder, or gladly encouraged by the cop world to do so, illegal, unlawful, and unconstitutional as the crime of identity theft is!  LOL!  Those boobs rule!  Ha!

The Southwick Family Pecking Order Matches With Cop Pecking Orders!

In my large Southwick family, with 8 children, 6 of which are sisters, birth place of the sista club, there was already a well established order of favorites, my father had not bones about whom his favorite children were, and the rest of the litter, all born from the original six were not in that class of children, and my father made that well clear, that the first 6 were my mother's children, and the last two were the pets.  You have heard of the Biblical story of Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors, also played on Broadway, ironically, by a Mormon, Donny Osmond!  LOL!  I was always competitive with my father, so I was not one of the daughters who vied for his approval and love, just like I don't now!  We are who we are . . . but, as an attorney, I was upsetting the apple cart, over and over, and over again, not only from an ideological view point, but from a family pecking order and checking out of the Mormon church, more and more, and statistically very predictable, the more educated a women is, the less controlled by the Mormon and other religious patriarchal hierarchies, or in the case of Utah, in the theocracy, a church run state, void of constitutional preferences, more for the Mo church preferences, I was tearing down all family stereotypes, money structures, that had existed since most of us girls got married, depending on whom you married and their careers, it was that determined much of your station in the very materialistic Mo family, believing whole heartedly in the Mo scripture, that only the righteous shall prosper . . . open game for crime!  

In addition to my skyrocketing career take-off, my children, were starting to spread their own wings in very untraditional Mormon social norms and mores, daughters in the military, rock star and skater sons, wearing whatever they wanted, with a very liberal mother, also a professor, to rub the professionalism in!  LOL! I was not controlled by the church, the government, a husband, and let my kids take jurisdiction over their own lives!  Most Mormon parents, will control the hell out of their kids, and basically tell them where they are going to attend school, BYU, Sue, but my kids were raised under the shadow of the "Y" in Provo, and hated BYU, even though their mother was an alum of the school, I could see where they were coming from and I felt much the same way . . . my loyalties shifted to the University of Utah, the rival, and even in sports, I wanted any school playing BYU to win when the games were played, having taught at the U for 8 years.  I was rocking the Southwick Mo boat all over the place, as well as being a political wild card, which is still am as a bad ass con law chick!  But, sista Sue, who wanted to be a lawyer, as they all want to be now, had a sista assignments, Shelley was a blob, she just read, but she was loved because she never talked to anyone, and I stepped in as the first child, taking over both Shelley's role, and the wild child, second child, more into social . . . I was the alleged social butterfly, not the brain, not the smart sister, that was for Sue, and so it still goes, with my family in total denial, that their social butterfly, is not only smart, but smarter than the average sister and attorney!  Cops included of all flavors . . .

The Rest of the Story . . . White Van, Hunting For Me With Spotlight!

So, this morning, to catch you up to early morning hours, as I felt compelled to leave the Super 1, feeling, like a normally do, that the lack of interacti!on and being left alone to watch crime shows in the wee hours of the morning, are just an illusion that things are chill and cool with the cops, who generally, make stores, gas stations, hospitals and bus drivers aware that I have surfaced in their town, and now they are on the Southwick mafia payroll to make my life hell, so that look-a-like but for butt and boobs, and 4 inches difference in height, faker blonde hair, a driving a car, nice on on my money, and just a few differences, a change of clothes and underwear, more often than quarterly, and a bed, house, maybe and family support, just to name a few differences, that you are not suppose to notice, with most people thinking that I must be rich because I am an attorney . . . not taking into consideration, what type of attorney I am, and who my clients' defendants are . . . hint, hint, hint, and who Rachel's fans are . . . hint, hint, hint . . . and who my enemies are!  Come on, you guys can't be so stupid to not see the writing on the blog and the wall!  This is so right, spot on, for persecution, it is funny that Rachel and crew can pull this off for a second, but for you all benefiting from the socialist distribution of wealth.  My father used to hate attorneys, because he said all they did was redistribute other people's wealth, and your point dad, for all your wanna be attorney daughters, you and the CIA make a wish foundation even let them skip law school, the bar, practice, and just put My name under a different face, and took the money and ran, through redirecting accounts, music, money!

I would say this case, is the largest redistribution of money the world has ever seen!  And only by sista's claiming attorney status through, the only real attorney in the family . . . the two Meg's who actually have law degrees, practice Mormon Muffin law, as in letting hubby take care of your ass, and pretend to be real attorneys.  I on the other hand, was dating Bart Weed, who I jilted, among all the rest, who will testify under oath, that Kay is me, or Rachel, not only to stroke their egos, but to defend the Mo church against this heretic, but Bart was dating me in law school, when I was graduating, and he said, to my total surprise, but from a Mo perspective, not . . . JoAnn, now that you have your law degree, you can give up the law and I will take care of you!  WHAT?  Hell NO . . . I didn't go to law school, not to practice my trade . . . he married a hair stylist!  LOL!  My ambitions run totally contrary to everything the church teaches women to be, and that is exactly why at age 20, with a new baby, I fantasized about being a lawyer so I could tell the Mo hierarchy where to shove it, telling them all to be farmers, so they could be close to the land and the family all day!  I wanted to be on the cover of TIME Magazine, Female Lawyer of the Year! LOL!  There is still time, now that the Pope has his face on the cover and bumped Edward Snowden, both my heroes, I might have a shot, LOL!  Just kidding, not that I don't deserve it for saving America from the Mormons and the Bushes!  LOL!  Saved you all from becoming British Colonies again, taking a three hundred year journey back in time, to the Patriot Acts, acting out the same damn problems with government back in the day and making it modern!  HELL YEAH, I should be honored, I have paid for FREEDOM, which is not free!  I have paid the price and Rachel wears a red, white and blue blouse on the 4th of July and those huge ass knockers get her further with the Vets than all the shit that I have done in this 20 year domestic WAR!  Simply amazing . . . remember in the book, Little Women . . . It is sista Jo who is the smart on, and blows off men, not needing them!  

That is not the MO way, nor the cop way, and independent women, who challenges the boyz club, NO!  I am everything they hate . . . they took all my money, so that I would have to rely on a man to take care of me, sending a Kennedy or Mr. Hotpants, after sending hundreds of rejections!  I am almost most pissed that they, the powers that be, have taken my wealth, that far exceeds by a million times what my most wealthy Mo bro-in-laws have made or my father . . . can't have that, only okay, to say the women who didn't make the money or those beholden to the boys clubz for their power or wealth, with Kay the other attorney, who actually did practice, but was going in debt, $10,000 per month in her private practice . . . we don't want Jo, hell she is coming back from a terminal brain injury and kicking ass at the U.S. Supreme Court, winning cases, that nobody in the nation is . . . an she is beating the Mo Chicks, who followed the program, to shit and back with her kick ass kids, that she gave the freedom and the support to do what they wanted with their lives, regardless of extended family pressure! 

The kids are the most valuable and the most hurtful, they know where to make it hurt, I was not just a supportive mother, but for me, Elliot would not be a kick ass kid, as are all of my kids, he has just taken it further, but the others will be there in no time . . . two daughters, either asked or actually being in the world's largest honor society, sworn in in Washington, D.C., in Constitutional Hall . . . go figure, the year that Greta got sworn in and got her master's degree, my parents took Stephanie, Rachel's oldest daughter out to eat, praised Sue's son for being a bench warmer in soccer, having moved him from the east, just so he could do better in SOCCER . . . and at the family dinner for these family members, not one thing was said about Greta, who was sitting at the same table, nor about Elliot, who had three worldwide music magazine interviews, a nationwide tour that the bad grandpa ruined, while a fake band with favorite, Isaac, played Elliot, just like Rachel is playing me as are the other sistas, in one form or another, not only was Elliot's band rockin' concerts, God's Revolver was Hard Rock Band of 2008!  That was not cool, until Elliot is being claimed as a Southwick, so he can practice his art and love!  Children are like parents, the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, the ultimate insult to the sista club of Mo's was that my children were succeeding in their own rights, just like mama!  Too much to bear, now the family loves my kids, that was not the case, growing up . . . very much left out, and I wanted to protect them from this judgmental crew of assholes, who had judged them their whole lives, hair, military, musicians, Jo . . . now their successes, they want to ditch their own sorry ass kids, whom I feel sorry for and claim MINE!

The Unmarked Sheriff's Van, Was Searching For Me This Morning!

Whatever I do is cool, as long as Rachel, or Shelley, or Kay, or Sue, and the rest of the bull shit sista club gets credit . . . fucking amazing.  They get everything I do good, including my excellent children, and I get all their shit, like Rachel's DUI, Shelley's warrants, and whatever.  So, good flows in their direction, and they frame me, and all their shit flows in my direction, NICE.  I only get to be me, on the dirty ass shit that the sister's do, and they get to be me on all the good stuff that I do!  I should have just gotten a boob job, much easier, cheaper than law school loans, and liposuction is much easier than swimming . . . just like my resume', I get my praise the hard way, I EARN IT!  Nothing is given, everything is earned!  All things are symbolic, every one of my sisters, except for Tiffany have been artificially enhanced, and there is nothing wrong with that, unless, it is fake tits, that replaces, down right hard work!  Then I take issue with that . . . in the bedroom, take heels over head, don't blame you, other than dinner is hell, for conversations on both sides, of cops and chicks bedded for bodies . . . fuck, you have to eat and deal with each other, sex is not the end all!

Every guy, I have ever been with, up to the last few years, like from 2012, to now, has told me that if I ever got a boob job, they would break up with me . . . and all of the sudden, I am thrown into this fake ass world of cops, and yuck, the standards of excellence are the total opposite of what I have valued and been valued for in my whole life!  It is a shock to my system.  I get the going to bed with the hot piece of ass shit and being attracted to the fraud broads, not only in bodies, but in resume's . . . but in the board room, or running a cop shop, or being your attorney?  What the fuck is wrong with you?  I would take the meanest, bad ass attorney I could get . . . but that is not feminine and we can't help you, if you don't need our help, we like the days when the female star had to sleep with the producer!  For you men, from the Humphrey Bogart School of Sex . . . those days are gone, we have the little pink pill, because you don't turn us on any more, going back to this tittie bar mentality of the 50's!  Women want to be more than a fucking sex object to you!  Look at the two true crime shows, on Paula Zahn and I am still horrified, that men can abduct a woman, rape her, beat her, cut her up and discard her like a piece of trash!  That comes from objectifying a woman and making her little more than a tool for your arosal, but taking that mentality into our courts, our cops shops, our colleges, and on the streets is totally shocking and horrifying!  Get a fucking clue.

Smart girls don't work harder they work smarter . . . and so do smart men, get SMART!  The brain in the largest sex organ, use it, you might like it, and have something to talk about after the sex!


A Crime, is a Crime, is a CRIME!  Just like the Law, Is the Law, Is the Law!  Know Your Criminals!  ELLIOT DOES NOT CLEANSE RACHEL'S CRIMES!  NOR THE REST OF THE LIES . . . A LIE, IS A LIE, IS A LIE . . . EVEN IF SHE IS NICER THAN ME!  LOL!  I AM SURE OF IT, BUT THAT DOESN'T MAKE HER ME!

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