It's the People Who Mess it Up!
So, as I am coming back to the Poverello Palace or Hotel California . . . to get my glasses, that I left in my locker, my friend, don't know her name, but she has two master's degrees, is probably in the FBI, hired to be here, to do a psychological profile on me, but we kind of encourage each other in our elitism, just for fun, every once in a while, but she is standing outside the fence that surrounds the compound, blocking homeless life, from the view of the community, adding mystery, and mystique to the place . . . and my friend, who is getting a bit of a cold and cough, says, and tries not to smile, when I ask her what she is doing, standing outside, and she says, and kind of smiles . . . I don't know if I feel safe here, and I don't know why . . . then she comes clean . . . I think I am really just sick of the people here. I started to laugh, and I said, I know, the other day, I was thinking what a nice facility the Pov. is, and it is the people who mess it up! LOL! She turned, covering her face laughing! LOL! A few minutes later, she was in line for dinner! I guess she doesn't feel too unsafe, nor are the people that bad, because she is going into eat! LOL!
Seriously, most of the inmates, as I call them, are very nice, and there is actually, a whole lotta love, shown in the place, with people helping others, with doors, their bags, carrying food, trays for them, pushing wheel chair bound vets around, and just giving someone a shoulder to cry on, or a good friend to listen to what ails the person . . . and some have a damned good reason to be pissed at the world, and I, for one, am, one of them! No, in reality, I have had a very blessed life, and I like to remind myself that it could always get worse, just look around! LOL! Really, there are so many people, who have tragedy, abuse, violence in their lives, lack any form of supportive family or a network of friends to fall back on, and often the people who end up at the Pov. serve each other as surrogate families, who gather around them, and give them, what they might not have had in their entire life. Housing, roughly, 150 people per night, there are bound to be a few conflicts, but over all, there is a peaceful, loving and supportive atmosphere, that is really healing, safe, and conducive for growth and change.
No, High Horse Sitting in This Joint! Attitude Adjustments Free!
This same chick, came with an attitude, and sort of a chip on her shoulder, but there is no place, like the Pov. to take you down a notch or two off your high horse, if you have managed, in life to climb on one! This woman, whom I find as a comfort, now, not liking her a whole lot, the first few days, has gone from being a prima donna, to a genuinely nice individual, who adds to the great combination of people who, are actually fortunate enough to find themselves, housed in this town, and in this facility, with this set of staff, who really care, from all I can tell. Little Annie, who stands 5 feet tall, struts around, with an attitude and a chip on her shoulder about the size of Texas, and yesterday, I reminded her, not to disrespect this place, because you are not going to find another like it. Last night, some new chick, right out of incarceration at Warm Springs, kind of, as I understand it, a mental health facility, but also, kind of a prison, for people, like my former, roommate's girlfriend, a tough ass, down and dirty, Boston chick--Boston Tough, who beats up cops, 30 to be exact, is sentenced to 6 years there . . . but, this new Pov. chick, takes one of the two fans, in a room of 40 or so, ladies, and turns it so it hits, just her and another chick, sleeping on the floor or on cots . . . so, Elvira--the vamp, comes and turns the fan, so some air hits the rest of us, reminding the new girl, that she can't keep the fan to herself, that there are others and she needs to share . . . the chick, turns the fans back to her and her buddy on the floor. I am kind of like . . . here we go.
Your Going To Be Incarcerated Again, If You Don't Share! All I Ever Needed to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten! LOL! How True! Share!
Elvira, sits up and decides she is going to tell staff, but she discloses that fact that she is in her nightie, and it is see through. I told, the chick, Lady Jane, as Annie, who is asleep calls her, to go tell staff, and she said, gladly and gets to get out of bed, when this chick, kind of a bruiser, states that she has been incarcerated for 8 years, and she is tough enough to take on anything, and storms out of the door, into the hall. Elvira and Jane, who have never been incarcerated, and I am not sure, they even knew what that was, both backed down . . . okay, this is where experience comes in . . . she has just been to jail, and so have I, for, contempt for court! LOL, as the attorney! I guess I am elected to go talk to her. She is pouting in the hall, and I just go up and put it as cold and factful as I can . . . you simply have to share in a place like this, there are women, who get sick, not getting any air, when the nights are hot. And, the staff will not hestitate for one second, if you are a pain in the ass, to take that ass and call the cops, getting you incarcerated again. So, just in case, you don't have a plan "B", I would share the fucking fan . . . no, I was nicer than usual, in fact, I am swearing less, the place must be rubbing off on me! LOL! All was calm on the western front, from that point on through the night . . . each woman, has to be broken in a bit, to adjust to what is happening there. Ms. master's degrees, prima donna, said, it is good, that you two were the ones dealing with her! LOL! Age, and being a laywer, helps . . . Ms. Vamp, was too busy, showing off her chest, but the target of her desires, likes small breasts . . . he must be reading my blog! LOL!
Every Once In a While . . . Mr. Hot, Walks Through the Doors of the Pov. or Other Shelters, and It is Amazing What A Sight for Sore Eyes Can Do to Make Hell, Become Heaven and The Desired Place to Be! LOL!
This new blonde version of James Kennedy, who similarly walked through the Butte Rescue Mission doors one night, leaving me thinking to myself, that the mission, just got a whole lot more interesting and exciting, as did the entrance of Mr. Prince Charming . . . probably, some biker buddy of James' coming to test my faithfulness, and tempt the hell of of me! Good God, what do you think I am made of? I am resolved . . . just accidentily typed, "resolbed" . . . re sol bed! Like I am saying, these two Alpha Males probably ride together, terrorizing the women folk, throughout the country! LOL! They remind me of the type of guys, who hang out in seedy bars, scoring easy women, and getting hard core tattoos . . . classy, bad boys! While James is flamboyant and mouthy, at times, not afraid to dance and sing in front of the crowd, this guy, don't know his name, is quiet, sticks to himself, reads all the time, and, is fucking hotter than hell, a rival for sure, but maybe a plant by Kennedy, kind of a bikers creed, that we are going to put the women to the test, to see if they ar faithful to one or the other. The problem is, that when two guys or gals, look sort of a like, there tends, at least for me, to be this next cut deeper affect, in the fact that the guy prior to the current one, has already taken the love knife, deeper into the fleshy tablets of my heart; therefore, one so close in looks, style, reminding me of the other, nose, neck and a few other things . . . this phenomena, takes you another step deeper into the center of the heart, that for me, is basically, virgin territory, having never fully been conquered by anyone.
I once had a best friend, she was a raving dark haired beauty, and I was the blonde haired, blue eyed equivalent. We were constant companions, and people started to think we were twins, leaving me wondering what they were smoking? But, I think, if two people share the same interests, are constantly with each other, and enjoy being together, they start to look like each other . . . just like dog owners, start to look like their dogs, or vis versa! That is why I don't own a dog, I don't want to make people think, me and my dog look alike, but it tends to be true, in my opinion! LOL! But, my intel guy, God, seems to be, giving me the scoop on these two, probably a game they play, a bet they have, and does sort of make some sense, if they really are good friends . . . too many people, of both sexes, fall for one set of the twins, and then go for the other, cheating on the original, just because, they are so close, in everyway. In fact, I told, my friends at the Pov. that after the first few times, looking at the new hot Alpha guy . . . that came from Elvira the Vamp, of course, he reminded me so much of James . . . or is he James with his hair dyed blonde? That thought crossed my mind too? Maybe? But, I think James is taller, wilder hair, but he has his quiet sides too, and I don't really know either one of them that well! So? But, faithful, I shall be . . . until I am no longer fat! LOL! Then, game on, whomever is in my line of sight, is the guy . . . can't wait forever, and I have no commitment to anyone right now, James included. But, I am challenged by this test, and I will pass it with flying colors, like all exams I have taken in my life . . . delayed gratification is the key to success, whether in relationships, school, work, in anything!
Cute, Clark Fork School . . . I Could Not Agree With The School Motto More . . . Our Kids Thrive In the Outdoors! Mine Did!
These are smart women running this school . . . kids play is their work, get them out, let them run, climb, explore, discover, hike, bike, get in nature, they will, in fact, thrive! I used to have a plan every morning, going to the duck pond, the library children's reading day, hiking up a glacier, baby in backpack, a few extra kids, and a few black garbage bags, a hike along river beds, meadows, and mountain snow fields, sliding down, dumping off, just before hitting the glacier lake! My weekends were spent with my kids, in Moab, Zion, climbing Mt. Baldy, going to the sand dunes, swimming in mountain lakes and damns, going to hot springs, Mary's Lake up at ski resorts in the summer, hiking Yellowstone or Grand Canyon . . . my oldest daughter, Greta, was only 5 months old, when she was put in a backpack and carried down the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, where she later worked, at the North Rim, ending up going Rim to Rim, in a grueling 12 hour hike, even carrying her father's backpack, because he was a weekend warrior, and totally out of shape for the brutal hike, about ready to kill my oldest son, Chris, who fell asleep, not knowing exactly where the pair of family hikers would emerge, missing the call, to his father's wrath! LOL!
The real benefit of getting the kids up and gonig in the mornings, giving them this type of activity, like hiking to the "L", which probably will come to mean, love to the 16 youngsters, hiking up that way today, from the Clark Fork School, is that you can get the kids out, and busy, plus, moms can keep their houses clean, and just bring exhausted kids home, and feed them lunch, read them a story, and put their tired asses do for a long summer afternoon nap! I insisted that my kids, take a nap, each afternoon, my two hour sanity time, from 1 to 3 P.M., so I could rest, friends, husband, nobody dared call me, after my morning fun, leaving me tired and ready for a rest as well. For the time being, some of these lads and lasses, will hate the hike, complain, and say, what, Elliot, my youngest son, at age 11 said, when hiking the back side of Mt. Timpanogus, in Provo, Utah . . . I would rather swim in shark infested waters, that climb that again! At 13, he told me he was just a city boy, but by 32, he is probably in a tie, with older sis, Greta, for being the most outdoorsy of all my four kids, who all love the mountains, outdoors, and, did, in deed, thrive in the outdoors!
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