Me, A Cop Killer . . . Fat Chance!
Can't Ban These Guns! A guy just walked by with a grey t-shirt on, with those words on his chest, and to solid black arrows, pointing to his guns or muscles, and in my case, the hands connected to my guns! I may be an assassin with words, but a far cry from an assassin with guns! Here is an historical account of my background with guns: (1) when I was a teenager, my father took me out shooting cans with a glock or hand pistol; (2) a church group, once went skeet shooting; (3) first husband, showed me how to operate a rifle, that he put in the corner of our apartment, that I was staying alone in two weeks before our wedding, until he moved in . . . there had been a murder in the apartment complex across the street; (4) second husband, a Vietnam Vet, showed me the automatic weapons he brought home with him after the war; (5) third husband took me skeet shooting and I hit the mark the first shot, but nothing after that; and finally, (6) when I was practicing law, as a criminal defense attorney, after suing the county attorney, narcotics cops, police, sheriffs, the Division of Child and Family Services, adding a judge to that list, I was jealous, when my baby sister of 7 years, Rachel, who was training as a private investigator, had a cop's pistol or glock . . . I told her, I needed one of those! She also had a badge . . . I would say, that big sister, assassin, or little sister, either in the cops ranks by now, would be much more likely, seeing, they have both been used as a government double, Shelley would need a wig and blue contact lenses, and Rachel a boob reduction, and about 4 inches off her height, would be the ones I would question, sure as hell, not me! That is a joke!
Now, if you wanted to charge me with assassinating cops with my blog, that is a possibility, but truth is a defense to any claim of damages or injury, and for public officials, like Scott Garrett, county attorney or sheriffs who are elected officials, who put themselves out to the public, there would be a need to prove, MALICE!
Standard of Review for Proof . . . Beyond a Reasonable Doubt; With 500+ Blogs, Many of Which Have My Claims and Proof of Sister or Other Doubles, and to Think that Given the Amount of Money Stolen, That a Double Committed the Crime, With A Much Higher Probability to Access, Training and Motive, Prosecutors Would Be Hard Pressed to Prove, Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, That I Committed The Crime, and Was Not Framed, Would Be Near to Impossible!
On the bus, I was sitting next to this chick, and I am sure a cop, after talking to her . . . she used to work with evidence gathering a crime scenes, and chain of evidence of property collected from defendants, suspects and defendants, and she was married to an FBI agent, whom she worked with on cases and was in the same office with! There were several guys, whom I noticed right off the bat, looking at me, far more searchingly than your average guy, even one that thought I was cute, or even remotely close to their age, and I happened to mention to her, that I believed these two guys were, in fact, on the bus to check out what I am up to and where I am going, if not something more sinister, like a surprise sting op, a hit--after telling her, they put on sunglasses, in the rain, so I couldn't see their eyes, hearing devices on, . . . and just as I said that, God, my Intel man, showed me the sign to confirm that idea, with an actual physical sign, that said, Bozeman Trail, and we were somewhere in Colorado! Sooooooo . . . yesterday, I tried to purchase a ticket to Durango; however, I was unable to do that, because all routes were de-activated or not in service, which I knew that was a lie or a government block, since they probably had no warning, to set up surveillance or get one of the cover girls to set up the shadow, to cover their asses. So, as a consequence, I purchased a ticket to Bozeman, thinking that was far enough away, I MIGHT? be safe, cowboy cops there have chased me un-mercilessly before!
After I got back from lunch, the ticket man, maybe agent, who was different than the normal guy, Alex, whom has worked with Greyhound for years, going from Butte to Great Falls, ever since the cops stole my truck, and blew up my car with a pipe bomb, two years ago, January, blocking me from getting a license, after stealing or dropping charges of thieves who do their bidding, or paying people to get in my purse, taking all forms of I.D., with me finally, just barely, with the help of an agency, obtaining my California Birth Certificate, told me, that now, he could get me a ticket to Grand Junction, Colorado, with local transport to Durango! NICE! Oh, well, maybe, if they don't want me to go to Durango, they now do, therefore, I will keep my ticket to Bozeman, thinking all the twisted ways some fucked up agent or sister might think! So, that was the plan, but that changed, after going to the Post Office to mail all my kids a small gift.
FBI Agent, Over-Lord at Post Office!
So, I needed to get to the Post Office to put some packages in the mail, not thinking anything abnormal, nor seeing cops trails or anything. I start preparing the packages, and putting return address, of only, Montana, under my name, because, I really have no physical address for which to return the packages, should they fail to reach my children, three in Utah and one in Washington, D.C., suburb, Lovetteville, VA. While I am working on the packages and mailing information, some guy, comes in a butts in line, very easy to think he might be one of the FBI agents, whom many people, over the several times that I have run in hiding to Great Falls, have told me . . . it looked like he was buying time, or trying to take up the time of one of the postal clerks, while the other one was busy with a large mail order. This guys mail, whatever it was, came up to over one hundred dollars?
By the time I got up to the clerk, there was this very, FBI looking agent, but with a name tag, hooked to it, hanging over his neck, looking very nervous, like he was going to intercept my packages, and my thought, run interference, changing the return address, to one of the doubles, or something like that, but very, very, very anxious, and when the clerk, looked at what I had written as my true return address, just plain and simple, Montana, since the whole state has been my home for the last three years off and on, that is about as honest as any address could be . . . but it was her comment, added to this man's guard and nervous demeanor, that caused me some angst and alarm. The clerk said, Well, that make the return address easy! And I remember, a year ago Christmas, when I was at Office Depot, in Kalispell or Evergreen, on the border, trying to electronically put addresses and names on my Christmas packages to be sent out, that some cyber fuck, messed with the return address of mine, leaving me to wonder, who's address they were replacing mine with? Gotta cover the cover girls, CIA assets!
As, I left, and the clerk made that telling symbolic remark, I, responded by saying, as she gave me the receipt for the use of my debit card, that yes, I wanted the receipt, because, I liked to leave a trace, just in case the FBI murdered me, someone would know the last place I was, to start, looking for the murderer, and I glanced at the agent, who rubbed his nose, the sign and symbol to the surveillance guy, that she nose! The clerk, unaware of the agent, standing over her shoulder, waiting the grab the packages, said . . . well, let's hope not . . . yeah, me too! And I blasted out the door!
As, I left, and the clerk made that telling symbolic remark, I, responded by saying, as she gave me the receipt for the use of my debit card, that yes, I wanted the receipt, because, I liked to leave a trace, just in case the FBI murdered me, someone would know the last place I was, to start, looking for the murderer, and I glanced at the agent, who rubbed his nose, the sign and symbol to the surveillance guy, that she nose! The clerk, unaware of the agent, standing over her shoulder, waiting the grab the packages, said . . . well, let's hope not . . . yeah, me too! And I blasted out the door!
With the hot pursuit, of five individuals, looking for me, all over the Kalispell Regional Medical Center, leaving me no other choice than to hop the free shuttle to Shelby, coupled with a ton of cops, cruising by in unprecedented numbers, a car, being able to find me as I left in the dark, to go to breakfast at the Town Pump, Country Skillet, without being accosted by cops of some flavor, and then the ticket mess, then the Post Office guard, most likely taking the packages, and changing the labels if not the whole package to cover my actual, existence . . . Juice Alive, the Juice Is Loose . . . or rather, I am on the loose without the 24/7 contact orders in place, one slip up, could blow the whole billion dollar theft! Yeah, Elliot, bass guitarist for God's Revolver, is, in fact, my son, and I was sending him a late birthday present, and my two daughters, Mother's Day presents, as well as my daughter-in-law, since I had no money at the time of the true day of honoring mothers! My kids know me . . . they know I love them, without presents, but it is always nice to remember them, which I did when I could! I am far from an estranged mother, like my father, once told someone, after I had talked to all 4 of my children, just that day, what the hell lies were these fuckers telling people?
Actress, Renae Zelwigger's Changed Look . . . Plastic Surgery or Twin?
Coming over to Denver on the bus, the cop chick, was busy talking to, some guys, who very much, appeared to be undercover, and some of her crew. Some guy, who appeared undercover, sitting by another guy, whom I pointed out to her, as looking very intensely at me, both coming and going from bus stops and bathroom breaks, enough to get my attention, and telling her, before she fully disclosed who she was and her passed employment, later, one guy got off the bus, somewhere near Denver, while another guy got on, both wearing camoflauge, as they all were but the chicks . . . was that a clue of the team? But, the guy who got on the bus, at the same spot this one guy, who was checking me out, got off, came clear to the back, and sat next to a guy on the back seat, right next to me and the cop chick, with another chick who appeared to be friendly too. I thought this extremely strange, since there was plenty of seats up more to the front, and we were all at the back, and I just thought it was the guy who got off, seeing they were dressed the same. I asked the guy, why he moved seats, and he said, I just got on the bus! Oh, I thought you were the other guy, since you are all wearing the same jackets! Was this the murder squad the! take down team?
After that, I changed places with the chick, because I just unloaded on her, after she asked me some lame ass question, and after I discovered she was a cop herself, married to FBI or was she FBI herself? and I didn't want to talk to her anymore, before I bit her head off more than I already did. She had a People Magazine, sitting on her seat, so I picked it up to read it. And, I noticed this picture of Renae Zelwigger, probably slaughtering the spelling of her name, but they had a before picture and an after picture, with the comments on her looking like a totally different woman. And the question was, did she have plastic surgery? The thought came to my mind, how close she looked to the before picture, but how totally different too! I thought, is that how close, Rachel and I look, after I haven't seen her for two years, did she change her hair color to closer to mine, we are sisters, so we look similar, and when I write that she has had plastic surgery on her boobs, is the scanned, DIA, copy changed to her face or my face, changing with people thinking that I just had plastic surgery to explain the differences in our looks, similar, but different, but at least an explanation! Neither, Rachel, Shelley, Sue, and probably Kay, have any qualms about going under the knife, but I sure as hell do! I did have guys sneaking around the mall, taking pictures of a new hair style before . . . and once I stopped in on Sue, and the next time I saw her, she was blonde and had the same cut, so I chopped my hair off, to make sure we didn't look the same, and she seemed pissed, and asked me if I didn't need to do my hair that morning, as she failed to have a shower, make-up, but did have my hair!
Baltimore Officers Morale "In the Sewer"
What a bunch of fucking, piss ass babies . . . not that their fellow officers did anything wrong, to justify the charges! Now, the cops are going to, like a cop spokes person said the other day, just go and do their job . . . isn't that what they were suppose to do? They are pouting and feel that the mayor and the state's attorney, have thrown them under the bus, as has the U.S. attorney general, by stepping and an investigating their racial profiling, which is, by the way, unconstitutional. Now we are going to play the babies, and say we are going to do nothing more than our jobs, and we are too scared to take any aggressive approach to our jobs, in fear of being charged with a crime, like the six, who callously, refused medical treatment to a man, locked in handcuffs and leg chains, on his stomach being slammed around the back of a van without restraint, suffering injury from the officers' actions! Come the fuck on, you dip shits . . . they violated police policy, all standards of care and decency, and had a total disregard for human life! And you are going to defend this, and cry in your soup?
I have a solution, quit your fucking job, it is obvious, you are not cut out for it, and don't want to do it, if you are lauded as heroes everyday! There are plenty of people who will take the job, do it without incentives, kickbacks, and total loyalty by mayors, attorneys, and the people, not matter what bull shit they pull, even up to shooting people without cause, and letting them die, in the back of police vans, in their custody . . . who in the hell's fault do you think, Freddie Gray's death was? It is not as if, he was a man in ill health, about to die from natural causes anyway, and this arrest just exacerbated the situation! Good God! Get a grip, you have far too long, literally gotten away with murder, corruption, taking drugs and framing people for crimes that didn't commit and protecting, people like my sisters and their co-horts, and these and other cops, who fail miserably at doing their jobs!
I Guess I Deserve to Die for Saying this with Malice of Forethought . . . Truth is a Defense, Get Over It! I Call the Shots Like I See Them!
P.S., hits/results, back up to 31,100,000 for about 26 seconds . . . so over a billion hits for one blog, on just one search engine, with three different blog names, on one search engine or Google . . . discovered a new version, bad as con law chick! Really, I am the one writing the shit that you guys are stealing, that happens to be the largest blog in the world! So, fuck you cheating assholes who can't write shit!
For, cop, Guy Goodman, who might be helping me, with catching the Mormon Mitt Mafia and their Men in Black, the cop chick, was allegedly going to Albuquerque for surgery or at least cancer treatment, allegedly for a lump in her chest. She was a cop over property, in Oregon, where I believe her FBI ex-husband she had 5 children with, he has custody, and one of the kids, is another cop's kid. She was raised MORMON, and he still is a staunch Mormon, their oldest son is going to the police academy! All in the Mormon family, shows the association for RICO action! She also, allegedly came from Great Falls; however, I never saw her on the Salt Lake Shuttle, all guys, except me and the chick in front seat with driver! I didn't see her until Butte, she allegedly had been in Great Falls, visiting a daughter and grand-daughter. She, maybe, Michelle, told me her name, but I can't remember, but, all the 4 people in the back seat, all seemed to be acquaintances, and I caught her giving them looks, that didn't seem for strangers!
It seemed to me, that the two women and the two men, sitting back by me, with the one guys, seeming to save a place for the last guy, who got on, but they all left the bus together, and none of them ever showed up here again. Allegedly they had a two hour layover to New Mexico, at least the one chick . . . the others seemed to be either local, one guy, lived about an hour and a half out of Denver, a Marine, a Job Corp graduate, with a girlfriend. The other chick was married, and may have been local. Don't know about the other guy, who got on late. I just noticed, another guy, who was on the bus, about 30 years old, wearing a nice black shirt that looked almost like a chef's shirt, dark hair, lightly a bit over medium build, a bit under buff, but getting there, nice looking . . . I just found him, leaning up against the wall behind me, here at the Denver bus station, and once I turned and noticed him, he took off and disappeared.
There was a black security guard, that looks a bit, too handsome and nice for your average security guard, more FBI or CIA material, and he got on the bus, right as I was getting off. I was somewhat surprised to see that he had handcuffs, and I didn't notice a gun, but, why on a Friday night, is this guy suddenly gone, and a chick, black, a bit sloppy, is now the security guard here, without handcuffs and what you would expect for someone walking around, just checking for tickets. I think, he was undercover, struck me as that last time I was here about a month ago. Nice looking black man, late 20's, early 40's . . . nice Obama hair cut, but without the grey. LOL!
It seemed to me, that the two women and the two men, sitting back by me, with the one guys, seeming to save a place for the last guy, who got on, but they all left the bus together, and none of them ever showed up here again. Allegedly they had a two hour layover to New Mexico, at least the one chick . . . the others seemed to be either local, one guy, lived about an hour and a half out of Denver, a Marine, a Job Corp graduate, with a girlfriend. The other chick was married, and may have been local. Don't know about the other guy, who got on late. I just noticed, another guy, who was on the bus, about 30 years old, wearing a nice black shirt that looked almost like a chef's shirt, dark hair, lightly a bit over medium build, a bit under buff, but getting there, nice looking . . . I just found him, leaning up against the wall behind me, here at the Denver bus station, and once I turned and noticed him, he took off and disappeared.
There was a black security guard, that looks a bit, too handsome and nice for your average security guard, more FBI or CIA material, and he got on the bus, right as I was getting off. I was somewhat surprised to see that he had handcuffs, and I didn't notice a gun, but, why on a Friday night, is this guy suddenly gone, and a chick, black, a bit sloppy, is now the security guard here, without handcuffs and what you would expect for someone walking around, just checking for tickets. I think, he was undercover, struck me as that last time I was here about a month ago. Nice looking black man, late 20's, early 40's . . . nice Obama hair cut, but without the grey. LOL!
NSA Cyber Troll Games . . . Steal as You Go, Morph!
- original blog on Google: bad ass con law chick blog
- next, bad ass con law chick blog, so you thought all hits and accounts same, but stolen
- then, after I discovered, that there were actually, while the same, different accounts or blogs, they fixed it, to some extent, but were taking all hits, and put the author on dashboard, bad con law chick blog, but appeared on what you saw, as bad ass con law chick blog
- now the new one, bad as con law chick blog, getting 31,000,000 hits, to the original or my, while still my blog, bad ass con law chick blog, but capping the original blog hits at 220,000! so the writer, the creator, the one getting the most blogger hits of all times, gets cut to this percentage!
- same pattern on bing, Yahoo--I think, and now, aol! I am not familiar with more search engines, but I am sure there are more!
- go figure, they are making millions a day off my writings!
Assassin Type Actions . . . Yeah, That Was Cop, Not Security Who Came on the Bus, The Second I Came Off the Bus!
There is a man, who was sitting under the surveillance cameras, who has been watching me for the last few hours, seemed none dissuaded . . . standing by me right now, but he kept walking over to me, standing by me, lurking here and there, I even walked right up to him, stared him in the face, he did seem to be unnerved by my approach. But as soon as I walked up, stood against the wall, to charge my computer, and to see if he would change, standing by me, walking over and leaning by the trash, and whatever, he did . . . he sat down, not by me, near the surveillance cameras, sitting right under it at 10:30 p.m., you could get the surveillance tapes and see, maybe a hit man, definitely acting strange, and walking toward me right now, up again, trying to intimidate me, not working, about to get security, and rat him out, for stalking me. Maybe he is someone the FBI is looking for. As I stared him down while I was writing, he got a bit nervous and walked away! He is wearing a green hat, sun glasses, a black coat, with a kind of cowboy cut, beading, or ribbing, thin, tennis shoes, with green souls, black on top and some white, black pants. He is about 5'6", small build, probably weighs about 150. He is acting like a hit man, and keep approaching me, when he has access, now he is turning his back . . . think he knows I am writing about him, describing him, so he has his back to me.
And, I think the cop earlier, was to be a double for the security guard, who just showed up, about the same size, tall, about 6'4" or taller, the cop was shorter, but this guy has the normal uniform, the cop was just wearing something dark, that looked almost like a security guard uniform, but was not. This security guard, showed up a few hours after the other guy left, and has no handcuffs. I think the cop, maybe, was going to do a bogus arrest or was trying to intimidate, something. He was here last time I was here! The other security guard was not. I do think there has been at least 4 or 5 hit man type guys, but this smaller guy, is totally fearless, until he could tell that I was looking at him and checking out his clothing and writing about him! Catch you a hit man! Several here! He is not looking at me, and is trying to keep up his intimidation, but every time I look at him and write about him, he goes and sits down! I am over at the tables in front of the Restaurant and Gift area. He appears to have put his tail between his legs, and, after hours, went and sat down. The FBI show I am watching, appropriately has an agent named ransom . . . maybe there is a ransom out for his arrest or for mine! LOL! Someone told me there was a $10,000 bounty out on me!
Good Luck . . . Hit Man Problem, At Least This Guy Seems Deterred by Me Looking at Him, And Writing!
Backed Down a Hit Man!
Once I stopped typing, this fuck faced asshole came back! Something is up . . . get the surveillance tapes, it is 10:57 p.m., and the bus is leaving at just after 12:05 midnight! The guy has a grey goatee, and I would say the guy is about 50 years old . . . hard to say, he has glasses on, the green hat, has a white or lighter lip on it, the collar of his black coat is beige or tan . . . I started to write again, he went and sat down again, when I was looking at him and writing. Get this fucker! Good God, the FBI is suppose to be warning me, if there are hits or life threatening attempt, and I am doing your fucking job for YOU! Shit . . . do I have to die, you fuckers, before you believe that my life is threatened every fucking minute of every day! Amazing that I am still alive! And that is due to my efforts, and you are probably mesmerized by Rachel's fucking tits! I am here in Denver, get the god-damn, surveillance tapes, for once use is for good, not to fuck me over!
After he came out, he didn't even talk to me . . . and rightly so, I was not in the mood, after dealing with the hit man for the last few hours! I am listening to an FBI Files, and they are again, talking about dirty cops! This guy looks like the Mitt Mafia, and just as dumb as the clowns running the show. He went back to his seat, over by gate 4, on surveillance, but after a few minutes, came back like I would be more willing to talk to him . . . as he approached, I didn't say a thing and he shrugged, and acted shocked that I was not the Mormon Muffin, he was used to dealing with, the nice JoAnn, or Joanne! LOL! I am so fucking sick of this, that I can't stand it, they think they are so cleaver, and I can see right through their shit! Some guy just walked passed, and mentioned the name, Brett, his clown shit boys, pretty boys, or are suppose to be, but do absolutely NOTHING FOR ME! Effeminate men work for Mormon chicks, I fucking hate them! They are full of babble and dribble, and I can't stand them! I know he was not on the bus today, so where in the fuck he came from, Denver . . . I don't know. All buses lead to Butte, even from Missoula, and when I asked him which bus he came in on, because I never saw him at the terminal, that is when he said he was at the hospital . . . no he was not, local agent, I would guess. Payroll goon, or thought I would be attracted to a frat rat looking, old 50 year old! Yuck!
Rachel's Twinning Agent, Starting the Double's Bull Shit!
The hit man is acting like a little intimidating school boy, scared of his own shadow, as I stood, by the women's bathroom, waiting for the custodian to clean the restrooms, and as I was standing there, some, Mormon, clown ass FBI agent, came up to me, typical, older agent, about 50 to 55, blonde, full head of hair, tan sweater, Levi's, tennis shoes, average build, about 6' tall, walks up to me, acting like I would recognize him . . . I am getting less and less patient, and more and more pissed off and don't care if I am nice or not, but he comes up and said, Are you still here? What? You've been here a long time. No, I have only been here since, 5:30 p.m. He said, Didn't I see you in Missoula? NO, I came from Great Falls! I think the Fire Department and EMTs came earlier, with a fake call . . . he said, that he didn't know how long, because he was the one who had a something attack, and he had to go to the hospital . . . I didn't say this, but, the rescue undercover shit boys, didn't have anyone on the gurney, and they were walking with an older black woman, out the door, acting like she had something wrong, which she didn't appear to, so this was a bull shit story. He, lifted up his hands, and shrugged, as if I didn't fall for his bull shit, double, lie, set up and walked into the men's bathroom.After he came out, he didn't even talk to me . . . and rightly so, I was not in the mood, after dealing with the hit man for the last few hours! I am listening to an FBI Files, and they are again, talking about dirty cops! This guy looks like the Mitt Mafia, and just as dumb as the clowns running the show. He went back to his seat, over by gate 4, on surveillance, but after a few minutes, came back like I would be more willing to talk to him . . . as he approached, I didn't say a thing and he shrugged, and acted shocked that I was not the Mormon Muffin, he was used to dealing with, the nice JoAnn, or Joanne! LOL! I am so fucking sick of this, that I can't stand it, they think they are so cleaver, and I can see right through their shit! Some guy just walked passed, and mentioned the name, Brett, his clown shit boys, pretty boys, or are suppose to be, but do absolutely NOTHING FOR ME! Effeminate men work for Mormon chicks, I fucking hate them! They are full of babble and dribble, and I can't stand them! I know he was not on the bus today, so where in the fuck he came from, Denver . . . I don't know. All buses lead to Butte, even from Missoula, and when I asked him which bus he came in on, because I never saw him at the terminal, that is when he said he was at the hospital . . . no he was not, local agent, I would guess. Payroll goon, or thought I would be attracted to a frat rat looking, old 50 year old! Yuck!
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