Analogous Comparisons To Greek and Roman, Mythical One-Eyed Monster and the Modern National Security Agency, PRISIM Program of Meta-Data Gathering!
Cyclopes were mythical characters, giants in form, with a single eye in the center of their forehead, with a foul disposition, synonymous with brute strength and power, and their name was invoked in connection with massive masonry. This breed of gigantic monsters, with one eye, were guarded by a female, named Campe, and they were known to have fashioned the thunderbolt for Zeus to be used as a weapon. Now, what in the hell do cyclopes have to do with the National Security Agency? Well the second, I heard that a U.S. federal court had ruled or held that the Patriot Act, does not allow for the large meta-data, gathering that the NSA has been doing, forcing, literally, with many providers, trying to protect account holders, and even some providers opting out of the business, rather than to allow the NSA access to their clients or account holders information, my mind for some bizarre reason, connected that with the mythical monster, the cyclopes of ancient Roman and Greece, the Iliad and the Odyssey, of Homer, in size an magnitude of what the court just did, literally slaying the monster, in my mind, and putting out its big ass singe eye in the middle of its forehead!
I don't know when you watched the movie, Enemy of the State, with Will Smith, produced back in 1998, nonetheless, but I recently viewed it and was shocked that it was about the NSA and legislation connected to it. Now, I knew of the thousands of people a day, added to the NSA to watch list, and about the spying on America, even on generals serving their country, to the point of listening in on their pillow talk with their wives, or mistresses, but for some reason, I guess I just didn't put all this together, two and two, and what the hell was and is going on. I knew that I had long been a target of the NSA, and with no doubt a member of their to watch list; however, I don't think, even with Edward Snowden, that I fully comprehended the extent and the nature of the NSA activities, separate and aside from the constitutional violations that were glaringly apparent to me, if not to the federal court!
Back Door Man
I always have this suspicion, with the passage of blatantly unconstitutional legislation, like Montana's water compact, or standing in U.S. federal district court, arguing the 4th amendment, and having a federal judge, say to me, Ms. Secrist, you are not winning any arguments with me, using that line of reasoning or argument . . . my response, then, your honor, you have just thrown the U.S. Constitution out of your courtroom! As my clients, watched with fear and trepidation, as the judge didn't seem amused . . . nor was I at his lack of acknowledgement, to an argument, that two months earlier, while being sworn into the U.S. Supreme Court Bar, the Supremes actually, in my mind, having filed my brief, with the same arguments the Court used in U.S.A. v. Jones, taking them from the brief I filed almost a year earlier in the Brock securities case!, that there isn't some covert effort, by government, law enforcement, Congress, the courts, and whomever, to get rid of this pesky document we call the Supreme Law of the Land or the Constitution!
While knowing damn well, they are not going to get away with a full on frontal attack of the U.S. Constitution, they are just refusing to acknowledge it, vote against or for legislation that requires that they do one or the other to preserve, defend and protect the document, that has withstood, 240 years of legal scrutiny! I am frankly shocked, and the aberrant behavior of people sworn to uphold, protect, defend, preserve, obey, and whatever, who are so callous and thoughtless as to just blow the grand old document our their unreal asses! It is almost like an in your face type attitude, that regardless of what they took an oath to do, they are not going to do it, or are pledging allegiance to a foreign flag, or set of standards and mores, that are not part and parcel of the Constitution, but something other than what we are expecting.
Terrorism Was the Goal of the Patriot Act, Responding to 9/11 . . . Somehow that Morphed, Like Kafka's Metamorphosis, Into Some Giant Cockroach, Being Turned and Used Against American Citizens
What should have been a creature created with two eyes, one distinguishing and addressing terrorists, and the other, being filtered through Constitutional glasses, lenses or contacts, and making that difference, not only felt but seen, one eye in dealing with terrorists, who don't have Constitutional rights, protections, and privacy, and the other, clearly recognizing, that if there is cause for concern, that citizens, have all the rights, protections and freedoms, afforded and provided under the U.S. Constitution; however, those two eyes have morphed into one monstrosity of an eye, focusing the same on both terrorist and citizens! The cyclopes were connected with massive masonry . . . brings me to the thought of the masonic order . . . once when talking to a friend and clients, father, who was very connected with Homeland Security, FEMA, Search and Rescue, told me, when I inquired, how these guys could have taken the same oath of office I did, and we could be enemies, and he said, they took what they felt was a higher oath, and that was to the masonic order! Get the fuck out of our country, that is not our system, nor where your allegiances should be!
Zeus could be looked at as symbolic of the President, and the cyclopes are fashioning thunderbolts to be used as weapons for Zeus . . . again, is there a comparison? My blog for instance, has been dinged, from 155,000,000 hit/results per 54 seconds, back last February, with intervals of 95,000,000, 65,000,000 and so on, to the point, that Google, was putting a limit or cap on my blog, at roughly 1,500,000 per 54 seconds, then that bumped into bing, which started up where around 25,000,000 per roughly a minute, and that was then cut in half, then topped off at about 220,000 per the same time frame, so I started to go onto Yahoo, and hit, 30,000,000 per about 35 seconds, and mentioned that my numbers, for my first amendment rights are back up and happy about that, next thing I know, they are capped off at, again on all search engines, about 230,000 hits or results . . . hell, my hits or results, my pay for writing, they already take the money, I just dig knowing the readership . . . were at 13,000,000 per 60 seconds, the 3rd week I was writing back in 2013!
The one-eyed cyclopes of the NSA, used lightening bolts, to slam my blog! The government was created by men, not the other way around, the PEOPLE were not created for the government. The primary role of the government is to protect the rights of the people! It is my first amendment right to freedom of speech to redress grievances with the government! I am free to say what I want. Regardless of how high my numbers go, worldwide, it is not in the power of the government to thunderbolt my blog! I think they decided they would provide me with my first amendment rights to free speech, by giving my blog lip service . . . oh, we are not totally taking you off the Internet, which they have done on several occasions, we are going to let you write, but we are going to not only steal your work, your money, at a penny per hit, pretty handsome sums, regardless of me swearing off the money, in exchange for your trust!, they are going to deny me the satisfaction of seeing the numbers of readers that my blog is bringing in! That is taking away my 14th amendment, liberty right, and my ninth amendment, right to privacy to know what my numbers are! WE THE PEOPLE are entitled to all our constitutional rights, not just the ones you think we are entitled to or the ones you feel like giving us!
U.S. Attorney General, Lynch . . . Patriot Act 215 is Vital to Fighting Terrorism and Keeping the Homeland Safe . . . We Can Make It Work Within the Confines of the U.S. Constitution!
This morning on the news, AG, Loretta Lynch, yeah, took the stand in I believe, Senate hearings on spending for the Patriot Act, which is fine to be used against terrorist, who don't have constitutionally protected rights, but the portion of the law, 215, the notoriously controversial section of the Patriot Act, has been misused and abused, being found, down right illegal by the federal court yesterday! Congress needs to take a look at the Act, and at that section . . . we do not need to throw the baby out with the bath water, but we do need to fix the law, making sure that the Constitution is followed, and that the NSA and other spy agencies, do not treat citizens, like terrorists! At one time, President Obama, extended to world citizens the protections of the United States . . . I would say that is a little if not a lot, out of his jurisdiction, duties and responsibilities as President, as outlined in Article II, of the United States Constitution! We are sovereign nation, and we intend to stay that way . . . hang the one world order . . . we don't want it!
I think the Bush plan was to lower the United States to a third world status, breaking it economically, trashing the Constitution, that has worked, treating it as merely a damned piece of paper, and do what is the government's forte', to break it, then remake it, in the image they wanted, a one world order! The two things that stand in the way of the one world order, are the Constitution and Christianity . . . and there has been a war on both! I am glad that the Congress has to re look at the Patriot Act, which has a due date of June 30, 2015, and make the necessary changes in the program, or get rid of the whole fuckin' thing! I heard a few cops, from very high up on the cop food chain, speaking after the Baltimore, Freddie Grey thing, with 6 cops getting indicted on up to murder charges, and they said, what happened with the Patriot Act is that it gave the cops a way to cut corners! Warrantless searches, writing their own warrants, letting cops go in people's houses while they are not home, not reading Miranda, letting cops lie on the witness stand, letting actors and actresses take the place of witnesses in FBI cases!
Look where the short cuts got us . . . cops feeling they have and had the right to gun down citizens, merely for looking at them! We had unarmed black men getting gunned down for cigars, tail lights, selling already taxed cigarettes on the streets, etc., blah, blah, blah! Just like in the world of professions, THERE IS NOT SHORT CUT TO SUCCESS! Congress, you need to get with your legislative counsel, your Attorney General, and make this work, to protect the homeland, yet protect the rights of the citizens, we are not the enemy! Go after ISIS . . . if you have some hopped up cop, send him on special missions to take down ISIS! Good God, we don't want that here, we are not terrorist, a constitutional law attorney, does not belong on the NSA to watch list!
To Reiterate or Substantiate The Persistent Myth of the Mad Genius . . . Here are Some Quotes From Skeptic Magazine, Vol. 20 No 1.
- psychological studies have shown again and again that, however much we want to romanticize [genius], it is typified by qualities that are disappointingly opposite of psychotic: self-discipline, tenacity, organization, calmness, and strong self-image.
- Genius, unlike cream, does not inevitably rise to the top; success depends more on drive and determination.
- Only one characteristic was present in all creative people: motivation. They want to be creative, and are willing to put consistent effort into that goal.
- By definition, they want to do things differently. They often don't get along with their conformist colleagues. They are perfectionists, which annoy their "it's good enough" colleagues. They are social rebels, and as social psychologists have amply demonstrated, Americans may praise rebels but are uncomfortable with them.
- At the heart of genius lies motivation, hard work, and persistence.
- No wonder that many people welcome the myth of the mad genius. It gets them off the hook of the sheer hard work that artistry and genius require: patience, learning, coming back from failures along the way.
- We may not share that spark of genius, we might feel twinges of envy or resentment toward geniuses and the "unfair" advantage their talent confers on them, but look at their miserable lives. At least we are not crazy.
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