I Used to Train Cops In Evidence Gathering
Okay, so let me make sure this comes through to you, loud and clear . . . when I say, that I am JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., that is what I mean; I am not Shelley, disguising myself as JoAnn, Joanne, Johann, Joan, or any version of that name, there is only one spelling and I am the only person, who is sitting here writing this blog, while at the Kalispell Public Library, at roughly, 4:00 p.m., on Monday, May 11, 2014. This is not a double, double, sting op, and I am nobody but myself, and always have gone by JoAnn S. Secrist, my married name from my first husband, Richard Clifton Secrist, the father of my 4 children! This is not a game, that I am playing, other than in my email, I wanted to fool the NSA, by using, what I would call a Montana cowgirl name, that is one of my legal names through my last marriage to Allan Rex Bess, who was, if you can believe it, dead before I married him, murdered by Frank of Interpol, who came in as his double, hoping to kill me, as he and Shelley did Allan, and having Shelley, my older sister by 13 months, step in my shoes, and be me, laying claim to all that is mine, thus trying to decriminalize what she, Frank, and others, did not only to me, in early 2000, poisoning me, so they could steal my credentials but to take my son's music, from Old School Parallax, to God's Revolver, and on to Maraloka . . . and I am sure keeping an eye on Ditch in the Delta, Elliot's new band. And their bull shit, goes on from there . . .
When I say, that I am 5'7" to 5'7" and a half, I am not 5'9", 5'10", or 5'11" inches, like my sister, alleged doubles. If I say that I do not have a 44 DDD, fake chest, and you see me and I don't, why would you think that I am, someone other than who I am? If I say, I have blue eyes, and blonde hair, that doesn't mean that I am brunette or jet black hair, and hazel eyes! If I say, that I am 100 pounds over weight, even thought it may not look that way, I carry it pretty well, that doesn't mean that I am a mere 10 to 30 pounds over weight. If I say, I have 4 children, and my son, is bass guitarist, Elliot Taylor Secrist, that doesn't mean, that Isaac, or Jessie, or Ty are my children, and I am just joking. I do not lie, and I am not writing about any one's life, but my own, or my children, or politics, elections, world events, or current affairs. Are you following my line of reasoning. I would not, write as Shelley, bashing myself . . . I am, JoAnn, bashing Shelley, or other women who have either tried to pass themselves off as me, or their dumb ass male counterparts, who were all dumped by me, are trying to pass them off as me! I would not waste my time, to write about anyone else's lives, than the one that I am living, that would be too hard, and I am not interested in their lives, my sisters, are not much more than a dimple on the ass of the universe to me, and never have been! Do I make myself clear!
Evidence Gathering 101 . . . I Think Fresh Life Church Did It Yesterday!
Now, I have been attending, Fresh Life Church, here in Kalispell, for about 2 years, off and on, since I am often, driven out of town, denied an apartment, or piss someone off politically, who has power to fuck with my life, and I can, only write about them . . . being shot at, disappearing into some jail or prison system, or kidnapped and tortured is nor something I want to experience, more than I already have. I have gone to other campuses of Fresh Life Church, in Missoula and Bozeman, helped blast that one off, writing about it on my blog, a year ago, December, with an anticipatory opening in March, which did happen. But, at times I have wondered, as I have seen men, with secret service type surveillance apparatuses on their ears, wondering if they are doing surveillance on me, setting me up, or just what the hell they are up to. I asked a guy, once, what that was for, and he promptly told me it was because, Pastor Levi had had death threats. But, minutes later, the guys all had their ear devices taken off, and Levi was not in town that day! So, what the hell was up?
So, yesterday, I walk into the Liberty, Fresh Life Campus, and the first thing, this same guy who I enquired as to why these men were wearing ear devices, like secret service, I think I called them, see through, whirly twirlies, got on the phone, or some type of walkie-talkie, as I walked in to church between sessions, the 9:00 a.m., session had just ended around 10:30 a.m., and the 11:00 a.m., had not started yet, I was a half hour early, needed a drink and to use the restroom, after walking all the way from the Kalispell Athletic Club, through Flathead Valley Community College Campus, which will come into this story, too, and down town, about 3 miles or a bit more, a walk for sure, but just as I walked in, generally someone at the door tries to keep you out, until the band practices and they are ready to seat the next session, so that seemed a bit strange and out of the ordinary, but this guy, said, She is here, so this should be perfect, or something to that effect . . . WHAT? I was the only one walking in, at that time and there were not many other people in the foyer of the church, so, it appeared to me, that he was talking about me!
Will All the Mothers Raise Their Hands For How Many Children They Have, How Old They Are, and Who is the Newest Mother . . . NICE!
So, before the services, the pastor of the Whitefish Branch, and his wife, very cute couple, but she was taller than he was . . . sorry, that bugs me, but, I am not native, and I see this all the time, just a quirk of mine!, get up and are going to give out Mother's Day prizes to the mothers who fall into one category or another. All the mothers, raise your hands . . . so I did. Now, as I call out the numbers, drop your hands, if you have fewer than this number . . . he starts with one child, many hands go down. Then two, and so forth . . . and this guy, who made the statement as I come into the building, is standing right near me, and kind of knows me due to my asking the question about the surveillance hearing devices, and had earlier, seemed to be looking for me, and when he saw me, patted me on the back and welcomed me back, since I have been missing in action for a while. But, they hit the 4 children mark, and then went to 5, so I dropped my hand . . . is he seeing what answers I am giving, to see if I am the one writing the blog, since, I write about or had written about Fresh Life Church, the Sunday before?
And so, the mother's day game went on, and I didn't get any, one mother had 8 children, counts me out . . . not pioneer stalk, like my own mother who did actually have 8 children! I thought, good for them, they are at least, trying to identify, who I am, and verify, me to my blog and what I have written. However, an older couple, looking a lot like Shelley and Frank, came in, sat by me, gave me a dirty look and moved over into the center section . . . what was that about? Doubles for the doubles? This is how the sister brigade, gets to stay at home, and they hire people who look like them, so show up where I have written about, making people think that, it is Shelley, rather than me, and she is the one who wrote the blog, and I am the impostor, nice tactic, don't you think, so I thought, good, get this right for once! I found it interesting, that on the back of the Frank, look a like's biker jacket, it said, Old School Montana, wondered if that was a connection to me writing about the county fair, pig wrestling, and muttin' bustin'? Making it appear that this couple, her, in particular, was the down home gal, who liked the county fair . . . Shelley attended them, but to generally peddle her wares . . . like Isagenix Diet Supplement. Now if I were an FBI agent, and I just read that, little piece of insider information on Shelley, to verify that Shelley was Shelley, and JoAnn, JoAnn, I would check out who signed up to sell Isagenix . . . Shelley. Why in the hell would I, if I was Shelley want to give out that information that might give me away, or connect me to my house, on 5th north in Logan, Utah? I would not, unless I wanted to be discovered! And she has gone to great lengths not to be discovered!
The Strange Phenomena Of the Photographer at Church and In My Face!
So, I notice this guy, with a big ass camera, walking around near me . . . if I get a choice and there early enough to church, I always sit on the left hand side of the very back row, in the last seat, which is the fourth seat over . . . again, I am giving hints to FBI, or someone, local cops, who might have been bamboozled by Shelley and Frank over the years, since I first came up to the Flathead, and my shadow and government double or mafia double followed me, taking credit for all I do, anywhere! I wonder what the hell, a photographer is doing at church, the thoughts go through my head, Daily Inter Lake Newspaper, might be doing a feature article on the church, Levi has been preaching all over the place, and the church started in Kalispell, so that made sense. I noticed him in and out. Then, in my peripheral vision, I notice this bright, single light, on my face . . . I was the only one on the row, since the double doubles left! I turned to see if he was photographing me, and HE WAS! My first thoughts went to vanity . . . shit, I don't have make up on today! But sure enough, he was taking my picture!
This church is a tech savvy, and video, blog, picture, media savvy church . . . I entertained the idea, that they were taking pictures of people for some new series that Levi was doing, maybe? But there was no doubt that this photographer was in my face. My next thought, went to the possibility, that with the double double there, that, they may be taking a picture of me, to mark me for a hit, knowing Shelley and Frank, and no joke, since, so many people have lost their lives, connected to me, especially any guy, I happen to like, such as Kennedy, James, getting shot in the ankle in a drive by shooting in Butte! So, what in the hell is up . . . Levi, better not be in on this, or no more promoting his church! I was, however, concerned, when I was in Missoula, attending that Fresh LIfe Campus, and they had these square, pictures of highlights in the church and Levi's history, and he got the inspiration to change the name of the church, from Skull Church to Fresh Life Church, while visiting the Salt Lake Airport, or Mormon Church Headquarters in Salt Lake City? A very strange connection to me, but given the fashion, Batista, that he and his wife are, they are exactly the image conscious type people that Mormons like to hold out as their own, and I often wondered if Levi had been approached by the FBI, CIA, NSA, Mormon Contingency, in D.C., to do what he does, very well? Whatever . . . but that took me back to an earlier event, that happened on the way to church!
What Does a Hit Look Like?
I am walking from the athletic club to church downtown . . . last week I walked along highway 93, but it seemed to take forever, and so I decided to try to cut through Walmart, cross the rocks between Wally's World and the college, and then go past the Arts and Technology Building that is right in the main line of the campus . . . and just as I entered that part of the college, a mini van, kind of a dull red, or metallic, came into the parking lot nearest to me, which struck me as strange, seeing that there was nothing going on at the college, or at least that I could see. I was early, about 8:00 by that time, and wondered what they were up to and always, always on guard for strange and out of the ordinary appearing events, as this seemed to be. Sunday morning, early, not time for most churches, and Mother's Day . . . I noted it in my mind and walked on. Past the Arts and Technology Building, which I have attended many a lecture in, there were a number of cars, and a chef looking chick came out and I remembered that there was a FVCC culinary school sponsored Mother's Day event, and didn't pay much attention.
I crossed, over walking past the Community Garden for the Glacier Church, noticed a red gas tank, and thought of the symbolic significance, and hoped that my blog, last week on gardens, caused a fire among the people and readers and hoped that many people would experience the joys of gardening, like I had! I walked passed the church, checked the time of the services, thinking I may want to check out a church that is closer to home, and checked my cell phone for the time, it was 8:33 a.m., and I still had plenty of time to get downtown, so as I walked to the guard rail, that goes over the gulch, I sat for a while, saw a beautiful herring fly by, sucked in the beauty of the morning, the pines, since the other side of the road is forest, and just enjoyed the morning, loving life, enjoying the walk, but dreading walking back, had to find a ride!
All of the sudden, a reddish-orange Ford Taurus, pulled in the parking lot near the garden area, and two, kind of red neck looking guys in flannels, got out of the car, and I thought, they must be there to work on the garden, before church in about an hour and a half. But the two didn't turn toward the garden like expected, and they got into the trunk of the car, and pulled out a rifle! I don't know about you, but that didn't seem to fit the morning, I had been having to that point. And to my shock, they were walking as fast as they could toward me . . . what the fuck? I immediately got up from my nice rest, and booked it up the street, thinking that would dissuade them from following . . . quite the contrary, they picked up their speed and I rushed to get to the houses and apartments up the street, never taking time to turn back again! I just hit the dirt! So, based on the facts that I told you, what do you think? There is not hunting in the city limits, I am not sure if duck hunting is over, so what in the hell were these guys doing? They could not have parked much closer to me, than the garden . . . thank God, shortly after that, several cars did venture down that road, and I think that changed their minds. Before that, there were not any cars, not for about 15 to 20 minutes, from the time I was walking across campus to up the street, and sitting there for quite some time . . . so?
What Does A Cop Sting Op Look Like?
The one thing I love about the Kalispell Athletic Club, like most Montanans, is the lack of people, especially on a Saturday night. Generally, as I thought, the other night, I am alone in the woman's only work out gym or room. I love it, I turn on the TV program or news, or listen to whatever music I want to on the radio while I work out. So the gym closes at 9:00 p.m., and I was there about 8:00 p.m. and there was about a hour left, before closing. Just before I went to the women's room, some dark haired chick, in her 20's, came into the locker room, and she was looking for a locker number, so I figured that she must be new, because I had to look for mine too, and I also heard someone upstairs telling her where everything was. Once down in the women's work out room, this same chick came in and then went out again . . . I notice these things, and marked it, just to watch, or put me on guard. The next thing I notice, is some chick, again, young, in excellent shape, come in, but she was carrying her bag of stuff with her, which I wondered why she didn't have a locker? And, like I said, it shocked me that someone besides myself, was loser enough to be working out, on a Saturday night, without a date or someone to be with . . . gals can go in the bigger gym, but the guys can't come in ours! Love that, don't have to hear them grunt as they lift weights! LOL!
There are just us two, again, an abnormality, then this other chick comes in, who had been with Carolita, as an aid, but not the same one, that she shows up at the Crossfire Church with, that both of us, have been going to for ah, two and a half fucking years . . . the identifier! This is in retrospect, but this chick, and I didn't recognize her that night, but earlier in the week, Carolita, who knows damn well who I am, came up to me, while with this chick and said, now, I know I know you, but, how do I know you? Dead give away, looking back, and I said, you have gone to church with me for years! Oh, JoAnn . . . I am so embarrassed! "They" always pay people I know, to rat me out! And this seemed to be one of those times. But that chick comes in but I didn't connect the two. Then, all of the sudden, that first chick, who checked me out, came back in and got on the treadmill. This is why I dig my Intell Man, God, so much . . . on the TV, all of the sudden, the word, GOOOOOOO! came on the boob tube! And I did! Now, none of these chicks had been in there more than a few minutes, 5 at most, and the second, I got up and went to the locker room, all three came in right after me! Very strange, not normal, and all looked very much like they could be cops! As each on came into the room, before I left, I very courteously asked them what they wanted, told them they could turn off the TV, turn on music and none of them wanted to change a thing . . . NOT NORMAL!
The Friday, McDonald's Sting Op
So, we had one on Sunday, Saturday, and now for Friday's sting op . . . what a fucking joke these idiots are, useful idiots . . . I have been set up, framed, stalked and they have tried to catch me, not just cops or Shelley and Frank's goons, here in Kalispell, but for the last 3 fucking years, almost every day! Okay, so, I talk one of the bus drivers into giving me another free promotional smoothie from McDonald's, since I have no money, as is generally the case, he does, and that legitimizes me writing my blog and sitting there for hours, having looked like I purchased something . . . although, sitting there with nothing is fine to and I do it all the time . . . gotta dig McD's, they just leave me alone, knowing full well, that as soon as I have money, I will spend it there! as well as other eating establishments, my favorite pastime! But, when I am typing my blog, I am oblivious to the surrounding world. I start mid-afternoon, and don't really notice who is in Playland, in with the kids, where I like to type. But, I finish up, writing about Mary Todd, of Marion, Mt., and her murdered son, Shane, killed in China or Asia, and the China connection with the Yale Skull and Bones Club, Bushes, Clinton's, Mormons, etc.
All of the sudden, back into consciousness, I see a cop car driving along Idaho . . . that is my, Intel Man's sign for, Cop in the room! There were about 3 cop cars in a few minutes. I get up to go to the bathroom, and sure enough, the guy, allegedly in with his grand kids, looked more like his kids, does look coppish. You kind of get used to the type of people who frequent McDonald's and other establishments, and this guy just didn't look like he fit in, and he checked me out too, like this is her! As I walked into the main dining area, there were several other coppish looking guys also! I hit the restroom, packed up my shit and booked it out of the joint! Was I right, was I wrong, I will never know, but I do know, that after I have left, on many occasions, the truth becomes apparent, and my Intel Man, God was right! I have validated his advice and warnings over and over again! In fact, just today, there is this beefy chick, who has been in once before, and I didn't think much of her, but she seems like a no funny business kind of chick, could be a cop, but I never thought that, until, she and I were the only ones in the women's gym, and I was just doing a fast one, not my normal, longer work out . . . I did the stationary bike while I watched some of the old Perry Mason, and I got up and had to get ready for the bus . . . again, this chick followed me into the locker room and said, I looked around and your were gone! And your point . . . she didn't appear to be half ready to leave yet, so, an undercover cop too?
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