In this dream, that was somewhat startling, I found myself, at Brigham Young University, where I attended law school, at that J. Reuben Clark Law School, between 1990 and 1990, and after law school taught, family law, undergraduate, but didn't make it the full semester, due to spurious complaint, that went no where, but, pissed me off so much, that I quit in the middle of the semester, later taught family law at the University of Utah, in Salt Lake City, Utah, and had a nice, 7 years stretch, until I was poisoned, and my life drastically changed, but, back to the dream, I was actually standing in the Marriot Center, the basketball arena, also where they have weekly convocations, or guest speakers, generally, Mormon Church speakers, that the students go listen to once a week, if it is still like it was back in the day. But to my surprise, there was not a speaker, in the dream, but there where big boxes of paperback copies of the Bible, or later, it seemed to me, from the special copy that I was given, that it was the New Testament. But, Mormons are taught that the Book of Mormon, is a second witness to Christ, and are encouraged to read the book, once a year, or on a continual basis, not the case with other scriptures, such as the New Testament. But, I was impressed that this whole gathering of students, filled the arena, were all being given the light blue books, in paperback, that somewhat resembled the old paperback copies of the Book of Mormon . . . Mormon Church standard issue, printed by Deseret Book! LOL!
Smiling Former Mormon Leader, Gordon B. Hinckley
I walked up to the person, handing out the books and asked for one . . . they handed me, a larger sized black leather cover to my book, with a zipper, much like the coverings of the standard works of scriptures, that Mormons all have, but this was quite small, so I assumed that it only had the New Testament, since the other students were getting copies of the Bible, or the New Testament. I started to look at the book, and opened it and noticed that the entire cover was removable, and when I took it off, there was a picture of the prophet, who was the President of the Mormon Church, while I was in law school, Gordon B. Hinckley, who I always liked, and thought was a rational, and smart man, especially when it came to women . . . he said there are many of you women who are at home, who should be working and mothers who are working and should be at home, but that is up to you and God to decide which category you fall into. I liked that back in the day, actually, he said that in the 80's, as the women's issues were heating up and women were torn between the traditional role of women, and the new, woman's movement. But, I thought it was interesting that it was that President, who was on the shining and sparkly cover of my book, and he was smiling, and I think he would, and would like what I have done, not only with my children, but my career, my life, in general, and what I am doing with my blog, even though, his alleged followers, like my father, sisters, etc., who claim to be Mormons, steal and lay claim to all I do . . . yesterday, my blog broke through the 230,000 ceiling that was put on it and inched up to a million hits, still about 24,000,000 to 154,000,000 that the blog has reached in the past . . . I guess the Mo's, NSA, CIA, FBI, and others, who want to say they wrote my blog yesterday on pig wrestling, I grow it, they mow it, and stole it, put it wherever in the dark web and deep Internet, or hid it! Whatever . . .
Learning the Atonement, Grace, and Jesus' Gift to Us . . . New To Me!
You see, overall, Mormons are taught and raised to be good Mormons, not necessarily good Christians . . . they might have to be honest, not covet, not steal or kill! They blow off the 10 Commandments and deal in the exceptions . . . like the Book of Mormon scripture that justifies murder . . . better one man, or woman, in my case, die, than a nation in unbelief! That flies in the face of the commandment not to kill; coveting my blog, cases, resume, legislation, children, etc., is prohibited by the 10 Commandments, and so is stealing . . . I am sure in their puny minds, they have some rational excuse, that they are saving the nation from unbelief, and this sister has had a divorce, she got an abortion, she has fornicated, and she has done whatever . . . I admit, I did the crimes and Jesus did the time! I don't think I fully understood the atonement, Jesus' grace, the gift, being one with Christ, until, I became a non-denominational Christian, starting that process, while practicing law in St. George, Utah, which pissed off a lot of Mormons, especially in southern Utah, where there is absolutely no separation of church and state, in or outside of court, with the largest two civil rights cases in the nation, attorneys calling me from all over the country, being listed as #2 in the nation for civil rights defense, with a focus on Utah, as has been the case with other things that I have done . . . I don't do anything half assed, and it usually goes big, that is just who I am . . . the Church, especially with Mitt Romney a nominee, wanted some other representative for Utah and Mormonism, that me, and that went for my son's band, God's Revolver, also . . . not some long haired, wild ass, Red Jesus!, with a sleeve tattoo!
Come Just As You Are . . . Is Unheard of in the Mormon Church!
In the dream, the next section of the dream, takes place, in kind of a warp zone, in my life, takes me back to a Christmas Party, the only memory I have of my great-grandfather, The Judge, is what they called him, but in the dream I am an adult, but my memory takes place when I was 6 years old, and at a Christmas Party, The Judge hobbles up to me, and points his cane in my face at my eyes, and said . . . you got those eyes from me, the bluest of blue . . . that is the background for the dream, and I am back, as an adult, but with great-grandfather sitting over on a couch, and I wanted to show him the cool sparkling, shining book that I was just given . . . but I can't find it to show him! For some time in the dream, I am sifting through closets, going from one book, one set of scriptures to another, but can't find the new copy that I was just given at the Marriot Center!
The thing that is interesting, is the apparent closeness of the spirit world, the Judge is long dead! We may be fascinated by who close our dead loved ones really are, but the interesting thing to me, is that it is due to great-grandfather, and a scholarship at BYU law school, that probably got me into law school, the way I did. Every year, some of the family gathers at BYU law school, about 8 or so of us, and most are professors, judges, lawyers, and relatives, but I was invited to come to these interviewing process, with about 12 law students, trying to get the A. Sherman Christensen Scholarship, a small scholarship, but a very prestigious one. I may be mixing up the names, that may be his son, who was a U.S. Federal District Court Judge, in the District of Utah, a bar that I later became a member of, but one year, all the judges, professors and other professionals that made of the very distinguished Christensen family, could not make it, and the only two to come, was me and my grandmother, Elaine Christensen!
Grandmother's first question was, Do you like Matlock . . . yes, that would be the TV show! I was mortified, and decided after that introduction, that the student didn't quite know how to respond, nor did they have time to watch Matlock, I took over all the interviews from that point forward! I had been reading a two part book collection of the Great Western Thinkers . . . you know Aristotle, Plato, Kant, Hume, etc., and I had underlined a bunch of passages from essays on the Republic and the Virtues, and changed them into questions, many having to do with the law. Both law professors, who were overseeing the interviews, seeing me question many of them, without them knowing how to respond, and knowing full well, that I had no preparation for the interviews, shocked that me and Grandma were the only family members present . . . which had never been the case in the three prior years, when Sherm, or his brother another judge in the 4th District, oh, Cullen Christensen, or Phil Christensen, a former member of the FBI, or their younger sister and her husband, both, professors, Catherine Christensen ? I always just sat back and learned! Anyway, they both asked me, why in the hell I was not going to law school? Uh, like four children! Two years later, I had a dream, to go to law school, and went up and talked to one of the professors, who had asked me to consider law school, and with no LSAT, no application, no references, and not really being interested, getting up to go twice when I was told how important the LSAT, or the entrance exam to get into law school was . . . I was accepted, within two hours! I think Jesus wanted me in law school! I don't think he is upset . . . today after attending the Crossfire Church, I was riding home and on the back of the hat, of one of the guys who also attends, there was a "Jesus Loves . . . but a heart, U." I surely hope so, and he takes me just as I am! YOU TOO!
My Father Takes the Book From Me And Puts It In His Pocket
Let me first explain, what I think that sequence with the Judge and the lost book means . . . I literally, believe, that the law school, was bought, bribed, lied, and covered up the fact that I ever went there! I believe that the Mormon Church, my two staunch Mormon clients, Henry S. Brock and Jay Rice, both Republicans, in a chance for Mitt to be Prez., my family, with members close to Mitt Romney, sister with a husband who was a bishop in Mitt's stake in Massechusette, the Mormon Governor and Attorney General, who were both named defendants, the Mormon judge on the case, once it came back to Utah . . . the steal came after I kicked the government attorneys' asses, and they knew I won, so they bribed, and then brought in the doubles, the chicks who would take over my identify, not only for the case, but for my entire life, switching at birth! This is the shit that FBI and CIA do all the time! With 70% or higher of the guys and gals being Mormon . . . their one big chance to get a Mo in the White House, just one little female attorney they needed to ditch and bring in the show gals, for the image of the Mormon Church! This conspiracy, cover up, corruption, goes to the top of D.C., the Mormon Church current president, who I have never, ever liked, and fucking hate his granddaughter, who stole my Cheek et al v. Garrett et al case!
Just two days ago, I wrote about the murder of Marion resident, Mary Todd's, son, Shane Todd, who was murdered in China or Singapore . . . somewhere over there . . . and wrote about my story, and I would say, the two stories are connected in a bizarre way! I had this dream, the night, I wrote the blog on Mary's presentation to the Republican Pachyderm Meeting, on Friday! At that meeting, one of the main guys was handing out, lists of what it is to be a Republican and inferred that there are some of us, who are not true Republicans and that is evident or will come out, one way or another! Hell, yeah, I am not a Republican! That was never a condition for joining the Pachyderm Club . . . I am not clearly a Democrat either . . . but this group along with others, key to covering up who I am, have also participated with the Utah groups, to say that one or another of the company gals are ME! The last sparkling book, is symbolic of me, and I have been lost, and great-grandfather, was denied seeing what his scholarship brought to the nation! Maybe one nation, including Mormons, under God!
My Net Worth Should Be Around a Billion Dollars . . . That is What Brock Got!
I am one law student, that BYU, the Church and my family should not be ashamed of! I am going to list, what this little law student did and has done for this nation, that would have been a far different place than it is now, had I not gone to law school! Coveting, envy, jealousy, thinking I hogged the stage or limelight . . . I like what famous football coach, Newt Rockny said, after coaching the Green Bay Packers, to many successful seasons . . . it ain't really bragging if you did it! The facts are the facts, women, mothers, you can have it all, but there is a time a season for everything . . . I didn't start practicing law, until I was 40 years old and raised my children, as basically, an at home housewife! Great-grandfather, you did the world good, by bringing me to the attention of the law school professors, who might lie to this day about which Southwick girl was in law school, or was the one who took over the interviewing process for the scholarship and it was not, Shelley, Kay, Rachel, Sue, Marcie, Tiffany, Kelly, Rebecca, Hope . . . none of the show gals they are all frauds, stole my life, cases, and everything.
Just like the dream, my father took the sparkling one and buried her, just like he took the special book and put it in his pocket . . . he always wanted to be a lawyer, he never did, he hated me for doing it, and not only did I do it, but saved his profession, of CPAs and financial planners . . . the daughter he hated most, the one who competed in her father's world, in securities defense, not only could compete by way of brain to brain, but saved his ass too! Shelley took the deal, and got to do the steal, but it was this daughter, JoAnn, who took on the state's SEC or Division of Securities and man handled them into submission . . . that is when the show girls took over, and even after I was arrested, and jailed, Brock the fuck, and Rice, all realized that I have filed one more brief, after the government deals were cut, and they didn't have an attorney who could finish the case in a win, although the government attorneys defaulted, unsuspecting of the brief, that could be filed 180 days, and was filed on the 180th day! LOL! They didn't know what to do, so they defaulted, with Judge Clark Waddoups, coming to the Mormon rescue . . . his colleague, U.S. Federal District Judge, A. Sherman Christensen, would turn over in his grave, seeing what Waddoups had done to his grand-niece, and a great case!
Sherm used to sneak into the administration at BYU, and check on my grades . . . Ray Jay Davis told me that, one of the three law professors who I was both teaching assistant and research assistant for! No slouch in law school either! I was asked by my Constitutional law professor, Wilkins to be his research assistant, same with my family law professor, Waddel, I think! My grades were not that good, but I was one hell of a researcher and teaching assistant, for two years, not one, for one of the most notable professors at the law school, one of the nations experts in water law, and weather modification . . . I even proved him wrong on a law review article he wrote . . . I told him, case law does not support the way you have written this article! Six months later, the law review committee said the same thing! So, there President Obama! LOL! From the second I got out of law school, I shined, sparkled, and did my jobs, five statewide, to the top degree and same with my cases, attorneys called me nationwide for help, and many paid a fortune to the Federal District Court to read my briefs the second I e-filed them! Not too bad for my first fucking case . . . $357 million, securities case . . . you needed to know Constitutional, criminal, civil, administrative and securities law to do that case . . . I am one in a million attorneys!
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