Avenging Angel, Armed With an Assault Weapon, My Blog
This morning in the Durango Herald, last page in Section A, the new director of the FBI, is lamenting and crying foul, on Congress allowing section 215, of the Patriot Act, sunset, or expire without funding . . . and it is about time, good job Congress. It is you job, to balance the budget, have Mr. Comey, defend the $80 billion dollar budget, they get each year, and then some. That was the stats from two years ago, so, have them do a break down of what benefit American tax payers are getting from this amped up effort, using an act, that was allegedly designed to go after terrorists, passed one month after the 9/11 attacks, giving the NSA, and other covered agencies, within the provisions of the Patriot Act, almost complete immunity, to do everything without ramifications, up to an including MURDER! We have to go back, and slap down these agencies, making them accountable to the Senate Intelligence Committee, who were denied access to CIA, reports and other classified information, so they could make an assessment of what is going on within the agency that has run amok for years, without any accountability to anyone, who turned around and spied on the Committee, who was looking into their affairs, hacking into the oversight computers and files!
It is time to take the CIA, FBI, DIA, NSA, OSI, and the 40 other members of the intelligence community, or the counter-intel community, counter to intelligence, thinking they were above the law, didn't have to answer to anyone, and basically did whatever in the fuck they wanted, and did it without accountability for years! And they did it under the auspice of the damned Patriot Act, which is an oxymoron, for the U.S. Constitution! The application of the Act, was used by these covered agencies, to intimidate, threaten, harass, track, chase, corner, assault and lock up, detain, and falsely incarcerate people whom they classified as a Lone Wolf Terrorist . . . that is what they called me, a constitutional law attorney, who went after members of these alleged covered agencies, not by my standards, of constitutionality, but by their fucked up new terms under the Patriot Act, that excused all their asinine activities, giving them complete immunity, without any accountability!
It was fascinating to me, to see, what exactly, under the Patriot Act, instigated the torture that I have received at the hands of people who took the same amazing oath as myself, with me taking it, 4X, once as a member of the Utah State Bar, a second time as a member of the United States Federal District Court, District of Utah Bar, and then twice, while going to the United States Supreme Court, being inducted and sworn into that bar, on January 23, 2012, with these fucking FBI agents, trying to do everything to stop me from getting to Washington, D.C., to be sworn in, after already having followed the proper paper version of taking the oath of that bar and officer of the Court, with the Court Clerk, alleging that he, Nixon, lost my 3rd, Certificate of Good Standing, having me get one just shortly before, they told me, in complete violation of the 281 pages of the Rules of Federal Procedure . . . on Thursday night, before the January Court recess, that I had to be in Washington, D.C., in person to be sworn or my oath would not count . . . hoping that I would not make it!
Tell me how you have ice storms, only on one side of the freeway, leading into the nations capital, and not on the other side of the freeway, that is travelling 75 fucking mile per hour? One of the fake bitch ass actresses of the FBI, was smuggled into the U.S. Supreme Court Building, to be sworn in the night before I was sworn in, with the aid and help of the NSA, the FBI, and I am sure the CIA, plus other alleged covered agencies, in the theft of the largest securities case the nation had ever seen by about 300%! YOU WANT CONGRESS TO FUND THIS SHIT? WE THE PEOPLE, through our representatives in Congress are paying for this type of FBI, NSA, gamesmanship, covering their fucking cocks and who they are fucking! They are trying to prettify reality . . . really, they wanted $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ because the $80 billion you, Congress already gives them, just wasn't enough, they went after my money from the $357 million case, for Mitt's Mormon Mafia, that we, the American People are funding!
Government, Congress, Agencies Need to Get Rid of that "Use it or Lose it" Mentality, and Demand Justification for these Large Ass Budgets with No Marked Return on our Money, as a Tax Payer Mandate! Cutting Dumb Ass Legislation & Acts, Agencies, and Programs That Don't Yield Results, Need to Be Let, Go Down with the SUN!
Get the Scapels, Carving Knives, Butcher Knives If Need BE . . . Give Covered Agencies a Chance to PROVE their Viability, Credibility, and Merit! If They Can't, Cut their Fucking Budgets and Sunset Their Programs!
Part II . . . Famous Names, Local People--Nice Try
Okay, so in the local newspaper today, there was an article about local people with famous names . . . I wondered, now the fucking NSA, FBI, CIA, goons were going to handle, my application to a local law firm, seeing the old, Loche Ness Monster, Elliot Ness, the Untouchables, or the FBI, always interfere with anything that will put my back on the map, as the one and only, JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D. the author of this blog, that is at McDs right now, and staying up at the Volunteers of America, Durango Community Shelther, eating at the Manna House Soup Kitchen, the same one as the former assistant attorney general from Utah, among, a ton of other accomplishments . . . I am here locally, and it is the alleged famous, via the FBI, who is the fraud! These women have probably spoken to the local and state bar associations, taking credit for my $357 million securities case, or my $56.7 million, Iron County Corruption case, or a meriad of other notable things that I have done as an attorney, mother, and over all wonderful person, generally speaking, sublimely sweet, I am not, that is the doubles, the boyz clubs couldn't handle anything but a Mormon Muffin, and I am and ex-Mormon Monster on steroids! LOL, and proud of it . . . the, NSA, with 30,000 Mormon spies, the Mormon FBI and CIA, not to mention other covered agencies, that give the gals, 24/7 coverage and watch everything I do, and yuou wonder why I ditched my cell phone or three of them, while driving back to the U.S. Supreme Court, swearing in, because I didn't want the fuckers, in the NSA, tracing my phone . . . little did I know, that would make me a Lone Wolf Terrorist . . . they have no right, warrant, or probable cause to put surveillance on me 24/7, other than to cover their shit, and bull shit girls, girls, girls . . . they can control! LOL!
You see, I use proof to show what I do, evidence, facts, statistics . . . they just steal what I do . . . these women need to be prosecuted, not under planet bizzaro, but under the U.S. Constitution, where all this on my resume, is MY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY and BELONGS TO ME, not the fucked club of bitches the FBI or crew wants to be me . . . it is so cute when Kay, Shelley or Rachel do what JoAnn does, but when that bitch does it, it makes our toupe's fall off! LOL! Here is my email from yesterday . . . quit casual, but, Don't fence me in . . .
Go figure . . . now, I can't access my own emails, and yesterday, I could not attach my resume to my email, there you have it, folks, the NSA, FBI, CIA, DIA, and other fraud broad cover boyz, at work, 24/7 on 5 search engines, and about 4 versions, all mine, of my blog, controlled through, my email, that I can't access . . . what fucking more proof do you need, the LOCHE NESS MONSTER, 24/7 SERVICES, PROTECTING their penises!
Half-time Legal Assistant, Interested!
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5:15 PM (19 hours ago)
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To Whomever it May Concern,
As you will see from my resume, I have that I am an attorney, but I am not a member of the Colorado Bar, nor do I think I want to. I just want to keep up with the law, and continue to write my blog, bad ass con law chick blog . . . and about 4 to 5 different, versions, all mine, on about 5 search engines. I have thought about going pro, and charging for my writing, legal analysis, and over-all just fun topics of discussion, but as of yet, have not done that, so I need to make some extra money, since I have been playing since becoming a member of the U.S.Supreme Court Bar, in the Brock et al v. Herbert et al, $357 million securities case, out of Utah. I have been in Montana for the last 2 to 3 years, and have dabbled in politics, legislation, and played. I love the law, great attorney, bad business woman. So working with a law firm, and part-time, would suit me just fine, if it works for you.
I have attached a resume, for you to look over, and see what you think.
JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D.
P.S., for some reason, my file will not attach, so I will just give you a brief overview of my bar memberships, education, jobs, and a few cases, that you can look up online.
Utah State Bar Association, U.S. Federal District Court, District of Utah, 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, and United States Supreme Court
Constitutional law attorney, criminal defense attorney; former general counsel, Utah Medical Association; staff attorney, Utah State Division of Aging; assistant attorney general, Utah Attorney Generals Office, Health, Driver License, Criminal Enforcement Divisions, as well as administration over 3 statewide programs; (1) constituent services; (2) victim's assistance; and (3) community programs; staff attorney, Utah Prosecution Council; professor of family law, undergrad, University of Utah, Brigham Young University, and professor of argumentation and research, English Department, Utah Valley University.
Cases from small claims to U.S. Supreme Court, civil, criminal, constitutional, securities, patent, family, administrative, really about everything. I was listed as #2 in the nation several years ago, for civil rights defense, two major cases, the one listed above and Cheek et al v. Garrett et al, Iron County Corruption case. Ran into the Utah Mormon Mafia on the way to the bank, year 2012, when Mormon, Mitt Romney ran, same year sued Governor, AG, Dept of Commerce, Division of Securities and several, attorneys and investigators in that division . . . see, New York Investment News, January 17, 2010, "No Big Love In Utah."
Personal: 4 children, 6 grandchildren, golf, outdoors, saving the world through my blog. LOL!
Contact information, this email, and my phone number, 406.309.0011--thanks for your time!
5:54 PM (18 hours ago)
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I forgot to send my education, and special projects! I graduated from the J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, 1993, passed bar, October 1993; graduated English/Communications, BS, Weber State University, 1986 . . . Outstanding English Major, Honored Humanities Student, three or so scholarships.
Special projects: (1) Domestic Violence 101: a User Friendly Manual on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault for Prosecutors and Law Enforcement, 1996, got an award from President Clinton, under the Violence Against Women Act, manual served as a national model, and has been adopted by the Department of Justice, for Human Body Trafficking, graphics and originality. Wrote manual for newly elected county attorneys and deputies, Powers and Duties of County Attorneys, 1996, still being used in training. Wrote policy on Afghanistan, for President Obama, with St. George, Utah, Great Think Tank, Afghanistan Like a Tiger: U.S.A. Better Be Careful Getting On & Off, 2009, sent to White House and Utah's Congressional members, quoted by Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton to Council of Foreign Relations, and used, almost in its entirety.
I think that is about it.
JoAnn S. Secrist

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