Monday, May 25, 2015


When it comes to arrogance, power, and lack of accountability, journalists are probably the only people on the planet who make lawyers look good.

Steve Brill

Undesirables . . . Those Who Threaten the Constitution, Defense and Security

This statement by Vladamir Putin, President of Russia, struck me yesterday, while reading the newspaper, like a ton of bricks, especially, in light of the timing, for America, Memorial Day, and what happened in Congress, or the Senate, letting parts of the Patriot Act, sunset, or failing to have enough votes to let the Act continue, thank God!  Especially, Section 215, allowing NSA, or the National Security Agency, to spy on American citizens, taking away their 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, and 14th amendment rights, to some extent, depending on how it was used against people, like me!  But, I thought, how pertinent this statement in the title, just above is, with President Putin, recognizing, the paramount interest, in having a set of laws that govern the people and the government, in the form of a national Constitution, and how that come into play, in both defending the country, dictating the rules of engagement on foreign soil, and in matters of state, with a huge effect on security, and preservation of a way of life, that people, within a particular country have come to, not only expect, but to demand, with the right to do it, seeing that the primary role of government is to defend the rights of its people, and to protect from foreign invasion and war.

Somehow, in passing and furthering the Patriot Act, Americans, forgot about the first ingredient in Putin's formula, for running Russia, that of prosecuting people and groups that threaten the Constitution!  President Bush, his goons, Cheney, and members of law enforcement making up the executive branch of the government, come to have the idea, that there were no constitutional rights for citizens, that by way of the smiling fascist, doing whatever it takes, with no limits and no exceptions, in allegedly taking care of American business, both foreign and domestic, in light of defense and security, they could completely destroy, diminish, erase, eviscerate, demonize, thrash and trash, anyone, who did what we all took an oath to do, defend, protect and preserve the United States Constitution, as if that had nothing to do with national security or defense of this country, and all that we, as Americans hold near and dear to our way of living here in these, United States!  

In addition to myself, coming under scrutiny, for ah, being a constitutional law attorney bound and determined to uphold my oath as an attorney, I became sadly aware of others, including police chiefs, who started to make their officers carry around copies of the U.S. Constitution in their squad cars, who were later, fired, mistreated, persecuted, injured, who lost jobs, houses, and other property, being subject to thefts, of real, personal, and intellectual property, simply for doing what our alleged enemy did, go up against those who would threaten our constitutional rights and freedoms, and failing to prosecute those who threaten the Constitution!  And isn't it ironic that Edward Snowden, who ratted out the NSA, and their unconstitutional activities, finds comfort and solace in RUSSIA!  Shame on America, these fucking assholes, who trashed and went after people who were trying to save the Constitution, freedom, rights, and protections for citizens, were the ones prosecuted, persecuted, and some killed!  Don't forget, America, our fallen soldiers, who fought on this soil, against our own government, and lost lives!  But for the grace of God, go I!

Law Abiding Citizen: Sin's a Good Woman's Sister, Protected!

I don't know if the people of Durango, know that less than a month ago, I literally, after being poisoned, coughing up orange crystals and barfing my guts, up, after a diner in Butte, Montana, went up to Kalispell, to die, so someone would at least know me, after three years of being chased, for exactly what I have just written about, and no member of the executive branch, or the law enforcement agencies, seem at all concerned about a constitutional law attorney, who is actually engaged in the same business as they are, enforcing the law, but the Supreme Law of the Land, against law enforcement and members of branches of government, who are UNDESIRABLES, for failing to uphold their constitutional duties, responsibilities, and violating laws, rights, and civil rights, under federal statutory and constitutional rights, while acting under color of law!

I dare any member of the law enforcement community, to search my records, and see what it was like prior to 2000, when I was poisoned, or allegedly got a genetic brain disease, and was told I would die, would never work again, wishful thinking, since I had long been known for fighting against unconstitutional acts of undesirables working within the government ranks and files!  I had perfect credit, a perfect driving record, without a blemish of any kind, and a flawless legal resume, work background, and on top of that, not just three, certificates of good standing from the Utah State Supreme Court, but four, due to the United States Supreme Court, clerks, ah, yeah, losing the one that accompanied my oath and affirmation of protecting, defending and preserving the United States Constitution, which marked a turning point in my life, going from the perfect citizen, the law abiding citizen, being swapped for the sins of the sister, whom the UNDESIRABLES, shielded and protected, and gave her my record up to that point in life, and gave me her shit life . . . full of warrants, bills, charges, etc.!

You fucking, undesirables, teamed with sister, family, bad attorneys, clients, cops, elected officials, members of the hierarchy of the Mormon Church, including a presidential candidate, to defraud, threaten, and try to kill, me, the law abiding citizen, attorney, defending the Constitution against you fuckers, and then you failed to do anything to protect me, my property, my cases, my law practice, and did all you could to help, aid, abet, guard, guide, help, and shield, the lying pieces of shit, who pretended to be me, with many of you fully aware of the swap of sisters, and other doubles! 

The second I got off the Road Runner Bus, that runs between, Grand Junction and Durango, I slipped through the cracks, between, two, sheriff K-9 trucks with shells on them, one going one way, and the other going the other way, and then a third, going up on Roosa Road, minutes later!  Just yesterday, while writing my blog about the Iron Horse Cycling Classic, I kept getting the feeling, and doing typos, that spelled, Go!  And sure as hell, a bit later, when I didn't heed the warnings, thinking, oh, come on, there is not a damned thing I have done in Durango, nor anywhere else, to merit this treatment, when a sheriff's deputy, probably on Mitt's Mormon Mafia payroll, pulled into McDonald's were I was typing the blog, about how good and fun Durango and the cycling races were, plus bringing up the competition between golf and cycling . . . oh, and I had a hard time pulling up the big ass hits, newest version of my blog, bad as con law chick blog, with 31,100,000 hits in 26 seconds, seeming to have disappeared over night, with hackers, helped by the fucking NSA undesirables, allowing access to steal my blog, since the third week of its existence, as if it doesn't even belong to me!  SISTER BITCH PROTECTED, she could never write one of these blogs, not ONE, in billion years!

Strange and Telling Dream Last Night . . . Sister Trying to Sell Custom Jewelry to a Cousin . . . Symbolic of "Fake" Jewelry, Which, in Reality, She Stole From MY Parowan, Utah House!  Also the Abuse of a Child! 

This dream was confusing and complex given the timeline, age of the abused child, a connection to a very different time in my life, when I was still married to my first husband, Richard Clifton Secrist, and the child abused, being a baby, with my baby, now, being only 32 years old, Elliot, who celebrated a birthday, May 3, 1983, the bass guitarist for Old School Parallax, Maraloka, God's Revolver, now Ditch in the Delta and Worst Friends, and if happened what I think happened with the music thieves, with a ring leader being Shelley's bastard son, which they all are, Isaac, knowing all the band members of all the old bands, and being one of the undesirables who stole God's Revolver music and marketed it around the world with none other than, cop kids, making up the other band members!  In the dream, the baby, who was just crawling, had been clearly abused, and had a nasty bump on his back, a raised bone, and a large bruised area, around the injury.  He had been in the watch of someone, other than myself, and Zeke or Richard, was much younger than he is now, with a body, much more like my oldest son, Chris'.

Shelley, The Custom Jewelry, The Red Cloth, Cousin Steve Bechstead, Abuse

But, the interesting part of the dream, was the part with Shelley in it . . . she was peddling her wares, which she stole from me, and took from my Parowan, Utah house, that she and Isaac, along with ex-husband, allegedly Allan Rex Bess, who was murdered by the killer pair, Shelley and Frank of Interpol, for the purpose of killing me, to make Frank, Allan, and Shelley, me, and Isaac, Elliot, to peddle his new CD, that God's Revolver did under contract with Sony Records, in a three record deal, that was basically killed by band members who refused to remix the second GR album or CD, and I think, that Elliot's new band's name, is telling indeed, WORST FRIENDS!  I believe that Trey and other band members, sold Elliot's brilliance as a bass guitarist, down the tube, with Isaac, Trey, teaming with Brett Todd Stewart or Stuart, who you can clearly see, in the video, of Scratch Done Dealt Me A Bad Hand . . . he is the one with the mohawk, standing out like a sore thumb, allegedly the one who owns the rights to "Little Black Horse Where Are You Going With Your Dead Rider."  Hard Rock Band and CD of 2008, the time that Isaac, disappeared from the band, Maraloka, with all the original band members, except Isaac, who was on tour with Elliot's music, gone for at least two years!

So, in the dream, older sister, Shelley, who cops, and maybe some of you, think is me, the undesirable, swapped out for the law abiding attorney, me, with cops, knowingly hunting me, to kill me, and let her have full reign of my fortune, including my children's music money and other credits, that have gone to cop families and children, with a vested interest in defending, protecting and preserving Shelley, as me, and Isaac as Elliot, justifying, Britney Spear type parents, or Michael Jackson, child protege's with overbearing parents, to rule their musical careers, thus bumping me and Richard or Zeke, out of the way, giving the vultures and undesirables, full access to the music, which, by the way, was long protected by a Poor Man's Copyright, filed by Elliot, who did everything for the band!  And here again the U.S. Constitution, protects, writings, like my blog, and inventions, with music right there too, with a section and clause that fully protects, and is the root section for patents and copyrights, protecting the writers from undesirables like the fuckers who are doing this to my sons, and me!  So if any of you butt fucking cops, want to earn your desireablity back, go do your fucking jobs, and check out the copyright dates, and they where far earlier than Brett's claimed, claim jumping purchase, which I am sure, Kay Burningham helped broker, in another symbolic record label, Exigent Records, housed in Kaysville, Utah!

Shelley, not me, sitting right here in Playplace, at McDonald's, having just gone to Walmart, and purchased, a pair of size 7 and a half, running or athletic shoes, three shirts, one bra, some ped black socks, and three pairs of underwear, that you fuckers, dumb asses, can verify, and get this shit right for once, and quit following me, with some lame ass cop, yesterday, who totally came in looking for me, head searching everywhere, looking up and down all the tables, apparently missing me, and even looking over his shoulders, and going into the bathroom, where I ditched, and later went into the kids playplace, after he left, empty handed, looking for me for, exactly what, Shelley's crimes, and they rang up to an including MURDER, only undesireable if I am Shelley?  What the fuck, is your fucking job, you fucks?  Defending a woman who stole so much money and put all of you on the take, making your rich on illegal and ill gotten gains, from may family!  Buck up, buckos and get this right, for once!  Good God!  

Anyway, Shelley, laid out her custom jewelry, on a symbolic red tablecloth, symbolic of power and fame, showing it to cousin, Steve, having taken that custom or fake jewelry from my home, from the old gun room, that I turned into a grand-daughter, nursery, with another room for the boys, having purchased some custom jewelry for my only grand-daughter at the time, Nicole's daughter, Gracie Mayor, who lives in Lovetteville, VA!  Shelley stole it for, McKinley Maughn, Shelley's daughter, Alexandra and her husband, Cliff, who live with their two children, one was born about a year or so ago!  George, Nicole's husband, and maybe her, will be pissed that I used their names, but I am sick and tired of paid staff, married to my kids, and them fucking their mother-in-law over, and pretending that Shelley, the fucking bitch from hell, is their mother, for money, or to keep peace in their family, or for whatever reason . . . they will have to worry about their own lies, if that is the case!  Honor thy father and mother, not the children!

Abuse of a Child . . . I Think My Children, Especially My Sons, Were Threatened and Even Abused, To Force Them to Go Along with this Bull Shit!

In addition to framing me, I think that Elliot, was framed for a crime that probably Isaac did, and was told by cops, who have the power to act like he did something, and said, you either give us, free reign of your music, or we will prosecute you for, this alleged crime.  I was framed too, because there is some fucking bounty out on me, for something, that I can't even guess!  At the time that the mob, the Mormon Mafia, was stealing El's music, and I was coming back into the law, in about 2008, the very same time, that God's Revolver was rockin' it, and going on a nationwide tour that was sabotaged, Chris was being taken to task also, with cops, and others in the law enforcement community, charging him with crimes, that were dropped, the day before court, because there was not merit, what so ever!  Brett, had contacted all my kids, when we were together, to see which of my children, would be willing to help me if need be . . . Chris, my oldest son, was the most willing to help, he was not married at the time, and would help!  That is who they went after, to make sure that nobody, no one of my children, the girls were already compromised by spouses, who were on the Mitt Mormon Mafia payroll, so Chris was the one who they needed to most fear!  So they compromised him out, until they felt safe with the music . . . I had been out of commission, but was coming back, but didn't have an active law degree, and had credibility issues, due to the Pick's Disease, which was well calculated into the equation of the family swaps and identity theft, which I guess is not the jurisdiction of cops?  Really?

There is not many things, more sacred to Elliot, than his music, other than his life, his safety, or that of his families safety.  Remember, these undesirable fuckers, are fucking MAFIA, and use mob tactics, like torture and murder, get real . . . Shelley's book shelves were full of serial killers, money laundering, and her favorite TV show was the Sopranos!  Get your shit together, they used all the tactics of the mob, the FBI, CIA, and cops, prosecutors and judges, they bought and sold, to take the music, the cases, my law practice, certificates, and now the blog, which just yesterday, could easily be accessed, just typing in bad as . . . beating out bad con, and taking all the hits!  Today, after the fun blog I wrote yesterday, the type that makes a shit load of money, at one penny per hit, and could be accessed, with just the two words, is now gone and you have to type in the whole phrase, bad as con law chick blog . . . go figure, outright theft!  God, I am sick and tired of this shit, get it right, I am not that fucking bitch Shelley, nor Rachel, Sue, Kay, Tiffany, Kelly, or Rebbecca and Hope!  No wonder there is so much crime, law enforcement are useful idiots and undesirables themselves, on the take!

Interesting Sexual Aspect, With Ex-Husband, That Didn't Make Sense, Other than To Mark a Particular Time in My Life

But it was funny, that I was with my ex-husband, whom, there has been little contact, over the last 25 or so years, since our divorce, and no sexual contact, from the second we got divorced, so this part, shocked me and would my children too.  But, I was with hubby, back in the day, and doing stuff that would embarrass me to admit doing with him, now, and probably then, but would do nothing to me, to think of doing with some guy, I am not married to right now!  James?  So, that part made me very uncomfortable, and seemed so taboo, but seemed more in context, when the baby was found, and had been abused.  I left the baby, that didn't look like any of my babies at all in any way shape of form, and that shocked me too, but who really knows there kids?  Many a parent wonders, but the baby had been abused and it was mine, so, I needed to get to the bottom of it, but the dream, ended, shortly after that with me bringing some soup, or a meal to Zeke, which is what I called Richard since we grew up together!  

In the dream, I had gone to the wrong address, not having gone to his address, indicating that there was a time warp, to now, or something, and I was directed that he had changed offices, and moved, so I took the dinner to his office.  I wondered what that meant, and the only meaning I could attach to it, was that he had been the custodial parent, by design, not through court, while I attended law school, we divorced in 1989, having filed, with me having custody, but during the 90 day waiting period, I had been accepted to law school, and started in the fall of 1990, with the full support of Zeke and the kids, even living with him after our divorce was final, in April of that year . . . now, does Shelley know all this, you might want to check, because her sorry ass didn't do any of this, but I know the government can teach a trained seal to recite facts, and I am sure that she had to know some of this, and could say some of it, but can she show an investigator, where my first apartment was, after leaving Zeke and the kids?  Verify, verify, verify . . . stop protecting the lying hag and sea witch, Kay, or any of the fraud broads, sex or no sex from them!  Have some nobility, honor, integrity, and do your fucking job, stop chasing me for the last three years, covering her ass!

You Ignore Your Dreams to Your Own Detriment!

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