Florida's Lame Law on Drug Testing All Welfare Recipients--No One Was Approved
Sorry, I am sure this is old news, but you have to love the YouTube Gods, for recommending films, movies, news, on the things your interested. I first thought, there was a group of really smart, savvy people, sitting in a room at YouTube, reading my blog, then perusing through their millions of entertainment venues, to pick just the ones, that I would be interested in. And I am always excited each day, or after a break on my computer, to see what has been recommended. Often the news items are dated, but classic, as was the one recommended to me this morning on the Koch Brothers taking on Rachel Maddow! The segment is from The Young Turks Show, that I love too, because of the sarcastic approach to the news, they say what I think, and I love it, often playing the highlights of other news programs, good stuff, funny stuff, or stupid stuff, that is of a national public interest level . . . fun, smart, young, and cool.
The reason this one, on the Koch brothers and Rachel Maddow, is number one, because I totally respect Rachel Maddow's mind, her approach, her ethics, and her, while left leaning, and who can't now days, but as much as possible, factual and researched approach to the news . . . only the facts mam, but with a shocked, passionate, and unconscionable innocence, in the wake of horror, at what is actually going on in this country. The young turks, carry on where Rachel left off, on the research about where the Koch brothers got their money . . . daddy, not them, made some new filter device, for extracting or cleaning stuff, for a lack of a better term, out of oil, and dealing with the communists! Nice . . .
Nice Job Florida, No One Qualified! We Are Not Impressed!
Then, use that dirty dark money, and go so far right and extreme, with enough money to fuck up the country, infiltrate state legislatures, pad their unethical pockets, while trying to pass some of the most inane and unconstitutional legislation I can even conceive of and imagine, thus the Florida law on drug testing welfare recipients . . . you have no idea! Just yesterday, I was with a female veteran, who served her country, as did her husband, who died young of cancer, who also had three children taken from her, because they were blonde haired, blue eye, with her fucking attorney, telling her, after they took a normal, baby, for failure to thrive, when the hospital well baby check, said it was a normal healthy baby, and then proceeded to take her other 2 older children! This woman has fought, foreign wars, and domestic wars, as I have . . . there is a price, we paid to protect YOUR rights, in the process.
This woman, is younger than I am, and life has taken its toll, she has had knees replaced, and who knows what, is walking with a walker, and as we ate breakfast together, after leaving the Hope House, and went to get donuts, and something to drink at, the House of Charity . . . and we both deserve it, she took at least 20 to 25 bottles of prescription drugs from her purse and started putting one pill from each bottle in a pile to drink with her Starbucks coffee, and I was dumb founded by the amount of prescribed meds this woman was taking, for this and that, and I, having just read about approval for hospitals, and clinics to be dumping grounds for people's old, expired, and dangerous meds, I told her, to get off all that stuff . . . constitutional violations aside, but do you, really, think for one second that this woman, by no fault of her own, could actually pass a drug test? That is the case with many people on the streets.
Poverty is Not, Should Not, Be A Crime in this Country
We are all not like the Koch brothers or Paris Hilton, living off the fortunes our parents made, and some not so nobly made . . . so, for you assholes, to fund legislation, no matter what the strip or ilk the organizations, grants, funds, foundations you fund, you are responsible for their irresponsible actions! This is the most egregious, fallacious and appalling law, from a constitutional prospective. First of all, there are forth amendment protections that protect your person, from unreasonable searches and seizures, and forcing someone, without probable cause, or a warrant, with no oath and affirmation, going before a magistrate or judge, listing with particularity and specificity, what the fuck drugs you are looking for, so these overzealous pricks, who think the world should jump to their every demand, want to stop other people from getting legitimate assistance, while they are living on daddy's welfare system, and have been since birth . . . go get a fucking job!
Not Every One is on Your God-Damn Payroll!
The Koch brothers, sent Rachel a letter, telling her what they wanted her to read on her show, which she so classically, Rachel, refused to do, and reaffirmed her statistics, facts and the statements she made on her show, and very graciously invited the Koch brothers to come on her show, and speak for themselves, defend themselves for their abdication of responsibility for their funding actions . . . like she said, distancing yourselves from the very organizations you fund, does not take away the responsibility for their actions . . . but, for your money, they could not have done, what they did, hurting tons of Americans! I added that last part, there is a "but for" part of criminal law, that but for the actions of this or that person, who are considered compliant, contributing, accomplices in the crime, and without each link to the end result, that particular action, crime, law, would never have been done, committed, or passed!
Good job, Rachel, the law is the law, facts are facts, money is power, you assholes, and you better make sure you have your legal staff, of in house attorneys, draw up some specifics, like a starting with the Supreme Law of the Land, the constitution, and remember that any law repugnant to the Constitution is VOID, and any law within the letter and spirit of the Constitution, is constitutional . . . the rest is pure bull shit! Those are the ground rules . . . and I would challenge you to get your asses out of your limos, out of your mansions, and get on the streets, and know the stories of the very people you are fucking with your damned, unconstitutional legislation . . . back a year and a half ago, during the 2013 legislative session, I heard about the idiotic means of limiting the welfare rolls, and actually wrote to the Florida Legislature, obviously, they didn't list to a constitutional law attorney, but did listen to the dark money pouring into their coffers, fuck you!
OX Communication--Not Just Talk
Sorry, I lost track of that legislation, back in 2013, the last time Montana Legislature met, they only meet ever other year, so they are ready to meet again, so that is the time that I wrote to the Florida Legislature, and I thought that the law was stopped, or just never heard, but I think I recall that they postponed the vote, or they didn't pass it that year, and I remember, being very relieved and happy, that the legislators were smart enough to see how injurious this legislation was to their own citizens, and refused to pass it. So, I was somewhat shocked this morning to hear, that it actually had passed, to my horror! So, they must have passed it in the next session, while I wasn't watching, because it was one that I felt so strongly about, I would have personally gone and fought on my own . . . hobby lobbyist!
OX Communications, is a local Spokane or Washington Communications Company, but I love their name, see it on their building every day, when I visit Spokane, and it was actually the first building I saw, when coming in on the train the first time, then bus, and there after . . . 4 or 5 times, but each time I come to town, I am reminded, to communicate with love and kindness, but there are times, the word is sharper than a double edged sword, and needs to be lowered, beheading at times! But showing an increase of love after. You know in life, we all make mistakes, we are human, and along with that comes, humanity, to error is human, to forgive is sublime! So, the Koch brothers and the Florida Legislature, is forgiven, but change, improve, get better counsel, pick better issues, beware, constantly, that every one had not had the opportunities that you have, that is the real challenge, not to kick them when they are down!
Living With a Conscience--Kudos to J.P. Morgan & Goldman Sachs
And other corporate giants, who are taking all that excess cash that used to give you credit, bragging about the $60 billion dollar surplus or profit margin, when you just took our home, gouged us at the gas pump, or got bailed out, at our expense . . . that is not good enough any more! Social media is making people too aware of what the hell is going on, the back door deals in Congress, the high priced lobbyists, pumping pill and stopping cheap pain meds, with marijuana in them, God's medication for pain, and what ails you. But, a woman at the Hope House . . . rated best beds, nice shower, clean pajamas, and sheets every night, and much better food, than last year when I stayed, thanks, but she told me about a fund, or grant, or foundations, she was not sure, that J.P. Morgan, set up some fund to help the homeless, and they could apply to get a credit card, with a monthly allowance of $100 or so, for some time, while they are waiting for another program to come through to help them, many of them with medical needs, but rich corporate CEO's have no idea, what $100 will do for a person on the streets . . . perhaps, even give them hope in hard times, that someone, actually gives a rat's ass about them!
I saw a great ad, about Goldman Sachs helping women, it looked like in Africa, or some country, actually start businesses, so they could get out from under the feet of their male and government oppressors, I have tears in my eyes right now . . . you are effecting generations to come, and even global affairs, do you know, that if a woman is educated, they are much less likely to allow their children to join extremist groups? So, in reality, if you help women, like Malaka Yousavhel, I know that is the wrong spelling, but the young 14 year old, school girl, who stood up to the Taliban, fighting for education, and was shot in the face, and help them get some independence, you are actually affecting world affairs! I think when all it said and done, at the end of the day, it is service, or providing a means for service, that will, ultimately give us joy. And men and women are that they might have JOY! Thanks, American Greed is not where it is at, for anyone! You are getting it right, restoring our faith in your organizations and hearts.
We truly are all in this together, let's help each other, lighten each other's burdens, and bring as much joy to as many people as we can, not through corruption, theft, price gouging, but, through honest to goodness, distributions of resources, in the way, best suiting the principles of kindness, love, charity, or the pure love of Christ, as we can, regardless of if you believe in him, or not, that is the way, and the way, you yourself, and your workers will find joy in your own lives, in the glass towers, over looking our cities.
That Reminded Me of GE, General Electric, Kudos, for Making Service Part of Your Recruitment Plan for Young Turks & Turkettes
I just read an article, either in a news magazine, or somewhere, I think it was either in TIME or The Economist, that specifically mentioned General Electric, that had either encouraged, or required, just skimmed the article, but one of their young recruits it seems had spent three months in a third world country, doing some type of service project, and he was reporting his effort in that program and how at first he was, a bit reticent about going, but how, very rewarding that experience was . . . making their workers, more service oriented? If you have questions, call GE, for the details, I was just browsing through a magazine and that particular article caught my eye, but hey, so awesome.
And that reminds me of an article I read on Ted Turner, former husband of Jane Fonda, and billionaire, but I remember him, now this was years ago, but talking about the importance of the humanities, and the study of humanity, that he combined with business, and that his father thought he ought to get a serious degree, and he went into business, or got an MBA, but combined that with his study and degree in the humanities . . . and how do you argue with success! Big corporations are starting to recruit humanities students, because they help an organizations with being more human! They are trained for that, and he said, that the first one offering suggestions around a corporate table, and the most valuable customer information, or insight, is a humanities student!
Plug for Humanities Students, Those are Not Wasted Degrees!
This out of the box, Dixie State University, in St. George, Utah, offers degrees in integrated studies, realizing that people are not just one subject or one issues oriented or interested, and there are so many cross overs in all facets of work, that they are letting students, hand craft their degrees now, rather than forcing them into either the humanities area, or the business. I for one, was the last student at Weber State University, in Ogden, Utah, to get a B.S., really for a degree in bull shit, no, I had so many science credits, and didn't want to take a foreign language, not my interest or focus area, but I was an English and communications major and minor . . . but I was interested in more than that, and my transcripts, will show the diversity of my interests, and I remember the day, the revelation came . . . oh, I am an English major!
It is amazing what the mind kicks up from the deep dark recess of the mind, but when I was general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, again, I remember reading an article from JAMA, or the American Medical Association, that said, medical schools were staring to recruit or accept, humanities students, because they could teach anyone medicine, the cold hard facts, of body, muscle and sickness, but what they could not teach, was a good bedside manner! Anyway, I am totally off topic, but, whatever, maybe there is something in this run off of the mouth and mind, that might be of interest to your corporation, a little humanity can go a long way with your employees, and with your business, good business sense!
Had to Laugh . . . Talk About Bedside Manner, Oscar the Crouch for the Mascot for a Campaign with the VA! LOL!
Talk about OX, which stands for kisses and hugs, in pre-texting days, the short version of writing those things out, adding a tender message to your salutations, but, again, I read this weeks ago, and was going to write about it when it was fresh in my mind, but it is fuzzy now, and I apologize for not even knowing the newspaper I read about it in, but as I recall, and laughed, some either state, or even the Veterans Affairs, were trying to think of a slogan, or a mascot, to help ease the burgeoning issues, of waiting times, delays, and previously, alleged deaths due to these delays and wait times. And someone, actually proposed that they should use, Oscar the Crouch from Sesame Street fame, you know the grumpy, blue, garbage can guy, for the mascot, was one of the suggestions. But, someone else, said, they didn't think that was appropriate, but I thought, no, that may not be politically astute, but it was highly appropriate for this group of old grouches . . . and this is no denigration of you service, or us honoring you, it is just the truth for any man over the age of 65! Remember, we have a glut of vets, coming home from Afghanistan and Iraq, making Vietnam Vets, compete for services, which is something new.
Case in Point--Panel of Cops & Prosecutors--Who Do You Want on the Jury?
As staff attorney, for the Utah Prosecution Council, my first job out of law school, one of my jobs was to plan conferences for prosecutors . . . at one such conferences, I had a panel of cops and prosecutors, who were talking about jury selection, and jury voir dire, that just means, the legal term for the selection process of preemptive challenges, and getting as close to a jury of your clients peers as you can get, while taking off the guys and gals, you definitely don't want on a jury. Generally, attorneys, never want an attorney, or a cop on the jury. They will take over the deliberations and lead the jury to their way of thinking, and with some credence and credibility, but not necessarily, the end result that would have happened, had they not been on the panel. But this gives some validity to the Oscar the Grouch mascot, and the Grumpy Old Men movies . . .
The cops and prosecutors asked us, the audience, who we wanted on the jury? Now, this is coming from the prosecution and law enforcement side of things, so defense counsel, wants the opposite. But we made a few guesses and suggestions . . . all of which were wrong. Finally, they gave us the answer: (1) you don't want women over the age of 65, because they see every defendant, the one on trial, and charged with a crime, as their grandson, or grand-daughter; and (2) you want every man over the age of 65, because they hate everyone, and everything! I had to laugh, I was telling that story, well fact, to a group of senior citizens, who laughed, and then someone, said, well, I just got a letter today, asking me to report for jury selection and service, but as she closed the envelop, on the flap, it said, if you are over the age of 65, disregard this notice! LOL!
That choice bit of information, must have made it to the defense bar, and they pressured the Utah Office of the Administration of the Courts, or the Utah State Bar Association, to include that on the envelopes going out to citizens, registered to vote, keeping them off either side, now, the constitutionality of that may be worth a challenge, 14th amendment, you can't discriminate against the suspect class of age, or grumps!
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