Saturday, September 6, 2014


Characters & Background Behind Dealey Plaza, Site of JFK Assassination

I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo.  President Harry S. Truman

1960 Elections: Kennedy won Nixon, Eisenhower's V.P.


  • NIXON: campaign contributions from the mafia, close to Godfather, Carlos Marcello, whom Bobby and Jack or John Kennedy had gone after for mob activities, with Bobby, once pulling Marcello out of bed in the middle of the night, sending him to Guatemala, and leaving him in the jungle to find his way out; Nixon was also, assigned by President Eisenhower, to handle Cuba.  Nixon ordered the CIA to assassinate Fidel Castro, before the November elections against Kennedy.  That attempt was botched, and some say, they killed Kennedy for stopping the invasion of Cuba, with a secret CIA army, thinking they could circumvent the Congress.  It was Prescott Bush, father of George Bush, who was a mentor so to say to Nixon, and Nixon had to pander to the wealthy Bush, having little money to fuel his political ambitions.  Nixon brought, George Bush, who was dragging E. Howard Hunt, a CIA assassin, to the White House, where Bush, after loosing two runs for the senate, and lost, was made Nixon's V.P.  Nixon used the CIA/mafia team to later raid the Chilean Embassy and Watergate, not on one attempts to recover evidence of the teams activities, but 4 attempts, then the cover-up, and what finally forced Nixon to resign, was the fact that he had ordered or tried to force the FBI to stop its investigation of the problems.  Nixon was in Texas at the time of the Kennedy Assassination, at some glitzy event, and it was all over the papers that he was with a socialite all night . . .
  • BUSH: was in the CIA at the time, as early as 1961, two years before the Kennedy assassination, as attested to in a letter from FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover; while in the CIA, the day of Kennedy's assassination, he was the Dealey Plaza Coordinator!  Bush & the CIA, with the same crew that was involved in the Bay of Pigs, fiasco, E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturges and Baker, a former Cuban and also CIA agent, were also there . . . position on the grassy knoll across from the Book Depository where Lee Harvey Oswald was, behind a sign, as seen by Lee Burrows, who was up in a tower at that railroad, and saw them take 5 shots at President Kennedy, three went through the sign they were behind, one hitting the President in the neck.  Bush bought Zapata Oil, just off the coast of Cuba, between Florida and Cuba, and continued to run buns, and arms from a ship, he named Barbara, after his wife, as he did two of his planes during the war . . . Bush, at the same time that Joe Kennedy, the oldest of the Kennedy brothers, was killed in the war, George faked his death, and changed his name to George H.W. Bush.  Bush is a member of Yale's, Skull & Bones, and Bush's time at Yale is very sketchy, with few details, some have thought that he spent most of his time working on Bones stuff, rather than attending to his studies.
  • George W. BUSH: was 17 years old at the time, but he was also at the Dealey Plaza that day
  • JOHNSON: it is a well known fact that Johnson's rise to political power was corrupt, and E. Howard Hunt, was in on the ballot stuffing of 300 people, most of them dead.  It is said, that you only surround yourself with people from your inner circle, when you are at the heights of power, because you know them, know if you can trust them, and so, Johnson, an oil man, through Lady Bird Johnson, may have come into contact with both Joe Kennedy and with the Bushes, through Prescott. But Howard was around with all three, and at the Dealey Plaza that day . . . he bragged on his death bed, that he had shot Kennedy!  Johnson, was known to be the President in waiting, or the heir apparent of the Democratic Party, so to be Kennedy's V.P. was an insult, and you can see it on his face, as he stands behind Kennedy, during the nomination and his speech, towering over Kennedy, with a hateful look on his face.  Johnson was with his mistress and a room full of men, having a meeting, and the mistress got up to go get her hair done, later, Johnson called the woman, and said, that Irish, Son of a Bitch will never embarrass me again, he is dead, and Connelly is at the hospital.  There was some speculation, that Johnson, who championed the Civil Rights Act through Congress, may also, have been worried that Kennedy would get the credit, history reports that it is Johnson, alone who had the power and the clout to get the bill passed, with Johnson strong arming both sides of the isle.


  • Both Bobby and Jack, made their reputations on taking down the mob, they were relentless and nobody had ever seen anything like their efforts and tenacity before in the U.S. attorneys office, this reputation is what propelled the Kennedy boys into the public eye . . . and apparently eclipsed Johnson!
  • PRESIDENT KENNEDY: three months after he had been elected President, the CIA attempted to invade Cuba.  Kennedy fired the director of the CIA, but many like Hunt, Stergus, and Baker, all had been or were CIA agents, who had been involved with the Bay of Pigs, continued to have loyalty to the former director, and continued to work with Bush, and other anti-communist leaders, going behind the President's back. Kennedy was reported to have said, that he was going to rip the CIA to pieces!  He was pissed that they would violate the U.S. Constitution, go behind both his back, as Commander-in-Chief, and do a back door behind Congress, who had to approve and appropriate money for an invasion. Kennedy wanted to restore the silver and gold standard, earlier in 1963, just shortly before he was killed, he also spoke out openly against, none other than secret societies, none other than Skull & Bones, which Yale had a hard time with also, trying to suppress the power and activities!  In a new book out on Watergate, Nixon, Mafia and CIA, by Lamar Waldron, he claims that had Nixon referred, or catered to the blacks with regard to the efforts of Dr. Martin Luther King, as Kennedy did, that might have been the voting block that would have put the election in favor of Nixon, and it is the contingency that put Kennedy in the White House . . . so, how do Johnson and Nixon connect, probably through the Civil Rights Act . . . Nixon didn't use it, and it was claimed that Johnson was the nominee, but maybe the blacks throwing their weight and vote to Kennedy, angered Johnson, making him like Nixon better, or maybe that association was already formed, with E. Howard Hunt, being a lynch pin, connecting Johnson, Bush and Nixon!  All the co-conspirators in one little city, at the same time that President Kennedy was to be there . . . there was speculation that Kennedy was suppose to be assassinated in Chicago, then Tampa, so things had not gone as planned, but they were going to make sure this time!
  • BOBBY KENNEDY, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL, AND CHIEF ADVISER: the two brothers, were now the most powerful political players in the country, with an entirely different direction for the country to go in that with the other three, they were going to increase their efforts against the mob, with the full resources of the U.S. Attorneys Office at their disposal.  Nixon, got big time donations from the mafia, he was beholden to them, and they had axes to grind with both brothers.  The number one rule of assassinations is to kill the assassin!  Lee Harvey Oswald, always maintained he was just a patsy, he had been a rat for Hoover, who used him to tell him where the three secret CIA training camps were, so Kennedy could shut them down!  There are also pictures of CIA agent, David Ferrier and Lee Harvey Oswald together.  It has been rumored that Oswald was a a CIA asset, but he was also on the payroll of Hoover's against the CIA, was this a set up, frame and payback . . . Oswald had just got the job at the Book Depository!  Jack Ruby, who shot Oswald three days after the shooting of Kennedy, shot Oswald, to either make it look like he was the assassin, as directed by the CIA/mafia plot team, or to silence him . . . a mob hit.  This made many members of the crime syndicates happy, to have President Kennedy gone, but also, to get rid of Bobby, which they did 5 years later, when they claimed that Shirhan Shirhan was the shooter, when it was a CIA agent, Cesar, or something like that, who shot Bobby, point blank in the back of the head!

Warren Commission--One Shooter, One Shot that Ricocheted into President Kennedy, and through Connelly!  No Conspiracy!

  • Kennedy's secret service men, who normally held on to handles on the back of his limo, were told to stand down, as seen right before the shootings--secret service were made, but complied with orders, and I heard that it was the V.P., Johnson, who was in charge of the secret service!  Not sure.
  • A police escort of motorcycles, generally accompanies the President's motorcade, but that day, they were not present, as planned
  • the crowds were 5 ft. deep, until they rounded the corner to Dealey Plaza, then they were very spare compared to those earlier
  • the Zupruter film, clearly shows people falling to the ground, when the shots from the grassy knoll rang out, and many brave citizens, when they saw what happened to the President, ran toward the knoll, to get the assassins . . . Lee Bowers, the guy in the train tower, took 5 pictures of the cops with the three assassins, marching them off in handcuffs, so why didn't we hear about this in the official Warren Commission report
  • my law professor, Michael Goldsmith, at Brigham Young University, used to be a U.S. attorney, was involved in the John Gotti, mob trials, and was also involved in the Warren Commission, he told our criminal law class, that there were actually 8 shots fired that day . . . and shortly after that, he got a brain aneurysm, a blood clot to his head!
  • Kennedy's doctors that were suppose to be with him that day, were mysteriously missing, and his body was whisked away by secret service, and taken out of the jurisdiction of doctors, cops and prosecutors, who had the power to investigate and handle the case, and the body was taken to the Navel Hospital
  • by the time, somewhere between Kennedy being shot, at 1:45 p.m., or something like that, and around 4:00 p.m., when Johnson was sworn into office, with blood splattered Jackie next to, possibly, or likely, at least one of her husband's murderers, with Johnson telling the newly made widow, she might want to changer her clothes, she said, NO, I want the people to see what they did to the President!  It is alleged that during the swearing in of Johnson, someone, doctored, or messed with the major wound to the President's head, the one on the right side of his face, and cut some type of triangle looking thing, and put back the flesh over the exit would in the back of the head from this fatal shot!
  • unofficial reports, state that there were 7 shots fired that day, 5 from behind the sign on the grassy knoll, two from the book repository, and possibly, that last one that Dr. Goldsmith referred to, came from another building, in front of the President, Carlos Marcello said he also hit the President.

A Quote From President Kennedy

A revolution is coming . . . a Revolution which will be Peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; Successful if we are Fortunate enough; But a Revolution which is coming whether we will it or not.  We can affect its character, we cannot alter its inevitability.

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