Freedom to Ride, Butt in What Attire? If Any?
Now, I am going to preface my remarks, with the biased that you probably could gather from not only my concerns for the youth of the community, but from a constitutional prospective, rights, and policy. These debates, are not taking place in a vacuum, this is hotly contested, with a lot of passion on both sides of the issues, putting the Mayor and City Council, caught in the middle, but, in addition to that, with several articles in the newspaper, one of which I read, while there only a day or two, a week or so ago, along with letters, editorials, and opinions in the local newspaper, this has surely caught the attention of some smart, high school debater, like I was, who had to read the newspaper every day, to stay up on current events, to be prepared for my competitions in extemporaneous speaking events, that come fast and furious, especially in the fall, just the time that this totally exhilarating event is to take place. Kids are smart, they listen to what their parents are discussing at breakfast, lunch and dinner, or while riding in the car, much more than parents would ever think, and their interpretation of the events may not be what a parent would ever intend, or want. And it is a topic, that is not likely got go unnoticed or discussed, at least at my dinner table.
Like my mother always said, when I was following the crowd, which Missoula is doing, following, very liberal Portland, nothing wrong with that, but is it Montana . . . she would say, if your friends are jumping off a cliff, are you going to follow? That would always stop me in my tracks, mainly, because I saw myself as a leader, not a follower, rather than shaming me or feeling stupid, for following the crowd, my leadership skills and nature would kick in. The University of Montana, just in the last year, has been, basically getting kicked around by the U.S. Department of Justice, for not only their policies and procedures, dealing with rapes on campus, and in the surrounding community, but calling into question the actions of prosecutors, law enforcement, sports attitudes on campus, and the universities handling of a case involving a college quarterback and a female student, that also, cost the college millions of dollars! Can we afford, to promote nudity, pushing our version of freedom and liberty on the community, forcing the town to deal with our particular lifestyle and infringe on those other members of the area, at large.
Hang the Moral Prudes, If I Have To Ride Alone, This Event Is Happening!
The argument of the proponent of the frisky, briskly, ride in the buff, is that it is his constitutional right to do whatever in the hell he wants, regardless of the rest of the community. It is his right to free speech, his 1st amendment right to ride naked down the streets of the city! He proposed by way of compromise, that the ride would take place, on a Sunday morning, early, so that all the kids, families, and teens would either be still in bed, or going to church, but it would not effect the larger communities rights at all. Yeah, like kids couldn't get up early to go see a parade like this? I remember, my junior high announcing that the movie, Psycho, was showing for the first time on TV, and nobody was to watch it. I am sure, some do-gooder in the PTA, wanted the principle to announce that so the kids, would not watch it . . . guess what, these kids are hitting the rebellious teenage years, and were like, hey, thanks for telling me dude, I did know it was the terror movie, one of the best ever made, by the way, was even going to be on, but, I am sure to watch it!
And, I guess you think that kids don't ditch church, have cars, wouldn't volunteer to run and errand for a mother and father, that might even be shocked at their willingness to go to the store to get milk, October 15, at 9:00 a.m., or whenever in the hell the ride is scheduled for. What are they going to do, ride around the block 10 times . . . no, they are going to want to go for a stinking bad ass ride! Yesterday, in Spoke Fest, there were two rides, one was 9 miles, the other was 21 miles. Now, how in the hell, are the City cops, suppose to cover your sorry asses, while you ride, un-noticed on a Sunday morning, for more than a trike ride! Come on, this is ridiculous, any serious biker, clothed or nude, is going to really want to ride. That makes my point right there, if this is not about a serious bike ride, then what is it about? Cramming down the throats of your community, your lifestyle!
My One Sad, Sad, Ugly Experience With a Nudist
I have a friend, and old, pot smoking hippie, who is an avowed nudist. He invited me and another friend over to watch the Super Bowl, or some late in the season, pivotal football game. He opened the door, invited us in, and while I was ordering pizza and fun treats, he striped down to his birthday suit, to the total disgust of his other old hippie friend, and me, his prudish, puritan, modest, friend who even after 12 years of marriage, changed from my street clothes, to my nightgown, in the bathroom! One time my husband and I were in a deep discussion, and I put my nightgown over my head, while were were talking in the room, and got undressed, in front of him, under my night gown. He said, Jo, what are you doing, for hell sake, we have been married 12 years! I rolled my eyes, I don't care if we have been married 100 years, I am not standing here in the light of the room, getting dressed in front of you, sex, the lights are off, and anyway, familiarity breeds contempt!
Now, we were at his motel room, at his invitation, but, neither, me, nor Sam, ever, thought, that we would be subject to his big, fat, hairy butt, flashing us, as he walked into the bathroom, even for a second, it was so inappropriate, inconsiderate, and entirely disgusting. Not all of us see things the same way; therefore, we, have to be considerate of the thoughts and feelings of others, even in our own damn homes, unless we are alone, or know the other person, appreciates, our cellulite butt, and junk hanging all over the place! People with great bodies, generally, are younger, and that is fleeting, unless they work hard at keeping their temples, that way! This old guys, is, I am sure, hoping that the younger hippies of today, that are the 30 or 40 year cycle of kids, from the parents of those raised in the 60's and 70's, that are also throwing off repression, and returning to the days of free love, sex, and nature, raging against the machine, like many of their parents did, might also show up, and actually with good bodies, something to actually enjoy looking at!
But, this asshole proposing this ride, said, he is doing the ride, one way or another. Now, one of the beautiful things about America, and its 50 states, is you have 50 options, of either moving to that state that fits you state of mind better than the current state, or, this guy, might actually want to plan, next year's vacation around the Portland, ride in the raw parade! Or as another alternative, is you can do what they do in Chicago, have 2,000 bikers, ride down the streets of the city, butt ass naked, at 2:00 a.m., and announce the ride through the dark web or the deep Internet! But that wouldn't be any fun! We just want to piss everyone off, and have our way! Well, why don't you just take your balls home, and refuse to play with the rest of us!
We Must Have An Agreed Upon Set of Rules To Have An Ordered Society
No one gives a flying fucking rat's ass, what you do in your own home, as long as you don't invite us to watch! Most of society is not into nudity, as a general rule, there are things that are considered appropriate and inappropriate, like no shirt, no shoes, on service! Some of the California, prune pickers, I can get away with saying that, because I was born there, and they really do have a huge industry, thriving on prunes, for the same age crowd that is proposing this nude ride, but up around, San Francisco, of course, or maybe it was Oakland, the nudists were so offensive, walking around, even in liberal Hate Ashbury or Height Ashbury, the old hippie city, no, I am not sure where they were, exactly, but they were walking around town, with nothing but their sneakers on, or running shoes!
Now, I am sorry, but, you may think sagging ball sacks are cool, your right to show off, but . . . and most woman's breasts, start to droop a bit, even as early as their 20's, so . . . come on. They would most likely say, getting turned on is not the goal, because it can't be, that is against nature. We don't have the luxury of being airbrushed, and have someone put make-up all over our dimpled butt, but, over all, most people just don't look good naked. Oh, this is all about freedom, liberty, rights, REALLY? Or is it, to shock the senses of the community, violate their rights, infringe on their visual splendor, beauty, and enjoyment?
The Founding Fathers, Premised Their Document of Two Key Elements of Law: (1) Do all that you promised to do, and (2) Don't infringe on someone else's persons or property
It is kind of my father's favorite saying, that probably led me to become a constitutional law attorney, your rights stop at the end of your nose! That is a good principle to follow, it will stop you from getting the cops called on your for playing your music too loud, and being charged with disorderly conduct. In fact, the second basic principle of common law, which much of our system is based on, is the very rock bed foundation of criminal law, and if you abide by that, you are in compliance of 90% of the laws, that are the basis of criminal and property law . . . don't infringe, also includes, visual infringement! It is not a right to force me to look at your body, good, bad, or ugly!
Some establishments, have challenged the right to have nudity, like in girly clubs, X-rated bars, and whatever, but, that right is very limited, controlled, and their are laws, that must be followed, in doing what they want to do in those types of establishments. This is not your normal run of the mill business, and most of society doesn't frequent those places, or at least would let us know about it, so, a nude parade of bikers, goes far beyond, some of the regulations and rules for even these type of places. Some, that I have heard of, must have pasties, tassels, or something on their breasts or rather their nipples, covering their nipples, no matter how small the covering, and the girls, can't be undressed below the waist, butt floss or thongs, yes, but full nudity no. The state legislature is the entity to decide what you can do in the state, and your local county commissioners and city council persons, are the law making bodies in your towns, passing ordinances, covenants, and codes.
Larry Flynn, Founder of HUSTLER MAGAZINE, that Guys Just Buy for the Music & Book Reviews, Took a Case, Based on 1st Amendment Rights to Photo Nudity, and Sell It
Again, there has to be a distinction, between looking a porn, hard or soft in your home, in a magazine, and putting it right out there in the eye of the public, perhaps getting into the hands of kids. If you will notice, even Cosmopolitan Magazine, now has to have a white plastic block or sheet over the models on the cover. It is not that the nude or partially nude body is always ugly, but, we have to look at the larger picture, if it causes, a man, and it usually doesn't take much, from my experience, to get jacked up, which is normal, but then comes the feeling or the need for release, and that may not take place, always in the right place, or with the right person. Case in point, they said, that 1 in 5 women will be raped while at college! Those are fucking horrible statistics!
There is nothing wrong with looking at a beautiful woman in the privacy of your home, that is a combination of the publisher's 1st amendment rights to photo, print and copy, beautiful women, for your private consumption, while at home, or in the privacy of your car, and that follows, your 9th amendment right to privacy . . . but, you will notice that has nothing to do with, my rights, and if you get turned on, and want to cross your privacy rights into mine, you are wrong, that is criminal, and you can't do that. And, today, you even have to be careful of crossing the lines with your wife, in some states, California, I think it was the first state, to pass, husband raping wife legislation!
Sex is Like A Fire, It Should Never Be Let to Irresponsible Actions--Of Course, the Average Body, to Me is a Turn Off . . . That Would Include My Own, So Maybe Nudity Would Work in the Reverse, and Stop the Out of Control Sexual Assault Numbers!
Your rights, literally do, stop at the end of your nose, even with your wife, and you better make sure that she is amiable, willing and ready, or can be talked or enticed into sex, and a willing partner. You have jurisdiction or power over your body, and she has jurisdiction or power over her body! And that is just the way things are. There are colleges, I believe in California, a thought leading state, who are trying to curb the number of date rape and just plain rape numbers on college campuses, and protect female students, ask the University of Montana, what one little charge of rape, in a high profile situation dealing with your star quarterback can do, innocent or guilty, consensual or not, and making policy decisions, like their campaign, about Yes to sex, is Yes . . . you have to affirmatively say, YES or no go!
Just saying "NO" didn't work too well, because, with a few drinks, and a nice cuddly body, at this age, sexy, hot body, next to you, or one asleep didn't mean you wanted sex, but can generally lead to it! The general rule, should be, unless a girl is in a committed relationship, she prefers not to have sex, she may want to make out, touch a bit, kiss and hug, but sex, generally, not, or at least that is the way I was in college, making out with up to 3 guys in the same day . . . just sport, but hell, no to sex! Guys on the other hand, are going for the old college try, the touch down, the end goal, SEX! So you have two very different mindsets going into the fun and gaming that happens all the time in college, but doesn't mean much, so, that that into consideration . . . women, generally give sex for love, and guys, generally, give love for sex!
Good Policy Position--Don't Infringe on Other People's Rights!
The guy proposing this nude ride, would actually be arrested for indecent exposure, for riding his bike nude on the streets, without the protection or authorization of getting a permit for the ride; therefore, if he, alone, couldn't do, what he wants the city mothers and fathers to do, then, don't we think that, the whole thing is a bad idea, in legal terms, constitutional terms, policy terms? There all kinds of charges that could apply, in simply another setting: lewd and lascivious acts, public nudity, indecent exposure, aiding and abetting in the delinquency and corruption of a minor, disorderly conduct!
Why don't we challenge the proponents, to just take a little ride around town and see what the cops do, how they might react, and what they cite them with. And if it is okay, then, hey, the majority of the public, may not mind, and it is only a few of those prudes, like myself, that are uptight and out of their minds, for not being liberal enough to see the human body as a work of art, we should be proud of it, love ourselves enough to parade around in front of others, without inhibitions . . . it goes so much beyond that. A healthy attitude to the human body, is not the problem, and parents, lovers, ourselves, need to keep that in mind, but this goes so far beyond that . . . back in the Victorian Days, in the early part of the development of America, during the industrial revolution, it used to be, risque for a man to see a woman's wrists or ankles, and a big turn on. Modesty, leaving something to the imagination, is far sexier, that bold, flat out nudity . . . but you have every right to ride around your yard in the buff, just build a high fence!
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