The Bizarre Case Of Tristan Lamerauex, Small Town Punk
As usual, I read the local newspaper, the Spectrum, and this was right about the time I got my license reactivated, when I decided, that I hadn't died yet, so I might as well get busy about the business of living, and I remember reading about, what was merely dismissed as, a domestic killing, husband killed young, 23 year old wife, Misty. I didn't remember the facts, other than just that. I was living at 3770 Sugar Leo Road, in my sister, Rachel Hickey's old house, taking care of her kids, fighting her ex-husband, and his asshole attorney, Brian Adamson, and also taking care of sister, Shelley and her family, coming and going. I had already sued on the Brock case, was deep in defending Shane Clark, and Travis Braun, in the Cheek case, and handling Haylee's, juvenile cases, and working on the civil rights case, but there was a lull as there is in federal cases, and state cases as well, so I had some time.
I dropped in at my favorite watering hole, at the Chevron on Pioneer Road, if I remember . . . only lived there for a year and a half, so, memories fade, but the street that sister, Rachel, as a Bloomington, town council woman had lined with trees, posted a flag, and got the Duty to God Award, for her son, Matt Hickey. But, Jared, Tristan's younger brother had overheard me, talking to a friend or someone, and the fact that I was an attorney, came up, and he asked me if I had heard of the Lamerauex case, and I said, wasn't that the case where the guy, killed his wife in a domestic dispute? Yes, that is the case. Would you help my brother, who was the guy, husband and now the defendant in the case, he is unhappy with his public defender, and rightly so, and even more so, when I tell you what happened. I said, sure, I was kind of a specialist in the state of Utah on domestic violence, so I might be able to help, self-defense, or something like that . . . okay! And I am not Kay; I am sitting right here, overlooking Spokane Falls, in the library, right here in River City, literally! Kay is probably fucking Brett, or hanging out with Mitt Romney, somewhere?
Drug Deal, Japanese Mafia, and Neo-Nazi's
I meet with Tristan, the kind of kid, you wouldn't give a plug nickel for, as my father would say, kind of goofy looking, and with a story that would blow anyone's mind, and the greater majority of people, attorneys, would totally have dismissed his case, all together as a complete lie, totally bogus, and just some kid with brains on drugs, which his attorney did. Guilty, until proven innocent with him, threw him under the bus! So, at first I took notes, and was so lost in what he was saying, that I didn't know what to think, but, in a strange was, the story was so far fetched, that it only could be true, someone could not have made this stuff up. I was in shock, but, as the case rolled out, and having had off the wall dealings with the government myself, like being poisoned, and them stealing my life, plus 8 years, and trying to do it again, I went with him, and followed, his lines of both reason, fact, alleged fiction and went where the evidence took me.
The Oasis Motel, Mesquite, Nevada--On the Way to a King's Concert in Vegas
Just a bit of background on Tristan, he had gone to the Arizona prison, for a burglary, at about age, 17, and he, got out about the time he was 21. While he was in prison, he joined the Christian Brotherhood, but basically rolled, as he said, alone, without the protection of gangs, like the Aryan Nation, Sons of Anarchists, or the Hispanic gangs, can't remember their names that well after 5 years, I think I met Tristan in 2010. But he studied all the gangs while he was in the prison, and started to formulate, the gang structures and who joined with who, he watched, learned, thought, and prepared. But he was basically, a lone duck. Now, I want you to remember, that this is the case, that brought the feds, reigning down, hell fire and brimstone, and got my other client, Allan Rex Bess, murdered, replaced by a government double, but not so close double that I, thinking it was Allan, married, Frank, of InterPol, instead!
Allan, promised me he would help me on Tristan's case, and he said, Tristan was very respectful to Allan, who had driven with the Vago Biker Gang, and he recognized the tattoos on Allan's arms; Tristan had crosses, his mother's name, and other Christian symbols, in several tattoos on his arms, but they had a moment of two respect for each other in a hopeless place, and now that Allan was out, he was going to help me with the case. He had a newspaper article on his wall, with Tristan's wife, Misty on it. By that time, I was convinced Tristan was innocent, and several cops, weekend warriors with the National Guard, had been ordered by the FBI, and Marines, to kill Misty, and blame it on Misty, after what appeared to be a botched attempt to make it look like an attempted suicide . . . you don't shoot yourself in the head, 5 times! And generally, women are too vain, to mess their faces up with a gun shot to the head, so they opt for pills.
Allan was a Marine, served Intel in Vietnam, allegedly, of course, Frank, claimed, to have served too, but there stories started to cross, Allan never saw battle, he was too valuable in the office, and was pissed, wanted to fight, and Frank, the government's version of Allan, claimed he led 83 men into battle and only 52 came back, had they listened to him, like he wanted me to listen to him, they would never have died! One of the red flags, that I was dealing with a double, who was taking his life as a soldier, and blending it with Allan's, much as Kay, a BYU law grad, but worked in torts, or personal injury all of her career, until she decided to claim my, far superior career, much more rewarding and dynamic! But the gal, the government brought in, to be me, with Frank, behind her all the way, including taking credit for the Lamerauex case . . . that implicated the National Guard, the FBI, the Marines, and the Iron County Sheriffs Department, three deputies, so the feds were brought in to stop me, steal the case, offered Tristan a deal, after he got stabbed 13 times, when some guys from the Aryan Nation, read the brief I wrote, mentioning the fact that Tristan was working with the FBI and Marines, spying on the Hell's Angel Biker Club and several factions of white supremacists.
The Drug Deal that Changed Tristan's Life
Tristan bought drugs from this Neo-Nazi, guy at the Knight's Inn, in St. George, about two weeks earlier. Now, he and his friends, were going to a King's Concert in Vegas, and the Nazi, told him to meet him in Mesquite on his way to Vegas, and he would sell him some drugs. Tristan booked in on down through the gorge, and got to Mesquite early. He found the room, and the door open about an inch, and he burst in. NSA, just tried to yank the last two paragraphs! I hit the undo arrow, back! When Tristan got in the room, he was greeted with semi-automatic rifles pointed in his face, two members of the Japanese Mafia, and the two Neo-Nazi's . . . he held his hands up in the air, and threw the money on the bed, and said, I just want the drugs, nothing more. He mentioned that he had friends waiting for him in the car, and he felt that he would have been killed right then and there, had his friends not been down in the car.
Tristan Saw Blueprints of Nuclear Missiles and the Cities They Would Take Out!
Tristan thought it was his last night to live, after seeing the blueprints of the missiles, and the range of cities they could effect; he decided to eat, drink and do drugs, for tomorrow he is going to die, and the guys decided to skip the concert and just stay in Mesquite. When Tristan returned, strangers had come to his mother's house looking for him . . . he didn't know what to do, so he went to the Army Recruiters, and told them about the missiles. He had always wanted to be in the military, but they just dismissed his information, or so he thought, and left, a bit disappointed, they must not have believed him. But, as I heard this fact, I asked Tristan, why would the Japanese Mafia be hanging out with the Neo-Nazi's? He just looked at me and said, WWII. What, that was way back in 1947 or something, so what's up with that . . . the allies are pissed they lost the war! You have got to be kidding me, and they are going after America now? Yeah.
That was my first of many lessons on gang warfare, and I was not dummy, needing an idiot's course in this, because, when I was with the Utah Attorney Generals Office, and over community programs, Jan, the AG, wanted me to develop, with the help of the governor's staff, a video, brochure and program to fight the rising gang problem in Utah, so they sent me to the Embassy Suits, in Colorado, Capital City, and I attended a several day conference with people from around the country to listen to experts on gang wars, signs, and turf wars. What I knew, compared to Tristan, was like a kindergarten degree, compared to a doctoral course.
Eventually, the FBI and the Marines, contacted Tristan, while he was walking on the Dixie State College, at the time, campus, and asked him if he was ready to serve is country, and while the recruiters had told Tristan to get his high school diploma or GED, these guys, said, this is a different kind of service, and they asked him to infiltrate the biker gangs, and the white supremacists. I do, believe, that Frank was called in, who maintained that Tristan was guilty, totally different than the real Allan, had, as he claimed, been undercover and infiltrated the Hell's Angels, Tristan referred to as the American Mafia, brutal, mean, made his uncle, cut off his dick, and forced his grandfather to eat it! But, I think the government pulled Frank in to do damage control, keep Tristan and me, under wraps, and kill the case, against the National Guard! I believe that Tristan, who was in the gang unit, told me he was put there to die, begged me to get him out, go to the Mexicans, the Russians, the world leaders, because there was going to be some stuff go down, that they needed to know about! I am still not sure what he was talking about, but he had worldwide gangs pegged!
The Government Brought in the Best, So, You Know Something Big Was Going On!
Facts that would substantiate Tristan's claims, that this was an insider's job, that three guys in the sheriff's department, who were also, National Guard, were the ones who killed his wife, not him! I saw, there violent reactions, when I tried to get to the jail, to get Tristan, who hadn't seen me, since he was seeing doctors, to determine if he was competent to stand trial, and he was doing all he could to appear crazy, but he failed, they wanted him gone, that is why they framed him in the first place, he said, oh, so they used me, got me in deep shit with Misty's brothers, who were all friends with the deputies involved, and her brothers, kept telling Tristan, if he didn't kill Misty, there was speculation that she had slept with one of the Marines, who was working with the National Guard, to put down the insurrection and rebellion of the groups of white supremacists, who were going to go to war, with the Hell's Angels, who are all about America, with the Nazi types, wanting just what Hitler wanted, white's only nation . . . they wanted to cut America in two parts, one that was inter-racial and the other that was, multi-cultural and racially integrated.
I saw Tristan's files at the jail, and he actually had an FBI number, so I believed his claim to have met with them, and he often told me that they had a chip in his brain, that controlled him. We all know that the CIA, was working with mind control, the Manchurian Candidate, anyone, JFK Jr., the Egyptian plane, controls forced to the ground, sending both planes in a straight decent to hell! Tristan, would get agitated, and after telling me stuff, he would say, they are here, they come in stealth, through my brain, the chip and they whisper stuff to me! He claimed to have helped broker the treaty, between the two underbelly of American gangs, bit time gangs, run the prisons, and that he was now being thrown under the bus by the government! I believed everything he said, and tried to connect the dots, and prove he was right.
I am jumping all over the place, but more facts showed that they were concerned about Tristan knowing too much, they were trying to kill two birds with one stone, the wife that slept with their man, and the husband, she may have told too much to . . . kill her, frame him and take care of both! I was second chair on Tristan's case, he wanted me to be #1, as his mother instructed him to do, to trust me, but I was afraid to take a murder case, but would help the public pretender, who blew off every theory I had, dismissed it summarily . . . so why such effort, anger and work on a punk ass kid?
Blocked at the Jail, Tires Flatten the Morning of the Sentencing, Tristan Moved to 1st on the Docket, rather than 23rd as Scheduled, So I Couldn't Make it to Court!
I hadn't seen Tristan in about 10 months, until January, the following year, that is how long it took to decide competency, or where they hoping I would go away, or die, even better. But, I was banned from the jail, how is that for killing Tristan's 6th amendment rights, and a few more, plus mine as an attorney. Tristan was jumped in court, it appeared to be a staged event, because four sheriff's deputies were surrounding Tristan, who was calm as a summer's day, see KSL, Cedar Court Room Brawl, making it look like he was the bad guy, and then the brother jumped him as planned, after the testimony, about how angry he was about his sister, who had been pimped out, and abused, since she was 4 years old, with the brothers, telling Tristan if he didn't kill her, the treaty between the factions would not happen, and there would be war . . . so kill her, he wouldn't, they did, and framed him!
To make a long story shorter, I appealed the case, with the families request, because they wouldn't let me near Tristan, and somehow, I was able to pull it off, won the assistant attorney general . . . I think the court of appeals, judges, were curious, and saw that there were far too many questions, and I also pointed out the fact that Tristan always maintained his innocence, and he pleaded to second degree murder, at the insistence of this attorney, I was blocked and would, now, after that long and better prepared, I would have taken it to trial, and they knew that. But anyway, I got him and new trial, but the 5th Judicial District would not pay me, after hanging in there with my client for a year and a fucking half, without a dime, going to the prison, meeting with everyone I could, getting jumped by unmarked van, and deputies, you name it, and I haven't proven a loyalty to my client? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! Whatever . ..
But, I think I convinced one of the guards at the prison, that they were stupid, not to use Tristan's knowledge to figure out a better way to run the prison, placing people in safer populations, and protecting, especially those who were at threat of gang violence, like he was, stabbed 13 times. And if I were to guess, Tristan was given witness protection, they knew he was innocent, after all the circumstantial evidence proving the cops were doing everything to take me down, stop me, block me, threaten me . . . I saw Tristan after he was stabbed, 4 deputy sheriffs told me he had been stabbed, and I was going to see him that day . . . how did they know? On the news? I don't think so. But he showed me his wounds, and they were surface wounds and missed all vital organs. I asked Tristan if he wanted me to stop fighting for him, because it was my brief that got him in trouble with the white racist gangs . . . no.
Evidence Would Suggest that He is Safe, And Working Undercover!
After my truck got stolen, and my next car blown up with a pipe bomb, I called the Cedar City, Naaken Ford Dealership, one night, and asked about a particular, Ford Transport, and happened to get Tristan's uncle, the last name is pretty rare, so I figured that he was related. We talked about the case, he thanked me so much for the family, then told me that they, the family, had gotten a bag of Tristan's clothes mailed to them and they figured he was dead after the stabbing. I assured him, that I had seen Tristan's healed wounds and he was doing fine, still a fighter, and that I had encouraged the prison to use his knowledge, promising that he was innocent. Perhaps, that guard, who really listen, thank God, did go to the administration, I had made a big enough deal, went to meet with attorneys at the National Guard, and talked to about everyone I could, but I was hoping that after reviewing the case, the evidence, that Tristan was taken into the witness protection program and is now working for the government . . . some punk ass kid! A month later, Tristan's uncle, no longer worked there? Paid off, to say, someone besides me, did Tristan's case, someone else was the family hero, if not the one that fought for Tristan's life, the government can't recognize the real me, they just can't stomach, that a fat, smart chick beat their sorry asses, all of them, get the dumb chicks, who will spread their fucking legs for you . . . Frank the fuck who killed Allan, so he could take his place!
What Tristan Taught Me About World Gangs
He said, that the Muslims, while black or dark skinned, actually were big time followers of Hitler, and were big on racial cleansing . . . only in the reverse. The jihadist movement was their hatred for the west and America, we were too liberal, and they wanted to destroy all of us. That Muslim's wanted a global, genocide, getting rid of those who were or appeared to be against Islam. Hello, Isis! He told me to look at old wars, old allies and enemies, those wounds haven't healed, and, if world leaders would look back in history, they would see who their enemies are now, go underneath the covers, and politics makes strange bedfellows! Any enemy of yours that is an enemy of mine, makes you a friend of mine!
When Johnson, said to his mistress, that Irish son of a bitch, referring to Kennedy, hit me particularly hard, was this a religious tension, why would he use the words, Irish, it was a well known fact that the Kennedy's were Catholic. Does the Bush, English, I would guess, go way back across the waters to Britain and their enemies. What is Johnson's background an lineage, Lady Bird's? It might not be a bad idea to check out, some of the old feuds from the old country? Yale's, Skull & Bones are known to be loyalists to Britain, and sided with the southern states, the Civil War, went far beyond slavery, to state's rights . . . look what the Republican Party is fighting for now, in the Bundy Ranch, failing to recognize the federal government, that while Lincoln was for a strong federal government, and against slavery, the Republicans campaign both him and Reagan, in their Lincoln/Reagan Dinners, yet seem totally against anything they did, because, they are big government folks! It is as if, the traditional Republican, has switched places with the Democrats, fighting for the very issues their men fought for, they are now against . . . all about the money!
Bush Gang (War & Money) vs. Kennedy Gang (People, Rights, Poor)
Eisenhower, clearly saw the military complex as our biggest enemy! I think we need to take a true look at the world in terms of gangs, figure out what their game is, and fight fire with fire, knowing what the hell is going on around the world. Thanks God, we have a President, who is slow to respond, Bush would have had us in Syria, Libya, Nigeria, the Ukraine, Israel, and whatever the hell war he could get us in to help his big business buddies, like Halliburton and the world bankers, in London! Don't the Isis idiots, cutting off our journalists heads, have British accents . .. what is up with that, the top Islamic religious leader is saying that Isis is an embarrassment to Islam and they are promoting violence and that is not, what Islam is all about!
We need to look at what lays beneath, what motives, who benefits, and start there . . . we don't need another fucking war, another peacekeeping mission, we don't need to support murderers like Bush and Cheney, and we sure as hell, don't need to accommodate the world banker gang of blood thirsty thugs, willing to risk human lives, to fatten your coffers, I would rather flatten your coffins!
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