Power Can Be Just As Addicting As Anything Else
95% of Americans Believe that President Kennedy Was Killed By A Conspiracy Jack & Bobby Kennedy (Peace) vs. Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Bush, CIA, FBI, Mafia, Banks, Dallas PD, Military, Secret Service, Media (Power, Cuba as America's Playground, National Security, Money, Oil, Drugs, Warfare)
The Founding Fathers Tried to Close The Loopholes, Putting Power in the Hands of the People, But They Failed to Consider Intelligence Agencies
While we can't bring a dead President back, we can at least honor, respect, and try to implement what both he and Kennedy were trying to do, clean up corruption, bring back the gold and silver standard, by getting rid of the Fed, or bringing it under the control of the United States, prohibiting just printing money, putting the American People further and further in debt, abolish secret societies, after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Kennedy was going to rip the CIA in a thousand pieces, for acting without either his approval or that of Congress, being violently opposed to secret actions without constitutional approval, that Kennedy so adamantly spoke against, just shortly before his death, promoting transparency in government, secrecy was repugnant to a free society, there was no excuse to sensor the news or suppress to the public what they are intended to know . . . and so, in an act of retaliation, revenge, retribution, law enforcement, under the direction of the intelligence community, of the CIA, FBI, ONI, Office of Navel Intelligence, Secret Service, with all investigatory evidence in the assassination, going directly to Hoover and the FBI, to be buried, along with the help of the CIA, even covering up the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald, was both a CIA and ONI agent, speaking fluid Russian; therefore, due to the secrecy of intelligence agencies, he was an easy patsy, as the lone shooter, covering up, possibly 4 teams of assassins, while Oswald, himself, was in the Book Repository break room, drinking a soda at the time of the assassination. See, The Wizard of Oswald: JFK Assassination Documentary; it is excellent!
After the Assassination, Kennedy's Body Was Dropped on the Floor, His Brain Removed, Zipped in a Body Bag, Put in a Coffin, Whisked Off to Bethesda Navel Hospital, the Autopsy Was Performed by a Doctor, Doing His First Autopsy of this Kind, Limo was Extricated of All Evidence, CIA & FBI Kept All Evidence From the Warren Commission, Like that Oswald Was Trained by the CIA . . . Our President Was Treated Like a Whore In a Third World Country!
Allan Dulles, the director of the CIA, at the time of the Cuban invasion, was fired . . . he was a brother under cover, with Skull & Bones pal, George H.W. Bush, who was also CIA at the time of the assassination, as per a memo from FBI director, J.Edgar Hoover, who had dirt on every powerful man in America, and who received all the evidence from the Dallas Police, in the investigation of the assassination. The night before the assassination, Johnson, Nixon, Dulles, Hoover, and Byrd, just all happened to be at a billionaire oil man's house in Texas . . . there was champagne and caviar for a week after the assassination in celebration of the shooting. Interestingly enough, President Gerald Ford, was on the Warren Commission, looks like a payoff for Johnson, who just lost by squeaker, as the Democratic nominee, Nixon, who had lost the 1960 election, with Ford and Bush in the line up for the presidency, for their parts in the assassination and the cover-up!
Many of the CIA assassins in Dallas that day, were also the men Nixon used in the break in at the Democratic Headquarters at, the Watergate Hotel; the FBI, who teamed with the Dallas Police on the investigation, had interviewed Oswald, three weeks before the assassination, as reported by the Police Chief, who later recanted his story, saying the FBI had nothing to do with Oswald, who just happened to be on their payroll, at the Pay of Pigs time, and I believe was still getting $200 per month, not much by today's standards, but in 1963, probably about $1000 per month, or somewhere around that . . . and interesting connection with Time Magazine, was that the press crucified Oswald, and left no room for other shooters, even though many people, hit the ground on the grassy knoll, but tons of people, rushed the hill, where they heard the shots ring out, but the owner of the magazine, was a member of the OSS, or the Office of Strategic Service, over the OSI, or the Office of Strategic Intelligence, as was my father, being the precursor to the CIA!
Lee Harvey Oswald, was not just a kid from a broken home, without a father figure, he was a Marine, and I have heard that he was a sniper, but I am not sure, he was inducted into both the CIA and the ONI, by the time he was 21 fucking years old! He was fluent in Russian, so much so that his Russian wife, thought that he was a native Russian, of birth. He was sent over to Russia, under the cover of being a Russian or communist sympathizer, but really a spy for the CIA. However, he turned on the CIA, working with the FBI, and President Kennedy, dealing with Cuba, heading up the Free Cuba Movement, or Cubans for Freedom, pro-Castro! The CIA, as are the Bushes, still, were not much above Nazi level of fascism, as we see in the Patriot Act, with the mentality of everything for national security, with the motto, do whatever it takes, with no limits and no exceptions! Remember Prescott Bush with Herriman, funded Hitler!
President Kennedy was as American as you get, and it just dawned on me, that he was very much a product of his generation and era, with love, peace, anti-war, raging against authority, generation wars, etc., he was taking on the establishment of his time, warring against the machine, not against other countries . . . no wonder they, other countries, mourned right along with real Americans, they saw his vision of a peaceful world! With the line up of anointed boys for president, not only did Jack upset the apple cart, but Bobby was right on Jack's heels and he would have been a shoe in, and so would JFK Jr. The handsome Kennedy clan, were far too good looking, taking down the corrupt machines and entities of the day, like the mafia, that were destroying out streets and youth. In the video or documentary, Joe Kennedy the patriarch of the Kennedy family, who was thick with labor, who was somewhat controlled by the mafia, promised the boys, if elected would give favors, daddy had a stroke or something like that and didn't pass that message on to his sons, with Bobby, going after and taking down more mob members than anyone in history, up to this point, a sore spot with the FBI, who's job it is to take them down . . . Hoover was tight with the mob!
So Easy to See What Happened, So How Do We Hold the Guilty Liable for Their Actions . . . Rip Them, Especially the CIA & FBI, Who Orchestrated the Big Event, in a Thousand Pieces, Like President Kennedy was Going to Do!
If you want my opinion, remembering that I am Conspiracy Central, intelligence arms of the government are responsible for everything from the Kennedy assassination, the Oklahoma bombing of the Federal Building, to 9/11, with a former CIA agent, stating that the alleged pilots or men involved in the plot, whom have been seen, around since that date, merely were CIA assets, to Benghazi, with CIA reporting to President Obama, Sec. of State, Hillary Clinton, and Susan Rice, Security Adviser to the President, only reporting, in a transparent way, just what the CIA, who briefs the President every morning, exactly what talking point or Intel, they were getting from the CIA, who had people inside the State Department, also members of the CIA, changing the talking points, and when that came out to the public, not long ago, so what 2 years later, there were allegedly two attacks in Libya, nor one as reported by none other than the CIA; I would say another cover-up, with loyalties to Mitt Romney, much like to Allen Dulles . . . remember, now days, 70% are Mormons, as is Mitt! Trying to make another President look bad, just like they did to Kennedy, to Reagan, and now to President Obama . . . these are the dark horses in American politics, not the anointed sons, of billionaires!
Remember, war is big time money! It was interesting to hear the author of the documentary report Kennedy's reaction to the Vietnam War . . . he was going to pull troops out in 1965, stating that Vietnam was not our problem, NOT OUR WAR! I know there are humanitarian issues that we have to deal with, atrocities, that are horrendous, but, we are war torn and weary of all the wars, the fucking Bushes got us into . . . so, I think that President Obama, who is doing all he can to get us out of war, if possible, however, regarding public opinion, who has been propagandized, into believing that our national security is at risk, when going against Iraq, was stupid, because Afghanistan was were Osama Bin Ladin was hiding, with Iran being more the culprit, so? What in the hell is up with that, oil? And isn't it amazing, that at the very time we have pulled out of Iraq, and we are planning to pull out of Afghanistan, low and behold, fucking ISIS, rears its ugly head, with British accents, our allies? Not our war, so getting a coalition of Arab states, is best, you live over there, you fight the damn idiots, we are sick of that part of the world, being lunatics!
If You Fail To Learn From History, You Forever Remain a Child!
There are many lessons to learn from the assassination, from his point of view on things, who he was trying to protect, who he wanted informed on the issues, who he felt should know everything their government does, out in the open, so they can vote in people who represent their stance on the issues, not a bunch of rogue, asshole, Mormons running around the globe, deciding who they want to be loyal to as President, who they will and will not protect, who they will investigate and whom they will not . . . that is not how America plays the game! To take a man, whom the American people elected, god-damn-it, and shoot him like an animal for all the world to see, is so, well, so bad, asinine, horrendously evil, so dark, so blatantly hideous, that words, can't be crude, horrible, terrible, enough to describe what you motherfuckers did!
We need to look closely at these organizations, and not be afraid to report what they really did, without putting on the rose colored glasses, believing any stupid, lie they want to tell us . . . which, by the way, they are patterning after, none other than Hitler, their political superstar, when he said, tell the people a lie, and just keep insisting that it is true, and sooner or later, they will believe it! It is time to grow up American, stop believing that your government won't hurt you, has your best interest at heart, and that they won't betray your trust, your Constitution, your principles, your values, and your sensibilities of justice, fairness, investigation, holding culpable people accountable, and not being afraid to fucking disband a bunch of fuckers who think they are above the law! THEY KILLED OUR PRESIDENT!
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