Is Congressman Steve Daines, Running for U.S. Senate & a Creationist Qualified to Hold Office?
I was somewhat surprised to read in the editorial or opinion section, of the Kalispell, Daily Inter Lake, newspaper today, Sunday, September 20, 2014, a raging debate between the age old notion, of whether God created the world, or whether, scientists like Charles Darwin, with his theory of evolution, based on survival of the species through natural selection, the food chain, and survival of the fittest, for all science is, connotes the best and most logical theory, that has some scientific support and evidence to convince, a following in the science community, that the theory is plausible, or more believable than another scientific theory, to be going the rounds, years after the Scopes Monkey Trial, dealing with that same debate, claiming that former U.S. Congressman, for Montana, and current candidate for the U.S. Senate, in Montana, taking Senator Baucus, seat, who is serving as ambassador to China, and whether a Creationist is worthy to hold public office and represent the people of Montana?
Well, first of all, this is the same man, who has served the state of Montana for the last two years, as their representative in Congress, House of Representatives; therefore, obviously, from his past, he has been deemed worthy of the voters approval, and was elected to office, and is now being considered for one of the two senate seats, to represent the people of Montana . . . this is not a new face to the political scene in the state. Second, is the fact that Congressman Daines, is a unabashed creationist, and proud of it, reason, alone to disqualify him for public office? Apparently some people believe that to be the case. This statement smacks of years gone by, when religious test oaths, were either required to run for office, or test oaths were required to disavow any connection with a particular sect, with beliefs that were contrary to the laws of the United States of America . . . such as laws, still on the books, or were at the time I was in law school, with a prohibition of any person, either involved with polygamy, or related to someone who had or is practicing polygamy. There was a huge, anti-Mormon population in the state of Idaho.
No Religious Test or Lack Thereof, Shall Be Required as a Qualification to any Office or Public Trust under the United States
Obviously, at some point in America's history, there was a time, when, someone had to take prove by oath or affirmation, that they were qualified to hold an office or public trust, to be considered worthy. That may have been the result of the fact that many pilgrims migrated to the United States, to exercise freedom of religion, due to the fact that the Church of England, or the Anglican Church, was also the state sanctioned church, and the church of the monarchy; therefore, to be considered a person of trust, to Britain, with America, as a colony, in order to be best suited to promote the interests and ideals of the mother land, so to say, you had to have the same belief system, while allowing others to practice their religion, they could not lead, hold office, nor be trusted by the crown . . . I am just guessing.
The rebellious founding fathers, who were all stripes and stars, made up of multiple religious backgrounds, affiliations, and sects, were willing to put those religious differences aside, to further the interest of the Union of states, thus declaring independence, from the religious yoke of England, and no longer found it necessary, to demand, loyalty, not only to the state, but to the state's religion, or the Anglican Church, freeing up all interested parties, to participate in the political process, unencumbered with the tyrannous shackles of the old world religions, King George, or the test oaths, that may have previously been required. And as is the case with the basic tenants, foundational precepts, and principles, behind this independent thought, came allowances for those who didn't believe in a deity at all, to be also, able to hold public office, and trust in the United States, free of persecution, objections, and any ramification of their individual system of religious, or non-religious practices.
The Ideologies, Philosophies & Terminologies Might Matter
What drives the candidate? What lays behind the basic tenants of their belief system? Does the fact that Congressman Daines, believes in a God, and that he/she created the earth, and all that connotes, contains, and contributes to a personal philosophy make a difference, that may in fact, bare sway, in your choice of a candidate to represent you in Washington, voting on the issues that you find, most closely represent your own, feelings and beliefs. Maybe. One of the editorial letters, suggested that the Democrat, Amanda Curtis, being well familiar with science, evolution, and scientific theory, was much more qualified that Daines, to be Montana's newly selected senator. And in this case, if that really does seem to make a difference to you, the voter, being a skeptic, a critical thinker, and a logical person, striving to put the best person in office, we may want to consider the thought, ideas, driving forces, and proposed principles behind each side of the issue, that of evolution and creationism.
Origin of the Species--God or Ape?
My second husband, was an evolutionist, and a Darwinist, and he proved that in the truest sense of the theory, literally, is was based on survival of the fittest, blood lust, those at the top of the food chain win, if you want it, take it . . . with absolutely no value system, no exceptions, no limits, just do whatever it takes, to take what you want . . . steal, kill, destroy of necessary. This is very much like the Darwinian principles behind the Patriot Act, the collective, against the individual, the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people, as long as they are on the upper echelon of the financial food chain, or with your wealth, money, resume, talents, or that of your children, it was all fair game, is was a blood drive to the top, and murder was all part of the game, mere collateral damage, the cost of one's climb to the top!
Man was looked at in no different light, than the highest level of the food chain, and the fittest, the leanest, the smartest, the most cleaver, or the most brutal, is the victor, much like in the animal kingdom. This, however, is totally contrary to the attitudes, platitudes, and concepts, of a free America, with the goal of a more perfect union, domestic tranquility, general welfare, common defense, justice for all, prosperity for me and my posterity, with a Constitution, and Bill of Rights, to create a set of laws and order, so that society, without feeding on the poor, the tired, the hungry, the minority, can promote the interests and provide benefits, regardless of the thoughts and ideas of the majority, for the more perfect union! These concepts are much closer to Biblical notions, beliefs, which the U.S. Constitution, with Judeo-Christian laws, in addition to common law, with inalienable rights, than they are to Darwinism, evolution, and survival of the species, devouring each other.
I for one, prefer, chose, belief, and have faith, that man, woman and child, have a divine origin, and prefer being created by God, rather than descending from apes, who I guess just got left behind, as a species, because they are still running around looking much like, our alleged ancestors. I know I have a tail bone, and that is supposedly the remnants of my ape ancestor's tail, but why did only a select group of us evolve, and the rest remained in their primitive state, looking exactly like they used to? I tend to gravitate to the noble, the virtuous, the ethics, the pathos, logos, and higher intellectual skills, of a human, setting us apart from the animal kingdom, with the critical mass of brain, a collective conscience, in a parallel universe, functioning above the animals . . . he could not explain, the missing tail. LOL!
Christian Science Reading Room . . . These Ideas Are Not Mutually Exclusive
I remember a very enlightened conference talk, Mormon Church Prophet, Gordon B. Hinkley, gave . . . in reference to the miracles of both Christ's birth, and his earthly ministry, performing his own miracles, he said, the more we know about science, the less mysterious the miracles of Christ are . . . I do believe that to be true, there is natural selection, species at the bottom of the sea, adapt, dinosaurs walked the earth, If you look at the evolutionary system, and progression, it may be just a definition of terms . . . scientists laugh when people believe the earth is only 7 to 10,000 years old, what about the Mesozoic, the Paleozoic, and other stages and eras of the earth, which through carbon dating put the earth much older than that, what about that, or could there be, that man as we know him, started at roughly the same time period, long after Lucy, cromagnum--who lived in a cave for 60 generations and the crew, walked on two feet, but were not man as we know him, they were not like Adam and Eve, who appeared on the earth timeline, roughly about the time that agriculture, industry and science, started to blossom.
The Bible speaks of the sons of God, marrying the daughters of man . . . creating giants, like Goliath, that David the shepherd boy fought, who later became King David . . . have the scientists in all their knowledge, forgotten to acquire wisdom . . . the fight between the Israelis and the Palestinians, takes root in the Bible, as do other warring factions in the Mid-East, is that fiction, like the Garden of Eden, and the Flood, just symbolically or figuratively speaking . . . so, why in the hell are we fighting over their, with the re-occupation of the City of David, if David is a figment of our imagination, some mythical character created by those with a need to believe in a God. Many of the conflicts in the Arab Countries, have Biblical roots, and only if and when we understand that ancient document, can we fully understand, and get to the bottom of things here and now. Is Egypt a joke, Rome, the Ottoman Empire, the caliphate not real, tell ISIS! Syria, the Coptic Pope! There may be misunderstandings, different translations, and ideological persuasions, that make us see things different, but as in the Christian Science Reading room, I believe there is room for both to co-exist.
I Would Suggest, That More Important Than Whether a Senator Believes in Evolution or Creation, is Whether they Themselves Can Evolve?
Is one, whether from one camp or the other, willing, able, and capable of entertaining different view point, with the target goal in mind of a more perfect union, regardless of what that looks like, but as outlined by the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution . . . can they work with the other side, to reach across the isle, and do what it takes to make a better America, closer to the ideals of the Constitution, and the founding fathers, who were seeking a Utopia? Or, are they going to do what we have been doing, siding off, into Republican v. Democrat, Creationists v. Evolutionists, White v. Black, Male v. Female, Young v. Old, Minority v. Majority, or wealthy v. poor? All of these are destroyers of a more perfect union! Does this candidate have the mental capacity to evolve, to create, to believe and achieve the goals of America, the ideal, following Constitutional principles and concepts of due process, equal protection, liberty, justice, freedom, the least intrusive government, minimal interferences with family, respect and deference for different opinions, open to being persuaded otherwise, or are they pig-headed, stupid, ignorant, and insane . . . the definition of insanity, is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result!
Evolution of the human being, of the American, of the world citizen, of old dead ideas, of derelict religious beliefs, that are dated, limiting and prohibited, when new and better things can take their place, can this person see it, or are then a product of a perverse generation that refuses to see, hates peace, thrives on bloodshed, misery, woe, poverty, environmental degradation, and the annihilation of mankind? There are many better ways to chose a candidate than to look at their, somewhat religious beliefs, finding them intellectually or socially ignorant, for believing different that one's self. Vote for the best person for the job, of America, doing their business, for reaching and achieving greatness, honor, respect among nations, pride, glory for the world, working together with world leaders.
Just this week, a representative from Korea came and honored those veterans of the Korean War, who served to help the situation in that part of the world. Montana's governor is working with China, and promoting business, tourism, and opportunities, that will be of benefit to the country and the state, creating jobs, sustainability, and also helping our Chinese neighbors, in creating good for their economy. Montana was just found to be the best or most beneficial state, for tax issues, who can see that, and are willing to check out what Montana is doing right, or other states that shine in other areas! That is a much better guide for selection of a candidate that will aide and help, the survival of the species!
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