Long National Nightmare Is Over . . . The Constitution Works!
President Gerald Ford, Having Just Been Sworn in As Nixon's Successor
The "Real Security" of this Nation, Lays In the Integrity of Institutions, the Trust and Informed Confidence of Its People, We Conduct Our Deliberations In That Manner.
Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Peter Rodino, Overseeing the Nixon Impeachment
The Three Articles of Impeachment, President Nixon Was Charged With: (1) Obstruction of Justice; (2) Abuse of Power; and (3) Defying the Impeachment Proceedings!
President Nixon will go down as one of the most controversial presidents in the history of the nation, noted for his foreign policy, negotiating deals with Russia and China, wanting to end the Vietnam War, while escalating it, claiming to want, peace abroad, and prosperity at home, in American, but it is, Watergate, that will be most remembered by history. Just three days, before the Watergate break in, to Democratic National Headquarters, with protesters, objecting to the war in Vietnam, four students were killed, in protests, at Kent State University. It was tumultuous times, in America, and Nixon, wanted to guarantee, that he was re-elected to a second term of office; therefore, he ordered the break-in, using the newly formed, Campaign Intelligence Agents, or Personal Private Investigators, headed up by J. Gordon Liddy! a former, CIA agent. Liddy, brought on E. Howard Hunt, used formerly, in other illegal break-ins, such as the Ellsberg psychiatrist's office, in California, to obtain, records to schmere, Ellsberg's name, after leaking the Pentagon Papers. Several Cubans, who had been used, by the CIA, in an attempt to topple the Castro regime in Cuba, were also, enlisted, so as not to trace the orders back to the White House.
These days, soon became known as the Dark Days of the White House: The Watergate Scandal! Nixon claimed, that as long as he ordered it, that was not breaking the law! He, then ordered the cover-up, to keep the break-in, out of the White House. Bernstein and Woodward of the Washington Post, would not drop the story, and started to take heat from the White House and staff, basically calling off the dogs. The statement was made, behind closed doors, that his staff needed to keep a good list of the press people, because, we will make life difficult for them! The seven individuals involved in the break-in, that was discovered by police officers, who noticed a light on, in a third room office, and came to investigate, finding, men, in suits, hiding under tables and desks, knew this was no ordinary break-in, but, beyond the price of being paid, to break-in, it was now going to cost money demands, through blackmail, or to buy the silence of the fall guys for the alleged, overzealous, campaign committee, of a million or more . . . Nixon, said, no problem, and eventually, he would take the money, from his campaign financing, and got it into the hand of a Tony Ulasewicz of the New York Police Department, a wise-guy, if you know what I mean! He and his wife, would deposit the money, then drop the key or tape the key, to the bottom of a public phone, indicating where the money was to be found. Nice . . . I don't think it was any secret that Nixon, had mob contributions to his campaign.
Oh, Hi, Oh . . . Poppy Cock!
It appeared for awhile that the Nixon band of robbers, taking pictures of tons of information, had gotten away with the crime, and had effectively shut down the press, until, Alexander Butterfield, mentioned that, there was a presidential bugging system, and that the bugs in the Oval Office of the President, was automatic, and would have turned on, at any time there was any, discussion, whether just a whisper, or a full blown conversation. From that point on, there was pressure to produce the tapes! The President and all the President's men, refused to turn over the tapes from the Oval Office, claiming, separation of powers, and that Congress did not have the power to order the Executive Office, or Nixon to turn over the tapes, and they would not be released. That is what, created the Constitutional Crisis . . . with the battlefield, the separations of powers! That created a showdown with Congress. Nixon said, he would turn over the tapes, but he was afraid, that someone with a different political view, might come to a different conclusion, as to the truth of what happened; therefore, he refused to release them to the Congressional Judiciary Committee, who set forth to determine the events, that led up to the break-in, when the President knew, and who soon, he knew?
I watched a three part, series, put out by Discovery Network and the BBC, and I would recommend it to any history buff, finding it to be, both, informative, and entertaining, seeing some of the old timers, in Congress and their temperaments and personalities, come through, during comments, and examinations . . . I failed to write down the name of the Congressman, who made the comments, but I found them, right on, he said, I thought, the number one, Constitutional crisis the country faced, was the Civil War, but he said, I found redeeming features on both sides of the issues, that of emancipation of the slaves, and the battle over whether there should be a strong central government, as opposed, to more powers, being retained by the states, as in the southern states, calling the shots on slavery, rather than the President and the North! However, the Congressman, went on to comment on Watergate, and said, he found no redeeming features, in anything about the break-in, the cover-up and the actions of the President! Later, an Impeachment Resolutions was issued by the Committee!
President Nixon Challenges Congress . . . Don't Think Congress Has the Guts!
I think that it is worthy to note, that President Nixon had just been re-elected, with a majority, in 49 of 50 states, so, I believe he was feeling, invincible! The Judiciary Committee, order the Prez. to turn the White House tapes over to Judge John Cirica. Nixon, blamed this on the media, claiming that it was a vicious, frantic, and hysterical press, who decided, to press for the tapes to be turned over, through their reporting and the Committee, didn't get the idea on their own. In a press room, conference, a snide, comment, from Nixon, indicated that one can only be angry at people he respects, and that was none of them! After, Nixon was impeached me made as statement, I believe, referring to possibly the press, directed, at them, not only personally, but, individually, when he said, at his resignation, speech, Others may hate you, but those who hate you, do not win, it is only when you hate them, that others win . . . Prior to the impeachment proceedings and vote, the President, just kept insisting, that he was too busy, doing the business of the nation, to be bothered by this ordeal, and he would never step down, but do what he was elected to do.
Judge Circa, ordered warned the reporters, they better be there, so there might have been some truth to the allegations against the press, by the President! LOL! Gotta love'em, the press, and their first amendment right to free speech, especially, in this context, going against the most powerful man, in America, if not the world, that is, thank, God for them, seriously! So, in the tapes that were initially turned over, there were 18 minutes, with only an audible tone, but no conversation. So, the Judge, took precautions to protect the remaining tapes, from being erased or tampered with . . . there were mysterious tones, in the tape, Nixon's secretary, Rose Mary Woods, claimed, that she accidentally, leaned over too far, to grab something and the button she pushed at her feet, turned off. It was later found that it was not a foot that turned off the tapes, but, fingers! The President's attorney, James St. Clair, who thrives on tough cases, said, the 18 minutes of hum, was an accident, and it was distinctly done, 5 times, is how, Congress responded!
Congress committed to the point of no return, voting 410 to 4, with the House determined that these were impeachable offenses! The cover-up, the perjury, the narrow view of the President's powers, and the Constitutional view, with President Nixon, a lawyer, himself, said the Constitution is very precise, and he would turn over transcripts of the tapes, but not the tapes, themselves. His Office turned over only 31 of 42 conversations, and 20 of 60 conversations. It was found, that the President, had not complied with the subpoena, and there were so many omissions that were denied, that the President was not in compliance, therefore, the Congress would proceed with the inquiry! This is where, Chairman, Rodino, made the statement . . . Real security of this nation, lays in the integrity of institutions, and, trust and informed confidence of its people, we conduct our deliberations on that manner.
Limits of the President, Congress, President, Judiciary at Issue?
The impeachment proceedings, moved forward, on the basis of the fact, that President Nixon's conduct in office, of the President, was in violation of his Constitutional oath! refusing to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, violating the laws of the land, and that he prevented, obstructed and impeded the pursuit of justice and the laws of the United States of America! The Judiciary Committee, voted, 27 to 11, to impeach, there was no dancing in the isles, and with some telling others they would have to live with their conscious! Right about at that time, the Arab States, had declared war, against Israel. President Nixon's attorney, James St. Clair, argued that the President had executive privilege to erase the 5 minutes and 12 seconds in the tapes, and that is was a confidential communications, therefore, protected by privilege . . . others went on to argue, that when breaking the law, one conspirator, can't claim privilege to another co-conspirator, through any type of privilege! Leon Jaworski, later, said the President needed to be treated like any other defendant, in the commission of CRIME!
After that, the President, tried to get, J. Edgar Hoover, to stop FBI investigations, and Hoover, said he did not believe in the divine right of the president to commit crimes! Soon, money used to pay off bribes, or use hush money to shut up the men, involved in the break-in, was found by the FBI, down in banks in Mexico! Eventually, the CIA, came in and ordered the FBI, to stop investigating the break-in. Many encouraged Nixon, to resign, such as Secretary of State, Kissinger, who said, it was in the interest of the nation, that Nixon, support Congress, and step down, later to be pardoned by Ford. It is interesting to note that, V.P. Spiro Agnew, at this same time, was being investigated for taking bribes, while in office in Maryland, and Congress was worried that he would be put in as president, replacing Nixon, so they had to cut a deal with Agnew, that he would not see prison time and was charged with tax evasion, in a plea agreement, with prosecutors, getting him out of the way, so that Gerald Ford, could come in as V.P. for Impeachment purposes, making him the new President, sworn in and, as Kissinger said, pardoned President Nixon! Nixon, would not get a public funeral in Washington, as most other presidents have!
After Nixon, Can Other Presidents Be Trusted?
Just the other day, it appeared that, my fourth husband, or my proxy husband, government double, for Allan Rex Bess, Frank of Interpol, or his look-alike, showed up at the Poverello Center, in Missoula, Montana, where I have been staying for the last year, off and on. I had not seen Frank, for almost 4 years, since leaving Utah, so it was hard to tell, if that was him or not, but he walked like him, and several times, as if, he thought, that I didn't notice him, or didn't recognize him, came up close to me, while me and another man, were discussing government, and this guy, mentioned to me, a website, called, behind the blue wall blog, a blog on all the suspicious deaths of police officers' wives, over the years . . . open season, with this trending, going to FBI, and CIA . . . epidemic, I would guess, see, "The Agent's Wife", and FBI agent, cleared of killing his wife, allegedly self-defense, RIGHT!
But, as I have narrowed in, more and more, getting closer and closer, to first, figuring out, what type of people I am dealing with, that, are, as in the Watergate Break-In, totally, violating, well established, Constitutional law, plus a plethora of other crimes, in this government, sting op, which put me in contact with Frank, of Interpol, and other members of the intelligence community, over the last, I would say, 15 years, starting with asset forfeiture, then, Medicaid/Medicare fraud units, getting me poisoned, given the death sentence, without any cure, in a terminal brain disease, later to be revived from the tomb, taking a $356.7 million lawsuit, to the U.S. Supreme Court, with about another $400 million worth of cases against the government, sitting on my desk, in a house, that was broken into, dealing with a case, against Homeland Security and the Department of Justice, that landed my emails, going through Washington, D.C., before hitting their intended target, generally, a new client, in another civil right lawsuit, against some other government entity!
Issues of Obstruction of Justice and Abuse of Power, FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA, Etc.? Does My Case Go Up to the President?
I noticed the identity theft, as early as, 2000, noting, who, what, why, where, and when all this started, and who my alleged, replacements were, having tangled with the FBI, and other feds, at the time, I was poisoned, which originally, determined, to be a disease, that there have been no, survivors, once, the diagnosis, of Pick's Disease has been given . . . and, I am the only, person to survive? I think, not, but I do believe the government, intended me to die, for my, protecting, preserving and defending the constitutional rights of doctors in the state, as general counsel for the Utah Medical Association! Also, a professor of family law at the University of Utah, with my own anger management company, and writing programs for the Internet, on guardianship/conservatorship, young, beautiful, thin, and single! No, I am not, any of the fraud broads the CIA, and the FBI, want you to believe to be me! I am sitting, right here, at McDonald's, on Broadway . . . Beauty is on Broadway, Cats on Broadway too . . . shops, and it is 3:08 P.M., Mountain Time, ruling out, Pacific, honey, or Brett, Kay Burningham, or others!
This, case, seems to be a special op, with top security secret . . . that of curtailing, my power, as an attorney, involving, stealing my son's music, my cases, my resume, my law degree, my houses, and furniture, my vehicles over the years, trying to kill me in an accident to cover-up this mess, and the theft of about a billion dollars, from all of my $700 million worth of lawsuits, that I have every right to bring, to represent, my clients, in their grievances against the government, covered by their first amendment rights, along with 5th, and 14th amendment rights to due process and equal protection, along with 6th amendment rights to counsel, a jury trial, and a public trial . . . not some aberration, cancelling oral arguments, after attempting to stop me from attending, and presenting in front of a three panel member of judges, at the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, and later at the United States Supreme Court, on my Brock et al, vs. Herbert et al, securities case that got national attention! I was thin when this stated, so fucking excuses on weight, other than Mormon Church, bull shit, controlling 70% of the FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA, in Utah, and other government agencies, that are NO COVERED, OR IMMUNE, UNDER THE PATRIOT ACT, when the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, AND CRIMES ARE AT STAKE!
The Mother Lode, Wild and Dangerous! Tough SHIT!
I don't care how high the authorization of thus little special op goes, but, as in Watergate, with this being even worse, in magnitude, with 26 people dead, in connection with my case, the short list, and about a billion dollars at stake, not to mention, mistaken identity, or purposeful, threats on my life, with the apparent sanctions of the highest levels of government, many in connection with Mitt Romney's Mormon Mob, involving Mormons, Mobsters and Men In Black, or the alphabet soup agencies, that are fucking not covered by any fucking law that has existed, is in existence now, or will ever exist, these monsters, need to be BROUGHT TO JUSTICE, NOT MATTER HOW HIGH THIS GOES! One of the great things about the Brock securities case, is that, I took the Utah Division of Securities, and SLAMMED their fucking faces, right into the U.S. and Utah CONSTITUTIONS, the controlling and highest laws of the land! trumping, fucking, dumb ass, regulatory rules and administrative subpoenas!
Do, you not think it time, to return, to the GUTS of Congress, the U.S. Attorney Generals Office, to special prosecutors, to the press, looking at the obstruction of justice and abuse of power, in MY CASE! Women and their fucking male counterparts, many in high legal offices, without law degrees, are practicing law, and calling on local cops, just like in the Watergate Break-in, to do their bidding, making it hard, not only on ME, but my FAMILY, and ANYONE, who is willing to step up and make a statement, of HONESTY, telling who the REAL ME IS! This is not an issue of national security, the blanket, fucking excuse for everything under the sun, in some, fucking kitchen sink, cover-up, I am not the terrorist, I am doing, exactly what, President Nixon, and his henchmen, were accused of failing ot do, taking an oath to, preserve, protect and defend the U.S. Constitution! Just like Nixon and company, CIA, they are the bad guys, I am the GOOD GAL! I will not be punished for doing what is right.
I Am, Archibald Cox, the Special Prosecutor!
I was not, and am not, just any attorney, with average credentials, or with average cases, I specialized, in Title 42, Section 1983, civil rights cases! By law, federal law, and constitutional law, I am authorized, to represent my clients, in suing, state officials, such as in the Division of Securities, under the Department of Commerce, in the State of Utah, regardless of their connections with the Mormon Church, my sister's fucking rat ass deal with them, and can proceed forward, suing the fucking shit, out of any agency, who proceeds without due process, equal protection, and other Constitutional violations, as violating, my client's CIVIL RIGHTS! In so, obstructing justice, and abusing power, all government agencies, and their arms, acting for them, and in conjunction with my case, need to pay for the last, fucking 15 years . . . they just didn't get me, didn't kill me, as INTENDED . . . identity theft, attempted homicide, grand larceny, conversion of property, theft of music, intellectual property, like this blog, which are also, constitutionally protected, need to be compensated for, through, the government taking that has happened, and the families of the, alleged, collateral damage, in this WAR, need to be compensated, for the WRONGFUL DEATHS of these people, who were trying to keep, the integrity of the law, the Constitution, my right to be their counsel, and so forth!
Just Like In Watergate, The Public, to Retain the Integrity of This Nation, Needs to Scream for an Investigation!
This is not the accepted, activities of this government, not the country, under the Constitution, which is the Supreme Law of the Land! PERIOD! The Patriot Act, when applied to American citizens, and not the intended, terrorists, becomes the UNPATRIOT ACT, especially, for having the audacity to go after a CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ATTORNEY, calling her the TERRORIST? When the government entities, going after, ME ARE THE TERRORISTS and the THREAT TO THE NATION!
Cold Case: Hollywood Scandals!
What happened in this case, was much, like what happened, in the Miranda Case, in Hollywood, where, there was this mystery woman, allegedly, someone men could not resist, with men, dropping at her feet, wanting to marry her, and dreaming of this woman, who was so, elusive, so beautiful, so charming, and so desired, that all the leading men, in the movies, in music, rock stars, and all, wanted this woman. So, as I was going in and out of listening to the case, last night, I think, that someone got murdered, or some crime was connected to this woman. Some men, asked this wonder woman, for her picture, and she would send them a picture of a top model, rather than herself, and people, started to wonder, what was going on with this woman, who was appearing more and more to be a fraud, a myth, a created, legend, a work of the creative, imagination, of men in Hollywood.
Eventually, some reporters, decided to get to the bottom of who this woman was, what her game was, and what power she had over men, of the highest station in Hollywood. When, one reporter caught up with her, she was nothing like her illusive self, or the woman, and in my case, women, she/they, pretended to be, capturing the love, devotion, admiration, and courtly acts of valor and honor, that, she/they allegedly deserved. The man, was completely disappointed, at what he found, a women, who had been, at one time, high society, in New York, and who, came to miss the fancy parties, and hanging out with celebrities, so she came to Hollywood, and started to call movies and rock stars, and sometimes had a 4 year relationship with them on the phone, but refusing to meet with them in public, protecting the sham and charade, of her mystique! The man, said, he regretted finding out, who the real woman was, and wished he had preserved the myth, the legend, and the mystique of this mystery woman!
In my case, women, have adopted, lied, projected, pretended, been promoted, as the myth, legend, mythical character, who, is actually, bigger than life, being able, to avoid hit men, government agents, traps, sting ops, from local, to state, to federal cops, including CIA, FBI, and with surveillance, on my phones, computer, satillite, and with every tool, weapon the government men, can wield against me, being used to hold me down, and foster and elevate these FAKE women, using my name, credentials, blah, blah, blah, and claiming that all the truly great things that I have done, like the domestic violence and sexual assault manual, or killing cop and prosecutor's legislation, in asset forfeiture, leading to reforms in 27 of 50 states, protecting doctors, from fraud units, protecting and saving the constitutional rights of financial planners, taking two of the largest civil rights suits in the nation, to the U.S. Supreme Court, getting awards at college, taking on Donald Trump, Fox, and CNN attorneys, getting the insurance commissioner in Nevada fired, or the editor and journalist at the Las Vegas Review Journal fired, for allowing the "fake" CD, claim, for one of my clients, writing with 15 other people, being the brain child and the author, literally, of the used, plan for Afghanistan, helping with many issues, from state, in both Utah and Montana, to federal issues, like health care and other issues, Keystone Pipeline, with a billion people reading this blog, filled with Constitutional training and helping give insights . . . none of these women, who claim to be me, can write, fucking one of these, or soon, will lose their readership!
I Am the Real Legend . . . Allan/Frank's Girlz Club, Mere Imitations, Mistaken Identity, Thieves . . . Pretty Little Liars!
The other day, after I wrote that Frank, the author of this shit, and total tits and ass man, pencil dick that he is, must have read, that, he was at the Poverello Center, wearing a black cowboy hat, and so forth, but, later that night, he was walking around, with his cowboy hat off, and was soon, gone from sight! Do, you think he was connected? I do, proof is in the pudding. The best thing for me to do to VERIFY, is to write my suspicions, and generally, if I am right, the SKUNKS SCURRY AWAY! LOL!
Last night, there was a situation, at the Poverello Center, where I am staying, that may or may not be connected, but there was an Indian woman, who showed up acting strangely, doing some type of Native American VooDoo, which I dig, if there are evil spirits, cast them out . . . take the fraud bucks and bitches with you, but when I saw her, on several occasions, standing over my bed, being right next to hers, in the middle of the night, and not responding when I asked her what she was doing, and seeing her, trying to block me and her in the restrooms, and later finding out that she had been asking people for scissors? So, me and a few other people told the staff, and I told them, I was bothered, but, the scissors, and the potential threat, having her stand over me at night, was a bit much. When I woke up this morning, she was GONE, and to my relief! At mysterious death threat, is not uncommon for me, in fact, there have not only been threats, but actually attempts, on many, many occasions, so this stuff is not a joke to me.
I want to thank the staff at the Poverello, for handling it, in a professional way, and taking the threat away. I know the woman, had lost her companion of about 19 years, might not have a reason to live, and could have been bribed, to do something to me in the night. Cowboy, Frank, would know, as does Brett, and anyone, that I am a total sound sleeper, and rarely wake, even when stuff like last night is going on, so, getting me while I am asleep, is a sure bet, that I could be gone enough to be, an easy target!
I Always Error on the Side of Safety, Thanks Pov. Staff, for Doing the Same Thing!
P.S., to VERIFY, that I was, where I said I was, since, about 7:00 A.M., this morning, watching videos, for hours, then writing, check, surveillance cameras, two, that were on me the whole fucking, either, back by Playplace Land, and then, changing to the other side, when I got cold! EASY, EASY, EASY . . . I am still typing, I will wave, at 4:10 P.M., so you can check exact time! I waved and stuck out my tongue! So, there you have it, there should be no, substitutes, no doubles, no fraud broads, and I may not be the heroin, that cops, can give their courtly love to, they spoiled that back in 1999 and 2000, when I was poisoned, when I was more than worthy of their admiration, but federal cops were too pissed, and local cops too, for me refusing to bend, on asset forfeiture, but you can check the news reels, and cameras, recording the proceedings, wtih Senator Bill Wright, who asked me to help, and with about 1,000 cops, standing room only, where I am sure, that many of these, alleged, super cops, at a federal level first fell in love with me, then ruined me, forcing meds, causing weight gain, then telling me I would die, so I didn't care, then when I came back, stopping me from getting in shape, and trying to kill me, so I stress ate, and now, if they will just leave me be, settle this thing, so me and mine can get on with life, I will get back to the way I was, BACK IN THE DAY!
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