Monday, October 26, 2015


Without Conscious . . . No Concept of Right or Wrong

The Eskimos used to go hunting, fishing, and trapping, and there were some men, who stayed behind, and when the others returned with the food, to sustain the clan or tribe, all the women would be pregnant!  They did not rely on a legal system to take care of the problems, they just killed them as worthless, parasites who lived off the work and benefit of others efforts.  Those were the psychopaths, the ones, who like parasites, live, feed, breath, and suck the blood out of their victims, and relish in their ability, to get something for nothing, to murder to get financial gain, dupe others out of their inheritance, their insurance, their benefits, take away the merits of hard work, trying to fool others, into thinking they are, the smartest one in the room, the best looking, the coolest, the best and brightest at everything, even if they have to lie to create that image, and stealing, lying, cheating, getting away with it, makes it all the more fun!  I would venture a guess, that President Nixon, whom I wrote about yesterday, in the Watergate Scandal, was a psychopath, and many of his men, Gordon Liddy, E. Howard Hunt, and a few others, also had traits of psychopaths, or they could not have done what they did!  Evidence of this, is in Nixon's comment, that if the President says, it is okay, then the law does not apply.  They are without conscious and have no concept of right or wrong.  Just cover it up!  LOL!  As if that makes everything better?  LOL!

Just this morning, for the second time, I watched, 48 Hours, To Catch a Genius, and I think, it is a true crime of a classic psychopath, and demonstrates the ruthless, calculating, conniving manners and risks, that are associated with a person, who is a psychopath, and it is shocking to the conscious of the rest of us, who can't wrap our brains around the behavior of a person like this, therefore, making it harder to grasp that they would do the things they would, because, the other 98% of society, are shocked, in denial, disbelief at the callousness, that one person, can treat another person, with, and somehow, either justify, for fail to see, that there is anything wrong with their unconscionable actions.  That is why, they, the psychopath is able to fool cops, allude detection, and literally get away with murder, and sometimes, over and over again, to the shock and horror of a community, state, nation and world--6 million Jews slaughtered? what, some people to this day, are questioning whether it ever even happened? . . . to put it mildly, normal people just don't get it? And there in, lays the problem, and what, aids and abets the perpetrators to get away with heinous crimes, the rest of us, would never do, could not do, and couldn't even conceive of doing!

The Diabolical Genius . . . Masters at Appearing Normal

In this story, taking place in Orange County, California, there was a beautiful, vivacious, smart, ambitious woman, in her mid-forties, attractive, athletic, fun, outgoing, and moving up the career ladder, who meets a 32 year old engineer, that impressed everyone, he knew, everything about, everything, he convinced everyone of his brilliance, telling his co-workers, that he was a member of Mensa, the national organization for people with high I.Q.'s, I believe, somewhere above 160, not near my 200, but still noteworthy, lol, and allegedly this man had been on Jeopardy, and won, like $25,000.  Paul seemed competent at his job, and his boss liked and trusted him.  He hooks up with Terry, for lack of finding her name in my notes, but they date, for three years, before, eventually getting married.  Now, this is one area, that differs from most, psychopaths, who generally, push for a fast and furious, relationship, locking their victim, prey, into a marriage as fast as they can, for fear of exposing who they really are.  They love bomb their target, with flowers, wining and dining, amazing sex, and fun dates, until they get them.

Some of Paul's coworkers, thought he was a liar, had suspicious behavior, was very egotistical, and thought he was by far, smarter than anyone in the department, but he seemed competent, in being an engineer.  Terry had a beautiful home, she was financially, set, with insurance policies through work, and had protected herself, financially, after going through two failed marriages, that she freely and easily walked away from. Paul on the other hand, came to the marriage without a dime, but he seemed to be attentive, loving, supportive, and really took care of Terry.  However, within, three weeks of getting married, Paul pushed Terry to take out a $1,000,000 insurance policy on herself.  Terry talked to her friend, Mary Seabold--now, many of the names in this episode, are very telling and seem to be secret messages, from my Intel man, God, crazy as that seems, but, Kay, was a best friend, as one time, she lived by the sea, but the woman in the story was a good friend, and looked a lot more like Shelley, my older sister, both, passing themselves off as ME!  But, Mary tells her friend, hell, no, don't take out an insurance policy, and that made her suspicious of Paul, and his motives for marrying her friend, right of the bat, in addition, to later finding out, that Paul had two other wives, and several children, he had to pay, child support for, that he just failed to tell, Terry his new wife, after three years of DATING?

A Combined Income of $180,000 and They Had Less Together?

Terry started to notice very strange money management problems, but she was willing to overlook, them, because, Paul was so, sweet, telling her all the right things, drawing baths, and cooking dinners for her each night, making special salad dressings for her each night, and generally, she felt very loved, and to her dying day, she claimed that she loved him, and while she said that Paul, was the only person, who could benefit, from her death, as she lay dying in the hospital, just short of one year after marrying Paul, being a very healthy person, up to that point, baffling her friends, family, old boyfriends, and starting display symptoms of a strange illness that doctors could not diagnose.  But, one time, after Terry was hospitalized, looking like an 80 year old women, and having an IV in her arm, one of the nurses, noticed a fuzzy look to the IV water, which was not right, so she brought it to the attention of the hospital brass, after changing the IV bag out, but still concern, having seen, Paul, dart out of the room, just before, Nurse Bundy, came in . . . another, symbolic name . . . Bundy, as in Ted Bundy!  Serial killer of 30 women! a total psycho!

When her friend, Mary, saw the condition of her buddy, Terry, she told her to get out, run, run, and stay away from her husband.  The results of the suspicious IV bag, was that, if I got it right, was some type of poison that made the water cloudy.  But, everyone, just dismissed it, and Terry, eventually recovered and went home again.  Terry insisted, that Paul loved her, and he was taking care of her, feeding her, and appearing for all intents and purposes, seemed to be the doting husband, loving, caring, and in love with her. On time, Terry even had her friend, move in with her, to watch Paul, and the friend, was actually jealous of the way, Paul treated her friend, and reported, nothing out of the ordinary, and Terry insisted, she loved him and she was happy, and she loved him, even when there was found to be numbing agents in the IV water, this didn't concern her enough to leave her husband, she totally trusted!

No One Could Save Her . . . 6 Days After She Got Sick Again, She Was Dead!

I just took a break, went to the restroom, and a Records Management, document shredding truck just drove by, and I think that, tells a big part of my case, with me starting all my cases, and through, records management, these guys were able to bribe, double docket, and steal the cases . . . which I was fully aware of, but I could not get anyone to listen, because, they, the psychopaths, my clients, and the allegedly, normal, sister, friend attorney, ex-husband, father, the Mormon patriarch of such a stellar family . . . all feeding off the one they are trying to make look as the sick, dependent, poor sister, who actually, did the securities case and all the other cases, had to overcome, a 10 year break, weight gain, and the created, now, mental health issues, rather than the TERMINAL brain disease, they just morphed the diagnosis, when I didn't die, and then took away the credibility, my house, my vehicles, my money, etc., not just once, but twice, in less that one year, after I had done all the work on the cases, and they were ready to settle, with the help of the CIA, all the psychopaths, vultures, came in for the kill and the booty, funding their megalomania!  Remember, yesterday, in the Watergate blog, I compared myself, to Archibald Cox . . . for two reasons, these fuckers, stole my identity, back in 2000, but when I suddenly, overnight had my law license reactivated, with nothing more than paying a $350 bar due, with the bar so impressed with my real resume, that took the psychopaths off guard, and it took them another, 4 years to get me back under control!  But, Cox, is a key word, the house I bought, was near, Cox Landing, in St. George, Utah, and my parents, had a friend, also, my friend, Rita Cox, who's husband's family, owned that whole area, before there were homes, and, I am the Arch +i = bald, me bald . . . not, with Shelley, Rachel, Kay, Sue, Tiffany, Marcie, Hope, Kelly, Annie, and all the women, that were dog piled on top of me, to keep me buried!

Elliot Richardson, is another symbolic name from the Watergate blog, yesterday, and Elliot is Richard's son, but, has been bumped around, as Shelley's son, or Kay and Brett's son, with Kay being me, or Jack/John and Shelley's, or Rachel and James Kennedy's son, or Tiffany's, whomever, they are dog piling me, under, and Zeke may have even agreed to take money in exchange, for lying about Elliot, and I am just speculating, or in denial, that maybe he preferred it, and that is fine, to say, that they are your friends, aunts, uncle, but dad, through Brett, are you shitting me . . . you meet him once, I take care of you, for at least, your first, half life, until about 18, and on the music scene, for years, buying you the first guitar, and pretending that one of these hags, is me, I don't think so.  I am fine with you agreeing to let them help, and it is compliment to me, as your mother than I created, nurtured, and facilitated, the upbringing of great kids, a great musician, but to cover the thefts of earlier music, CD's, making millions, when you, Elliot didn't know, is total bull shit, but I understand, it is better to get something, that have all the PARASITES, steal the whole new, The Ditch and the Delta, tours, music, and paraphernalia, connected to the band . . . FUCK NO!  ELLIOT is RICHARD'S SON, and JOANN S. SECRIST'S SON . . . eat your hearts out, the rest of you fools!

Con Man, Narcissist, Psychopath . . . Got Away With It For Twenty Years!

Okay, so back to the story, Terry got sick as second time, she was taken to the hospital, and again, the IV bag is messed with, and the doctor, noticed a strange puncture hole behind her ear, but dismissed it, not knowing what to make of it.  Eventually, Terry died, of nicotine poisoning, with a very high level in it, but nobody could figure out how she got it . . . she was not a smoker, nor around smoke, nor was Paul, a smoker.  Mary Seabold, and Terry's, old boyfriend, Frank Thurber . . . Allan, aka, Frank, thoroughly burned in my blog, yesterday, very much a part of my drama, and a total, psychopath!, but the two friends, were very suspicious of husband, Paul, and Mary, said, knowing, all the facts, now, but not at the time, she would have grabbed her friend, Terry and physically, forced her out of the house and away from Paul, to save her life.  

After Terry was dead, Paul, was bragging about all the money he was going to get from Terry's death. Mary, had gone into Terry's house, at the time, her friend was in the hospital, not dead, yet, and she noticed, several insurance policies out on the night stand, and while Terry, didn't take out the million dollar policy, like Paul, had originally asked her to take out, Mary noticed that there were, several other life insurance policies, with Paul as a beneficiary.  Frank, who was always, trying to get Terry to leave, Paul, told her, just before her death, to change the beneficiary on her policies, to someone else.  She took his advice and gave half of her estate, in a hand, written note, to her sister!  Paul, who was bragging that he was getting about a million dollars, was pissed when he found out about the change in the will.  Later, detectives, figured, that Paul, needed the money, and could not wait for Terry, to linger, in getting sick and then dying, so, after he got her sick again, using Ambien, and later, injecting the nicotine poisoning, behind, Terry's ears, causing her to die, within 6 hours!  Paul, did, however, get the house, and about a half a million dollars!

For some bizarre reason, the cops, didn't suspect Paul in Terry's death.  But, soon thereafter, with all the strange, inferences to how much money he was going to get, his boss at the chemical plant, started to look into Paul's background, and found that wherever the boss, looked, there was fraud, on Paul's resume . . . he was NOT, an engineer, he was not a member of Mensa, and his whole life was a fucking lie!  I just accidentally, typed, the word, like . . . people like psychopaths, unless they are the victims, the target, the prey, because they are: tough, ruthless, focused, charismatic, mentally tough!  In some fields, these are attributes, that many employers, actually want in their employees!  Like I said in the title, studies in the United Kingdom, employers, actually seek these people for, CEO, lawyers, TV and radio personalities, Wall Street is full of them, in fact, one author, said the whole economic meltdown, in 2008, was the result of psychopathology of those people, who created the problem, and then were trusted with solving the problem, making even more money off people, the banks, who created the mortgage backed securities, the vehicles, the sub prime loans, did the predatory lending, made money, off the property insurance, some up to 9 times, the amount of the house, made money on the foreclosure, fees, and fine, going into foreclosure and then again, got money on the TARP money, and on mortgage, refinancing!

Twenty Years Later, A Female Detective, and Prosecutor, Who Knew of the Case When He Was in Law School, Reopened the Case . . . Nailed the Psychopath This Time, Who Was a Building Inspector, Remarried!

It was interesting, that the detective, made the observation, that Paul's objective, was not to be eliminated as a suspect, in Terry's death, but to make sure he didn't get blamed for her death, and go to prison.  Husbands and wives, are always, and rightly so, should be the first ones suspected of a death of a spouse, so he knew he would be interviewed and a suspect, but he was, or saw, himself, as the smartest person in the room, therefore, getting away with it would be easy, because the cops were not as smart as he was.  And that proved to be the case, even with suspicious evidence that pointed to Paul, as being the only one home with his wife at the time of her death, was the one who prepared the food, and there was suspicion, that sleep medication, Ambien had been crushed up and given to the woman for a long time!  But, a cold case, detective, started looking at the evidence, interviewed some of the witnesses, and soon, got enough evidence, for a circumstantial case against Paul.  The two detectives, pretended they were, someone, and, re interviewed, Paul, who was not smart enough to stop talking and get an ATTORNEY!  He was arrested on the spot, when the officers, using middle names, revealed who they were, and that they were there to try him for the murder of his wife, from 20 years ago!  They finally got him!  He got 20 more years to enjoy freedom, than he should have, but it gave the detective and the prosecutor, tons of satisfaction, in taking this monster down!

Dr. Neil Benowitz (Ben is one of the names, symbolizes my son, Chris, and he wanted to be a comedian, and he is funny, witty, sarcastic, with a dry sense of humor!  McPherson, would nail, the psychos! LOL! Dr. baby bro!) was the doctor who put the theory of what happened to Terry together for the cops, he said, Paul, had to have, used, Ambien, sleeping, medication, was found in her system, and it was hypothesized that, the nicotine, which could have easily, come from just one pack of cigarettes, giving amounts, enough, to kill someone, with ample doses, but, that might have been in Paul's special salad dressing he made, fresh, almost each night, giving it to Terry, at dinner.  But, then, the night she died, he most likely took the Ambien, crushed it up, put it in her food, to knock her out, and later, he injected her with the nicotine, behind her ear, in a lethal dose!  The courtroom battle pitted, two attorneys, with very symbolic names against each other: prosecutors, that was phonetically, sounded, out, like, Bayty or Bay Ty, Kay, living at Half Moon Bay, California, is the co-psycho with Shelley, who's youngest son, is Tyrone Southwick!  And, I am sure, Shelley, has practiced law, as a psychopath, as a prosecutor, using one of my titles, as working with the Utah Prosecution Council, with Mark Nash, backing her ass, because he is pissed what I did to cops and prosecutors, with asset forfeiture, and other legal issues, plus going after, county attorney, Scott Garrett!

The defense attorney's name, was, Lisa Copland, or Copeland, I never saw the attorney's names, or anyone's spelled out, during the 48 Hours, episode.  But, Kay's sister's name, is Lisa, and, she is the cops, chick, feds, but cops, would lie for her, and the other cop chicks, who would fuck me over, because they hated, me from exposing, their issues, their hands in the cookie jar, and for some reason, with the same actions as they hated me for, they would love the fraud broads for . . . bra size, she was nice?  Yeah, psychopaths are nice!  I wasn't trying to fool anyone, I didn't need to do anything, than do my job, which was generally, on the opposite side of the cops, other than the first year or so, when I trained cops and prosecutors!  After seeing what they were up to, taking personal and private property of the citizens, without due process and equal protection, we became enemies, I had a conscience!  LOL!  I would not surprise me at all if, a law firm was set up with the frauds, all using various aspects of my resume . . . and just like Paul, in the true crime, show, he was pretending to be an ENGINEER!, then a building inspector!

Catch Me If You Can . . . that is their motto!  It is all in fooling you, me and the courts!  If they actually got, their law license that would take away the fun for these psychos!  So, that is the 48 Hour program, now, I am going to type my notes, from the documentary, put out by, none other than, National Geographic? and ironic, at best, because, that is Brett's, favorite magazine, my 3rd, hub, and the mastermind, with the help of Shelley, Kay and my father, in this bull shit, psycho crew of fucks!  You would think a program, like this would be put out by Psychology Today!  LOL!  But, to prove, my theories, on symbolism, the truth, about someone, just can't help to come out, in one way or another!  So, National Geographic, is a great source and they did a great job, of covering the subject, and I was able to learn most of this before, watching it, with first hand knowledge, with these users, abusers, parasites, and ever other kid of fucked up shit, I can say about them . . .  shockingly, unconscionable, in every way . . . you know, most families, who didn't know, that you were poisoned, care for the sick, regardless of pay, as a matter of duty, love, sympathy, empathy for the situation, much like the friends of Terry . . . but that was not the case with my family, once I didn't die, as predicted, all hell broke out, and full frontal war was rendered against me, even taking driver's licenses, property, equity in houses, taking credit for my law degree, my resume, my life, honors, awards, and whatever their fucking dirty hands to get on, and then, changed the diagnosis, to mental illness, and then proceeded to try to create a criminal record, a mental health record, and even took a driver's license, away, that I had voluntarily given up, for a year, already, I am sure, so Shelley, and all the girlz club, could use mine name, I.D., law license, and give me all their shit, like a DUI, for Rachel!

Predators . . . They are the Cat, We Are All Mice!

You know, as a normal person, probably at the other end of the empathy and sympathy spectrum, working endlessly for clients, who never paid me a dime, and working 10 hours, for every hour I got paid, if I got paid at all, thinking more on the lines, of almost doing the work, proving I could win for my clients, before, even getting paid, always, giving tons more than getting paid, never cheating anyone, never expecting a god-damned thing, without earning it, and doing whatever it took to WIN, not for me, but for my CLIENTS, who had been WRONGED!  Money was never a issue, never at the root of my work, but passion, rights, freedoms, liberties, justice, and protecting property, children, constitutional and civil rights, fuck yeah . . . money, just not motivated, that just followed the hard work, with the right heart!  So, being the opposite of the psychopaths, who made me their prey, and not just a few, but, growing, day by day, minute by minute, and taking miles of ground, with each inch, that was fought, to be protected, I seriously, couldn't get, what they were doing, even when I knew they were doing, and for the first 4 years, kind of just, was puzzled by what was going on, that I was actively trying to stop, but up against a criminal justice system, that was already predisposed against me, due to past, good deeds, protecting constitutional rights, of the whole fucking country, all those who were in a position, were so, blinded by my PURITY, in actions, and so taken with the psychopaths, the smooth talkers, the predators, making the justice system part of their, predatory scheme, benefiting them also, that they all just got on the band wagon and joined the witch hunt!  LOL!

But, these predators, see themselves, as at the top of the food chain, and we are somewhere below them, and far game, to prey on, in whatever way these fucks can figure out to take us for, with no right or wrong, all this is A-OK, to this crew, even thinking that were are all one, you in me and I in you, therefore, you should not be bothered, by me, pretending to be you, a better you, a smarter you . . . really?  Then why are you using all MY SHIT, to be a BETTER YOU?  LOL!  Does that make sense, that, they see themselves as better, then stoop, so low as to take, my resume, life, children, and ditching their own, kids, lives, resumes, because, I was so far, in a true sense of the word, up the intellectual food chain, that they were envious, and had to be ME to pull off the shit, they have, get the big jobs, get the big money, and be the BIG SHOTS!  LOL!  

Hell, if I wasn't me, I would want to be ME!  LOL!  But, they did too.  I knew that these fucks, were into Darwinism, science, unless it came to DNA samples, because that would have proven, they, were the lower on the food chain, as all psychopaths ARE!  Sorry, I will try to avoid comment, and just put down my notes, or this will take all day, but, sociopaths and psychopaths, and the study of them, is the first time, I have been able to make heads or tails of them, their actions, being shocked for years!  As, I am sure, you will be, when you find, out that, they are me, and they are trying to make me, SHELLEY, YUCK . . . I better VERIFY where I am . . . I am at Einstein Brothers Bagels . . . it is 10:17 A.M., there were several cops, here between, 9:00 A.M. and now, or a few minutes ago, they left, but, they got a good look at me, and would have to be psycho themselves to LIE, and say that I am dark haired with, hazel eyes! Shelley is about 5'9 or above, and I am 5'7 and a half!  I will go purchase something on my Walmart money card, so you can compare, numbers, ending in 0192!  Okay, I just got a turkey, bacon and avocado, sandwich, barbecue chips, and a Diet Coke, and the bill came to about $9.18!

Attracted to Physical Appearances, Trumps Everything Else!

You have heard me, if you have read this blog much, how, psychopaths, all of which I am dealing, including, half of the law enforcement agencies, would put, heels above head, even when they know, the boobs, are fake!  that is so shocking to me, these people are more than willing to go under the knife, to look better, and their bodies are as fake as their resumes!  LOL!  I would feel, weird to think people, were complimenting me on something I didn't do, or work for myself, with my body, being a symbolic, representation of my whole philosophy, of life, it is all real, and I earn every bit of it, from the appreciation of my body, as well as of my work and would never, could never, take credit for something that I didn't actually do!  But, I am not a psychopath!  Maybe the reason, I get, hooked up with psychopaths, is my looks, but, eventually, I see through them, and have the ability to leave.  I would venture a guess that, psychopath is attracted to psychopath, and they feed off each other, or agree on common prey, with both targeting the allegedly mouse, and go after it together, sharing in the spoils!  But, in addition, to the first element of attraction, being, the physical attraction, what, then comes next is, power, money, prestige, sex, and not necessarily in that order, and they are wolves in sheep's clothing!

I watching this documentary, there are some of the characteristics and probably the good ones, that would put me, in that class of persons, without being a psychopath, being ruthless, tough minded, focused, and exemplifying some of the positive, uses, of some of the shared traits, implementing them, not all the time, but at the appropriate time!  Again, Clive Boddy, another symbolic name, Cliven Bundy . . . Ted Bundy . . . Clive being the Mormon rancher from Bunkerville who got into it with the BLM over not paying his cattle leasing money for his grazing in Nevada!  Notice the spelling of the last name, Boddy, or a double, a Mormon Double, for Me, but also a psychopath, like Ted Bundy, who was all of these traits, to the point of being a serial killer, which, I would venture a guess that all these main, players, are, in one form or another!  But, Boddy, said the whole economic melt down, was the result of psychopaths, with little care, or feeling, for what they were doing to the country, the world, in bringing down the economy, for their benefit.  Bernie Madoff, was a psychopath, who did a ponsi scheme, bilking millions out of investors, taking people's retirements, savings, and thinking nothing of it!  Same with the leaders of ENRON!

Like the documentary, and my life shows, these people are in your family, sit next to you at church, like my two clients, Henry S. Brock and Jay Rice, letting me do all the work on their cases, emphasizing how important, my work is to their, future, the growth of their new company, Mutual Benefits, and when they read the brilliant brief, I did for the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, stating that exact, comment, about my work, and Hank is a smart psycho, and then, with little thought, guilt, or conscience, went around, took a bribe, and let Kay, because she was thin, I guess, come in a get all the glory for being ME!  Shelley, was allowed at the government level and the courts, and Rachel, the showgirl?  I mean, seriously, I worked for fucking $20 per hour, without charging for several trips to Salt Lake City, Utah, to see if we could settle the case, and worked tirelessly without any help, and these fucks, come in a steal the thunder, from me, and put these fucking fake ass bitches up as the attorney who did the CASE?  Are you shitting me?  But, that is exactly what happened, no appreciation, the song, I wish I could be one of the cool kids, one of the cool kids . . . I am way better, I actually did, fucking everything, I claim to be, and to have done, they are fakes, like Paul Curry of the TRUE CRIME episode, that so well, shows, not really the genius, but the absolute foolery thinking they can get away with this SHIT, I fucking know I am smarter than they ALL are!  Even collectively, penniless, homeless, without a car, and using only my computer, am able to bring down this shit show, if the fucking cops in charge of looking into this, can stop being mesmerized, by FUCKING TITS AND ASS . . . LOOK AT THE FACE, I AM EVEN PRETTIER!  LOL!

Corporate Psychopaths

These people, tend to make it into positions of power, like those on Wall Street, and who did President Bush turn to to get us out of the economic meltdown?  Henry Paulson, a Goldman Sach's boy!  One of the ones, who got us into the mess in the first place, and who said, that these bankers, shysters, were so, smart, that, he just could not figure out what and how they did this to us, so we are just going to give them more money, for duping us in the first place, and then hope, we can trust them, to figure out, being too big to fail, and pay them to pull the debunked mortgage crisis out, and then we were all, not, shocked, when the same people we bailed out, AIG and BAER STERNS, used the money to go on extravagant vacations . . . and company retreats! For the psychopath, they can't figure out what is wrong with the rest of you, of course, they being on the top of the food chain, the cat, and you the mice that are going to pay for the problems, so you need to just deal with it . . . no conscience, no right, no wrong!  Normal people would never do this, would never dream of doing it, and can not comprehend that they can . . . so, don't think I was the only one fooled by these fucks, WE ALL WERE FOOLED and SHOCKED! because, YOU AND I, KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG, and we could never do this!  LOL!  It is almost comical, we need to understand, that these people, FUCKING THINK DIFFERENT THAT YOU AND I!  LOL!

Many of us, bought the shit, that it was better for us to tolerate this, the golden parachutes, the lavish retirement plans, in a national crisis?  Yeah, they see nothing wrong with this!  Just because we would never do this, doesn't mean a particular part of the population that tends to make it, stepping on the toes, heads, hearts, and fortunes of others, would not do this to us, THEY DID!  LOL!  The very sad thing about, today, is that, society, is losing the battle against these assholes, we are starting to think, that they are cool, Leo Decaprio's character, in the Wolves of Wall Street, the parties, the drugs, the girls, the sex, the money, the power . . . get it if you can, and don't worry about who you hurt, they are just the little guys, the normal, the average, we deserve this, we can take as much as we can get from them, and we deserve it!  Psychopaths, are starting to be part of our natural habitat, taking precedence, like fucking cops, the shit heads, allowing these fucking, fake bitches to be ME, and being completely comfortable with LYING for them, GOING after the real, JOANN, locking her up, taking all her money, and giving it to the FAKES?  Are you kidding me, stealing my son's music and, letting some fucking cop's kid, be the rock star?  SERIOUSLY?

These people have no, ethics, no morals, no character, no professional responsibility, these are just buzz words to them!  I mentioned the cops killing their wives . . . well, if there is no right and wrong, and it is all about, physical looks, the hottest, gets the prize, not who deserves respect, we just kill them, so we can get a younger, hotter, piece of ass, that we feel is okay to trash, and our buds at the department will cover our asses, when things get tough as they do in any marriage, and the old ball and chain, starts to crawl up our ass!  I saw another, 48 Hours, last night, Death After Midnight, a deputy sheriff, got pissed at his wife, and shot her after a hard night of drinking on New Years Eve, and several witnesses even heard, the husband, right after the incident, admit that he killed his wife, and told the cops that, as well as a witness, stating that she heard the wife, yelling, for her husband to get off her!  She was never interviewed, or followed up on, and the guy who heard the husband admit to his parents, he called, right after, and told them, that testimony, just disappeared, from the record, magically!

As I recall, some reporter, picked up on the story, two years after the fact, and, started investigating, which led to the arrest, charging, and incarcerating of the murdering husband, who had moved to another city!  But, it is psychopaths, who murder, and psychopaths who cover up for a murderer!  With an emphasis, only on the attractiveness of a person, and trashing them when they are finished, only to be covered by other assholes, that see, women, in particularly, as nothing more than a fuck, until another hotter fuck comes along! Seriously, there are women who feel the exact same way, and will prey on men, as a fucking pay check! And when the husband, no longer can keep them in the lifestyle they want, or are accustomed to, GOOD BYE to that pay check, and on to the next, with a murder, in between!  When there is no right and no wrong, that leaves the door open, to do. just about anything you want, to disavow oaths, as mere words, and thus, we have the constitutional crisis, we had yesterday, or the one, where, cops, prosecutors and judges, feel nothing, when they throw out the Supreme Law of the Land, with little thought, all to let the attorney, they like the best or the better looking side win!  What a FUCKED UP MESS!  Don't let them the psychopaths win . . . you will grow old, get fat, loose hair, make a mistake in your business, and you will then, become one of the mice and vulnerable to the cats! or the predators1


First, so as not to fall prey to these good looking, smart, ruthless, conscious less people, watch their communication skills, is there merit, depth, substance, evidence of success in the past, or backed by studies, reports, books . . . of course, Enron was doctoring the books, so watch that!  Most of these people have good careers, or they do as the ones in my case, they steal someone else's resume, and make sure they get a good career, once in the job, they might be able to pull it off for awhile, but as in the earlier case, with the fake engineer, the devil is in the details, when push comes to shove, smart people, people in the field, with a language of their trade, will detect a fraud, fast.  I was speaking at a Utah Liberty Conference, on the Constitution, a few years back, and the speaker, before me, who looked and talked like an attorney, who was very smart, and could have easily been an attorney, as anyone could, with the self discipline, could, started, taking credit for what I had done, in asset forfeiture, back years before, about 10 years to be exact, probably knowing, or thinking, that it was safe, and with many, people not seeing me for years, and didn't know if I was alive or dead, felt safe taking credit, did!  But, I was somewhat taken back by this man, and just got up after him and told the real story of asset forfeiture, that predated his organization, and took the story, from A to Z, not starting at J, then going forward from there!

Me and this man, became good friends, and he and his father, who both, I felt, were presenting, and in their business name and activities, acting like they were attorneys, without., having the real credentials behind their names, but going into court, and going to government meetings, and into the legislature, almost, as if they were attorneys.  I think their business card, which was for being a private investigator, Rachel, Shelley, being somewhat legally trained, but not really, officially, going to law school, and then taking the bar, and really practicing law, they were just faking it, through there psychopathology!  But, when push came to shove, this guy, was jealous, pissed, and got mad at me, that I could waltz in at the end of a long battle, show up for oral arguments, and then write the winning brief, that the Utah Supreme Court, used influencing them to our side! There really is a method to law school madness, that does train you to be an attorney, and it goes way deeper than just putting on a monkey suit, writing a brief, because he was writing them, and fooling some of the people, there will be key terms, key legal theories, and insider language, that will give you away, to people!  Like, I am sure, the attorneys, reading this blog, will, recognize, a certain way of thinking, or a reference to a case that EVERY attorney had in law school!  They, know, I am for real, and they also, would not be fooled, if Shelley, were to write this blog!

Watch for the Path to Instant Success

These people are generally speaking the rising stars of the field, come out of nowhere, and sky rocket to the top, using smooth talking, their good looks, their manipulative personality traits, their charisma, and they always take credit for everything they do, and whatever, they can get away with, that others have done, or exaggerating, more and more, with little work to back up, this shot to the top of the heap, in the new job, or wherever.  I would say, to use an example, from Aesop's Fables, or wherever this came from, the story of the Tortoise and the Hare, one plods along, and the other races to the finish, but takes detours on the way, and in the end, loses the race to the slower, more steady contestant!  I remember working months on a manual, on domestic violence and sexual assault for prosecutors and cops, writing the grant, designing the graphics, creating the whole manual, deciding on the format, and doing about 75% of the work, along with a co-author, who wrote the prosecutor's part, but that was it.  And it was a project, that we did after hours and on the weekends, carrying on our regular work at the attorney generals office.

The night I had turned the master copy, into the printer, in the basement of the Utah State Capitol Building, and went to my parent's house, my dad, came in and told me that, Attorney General, Jan Graham, had just taken credit for my manual!  WHAT?  How in the hell, did she even know, I was doing the manual, and where, when, and how did she know it was done and at the printer?  These people, who look the part, as I did then too, but she was my boss, tend to get jobs, based, not on their work, but on their looks, or their schmoozing skills, charm, rather than the quality and depth of their work!  Jan, was an office manager for a law firm, then became attorney general, and one of my friends, who had her first appearance in court, with the judge pulling her back into chambers, told her how terrible she did, and that the only person he knew, to have done a worse job, was her BOSS! the AG!  LOL!  Jan was thin, had salt and pepper hair, shoulder length, with a lawyer hair cut, and a nice wardrobe, but, she was a shitty attorney, never knew what the fuck was going on, and was way into her son, having had her first child at age 46, being pregnant, when running for office!  And you were lucky, if you could get her in the office to work, other than between, 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.!  When I created 7 community programs, she took all the credit and didn't even introduce me!

Psychopaths are Parasites, Seek Targets, Then Suck Everything They Can Get From the Victim or the Person They Pick to Blood Suck Off!

Psychopaths Serve One Master, And That is Them Self!

These con artists, use voice to find their victim, they manipulate, and they are good readers of characters and of people, they will mix, falsehoods, with truth, to get the people to believe their stories.  In this double shit, that I have been caught in, you take two attorneys, me and Kay, and these psychopaths, merge the two lives together, both grew up in Bountiful, both were cheerleaders in 8th grade, but I was also a class and student body officer, Valentine's Queen, student of the month, and in high school, were were both, in debate, on the drill team, and she was a class officer, then onto law school, we both went to BYU, and so, there again, you have a familiarity with not necessarily the live of the other person, you are sucking off of, but of the circumstances, with some of the same professors, and faculty, administration, and therefore, you can pull off the double, shit.  Then, we both had been with Brett, friends with Shelley, Sue and Kay's sister, Lisa, had been friends, so that in common, and so forth and so on, then, she took over or stole the Brock case, and was familiar with my family, both singling, and through joining Brett, Shelley and Sue, so an easy double, and you were both friends, like is attracted like, but we varied drastically, in the are of ethic, morals, professional responsibility, oaths of office, or as officers of the court, and she saw them as, mere buzz words, when I have rested my career, defending the oath I took, to preserve, defend and protect the U.S. Constitution!

But, I think, you can see, who, they will use, and mix falsehoods with truths, to pull of their predatory, activities, and when you have the victim's family and ex-husband, or she is pretending to be me, with the same husband, and people, normal, people, would never do this, blend two lives, say, one person is someone else, therefore, they can't believe the victim and side with the smooth talkers, the thin, or the alleged charmers!  And, taking the better part of the lives of the other person, rather than their shitty life, that in this or that parallels, the victims, and with more people, going the way of the psychopath, lying, buying this shit, you can see what it has taken to try to overcome the lies.  Allan Rex Bess, and Frank, Interpol, of Parowan, the murderer, blending his life with the victims . . . both Vietnam Vets, but, this was the way, I who, didn't know the victim, well, other than as his attorney, and just a few conversations, was able, through those few times, detect the fraud, who went into battle, allegedly, when my client, now dead, never did!  The devil is in the details, I know the little, details, to each story I tell, and they do not, they get what is heard over surveillance, wire tapping, spying, and lies!

Bullies Escalate Use and Dominance of the Truth!

I noticed with Frank, aka, Allan, that at first, he was afraid to hang out in Parowan, Utah, and rarely would he come down, and refused to see people, who would have been able to tell the difference, right at first, but I am getting more and more of an understanding, just how easy it is, after a while to steal some one's identity and take over their whole life, as the fraud broads have, being taking away every element that people connect with being an attorney, my house, my vehicles, my cell phone, going after my license, then chasing me, making them, while not as skilled, and smart, not knowing my cases, fitting the description of what people think attorneys, ought to be like and that is not, staying in a homeless shelter, and with cops, daily chasing you with a bogus warrant, or who knows what, a cop killing!  But, as time went on, and memories faded, since Allan has been in jail for a year, and I had been gone for 10 years, even fresh memories, start to play games on people, especially, if those closest to the person, like a child, parent or spouse, are in on the lies, it starts getting so easy, that the fake hag, things she is actually, ME, and the mother, and wife, she can have her yang for her fucking ying, both fucking psychos in the image of NORMAN BATES of the movie, PSYCHO!  Not LOL!  TRUE . . . masking sick people!

I noticed that more and more, people were just going on with life and so they had just adjusted, to the new Frank, as being the old Allan, and he just moved in and took his place, being, 3 inches shorter, 60 pounds lighter, and a total asshole!  Pretty soon, this predator, started, using this new found, familiarity, and the fact that people believed he was the Allan, to get rid of me, who had just sunk $60,000 into the Bess home, and then moved Shelley, in working the same sick, black magic, letting her, with the help of judges, who were professionally jealous, willing to allow, Shelley to be me, come to court, all to hurt me, being far exceeding them in the practice of law!  Shelley was par for the attorney course, I was a cut above!  They could not take, having to actually, be a fucking prosecutor and judge, not just playing the easy, baby splitting game!

These Puppet Masters Get Other People to Do Their Dirty Work!

I see this all the time, in, especially teen, lover's triangles, where the puppet master, male or female, get one of their minions to do the dirty work or the murder for them, leaving them, a lot of time, being played for the chump, even killing them, after they, have killed the puppet master's rival, or their parents, or someone standing in the way of getting what they want, and inheritance, or what they think they are deserving of, which is about anything, they can wrap their twisted mind around, without sympathy for even an aged parent, who might suffer, with the deprivation of material goods, housing, food, money!  There was one example of a father, luckily, he was quite wealthy, but, his psychopathic son, started by stealing tools out of his garage at a young age, and selling them for tools, or just to have money, pretty soon, the father noticed that his son had taken every tool in his shed!  Then his thefts, started to escalate, with the father, just trying to love his son, and do what he thought, would help him.  So, one time, after a few years of not seeing his son, after a falling out, the son called, during the recession, and played his father, and his love, the fool again, and told the father, that there were tons of boats people were selling, because they needed the money, and if his dad would lend him the money, to purchase the boats, he would fix them up and make some money, and his dad, could get some of the money, plus the money he lent the son, back . . . so he did.  And when all was said and done, the father had been cheated out of $300,000, just wanting to help the son!

I saw, my sister, Shelley, play, my mother, who had taken care of her, and her children, for 7 years, and Shelley was the one, who for years, treated my parents, like shit.  But, one time, Shelley said she needed $1500 to take the pilot's exam, because she allegedly, had taken the course, to get her pilot's license, but just needed to pay for the test.  My mother, always trying to help her get out on her own, gave Shelley the money, and she blew it, never took the test.  I remember, Shelley calling and telling my mother, that had worked her whole fucking life, Shelley little, and said, her car was broken down, and could mom, send her the money to fix the car?  Sure, but, I remember later, mom, telling me that she was sure, that was a lie, and Shelley just got money out of her, to do whatever?  Then, at one time, Shelley got the whole families, sympathy, which, she in turn didn't have for anyone, else, and told them, she had lumps in her breasts and she was dying of cancer, or might.  I remember thinking, this is a scam, so she can get money, AGAIN.  The family were freaking out, telling her to go get a mammogram, and other treatment, but she kept dragging her feet, probably, because she really didn't have cancer, she just wanted sympathy or money, or attention, which is another trait of a psychopath!

Manipulative Traits From the Boardroom to the Bedroom!

Perhaps, this lack of separation, for a psychopath, is why, I can't convince, cops, and others in this bull shit, of wanting the most physically attractive, non-attorney, kicking their asses, okay if she is cute, had big boobs, and we like her better, because she is NOT an attorney, so we can put the attorney, down and elevate the less, smart, the less aggressive woman, easier to handle, both in the boardroom, the courtroom and we like the fake boobs, better in the bedroom too!  LOL!  All the way around a win for her, and a loss for me, which is the intent!  I am not worried, I have staying power boyz, I am just living MY life, she is faking hers, and trying to live a double life, one as her, and one as me!  LOL!  She, like the hare, with hair, will, burn out!  LOL!  The psychopath, projects this image of the master of seduction, and women, will be attracted to the power, dominance, money, the love bombing, the lure of victory!

Women, who get hooked on psychopaths, get hooked out of sympathy, or empathy, the tragic life, the tough childhood, the unfair treatment, and the very thing that a psycho didn't have, empathy, sympathy, is used to pay the prey or the target, hooking them, into caring, taking particular care, and it is a test of bait!  I was attracted, into the sex, but I am not a very sympathetic, empathetic person, not a care taker, for the most part, and Brett was more the care taker, even if it was to manipulate me, I had him on that count, and same with Frank . . . on time, Frank, Interpol, said he had a tough life, and I said, well, we all create our own reality, our own heaven and hell!  He got so pissed off, and jumped out of the truck, thinking he was playing on my sympathy . . . I had never seen a worst temper tantrum and just drove off leaving him, knowing a former Marine, and tough AB, or Absolute Bastard could make it back to the cabin!  And sure enough, I caught him with a Coke, trying to duck out, and ditch behind bushes, I just laughed.  Perhaps, that is why, neither of the psychopaths ever murdered me, or assassinated, I threw them off their game!  LOL!

These guys have not sympathy and empathy, but they are masters of getting it, the tragic hero . . . I am just not into a project!  LOL!  If the test works, and they can play the sympathy card, they know they have a victim!  Sex, is used, as a psychological tool, to manipulate, trap, get the victim hooked, and it also, allows them to feel!  The psychopath, has a reduced need for sleep, they are hyper-sexual, get the partner hooked on the endless sex, again, I think, I threw, Brett off, because, I don't need much sleep, and I wanted sex as much as he did, if not more, and he was begging for a break!  LOL!  Throwing the sex machine off his game, and he always loved the fact that he could wake me up in the night, have sex with me, and I was all about it! His previous girlfriends, got pissed.  Hey, I am high energy, don't need a lot of sleep, and dig being woken up!  LOL!  I think Brett was either ordered or decided to cheat to avoid the intimacy!  LOL!  Cheating is about their character, not mine, nor was there any deficiency, unless he wanted sadistic sex and new I wouldn't?  Marriage is done in a needy rush, because they can't keep up the charade . . . both Brett and Frank, Jack, all wanted to rush getting married.  I wonder why?  Psychopaths!

Soon, The Mask Drops Off, and Cycles of Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse Start . . . Callus and Unemotional Traits Surface!

Sometimes, being with this person at first, is like being hypnotized, intoxicating, romantic, obsessive, all consuming, with an element of the dangerous, coming through, almost like oozing through the psychopaths pores in their skin, with a toxic addiction, passionate, intense, and vibrant, yet, dark, and making someone delirious, at the same time.  But, eventually, the passion, often with a marriage, commitment, normal life, will take away the magical moments, that then, like a light switches off, once the predator has their prey, they can start to get abusive, dropping the mask, and losing interest, because, it was all about the hunt, the chase, the game, with the predator, being even more determined to get a hard to get, victim, or target; however, a predator is a predator, and prey is prey, the cat is the cat, and the mouse the mouse, and once, caught at devoured, the thrill and intensity, of the lure of the game and victim, are no longer there.  And soon, the mundane of life, starts to bore the predator, the psychopath, and like someone who needs a new fresh kill, as in a serial killer, the hunter, takes to the streets again, and the old prey, has lost the gloss and glow, with some, using a more docile spouse, as a cover, for the respectability, to continue the game, going undetected for years.

The mouse, may be played with for a long time, as long as the cat gets a kick out of making it scared, in fear of them, starting the cycle of the three stages of domestic violence, the honeymoon, walking on eggshells, and then the beating or abuse, going through that over and over.  The controls, may ratchet down, getting more and more, isolating, leaving the victim, to do little other than, what the psychopath wants.  We have seen some of the most, sickening examples, of this, with men, taking their captive, and chaining them up, keeping them out of the public eye, as if they are dead, with little options, than to be anything other than a sex slave, and when the captor tires of the prisoner, he or she will kill them!  In the example of the above case, Terry and Paul, one of Terry's best friends, said, that, Terry, a beautiful, successful, and together woman, had gone through so many men, that by the time, she met, Paul, who was like 15 years younger than her, and not really even good looking, a lot shorter than herself, and below the standards of whom she generally dated, her friend, said, she thought that the reason, Terry didn't leave him, even though he was killing her, and had brought up the million dollar insurance policy, very early on, and even after finding out, Paul was using her money, to support his previous wives and children, Terry, was in denial, refused to be wrong about her choice to marry him, and really, died, rather than being made wrong about her selection, of a creep!

Sometimes when that masked drops, the abuser will start taking out their cruel side on a child, with the mother or father, watching in horror, and eventually, stepping in to protect the child, giving the abuser, a chance to either, abuse the mother/father, again, to justify, the mean side, they all have, and have kept hidden, until the victim or prey was trapped and vulnerable, but, often the perpetrator or the predator, enjoys, to see, either the mother/father hurt, or they will select and chose, which victim, causes the most pain, to the spouse, and at times, the mother/father will always take the abuse, seeing they were the ones that got the child into this abusive sick relationship, or married a step-parent, who uses the tension between the child and themselves, to intensify the abuse, seeing the psychopath gets pleasure out of causing other people pain, by whatever means, they can!  I look at my situation, with my children, it was not enough, to go after the music, or the law degree and practice, the target, shot to the next generation, and dividing loyalties, trying to steal love, even going to the third generation, going as deep as possible with the infliction of pain.  I see that brand of clothing, Affliction or Avenged Seven-Fold! and, I wonder, what fucked up, sick shit, would do this . . . and I am reminded, that psychopaths, feed on the pain of others, the more the better, the deeper the cut, the greater, and driving a wedge between a loving parent and their children and grandchild, is the best . . . especially, when the psycho, doesn't have a good relationship with their own children!

The Goal is to Hurt Their Partner to the Soul

The psychopath is just not satisfied, until, they literally, destroy the other partner, taking it to the heart, the breadth and depth of the other person's core, until they, make them bleed at every pore, figuratively speaking, and great joy is attached to the magical power, they feel over the spouse, even years after leaving, and when there was not a good relationship, when the two were together.  I found, that my predators, both Brett and Frank, while not really wanting to be with me, due to their propensity, to value, the physical, over all else, still, wanted to control and abuse me, and if they could not get to me, through, being with women, I knew, always, going for the core of the soul, never, opting for women, I didn't know, because, that would not have hurt, so, while with them, they would devalue, all of the stuff, that I was good at, and went to the extent of almost recreating me, through these other women, like holding me under water, while pushing the new replacement up, regardless of how inferior, less, or beneath me, they were.  Or, on the other hand, they actually, either killed the men I liked, or they had someone kill them, the second, I was attracted to them, because, they knew I was tough to get to, either due to disassociation issues or skills, I had garnered, when, my father beat me as a child, just once, knowing he loved me, which made it even more complicated, but, going after someone, I loved, whether out of jealousy, rage, hurt, or anger, seemed to cause me more pain, like when Shelley and Frank, killed Allan . . . I mourned for 7 months, always wondering where his body was, what his death was like, and knowing, that he was murdered, simply, for being with me!

I am sure the more intense, the love, the more intense the pain, if something happens, to them, and while in complete denial, that people could actually do this, after four dead partners, with either doubles, or just getting rid of them, I have been forced, to, at least, until the murderers are apprehended, never be with someone, because they will kill them!  I think, had I not left, when I was in Butte, Montana, with James Kennedy, they would have killed him, rather than, I think, in respect, for his family, just, almost maimed him, as a warning, to let him know, he was not to be with me, and let me know, I could not be with him, and obviously, it worked.  I was slow to learn, even knowing, they were killing them, to again, wrap my mind around the fact, that when you are done with a relationship, and you both move, on, you are free to be with, whomever, you want, love, or wish to be with.  That is not, the way it works with, a psychopath.  They seem to believe, as O.J. Simpson did, that, if I can't have them, NOBODY CAN!  And even a delivery guy, being seen with Nicole Simpson, was just too much to handle!  Some of these guys, I had never kissed, never even toughed, had just written an email, that was yanked off the computer, and me never to see or hear from a guy, who, simply was waved down, and we spent a couple of hours talking, but when the email, was written, and I expressed the fact that I enjoyed the time with this cowboy cop, he ended up dead!

Psychopaths Don't Feel Emotions, They are Flat Line . . . Did I, Make Them Feel for the First Time?  Frank, Said, I Left Scars So Deep They Would Never Heal!  Which Shocked Me!  A New Element of a Psycho, The Predator, Becomes the Prey, With an Alpha Female, They are Not Used to, Turning the Tables on this Man Who, Allegedly Slept with 800 Women?

Not all of this material is in the documentary, because, I have experience, two and possibly three marriages, with men, who either are, psychopaths, or are borderline psycho, or I bring that out in them.  The song, I just died in your arms tonight, it must have been something I said, I should have walked away! Maybe my strong personality characteristics, that are more male, that female, not in a dyke way, but just because, I am very competitive, sexual, more emotionally detached than most women, with the coping skills of disassociation, that may through the game off . . . they hyper-sexuality, you can't wear me out, I have an insatiable, while controlled, and checked, sexuality, leaving my men, perhaps, in a role reversal, and feeling more the inactive, rather than the active agent in the sex!  LOL!  I am, an anomaly to the psychopath, because, I can be very, flat lined, unemotional, in, kind of a human observation, type stance, with my ex-husband, accusing me, of analyzing our marriage and relationship, with genocharts, and reading books, after taking a master's class in family relations and human development, being so cerebral, that I match, their colder side, and bring out a more human side of them, warm, loving, and when they try their shit, it doesn't work on me, like it would on most women . . . I have a different chemistry, and like I said, there were times that I felt that Brett was going to kill me, or contemplating it, and I just laid there, letting him do what he would, observing, and without fail, this was, probably not the game rules, nor did he get a response he wanted or was used to, so things didn't go that way.

I believe, when I left both men, they were shocked, not used to a woman, like me, and while a psychopath, who may, with a woman, like me, end up more wounded and hurt, than the normal guy, because they put so much emphasis on looks, that, I am long gone, by the time, they figure out, due to this unique characteristic, that they are branded if you will, corralled and, deceived by their own, miscalculation, of what they actually liked or loved about me, and that runs much deeper than looks!  So, when they discover they are either stuck with another women, or made the mistake of leaving me, for a more shallow relationship, based on tits and ass, they lash out at me, rather than being angry at themselves, for being deceived, not by me, but by their own sick views of the world, finding that they have been victimized, rather than me, as I move forward, happy and ready for another relationship!  Frank was devastated when I didn't invite him to Thanksgiving. Well, for a very cold and rational argument, he would throw temper tantrums, yell and get pissed, and my children had never seen this, and I was not going to expose them to him, since I saw no future for us anyway! I had also caught him, either planting drugs or looking for something, drugs, when I went to church, letting me know, he was not operating in my best interest, so that was it, I just had to wait it out, until, the time came to leave, which is eventually did, when I took off to Montana!  The runaway bride, who didn't give a shit, knowing full well, he was an enemy, who got his feeler's hurt, in the process of trying to fuck me over, as either part of the super mob, or working with my fucking family . . . too bad, so sad, lost the one women, who got away!

My second husband, said, I don't just leave my men, who will always be my men, I brand their asses, and corral them, forever, and he felt that was not fair!  While these men all consider themselves, women's men, handsome, but definitely, seeing themselves as in charge . . . that generally doesn't work with or for me . . . and I have no qualms leaving them!  LOL!

More to Come . . . Gotta Go Catch the BUS!


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