For years, 5 western states, have tried to push the federal government back on a no-win, issue, on land that was already taken by the feds, at the time of gaining statehood! All the money, the law suits, and fight, over taking back BLM land, wilderness and wet lands or forest lands, is really shooting us in the foot, because, those lands, are basically, PUBLIC LANDS, set aside and preserved for the use and benefit of all citizens and not sold off for a profit, limiting access, hunting, fishing, and waters, that would be accessible to the public, had they been designated, set aside, and preserved for the use and benefit of the citizens, we the people or the public. But, REAL I.D. CARDS, that is a fight worth, sinking my teeth into, getting exposed, was back in the day, looking the already purchased equipment, what almost 20 years ago, and why did Utah have it back then. I am not as familiar with the Real I.D. Act, but, I can guarantee you, I will be in the next week, and then, give it that old law school try, and analyze it through, my red, constitutional lenses, seeing, why, and with what authority, the Department of Homeland Security, is bullying the state in this direction?
I need to go, get me another pocket sized copy of my secular bible, the United States Constitution, tomorrow, read through the Act, and then take a look at the Montana Legislative law or statute, refusing to enforce, the federal use of the I.D. cards in Montana . . . we are sick and tired of having the feds, take all our rights, one by one, going closer and closer, to being able to watch our actions, moves, thoughts and intents, starting when we get up in the morning until we go to bed at night! I for one, have been victimized, literally, thousands of time . . . I don't have U.S.A. stamped on my ass, and you don't fucking own me, my intellectual property, as in STEALING MY FUCKING TITLE, or my blog on RELIGIOUS TEST OATHS, and another blog, just last week. This is the kind of shit, that starts to happen, when we don't stand up, force the feds to pass constitutional hurdles, and make sure, that what they are doing is in compliance, with OUR LAWS, NOT ENGINEERING US TO THEIR WAYS, or to some hidden agenda of the fucking Mormons, Masons, and Monsters, behind this CIA, Illuminati, push for everyone on earth to be under ONE ROOF!, in the one world order, Bush 41 and 43 pushed, weakening America . . . FUCK NO! Shit, right now, for fear of having what I am writing, hijacked, due to access to my blog, by god knows who, through the NSA, which is total bull shit, there is not established RELIGION, ASSHOLE, MO'S! But, the feds, in all capacities, NEED TO BE PUSHED BACK, LEGALLY, NOT WITH MILITIAS at this point!
This morning, due to this shit, PRISM invasive, shit, and access to watch everything I fucking write, I didn't get to say what I wanted to, but, as I read the newspaper, there were great reviews on Hillary's performance in the 11 hours of grilling by the Benghazi Committee, that has WASTED, 2 YEARS, HAD 23 HEARINGS, spent $4.5 million on this sham, and are capitalizing, on a national tragic incident, for political gain, and stalling progress, just doing this for political reasons, partisan politics, which is plain to see, as long as the Republicans focus on emails and Benghazi, they don't have to do their work, and they can try to tear down their political foe, Hillary! ALL I CAN SAY, IS GOOD LUCK . . . she will teach, you assholes, what true statesmanship looks like, what bipartisan leadership looks like, and that she can eat your fucking lunch, with her knowledge and experience, circling the globe, as Secretary of State, former Senator, First Lady of the United States, and of the state of Arkansas, plus her years, working as a political campaigner for one candidate or another!
This morning, due to this shit, PRISM invasive, shit, and access to watch everything I fucking write, I didn't get to say what I wanted to, but, as I read the newspaper, there were great reviews on Hillary's performance in the 11 hours of grilling by the Benghazi Committee, that has WASTED, 2 YEARS, HAD 23 HEARINGS, spent $4.5 million on this sham, and are capitalizing, on a national tragic incident, for political gain, and stalling progress, just doing this for political reasons, partisan politics, which is plain to see, as long as the Republicans focus on emails and Benghazi, they don't have to do their work, and they can try to tear down their political foe, Hillary! ALL I CAN SAY, IS GOOD LUCK . . . she will teach, you assholes, what true statesmanship looks like, what bipartisan leadership looks like, and that she can eat your fucking lunch, with her knowledge and experience, circling the globe, as Secretary of State, former Senator, First Lady of the United States, and of the state of Arkansas, plus her years, working as a political campaigner for one candidate or another!
There is NO, Short Cut to Success! Even for a Clinton!
The Three Most Persuasive Elements in Argument are: (1) Facts; (2) Statistics, and (3) Examples . . . My Case is So Complicated, that, I Need to Do, Everything in My Power, and With My Training, as an Attorney, to Help, Investigators, Prosecutors, and Eventually, Judges, Figure this Mess Out!
So, last night, I am doing what I normally do, when I have free time, I watch true crime shows, trying to figure out, not only the criminal minds of my family--father, older sister, younger sisters, ex-husbands, and extended family, with American Greed on their mind, and their cohorts--also on the take, and paid to continue the lies, in this identity theft case, worth millions if not billions, but, also, how to aid and assist, those whom, I am hoping are working on this case,who may be going against former heroes, trainers, and superiors at intelligence agencies, and other community members, all caught up and involving the super mob--family, church, government, agencies, cops, prosecutors and judges, along with legislators, potentially, with people, using my I.D., and experience on a state level, from all sides of the law, and up to the U.S. Supreme Court, in the law, opening doors, for the ill prepared, inexperienced, under educated in the law, with a far inferior background and experience, being passed off as me, leaving, high ranking officials, candidates, and others, relying on, the fraud, liars, little puny ass, experience, education, jobs, training, could ever do, with many people assuming, that they are, in fact me, the lawyer, the attorney, who has been on the prosecution side of things, on the defense, both in criminal, administrative, and civil, taking a constitutional challenge, under section 1983 civil rights case, not just one, but several, but one, to the highest court in the land, going against, state officials acting under color of law, violating my clients, federal statutory and constitutional rights!
The potential for harm, to the public, to the person under the assumption, they are dealing with me, rather than the government, or CIA fraud version of me, with the FBI help, to cover crimes, that are beyond, comprehension, as is this case, and the mysterious man, who perpetrated, crimes, up to representing false, military connected, alleged, fund raising campaigns, that took him to the highest levels of recognition, in the company of the elite in Washington, and absconding with up to 100 million dollars in donated money! Now, this man, donated huge amounts of cash to various candidates, buying himself, the positions, associations he wanted, and it was a hideous scam and crime, but it pails in comparison, to the people involved in my case, who have not only donated a shit load of money, but have actually taken positions of power, that require, much more knowledge, background and experience than these people have! That is a dangerous thing . . . there are reasons, that people go to law school, have to pass classes at an accredited law school, have to take the bar exam, and pass it, and are required to take continued legal education, meet, ethic, professional character, and other levels of competency to practice law, especially, all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, forcing the attorney, to be examined, each step of the way, up the levels, at the state level, the federal district court level, at the court of appeals level, and again, at the Supreme Court level . . . MOST ATTORNEYS, WILL NEVER, EVER, MAKE IT THERE, and to take a NON-ATTORNEY or an UNFIT ATTORNEY, and give them credit for climbing those milestones, is ludicrous! regardless of who she is fucking!
Catch Me If You CAN! Their Montra . . . Using My Name, Money, or My Son's Band's Money, to Buy Credibity!
Several of this band of robbers, pirates, bandits, Shelley, Brett, Kay, Rachel, Sue, Kevin, my father, would, all have seen the movie, Catch Me If You Can! with Leo DeCarpio, playing the real life, man, who pretended to be a doctor, lawyer and pilot, pulling it off for some time, before the FBI, became aware of the stunt, and then, he was actually, asked to go work with the FBI, helping them detect, counterfeit money, as I recall. But, I know, that Shelley and Brett, both owned the book, too! Rather than training, they use, money, charm, good looks, although, they are all aging, and not that well, either, but money can buy, new boobs, face lifts, hair plugs, in the case of Kay's male pattern baldness, botox, plastic surgery, and all that jazz! LOL! But, they are all relatively bright, but they think, they can get away with this fraud, given the fact, they think they are smarter than the FBI, the cops, or the investigators, and whoever, would be interested in taking down the super mob, and making a huge ass name for themselves in law enforcement, stopping the heist of the century! But, the man in this real life, catch me if you can, and they almost didn't, but for the questions of one reporter, who started doing some background checks on this guy's alleged, veteran's organization, and found, it to be fraudulent, checked on this guy's address, his legal identity, his fingerprints, and what not, getting the feeling that this guy was a fake, and needed to be exposed, as he later was, and is spending the rest of his life in prison, as these people, in my case should!
Harvard Law Trained, Attorney, Possible CIA Agent, A Superior Officer in Something?
This man, well educated, started to practice law, and after awhile, people could tell, that he had not concern for honesty, ethics, confidences, professional responsibility, and other hallmark, notions, that distinguished a profession, from just a job; he only cared about winning! Some people started to get concerned and suspicious of his actions, motives and apparent, lack of concern for legal and professional protocol, and requirements of courtroom decorum, and so they started to put pressure on him. Suddenly, as investigators could piece things together, he just up and disappeared, taking on many identities, from that point on, to the point of basically, going completely off the grid, with some apparent, possibilities, like no fingerprints in any data base in the United States, that might indicate, that he was indeed, connected, or highly skilled, trained and my be using all these identities, for official government use. But, as people looked closer at the housing situation, his car, clothes, and living conditions, they started to question his charitable foundations and non-profit organization, that was later, discovered to be a complete fraud!
This guy, either was a real spy, CIA, or he was a complete nut case! From collection of Nazi memorablia, involving, Hitler, the KGB, and other connections and activities, that might be official, and maybe believable, to prosecutors, wanting to kill him, to the possibility, that he was completely insane, the guy, somehow, was about to get his shit together, not as himself, but through, false identities, a fraud, he recreated himself, from John Donald Cody to Bobby Thompson. Through facial recognition, and going back, looking at where the guy disappears--with one big question mark, CIA, Navy Vets Charity, to CIA, work in 1970, through hypnosis, to a non-official covert agent, doing ops for the CIA?, the FBI, and local cops, are somehow able to create a timeline to his life, and to all his bogus, activities, finding almost a million dollars, in a search of the guys, house, but wondering where the other, 99 million, he had collected, according to some evidence and reporting, taxes, or records of the fake charity, but, the feds, cops, and prosecutors, said, regardless of whether he was a CIA operative, or whatever, and this is KEY to MY CASE . . . the feds, the CIA, the FBI, nor anyone else, and no EXCEPTIONS, can break state and federal law, by giving authorization, through a command of some sort, or by someone else, go on and allow, this individual, regardless of what he is doing to BREAK THE LAW!
And that is what it is all about in my case, they just think they are SO SMART, charming, cool, that they can get away, with breaking the law, stealing, not only my I.D., but a billion dollars, allegedly under official authorization by a bunch of cocks, who got their rocks off fucking them! and wanting to HURT ME! or claim my son, Elliot, bass guitarist, vocalist, and now guitarist, for various bands, he played in, from early years, Parallax, God's Revolver, Maraloka, the Ditch and the Delta, now playing, and Worst Friends, was actually, the son of one, all, of the fake families, fraud broad, alleged mothers, and fake ass fathers, who either were associated with me, or were jilted by me! But, Mr. John Donald Cody . . . who dropped off the deep end, went from a decapitated duplex to the WHITE HOUSE! And so have these freaks! And just like, John, who became, Bobby, who was charged with racketeering, theft, money laundering, among other charges I can think of, a ton more . . . and was order to spend the next 27 YEARS IN THE OHIO PRISON, a similar fate, only worse, due to the amount, the duty, with regard to close relationships, the lies, there should be many more, to the point, the DEAD PENALTY, MIGHT BE IN ORDER!
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