You know what, if the fucking NSA, or Mormon fuck chicks who are suppose to be me, one, maybe even working with Secretary Clinton, on her campaign, taking credit for all my great blogs, especially the ones that have to do with political issues, or encouraging Hillary, seeing that she is by far the best and brightest candidate with the best background, knowledge and experience, with the kick ass history, resume, and education, in everything from state politics, to presidential politics, to Congressional politics, and global politics, knowing each country, the history, leaders, coups, rogue elements, and being able to comment, intelligently on issues, like whether there should be a no fly zone or not, and what would Clinton do, if Russia, then violated the agreement, like was reached this week with Russia, on various issues, with both the Russians and the United States, working together, on air strikes, and trying to coordinate, the strikes, making sure they are not working against each other, and going after the same targets, or worse, with all the confusion over in Syria, 6 different civil wars, going on simultaneously, and with Russia and Iran, stepping up to bolster, Assad, the elected leader, good, bad or ugly, and trying to stabilize the region, to stop the bleeding of refugees to the rest of the world, and hopefully, allowing them to go back home and deal with a President, who they people elected by a 90% margin, then working together to take out ISIS . . . the question being, if a Russian jet, violated the no fly zone, would she shot down the jet, her answer was thoughtful, and contemplated, like it should be, with, a calm head, getting the facts, the circumstances, and the potential for human error, and then making a decision, which would be a workable approach. She knows, from her experience as Secretary of State, that any rash move, impulse action, and lack of communications with someone like Russia, a world power, saving face, is the last thing you would want to do, and then go about doing your homework! EXPERIENCE, FUCKING MATTERS!
Some Cool Hillarisms Taken From A MSNBC Rachel Maddow, Interview, With Clinton, After the Benghazi Hearings, of 11 Hours!
First of all, laying a foundation for readers who might not have been aware of the proceedings, nor the make up of the panel . . . mostly Republicans--therefore, enemies, and many, former prosecutors--putting 11 hours of the screws to her, with her handling it GREAT, who grilled the former, Secretary of State, for 11 fucking grueling hours, focusing more on a former Clinton aid and friend, Sid Bloomenthal, and his emails to her, during the crisis, and what impact and affect that should have, or what connection that was, and whatever, in the hell that had to do with, is only a rational person's question, but, in the interview, Rachel, asked some very thought provoking, which is her style, questions, and I just jotted down a few notes, of some cool quotes, that show, why Hillary with her vast, experience, starting, actually, as a Republican aid, to someone back in the day, showing, even her history, would suggest that she, can see and work on both sides of the isles, because, SHE HAS! But, I find it interesting, that, Clinton, and Obama, differ on many issues, and as a member of his cabinet, she had to tow the party or President's line, but as a candidate, now, she is free to express her personal views and ideas, and many, on issues of war, and such, she had been accused of being a hawk! LOL! That should endear, Republicans, to her, since they all tend to be trigger happy, and want a huge ass military complex to the tune of $2 trillion, or that is what Mitt wanted, and now Trump is going the same route, with all Republican presidential candidates, being trained at the John Hayes, School, of Party Line Thinking, Group Think, Talking Points and Positions . . . different names, faces, sex and race, but the same party-politics, walking in lock step and line, with the NRC!
Taking into consideration the ENDURANCE FACTOR, presidential candidate, invited staff over to her house, for Indian food, beer and wine, after, to celebrate the hearing over, with nothing new, no gotcha moments, and no new facts, revelations, or changes, in her testimony, since 2013! In the law, during an interrogations, especially, one that is two years ago, or more, a cop, prosecutor or judge, will check the record, and if there are changes in the story, that is a red flag moment, and the trained eye and mind, will know, that the either the original comments were wrong, or the new comments, are a cover-up, to gloss over old faulty positions . . . nothing like that happened. Hillary, just stood her ground, made her honest best effort, to give aid and help, in understanding what happen in Benghazi, Libya, that resulted in the alleged, death of four Americans, including an Ambassador, Stevenson. There is nothing more that she could do, and there are tons of other factors that come into play, like Congress, just months before, cutting assets to embassies, to the tune of 300 million dollars, the fact that there are military policies in place, not to mention the fact that Stevenson and others, did not stay in the cement bunker, the night of the raid, attack and burning, according to news correspondents, who interviewed CIA and SEALS, who were on the scene, and also, with regards to the "stand down orders" there were none given, and like policy clock work, when situation A happens, response A, happens . . . the best approach, as Hillary stated, was to understand what went wrong, and why, party politics aside!
I think it is critical to note, that Stevenson, long before the attacks, was told to stay off the streets, and wait until things calmed down . . . he refused to follow those policy and procedures that may, in fact have saved his life, as well as the lives of those, there to protect him!
Former, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, on political positions and her take on Rachel's questions:
- Rachel asked Hillary, given the tough road President Obama has had in getting anything passed, being somewhat, naive, in thinking, that the Republicans, back before they had a majority in both houses, and now, that he could get this or that passed, and what is she going to do differently to make sure that things get done, that are vital to the country and the business of keeping it going:
- Hillary: "I will do anything, and I have, to find common ground, but I will always, stand my ground." Then Hillary went on to give several examples of tough issues, that came up when she was a Senator, working in Congress, and showed, how she handled the differences between her positions and that of her colleagues. The plus we, as voters have with Clinton, is the fact that she, in fact has a pasted, and we can check the record, that is not true of other candidates, other then, several who have held public office, but, their records should be an indication of their positions and their workability factor, of how they can dovetail with the other party.
- Maddow, asked Clinton, acknowledging the fact, that President Bill Clinton and her are, different people, but understanding, that, there is an influence, obviously, or Hillary might, in fact, be a Republican, LOL, but on issues, that Pres. Clinton, signed into law, like DOM, the Defense of Marriage Act, and military policies, of "don't ask, don't tell" and the fact, that it has taken President Obama and ten years, just to get the country back to ground zero, to undo, what her husband did, during his administration. Again, Hillary took a very, rational, realistic, honest approach, and answered it in a very mature, perfect way:
- Hillary: Sometimes in a democracy, and sometimes, given the different positions, you are faced with two bad choices, and you have to chose the lesser of two evils, seeing your vote or signature, not as representative of your position, but as a defensive position, one that is even worse, that is being pushed, and this is a compromise. Good answer. Then the former Secretary of State, when on to bring up the fact, recognizing the powers of other branches of the government, like the U.S. Supreme Court, having settled the gay marriage issue, once and for all, shutting down, most debate on it, now as the law of the land, but also, recognizing that other issues, before the high court, like voting rights, and now, looking at funding of Planned Parenthood, and the potential of threatening, female health and reproductive care, and changing the whole fabric of the past four decades, of protection, possibly going down, referring to advances and female right of privacy and due process, in regards to abortion and contraception! HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE AND EXPERIENCE MATTERS!
- anyway, Maddow, did a great, thoughtful and intriguing interview with presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton. Followed up by a few comments, by Andrea Mitchell, who has followed the Clintons, since the 90's, has been a foreign correspondent, as Rachel Maddow, has too, and got her feelings and comments on tons more issues, but the point I am trying to make, is that, you may not see the brilliance or the knowledge base on a person, until you get into the details of various issues, that have been part of the experience of a person. The one really great thing, to me, about the 11 hour interview, that Hillary, much like her senate confirmation hearings, years ago, before becoming secretary of state, where she sailed through 8 hours of grilling, and now 11, is the exposure, of the breadth and depth of her experience and knowledge and just how lucky American are, that after all Hillary and Bill have done for the country, the service, and the years of giving, she is still willing to GIVE MORE, AND BENEFIT AMERICA FROM HER BACKGROUND, that started when she was just 18 years old.
- watch the interview, sorry to have my blog title, with many interesting political comments stolen, because, the fucks are trying to make, inexperienced people be ME!
Sorry, I am getting kicked out of my table, at the Oxford Sports Bar and Grill, Missoula, Montana, because the place is filling up, and they need my table, and I got my blog fucked anyway, so enjoy your Saturday!
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