Saturday, February 28, 2015


I Am Going To Kill You . . . Believe I Was Poisoned!

Man the fucking NSA, is making writing this blog difficult today.  I can always tell when I am right on point, and hitting a sour spot, for the law enforcement, box trolls that watch my blog 24/7 . . . I am writing in "guest" status, and on a search engine, that is lesser known to even get this much out!  Listen, boys and girls in law enforcement, cyber cops and all, the truth shall make you FREE!  I am sick of your fucking with my 1st amendment rights, to free speech, and expressions of knowledgeable insights into you and your bull shit activities, that are criminal and go far beyond legal or constitutional!  Grow the fuck up and deal with the facts, that we just put the old, constitutional, ball and chain back around your sorry ass ankles!  Too bad, you can either serve and protect us, or get the fuck out of law enforcement, you don't get a free ride to poison me, just like the first time, back in 2000, I didn't die, and I am not going to die this time . . . figured your fucking patterns out again, and stopped taking the alleged, diet, Green Tea Beans, or weight control, given to me, by one of your ugly fucking bitches from New York, staying at the Poverello Homeless Shelter.  She acted like a suck up hag ass bitch from the get-go . . . not the way most homeless chicks act, even bad ass con law chicks, like myself!  LOL!

YOU SUCK AT YOUR JOBS!  I can read you like a god-damn book . . . Shelley, the book mi ester, no good, dumb ass hag, could never be my double in 10 billion light years, even with my money!  LOL!  It is all in the attitude, passion and experience . . . you can't train a cop bitch on that!  I can always, rat out your dumb ass, undercover, pretend, bad boy, bikers, and such, because they are so stupid, that they actually think, that I am as stupid as they are!  LOL!  We all tend to project our mentality, on the other person, . . . I keep thinking you are smarter than you are, because I am smart, and you keep thinking that I am dumb, because you and your fucking troops, are actually, some of the dumbest people I have had the sorry chance to meet, and way more than I would probably ever, know!  Get a fucking grip, you are dealing with a pro, trained by your stupidity, over the last 6 years, if not dating back to 2000, when you first poisoned me, and tried to substitute Shelley in my place . . . just as Shellie Barrett, is a cheap imitation of her smarter, esteemed sister, who presides over the Montana Legislative Senate, with due respect, and she does a knock out job . . . I am that much more esteemed, and respected, looked up to, and  have paid my dues to get where, your lame ass chicks are trying to get to, but just can't pull it off . . . NSA just tried to protect, their female assets, FUCKING FLUSH THEM, if you know what is best for you . . . they can't be ME!  And you are as stupid and lame ass as they are to think you could pull this little stunt off!

Still Sicker Than a Dog!

Going back a few days, already having written about the two nights of night fears, in Missoula, first the day before the Senate vote on the Salish-Kootenai water compact, that is a huge deal, and later, after I wrote about the Thursday night episode, leading to the brass asses ordering a pay back night of terror . . . this is what we are paying our cops to do, at all levels, terrorize, politically active and caring individuals, that just happen to be more credible than they are!  Eat it fuckers!  So, one of the last days I was in Missoula, this New York, grey haired, ugly bitch, who ended up parking her sorry fat ass, next to my punk, and started to team up with Garrett, the black undercover cop, who has followed, or shown up from Great Falls to Kalispell, to Missoula, being gone, until I showed up again, and getting more and more vicious, as I refuse to hang out or be involved with him.  You see, they, the feds, keep sending me guys, who they think I will like, and I sometimes do . . . but generally, I can sense the resistance and hatred coming through, after a while . . . and most of them are not good at this, with someone like me, who has been through the FBI dating game, about 200 times, with fewer than 5 agents, matching up with me, because thisd Patriot Act, bull shit, is totally contrary to the Constitutional law chick, and all that I stand for, fight for, and dig!  So eventually, the true colors come out, and the real nature of the beast, I am dealing with shows up, as was the case with Garrett and Mary, I think, or was that one of the other undercover bitches?

On the morning of the said, offering of the alleged diet supplement, to help me lose weight, which surprised me, given the mornings events, leading up to the offering of the poison . . . I generally wake up at around 4:00 a.m., but due to the stress, sometimes, I will slip up and sleep in, until around 5:30 a.m., just about the time that staff wakes us up.  Now, there are lockers in the hall, that we all get access to, but some are nearer to the ground and harder to get to, so we use a chair, that sits in the hall, for easy access.  The night before, the chair was missing in the shower area, that I like to use, so I decided to grab the one in the hall, and use in the bathroom area, so I have something to put my clothes on.  I am usually, to only one up there, right after dinner.  Mary, or whatever her name is, don't care to know, but she comes up, just as I am puling the chair in the bathroom, and gets pissed, needs it for her locker . . . okay, I yield to her and give her the chair, no big deal.  So, the next morning, being the courteous person that I am, realizing that while I am older than she is, she looks 10 to 20 years older, so I will respect my elders, and give her the chair if she needs to get in her locker.  She opted out, and walked down to get coffee, so I continued to get ready.

She comes back up with coffee, and stands right over me, telling me she needs the chair, knowing full well, that at this point, it is first in time, first in right, kind of like water rights.  But, not being in the mood to be an ass, like her, I yield to her and give her the chair, no skin off my chin.  So, I walked in and decided to take a morning shower, using the chair, that was now, back in the bathhouse area, with 7 great showers.  She comes in and sees me with the chair, again, first in time, first in right, but I ask her if she wants the chair, again yielding to my elder looking mates.  She, gets immediately pissed and decided not to take a shower.  Later, I am sitting in the hall, again, finishing getting ready, and she walks up bitching and moaning about someone leaving the bath towels in the halls, and wonders who did it, picking up the towels . . . and looking at the coffee cup, that is not to be taken from the dining room, I say, probably the same person who takes the coffee cups out of the eating area and lea . .ves them all over the place . . . that shuts her up!  And I said it nicely.  Later, when it is light, and I am rarely back at the Pov, at that time, not a Pov. groupie like most of the slugs that are there, Mary, for lack of a better name to call her, comes up all rosy and nice, and hands me these Green Tea Beans, which I thought was nice, and noticed that the seal was not brBackoken, so I took them and thanked her for them.

BaLucky for Me, I Am Not Good at Taking Meds or Pills

So, I forget that I have these beans, for the first several days, and then, decide to put them in my make up kit, so I can remember to take them both, morning and night, which I finally did, starting, maybe Sunday or Monday, the dates that I start to get flu like symptoms, all of the sudden.  And not only flu like symptoms, but like almost a distended belly, with the feeling that my gut is going to rip, even when I haven't eaten much, which somewhat struck me as strange.  Then I got this bad taste in my mouth, that made even the best meal and drink taste nasty!  I think I got to Helena, last Tuesday night, and by that time, I was feeling like shit, could barely breath, and had a hard time walking from the bus terminal to God's Love Shelter!  I did what I normally do with sickness, ignore it and hope it goes away.  What will knock someone out, barely leaves a dent in my physical fitness . . . so, what may take someone days to get over, will just take me, maybe an hour.  I went to the legislature, on Wednesday, just in time to hear the great news about the Senate and the new requirements for POST, and to listen to the water compact debates, in the Senate . . . which I was upset about, and could barely make it from the Capitol to the shelter . . . sick, sick, sick!

On Wednesday, between the first and second sessions of the legislative calendar and hearings, I went over to write my blog, estatic about the passage of the bill, on the cops.  I was not able to get my personal computer, out of the claws of the NSA, who were all over it, first thing, but I did get to meet and compliment, Senator, Jennifer Fielder, the sponsor of the bill, and possibly the woman, who called me out, of the audience, two years ago, and asked me to tell the House Judiciary . . . I know, they switch back and forth, between the two houses of the legislature, because of term limits, so I am not sure, but, she seemed to take notice when I told her how happy I was about the bill, and that I was a constitutional law attorney, which she seemed to take particular note of . . . maybe recognized the real, JoAnn, the face is mine, and doesn't look like the fake running around for two years, taking credit, and masquading as me!  But, I was able to get my blog done.  But, I am continually feeling worse and worse, which is very untypical of my sickness patterns, if I ever get sick!  Flu, never!  Cough, hack, and cold, yeah!

Back at the Ponderosa, Roommates Have Changed!  Typical!

So, the first night I got there, Tuesday, my two roommates, are stoked and talkative, cool, and happy to have me there to talk to, other than Kathy, the Indian from Alaska, is quiet, but was nice enough, and both were verty helpful, like is always the case, I can get along with everyone, and most people dig the fact that I am an attorney, especially, when they find out that I have taken on cops, prosecutors and judges, and this was not exception.  Marilyn, the talkative on, had been involved in child sacrifices, and, according to her, she was cut up and laid out, as a human sacrifice, by the local sheriff and other cops, in Olympia, Washington, until the Hell's Angels came to her rescue, and 5 gun them down, bikers, saved her, but they ended up in jail or prison for 5 years, for the rescue, and shoot out . . . true or not?  I generally, find there is an element of truth to what people say, to some extent.  Her husband is Indian, a Marine, also worked for Blackwater for 27 years, but had some PTST and got caught doing a crime and was, currently servingD time in Deer Lodge, the place of the men's prison, but, is expected to get out in May, 2015 . . . but, with any charge, someone is always succeptiable to a bribe to get them out sooner, as I believe she was, because, that night, when I got back, all my stuff was taken, roughly so, and yanked out of the drawers in Room II, and just thrown on the bed in Room I, and both women, acted totally different!  And the poison mill starts, as usual!

Marilyn told me, during the first conversation, that her mother-in-law, was a former CIA agent, and her father's dad, had been a cop.  The other roommate, heard me talking to former, Senator, Verdell Jackson, about the water compact, and she may, have either gotten pissed, or she and Marilyn, could have been a plant from the very first, perfect roommates either to bribe or to dislike me right off the bat, with Marilyn, while white, saying that she is Indian in her heart and soul, and that her husband is everything to her . . . motive, access, and opportunity to bribe the chicks, easy!  At this same time, Shellie Barrett, of Lincoln, shows up, well the following morning.  But during the night, I have a strange dream, with some kids, who seemed to know me, but were kind of stray kids, who needed something legal done, or it seemed that way. And in my dream, Michael Brimley, my old love interest from my undergraduate days, but also someone I am connected with, through the subconscious, was in my dream, with his wife, and their grown adult kids, attending a formal dinner.  My father, shows up and is super-imposed over or in front of the Brimleys', and had asked Mike to do some small legal work, dealing with family law, which is an area, I have not only practiced in, but have taught in at both the University of Utah and BYU!  I was a bit offended, that he would take a construction law attorney, a good attorney, but one not in the field and tried to bump me out of the legal arena . . . which is what he has tried to do with Kay, Kelly, even non-lawyer sisters, or lawyer nieces, Shelley, Rachel, Sue, Marcie, Tiffany and the Megs, Southwick and Nesbitt . . . very average at best attorneys!  Needless to say, as a white Dodge Durango, is driving through the Hardee's Drive Thru in Helena, near Carrole College, where I am typing this blog, after getting the hell out of Dodge early this morning!  LOL!  But, that would be very consistent with a father who is jealous as hell, of his daughter, can't control her, and had a profession, saved by the very daughter he hated the most!  ME!


In the dream, I am somewhat shocked an protesting a bit, and my father said, point blank, I will kill you!  Now, I don't think, that this is new, he has tried, and tried, and tried again, to kill me, has had hits out, and done all in his power to protect the Mormon Muffins, from being exposed by me, and I am sure that the water compact is scaring the hell out of him, that the original person, who did all the work, before, Shelley and Sue, tried to steal it by writing historical accounts of the meetings, but so far and so lame, light years from a constitutional analysis, that my appearance in Helena, is making him very nervous, and the pills were suppose to take me out before getting to the state Capital!  I tried to figure out, what would make him be so violent, and I compared my lifestyle, helping stray kids to that of Mike's family, regardless of whether Mike is as miserable a man as he can be, he is, sticking with the program, as my father and mother did, and they hated each other for 50 years, and she still resents him!  But the dream was indicative of lifestyle choices, and Mike's wife, didn't look all that happy either!  LOL!

But, it was a short dream and my father didn't mince words, and I am sure, it is his intent to kill me, if he can, and he has, I am sure, with all his Mormon zeal, insisted, that my claims in my blogs, about him, his daughters, and other attorneys, like Kay Baby and Kelly Ann Booth the Mormon Church Prophet, President Monson's grand-daughter, and in a manner of protecting the true liars, is claiming that, I am for sure the liar, depending on my poverty and shelter living to prove that I am not an attorney, as many have decided or are so stupid to think, that someone who has taken on the enemies, the state, local and national battering systems in going to go through that unscathed and rich!  LOL!  What a fucking joke!  My life is proof positive, that I am the right one . . . much like, Edward Snowden, who is living in exile, once you whistleblow, or expose the government, like he and myself, and many others, who were not as lucky, sealing their testimonies with their mysterious deaths, in fact, Greta, my daughter, just gave me a link to some young guy, genius, who did all he could to expose the government, and he allegedly committed suicide . . . I have my doubts, they just finally got him, they are going to stage my death also, if they can ever get me!

Rumor Mill Working Over-Time--Biker Fake Dude!

From the second, I showed up at God's Love, where I have been, at least two other times, which, the night I checked in, Richard, the night guy, on duty, went through all the forms you have to fill out, when you come stay . . . surprise, surprise, surprise . . . he couldn't find either time, that I had stayed their; however, he did pull out two forms, that seemed to have some significance to him.  And he had me fill out a new one, and as he looked over my new form, he seemed to be comparing it to, two other ones.  Now, I know that Dave and Anne, have been bribed, because, in the past, I have had to leave, ASAP, with sting ops set ups, so most likely, Howard Pryor, whom was a CIA plant, when I first came, and a jilted lover, would be easily, as all my jilted lovers, to be willing to lie, and say that I was actually Shelley, sister, alleged evil twin, and she is me, that seemed to be what was happening, that night.  And I know, that I am being framed as her, while she is the real criminal, she has long, claimed to be me, and has gotten way with it, with the help of the cops, right from the get go . . .!  So, the guy, thinks, he has caught Shelley, while he has the real person, ME, and I am the fake, and she is the real . . . this is these guys job and worth billions!  Come on, they are good at some things, as long as the person doesn't know what is going on.

So the next day, Dave and Anne, bright and early, with Shellie Barrett, maybe filling in as her, more famous sister, who is up on the hill conducting business, and she, is testifying, that I am Shelley, my sister, while she is pretending to be her sister!  Cleaver!  Right!  But, Anne and Dave, are freaking out, and acting all nervous, because, they know damned well, that they have the real attorney, a far cry from biologist, playing attorney, who can bite their asses off so fast, as I have with other shelters, who fuck me over, like the bogus census, in Missoula, they truly have a rattlesnake by the tail, and they know it!  They have lied, and recieved grants, abnd monies, from my funds, that Shelley has stolen, to use against me!  A bit scary don't you think.  Dave and Anne, are pressuring me for a date that I am leaving . . . I kept telling them, that I was watching several bills, like two that would help the homeless, expungement and record clearing, and that isn't good enough, they are pushing for a date that I am vacating the premise!  I told them that I would leave by March 6, the date that Senator Verdell Jackson's funding bill for legal fees, should the water compact pass, was being heard on the Hill!  Anne, said, now write that down to Dave, who has acted like a scared little girl, since the second he saw me come in . . . honesty, really is always, always, always, the best policy!  You don't have to cover your tracks and worry about what you have told someone, especially, when it is a lie!

Calling in the Troops to Help . . . I Am Just Sick, So . . .

So, the day after the session, I am not really talking to anyone, other than Shellie Barrett, who allegedly, is a home health nurse for a vet, and the cops woke her up in the middle of the night, and took the vet to the hospital and brought, Shellie and her dog, or on the rolls, Shelley, because, Dave came and took her name and put it on some list, so try to make it look, like there are two JoAnn's or that Shelley, was really there! Good God, what is your soul worth?  Not much, obviously!  Mine is priceless!  But, Shellie and I hit it off, but, at least on two occasions, I tried to avoid sitting by her, but she always made her way over to where I was sitting.  We talked about her situation, and I recommended that she get a cop escort and told her she had every right to be in the Lincoln home of the vet, that she was taking care of, had a contract with, and had the keys to, with all her belongings at.  She didn't seem interested in any legal solutions, and told me that her friend from Great Falls, was coming to get her.  

Shellie Barrett, looked so much like her sister, Debbie, who is on the front cover of the Helena, Independent Record, along with Bullock, Sesso, and Hunter . . . symbolic, that I was sure that it was Shellie, but Shellie had a different hair style--shorter, and really bad teeth, and looking at her sister, Debbie, who has longer hair, and did the day I was up at the Senate debates, on Wednesday, that, it dawned on me, that Shellie, is her sister, or even a twin, the evil twin, just like Shelley is my alleged evil twin, and I never looked like her, until, I put on weight!  Scream . . . and like Shellie Barrett, who appeared to lighten her hair, with dark roots, but a cute short hair do, like mine has been cut before, she doesn't look like a real blonde, but her sister, President of the Senate does . . . she is a total look alike, both thin and attractive.  And several guys took note of Ms. Shellie Barrett, who was talking with me, about all kinds of government, blog and Kennedy stuff!  I told her to go to Butte Rescue Mission and meet him . . . she claimed to have been their before, and seemed or claimed to have known some of the people I know, but then her timeline didn't match, she had been there two years ago, not realizing, that I had just been their a Christmas, and claimed to know, Nick and Mark, both gone now!  And neither one there two years ago, or at least Nick had not. k But she looks like a Company Chick . . . she knew too much, and even used the term, "Doppleganger" one that I have only heard, other than from myself, once!  

She sent me in a couple of texts, and that was it.

Cheerleader, Alleged Biker Dude . . . HA!

From the first day, this loud-mouth, show off, was trying to get my attention.  He started hanging with Marilyn, who seemed to be friends, with my new roommate, Darcy, who seemed to be the boyfriend of biker boy, who was clean cut, all new clothes, white running shoes, and all new biker duds . . . not quite the biker dude clothes, nor a homeless dudes stuff, but cutsy as hell, cheerleader, like.  But, he let me go in line first one night, and said, like I would like, ladies first, and I can't believe these guys don't have ladies and children first.  I told him that I always appreciate a gentleman, and that was as far as the conversation went. That night, Darcy came into bed, I had been in bed, most of the day, other than meals, and feeling sicker and sicker, and had gone to sleep right after dinner.  So, boyfriend, comes pouncing on her, on her bed, playing teenage games, too old for that, but grabbing her, kissing her, telling her, he loved her, and no, he loved her more . . . cutsy shit like that!  Gag!  These types, like Brett, want women to cat fight over them . . . but they better make sure that the women want him!  LOL!  Brett made that mistake, and I told him, he made his bed with Kay, and now he gets her . . . he nearly ran us off the road!  Bad play book for mature women!  CIA shit!  Immature as hell!

That was Thursday night, Friday, I really didn't talk to anyone, still staying in, and writing my blog, that took hours.  I read some from The Atlantic Magazine, keeping a real low profile, don't give a rat's ass if anyone likes me or not, and had been wondering with the new information, that James Kennedy had either been shot in an alleged drug deal, or broke his leg skiing, and was ashamed he had been staying at the Butte Rescue Mission, and had actually considered, leaving the day after the water compact vote, because the House would not be voting for a month, and I was curious to check out Kennedy's story, and to see him, so I really, other than feeling like shit, was mentally out of there!  I don't stay long, only until I can get away, and I still could, and Butte was looking to be more fun, that God's Love . . . especially after what happens next!


So, I start feeling a bit better, I can at least walk out of the bedroom without getting sick and tired.  So, I bring my computer into the dining area, and grab a cupcake and a Diet Pepsi, because I am still too sick to walk around the corner to the Man's Shop, hating the idea of the shop with porn and sex tools in the back . . . Howard took me there to shock me, when we were both there, June of 2013!  Pepsi would have to do.  But, I was listening to the news, Rachel Maddow, first time I had been able to get her in a long while since my computer was fried, over a month and a half ago, in Missoula, around Christmas!  I finally bought one!  My home entertainment center is back!  But the couple across the table from me, annoying the hell out of me, kept asking me what I was doing and watching.  We discussed Alaska and Washington, D.C. legalizing recreational marijuana, and the Congress men, R-UTAH! lame ass Jason Chavetz, or however you spell his name and other do gooders, threatening to arrest and jail, the beautiful, black, female Mayor Bowser, if she doesn't stop enforcing the citizens's initiative and referendum, passing by like 79%, in favor, and abide by these fuckers, rather than her constituents . . . I was laughing and having a great time, watching the Mayor and Rachel, with their sarcastic looks, and smiles!  I am right there with them!  Screamm!

Cheerlead, biker dude approaches me, and asks me what I am doing . . . I tell him I am watching news on my computer.  He asked me, telling me I was cute, why I didn't get off my high horse and come hang with the crew at the shelter?  He went on to ask me if I liked, biker dudes?  Bad boys, and he had a hard time spitting that out, so, I was reading between the lines, undercover, not really a biker dude.  But he was a reformed meth addict, and I needed to stop writing on my blog about all these other people and just focus on writing about him!  I said, Ok, I will get a legal pad tomorrow, and write about you.  He told me how he beat meth, and was clean and went out of his way to stay away from drugs . . . cool.  I then told him about the new legislation making the cops study the constitutions and Bill of Rights . . . this is where he lost it!  Cop, cop, cop . . . they just can't separate world "A" the cops world, where they hate me, and world "B" where they are pretending to like me, or at least get to know me.  That all went up in flames, when I said, hey, talked about the cops, and how excited I was about the legislation--he asked me why I was here anyway, and why I had broken glasses.  I told him because I sued cops, prosecutors and judges, and asked if he wanted to see my blog, and how many hits I have, and have had before the NSA killed my blog, have tried to kill me, blew up my car, sheriffs stole my truck, when I out ran them, etc.  He wanted none of that, and he started to go ape-shit on me!

You Are A Cop, You Are Scaring the Hell Out of the Homeless . . . Screaming For Me to Close Up My Computer, And Get the Hell Out!  What?

He told me I was not one of them, that everyone was afraid of me, that I was some cop . . . I informed him that, no, actually, I was fighting for legislation to clear the records of the homeless, by getting expungement and record clearing, as well as working on better DUI laws . . . sad, when someone, who has believed in Kay or one of the fake bitches, realizes, that they have been wrong the whole time, for years, and the real person, who had done all these great thing, either for or against cops, the real woman, was sitting here, staring him in the face . . . he got violent, and said he had only $3 in his pocket and he needed to go take care of people who were sleeping on the streets because of me, and I had $357 million in my pocket . . . where did he get that amount, the amount that Utah, Mormons, CIA, FBI, Mitt, Kay, family, Senator Hatch and the Mormon contingency in Washington had stolen from me . . . I didn't back down at all!  He told me I belonged with my kind, at the police station, or in the mental ward!  What?  Where was all this venom coming from?  I stayed calm, as he screamed, that out of respect for these people, being, in his place . . . what, typical cop lingo, with no boundaries, wanted me out, close that computer, NOW!  I am just watching news, what the hell are you doing, we should be on the same side!  We are not on the same side, get out!

I turned to the guy across the table, who was looking scared, because all his verbosity and foaming at the mouth, threats, and whatever were working, as I calmly said, to the guy across the table, we were just watching news, weren't we?  He looked scared.  I told him, that I would close my computer, not for him, but for some who might actually believe their shit and rumors, and left, going in my room.  He tried to make the biggest scene, hoping I guess that he could call the cops, staff didn't do a thing, so they had to be in on it!  I don't embarrass easily, take a number, so many people hate me it is not funny, jealousy and envy are hideous, and cops seem to be the worst, especially, ones, who have a personal interest . . . they know damn well after talking to me, I am the real gal, the one, who did it all!  That even pisses them off more.  When I didn't seem at all shaken, others, who looked like they were in on the gig, chimed in and asked me about Shellie Barrett . . . where did she go . . . I guess to Lincoln.  No, she didn't go to Lincoln, acting like they had just caught me in some CIA cover-up and my gal, who I didn't know from Adam, was leading them all astray, and I was in on it.  All I said, was, that is where she told me she lived, and where she was going.  I don't really know her . . . that silenced them.

Marilyn, comes bursting in my room, yelling, I know who you are, you are married to CIA, and you are hurting everyone in here, you need to leave.  I just brushed her off, basically ignored her, after telling her I had never been married to CIA, at least that they admitted to, and that I was not a cop, in fact that total opposite.  She acted frustrated and left.  I could hear, the gang bangers, who didn't get a big response from me, nor get me to leave, nor get me to get pissed at them, so they could call the cops, went in the room next door, saying she tried to tell me off!  She is like a little fly, just bugging me . . . I imagined, flipping her off with a finger, and waving her out the door.   I decided against, pissing them off further, who knows what crazies and their friends are here?  LOL!  Another meeker, roommate, who sleeps sitting up, in chair, and wakes up every time I go to the bathroom, never takes off her shoes, and most likely paid to watch the ghost, who has eluded the God's Love crew, on more than one occasion . . . this is what really pisses them off, the best laid plans of mice, men, gals, cops, grant takers, and sting ops, are pissed that they didn't get me before, so they are twice as energized to get me this time!  LOL!  Gotta love getting to them!  Even when they bring it on twice as strong!  Oh, I just remembered, I happened to mention, that I saw cheerleader jump on his girlfriend, and kiss her . . . she is not my girlfriend, and I can have anyone I want . . . NOT ME!  

So, this other chick, who came in the room, the all-nighter, said, I am sorry, like I give a rat's ass about the homeless crowd or the alleged popular, cop gals, they are all one in the same, there are not many people I am impressed with, and cheerleader boy, bragging to other guys about the number of pussy he gets, makes me even sicker!  I can't respect me or women like that . . . I like people with some depth, convictions, morals, ethics, loyalties, and character, looks alone, just don't cut it with me!  Never have, they help, never will, when push comes to shove . . .won't go there, if I think the guys a loser, no matter how hot, because, he loses his appeal for me, when there is nothing behind it!  Remember that, men and women, get more for your buck and go for character, it will last longer, and this guy was not the least bit, attractive to me . . . I mentioned James, and again, he bout ape-shit, things just not going Barbie boyz way!  LOL!  Anyway, I told girlfriend, I didn't give a rat's ass, whether anyone in the club liked me, and she immediately left to tell them I am sure, but that seemed to quiet her.  Darcy, cheerleader's alleged girlfriend or booty call, seemed hurt, and just came in and went to bed.  Other chick who tried to pay hard girl, in the morning, talking about trust and nobody touching her stuff, also, just went to bed, staff never got involved . . . I can handle things myself.

Sip A Sweet Escape!

I had a hard time sleeping, because of the damned Pepsi, that I hate anyway, and the bed is just springs, so very uncomfortable, tossed and turned, finally, went to sleep.  I woke up at about 5:30 a.m, with a splitting headache . . . making me think, that morning, is going to be a carry over and they are still going to be pissed, and the thought came from, inside my head, the splitting headache is a sign to split, and the thought came to mind, extremely dangerous!  You never know, what kook resides here, or what cops will show up, and so I split!  I slide out the front door, totally undetected, before the staff went around to wake everyone up.  I went over to Starbucks, and enjoyed a hot chocolate, and watched about 5 cop, SUVs, going from the cop shop on the hill, cruising past Starbucks . . . LOL!  Generally, shifts change at around 7:00 a.m., so first a sheriff went by, then the 5 cops heading down the street leading to the bus station, where I thought about walking down.  Thanks God, I watch and wait . . . the tracked, watching the trackers, try to track me! LOL!  Two summers ago, the Helena cops, were out in force, found my clothes and suitcase, out behind a large generator, near a western shop, across from the Helena Capital City Gym!  

They set up a sting op, on me, after, me watching them, go to the Spice Store, Blue Moose Yogurt, and the gym, after, I had been to the gym, purchased a swimming suit at the sport's shop, and had a yogurt, so hot on my trial, and as always, a matter of being aware of your surroundings, noticing what is normal and what is out of the norm . . . a cop, running from one shop to the next, that you had been to, just less than an hour before, was not normal, and there was a rat at the gym, who seemed to watch what I was doing.  But, that day, I knew, that they had discovered my suitcase, behind the generator, after having God's Love set me up on a sting op that didn't work, like they never do, but putting the cops, on amped up adrenaline . . . that $10,000 bounty can buy a lot of cop parties!  LOL!  But, I knew they would be watching my suitcase, so, I waited until about 3:45 a.m., and made my break for the suitcase.  I got it, and ditched over to the bus station, and while waiting for the station to open up, all of the sudden, I heard, screaming cop cars, going up and down the street, that was on the back side of the gym and the front side of generator shop . . . but, all of the sudden, the flood lights went on at the bus terminal, and so I ditched my bag in the bushes outside the bus station, and took off, for the shadows, across the parking lot, over near some buildings and watched the cops, searching for me!  LOL!

They almost caught me once--I wanted to go to Great Harvest Bread Store, to get a Diet Coke and cinnamon bun, so good, and worth the risk!  LOL!  As I got up to the corner of the street above the Ocean Beauty food store or storage, a cop, came cruising back and parked on the corner, as I just ignored him or her, and went on my way to get my breakfast feast.  Cop cars were going up and down Montana Street, with more than regular beats.  I think I ought to get some of my money, $10,000 for each of the cop shops I have beat over the last three years, since the day I was sworn in, to the United States Supreme Court Bar, plus, $10 billion for punitive damages, and all the money they, have stolen from me, let alone, trying to kill me, non-stop, feeling completely sick right now . . . poison, flu symptoms last 3 days, and for me, about one hour, because I am healthy . . . this is something else!

My Time In Montana Has Been Rough . . . But, I Still Have My Love Affair With the State, Especially, For Doing What They, the Legislature Did This Week, Including the Constitution & Bill of Rights, Back Into the Training!  The Patriot Act is So, FUCKED UP . . . Thanks!

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